- La catedral de Saint Giles, o Saint Giles' Cathedral en anglès, és un edifici religiós històric, construït a partir del segle xii, emblema de la ciutat d'Edimburg, a Escòcia. L'edifici és anomenat també High Kirk of Edinburgh ('gran església d'Edimburg'). El seu element més característic és la cúpula en forma de corona reial. És una de les dues parròquies de la ciutat vella d'Edimburg i és considerada com l'església mare del presbiterianisme i de l'Església d'Escòcia. No té oficialment el títol de catedral per l'absència d'aquestes en l'Església d'Escòcia, encara que va tenir aquest títol en el passat. L'església actual data de finals del segle xiv, i fou restaurada al segle XIX. Té la categoria d'edifici protegit de tipus A. La catedral està dedicada a sant Gil, que és el sant patró d'Edimburg i un sant molt popular a l'edat mitjana, patró també dels tolits i leprosos. (ca)
- La catedral de Saint Giles, en español catedral de San Gil o San Egidio (o Saint Giles' Cathedral en inglés), es un edificio religioso histórico, construido a partir del siglo XII, emblemático de la ciudad de Edimburgo (Escocia). El edificio es más comúnmente llamado High Kirk of Edinburgh (Gran Iglesia de Edimburgo). Su elemento más característico es su cúpula en forma de corona real. Es una de las dos parroquias de la Ciudad vieja de Edimburgo y está considerada como la iglesia madre del presbiterianismo y de la Iglesia de Escocia. No tiene oficialmente el título de catedral por la ausencia de éstas en la Iglesia de Escocia, aunque tuvo ese título en el pasado. La iglesia actual data de finales del siglo XIV, siendo posteriormente restaurada en el siglo XIX. Tiene la categoría A de edificio protegido. La catedral está dedicada a San Giles, que es el santo patrono de Edimburgo y un santo muy popular en la Edad Media, patrono también de los y leprosos. (es)
- Die einstige Kathedrale St Giles’ Cathedral, auch High Kirk of Edinburgh, ist die Hauptkirche der Church of Scotland und eine der bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt Edinburgh in Schottland. Sie befindet sich an der als Royal Mile bekannten Hauptachse der Altstadt rund 500 Meter östlich vom Edinburgh Castle. (de)
- San Giles katedral edo Edinbugheko Eliza Nagusia (ingelesez: St. Giles Cathedral edo High Kirk of Edinburgh) Eskoziako Edinburgh hiriburuaren erdigunean dagoen katedral bat da, hain zuzen ere Edinburgheko Hiri Zaharran kokatzen den Royal Mile kalean dago, Edinburgheko gaztelua eta Holyrood jauregiaren artean. A mailako eraikina izendaturik dago. Edinburgh hiriko santu zaindaria sagaratua dago. (eu)
- St Giles' Cathedral (Scottish Gaelic: Cathair-eaglais Naomh Giles), or the High Kirk of Edinburgh, is a parish church of the Church of Scotland in the Old Town of Edinburgh. The current building was begun in the 14th century and extended until the early 16th century; significant alterations were undertaken in the 19th and 20th centuries, including the addition of the Thistle Chapel. St Giles' is closely associated with many events and figures in Scottish history, including John Knox, who served as the church's minister after the Scottish Reformation. Likely founded in the 12th century and dedicated to Saint Giles, the church was elevated to collegiate status by Pope Paul II in 1467. In 1559, the church became Protestant with John Knox, the foremost figure of the Scottish Reformation, as its minister. After the Reformation, St Giles' was internally partitioned to serve multiple congregations as well as secular purposes, such as a prison and as a meeting place for the Parliament of Scotland. In 1633, Charles I made St Giles' the cathedral of the newly created Diocese of Edinburgh within the Anglican Communion. Charles' attempt to impose a Scottish Prayer Book in St Giles' on 23 July 1637 caused a riot, which