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Eisteddfod Айстедвод Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod 이스테드보드 Эйстетвод Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Eisteddfod
Lo Eisteddfod è un tipico festival gallese di letteratura, musica e spettacolo. La parola italiana più vicina al termine "Eisteddfod" è "Sessione". È un termine composto dai vocaboli gallesi "eistedd", che significa "sedersi", e "bod", l'equivalente del nostro verbo "essere". Is éard atá i gceist le hEisteddfod ná comórtas a bhíonn ar siúl sa Bhreatain Bheag de ghnáth, chomh maith le tíortha eile. Mar shampla, Tionóltar eisteddfod i bPatagóin na hAirgintíne freisin, áit ina gcónaíonn cainteoiri Breatnaise i gceantar Chubut. Glacann scríbhneoirí, amhránaithe agus ceoltóirí, i measc daoine eile, páirt ann. Tionóltar Eisteddfodau (uimhir iolra) éagsúla ach tá clú ar Eisteddfod Náisiúnta na Breataine Bige ach go háirithe. 이스테드보드(웨일스어: Eisteddfod, 발음: [ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd])는 문학, 음악, 연기를 주제로 하는 웨일스의 축제이다. 이 축제의 전통은 12세기 경으로 거슬러 올라가는데, 의 (Rhys ap Gryffydd of Deheubarth)가 카디건의 저택에서 시와 음악을 다루는 축제를 개최한 것이 유래이다. 하지만 음유시인의 전통이 쇠락하면서, 이 축제도 일시적으로 중단된다. 현재와 비슷한 형식을 갖춘 이스테드보드는 18세기에 이르러 다수의 비공식적 축제가 등장하면서 부활하게 된 것이다. 최초의 이스테드보드를 언제로 볼 것이냐는 학자들 사이에 많은 논쟁이 있다. 웨일스에서 시를 심사하는 판정단은 확실히 12세기부터 존재했으며, 고대 켈트 음유시인들도 시를 심사하는 방식을 공식화했던 것으로 보인다. En eisteddfod (uttalas [əiˈstɛðvɔd]; i plural eisteddfodau [əistɛðˈvɔdaɨ]) är en walesisk festival för litteratur, musik och framföranden. Dessa festivalers ursprung kan spåras tillbaka till åtminstone 1100-talet, när en poesi- och musikfestival hölls av Rhys ap Gruffydd vid dennes hov i Cardigan år 1176, men i och med tillbakagången av den bardiska traditionen, upphörde även eisteddfodau. Dagens upplägg av eisteddfodau har ett återupplivande under 1700-talet att tacka. Detta återupplivande uppstod ur ett antal informella eisteddfodau. In Welsh culture, an eisteddfod is an institution and festival with several ranked competitions, including in poetry and music.The term eisteddfod, which is formed from the Welsh morphemes: eistedd, meaning 'sit', and fod, meaning 'be', means, according to Hywel Teifi Edwards, "sitting-together." Edwards further defines the earliest form of the eisteddfod as a competitive meeting between bards and minstrels, in which the winner was chosen by a noble or royal patron. Eisteddfod (pluralean, eisteddfodau) galeserazko kultur jaialdia da, literatura eta musikaren ingurukoa eta lehiaketaren modukoa, poesia arlo nagusia izanda. Lehenengo aztarnak XII. mendekoak dira. Gaur egun, Galesen urtero antolatzen dute jaialdi nazional moduan, eta herrialdetik kanpo ere tokian tokiko ekitaldiak egiten dituzte. Eisteddfod (oznacza siedzący) – walijski festiwal literatury, muzyki i piosenki. Tradycja takich spotkań walijskich artystów sięga aż XII wieku, lecz wraz z zanikiem społeczności i tradycji bardów popadała w zapomnienie do końca XVII wieku, gdy w 1701 roku Thomas Jones, wydawca małych czasopism zwanych almanakami zorganizował festiwal w miejscowości Machynllew. Na spotkania przybywają chóry, śpiewacy oraz zespoły taneczne, które biorą udział w konkursie. Das Eisteddfod ([ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd], Plural Eisteddfodau [ə(i)stɛðˈvɔda(ɨ)], von walisisch eistedd „sitzen“ und bod „sein“) ist ein Fest der Literatur, der Musik und des Gesangs in Wales. Die Tradition dieses Künstlertreffens geht zurück auf das erste Eisteddfod in Cardigan im 12. Jahrhundert, wurde aber zwischenzeitlich nahezu vergessen. Erst im 18. Jahrhundert wurde sie im Rahmen romantischer Bewegungen und des erwachenden walisischen Nationalbewusstseins wiederbelebt. Un eisteddfod (AFI: /aɪˈstɛðvəd/, gal·lès /ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd/; plural eisteddfodau /-stɛð'vɔdaɨ/) és una mena de festival gal·lès de literatura, música i espectacles de teatre i dansa. Aplecs d'aquesta mena se n'han fet des del segle xii, pel cap baix, quan Rhys ap Gruffydd de Deheubarth presidí un festival de poesia i música a la seva cort d' el 1176, però el posterior declivi de l'activitat bàrdica interrompé la continuïtat de la tradició. El format actual d'aquesta mena d'actes és fruit d'un renaixement del segle xviii que portà a la realització de diversos eisteddfodau informals, que desencadenarien el fenomen posterior. El mot eisteddfod deriva del verb gal·lès eistedd, que