About: Water landing

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In aviation, a water landing is, in the broadest sense, an aircraft landing on a body of water. Seaplanes, such as floatplanes and flying boats, land on water as a normal operation. Ditching is a controlled emergency landing on the water surface in an aircraft not designed for the purpose, a very rare occurrence. Controlled flight into the surface and uncontrolled flight ending in a body of water (including a runway excursion into water) are generally not considered water landings or ditching.

Property Value
  • En l'aviació, un amaratge d'aigua és, en el sentit més ampli, un avió que aterra sobre una massa d'aigua. Els hidroavions, com els hidroavions i els hidroavions, amaren a l'aigua com un funcionament normal. La rasa és un amaratge d'emergència controlat a la superfície de l'aigua en un avió no dissenyat per a aquest propòsit, un fet molt rar. El vol controlat a la superfície i el vol incontrolat que acaba en una massa d'aigua (inclosa una excursió a l'aigua) generalment no es consideren amaratges d'aigua o rases. (ca)
  • L'amaratge és el mètode d'aterratge d'una nau amb paracaigudes en un cos d'aigua. Va ser utilitzat per les naus espacials tripulades nord-americans abans del programa espacial Shuttle. També li és possible aterrar en l'aigua a la nau russa Soiuz i a la nau xinesa Shenzhou, encara que açò és només una contingència. L'únic exemple d'un amaratge no desitjat en la història soviètica és l'aterratge de la Soiuz 23. (ca)
  • في مجال الطيران، الهبوط على الماء (water landing)، يعتبر بالمعنى الواسع، هبوط طائرة على مسطح مائي. تهبط الطائرات المائية، مثل الطائرات العائمة والقوارب الطائرة، على الماء كعملية عادية. الحَطَّ على الماء (Ditching) هو هبوط طارئ خاضع للرقابة على سطح الماء في طائرة غير مصممة لهذا الغرض، وهو أمر نادر الحدوث. لا يُعتبر الطيران المنظم إلى السطح والرحلة غير المنضبطة التي تنتهي في جسم مائي (بما في ذلك اجتياح المدرج في الماء) عمومًا عمليات هبوط أو هبوط في الماء. (ar)
  • Wasserung ist die Landung mit einem Wasserflugzeug, Flugboot oder Raumfahrzeug auf einem Ozean, Fluss oder See. Auch wird eine Notlandung normaler Flugzeuge auf dem Wasser als Notwasserung bezeichnet. In den ersten zwei Jahrzehnten der bemannten Raumfahrt landeten insbesondere US-amerikanische Raumfahrzeuge auf dem Wasser im Pazifik oder Atlantik und wurden dann von Helikoptern geborgen. Diese Vorgehensweise wurde nach Abschluss des Space-Shuttle-Programms wiederbelebt. Das von dem Privatunternehmen SpaceX gestartete Raumschiff Dragon wasserte erstmals am 8. Dezember 2010 im Pazifischen Ozean. (de)
  • Eine Notwasserung ist eine Notlandung auf dem Wasser durch ein Fluggerät, das nicht für Wasserlandungen ausgelegt ist. Notwasserungen kommen in der modernen Luftfahrt äußerst selten vor. Eine Notlandung auf dem Land gilt grundsätzlich als weniger gefährlich als eine Notwasserung. (de)
  • El amerizaje, también llamado amarizaje, amaraje o acuatizaje,​ es un concepto aeronáutico que define el proceso en el que una aeronave impacta de forma controlada en una superficie acuática de manera análoga a un aterrizaje en tierra. Un amerizaje se logra tras haber efectuado un descenso en la altitud del vuelo, haber reducido la velocidad de este, seguir un patrón de aproximación, de inclinación, de planeo y haber identificado el lugar exacto donde se habrá de ejercer el acuatizaje, ya sea en la superficie de un río, de un lago o en el mar. No debe confundirse con un accidente aéreo en una superficie acuática, a pesar de que un amerizaje no planeado podría conllevar a uno. Por analogía, en el campo de la astronáutica también se califica como amerizaje al impacto controlado de un vehículo espacial sobre la superficie marina. (es)
