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yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:TimePeriod115113229 yago:WikicatYearsInSpaceflight yago:Measure100033615 yago:FundamentalQuantity113575869 dbo:TimePeriod yago:Year115203791 n25:TimeInterval dbo:YearInSpaceflight
Список космічних запусків 2010 року Список космических запусков в 2010 году 2010 en els vols espacials Liste der orbitalen Raketenstarts (2010) 2010 in spaceflight 2010 en astronautique 2010年の宇宙飛行
Список , произведённых в 2010 году. Розовым цветом выделены неудачные запуски. Жирным выделены пилотируемые космические аппараты. – – – – – – – – – – – Art / Zweck: Die Abkürzung „TE“ steht für „Technologieerprobung“, also das Testen neuer Satellitentechnik; das Symbol ◻ kennzeichnet Cubesats. Siehe Satellitentypen für weitere Erläuterungen. Cette page présente la chronologie des événements qui se sont produits durant l'année 2010 dans le domaine de l'astronautique. Список орбітальних запусків 2010 року. Кольором позначені невдалі запуски. The year 2010 saw a number of notable events in worldwide spaceflight activities. These included the first test flight of the SpaceX Dragon commercial resupply spacecraft, which is intended to resupply the International Space Station (ISS), and the maiden flights of the Falcon 9 and Minotaur IV rockets. In June 2010, South Korea conducted a second Naro-1 launch, after the failure of the rocket's maiden flight in 2009; however, the second attempt also failed. The Kosmos-3M was retired from service, making its final flight in April. The Molniya-M was also retired from service, making its final flight in September. Aquest article és una llista d'esdeveniments de vols espacials relacionats que es van produir el 2010. En aquest any es van veure un gran nombre d'esdeveniments a destacar, com és el cas del primer vol de proves del SpaceX Dragon, la primera nau espacial d', que està destinada a proveir l'Estació Espacial Internacional (ISS), i els vols inaugurals del coets Falcon 9 i . Al juny del 2010, Corea del Sud va conduir un segon llançament del , després de l'error del vol inaugural del coet el 2009; això no obstant, el segon intent també va fracassar. El va ser retirat del servei, realitzant el seu vol final el setembre. 2010年の宇宙飛行(2010ねんのうちゅうひこう)は、宇宙飛行の年表の2010年の打ち上げ記録一覧である。 2010年には、宇宙飛行に関連した多くの出来事が起こった。スペースX・ドラゴン号が初のテスト飛行をした。これは、商業軌道輸送サービス計画のもと、企業が主体となって国際宇宙ステーションへの再補給を実行することを目的としたものである。また、ファルコン9、ミノタウロスIVロケットの処女飛行も行われた。KSLVの2度目となる打ち上げもなされたが、2009年の第1回同様に失敗に終わった。9月、ロケットの最終打ち上げがあった。打ち上げは成功し有終の美を飾り、モルニヤ・シリーズの全運用を終わった。
dbc:Spaceflight_by_year dbc:2010_in_spaceflight
dbr:Navigation_satellite dbr:RocketSat dbr:RH-560_Mk.II dbr:Satish_Dhawan_Space_Centre_Second_Launch_Pad dbr:New_Mexico_State_University dbr:R-14_Chusovaya dbr:Soyuz_TMA-20 dbr:Prithvi_(missile) dbr:ISS_logistics dbr:Lunar_orbit_insertion dbr:Advanced_Extremely_High_Frequency dbr:Venus dbr:COSMO-4 dbr:Rhea_(moon) dbr:Globalstar dbr:Emma_(satellite) dbr:Sub-orbital_spaceflight dbr:Maksim_Surayev dbr:Wallops_Flight_Facility_Launch_Area_1 dbr:Kourou dbr:Spaceport_America dbr:List_of_GLONASS_satellites dbr:Long_March_(rocket_family) dbr:Long_March_2 dbr:Waseda-SAT2 dbr:Woomera_Test_Range dbr:Heliocentric_orbit dbr:Kapustin_Yar dbr:Apogee_motor dbr:Nike_Orion dbr:Chollian dbr:2010_Chinese_anti-ballistic_missile_test dbr:Echostar dbr:Missile_Defense_Agency dbr:Soyuz-2.1a dbr:Integrated_Test_Range_Launch_Complex_3 