significa seure. Une eisteddfod (au pluriel eisteddfodau) est un festival gallois de littérature, musique et théâtre où des compétitions suivies de remises de prix ont lieu dans diverses disciplines autour de la langue galloise, et principalement la poésie. Le mot eisteddfod désigne un regroupement ou une assemblée. La tradition remonte au moins au XIIe siècle quand Rhys ap Gruffydd de Deheubarth tint un festival de poésie et musique à sa cour de Cardigan en 1176. Il existe trois catégories d'Eisteddfod au pays de Galles. Эйстетвод (валл. Eisteddfod; (инф.)) — валлийские - фестивали с элементами соревнования. Истоки эйстетводов находятся в традиции средневековых бардовских встреч, существовавшей по крайней мере с VII века нашей эры. Победители в каждой номинации награждаются короной и специально изготовленным . С 1880 года проводится ежегодный (в Южном и Северном Уэльсе попеременно), с 1947 года в Лланголлене проходит . Een eisteddfod is een festival in Wales met literatuur, muziek en optredens. De traditie stamt uit de 12e eeuw en werd uiteindelijk vergeten. Pas vanaf 1792 werd het feest onder invloed van de romantiek weer gevierd. Het woord eisteddfod (meervoud: eisteddfodau) is een samenstelling van de Welshe woorden eistedd, dat "zitten" betekent, en bod, dat "zijn" betekent (waarbij de beginletter b in f verandert volgens de regels van Welshe consonantmutatie). Айстедвод (валл. Eistedfodd [əiˈstɛðvɔd] — це "посиденьки"; мн. eisteddfodau [ə(i)stɛðˈvɔdaɨ]) — щорічний фестиваль валлійських бардів (музика, поезія, література), триває протягом тижня, проводиться з дохристиянських часів. Слово сформовано з двох валійських морфем (eistedd — сидіти, та bod — бувати, відвідувати). Аналоги фестивалю проводяться в США, Австралії, Аргентині тощо. El Eisteddfod es una festividad de origen galés, que comenzó a celebrarse en el siglo XII, cuando el conde de Deheubarth organizó esta festividad y competición de poesía y música, en Cardigan en 1176. Los poetas galeses se reunían cada año para relatar sus poesías y escritos, y así competir entre ellos para obtener un lugar en la mesa del príncipe que organizaba el certamen, garantizando de esta forma su bienestar.
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dbc:Eisteddfod dbc:Celtic_festivals dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Chicago dbc:American_poetry_in_immigrant_languages dbc:Cultural_festivals_in_Wales dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Illinois dbc:Arts_festivals_in_Wales dbc:Folk_festivals_in_Wales dbc:Welsh-American_history dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Minnesota dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Pennsylvania dbc:Performing_arts_in_Wales dbc:Poetry_festivals dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_Argentina dbc:Welsh_language dbc:Festivals_in_Minnesota dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_the_United_Kingdom dbc:Verse_contests dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Ohio dbc:Literary_festivals_in_Wales dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_the_United_States dbc:Celtic_music_festivals
dbr:Wollongong dbr:Treachery_of_the_Blue_Books dbr:Connemara dbr:Mormon_Tabernacle_Choir dbr:Avalon dbr:Pasadena,_California dbr:Modern_Druidry dbr:Highland_games dbr:Celtic_harp dbr:Jesus_Christ dbr:Madoc dbr:Canadian_Gaelic dbc:Eisteddfod dbr:Celtic_festivals dbr:POW dbr:Gwerinwr dbr:Vancouver dbr:RAMC dbr:Alice_Springs dbr:Sigtrygg_Silkbeard dbr:Anglo-Irish dbr:Great_Depression dbr:Yorke_Peninsula dbr:Oxen dbr:Poetry_Ireland dbc:Celtic_festivals dbr:Victorian_gold_rush dbr:British_Empire dbr:Los_Angeles_St._David's_Day_Festival dbr:Pryddest dbr:Edwardsville,_Pennsylvania dbr:Shine_(film) dbr:Guernsey_Eisteddfod dbr:Brandivy dbr:Guernésiais dbr:Chief_Justice dbr:American_patriotism dbr:Pasadena_Playhouse dbr:Consulate_General dbr:Francesco_Geminiani dbr:Metre_(poetry) dbr:Quimper dbr:Church_in_Wales dbr:Philistinism dbr:Feminism dbr:Morgan_Creek_Vineyards_(Minnesota) dbr:Joseph_Jenkins_(diarist) dbr:Talacre dbr:Kernewek_Lowender dbr:South_Bend_Township,_Blue_Earth_County,_Minnesota dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Chicago dbr:South_Wales_valleys dbr:Somerled dbr:Hebrew_language dbr:Western_Australia dbr:Y_Dafarn_Goch dbr:Griffith_Park dbc:American_poetry_in_immigrant_languages dbr:AmeriCymru dbr:Griffith_J._Griffith dbr:Industrial_Revolution