  • L’amerrissage est, à l'origine, le mouvement par lequel un hydravion se pose à la surface de l'eau (mer, lac ou fleuve). Le terme d'amerrissage désigne également un « atterrissage » d'urgence sur un plan d'eau. Cette situation est systématiquement instruite aux passagers au départ de chaque vol commercial. Par analogie, le domaine de l'astronautique qualifie également d'amerrissage la prise de contact d'un engin aérospatial avec la surface de l'eau (mer ou océan). Le terme correspondant en anglais est splash-down. (fr)
  • Dalam pengartian terluas, pendaratan air adalah sebuah pendaratan di atas sebuah perairan. Beberapa pesawat seperti pesawat apung mendarat di atas air sebagai sebuah materi kursus. Peribahasa "pendaratan air" juga dipakai sebagai peribahasa untuk sebuah pesawat yang mendarat jatuh ke air yang tidak dirancang untuk keperluan tersebut. Dalam kasus tersebut, kru penerbangan yang mengetahuinya melalukan pendaratan darurat di atas air. Pendaratan air dari pesawat komersial adalah kejadian langka. (in)
  • Un ammaraggio è, in senso ampio, qualunque atterraggio su uno specchio d'acqua. Molti uccelli e alcuni velivoli di costruzione umana hanno tra le proprie capacità quella di atterrare sull'acqua. Il termine "ammaraggio" è anche usato in modo eufemistico in relazione ad incidenti aerei in cui un velivolo non progettato per atterrare sull'acqua compie detta manovra. Un ammaraggio intenzionale di un velivolo in condizioni di emergenza ma in volo controllato ("ditching" in inglese) è un evento relativamente comune per piccoli apparecchi dell'aviazione generale e per aerei militari, ma è estremamente raro nel caso di voli dell'aviazione commerciale. (it)
  • 着水(ちゃくすい、英語;Water landing)とは、鳥、航空機、宇宙船が陸上に着陸するのではなく、水上に降りる事である。 (ja)
  • In aviation, a water landing is, in the broadest sense, an aircraft landing on a body of water. Seaplanes, such as floatplanes and flying boats, land on water as a normal operation. Ditching is a controlled emergency landing on the water surface in an aircraft not designed for the purpose, a very rare occurrence. Controlled flight into the surface and uncontrolled flight ending in a body of water (including a runway excursion into water) are generally not considered water landings or ditching. (en)
  • 스플래시다운(영어: splashdown) 또는 착수(着水)는 낙하산으로 속도를 감속하여 바다나 강 등의 물이 많이 고인 곳 또는 흐르는 곳에 착륙하는 방법을 말한다. 그리고 얼음에 착륙해도 스플래시다운이라고 한다. 대표적으로 소유즈 23이 얼음에 착륙했다. 우주왕복선 시대 전에도 사용된 방법이며, 대표적으로 아폴로 계획, 소유즈, 제미니 계획 등의 탐사선이 이 방법을 사용하였다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 탐사선이 지구로 귀환할 때 탐사선 안에 있는 사람들이 추락사하지 않게 물이 충격을 흡수한다. 따라서 제동장치나 역추진 로켓까지는 필요없고, 낙하산만 있으면 된다. 바다에 착륙하면 가라앉지 않기 위해 튜브를 설치한다. 그리고 바다에 뜬 탐사선은 크레인이 들어서 배의 상판에 올려놓는다. (ko)
  • Wodowanie – lądowanie planowane lub lądowanie awaryjne statku powietrznego lub kosmicznego na powierzchni wody. (pl)
  • Приводнение космических аппаратов — это мягкая посадка спускаемого аппарата (СА), с помощью парашюта или планирования, на водную поверхность. Имеет широкое распространение в космонавтике США. Помимо космических кораблей, применяется для спасения многоразовых компонент: обтекателей, ускорителей. (ru)
  • Посадка на воду или приводнение — посадка, осуществляемая на водную поверхность. Для воздушных судов-амфибий, гидросамолётов и летающих лодок, а также водоплавающих птиц такой тип посадки является штатным; для прочих типов воздушных судов — аварийным. (ru)
  • Um pouso na água, é um termo genérico usado para qualquer tipo de pouso num corpo de água. pode ser usado tanto para pousos de aves quanto por máquinas feitas pelo homem, como hidroaviões por exemplo. (pt)
  • 濺落(英語:Splashdown)或稱海面濺落是通過降落傘將太空船或太空艙等太空飛行器降落在水體中的降落方法。水的性質足以使航天器得到緩衝,所以不需要透過制動火箭逆向噴射來減慢最終下降的速度。這一點不同於載人太空船的降落方式:利用制動火箭減速,隨後降落到陸地上。在美國降落的太空任務會更傾向使用濺落,因為美國的發射場在海岸線上。而俄羅斯的發射場在距離海岸很遙遠的廣大內陸平原,大多數早期發射幾乎都在陸地上進行。 在太空梭計劃之前,就已經於有人乘坐的美國航天器使用了該降落方式,2020年開始,SpaceX的天龍號太空船2號也使用海面濺落,並計劃在即將面世的獵戶座太空船上使用。俄羅斯聯盟號飛船也有能力進行濺落,儘管並不常見。蘇聯唯一一次意外的載人水面濺落的是任務。 (zh)
  • 5002284 (xsd:integer)
  • 69414 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124511098 (xsd:integer)
  • 1952-04-11 (xsd:date)
  • 1952-04-16 (xsd:date)
  • 1953-08-03 (xsd:date)