dbr:Integrated_Test_Range_Launch_Complex_4 dbr:Spaceflight dbr:Waseda_University dbr:RSM-56_Bulava dbr:Wallops_Flight_Facility_Launch_Area_2 dbr:Molniya-M dbr:Atlas_V dbr:LGM-30_Minuteman dbr:Plesetsk_Cosmodrome dbr:Plesetsk_Cosmodrome_Site_132 dbr:General_Delegation_for_Ordnance_(France) dbr:Plesetsk_Cosmodrome_Site_133 dbr:Michael_T._Good dbr:Plesetsk_Cosmodrome_Site_16 dbr:Feng_Yun_3B dbr:Kosmos_2467 dbr:Kosmos_2468 dbr:Fort_Wingate dbr:Kosmos_2469 dbr:Kosmos_2459 dbr:Kosmos_2460 dbr:Kosmos_2461 dbr:Angara_(rocket_family) dbr:Kosmos_2464 dbc:Spaceflight_by_year dbr:Kosmos_2465 dbr:Plesetsk_Cosmodrome_Site_43 dbr:Kosmos_2466 dbr:Nicholas_Patrick dbr:Institute_for_Unmanned_Space_Experiment_Free_Flyer dbr:RASCOM-QAF dbr:Black_Brant_(rocket) dbr:Mars_Express dbr:Rosetta_(spacecraft) dbr:Defence_Science_and_Technology_Organisation dbr:Apsis dbr:Tranquility_(ISS_module) dbr:Atlas_(rocket_family) dbr:Glonass-M dbr:GOES_15 dbr:Hayabusa dbr:Dombarovsky_Site_13 dbr:Khrunichev_State_Research_and_Production_Space_Center dbr:Terrier-Improved_Malemute dbr:THEMIS_(satellite) dbr:Eutelsat_W3B dbr:Missile_defense dbr:Russian_submarine_K-117_Bryansk dbr:XM-5 dbr:Meck_Island dbr:Glonass dbr:Negai_(satellite) dbr:Comparison_of_orbital_launch_systems dbr:DARPA_Falcon_Project dbr:Russian_submarine_K-433_Svyatoy_Georgiy_Pobedonosets dbr:CNES dbr:Israel_Aerospace_Industries dbr:Norwegian_Defence_Research_Establishment dbr:Zarya_(ISS_module) dbr:ELINT dbr:M51_(missile) dbr:Uncrewed_spacecraft dbr:Russian_submarine_K-114_Tula dbr:Boilerplate_(spaceflight) dbr:Agni_I dbr:DRDO dbr:Clayton_Anderson dbr:LC-39A dbr:LL2_orbit dbr:Eutelsat dbr:Bundeswehr dbr:Parus_(satellite) dbr:San_Nicolas_Island dbr:Exploration_of_Venus dbr:University_of_Colorado dbr:LL1_orbit dbr:ECOMA_2010-1 dbr:Phobos_(moon) dbr:XM_Satellite_Radio dbr:ECOMA_2010-2 dbr:ECOMA_2010-3 dbr:SpaceX dbr:Briz_(rocket_stage) dbr:ESA dbr:S6_truss dbr:Globalstar-2 dbr:AlSat-2A dbr:Kosmos_2463 dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Launch_Facility_09 dbr:25143_Itokawa dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Launch_Facility_10 dbr:Ground_Based_Interceptor dbr:Avanti_Communications dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Launch_Facility_04 dbr:ARAV-B dbr:Kosmos_2462 dbr:Kosmos-3M dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Space_Launch_Complex_2 dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Space_Launch_Complex_3 dbr:Helioseismology dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Space_Launch_Complex_8 dbr:UNISEC dbr:Proton_(rocket) dbr:Rassvet_(ISS_module) dbr:Nilesat dbr:Briz-M dbr:Kavoshgar dbr:Kavoshgar-3 dbr:Dragon_Spacecraft_Qualification_Unit dbr:Starsem n19:OREOS dbr:Asteroid dbr:Chang'e-1 dbr:Chang'e-2 dbr:Minotaur_IV dbr:Chang'e-3 dbr:StudSat_Consortium dbr:Xichang_Satellite_Launch_Center dbr:SubTec-III dbr:Pallene_(moon) dbr:Mikhail_Korniyenko dbr:Satellite_navigation dbr:Multipurpose_Laboratory_Module dbr:Russian_Space_Forces dbr:Range_safety dbr:Cryosat-2 dbr:Sara-Lily dbr:FalconSat-5 dbr:Agni-II_Plus dbr:Heliophysics dbr:Manjhou,_Pingtung dbr:Helene_(moon) dbr:Eastern_Test_Range dbr:Power_Data_Grapple_Fixture dbr:Orbital_Sciences_Corporation dbr:Chinasat n20:Hartley dbr:Los_Alamos_National_Laboratory dbr:Intelsat_17 dbr:MARTI dbr:Delta_II dbr:BSAT-3b dbr:Sounding_Rocket_VII dbr:Retrograde_orbit dbr:Juno_(rocket) dbr:Delta_IV dbr:ISRO dbr:Globus-1M_No.12L