About: Kizil Caves

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The Kizil Caves (simplified Chinese: 克孜尔千佛洞; traditional Chinese: 克孜爾千佛洞; lit. 'Kizil Caves of the Thousand Buddhas'; Uighur: قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي, lit. 'The Thousand Red Houses'; also romanized Qizil Caves, spelling variant Qyzyl; Kizil means 'red') are a set of Buddhist rock-cut caves located near Kizil Township (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. The site is located on the northern bank of the Muzat River 65 kilometres (75 km by road) west of Kucha. This area was a commercial hub of the Silk Road. The caves have an important role in Central Asian art and in the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism, and are said to be the earliest major Buddhist cave complex in China, with development occurring between the 3rd and 8th centuries CE. The caves of Kizil are th

Property Value
  • https://twitter.com/estelsiplanetes/status/1373979600221528067?s=20 Les Coves de Kizil (també escrit Qizil o també Qyzyl; en xinès tradicional: 克孜爾千佛洞; en xinès simplificat: 克孜尔千佛洞; en pinyin: Kèzī'ěr Qiānfú Dòng; en xinès, literalment vol dir les coves de Kizil dels mil budes; en uigur: قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي) són un conjunt de grutes budistes tallades a la roca prop de la localitat de Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng), situada de la Regió Autònoma de Xinjiang, a la Xina. El complex està ubicat a la ribera nord del riu Muzat, a 65 km. a l'oest de Kucha (75 km. si es fa per carretera). Aquesta zona era un enclavament comercial molt important de la ruta de la seda. Les coves són el complex budista excavat a la roca més antic conservat fins als nostres dies en territori xinès. El període d'activitat de les coves és entre el s. III i el s. VIII dC. Val a dir, però, que la carència de documentació sobre les coves fa que, actualment, la datació del conjunt sigui encara un tema a debat. (ca)
  • كهوف كيزيل (أيضًا كهوف Qizil المكتوبة بالحروف اللاتينية، والهجاء المتغير Qyzyl) هي مجموعة من الكهوف الصخرية البوذية التي تقع بالقرب من Kizil Township (克孜尔 乡 ، Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) في مقاطعة Baicheng ، شينجيانغ، الصين. يقع الموقع على الضفة الشمالية لنهر موزات على بعد 65 كم (75 كم عن طريق البر) إلى الغرب من كوتشا. كانت هذه المنطقة مركزًا تجاريًا لطريق الحرير. يقال إن الكهوف هي أقدم مجمع كهف بوذي رئيسي في الصين، مع تطور يحدث بين القرنين الثالث والثامن. (ar)
  • Die Tausend-Buddha-Höhlen von Kizil, kurz: Kizil-Grotten (auch Qizil-Höhlen; chinesisch 克孜尔千佛洞, Pinyin Kèzī’ěr Qiānfódòng oder 克孜尔石窟, Kèzī’ěr shíkū) sind eine Reihe von 236 buddhistischen Felshöhlen in der Gemeinde (Qïzïl, 克孜尔乡) des Kreises Bay (Baicheng) im Regierungsbezirk Aksu des Uigurischen Autonomen Gebiets Xinjiang, China. (de)
  • Kizil leizeak (txinera sinplifikatuz: 田园洞, txinera tradizionalez: Qizil Ming Öy), Txinako Herri Errepublikako Xinjiang eskualde autonomoko Beicheng konderrian dagoen 230 leizek baino gehiagok osatzen duten sarea da. (eu)
  • Cuevas de Kizil (en chino tradicional, 克孜爾千佛洞; en chino simplificado, 克孜尔千佛洞; en uigur, قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي; también romanizada como las Cuevas de Qizil o con la variante ortográfica Qyzyl) son un conjunto de cuevas budistas excavadas en la roca, situadas cerca de la localidad de Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) en el , en Xinjiang, al oeste de China. El sitio está ubicado en la ribera norte del río Muzat 65 kilómetros (75 km por carretera) al oeste de Kucha.​​ Esta área era un centro comercial de la Ruta de la Seda.​ Las cuevas se dice que fueron el primer gran complejo de cuevas budistas en China, con un desarrollo que se produjo entre los siglos 3 y 8. (es)