dbr:Bardic_name dbr:Edward_Dafydd dbr:Derrynane_House dbr:Cilmeri dbr:Primrose_Hill dbr:Pennsylvania dbr:Cambria,_Wisconsin dbr:Morvan_Marchal dbr:Bardic_Chair dbr:Political_dissident dbr:Gwydion dbr:South_Australia dbr:Lewis_Valentine dbr:Breton_language dbr:Opera dbr:Jefferson_Township,_Jackson_County,_Ohio dbr:State_of_Israel dbr:Internal_resistance_to_apartheid dbr:Chubut_Province dbr:Henry_Thomas dbr:William_Jones_(Welsh_radical) dbr:Chubut_River dbr:Cynan dbr:Mythopoeia dbc:Cultural_festivals_in_Wales dbr:Ceilidh dbr:Elizabeth_I_of_England dbr:Nova_Scotia_Gaelic_Mod dbr:Gwyneddigion_Society dbr:Christian_clergy n13:Eisteddfod_1991.jpg dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Illinois dbr:Wymore,_Nebraska dbr:Catholic_Church_in_England_and_Wales dbr:Edward_I_of_England dbr:Second_World_War dbr:Brainerd,_Minnesota dbr:Gofraidh_Fionn_Ó_Dálaigh dbr:Teesside dbr:Scottish_Gaelic_literature dbr:Bagpipe dbr:Charles,_Prince_of_Wales dbr:Franklin_Avenue_(Minneapolis) dbr:Rhys_ap_Gruffudd dbr:Myfanwy dbr:Mostyn_baronets dbr:Moonta,_South_Australia dbr:Cambria_Township,_Blue_Earth_County,_Minnesota dbr:Rhodri_Mawr dbr:Michael_Sheen dbr:Tygerberg dbr:Cornish_culture dbr:Atomic_bomb dbr:English_poetry dbr:Shropshire dbr:Tragic_hero dbr:Folk_dance dbr:Jefferson_Davis dbr:Blue_Earth_County_Courthouse dbr:Repatriation dbr:St._Asaph dbr:Oral_history dbr:1655in_poetry dbr:Idylls_of_the_King dbr:Irish_Republic dbr:Ellis_Ellis dbr:Blue_Earth_County,_Minnesota dbr:Christian_poetry dbr:Welsh_Marches dbr:Gruffudd_ap_Cynan dbr:Bedivere dbr:Carmarthen_Castle dbr:Welsh_republicanism dbr:Welsh_mythology dbr:Performing_arts dbr:Welsh_peers_and_baronets dbr:Franciscan dbr:Napoleonic_Wars dbr:Carmarthen dbr:War_poet dbr:Welsh_folk_music dbr:Elizabethan_era dbr:Crowning_of_the_Bard dbr:Kredenn_Geltiek_Hollvedel dbr:Bristol dbr:Céilí dbr:Sunday_School_Union dbr:Master_craftsmen dbr:Sit-in dbr:Gwaelod_y_Garth dbr:Twin_Cities dbr:William_Ua_Cellaig dbr:Literary_critic dbr:White_Rod dbr:Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki dbr:T.H._Parry-Williams dbr:Conwy dbr:American_poetry dbr:Macedonian_front dbr:Robyn_Lewis dbr:Intellectual dbr:Oath_of_Supremacy dbr:Glandyfi dbr:J._R._R._Tolkien dbr:Welsh-medium_education dbr:Iambic_pentameter dbr:Welsh_Language_Society dbr:Metropolitan_Opera dbr:BBC dbr:Aberystwyth dbr:Kings_of_Uí_Maine dbr:Irish_Civil_War dbr:Catholic_Emancipation dbr:Artillery_Wood dbr:Welsh_poetry dbr:Geneva_Bible dbr:Kenneth_O._Morgan dbr:Outlawry dbr:Darwin,_Northern_Territory dbr:Nobel_Peace_Prize dbr:Academy_Award_for_Best_Foreign_Language_Film dbr:St_Fagans_National_Museum_of_History dbr:Llawdden dbr:Lewis_William_Lewis dbr:Y_Cymro dbr:Queen_Victoria dbr:Prince_of_Coolavin dbr:Morpheme dbr:Freemasonry dbr:Falklands_War dbr:Irish_clan dbr:Brisbane dbr:Foras_na_Gaeilge dbr:Calvinistic_Methodist dbr:Hebrew_Bible dbr:Scottish_clan dbr:John_Davies_(historian) dbr:Christian_Bible dbr:British_Army dbr:Cymreigyddion_Society dbr:Glamorgan dbr:François_Jaffrenou dbr:Thomas_Marchant_Williams dbr:English-language dbr:Alfred_Tennyson dbr:Minnesota_State_Constitution dbr:Welsh_literature dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Wales dbr:Archdruid dbr:Edwardian_Conquest_of_Wales dbr:King_Arthur's_messianic_return dbr:Forest_of_Dean dbr:Jan_Morris dbr:Machynlleth dbr:Munster dbr:Marian-glas dbc:Arts_festivals_in_Wales dbr:Investiture_of_the_Prince_of_Wales dbr:Shandon,_Ohio dbr:Dewi_Havhesp dbr:Turlough_O'Carolan dbr:British_Columbia dbr:George_Washington dbr:Trawsfynydd dbr:Robert_Bulwer-Lytton,_1st_Earl_of_Lytton dbr:The_Times_of_London dbr:Scottish_diaspora dbr:Wales_Millennium_Centre dbr:Recitation dbr:Presbyterian_synod dbr:Richard_Gwyn dbr:Hedd_Wyn_(film) dbr:Hedge_schools dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings dbr:Odin dbr:Patagonian_Welsh dbr:Sean-nós_singing dbr:Gold_Coast,_Queensland dbr:Stone_circle dbr:Le_Sueur_County,_Minnesota dbr:Evan_Rees_(Dyfed) dbc:Folk_festivals_in_Wales dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Minnesota dbr:Nonconformity_in_Wales dbr:Terry_Waite dbr:An_Comunn_Gàidhealach dbr:Irish_culture dbr:Portland,_Oregon dbr:Nonconformist_(Protestantism) dbr:Knighthood dbr:Bard dbr:Coalworker's_pneumoconiosis dbr:Prince_of_Wales dbc:Welsh-American_history dbr:Gallia_County,_Ohio dbr:National_epic dbr:Oban dbr:Fleet_Street dbr:Bignan dbr:Music_of_Wales dbr:Nantglyn dbr:Iolo_Morganwg