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The dissolution of a legislative assembly is the mandatory simultaneous resignation of all of its members, in anticipation that a successive legislative assembly will reconvene later with possibly different members. In a democracy, the new assembly is chosen by a general election. Dissolution is distinct on the one hand from abolition of the assembly, and on the other hand from its adjournment or prorogation, or the ending of a legislative session, any of which begins a period of inactivity after which it is anticipated that the same members will reassemble. For example, the "second session of the fifth parliament" could be followed by the "third session of the fifth parliament" after a prorogation, but the "first session of the sixth parliament" after a dissolution.

Property Value
  • Eine Parlamentsauflösung bedeutet, dass das Parlament seine Arbeit vor Ende der Legislaturperiode beendet und ein neues Parlament gewählt wird. (de)
  • The dissolution of a legislative assembly is the mandatory simultaneous resignation of all of its members, in anticipation that a successive legislative assembly will reconvene later with possibly different members. In a democracy, the new assembly is chosen by a general election. Dissolution is distinct on the one hand from abolition of the assembly, and on the other hand from its adjournment or prorogation, or the ending of a legislative session, any of which begins a period of inactivity after which it is anticipated that the same members will reassemble. For example, the "second session of the fifth parliament" could be followed by the "third session of the fifth parliament" after a prorogation, but the "first session of the sixth parliament" after a dissolution. In most Continental European countries, dissolution does not have immediate effect – i.e. a dissolution merely triggers a snap election, but the old assembly itself continues its existing term and its members remain in office until the new assembly convenes for the first time. In those systems, ordinarily scheduled elections are held before the assembly reaches the end of a fixed or maximum term, and do not require a dissolution. In most Westminster systems, however, a dissolution legally ends the existence of the assembly, resulting in a temporary power vacuum, which may be filled in special circumstances by recalling the old assembly if need be. Because of this peculiarity, Westminster systems also have automatically-triggered Dissolutions when the assembly reaches the end of a fixed or maximum term, since the act of dissolution itself is synonymous with the end of the Assembly's term, and elections cannot be held in anticipation of a dissolution. Dissolution may be triggered automatically when the assembly reaches the end of a fixed or maximum term. Early dissolutions may be possible in parliamentary and semi-presidential systems, to resolve conflicts between the executive and the legislature; either a snap election called by an executive seeking to increase its legislative support, or an election triggered by parliament withholding confidence and supply from the government. Some presidential systems also allow early dissolutions, usually by the legislature voting to dissolve itself (as in Cyprus), but sometimes by executive action in more authoritarian presidential systems. In a bicameral legislature, dissolution may apply jointly or separately to the lower house and upper house, or may apply only to the lower house, with the upper house never fully dissolved. In a bicameral Westminster system, the expression "dissolution of parliament" typically refers to the dissolution of the lower house, just as "member of parliament" means member of the lower house. (en)