  • The Kizil Caves (simplified Chinese: 克孜尔千佛洞; traditional Chinese: 克孜爾千佛洞; lit. 'Kizil Caves of the Thousand Buddhas'; Uighur: قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي, lit. 'The Thousand Red Houses'; also romanized Qizil Caves, spelling variant Qyzyl; Kizil means 'red') are a set of Buddhist rock-cut caves located near Kizil Township (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. The site is located on the northern bank of the Muzat River 65 kilometres (75 km by road) west of Kucha. This area was a commercial hub of the Silk Road. The caves have an important role in Central Asian art and in the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism, and are said to be the earliest major Buddhist cave complex in China, with development occurring between the 3rd and 8th centuries CE. The caves of Kizil are the earlier of their type in China, and their model was later adopted in the construction of Buddhist caves further east. Another name for the site has been Ming-oi (明屋, "The Thousand Houses"), although this term is now mainly used for the site of Shorchuk to the east. The Kizil Caves were inscribed in 2014 on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor World Heritage Site. (en)
  • Gua Kizil, atau Qizil atau Qyzyl adalah sebuah jaringan gua buatan di dekat Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) di Kabupaten Baicheng, Xinjiang, China. Lokasi gua berada di sisi utara dari , 65 kilometer di sebelah barat Kucha. Wilayah lokasi Gua Kizil merupakan sebuah kota perdagangan di Jalur Sutra. Gua Kizil disebut sebagai kompleks besar gua agama Buddha paling tua di China dengan pembuatannya yang diperkirakan berasal dari abad ke-3 hingga abad ke-8. (in)
  • Les grottes de Kizil, ou grottes des mille bouddhas de Kizil, sont, semble-t-il, les grottes bouddhiques les plus anciennes connues en Chine, les premières d'entre elles pourraient dater du IIIe siècle, un siècle environ avant celles de Mogao. Elles sont situées dans le bassin du Tarim, à environ 7 km au sud-ouest du village de Kizil, à 75 km au nord-ouest de Kucha, dans l'actuel xian de Baicheng, Région autonome ouïghoure du Xinjiang en République populaire de Chine, sur la branche de la route de la soie qui contourne le désert du Taklamakan par le nord. Les fresques qu'elles renferment sont considérées parmi les plus belles peintures murales d'Asie centrale. (fr)
  • キジル石窟(キジルせっくつ、中国語:克孜爾石窟、Kèzīĕr shíkū、ウイグル語:Qizil Ming Öy)は、中華人民共和国新疆ウイグル(維吾爾)自治区アクス(阿克蘇)地区バイ(拝城)県キジル(克孜爾)郷にある仏教石窟寺院の遺跡群。キジル千仏洞、キジル石窟寺院とも呼ばれ、新疆では最大の石窟である。 1961年公布の中華人民共和国全国重点文物保護単位の一つに指定されている。2014年には「シルクロード:長安-天山回廊の交易路網」の一部として世界遺産に登録された。 (ja)
  • Le grotte Kizil (chiamate anche grotte Qizil; uiguro: Qizil Ming Öy; cinese semplificato:克孜尔千佛洞, "grotte Kizil dei mille Buddha") sono un complesso di 236 grotte buddhiste scavate nella roccia situate nei pressi di (克孜尔乡) nella contea di Baicheng, Xinjiang, Cina. Il sito si trova sulla sponda settentrionale del , 75 km a nord-ovest di Kucha. Quest'area fu uno snodo commerciale della via della seta. Si dice che queste grotte siano state il primo complesso di grotte buddhiste del Turkestan orientale, data la loro nascita nel periodo compreso tra il III e l'VIII secolo. Nonostante il sito sia stato danneggiato e saccheggiato, rimangono almeno 1000 m² di pitture murali, nella maggior parte storie