  • 1954-06-19 (xsd:date)
  • 1955-03-26 (xsd:date)
  • 1956-04-02 (xsd:date)
  • 1956-10-16 (xsd:date)
  • 1962-09-23 (xsd:date)
  • 1962-10-22 (xsd:date)
  • 1963-08-21 (xsd:date)
  • 1968-11-22 (xsd:date)
  • 1970-05-02 (xsd:date)
  • 1978-05-08 (xsd:date)
  • 1980-08-07 (xsd:date)
  • 1982-01-13 (xsd:date)
  • 1982-01-23 (xsd:date)
  • 1982-02-09 (xsd:date)
  • 1985-06-27 (xsd:date)
  • 1989-09-20 (xsd:date)
  • 1993-09-12 (xsd:date)
  • 1993-11-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1996-11-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2000-02-03 (xsd:date)
  • 2000-04-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2000-05-31 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-01-16 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-11-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2005-08-06 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-01-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-10-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-06-06 (xsd:date)
  • 2011-07-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-04-13 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-09-28 (xsd:date)
  • 1440.0
  • 5400.0
  • 613.0
  • 18000.0
  • Japan Airlines Flight 2, a Douglas DC-8-62, landed short of the runway in San Francisco Bay on approach to San Francisco International Airport. There were no fatalities, and the aircraft itself was in good enough condition to be removed from the water, rebuilt, and flown again. (en)
  • Aeroflot Flight 366 ditched into the Neva River in Leningrad after running out of fuel. A nearby tugboat pulled the plane to shore where the passengers disembarked onto the tug; all 52 on board escaped without injuries. (en)
  • National Airlines Flight 193, a Boeing 727 Trijet, unintentionally landed in the waters of Escambia Bay near Pensacola, Florida after coming down short of the runway during a foggy approach. There were 3 fatalities among 52 passengers and 6 crewmembers. (en)
  • Swissair Convair CV-240 (HB-IRW) ditched into the English Channel because of fuel starvation, which was attributed to pilot error. All three crew and five passengers survived the ditching and could escape the plane. However, three of the passengers could not swim and eventually drowned, because there were no life jackets on board, which was not prescribed at the time. (en)
  • Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 , ditched in the Indian Ocean near Comoros after being hijacked and running out of fuel, killing 125 of the 175 passengers and crew on board. Unable to operate flaps, it impacted at high speed, dragging its left wingtip before tumbling and breaking into three pieces. The panicking hijackers were fighting the pilots for the control of the plane at the time of the impact, which caused the plane to roll just before hitting the water, and the subsequent wingtip hitting the water and breakup are a result of this struggle in the cockpit. Some passengers were killed on impact or trapped in the cabin when they inflated their life vests before exiting. Most of the survivors were found hanging onto a section of the fuselage that remained floating. (en)
  • Angara Airlines Flight 9007 ditched in shallow water in the Ob River near Strezhevoy, Russia, after an in-flight engine fire. Upon water contact, the tail and one engine broke off, but the rest of the fuselage remained in one piece. Of the 37 people on board, 7 passengers were killed and 19 injured. (en)
  • Air France Flight 152, a Lockheed L-749A Constellation ditched 6 miles from Fethiye Point, Turkey 1.5 miles offshore into the Mediterranean Sea on a flight between Rome, Italy and Beirut, Lebanon. The propeller had failed due to blade fracture. Due to violent vibrations, engine number three broke away and control of engine number four was lost. The crew of eight and all but four of the 34 passengers were rescued; the other 4 passengers died. (en)
