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The Kingdom of Munster (Irish: Ríocht Mhumhain) was a kingdom of Gaelic Ireland which existed in the south-west of the island from at least the 1st century BC until 1118. According to traditional Irish history found in the Annals of the Four Masters, the kingdom originated as the territory of the Clanna Dedad (sometimes known as the Dáirine), an Érainn tribe of Irish Gaels. Some of the early kings were prominent in the Red Branch Cycle such as Cú Roí and Conaire Mór. For a few centuries they were competitors for the High Kingship or Ireland, but ultimately lost out to the Connachta, descendants of Conn Cétchathach. The kingdom had different borders and internal divisions at different times during its history.

Property Value
  • مملكة مونستر (بالأيرلندية: Ríocht Mhumhain) كانت مملكة متواجدة أثناء وكانت تقع جنوب غرب الجزيرة واستمرت على الأقل من القرن 1 ق م وحتى عام 1118. (ar)
  • El Reino de Munster (en irlandés, Ríocht Mhumhain: ) era un reino de la Irlanda gaélica que existió en el suroeste de la isla desde al menos el siglo I aC hasta 1118. Según la historia irlandesa tradicional encontrada en los Anales de los Cuatro Maestros, el reino nación como territorio de los Clanna Dedad (a veces conocidos como Dáirine), una tribu Érainn de irlandeses Gaélicos. Algunos de sus primeros reyes fueron prominentes en el Ciclo del Úlster como Cú Roí y Conaire Mór. Durante unos cuantos siglos compitieron por el título de Rey Supremo de Irlanda, pero finalmente fueron derrotados por los Connachta, descendientes de Conn Cétchathach. El reino tuvo fronteras diferentes y divisiones internas a lo largo de su historia. Grandes cambios modificaron Munster en el siglo VII, cuando los Corcu Loígde (antepasados de los Ó hEidirsceoil) perdieron el poder. Osraige, que había sido controlado por Munster durante dos siglos fue recuperado por los Dál Birn (antepasados de Mac Giolla Phádraig). Varios grupos menores como los Múscraige, cambiaron de banda y ayudaron a llevar al poder a los Eóganachta. Durante los tres siglos siguientes, varias ramas de esta dinastía como los Eóganacht Chaisil (antepasados de y Mac Cárthaigh) y Eóganacht Glendamnach (antepasados de Ó Caoimh) compitieron por el control del reino.​ La civilización cristiana celta floreció en esta época y la Roca de Cashel se convirtió en un centro de poder. Dos reyes, Faílbe Flann mac Áedo Duib y Cathal mac Finguine, fueron capaces de hace de Munster el primer reino irlandés en mucho tiempo. Munster tuvo que contener los asalto Vikingos de los Uí Ímair a partir del siglo IX, que se establecieron en Limerick, Waterford and Cork. En esa misma época, los Dál gCais (ancestros de los Ó Briain),​ previamente conocidos como los Déisi, comenzaban a emerger en Munster. Ayudados en parte por los Uí Néill, los antiguamente pequeños Dál gCais came llegaron a desafiar el control de los Eóganachta en Munster. Las hazañas de su más famoso miembro,Brian Bóruma, conocido por la Batalla de Clontarf dieron el poder a los Dál gCais durante el resto del siglo XI. Después de crisis interna, Munster fue dividido por el Rey Supremo Toirdelbach Ó Conchobhair en el Tratado de Glanmire in 1118, entre Thomond gobernado por los Ó Briain y Desmond gobernado por los Mac Cárthaigh. (es)