Jātaka. In Europa il Museum für Asiatische Kunst di Berlino possiede la più importante collezione di affreschi da Kizil grazie alle spedizioni, all'inizio del Novecento, di e Albert von Le Coq a Turfan e Kucha. Il sito è venuto alla luce grazie a una prima spedizione archeologica tedesca intorno agli anni dieci del Novecento, a cui seguirono, venti anni dopo, una spedizione giapponese e, dagli anni cinquanta, una cinese. Nel sito sono stati rinvenuti molti frammenti di testi in sanscrito e in , di natura commerciale, medica e religiosa, che testimoniano una forte influenza indiana del centro. La struttura comprende sia luoghi di culto sia ambienti monastici e quelli situati più in basso appartengono a un periodo storico più antico. Le celle per i monaci appaiono semplici e prive di decorazioni, mentre gli ambienti di culto abbondano di pitture e immagini scolpite.Le raffigurazioni prevalenti sono quelle riguardanti la vita del Buddha e si distinguono per tre stili diversi: il primo è detto indo-iranico (500-600); il secondo è definito iranico (600-650) e si caratterizza in una egemonia di figure stilizzate e dei colori verdi e blu; il terzo (700) evidenzia un influsso cinese, riconducibile al periodo di dominio Tang. (it)
  • Пещеры Кизил (кит. трад. 克孜尔千佛洞, упр. 克孜爾千佛洞, пиньинь Kèzī’ěr Qiānfódòng — «Пещеры тысячи будд в Кизиле»; уйг. قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي, Qizil Ming Öy, Қизил Миң өй  — «Тысяча красных домов») — комплекс вырубленных в скалах буддийских пещер, расположенных вблизи городка Кизил в уезде Бай Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района Китая. Расположены на северном берегу реки Музарт 65 км (75 км по дороге) к западу от Кучи. Этот район был коммерческим центром Великого шёлкового пути. Пещеры Кизил считаются первым крупным буддийским пещерным комплексом в Китае, развитие которого происходило между III и VIII веками. (ru)
  • 克孜尔千佛洞(維吾爾文:قىزىل مىڭئۆي‎ Qizil Ming Öy),又称克孜尔石窟或赫色尔石窟,中国佛教石窟,1961年公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一,位于新疆拜城县克孜尔镇东南7千米明屋塔格山的悬崖上,南面是木扎特河河谷。现存编号石窟共有236窟,大部分塑像都已被毁,还有81窟存有精美壁画,为古代龟兹国的文化遗存。一部份的壁畫被考古隊盜運往歐洲,如德國的柏林民族博物館。 (zh)
  • 878563 (xsd:integer)
  • 258037 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124207745 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • infobox (en)
  • dbr:Dahlem_Museum
  • Entrance (en)
  • Plan (en)
  • In situ (en)
  • Western Group of Caves , as far as the entrance of the Central Valley. (en)
  • Reconstitution of the structure and known decorative layout of the main cella. It is a rectangular room with a transversal vaulted ceiling. Small figures of Kuchean devotees appear next to the four corners of the mural of the back wall. (en)
  • Peacock Cave location and plan . The main cella has a large podium in the center , and is crowned by a dome decorated with apsaras flying among peacock feathers. (en)
  • A typical "Central Pillar" cave, with main vaulted hall, central pillar with niche, two side corridors and back room (en)
  • Japanese Expedition to Kizil in 1902-1904: Watanabe and Hori (en)
  • General decorative content and layout of the main chamber with prismatic dome, with location of the painters, as recorded by Albert Grünwedel in 1912. The cave is today almost devoid of pictorial remains: several of the paintings of the right wall were sent to the Dahlem Museum in Germany; the paintings of the left wall were essentially intact in 1912 and have remained on-site , but they are today fragmentary and have been vandalized. (en)
  • Cave of the Hippocampi, inside the central valley (en)