dbr:Owain_Gwynedd dbr:Strata_Florida dbr:Scottish_traditional_music dbr:Israeli_culture dbr:Welsh_diaspora dbr:Ultranationalism dbr:Awen dbr:Mankato dbr:Nazareth dbr:Messiah dbr:Lime_Springs,_Iowa dbr:Passendale dbr:Dolgellau dbr:Trench_warfare dbr:Gauchos dbr:New_Ulm,_Minnesota dbr:John_Morris-Jones dbr:Welsh_settlement_in_Argentina dbr:Evan_Evans_(Ieuan_Glan_Geirionydd) dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Pennsylvania dbr:Scottish_Gaelic_language dbr:Robert_O'Dwyer dbr:Herald dbr:Scottish_Gaelic dbr:The_Waste_Land dbr:Goursez_Vreizh dbr:Religious_pilgrimage dbr:Albert_Evans-Jones dbr:Madison_Township,_Jackson_County,_Ohio dbr:Satirical_poetry dbr:Thomas_Stephens_(historian) dbr:Flight_of_the_Wild_Geese dbr:Pre-Columbian_trans-oceanic_contact_theories dbr:Y_Beibl_cyssegr-lan dbr:Norman_French dbr:Welsh-American dbr:Education_(Scotland)_Act_1872 dbr:Kadina,_South_Australia dbr:Balthasar_Gérard dbr:Argentine_people dbr:Cilfynydd dbr:Ulpan dbr:Nova_Scotia dbr:Auguste_Brizeux dbr:Y_Wladfa dbr:Sonnet dbr:Gaucho_culture dbr:Ligonier,_Pennsylvania dbr:New_Testament dbr:French_poetry dbr:County_Roscommon dbr:Puy_(society) dbr:Hollyhock_House dbr:Edward_VII dbr:Radnor,_Ohio dbr:Gaelic_poetry dbc:Performing_arts_in_Wales dbr:Puncheston dbr:Love_poetry dbr:Alan_Llwyd dbr:Old_Norse dbr:Patagonia dbr:Dutch_Revolt dbr:Aberdyfi dbr:John_E.R._Hardy dbr:Mankato_Free_Press dbr:Viking_Age dbr:Her_Majesty's_Government dbr:Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain dbr:Traditionalist_Catholicism dbr:MacDermot dbr:Gwallter_Mechain dbr:Centerville,_Ohio dbr:Rhys_ap_Gruffydd dbr:Hiraeth dbr:Hobart dbr:Battle_of_Waterloo n13:National_Eisteddfod_Maes_2007.jpg dbr:Religious_persecution dbr:Summer_solstice dbr:2nd_Minnesota_Cavalry_Regiment dbr:David_Jones_(Dwst_y_Garreg) dbr:Pittsburgh dbc:Poetry_festivals dbr:Talhaiarn dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_Argentina dbr:Melbourne dbr:House_of_Dinefwr dbr:Birkenhead_Park dbr:John_Williams_(Ab_Ithel) dbr:Modern_literature_in_Irish dbr:Monologue dbr:Excalibur dbr:David_Helfgott dbr:Kettering dbr:Rowan_Williams dbr:William_the_Silent dbr:John_Ceiriog_Hughes dbr:Bishops'_Bible dbr:Breton_music dbr:Old_Testament dbr:Alexandria,_Virginia n13:Galey_Castle_ruin_with_stairs,_doorways_and_windows_visible.jpg dbr:Literary_translation dbr:World_War_I dbr:Blaenau_Ffestiniog dbr:University_of_Rio_Grande dbr:Wrexham dbr:Irish_literature dbr:Gwynedd dbr:Tridentine_Mass dbr:Lord_of_the_Isles dbr:St._Paul,_Minnesota dbr:Mimosa_(ship) dbr:Mabinogion dbr:King_David dbr:Irish_stepdance dbr:Daniel_Corkery_(author) dbr:Frank_Lloyd_Wright dbr:Ingrid_Jonker dbr:Musical_festival dbr:Rioplatense_Spanish dbr:Utah dbr:Oireachtas_na_Gaeilge dbr:Edward_Thomas_(Awenydd) dbr:Steam_power_during_the_Industrial_Revolution dbr:King_Arthur dbr:Seanchai dbr:Alexandrine dbr:Awdl dbr:Irish_poetry dbr:Dafydd_Ddu_o_Hiraddug dbr:Kingdom_of_Dublin dbr:The_Gentleman's_Magazine dbr:Paradise_Lost dbr:Servant_songs dbr:Cambria,_Pennsylvania dbr:Corn_Uí_Riada dbr:Richard_Burton dbr:1176_Cardigan_eisteddfod dbr:St_David's_Day dbr:Llanfair_Mathafarn_Eithaf dbr:Lochaber dbr:Yale_University dbr:Militarism dbr:Secret_society dbr:Geraint_Lloyd_Owen dbr:Thomas_Beynon_(Archdeacon_of_Cardigan) dbr:Brian_Boru dbr:Maes_(eisteddfod) dbr:Teignmouth dbr:Castlemaine,_Victoria dbr:Australian_English dbr:Catholic_Europe dbr:Brigantine dbr:Welsh_culture dbr:Irish_traditional_music dbr:Forty_Martyrs_of_England_and_Wales dbr:Joiner dbr:Literary_movement dbr:Scottish_fiddling dbr:Minsterley dbr:Baptist_minister dbr:Wallaroo,_South_Australia dbr:Aberdare dbr:Gaeltacht dbr:Huw_Garmon dbr:Dafydd_ab_Edmwnd dbr:Bishop_of_Llandaff dbr:Diarist dbr:American_Revolution dbr:Plaid_Cymru dbr:Gaelic_revival dbr:Richard_Bryn_Williams dbr:Panama-Pacific_International_Exposition dbr:Conradh_na_Gaeilge dbr:Adelaide,_South_Australia dbr:Celts dbr:City_of_Wollongong_Eisteddfod dbr:Druid dbr:Dakota_people dbr:Druid's_Prayer dbr:Royal_Welch_Fusiliers dbr:House_of_Aberffraw dbr:Mule dbr:Armistice_of_November_11,_1918 dbr:Bunbury,_Western_Australia dbr:Brittany dbr:Donald_Evans_(Welsh_poet) dbr:Antigonish_County dbc:Welsh_language dbr:University_of_Cambridge dbr:Middlesbrough dbr:Deheubarth dbr:Essay dbr:South_African_English dbr:Welsh_Language_Act_1967 dbr:Huw_Robert_Jones dbr:Newark,_Ohio dbr:Dinefwr_Castle dbr:Oak_Hill,_Ohio dbr:Liturgical_year dbr:Ashanti_people