dbr:Soyuz-TMA dbr:ADAMASat dbr:Broadcasting_Satellite_System_Corporation dbr:Deep_Impact_(spacecraft) dbr:Delta_IV_Heavy dbr:Titan_(moon) dbr:Dnepr_(rocket) dbr:Palmachim_Airbase dbr:Cape_Canaveral_Air_Force_Station_Space_Launch_Complex_40 dbr:Cape_Canaveral_Air_Force_Station_Space_Launch_Complex_41 dbr:Long_March_3A dbr:Long_March_3B dbr:Long_March_3C dbr:Long_March_4B dbr:Soka_University dbr:Long_March_4C dbr:Harmony_(ISS_module) dbr:People's_Liberation_Army dbr:Mentor_(satellite) dbr:BeiDou dbr:Space_Based_Space_Surveillance dbr:Gonets-M dbr:FASTRAC dbr:Long_March_2D dbr:Satish_Dhawan_Space_Centre dbr:FASTSAT dbr:COMSATBw-2 dbr:NASA dbr:Communications_satellite dbr:Echostar_XIV dbr:Fort_Wingate_Launch_Complex_96 dbr:Satish_Dhawan_Space_Centre_First_Launch_Pad dbr:Falcon_(rocket_family) dbr:Cape_Canaveral_Air_Force_Station dbr:Mid-Atlantic_Regional_Spaceport dbr:Dombarovsky_(air_base) dbr:Hydrazine_Auxiliary_Propulsion_System dbr:Dombarovsky_Air_Base dbr:Space_Test_Program dbr:UP_Aerospace dbr:Tokyo_Metropolitan_University dbr:Akatsuki_(spacecraft) dbr:SLC-37B dbr:Oceanography dbr:Meridian_3 dbr:Ghauri_(missile) dbr:University_of_Alaska dbr:Semnan_(city) dbr:ISS dbr:International_Launch_Services dbr:Dextre dbr:Stephen_G._Bowen dbr:Orion_(Brazilian_rocket) dbr:South_Korea dbr:USA-212 dbr:USA-213 dbr:Ariane_5_ECA dbr:Ariane_(rocket_family) dbr:USA-214 dbr:USA-215 dbr:USA-223 dbr:U.S._Air_Force dbr:GPS_Block_IIF dbr:Xichang_Launch_Complex_2 dbr:Xichang_Launch_Complex_3 dbr:Solar_sail dbr:University_of_Southern_California dbr:Ariane_5 dbr:Aeronomy dbr:National_Space_Organization_(Republic_of_China) dbr:Dione_(moon) dbr:Prisma_(satellite_project) dbr:Garrett_Reisman dbr:Mayflower-Caerus dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Launch_Facility_23 dbr:HYLAS-1 dbr:SES_World_Skies dbr:Reconnaissance_satellite dbr:Swedish_Space_Corporation dbr:AISSat-1 dbr:Dhanush_(missile) dbr:SMDC-ONE_1 dbr:SOCEM dbr:Gonets_Satellite_System dbr:STPSat-2 dbr:Badr-5 dbr:SUMI dbr:Koreasat_6 dbr:SpaceX_Dragon dbr:UGM-133_Trident_II dbr:UGM-96_Trident_I dbr:BPA-1 dbr:Koreasat dbr:Geosynchronous_transfer_orbit dbr:French_submarine_Terrible_(S619) dbr:Mitsubishi_Heavy_Industries dbr:National_Reconnaissance_Office dbr:Quasi-Zenith_Satellite_System dbr:ArabSat-5A dbr:HiFire-1 dbr:Maxus_(rocket) dbr:Jiuquan_Satellite_Launch_Center dbr:Italian_Space_Agency dbr:Naro_Space_Center dbr:UR-100 dbr:Uchinoura_Space_Center dbr:Hispasat-1E dbr:ELA-3 dbr:Falcon_9 dbr:Jiuquan_Launch_Area_4 dbr:Audierne_Bay dbr:Chang'e_2 dbr:Falcon_9_v1.0 dbr:Oleg_Kotov dbr:Korea_Aerospace_Research_Institute dbr:IKAROS dbr:Centro_de_Lançamento_de_Alcântara dbr:Block_D dbr:Block_DM-03 dbr:Fyodor_Yurchikhin dbr:Tilla_Firing_Range dbr:Army_Strategic_Force_Command dbr:Hartron-Arkos dbr:Baikonur_Cosmodrome dbr:MAPHEUS-2 dbr:Baikonur_Cosmodrome_Site_109 dbr:MAXUS-8 dbr:Tracy_Caldwell_Dyson dbr:R-29RMU_Sineva dbr:Cassini-Huygens dbr:University_of_Applied_Sciences_of_Southern_Switzerland dbr:R-7_(rocket_family) dbr:Rokot dbr:Baikonur_Cosmodrome_Site_200 dbr:Baikonur_Cosmodrome_Site_31 dbr:Russian_submarine_TK-208_Dmitri_Donskoi dbr:Baikonur_Cosmodrome_Site_81 dbr:Poisk_(ISS_module) dbr:Haft-5 dbr:Indian_Army dbr:Richard_Mastracchio dbr:SLC-40 dbr:Vandenberg_Air_Force_Base dbr:USA-216 dbr:Sea_of_Okhotsk dbr:Orbital_Sciences dbr:Destiny_(ISS_module) dbr:Pacific_Spaceport_Complex_–_Alaska dbr:Moon dbr:SES_S.A. dbr:Block-2BL