  • Cave of the Musicians and neighbouring caves. (en)
  • Detail of the Monks attending the Buddha (en)
  • German Expedition at Kizil, in front of Cave 4, in 1906 . Left to right: assistant H. Pohrt, Theodor Bartus in uniform, Albert Grünwedel seated, and Albert von Le Coq standing. (en)
  • Global panorama of Kizil, from caves 1 to 229. (en)
  • Grünwedel recording a painting. Cave 4, 1906 (en)
  • Group around the Buddha and Classical Roman-style frieze over him in the main vaulted chamber of the Cave of the Painters . (en)
  • Reconstitution of Cave 181, according to the description by Grünwedel. (en)
  • Map of Kizil Caves (en)
  • Monk in meditation with a skull (en)
  • Plan of the Treasure Caves E, D , C , B and A (en)
  • Plan of the cave (en)
  • Plan of the cave, a rare longitudinal layout (en)
  • Plan of vestibule and main cella (en)
  • A part of the frieze made by "the painter from Rome" Rumakama along the border of the mural. (en)
  • General reconstitution of the main cella and corridors . In the higher portion of the main cella, three rows of beam holes, about 1.5 meters apart and above the paintings, were visible, suggesting supports for decorative balconies, probably holdings stucco statues of standing figures and Devatas. The rather well preserved corridors and back room remain to this day. (en)
  • Caves 82, 83, 84, 85. Murals are visible in-situ on the back wall of caves 83 and 84, before they were removed by Grünwedel. (en)
  • A side corridor, looking towards the back room. Cave 171. (en)
  • Cave 4 Vajrapani, removed original and in-situ drawing by Grunwedel (en)
  • A typical "central pillar" cave layout, with painters at work (en)
  • Ceiling and lunette over the entrance of Maya Cave, 224 (en)
  • Caves 82-85, at the entrance of the central valley. (en)
  • Cave of the Ring-Bearing Doves, as reconstructed in the Museum für Asiatische Kunst . (en)
  • Kizil Caves swordsmen in Hephthalite style, originally lining the interior of the side corridors . (en)
  • Internal layout of the main cella with central "peacock" dome and remaining paintings, as reported by Albert Grünwedel in 1912. Most of the intact panels were dismantled and sent to the Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin, Germany, where many were lost in the destructions of World War II. This view faces the left wall . (en)
  • Maitreya in the lunette over the entrance of Maya Cave, 224. Dahlem Museum (en)
  • Kizil Caves on the edge of the Tarim Basin. The Western Group of caves is seen at the forefront in perspective, while the Eastern Group appears far right in the background. The modern structures at the center approximately correspond to Caves 1 to 30. (en)
  • center (en)
  • horizontal (en)
  • vertical (en)
  • The eponymous musicians, and Jivajivaka the two-headed bird, over the murals of the main hall. (en)
  • Grünwedel recording a painting in the left corridor, right wall of Cave 4, and original Vajrapani with his drawing from the same location. The original was sent to Germany, but seized by the Russian at the end of World War II, and is now in the Hermitage Museum. (en)
  • Noble or wealthy donors from Kucha, wearing short tunics and short boots, and one armed with a dagger. Bottom right and top right corners next to the mural of the back wall. (en)
  • Self-portrait of the painter from the Cave of the Statues, in Central Asian caftan and high boots and armed with a dagger, who was standing behind the first statue of the left corridor. Painting of a cowherd listening to a sermon of the Buddha, from the right wall of the main hall. Cave of the Statues. 14C date: 406-425 CE. (en)