dbr:Upstate_New_York dbr:Grangetown,_Cardiff dbr:County_seat dbr:Mòd dbr:Judson_Township,_Blue_Earth_County,_Minnesota dbr:Gruffudd_ap_Nicolas dbc:Festivals_in_Minnesota dbr:Lawrenceville,_Virginia dbr:Gruffudd_ab_yr_Ynad_Coch dbr:Chairing_of_the_bard dbr:Talisman dbr:Festival_Interceltique_de_Lorient dbr:Daily_Telegraph dbr:Colony_of_Virginia dbr:Eithne_(opera) dbr:Presbyterian_Church_of_Wales dbr:Prince_Augustus_Frederick,_Duke_of_Sussex dbr:Awenydd dbr:Connacht dbr:Brut_y_Tywysogion dbr:Jersey_Eisteddfod dbr:Hywel_Teifi_Edwards dbr:River_Conwy dbr:Ollamh_Érenn dbr:House_of_Gwynedd dbr:New_Formalism dbr:Ioan_Gruffudd dbr:Goronwy_Owen_(poet) dbr:Cornish_language_revival dbr:Welsh_Argentine dbr:Cinderford dbr:Birkenhead dbr:Cornish_diaspora dbr:Methodism dbr:Coiste_Cearta_Síbialta_na_Gaeilge dbr:World's_Columbian_Exposition dbr:Royal_South_Street_Eisteddfod dbr:First_World_War dbr:Oxford_University_Press dbr:Llanrwst dbr:Bishop_of_St_Asaph dbr:William_Shakespeare dbr:Gethsemane dbr:O'Connell_family dbr:Hanging,_drawing_and_quartering dbr:Welsh_Guards dbr:Wlpan dbr:Ellis_Humphrey_Evans dbr:Holy_Roman_Empire dbr:Gaelic_Ireland dbr:U.S.-Canadian_Border dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_II dbr:Connacht_Irish dbr:U.S._National_Mòd dbr:Roman_Catholic dbr:Matthew_Arnold dbr:Llanidloes dbr:National_Eisteddfod_of_Wales dbr:Equinox dbr:Jonathan_Swift dbr:Caernarfon dbr:Jackson_County,_Ohio dbr:Eryri dbr:T._Gwynn_Jones dbr:2018_Cardiff_National_Eisteddfod dbr:German_poetry dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:National_Eisteddfod dbr:Afrikaans dbr:Comic_poetry dbr:Apotheosis dbr:William_Wordsworth dbr:Caerwys dbr:William_Evans_(cardiologist) dbr:Ymadawiad_Arthur dbr:Cynghanedd dbr:Social_security dbr:BAFTA_Cymru dbr:Cornucopia dbr:Finlaggan dbr:Minnesota dbr:List_of_Celtic_festivals dbr:Alfred,_Lord_Tennyson dbr:Trelew dbc:Verse_contests dbr:Saint_David's_Day dbr:Jackson,_Ohio dbr:Chief_of_the_Name dbr:World's_fair dbr:Gaels dbr:Society_in_Scotland_for_Propagating_Christian_Knowledge dbr:Hedd_Wyn dbr:Imram_(festival) dbr:United_States dbr:Pretoria dbr:Thing_(assembly) dbr:Llanon dbr:Michael_D._Jones dbr:Bala,_Gwynedd dbr:Early_Modern_Irish dbr:George_Bromley_(politician) dbr:Knockcroghery dbr:Imperial_War_Graves_Commission dbr:Ohio dbr:Gaelic_nobility_of_Ireland dbr:Pope_Paul_VI dbr:Cardigan_Castle dbr:Cadwynfyr dbr:Warrant_(law) dbr:Utica,_New_York dbr:Gaelic_games dbr:Renaissance_fair dbr:Royal_Television_Society dbr:Queensland dbr:Lough_Ree dbr:Pontardawe dbr:Treaty_of_Traverse_des_Sioux dbr:Cornwall dbr:Jonathan_Hughes_(poet) dbr:Welsh_people dbr:Fleadh_Cheoil dbr:Crwth dbr:Jèrriais dbr:Welsh_nationalism dbr:Pen_name dbr:Rackrenting dbr:Cape_Town dbr:Welsh_language dbr:Trevelin dbr:Gold_Medal_(National_Eisteddfod_of_Wales) dbr:Washington_Irving dbr:James_Price_(Ap_Dewi) dbr:Bailiff dbr:Golden_Stool dbr:British_royal_family dbr:Supreme_Head_of_the_Church_of_England dbr:Community_organizing dbr:Urdd_National_Eisteddfod dbr:Blank_verse dbr:Catrin_Dafydd dbr:Millennials dbr:Hanmer,_Wrexham dbr:Anglo-Normans dbr:Urdd_Gobaith_Cymru dbr:Gorseth_Kernow dbr:Y_Lle_Celf dbr:Afrikaans_literature dbr:German-Argentines dbr:League_of_Minnesota_Poets dbr:Victorian_era dbr:Scots_language dbr:Fishguard dbr:Dublin dbr:John_Milton dbr:Canada dbc:Welsh-American_culture_in_Ohio dbr:Saunders_Lewis dbr:Presbyterian_minister dbr:Festival_de_Cornouaille dbr:Kingdom_of_Gwynedd dbr:Cardiff dbr:Anno_Domini dbr:Puerto_Madryn dbr:Prifardd dbr:Kingdom_of_Gwent dbr:Language_shift dbr:Germanophobia dbr:Boezinge dbr:Abraham_Lincoln dbr:Scottish_clan_chief dbr:High_treason dbr:Bible_translations_into_Welsh dbr:Established_church dbr:William_Salesbury dbr:George_IV dbr:Sunday_School dbr:Church_of_Ireland dbr:English_language dbr:Beaumaris dbr:Sexism dbr:Mount_Horeb dbr:Tudur_Aled dbr:Easter_Rising dbr:Dublin_City_Council dbr:Highlands_and_Islands dbr:Corwen dbr:Recusant dbr:Llangollen dbr:Meistersingers dbr:Seachtain_na_Gaeilge dbr:Council_of_Wales_and_the_Marches dbc:Literary_festivals_in_Wales dbr:AberFest dbr:Islay dbr:Sean-nós_dance dbr:Henry_VIII dbr:Morgan_John_Rhys dbr:Sydney_Eisteddfod dbr:Flogging dbr:Minersville,_Pennsylvania dbr:Irish_War_of_Independence dbr:Social_democracy dbr:Archbishop_of_Wales dbr:Uí_Maine dbr:Patronal_feast_days dbr:Caractacus dbr:Literary_language dbr:House_of_Commons dbr:Patronage dbr:Pwllheli dbr:Rhuddlan