  • En los sistemas parlamentarios y algunos semipresidenciales, una disolución del parlamento es la dispersión de una legislatura y posible posterior convocatoria de una elección. Generalmente, una legislatura en dicho sistema debe ser disuelto al expirar un término constitucionalmente especificado. Las disoluciones tempranas se permiten en muchas jurisdicciones. (es)
  • La dissolution parlementaire représente la faculté du pouvoir exécutif, ou législatif dans certains cas, de mettre un terme à une législature. Cela entraîne le renouvellement du parlement ou bien simplement d'une de ses chambres, par la tenue d'élections législatives anticipées. On l'oppose souvent au droit de motion de censure qui, à l'inverse, permet au pouvoir législatif de renverser le pouvoir exécutif. Ensemble, ces deux mécanismes parlementaires permettent la mise en place d'un équilibre dit organique, basé sur le pouvoir de révocabilité mutuel des pouvoirs exécutif et législatif. Dans la tradition républicaine, la dissolution, normalement utilisée pour résoudre des crises graves en ayant recours au peuple, a souvent été jugée avec suspicion. Généralement considérée comme un pouvoir d’arbitrage du pouvoir exécutif, son utilisation a régulièrement été détournée afin de trancher des conflits entre le chef de l’État et le parlement. Elle permet également de prévenir ces conflits, en faisant peser sur l’assemblée une menace constante d'élections anticipées, renforçant la discipline majoritaire. Caractéristique des régimes parlementaires, et à ce titre présent dans de nombreuses constitutions à travers le monde, le droit de dissolution est toutefois, de nos jours, rarement utilisé dans sa fonction initiale. En effet, l'existence de majorités stables et disciplinées au sein des parlements rend généralement l'hypothèse d'un renversement de gouvernement peu probable. Néanmoins l'utilisation du droit de dissolution varie en fonction du système politique, notamment selon l'organisation bicamérale, monocamérale du parlement. (fr)
  • 의회 해산(議會解散 영어: Dissolution of parliament)은 의원내각제 하에서 내각이 의회(양원제에서는 하원) 의원 전체에 대해 임기만료 전에 의원 자격을 상실케 하는 것을 말한다. 의회(하원)에 의한 내각 불신임 결의나 내각신임 결의 요구 거부에 대항하는 수단으로 쓰이며, 의회 해산 후 대체로 25일 ~ 40일 사이에 새 의회를 구성할 총선거가 실시된다. 이 제도는 내각(행정부)의 존립 근거가 전적으로 국회의 신임 여부에 달려 있는 의원내각제의 본질적인 제도이며, 국회와 대통령(행정부 수반)이 국민의 선거로 각각 선출되어 상호 독립적인 대통령제와는 이질적인 제도이다. (ko)
  • 解散(かいさん)とは、立法府の議院を構成している議員全員に対して任期満了前に一斉に失職させることをいう。両院制を採用している国の場合、日本のように下院(衆議院)のみ解散が行われる制度とベルギーのように上下両院について解散を認める制度がある。 (ja)
  • Met kamerontbinding of ontbinding van het parlement wordt de ontbinding bedoeld van (een deel van) het parlement, met nieuwe (vaak vervroegde) verkiezingen tot gevolg. (nl)
  • Роспуск парламента — прекращение деятельности парламента до истечения срока его полномочий и назначение новых выборов — одно из средств разрешения или назначения новых выборов на удобное время. Институт роспуска парламента реализует принцип разделения властей.Глава государства отправляет в отставку данный состав парламента и назначает новые выборы. В современной Великобритании роспуск парламента до истечения срока его полномочий — обычная практика. (ru)
  • 解散議會,為施行憲政的國家中,維持行政權與立法權相互制衡而發展出來給予行政權的機制。內閣制或雙首長制之下,行政權基於信任受國家議會(國會)的立法權監督和兩相制衡;但當立法權過大或行政權不受立法權信任,致使行政權窒礙難行,無法順利運作或是遭受議會抵制時,政府首腦(首相、閣揆等)可依法向國家元首(君主、總統等,內閣制為虛位)提出解散國會重新選舉以訴諸民意。理論上,在一些解散議會程序受憲法或其他法規嚴格限制的國家,在任期途中解散議會是解決政治問題的非常機制。但在西敏制國家當中,內閣通常可以選擇對執政黨有利的時機建議國家元首解散議會重選,議會通常於任期未完結前就會被趁機解散,造成解散國會比較常見的現象。 (zh)
  • 652293 (xsd:integer)
  • 42796 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1121888237 (xsd:integer)