  • The Kingdom of Munster (Irish: Ríocht Mhumhain) was a kingdom of Gaelic Ireland which existed in the south-west of the island from at least the 1st century BC until 1118. According to traditional Irish history found in the Annals of the Four Masters, the kingdom originated as the territory of the Clanna Dedad (sometimes known as the Dáirine), an Érainn tribe of Irish Gaels. Some of the early kings were prominent in the Red Branch Cycle such as Cú Roí and Conaire Mór. For a few centuries they were competitors for the High Kingship or Ireland, but ultimately lost out to the Connachta, descendants of Conn Cétchathach. The kingdom had different borders and internal divisions at different times during its history. Major changes reshaped Munster in the 6th century, as the Corcu Loígde (ancestors of the Ó hEidirsceoil) fell from power. Osraige which had been brought under the control of Munster for two centuries was retaken by the Dál Birn (ancestors of the Mac Giolla Phádraig). Various subordinate groups, such as the Múscraige, switched their alliance and helped to bring the Eóganachta to power in Munster. For the next three centuries, various subgroups such as the Eóganacht Chaisil (ancestors of the Ó Súilleabháin and Mac Cárthaigh) and Eóganacht Glendamnach (ancestors of the Ó Caoimh) competed for control of Munster. Celtic Christian civilisation developed at this time and the Rock of Cashel became a seat of power. Two kings, Faílbe Flann mac Áedo Duib and Cathal mac Finguine, were able to raise Munster to the premier Irish kingdom for a time. Munster had to contend with raids from the Vikings under the Uí Ímair from the 9th century onwards, who established themselves at Limerick, Waterford and Cork. Around the same time the Dál gCais (ancestors of the Ó Briain), previously known as the Déisi, were also in the ascendancy in Munster. Aided in part by the Uí Néill, the previously subordinate Dál gCais came to challenge the Eóganachta for control of Munster. The exploits of their most famous member Brian Bóruma, who is known for the Battle of Clontarf established Dál gCais rule for the rest of the 11th century. After internal divisions, Munster was partitioned by High King Toirdelbach Ó Conchobhair with the Treaty of Glanmire in 1118, between Thomond ruled by the Ó Briain and Desmond ruled by the Mac Cárthaigh. (en)
  • Ríocht i nÉirinn na nGael ba ea Ríocht na Mumhan, suite i n-iardheisceart na tíre ón chéad aois RC ar a laghad go dtí an bhliain AD 1118. De réir stair traidisiúnta na hÉireann, mar shampla i nAnnála na gCeithre Máistrí, bunaíodh an ríocht ag Clann Dedad (aitheanta fosta mar na Dáirine), treibh Éarann de chuid na nGael. Feictear roinnt ríthe go suntasach sa Rúraíocht, amhail is Cú Raoi agus Conaire Mór. Le roinnt aoiseanna, chuaigh siad i ngleic ar ag son Ard-Ríogacht na hÉireann, ach sa deireadh thit