dbr:Enceladus_(moon) dbr:Kentucky_Space dbr:U.S._Army dbr:R-36_(missile) dbr:SLC-41 dbr:Iranian_Space_Agency dbr:EchoStar_XV dbr:Shaheen-I dbr:SES-1 dbr:Briz-KM dbr:SERVIS-2 dbr:S-520 dbr:CNSA dbr:Soyuz_TMA-01M dbr:RVSN_RF dbr:GSAT-4 dbr:GSAT-5P dbr:Woomera_Launch_Area_2 dbr:Kwajalein_Atoll dbr:RockOn! dbr:ISS_assembly dbr:Tian_Hui_1 dbr:University_of_Toronto_Institute_for_Aerospace_Studies dbr:National_Institute_for_Space_Research dbr:Hispasat dbr:Barents_Sea dbr:Compass-G4 dbr:Flight_test dbr:Defence_Research_and_Development_Organisation dbr:Dragon_C1 dbr:Molniya_orbit dbr:Compass-G3 dbr:Terrier_Mk.70-Orion dbr:DCAM-1 dbr:DCAM-2 dbr:Agence_Spatiale_Algérienne dbr:Gagarin's_Start dbr:Nilesat-201 dbr:Kagawa_University dbr:White_Sea dbr:Astra_3B dbr:R-29R_Volna dbc:2010_in_spaceflight dbr:Boeing_YAL-1 dbr:Boeing_X-37 dbr:Japan_Maritime_Self-Defense_Force dbr:Dartmouth_College dbr:Robert_L._Behnken dbr:Wallops_Flight_Facility dbr:TIsat-1 dbr:Nihka_(rocket_motor) dbr:TRaiNED dbr:Guiana_Space_Centre dbr:Trans-lunar_injection dbr:German_Aerospace_Center dbr:Kosmos_(rocket_family) dbr:Akatsuki_(probe) dbr:Indian_Space_Research_Organisation dbr:Dragon_capsule dbr:Space_surveillance dbr:Sun-synchronous_orbit dbr:Ghaznavi_(missile) dbr:Mimas_(moon) dbr:Eurockot_Launch_Services dbr:KA-SAT dbr:Strategic_Rocket_Forces dbr:University_of_New_Hampshire dbr:Hayato_(satellite) dbr:Shavit_2 dbr:Soyuz-U dbr:Sun dbr:University_of_New_Mexico dbr:TanDEM-X dbr:US_Navy dbr:Sonmiani_(space_facility) dbr:Colorado_Space_Grant dbr:Blok_2BL dbr:Weather_satellite dbr:Selenocentric_orbit dbr:Sample_return_mission dbr:Chinasat-6A dbr:Low_Earth_orbit dbr:University_of_Texas_at_Austin dbr:National_Oceanic_and_Atmospheric_Administration dbr:Minotaur_(rocket_family) dbr:Inclined_geosynchronous_orbit dbr:21_Lutetia dbr:Tethys_(moon) dbr:Soyuz-FG dbr:Z1_truss dbr:Dynamic_Ionosphere_CubeSat_Experiment dbr:Soyuz-2 dbr:Esrange dbr:SpaceLoft_XL dbr:Space_burial dbr:Astronaut dbr:Yaogan_10 dbr:United_States_Air_Force_Academy dbr:Yaogan_11 dbr:University_of_Texas dbr:JDS_Kirishima_(DDG-174) dbr:MIM-104_Patriot dbr:Progress_M-04M dbr:Progress_M-05M dbr:Progress_M-06M dbr:Progress_M-07M dbr:Soyuz_programme dbr:ARABSAT dbr:Progress_M-08M dbr:Thumba_Equatorial_Rocket_Launching_Station dbr:Cartosat-2B dbr:ISC_Kosmotras dbr:Columbus_(ISS_module) dbr:Picard_(satellite) dbr:Terrier-Oriole dbr:Terrier-Orion dbr:Vandenberg_AFB_Launch_Facility_24 dbr:SkyTerra dbr:Poker_Flat dbr:Arianespace dbr:Fregat dbr:United_Launch_Alliance dbr:Expedition_26 dbr:Compass-G1 dbr:Soyuz_(rocket_family) dbr:Oko dbr:Israeli_Defense_Forces dbr:Expedition_22 dbr:Delta_(rocket_family) dbr:Expedition_23 dbr:Expedition_24 dbr:Shin'en_(spacecraft) dbr:Expedition_25 dbr:Yoshinobu_Launch_Complex dbr:Intelsat dbr:United_Space_Alliance dbr:Kodiak_Launch_Complex_Pad_1 dbr:Douglas_H._Wheelock dbr:INS_Subhadra_(P51) dbr:Intelsat_16 dbr:Kennedy_Space_Center dbr:Kennedy_Space_Center_Launch_Complex_39 dbr:Zheda_Pixing_1B dbr:Zheda_Pixing_1C dbr:Space_Shuttle_Discovery dbr:Space_Shuttle_Endeavour dbr:Raduga-1M dbr:Japanese_Experiment_Module dbr:Shijian dbr:Shizuoka_University dbr:Kagoshima_University dbr:Multi-Purpose_Logistics_Module dbr:University_of_Michigan dbr:Universal_Rocket dbr:People's_Republic_of_China dbr:Agni-II dbr:Commercial_Orbital_Transportation_Services dbr:Agni-III dbr:Unity_(ISS_module) dbr:List_of_H-II_and_H3_launches dbr:Blok_D dbr:Geosynchronous_Satellite_Launch_Vehicle