  • World Airways Flight 30, landing at Boston Logan International Airport after a flight from Newark, New Jersey, slid off the runway due to ice and landed in Boston Harbor. The cockpit area separated from the remainder of the fuselage at the first row of seats. Two passengers in the first row disappeared and were presumed dead, but the other 210 people aboard survived. (en)
  • USAir 5050, a Boeing 737-401 with 63 people aboard, overran the runway while taking off from New York's La Guardia Airport, landing in the East River and breaking into three pieces, and sustained two deaths. (en)
  • Pan Am Flight 6 ditched northeast of Hawaii, after losing two of its four engines. The aircraft circled around until daybreak, when it ditched; all 31 on board survived. (en)
  • while landing in poor weather conditions at Faa'a International Airport, Papeete, Tahiti, a Boeing 747 conducting Air France Flight 072 hydroplaned, overshot the runway and ended up with its nose in a lagoon. All 272 passengers and crew evacuated successfully, even though the engines were still running and there was a risk of ingestion. (en)
  • American Airlines flight 633 takes off from Muñoz Marín Airport in Puerto Rico to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in Texas when it overran the runway and nosedived into a nearby lake. All 257 passengers and 13 crew members were evacuated from the DC-10, with at least 25 people injured. (en)
  • a Piper PA-31 Chieftain operating Whyalla Airlines Flight 904 ditched in the Spencer Gulf in South Australia at night after both engines failed. The very dark conditions and lack of visual reference complicated the landing and the pilot and all 7 passengers were killed. As a result of the accident regulations in Australia now require that all aircraft carrying paying passengers over water carry life jackets and survival equipment. (en)
  • ALM Flight 980 , ditched in mile-deep water after running out of fuel during multiple attempts to land at Princess Juliana International Airport on the island of Sint Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles under low-visibility weather. Insufficient warning to the cabin resulted in several passengers and crew still either standing or with unfastened seat belts as the aircraft struck the water. Of 63 occupants, 40 survivors were recovered by U.S. military helicopters. (en)
  • a Solenta Aviation Antonov An-26 freighter flying for DHL Aviation ditched in the Atlantic Ocean near Libreville, Gabon. All three crew and the one passenger were rescued with minor injuries. (en)
  • Laoag International Airlines Flight 585 took off from Manila runway 31 at just after 6 o'clock for a flight to Laoag and Basco Airport . Shortly after takeoff engine trouble developed in the aircraft's left engine. The pilot declared an emergency and tried to land the plane but decided at the last minute to ditch into the sea. The aircraft broke up and sank in the water to a depth of about 60 feet. 19 of the 34 occupants were killed. (en)
  • Trans Arabian Air Transport Flight 310, a Boeing 707-351 carrying cargo, grossly overshot the landing strip at Mwanza Airport after a first attempt failed and eventually landed in the middle of Lake Victoria. The plane continued floating after the landing and all five crew survived, some with light injuries. (en)
  • Japan Airlines Flight 350 landed in shallow water in Tokyo Bay short of the runway on approach to Tokyo International Airport, after the captain engaged thrust-reversers due to mental illness. Crew members tried to stop him but were not fully successful. 24 of the 166 passengers and none of the eight crew members died. The captain was found not guilty of any crime due to insanity. (en)
  • Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2 ditched into Puget Sound after severe buffeting and altitude loss that was later determined to have been caused by the failure of the crew to close the cowl flaps on the plane's engines. All aboard escaped the aircraft after a textbook landing, but four passengers and one flight attendant succumbed either to drowning or to hypothermia before being rescued (en)