siad siar óna gConnachta, sliocht Choinn Chéadchathaigh. Tharla athruithe mór sa Mhumhain i rith na 7ú haoise, nuair a thit an Chorca Laidhe (sinsear Uí Eidirsceoil) as cumhacht. Tógadh Osraí, a bhí faoi cheannas na Mumhan le dhá aois, ar ais ag an Dál Birn (sinsear Mhic Giolla Phádraig). D'athraigh fo-dhreamanna éagsúla, amhail is an Múscraí, a gcuid dílseachta agus tháinig dá bharr na hEoghanachta i gceannas. Le trí aois anuas, chuaigh fo-theaghlaigh éagsúla a fháil is Eoghanacht Chaisil (sinsear Uí Shúilleabháin agus Mhic Cárthaigh) agus Eoghanacht Ghleanndamhnach (sinsear Uí Chaoimh) i ngleic le haghaidh cuirim na Mumhan. D'fhorbraíodh an ag an am seo, agus d'éirigh Carraig Phádraig (Caiseal) chun cinn ina ionad. Bhí sé ar a gcumas ag beirt ríthe, Failbhe Flann mac Aodha Dhuibh agus Cathal mac Finguine, Mumhan a ardú ina príomhríocht le seal gairid. Ón 9ú haois ar aghaidh, bhí an Mhumha faoi ruathar na Lochlannach agus Uí Íomhair i gceannas, a lonnaigh i Luimneach, Port Láirge agus Corcaigh. Ag an am gcéanna, tháinig an Dál gCais (sinsear Uí Bhriain), a aitheanta Futa mar na Déise, chun cinn in éadan na nEoghanacht, le cabhair ón Uí Néill. Ba é Brian Bóramha agus a chuid eachtraí a bhunaigh réim an Dáil Chais an chuid eile den 11ú haois. Mar thoradh corraíola intíre ámh, críochdheighleadh an Mhumha ag an Ard-Rí Toirdhealbhach Ó Conchúir le Conradh Ghleann Maghair sa bhliain 1118, idir Tuadhmhumhain faoi cheannas Uí Bhriain, agus Deasmhumhain faoi cheannas Mhic Cárthaigh. (ga)
  • 무부(고대 아일랜드어: Mumu [ˈmuṽu])는 오늘날의 먼스터(영어: Munster, 아일랜드어: Mumhan 무운[ˈmuːn]) 지역의 옛 이름이다. 철기시대부터 중세 성기에 이르기까지 이 지역에 존재했던 정체를 무운 왕국(아일랜드어: Ríocht Mumhan 리흐트 무운, 영어: Kingdom of Munster)이라고 한다. 초기 무운은 이베르니인 왕들이 다스렸고, 그들을 다리너라고 했다. 다리너는 2세기경에 씨족에게 밀려나고, 데르그티너는 의 선조가 된다. 이 때 무운은 북쪽의 코나크타와 함께 에린 땅을 남북으로 양분했다. 코나크타와 아르드리 자리를 두고 다툴 때도 있었으나 결국 패배하고 패권은 콘 케드커하크의 후손들인 코나크타에게 넘어간다. 무운은 7세기에 큰 변화를 겪게 되는데, 동쪽 변경인 오스라거가 독립해 나가고 등 여러 소왕국들이 이합집산한 끝에 가 권력을 잡았다. 이후 3세기 동안 (의 조상), (의 조상) 등 분가들이 왕위를 두고 다투었다. 이 시기에 기독교화가 이루어졌고, 카라그 파드러그가 왕국의 중심지가 되었다. , 두 왕의 치세에 먼스터는 강국으로 중흥했다. 9세기부터 바이킹의 노략질에 무운도 노출되었다. 바이킹들은 해안지역에 정착해 리머릭, 워터퍼드, 코크를 건설했다. 비슷한 시기 씨족(의 조상)이 북쪽의 이 넬의 도움을 받아 오가나크터조를 엎고 왕위를 차지했다. 달 가스씨는 브리안 보루마라는 걸출한 왕을 배출했고, 이후 11세기 내내 달 가스 왕조가 지속되었다. 1118년 조약에서 아르드리 가 무운을 두 개로 분할시키면서 단일국가로서 먼스터는 끝났다. 북쪽의 투어부운은 오브라이언씨가, 남쪽의 다스부운은 막 카르하씨가 다스렸다. (ko)
  • Mumhain (en)
  • 16627880 (xsd:integer)
  • 31163 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113654517 (xsd:integer)
  • no (en)
  • Ireland (en)
  • Kingdom of Munster (en)
  • MacCarthy.png (en)
  • Fitzpatrick of Ossary.svg (en)
  • Sword of Nuada.png (en)
  • MacCarthy.png (en)
  • Kingdom of Munster-900.svg (en)
  • A map of Munster in the 10th century, with boundaries accounting for the loss of Osraige. (en)
  • Mumhain (en)
  • Kingdom of Desmond (en)
  • Kingdom of Osraige (en)
  • Kingdom of Thomond (en)
  • The Mac Cárthaigh as leaders of the Eóganacht Chaisil provided many kings of Munster from the 7th century onwards and established Cork. (en)
  • Additional articles related to Munster (en)