dbr:Gaiman,_Chubut dbr:Literary_festival dbr:Princess_Victoria_of_Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld dbr:Northamptonshire dbr:Cornish_language dbr:Anglicisation dbr:Arthurian_legend dbr:Maelgwn_Gwynedd dbr:Denbigh dbr:Anglesey dbr:Jingoism dbr:Ceredigion dbr:Valle_Crucis_Abbey dbr:Archdeacon dbr:S4C dbr:Colonialism dbr:Paul_Turner_(director) dbr:Mold,_Flintshire dbr:Barnsdall_Art_Park dbr:Andes dbr:Cywydd dbr:History_of_the_chair dbr:Royal_National_Mòd dbr:Holy_Trinity dbr:Middle_Welsh dbr:Endangered_languages dbr:Gorsedd dbr:Gorsedd_Cymru dbr:Cornish-language dbr:University_of_Wales dbr:Eben_Fardd dbr:Siôn_Rhydderch dbr:Flyting dbr:American_Civil_War dbr:Pontypridd dbr:St._David's_Day dbr:Modernist_poetry dbc:Poetry_festivals_in_the_United_States dbr:Gerallt_Lloyd_Owen dbr:Bangor_University dbr:Rhyd-ddu dbr:Minneapolis dbr:Free_verse dbr:John_Masefield dbr:Irish_mythology dbr:Italian_Argentines dbr:Llywelyn_ap_Gruffudd dbr:Copper_Triangle dbr:Gairm_Sgoile dbr:Isle_of_Lewis dbr:Chester dbr:Irish_language dbr:T.S._Eliot dbr:Tailteann_Games_(Irish_Free_State) dbr:Tailteann_Games_(ancient) dbr:Feast_day dbr:Fourth_of_July dbr:Anglicize dbr:66th_Academy_Awards dbr:Cyfraith_Hywel dbr:Bruce_Chatwin dbr:Christianity_in_Wales dbr:Guilds dbr:Irish-language dbr:Franklin_Township,_Jackson_County,_Ohio dbr:Englyn dbr:Ballarat dbr:Gruffydd_ap_Cynan dbr:One-Act_Play_Festival dbr:Wisconsin dbr:Einion_Offeiriad dbc:Celtic_music_festivals dbr:Stornoway dbr:William_Williams_(Caledfryn) dbr:St._David's dbr:William_Morgan_(Bible_translator) dbr:Breton_culture dbr:Geraint_Edmunds dbr:Ode dbr:Cerdd_dafod dbr:St_Patrick's_Day dbr:Praise_poetry dbr:Homer dbr:Antiquarianism dbr:Patrick_Pearse dbr:Cymmrodorion_Society dbr:Cerdd_Dant dbr:Renaissance dbr:Lorin_Morgan-Richards dbr:Epic_poetry dbr:Catholic_Church_in_Scotland dbr:Llanbrynmair dbr:Tregaron dbr:Cymdeithas_yr_Iaith_Gymraeg dbr:Williamsburg,_Virginia dbr:Gorchest_y_Beirdd dbr:Robert_Davies_(Welsh_poet) dbr:Totalitarian
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dbt:IPAc-en dbt:Translation dbt:Commons_category dbt:Reflist dbt:Illm dbt:Respell dbt:Culture_of_Wales dbt:Efn dbt:IPA-cy dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Wiktionary dbt:See dbt:Notelist dbt:Culture_in_Cardiff dbt:Sfn dbt:Short_description dbt:Wales_topics dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Main dbt:R dbt:Welsh_folk_music dbt:Portal
이스테드보드(웨일스어: Eisteddfod, 발음: [ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd])는 문학, 음악, 연기를 주제로 하는 웨일스의 축제이다. 이 축제의 전통은 12세기 경으로 거슬러 올라가는데, 의 (Rhys ap Gryffydd of Deheubarth)가 카디건의 저택에서 시와 음악을 다루는 축제를 개최한 것이 유래이다. 하지만 음유시인의 전통이 쇠락하면서, 이 축제도 일시적으로 중단된다. 현재와 비슷한 형식을 갖춘 이스테드보드는 18세기에 이르러 다수의 비공식적 축제가 등장하면서 부활하게 된 것이다. 최초의 이스테드보드를 언제로 볼 것이냐는 학자들 사이에 많은 논쟁이 있다. 웨일스에서 시를 심사하는 판정단은 확실히 12세기부터 존재했으며, 고대 켈트 음유시인들도 시를 심사하는 방식을 공식화했던 것으로 보인다. 최초의 이스테드보드는 1176년으로 추정하며, 귀족인 리스 경이 카디건에 위치한 본인의 성에서 웨일스 각지의 시인과 음악가를 초청한 모임을 개최했다. 최고의 실력을 지닌 시인과 음악가에게는 리스 경의 탁자에서 의자를 상으로 수여했는데, 이는 현대의 이스테드보드 축제와 동일한 전통이다. 최초의 대규모 이스테드보드는 1451년에 카마던(Carmarthen)에서 열렸고, 1568년에는 (Caerwys)에서 열린 것으로 기록되었다. 당시 상품으로는 최고의 시인에게 모형 은제 의자, 우승한 현악 연주가에게 작은 은제 크루스, 최고의 가수에게 은제 혀 모형이, 최고의 하피스트에게 소형 은제 하프가 수여되었다. 원래 이 경연은 귀족에게 보수를 지급받는 전문 웨일스 음유시인들만이 출전할 수 있었다. 잉글랜드의 엘리자베스 1세는 경연의 수준을 최상으로 유지하기 위해서 음유시인들이 시험에 응시하고 자격을 취득하도록 명령했다. 하지만 웨일스 예술에 대한 관심이 점차 사그라들면서, 이스테드보드의 기준도 낮아지고 격식을 덜 중요시하게 되었다. 1789년, 토마스 존스는 에서 이스테드보드를 기획했다. 이 축제에는 최초로 일반인이 출전할 수 있었고, 이 행사의 성공이 웨일스의 문학과 음악에 대한 관심이 부활하는 계기가 되었다. Is éard atá i gceist le hEisteddfod ná comórtas a bhíonn ar siúl sa Bhreatain Bheag de ghnáth, chomh maith le tíortha eile. Mar shampla, Tionóltar eisteddfod i bPatagóin na hAirgintíne freisin, áit ina gcónaíonn cainteoiri Breatnaise i gceantar Chubut. Glacann scríbhneoirí, amhránaithe agus ceoltóirí, i measc daoine eile, páirt ann. Tionóltar Eisteddfodau (uimhir iolra) éagsúla ach tá clú ar Eisteddfod Náisiúnta na Breataine Bige ach go háirithe. Une eisteddfod (au pluriel eisteddfodau) est un festival gallois de littérature, musique et théâtre où des compétitions suivies de remises de prix ont lieu dans diverses disciplines autour de la langue galloise, et principalement la poésie. Le mot eisteddfod désigne un regroupement ou une assemblée. La tradition remonte au moins au XIIe siècle quand Rhys ap Gruffydd de Deheubarth tint un festival de poésie et musique à sa cour de Cardigan en 1176. Le déclin de la