  • Eine Parlamentsauflösung bedeutet, dass das Parlament seine Arbeit vor Ende der Legislaturperiode beendet und ein neues Parlament gewählt wird. (de)
  • En los sistemas parlamentarios y algunos semipresidenciales, una disolución del parlamento es la dispersión de una legislatura y posible posterior convocatoria de una elección. Generalmente, una legislatura en dicho sistema debe ser disuelto al expirar un término constitucionalmente especificado. Las disoluciones tempranas se permiten en muchas jurisdicciones. (es)
  • 의회 해산(議會解散 영어: Dissolution of parliament)은 의원내각제 하에서 내각이 의회(양원제에서는 하원) 의원 전체에 대해 임기만료 전에 의원 자격을 상실케 하는 것을 말한다. 의회(하원)에 의한 내각 불신임 결의나 내각신임 결의 요구 거부에 대항하는 수단으로 쓰이며, 의회 해산 후 대체로 25일 ~ 40일 사이에 새 의회를 구성할 총선거가 실시된다. 이 제도는 내각(행정부)의 존립 근거가 전적으로 국회의 신임 여부에 달려 있는 의원내각제의 본질적인 제도이며, 국회와 대통령(행정부 수반)이 국민의 선거로 각각 선출되어 상호 독립적인 대통령제와는 이질적인 제도이다. (ko)
  • 解散(かいさん)とは、立法府の議院を構成している議員全員に対して任期満了前に一斉に失職させることをいう。両院制を採用している国の場合、日本のように下院(衆議院)のみ解散が行われる制度とベルギーのように上下両院について解散を認める制度がある。 (ja)
  • Met kamerontbinding of ontbinding van het parlement wordt de ontbinding bedoeld van (een deel van) het parlement, met nieuwe (vaak vervroegde) verkiezingen tot gevolg. (nl)
  • Роспуск парламента — прекращение деятельности парламента до истечения срока его полномочий и назначение новых выборов — одно из средств разрешения или назначения новых выборов на удобное время. Институт роспуска парламента реализует принцип разделения властей.Глава государства отправляет в отставку данный состав парламента и назначает новые выборы. В современной Великобритании роспуск парламента до истечения срока его полномочий — обычная практика. (ru)
  • 解散議會,為施行憲政的國家中,維持行政權與立法權相互制衡而發展出來給予行政權的機制。內閣制或雙首長制之下,行政權基於信任受國家議會(國會)的立法權監督和兩相制衡;但當立法權過大或行政權不受立法權信任,致使行政權窒礙難行,無法順利運作或是遭受議會抵制時,政府首腦(首相、閣揆等)可依法向國家元首(君主、總統等,內閣制為虛位)提出解散國會重新選舉以訴諸民意。理論上,在一些解散議會程序受憲法或其他法規嚴格限制的國家,在任期途中解散議會是解決政治問題的非常機制。但在西敏制國家當中,內閣通常可以選擇對執政黨有利的時機建議國家元首解散議會重選,議會通常於任期未完結前就會被趁機解散,造成解散國會比較常見的現象。 (zh)
  • The dissolution of a legislative assembly is the mandatory simultaneous resignation of all of its members, in anticipation that a successive legislative assembly will reconvene later with possibly different members. In a democracy, the new assembly is chosen by a general election. Dissolution is distinct on the one hand from abolition of the assembly, and on the other hand from its adjournment or prorogation, or the ending of a legislative session, any of which begins a period of inactivity after which it is anticipated that the same members will reassemble. For example, the "second session of the fifth parliament" could be followed by the "third session of the fifth parliament" after a prorogation, but the "first session of the sixth parliament" after a dissolution. (en)
  • La dissolution parlementaire représente la faculté du pouvoir exécutif, ou législatif dans certains cas, de mettre un terme à une législature. Cela entraîne le renouvellement du parlement ou bien simplement d'une de ses chambres, par la tenue d'élections législatives anticipées. On l'oppose souvent au droit de motion de censure qui, à l'inverse, permet au pouvoir législatif de renverser le pouvoir exécutif. Ensemble, ces deux mécanismes parlementaires permettent la mise en place d'un équilibre dit organique, basé sur le pouvoir de révocabilité mutuel des pouvoirs exécutif et législatif. (fr)
  • Dissolution of parliament (en)
  • Parlamentsauflösung (de)
  • Disolución del parlamento (es)
  • Dissolution parlementaire (fr)
  • 의회 해산 (ko)
  • 解散 (議会) (ja)
  • Kamerontbinding (nl)
  • Роспуск парламента (ru)
  • 解散议会 (zh)
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