dbr:Blok_DM-03 dbr:Geosynchronous_orbit dbr:Earth_observation_satellite dbr:Tundra_orbit dbr:H-IIA dbr:STSAT-2B dbr:Yaogan_9 dbr:Space_Shuttle dbr:Cupola_(ISS_module) dbr:EuroLaunch dbr:Space_Shuttle_Atlantis dbr:Ku-band dbr:Prithvi_II dbr:Hohmann_transfer_orbit dbr:Cosmic_Infrared_Background_ExpeRiment dbr:RENU_1 dbr:High_Earth_orbit dbr:Brazilian_Space_Agency dbr:Kobal't-M dbr:NanoSail-D2 dbr:VSB-30 dbr:Ofek-9 dbr:StudSat dbr:Orbiter_Boom_Sensor_System dbr:Ames_Research_Center dbr:Kodiak_Launch_Complex dbr:California_Polytechnic_State_University dbr:Sounding_rocket dbr:Taiyuan_Launch_Complex_2 dbr:Integrated_Test_Range dbr:Technology_demonstration dbr:Climatology dbr:CCAFS dbr:RASCOM-QAF_1R dbr:Tanegashima_Space_Center dbr:QbX-1 dbr:QbX-2 dbr:Roscosmos dbr:Solar_Dynamics_Observatory dbr:Southwest_Research_Institute dbr:SkyTerra-1 dbr:JAXA dbr:Submarine dbr:H-II_(rocket_family) dbr:Sinosat dbr:Taiyuan_Satellite_Launch_Center dbr:Russian_Navy dbr:Perseus_000 dbr:CubeSat dbr:Perseus_001 dbr:Perseus_002 dbr:Perseus_003 dbr:French_Navy dbr:Andøya_Rocket_Range dbr:STS-130 dbr:STS-131 dbr:STS-132 dbr:Aurora_(astronomy) dbr:R-17_Elbrus dbr:Quest_Joint_Airlock dbr:Pirs_(ISS_module) dbr:Proton_(rocket_family) dbr:Medium_Earth_orbit dbr:Strela_(satellite) dbr:Proton-M dbr:California_Institute_of_Technology dbr:International_Space_Station dbr:Polar_Satellite_Launch_Vehicle dbr:Naro-1 dbr:Celestis dbr:Northrop_Grumman dbr:RH-300_Mk.II dbr:Soyuz_TMA-18 dbr:Soyuz_TMA-19 dbr:RAX dbr:RT-2PM_Topol dbr:Soyuz_TMA-16 dbr:Molniya_(rocket)
dbpedia-uk:Список_космічних_запусків_2010_року dbpedia-fi:Vuoden_2010_miehittämättömät_avaruuslennot n10:2010_йылда_йыһанға_осороуҙар_исемлеге dbpedia-de:Liste_der_orbitalen_Raketenstarts_(2010) n18:2010._gads_kosmonautikā dbpedia-ro:2010_în_astronautică yago-res:2010_in_spaceflight dbpedia-ca:2010_en_els_vols_espacials dbpedia-ru:Список_космических_запусков_в_2010_году dbpedia-ja:2010年の宇宙飛行 wikidata:Q2577770 dbpedia-fr:2010_en_astronautique n30:2RUm8
dbt:TOC_limit dbt:JPN dbt:RUS dbt:EUR dbt:Flagicon dbt:Citation_needed dbt:FRA dbt:Short_description dbt:CHN dbt:ISR dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:IND dbt:Use_British_English dbt:USS dbt:Orbital_launches_in_2010 dbt:USA dbt:UKR dbt:Infobox_year_in_spaceflight dbt:TLS-PL dbt:' dbt:Convert dbt:Tooltip dbt:TLS-M dbt:TLS-H2 dbt:TLS-L dbt:Reflist dbt:TLS-R dbt:TLS-RL dbt:OV dbt:KAZ dbt:KOR
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
JFTM-4 FTG-06 FTG-06a
AEB SpaceX Orbital Sciences RVSN RF NSPO ISRO Israel Aerospace Industries US Navy flag|icon|RUS Khrunichev DGA/Marine nationale UP Aerospace JMSDF MDA U.S. Air Force VMF ISA VKS DGA DRDO United Space Alliance Roscosmos ISC Kosmotras EuroLaunch Army of Pakistan JAXA PLA RVSN Andøya ASFC flag|icon|CHN CNSA DSTO/U.S. Air Force NASA Starsem CNSA Arianespace Khrunichev / KARI US Army Eurockot Khrunichev United Launch Alliance MHI Indian Army International Launch Services
Atlas V 531 dbr:Minotaur_IV dbr:Geosynchronous_Satellite_Launch_Vehicle Atlas V 501 dbr:Falcon_9_v1.0