  • Garuda Indonesia Flight 421 successfully ditched into the Bengawan Solo River near Yogyakarta, Java Island after experiencing a twin engine flameout during heavy precipitation and hail. The pilots tried to restart the engines several times before making the decision to ditch the aircraft. Photographs taken shortly after evacuation show that the plane came to rest in knee-deep water. Of the 60 occupants, one flight attendant was killed. (en)
  • Air Florida Flight 90 went down in the icy Potomac river after taking off from Washington National Airport during a snowstorm without proper de-icing. Only 6 out of 79 passengers and crew survived the initial crash, with one of the survivors eventually drowning after helping others to safety. The plane also hit a bridge, killing four and injuring another four motorists. (en)
  • a Divi Divi Air Britten-Norman Islander operating Divi Divi Air Flight 014 ditched off the coast of Bonaire after its starboard engine failed. The pilot reported that the aircraft was losing 200 feet per minute after choosing to fly to an airport. All 9 passengers survived but the captain was knocked unconscious and although some passengers attempted to free him, he drowned and was pulled down with the aircraft. (en)
  • Flying Tiger Line Flight 923, a Lockheed 1049H-82 Super Constellation N6923C, passenger aircraft, on a military charter flight, with a crew of 8 and 68 U.S. civilian and military passengers ditched in the North Atlantic about 500 miles west of Shannon, Ireland after losing three engines on a flight from Gander, Newfoundland to Frankfurt, West Germany. 45 of the passengers and 3 crew were rescued, with 23 passengers and 5 crew members being lost in the storm-swept seas. All occupants successfully evacuated the airplane. Those who were lost succumbed in the rough seas. (en)
  • Pan Am Flight 526A ditched 11.3 miles northwest of Puerto Rico due to engine failure after take off. Many survived the initial ditching but panicking passengers refused to leave the sinking wreck and drowned. 52 passengers were killed, 17 passengers and crew members were rescued by the USCG. After this accident it was recommended to implement pre-flight safety demonstrations for over-water flights. (en)
  • Tuninter Flight 1153 ditched off the Sicilian coast after running out of fuel. Of 39 aboard, 23 survived with injuries. The plane's wreck was found in three pieces. (en)
  • the de Havilland Australia DHA-3 Drover VH-DHA operated by the Australian Department of Civil Aviation with 3 occupants was ditched in the Bismarck Sea between Wewak and Manus Island. The port propeller failed, a propeller blade penetrated the fuselage and the single pilot was rendered unconscious; the ditching was performed by a passenger; all 3 occupants survived. (en)
  • US Airways Flight 1549 successfully ditched into the Hudson River between New York City and New Jersey, after reports of multiple bird strikes. This event is sometimes referred to as "miracle on the Hudson", as all of the 155 passengers and crew aboard escaped and were rescued by passenger ferries and day-cruise boats, in spite of freezing temperatures. The ditching occurred near the Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises and NY Waterway piers in midtown Manhattan. (en)
  • a Boeing 737-800 performing Air Niugini Flight 73 landed in a lagoon short of Chuuk International Airport. One of the passengers died, but the 46 other crew and passengers were evacuated by boats. (en)
  • Lion Air Flight 904, a Boeing 737-800 from Bandung to Denpasar with 108 people on board, undershot runway 09 and ditched into the sea while landing at Ngurah Rai International Airport. The aircraft's fuselage ruptured slightly near the wings. All passengers and crew were safely evacuated with only minor injuries. (en)