  • Structure and known decorative layout of the main hall of the cave. The side corridors, decorated with the Sixteen Sword-bearers, lead to a back room, which is transversally vaulted. The cave was Carbon dated to 432–538 CE. (en)
  • center (en)
  • 375 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • "Cave of the Seafarers" (en)
  • "Cave of the statues" (en)
  • "Treasure Caves" (en)
  • Cave of the High Place in the Small Valley (en)
  • Cave of the Hippocampi (en)
  • Cave of the Musicians (en)
  • Cave of the Painters (en)
  • Cave of the Sixteen sword bearers (en)
  • Cave with the Ring-Bearing Doves (en)
  • Circa 400 CE (en)
  • Maya Cave (en)
  • Peacock Cave (en)
  • circa 400 CE (en)
  • ug, zh (en)
  • Central Pillar Cave, a side corridor, looking towards the back room.jpg (en)
  • Peacock Cave, the main cella and remaining paintings in 1912.jpg (en)
  • Cave 4 Vajrapani, removed original and drawing by Grunwedel.jpg (en)
  • German Expedition at Kizil, Cave 4, in 1906-1907 .jpg (en)
  • Nanda the cowherd, Kizil, Cave of the Statues , 406-425 AD, wall painting - Ethnological Museum, Berlin - DSC01776.JPG (en)
  • Cave 118 .jpg (en)
  • Cave 118, devotees.jpg (en)
  • Cave 123 at Kizil .jpg (en)
  • Cave 123 complete with sides.jpg (en)
  • Cave 181 .jpg (en)
  • Cave 181 3D.jpg (en)
  • Cave 224, Maitreya .jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Hippocampi .jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Musicians, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Painters .jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Peacocks, location and plan.jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Statues 3D .jpg (en)
  • Cave of the Sword-bearers 3D.jpg (en)
  • Cave of the painters with 1912 photographs.jpg (en)
  • Cave structure. Kizil Cave 219.jpg (en)
  • Cave with the Ring-bearing Doves , entrance.jpg (en)
  • Caves 1-229.jpg (en)
  • Caves 34-40, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Caves 82, 83, 84.jpg (en)
  • Caves 82-85.jpg (en)
  • Grunwedel recording a painting, Cave 4, 1906.jpg (en)
  • Hippocampi cave, kneeling devotees.jpg (en)
  • Jivajivaka.jpg (en)
  • Kizil Caves overview.jpg (en)
  • Kizil Central Pillar Cave plan.jpg (en)
  • Kizil, inside the valley .jpg (en)
  • Kizil,_Maya_Cave_,_plan.jpg (en)
  • Map of Kizil Caves.jpg (en)
  • Maya Cave 224, lunette over the entrance.jpg (en)
  • Monk and skull, Cave 212, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Musicians in the Cave of the Musicians, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Painter from the Cave of the Statues .jpg (en)
  • Ravine Cave , Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Rumakama painting.jpg (en)
  • Seafarers Cave, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Sixteen Sword-bearers.jpg (en)
  • Treasure Caves, Kizil.jpg (en)
  • Japanese Expedition to Central Asia in 1902-1904 .jpg (en)
  • Kizil Cave of the Painters, Group around the Buddha and upper frieze .jpg (en)
  • 270 (xsd:integer)
  • "Kizil Caves of the Thousand Buddhas" (en)
  • Xinjiang, China (en)
  • China#China Xinjiang (en)
  • Kizil Caves (en)
  • قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي (en)
  • 克孜尔千佛洞 (en)
  • Kèzī'ěr Qiānfú Dòng (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • yes (en)
  • 克孜尔千佛洞 (en)
  • 克孜爾千佛洞 (en)
  • 270 (xsd:integer)
  • 280 (xsd:integer)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • 349 (xsd:integer)