0001-08-15 0001-01-10 0001-05-17 0001-09-05 0001-12-03 0001-05-03 0001-05-21 0001-10-15 0001-08-30 0001-12-15 0001-10-06 0001-07-21 0001-04-15 0001-05-12 0001-12-04 0001-03-13 0001-03-15 0001-04-13 0001-07-30 0001-12-09 0001-12-06 0001-02-09 0001-09-13 0001-05-24 0001-02-03 0001-10-29 0001-12-12 0001-12-13 0001-12-22 0001-06-24 0001-02-17 0001-06-16 0001-01-15 0001-07-10 0001-12-10 0001-03-22 0001-10-27 0001-02-20 0001-01-27 0001-12-25 0001-02-15 0001-11-04 0001-06-09 0001-09-12 0001-01-24 0001-02-04 0001-07-14 0001-03-28 0001-09-17 0001-11-25 0001-10-07 0001-01-14 0001-05-08 0001-05-06 0001-10-28 0001-05-04 0001-07-11 0001-03-04 0001-08-23 0001-10-21 0001-03-27 0001-01-30 0001-03-16 0001-01-11 0001-06-08 0001-08-06 0001-06-27 0001-12-21 0001-12-19 0001-07-27 0001-02-07 0001-11-09 0001-02-12 0001-04-22 0001-06-06 0001-08-04 0001-12-05 0001-06-30
Hypersonic research experiment NRO launch 32 Follow-on Commander's Evaluation Test 42 Crewed flight with three cosmonauts, maiden flight of modernised Soyuz-TMA spacecraft. Eutelsat W3B written-off as a total loss immediately after launch due to an oxidizer leak in the satellite's main propulsion system. Crewed flight with three cosmonauts. COTS Demo 1; maiden flight of the SpaceX Dragon; Mayflower included Caerus payload operated by USC. Target for ABM test, deviated from planned course, interceptor not launched Known as Ofek-8 before launch. Crewed flight with six astronauts. Maiden flight of Falcon 9. Destroyed by Boeing YAL-1 aircraft High-voltage control experiments not conducted as planned Maiden flight of Minotaur IV, loss of contact with HTV nine minutes after launch. First orbital launch of Minotaur IV. Reached an apogee of , successfully recovered. Maiden flight of Terrier-Improved Malemute, apogee: 40 Target for MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3 MSE test, successful intercept ISS flight 40P. Target for ABM test, intercepted successfully by AAD ISS flight 38P Apogee: , intercepted by SM-3 Interceptor failed, the cause is under investigation Final flight of Delta II 7420. ISS flight 36P Final flight of Molniya-M. Travelled downrange Crewed flight with three cosmonauts Follow-on Commander's Evaluation Test 43 NRO Launch 41 Apogee: Radar tracking problem caused by unexpected "chuffing", compounded by thruster problem on interceptor, resulted in failure to intercept Trident Crewed flight with seven astronauts. Tests of Nihka rocket motor, with secondary technology experiments Two stage test vehicle, non-intercept test Used to calibrate the Solar Dynamics Observatory Crewed flight with six astronauts. Rassvet was launched along with the MLM outfittings that included a spare elbow joint for the European Robotic Arm and an ERA-portable workpost used during EVAs, as well as a heat radiator, internal hardware and an experiment airlock for launching CubeSats to be positioned on the modified passive forward port near the nadir end of the Nauka module. 0001-01-19 Test for Operation Maracati 2 Upgraded Agni II version, fell into the sea shortly after launch Maiden flight of Blok DM-03. Incorrect fuelling of upper stage led to mass being too great to achieve parking orbit, reentered over the Pacific Ocean. BPA-1 intentionally remained attached to upper stage. Maiden flight of Atlas V 501 and Boeing X-37B. Maiden flight of Trident I in LV-2 configuration, interceptor failed Operation Maracati 2, MICROG 1A payload Travelled to Kwajalein Atoll Maiden flight of GSLV Mk. II, third stage failure. Aegis radar target, detected by STSS-Satellites First launch of M51 from a submarine 0001-03-04 Disintegrated during first stage flight. dbr:2010_Chinese_anti-ballistic_missile_test Maiden flight of Atlas V 531; liquid apogee motor failed to operate during orbital insertion process. ISS flight 39P 0001-05-21 Apogee: , intercepted target Final flight of Kosmos-3M. Exploded during first stage burn. AISSat and TIsat cubeSats to be launched as NLS-6, coordinated by UTIAS ISS flight 37P