  • 1118 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 1118 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • مملكة مونستر (بالأيرلندية: Ríocht Mhumhain) كانت مملكة متواجدة أثناء وكانت تقع جنوب غرب الجزيرة واستمرت على الأقل من القرن 1 ق م وحتى عام 1118. (ar)
  • El Reino de Munster (en irlandés, Ríocht Mhumhain: ) era un reino de la Irlanda gaélica que existió en el suroeste de la isla desde al menos el siglo I aC hasta 1118. Según la historia irlandesa tradicional encontrada en los Anales de los Cuatro Maestros, el reino nación como territorio de los Clanna Dedad (a veces conocidos como Dáirine), una tribu Érainn de irlandeses Gaélicos. Algunos de sus primeros reyes fueron prominentes en el Ciclo del Úlster como Cú Roí y Conaire Mór. Durante unos cuantos siglos compitieron por el título de Rey Supremo de Irlanda, pero finalmente fueron derrotados por los Connachta, descendientes de Conn Cétchathach. El reino tuvo fronteras diferentes y divisiones internas a lo largo de su historia. (es)
  • The Kingdom of Munster (Irish: Ríocht Mhumhain) was a kingdom of Gaelic Ireland which existed in the south-west of the island from at least the 1st century BC until 1118. According to traditional Irish history found in the Annals of the Four Masters, the kingdom originated as the territory of the Clanna Dedad (sometimes known as the Dáirine), an Érainn tribe of Irish Gaels. Some of the early kings were prominent in the Red Branch Cycle such as Cú Roí and Conaire Mór. For a few centuries they were competitors for the High Kingship or Ireland, but ultimately lost out to the Connachta, descendants of Conn Cétchathach. The kingdom had different borders and internal divisions at different times during its history. (en)
  • Ríocht i nÉirinn na nGael ba ea Ríocht na Mumhan, suite i n-iardheisceart na tíre ón chéad aois RC ar a laghad go dtí an bhliain AD 1118. De réir stair traidisiúnta na hÉireann, mar shampla i nAnnála na gCeithre Máistrí, bunaíodh an ríocht ag Clann Dedad (aitheanta fosta mar na Dáirine), treibh Éarann de chuid na nGael. Feictear roinnt ríthe go suntasach sa Rúraíocht, amhail is Cú Raoi agus Conaire Mór. Le roinnt aoiseanna, chuaigh siad i ngleic ar ag son Ard-Ríogacht na hÉireann, ach sa deireadh thit siad siar óna gConnachta, sliocht Choinn Chéadchathaigh. (ga)
  • 무부(고대 아일랜드어: Mumu [ˈmuṽu])는 오늘날의 먼스터(영어: Munster, 아일랜드어: Mumhan 무운[ˈmuːn]) 지역의 옛 이름이다. 철기시대부터 중세 성기에 이르기까지 이 지역에 존재했던 정체를 무운 왕국(아일랜드어: Ríocht Mumhan 리흐트 무운, 영어: Kingdom of Munster)이라고 한다. 초기 무운은 이베르니인 왕들이 다스렸고, 그들을 다리너라고 했다. 다리너는 2세기경에 씨족에게 밀려나고, 데르그티너는 의 선조가 된다. 이 때 무운은 북쪽의 코나크타와 함께 에린 땅을 남북으로 양분했다. 코나크타와 아르드리 자리를 두고 다툴 때도 있었으나 결국 패배하고 패권은 콘 케드커하크의 후손들인 코나크타에게 넘어간다. 무운은 7세기에 큰 변화를 겪게 되는데, 동쪽 변경인 오스라거가 독립해 나가고 등 여러 소왕국들이 이합집산한 끝에 가 권력을 잡았다. 이후 3세기 동안 (의 조상), (의 조상) 등 분가들이 왕위를 두고 다투었다. 이 시기에 기독교화가 이루어졌고, 카라그 파드러그가 왕국의 중심지가 되었다. , 두 왕의 치세에 먼스터는 강국으로 중흥했다. (ko)
  • مملكة مونستر (ar)
  • Reino de Munster (es)
  • Ríocht na Mumhan (ga)
  • Kingdom of Munster (en)
  • 무운 (ko)
  • Ireland (en)
  • Kingdom of Munster (en)
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