  • China Airlines Flight 605, a Boeing 747-409, ended up in water after it overran runway 13 at Kai Tak International Airport on landing during a typhoon with wind gusting to gale force. All of the 396 occupants donned life-vests, boarded the eight slide/rafts and no fatalities resulted. The airframe remained above water even after the aircraft was evacuated. (en)
  • En l'aviació, un amaratge d'aigua és, en el sentit més ampli, un avió que aterra sobre una massa d'aigua. Els hidroavions, com els hidroavions i els hidroavions, amaren a l'aigua com un funcionament normal. La rasa és un amaratge d'emergència controlat a la superfície de l'aigua en un avió no dissenyat per a aquest propòsit, un fet molt rar. El vol controlat a la superfície i el vol incontrolat que acaba en una massa d'aigua (inclosa una excursió a l'aigua) generalment no es consideren amaratges d'aigua o rases. (ca)
  • L'amaratge és el mètode d'aterratge d'una nau amb paracaigudes en un cos d'aigua. Va ser utilitzat per les naus espacials tripulades nord-americans abans del programa espacial Shuttle. També li és possible aterrar en l'aigua a la nau russa Soiuz i a la nau xinesa Shenzhou, encara que açò és només una contingència. L'únic exemple d'un amaratge no desitjat en la història soviètica és l'aterratge de la Soiuz 23. (ca)
  • في مجال الطيران، الهبوط على الماء (water landing)، يعتبر بالمعنى الواسع، هبوط طائرة على مسطح مائي. تهبط الطائرات المائية، مثل الطائرات العائمة والقوارب الطائرة، على الماء كعملية عادية. الحَطَّ على الماء (Ditching) هو هبوط طارئ خاضع للرقابة على سطح الماء في طائرة غير مصممة لهذا الغرض، وهو أمر نادر الحدوث. لا يُعتبر الطيران المنظم إلى السطح والرحلة غير المنضبطة التي تنتهي في جسم مائي (بما في ذلك اجتياح المدرج في الماء) عمومًا عمليات هبوط أو هبوط في الماء. (ar)
  • Wasserung ist die Landung mit einem Wasserflugzeug, Flugboot oder Raumfahrzeug auf einem Ozean, Fluss oder See. Auch wird eine Notlandung normaler Flugzeuge auf dem Wasser als Notwasserung bezeichnet. In den ersten zwei Jahrzehnten der bemannten Raumfahrt landeten insbesondere US-amerikanische Raumfahrzeuge auf dem Wasser im Pazifik oder Atlantik und wurden dann von Helikoptern geborgen. Diese Vorgehensweise wurde nach Abschluss des Space-Shuttle-Programms wiederbelebt. Das von dem Privatunternehmen SpaceX gestartete Raumschiff Dragon wasserte erstmals am 8. Dezember 2010 im Pazifischen Ozean. (de)
  • Eine Notwasserung ist eine Notlandung auf dem Wasser durch ein Fluggerät, das nicht für Wasserlandungen ausgelegt ist. Notwasserungen kommen in der modernen Luftfahrt äußerst selten vor. Eine Notlandung auf dem Land gilt grundsätzlich als weniger gefährlich als eine Notwasserung. (de)
  • L’amerrissage est, à l'origine, le mouvement par lequel un hydravion se pose à la surface de l'eau (mer, lac ou fleuve). Le terme d'amerrissage désigne également un « atterrissage » d'urgence sur un plan d'eau. Cette situation est systématiquement instruite aux passagers au départ de chaque vol commercial. Par analogie, le domaine de l'astronautique qualifie également d'amerrissage la prise de contact d'un engin aérospatial avec la surface de l'eau (mer ou océan). Le terme correspondant en anglais est splash-down. (fr)
  • Dalam pengartian terluas, pendaratan air adalah sebuah pendaratan di atas sebuah perairan. Beberapa pesawat seperti pesawat apung mendarat di atas air sebagai sebuah materi kursus. Peribahasa "pendaratan air" juga dipakai sebagai peribahasa untuk sebuah pesawat yang mendarat jatuh ke air yang tidak dirancang untuk keperluan tersebut. Dalam kasus tersebut, kru penerbangan yang mengetahuinya melalukan pendaratan darurat di atas air. Pendaratan air dari pesawat komersial adalah kejadian langka. (in)