LGM-30G Minuteman III Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat Delta II 7420-10 RS-12M Topol Prithvi RH-560 Mk.II RH-300 Mk. II Minotaur IV / HAPS Agni-II Plus GSLV Mk II Shaheen-I Kosmos-3M Atlas V 531 RIM-161 SM-3 RSM-56 Bulava Shavit-2 Terrier Mk.70-Orion Black Brant X UGM-133 Trident II D5 RH-300 Mk.II Black Brant XII Soyuz-U Ariane 5 ECA R-29RMU Sineva VSB-30 Juno SpaceLoft XL R-17 Elbrus UGM-96 Trident I C4 Terrier-Orion Ghaznavi flag|icon|RUS Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Delta IV Heavy 0001-03-03 Nike Orion Proton-M / Briz-M Falcon 9 v1.0 GSLV Mk.I / Maxus S-520 RH-560 Mk. II Orion PSLV-CA Prithvi II Agni-III Molniya-M / 2BL Minotaur IV Lite Delta IV-M+ Naro-1 Minotaur IV Atlas V 401 Ground Based Interceptor Atlas V 501 R-29R Volna ARAV-B ? Agni I Rokot / Briz-KM 0001-03-02 Terrier-Improved Malemute Nike-Improved Orion SC-19 Sounding Rocket VII 0001-03-04 CSS-X-11 Black Brant IX Ghauri H-IIA 202 Kavoshgar M51 Dnepr Dhanush Proton-M / DM-2 Enhanced Proton-M / DM-03 Enhanced Proton-M / Briz-M Enhanced Soyuz-FG Agni-II
0001-12-10 0001-02-03 0001-04-08 0001-03-15 0001-10-01 0001-12-22 0001-11-21 0001-06-02 0001-01-16 0001-07-27 0001-12-29 0001-06-21 0001-02-12 0001-05-21 0001-04-22 0001-04-15 0001-04-27 0001-09-08 0001-02-08 0001-10-07 0001-12-12 0001-02-04 0001-09-26 0001-09-02 0001-06-09 0001-11-20 0001-06-04 0001-05-04 0001-07-10 0001-05-28 0001-04-24 0001-11-02 0001-03-27 0001-06-15 0001-06-06 0001-12-08 0001-11-06 0001-05-08 0001-03-26 0001-07-12 0001-07-11 0001-04-02 0001-08-24 0001-08-14 0001-06-10 0001-12-06 0001-05-14 0001-06-30 0001-08-04 0001-10-29 0001-02-15 0001-09-22 0001-11-26 0001-06-16 0001-12-05 0001-08-23 0001-12-15 0001-03-05 0001-09-11 0001-07-30 0001-06-03 0001-11-25 0001-09-10 0001-03-01 0001-08-30 0001-10-31 0001-10-28 0001-06-24 0001-12-19 0001-08-06 0001-05-06 0001-02-09 0001-04-05 0001-12-26 0001-10-27 0001-06-22 0001-10-21 0001-09-21 0001-11-24 0001-01-15 0001-09-17 0001-01-14 0001-03-22 0001-06-08 0001-01-11 0001-12-25 0001-11-14 0001-06-26 0001-12-21 0001-02-07 0001-02-11 0001-12-04 0001-08-09 0001-09-30 0001-04-28 0001-01-28 0001-03-04 0001-10-19 0001-01-31 0001-05-20 0001-10-14 0001-07-31 0001-01-27 0001-02-17 0001-05-17 0001-09-04 0001-05-03 0001-12-17 0001-10-06 0001-11-04 0001-12-13 0001-03-20 0001-04-16 0001-01-10
Vandenberg LF-24 Cape Canaveral SLC-40 Shuangchengzi Space and Missile Center Jiu Peng Air Base Plesetsk Site 16/2 Kodiak LP-1 Woomera LA-2 Kennedy LC-39A K-114 Tula, Barents Sea Baikonur Site 109/95 Tilla Vandenberg SLC-3E Satish Dhawan Integrated Test Range IC-4 Alcântara ITR IC-3 Wallops Island LA-2/MRL flag|icon|KAZ Baikonur Site 81/24 Andøya Vandenberg SLC-8 Vandenberg SLC-2W K-117 Bryansk, Barents Sea K-433 Svyatoy Georgiy Pobedonosets, Sea of Okhotsk Sonmiani White Sands Vandenberg LF-09 Tanegashima LA-Y1 Palmachim TERLS Kauai Taiyuan LC-2 Spaceport America Baikonur Site 31/6 , ETR Plesetsk Site 43/4 Baikonur Site 200/39 Plesetsk Site 132/1 Dombarovsky Site 13 Baikonur Site 1/5 Cape Canaveral SLC-37B TK-208 Dmitri Donskoi, White Sea Kapustin Yar Le Terrible, Audierne Bay Xichang LC-2 Baikonur Site 81/24 Uchinoura Vandenberg LF-23 Vandenberg LF-10 Poker Flat Jiuquan SLS-2 Fort Wingate LC-96 ITR IC-4 Korla Missile Test Complex JDS Kirishima, Pacific Ocean Satish Dhawan SLP Xichang LC-3 Integrated Test Range IC-3 Wallops Island LA-1/50K Plesetsk Ship, Pacific Ocean INS Subhadra Indian Ocean flag|icon|CHN Xichang LC-2 Plesetsk Site 133/3 Cape Canaveral SLC-41 San Nicolas Kourou ELA-3 Satish Dhawan FLP Esrange Meck Vandenberg LF-04 Naro LC-1 Semnan