tradition les fit disparaître. Elles furent recréées au XVIIIe siècle qui vit l'apparition de plusieurs eisteddfodau locales. La première eisteddfod nationale est réputée avoir eu lieu en 1792.Elles témoignent de la vitalité d'une culture, maintenant activement soutenue par un gouvernement local gallois, un système scolaire organisant l'accès pour tous à la langue galloise, une télévision favorisant la création galloise, littéraire et musicale, et la vie artistique dans cette langue. Il existe trois catégories d'Eisteddfod au pays de Galles. * l'Eisteddfod nationale * l'Eisteddfod de la jeunesse, ou Eisteddfod Urdd Gobaith Cymru (Eisteddfod de la Ligue de la jeunesse galloise), dite généralement Steddfod yr Urdd * l'Eisteddfod internationale Эйстетвод (валл. Eisteddfod; (инф.)) — валлийские - фестивали с элементами соревнования. Истоки эйстетводов находятся в традиции средневековых бардовских встреч, существовавшей по крайней мере с VII века нашей эры. Победители в каждой номинации награждаются короной и специально изготовленным . С 1880 года проводится ежегодный (в Южном и Северном Уэльсе попеременно), с 1947 года в Лланголлене проходит . Eisteddfod (pluralean, eisteddfodau) galeserazko kultur jaialdia da, literatura eta musikaren ingurukoa eta lehiaketaren modukoa, poesia arlo nagusia izanda. Lehenengo aztarnak XII. mendekoak dira. Gaur egun, Galesen urtero antolatzen dute jaialdi nazional moduan, eta herrialdetik kanpo ere tokian tokiko ekitaldiak egiten dituzte. Eisteddfod (oznacza siedzący) – walijski festiwal literatury, muzyki i piosenki. Tradycja takich spotkań walijskich artystów sięga aż XII wieku, lecz wraz z zanikiem społeczności i tradycji bardów popadała w zapomnienie do końca XVII wieku, gdy w 1701 roku Thomas Jones, wydawca małych czasopism zwanych almanakami zorganizował festiwal w miejscowości Machynllew. Na spotkania przybywają chóry, śpiewacy oraz zespoły taneczne, które biorą udział w konkursie. In Welsh culture, an eisteddfod is an institution and festival with several ranked competitions, including in poetry and music.The term eisteddfod, which is formed from the Welsh morphemes: eistedd, meaning 'sit', and fod, meaning 'be', means, according to Hywel Teifi Edwards, "sitting-together." Edwards further defines the earliest form of the eisteddfod as a competitive meeting between bards and minstrels, in which the winner was chosen by a noble or royal patron. The first documented instance of such a literary festival and competition took place under the patronage of Prince Rhys ap Gruffudd of the House of Dinefwr at Cardigan Castle in 1176. However, with the loss of Welsh independence at the hands of King Edward I, the closing of the bardic schools, and the Anglicization of the Welsh nobility, it fell into abeyance. The current format owes much to an 18th-century revival, first patronized and overseen by the London-based Gwyneddigion Society. It was later co-opted by the Gorsedd Cymru, a secret society of poets, writers, and musicians founded by Iolo Morganwg, whose beliefs were "a compound of Christianity and Druidism, Philosophy and Mysticism." Despite the Druidic influences and the demonstrably fictitious nature of Iolo Morganwg's doctrines, rituals, and ceremonies, both the Gorsedd and the eisteddfod revival were embraced and spread widely by Anglican and nonconformist clergy. The revival therefore proved enormously successful and is credited as one of the primary reasons for the continued survival of the Welsh language, Welsh literature, and Welsh culture after more than eight centuries of colonialism. During his two 20th-century terms as Archdruid of the Gorsedd Cymru, Albert Evans-Jones, whose bardic name was Cynan and who was a war poet and minister of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, created new rituals for both the Gorsedd and the eisteddfod which are based upon the Christian beliefs of the Welsh people rather than upon Modern Druidry. After watching an initiation into the Gorsedd at the 2002 National Eisteddfod, Marcus Tanner wrote that the rituals "seemed culled from the pages of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings." Since its 18th-century revival, the eisteddfod tradition has been carried all over the world by the Welsh diaspora. Today's eisteddfodau (plural form) and the National Eisteddfod of Wales in particular, are in equal parts a Renaissance fair, a Celtic festival, a