  • Un ammaraggio è, in senso ampio, qualunque atterraggio su uno specchio d'acqua. Molti uccelli e alcuni velivoli di costruzione umana hanno tra le proprie capacità quella di atterrare sull'acqua. Il termine "ammaraggio" è anche usato in modo eufemistico in relazione ad incidenti aerei in cui un velivolo non progettato per atterrare sull'acqua compie detta manovra. Un ammaraggio intenzionale di un velivolo in condizioni di emergenza ma in volo controllato ("ditching" in inglese) è un evento relativamente comune per piccoli apparecchi dell'aviazione generale e per aerei militari, ma è estremamente raro nel caso di voli dell'aviazione commerciale. (it)
  • 着水(ちゃくすい、英語;Water landing)とは、鳥、航空機、宇宙船が陸上に着陸するのではなく、水上に降りる事である。 (ja)
  • In aviation, a water landing is, in the broadest sense, an aircraft landing on a body of water. Seaplanes, such as floatplanes and flying boats, land on water as a normal operation. Ditching is a controlled emergency landing on the water surface in an aircraft not designed for the purpose, a very rare occurrence. Controlled flight into the surface and uncontrolled flight ending in a body of water (including a runway excursion into water) are generally not considered water landings or ditching. (en)
  • 스플래시다운(영어: splashdown) 또는 착수(着水)는 낙하산으로 속도를 감속하여 바다나 강 등의 물이 많이 고인 곳 또는 흐르는 곳에 착륙하는 방법을 말한다. 그리고 얼음에 착륙해도 스플래시다운이라고 한다. 대표적으로 소유즈 23이 얼음에 착륙했다. 우주왕복선 시대 전에도 사용된 방법이며, 대표적으로 아폴로 계획, 소유즈, 제미니 계획 등의 탐사선이 이 방법을 사용하였다. 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 탐사선이 지구로 귀환할 때 탐사선 안에 있는 사람들이 추락사하지 않게 물이 충격을 흡수한다. 따라서 제동장치나 역추진 로켓까지는 필요없고, 낙하산만 있으면 된다. 바다에 착륙하면 가라앉지 않기 위해 튜브를 설치한다. 그리고 바다에 뜬 탐사선은 크레인이 들어서 배의 상판에 올려놓는다. (ko)
  • Wodowanie – lądowanie planowane lub lądowanie awaryjne statku powietrznego lub kosmicznego na powierzchni wody. (pl)
  • Приводнение космических аппаратов — это мягкая посадка спускаемого аппарата (СА), с помощью парашюта или планирования, на водную поверхность. Имеет широкое распространение в космонавтике США. Помимо космических кораблей, применяется для спасения многоразовых компонент: обтекателей, ускорителей. (ru)
  • Посадка на воду или приводнение — посадка, осуществляемая на водную поверхность. Для воздушных судов-амфибий, гидросамолётов и летающих лодок, а также водоплавающих птиц такой тип посадки является штатным; для прочих типов воздушных судов — аварийным. (ru)
  • Um pouso na água, é um termo genérico usado para qualquer tipo de pouso num corpo de água. pode ser usado tanto para pousos de aves quanto por máquinas feitas pelo homem, como hidroaviões por exemplo. (pt)
  • 濺落(英語:Splashdown)或稱海面濺落是通過降落傘將太空船或太空艙等太空飛行器降落在水體中的降落方法。水的性質足以使航天器得到緩衝,所以不需要透過制動火箭逆向噴射來減慢最終下降的速度。這一點不同於載人太空船的降落方式:利用制動火箭減速,隨後降落到陸地上。在美國降落的太空任務會更傾向使用濺落,因為美國的發射場在海岸線上。而俄羅斯的發射場在距離海岸很遙遠的廣大內陸平原,大多數早期發射幾乎都在陸地上進行。 在太空梭計劃之前,就已經於有人乘坐的美國航天器使用了該降落方式,2020年開始,SpaceX的天龍號太空船2號也使用海面濺落,並計劃在即將面世的獵戶座太空船上使用。俄羅斯聯盟號飛船也有能力進行濺落,儘管並不常見。蘇聯唯一一次意外的載人水面濺落的是任務。 (zh)
  • El amerizaje, también llamado amarizaje, amaraje o acuatizaje,​ es un concepto aeronáutico que define el proceso en el que una aeronave impacta de forma controlada en una superficie acuática de manera análoga a un aterrizaje en tierra. Un amerizaje se logra tras haber efectuado un descenso en la altitud del vuelo, haber reducido la velocidad de este, seguir un patrón de aproximación, de inclinación, de planeo y haber identificado el lugar exacto donde se habrá de ejercer el acuatizaje, ya sea en la superficie de un río, de un lago o en el mar. No debe confundirse con un accidente aéreo en una superficie acuática, a pesar de que un amerizaje no planeado podría conllevar a uno. (es)
  • هبوط على الماء (ar)
  • Amaratge de naus espacials (ca)
  • Amaratge (ca)
  • Notwasserung (de)
  • Wasserung (de)
  • Amerizaje (es)
  • Pendaratan air (in)
  • Ammaraggio (it)
  • Amerrissage (fr)
  • Splashdown (astronautica) (it)
  • 着水 (ja)
  • 스플래시다운 (ko)
  • Wodowanie (lotnictwo) (pl)
  • Pouso na água (pt)
  • Amaragem (pt)
  • Приводнение космических аппаратов (ru)
  • Посадка на воду (ru)
  • Water landing (en)
  • 濺落 (zh)
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