59.0 667.0 1119.0 900.0 679.0 1200.0 657.0 290.0 481.0 1151.0 70.0 625.0 83457.0 1100.0 1049.0 410.0 1117.0 974.0 39597.0 823.0 85.0 19880.0 1149.0 455.0 755.0 18.0 1177.0 35351.0 622.0 38401.0 1369.0 1378.0 505.0 119.0 156.0 261.0 1345.0 32400.0 943.0 700.0 3223.0 57184.0 45662.0 281.0 1371.0 1432.0 134.0 1301.0 66720.0 99.0 465.0 39.0 1279.0 186.0 1140.0 1287.0 61859.0 162.0 689.0 969.0 615.0 1437.0 599.0 210.0 720.0 1020.0 244.0 65.0 1380.0 233.0 923.0 1098.0 280.0 180.0 398.0 1107.0 1321.0 40620.0 295.0 1039.0 28987.0 601.0 1125.0 1120.0 1035.0 35220.0 204.0 621.0 49.0 1133.0 14.0 32460.0 82800.0 54713.0 715.0 47250.0 79208.0 1295.0 14610.0 1077.0 140.0 837.0 603.0 1005.0 189.0 935.0 320.0 555.0 1204.0 677.0 430.0 284.0 1021.0 225.0 230.0 554.0 1259.0 79102.0 972.0 634.0 692.0 1311.0 882.0 630.0 190.0 986.0 1290.0 50996.0
Список , произведённых в 2010 году. Розовым цветом выделены неудачные запуски. Жирным выделены пилотируемые космические аппараты. Список орбітальних запусків 2010 року. Кольором позначені невдалі запуски. – – – – – – – – – – – Art / Zweck: Die Abkürzung „TE“ steht für „Technologieerprobung“, also das Testen neuer Satellitentechnik; das Symbol ◻ kennzeichnet Cubesats. Siehe Satellitentypen für weitere Erläuterungen. Aquest article és una llista d'esdeveniments de vols espacials relacionats que es van produir el 2010. En aquest any es van veure un gran nombre d'esdeveniments a destacar, com és el cas del primer vol de proves del SpaceX Dragon, la primera nau espacial d', que està destinada a proveir l'Estació Espacial Internacional (ISS), i els vols inaugurals del coets Falcon 9 i . Al juny del 2010, Corea del Sud va conduir un segon llançament del , després de l'error del vol inaugural del coet el 2009; això no obstant, el segon intent també va fracassar. El va ser retirat del servei, realitzant el seu vol final el setembre. Cette page présente la chronologie des événements qui se sont produits durant l'année 2010 dans le domaine de l'astronautique. 2010年の宇宙飛行(2010ねんのうちゅうひこう)は、宇宙飛行の年表の2010年の打ち上げ記録一覧である。 2010年には、宇宙飛行に関連した多くの出来事が起こった。スペースX・ドラゴン号が初のテスト飛行をした。これは、商業軌道輸送サービス計画のもと、企業が主体となって国際宇宙ステーションへの再補給を実行することを目的としたものである。また、ファルコン9、ミノタウロスIVロケットの処女飛行も行われた。KSLVの2度目となる打ち上げもなされたが、2009年の第1回同様に失敗に終わった。9月、ロケットの最終打ち上げがあった。打ち上げは成功し有終の美を飾り、モルニヤ・シリーズの全運用を終わった。 The year 2010 saw a number of notable events in worldwide spaceflight activities. These included the first test flight of the SpaceX Dragon commercial resupply spacecraft, which is intended to resupply the International Space Station (ISS), and the maiden flights of the Falcon 9 and Minotaur IV rockets. In June 2010, South Korea conducted a second Naro-1 launch, after the failure of the rocket's maiden flight in 2009; however, the second attempt also failed. The Kosmos-3M was retired from service, making its final flight in April. The Molniya-M was also retired from service, making its final flight in September.
dbr:Kosmos-3M Delta II 7420 dbr:Molniya-M
dbr:Minotaur_IV dbr:Geosynchronous_Satellite_Launch_Vehicle dbr:Falcon_9_v1.0 dbr:Atlas_V