  • 350 (xsd:integer)
  • 352 (xsd:integer)
  • 400 (xsd:integer)
  • ("Thousand Red Houses") (en)
  • قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي (en)
  • Qizil Ming Öy (en)
  • Қизил Миң өй (en)
  • Ⱪizil Ming Ɵy (en)
  • 41.784444444444446 82.50472222222223
  • كهوف كيزيل (أيضًا كهوف Qizil المكتوبة بالحروف اللاتينية، والهجاء المتغير Qyzyl) هي مجموعة من الكهوف الصخرية البوذية التي تقع بالقرب من Kizil Township (克孜尔 乡 ، Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) في مقاطعة Baicheng ، شينجيانغ، الصين. يقع الموقع على الضفة الشمالية لنهر موزات على بعد 65 كم (75 كم عن طريق البر) إلى الغرب من كوتشا. كانت هذه المنطقة مركزًا تجاريًا لطريق الحرير. يقال إن الكهوف هي أقدم مجمع كهف بوذي رئيسي في الصين، مع تطور يحدث بين القرنين الثالث والثامن. (ar)
  • Die Tausend-Buddha-Höhlen von Kizil, kurz: Kizil-Grotten (auch Qizil-Höhlen; chinesisch 克孜尔千佛洞, Pinyin Kèzī’ěr Qiānfódòng oder 克孜尔石窟, Kèzī’ěr shíkū) sind eine Reihe von 236 buddhistischen Felshöhlen in der Gemeinde (Qïzïl, 克孜尔乡) des Kreises Bay (Baicheng) im Regierungsbezirk Aksu des Uigurischen Autonomen Gebiets Xinjiang, China. (de)
  • Kizil leizeak (txinera sinplifikatuz: 田园洞, txinera tradizionalez: Qizil Ming Öy), Txinako Herri Errepublikako Xinjiang eskualde autonomoko Beicheng konderrian dagoen 230 leizek baino gehiagok osatzen duten sarea da. (eu)
  • Cuevas de Kizil (en chino tradicional, 克孜爾千佛洞; en chino simplificado, 克孜尔千佛洞; en uigur, قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي; también romanizada como las Cuevas de Qizil o con la variante ortográfica Qyzyl) son un conjunto de cuevas budistas excavadas en la roca, situadas cerca de la localidad de Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) en el , en Xinjiang, al oeste de China. El sitio está ubicado en la ribera norte del río Muzat 65 kilómetros (75 km por carretera) al oeste de Kucha.​​ Esta área era un centro comercial de la Ruta de la Seda.​ Las cuevas se dice que fueron el primer gran complejo de cuevas budistas en China, con un desarrollo que se produjo entre los siglos 3 y 8. (es)
  • Gua Kizil, atau Qizil atau Qyzyl adalah sebuah jaringan gua buatan di dekat Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) di Kabupaten Baicheng, Xinjiang, China. Lokasi gua berada di sisi utara dari , 65 kilometer di sebelah barat Kucha. Wilayah lokasi Gua Kizil merupakan sebuah kota perdagangan di Jalur Sutra. Gua Kizil disebut sebagai kompleks besar gua agama Buddha paling tua di China dengan pembuatannya yang diperkirakan berasal dari abad ke-3 hingga abad ke-8. (in)
  • Les grottes de Kizil, ou grottes des mille bouddhas de Kizil, sont, semble-t-il, les grottes bouddhiques les plus anciennes connues en Chine, les premières d'entre elles pourraient dater du IIIe siècle, un siècle environ avant celles de Mogao. Elles sont situées dans le bassin du Tarim, à environ 7 km au sud-ouest du village de Kizil, à 75 km au nord-ouest de Kucha, dans l'actuel xian de Baicheng, Région autonome ouïghoure du Xinjiang en République populaire de Chine, sur la branche de la route de la soie qui contourne le désert du Taklamakan par le nord. Les fresques qu'elles renferment sont considérées parmi les plus belles peintures murales d'Asie centrale. (fr)
  • キジル石窟(キジルせっくつ、中国語:克孜爾石窟、Kèzīĕr shíkū、ウイグル語:Qizil Ming Öy)は、中華人民共和国新疆ウイグル(維吾爾)自治区アクス(阿克蘇)地区バイ(拝城)県キジル(克孜爾)郷にある仏教石窟寺院の遺跡群。キジル千仏洞、キジル石窟寺院とも呼ばれ、新疆では最大の石窟である。 1961年公布の中華人民共和国全国重点文物保護単位の一つに指定されている。2014年には「シルクロード:長安-天山回廊の交易路網」の一部として世界遺産に登録された。 (ja)