musical festival, a literary festival, and "the supreme exhibition of the Welsh culture." In some other countries, the term eisteddfod is used for performing arts competitions that have nothing to do with Welsh culture or the Welsh language. In other cases, however, the eisteddfod tradition has been adapted into other cultures as part of the ongoing fight to preserve endangered languages such as Irish, Cornish, Breton, Scottish Gaelic, Canadian Gaelic, Guernésiais, and Jèrriais. Un eisteddfod (AFI: /aɪˈstɛðvəd/, gal·lès /ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd/; plural eisteddfodau /-stɛð'vɔdaɨ/) és una mena de festival gal·lès de literatura, música i espectacles de teatre i dansa. Aplecs d'aquesta mena se n'han fet des del segle xii, pel cap baix, quan Rhys ap Gruffydd de Deheubarth presidí un festival de poesia i música a la seva cort d' el 1176, però el posterior declivi de l'activitat bàrdica interrompé la continuïtat de la tradició. El format actual d'aquesta mena d'actes és fruit d'un renaixement del segle xviii que portà a la realització de diversos eisteddfodau informals, que desencadenarien el fenomen posterior. El mot eisteddfod deriva del verb gal·lès eistedd, que significa seure. Das Eisteddfod ([ə(i)ˈstɛðvɔd], Plural Eisteddfodau [ə(i)stɛðˈvɔda(ɨ)], von walisisch eistedd „sitzen“ und bod „sein“) ist ein Fest der Literatur, der Musik und des Gesangs in Wales. Die Tradition dieses Künstlertreffens geht zurück auf das erste Eisteddfod in Cardigan im 12. Jahrhundert, wurde aber zwischenzeitlich nahezu vergessen. Erst im 18. Jahrhundert wurde sie im Rahmen romantischer Bewegungen und des erwachenden walisischen Nationalbewusstseins wiederbelebt. Een eisteddfod is een festival in Wales met literatuur, muziek en optredens. De traditie stamt uit de 12e eeuw en werd uiteindelijk vergeten. Pas vanaf 1792 werd het feest onder invloed van de romantiek weer gevierd. Het woord eisteddfod (meervoud: eisteddfodau) is een samenstelling van de Welshe woorden eistedd, dat "zitten" betekent, en bod, dat "zijn" betekent (waarbij de beginletter b in f verandert volgens de regels van Welshe consonantmutatie). El Eisteddfod es una festividad de origen galés, que comenzó a celebrarse en el siglo XII, cuando el conde de Deheubarth organizó esta festividad y competición de poesía y música, en Cardigan en 1176. Los poetas galeses se reunían cada año para relatar sus poesías y escritos, y así competir entre ellos para obtener un lugar en la mesa del príncipe que organizaba el certamen, garantizando de esta forma su bienestar. Айстедвод (валл. Eistedfodd [əiˈstɛðvɔd] — це "посиденьки"; мн. eisteddfodau [ə(i)stɛðˈvɔdaɨ]) — щорічний фестиваль валлійських бардів (музика, поезія, література), триває протягом тижня, проводиться з дохристиянських часів. Слово сформовано з двох валійських морфем (eistedd — сидіти, та bod — бувати, відвідувати). Традиція проведення цього заходу у валійських майстрів своєї справи відноситься, щонайменше, до XII століття. Тоді фестиваль поезії і музики відбувся в замку Кардиган в 1176 році і проводився людиною на ім'я , який був правителем валійського королевства Дехейбарт, але у зв'язку із занепадом бардівських традицій, фестиваль деякий час не проводився. Сьогоднішній формат проведення свята в багато чому зобов'язаний відродженню XVIII століття. Аналоги фестивалю проводяться в США, Австралії, Аргентині тощо. En eisteddfod (uttalas [əiˈstɛðvɔd]; i plural eisteddfodau [əistɛðˈvɔdaɨ]) är en walesisk festival för litteratur, musik och framföranden. Dessa festivalers ursprung kan spåras tillbaka till åtminstone 1100-talet, när en poesi- och musikfestival hölls av Rhys ap Gruffydd vid dennes hov i Cardigan år 1176, men i och med tillbakagången av den bardiska traditionen, upphörde även eisteddfodau. Dagens upplägg av eisteddfodau har ett återupplivande under 1700-talet att tacka. Detta återupplivande uppstod ur ett antal informella eisteddfodau. Ordet eisteddfod är ett kymriskt ord som kommer från verbet eistedd (”att sitta”), och en konsonantmuterad form av bod (”att vara”). Ordet betyder således ungefär ”att vara sittande”, eller ”att sitta tillsammans”. Lo Eisteddfod è un tipico festival gallese di letteratura, musica e spettacolo. La parola italiana più vicina al termine "Eisteddfod" è "Sessione". È un termine composto dai vocaboli gallesi "eistedd", che significa "sedersi", e "bod", l'equivalente del nostro verbo "essere".