  • Пещеры Кизил (кит. трад. 克孜尔千佛洞, упр. 克孜爾千佛洞, пиньинь Kèzī’ěr Qiānfódòng — «Пещеры тысячи будд в Кизиле»; уйг. قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي, Qizil Ming Öy, Қизил Миң өй  — «Тысяча красных домов») — комплекс вырубленных в скалах буддийских пещер, расположенных вблизи городка Кизил в уезде Бай Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района Китая. Расположены на северном берегу реки Музарт 65 км (75 км по дороге) к западу от Кучи. Этот район был коммерческим центром Великого шёлкового пути. Пещеры Кизил считаются первым крупным буддийским пещерным комплексом в Китае, развитие которого происходило между III и VIII веками. (ru)
  • 克孜尔千佛洞(維吾爾文:قىزىل مىڭئۆي‎ Qizil Ming Öy),又称克孜尔石窟或赫色尔石窟,中国佛教石窟,1961年公布的第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一,位于新疆拜城县克孜尔镇东南7千米明屋塔格山的悬崖上,南面是木扎特河河谷。现存编号石窟共有236窟,大部分塑像都已被毁,还有81窟存有精美壁画,为古代龟兹国的文化遗存。一部份的壁畫被考古隊盜運往歐洲,如德國的柏林民族博物館。 (zh)
  • https://twitter.com/estelsiplanetes/status/1373979600221528067?s=20 Les Coves de Kizil (també escrit Qizil o també Qyzyl; en xinès tradicional: 克孜爾千佛洞; en xinès simplificat: 克孜尔千佛洞; en pinyin: Kèzī'ěr Qiānfú Dòng; en xinès, literalment vol dir les coves de Kizil dels mil budes; en uigur: قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي) són un conjunt de grutes budistes tallades a la roca prop de la localitat de Kizil (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng), situada de la Regió Autònoma de Xinjiang, a la Xina. El complex està ubicat a la ribera nord del riu Muzat, a 65 km. a l'oest de Kucha (75 km. si es fa per carretera). Aquesta zona era un enclavament comercial molt important de la ruta de la seda. Les coves són el complex budista excavat a la roca més antic conservat fins als nostres dies en territori xinès. El període d'activitat de les (ca)
  • The Kizil Caves (simplified Chinese: 克孜尔千佛洞; traditional Chinese: 克孜爾千佛洞; lit. 'Kizil Caves of the Thousand Buddhas'; Uighur: قىزىل مىڭ ئۆي, lit. 'The Thousand Red Houses'; also romanized Qizil Caves, spelling variant Qyzyl; Kizil means 'red') are a set of Buddhist rock-cut caves located near Kizil Township (克孜尔乡, Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. The site is located on the northern bank of the Muzat River 65 kilometres (75 km by road) west of Kucha. This area was a commercial hub of the Silk Road. The caves have an important role in Central Asian art and in the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism, and are said to be the earliest major Buddhist cave complex in China, with development occurring between the 3rd and 8th centuries CE. The caves of Kizil are th (en)
  • Le grotte Kizil (chiamate anche grotte Qizil; uiguro: Qizil Ming Öy; cinese semplificato:克孜尔千佛洞, "grotte Kizil dei mille Buddha") sono un complesso di 236 grotte buddhiste scavate nella roccia situate nei pressi di (克孜尔乡) nella contea di Baicheng, Xinjiang, Cina. Il sito si trova sulla sponda settentrionale del , 75 km a nord-ovest di Kucha. Quest'area fu uno snodo commerciale della via della seta. Nel sito sono stati rinvenuti molti frammenti di testi in sanscrito e in , di natura commerciale, medica e religiosa, che testimoniano una forte influenza indiana del centro. (it)
  • كهوف كيزيل (ar)
  • Coves de Kizil (ca)
  • Tausend-Buddha-Höhlen von Kizil (de)
  • Cuevas de Kizil (es)
  • Kizil leizeak (eu)
  • Gua Kizil (in)
  • Grotte Kizil (it)
  • Grottes de Kizil (fr)
  • Kizil Caves (en)
  • キジル石窟 (ja)
  • Кизил (пещеры) (ru)
  • 克孜尔千佛洞 (zh)
  • POINT(82.504722595215 41.784442901611)
  • 41.784443 (xsd:float)
  • 82.504723 (xsd:float)
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