precipitated the formation of the Covenanters and the beginnings of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The exiling of the Bishop of Edinburgh from the cathedral saw the eventual split of the church of Scotland into the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and the Anglican Episcopal Church of Scotland, and the Bishop of Edinburgh now presides at nearby St Mary's Cathedral. St Giles' role in the Scottish Reformation and the Covenanters' Rebellion has led to its being called "the Mother Church of World Presbyterianism". St Giles' is one of Scotland's most important medieval parish church buildings. The first church of St Giles' was a small, Romanesque building of which only fragments remain. In the 14th century, this was replaced by the current building, which was enlarged between the late 14th and early 16th centuries. The church was altered between 1829 and 1833 by William Burn and restored between 1872 and 1883 by William Hay with the support of William Chambers. Chambers hoped to make St Giles' a "Westminster Abbey for Scotland" by enriching the church and adding memorials to notable Scots. Between 1909 and 1911, the Thistle Chapel, designed by Robert Lorimer, was added to the church. Since the medieval period, St Giles' has been the site of nationally important events and services; the services of the Order of the Thistle take place here. Alongside housing an active congregation, the church is one of Scotland's most popular visitor sites: it attracted over a million visitors in 2018. (en)
- La cathédrale Saint-Gilles (en anglais : Saint Giles' Cathedral) est un édifice construit en 1120 et situé sur le Royal Mile, à Édimbourg, en Écosse. Il est considéré comme l'église-mère du presbytérianisme. L'église n'est pas strictement une cathédrale, car l'Église d'Écosse n'a pas d'évêques. Elle ne fut que brièvement au XVIIe siècle un siège épiscopal du diocèse d'Édimbourg. (fr)
- セント・ジャイルズ大聖堂(St. Giles' Cathedral)は、スコットランド、エディンバラにあるスコットランド国教会の大聖堂。別名をエディンバラ高教会(High Kirk of Edinburgh)といい、の中間にある、非常に目を引く冠塔で飾られた建物である。大聖堂はおよそ900年間、エディンバラにおける宗教の中心であり、時には長老派教会の母教会とみなされている。エリザベス女王が2022年9月8日にスコットランドのバルモラル城で崩御した際には、生前の取り決め(ロンドン橋計画)に従い12日に追悼礼拝が執り行われた。 (ja)
- La cattedrale di Sant'Egidio (in inglese St. Giles' Cathedral o High Kirk of Edinburgh) è il principale luogo di culto della Chiesa di Scozia a Edimburgo, situato al centro della Royal Mile. Talvolta è indicata come chiesa madre del presbiterianesimo, che si distingue in quanto non possiede vescovi, rendendo la chiesa non una cattedrale in senso stretto, ma una parrocchiale per parte della città vecchia di Edimburgo. Il luogo di culto è stato un punto di riferimento per la città per oltre 900 anni, sebbene sia stata realmente sede vescovile per due periodi nel XVII secolo (1635–38 e 1661–1689), quando l'episcopalianesimo ottenne, grazie all'appoggio della Corona, importanza all'interno della Chiesa scozzese (vedi Guerre dei Vescovi). Prima della Riforma la città di Edimburgo non aveva avuto una cattedrale, essendo compreso dell'. (it)
- Katedra Świętego Idziego (ang. St Giles' Cathedral) – główny obiekt sakralny Kościoła Szkocji w Edynburgu. Mieści się przy ulicy High Street i placu Parliament Square. Kościół został wzniesiony w latach 1385-1410, ale posiada także wcześniejsze elementy oraz późniejsze znaczne zmiany i uzupełnienia, obejmujące oblicowanie ścian zewnętrznych gładkim murem ciosowym przez i dobudowę kaplicy Ostu przez w 1910 roku. Wyjątkowa szkocka budowla kościelna, zbudowana w monumentalnej skali i zdominowana przez charakterystyczny obiekt – wieżę zwieńczoną iglicą podpartą przez 8 łęków oporowych. Gruzy wcześniejszej budowli obudowane późnogotyckimi ścianami zewnętrznymi, charakteryzującymi się spiczastołukowymi oknami z płynącymi maswerkami; narożne kamienne czubowe i żabkowane szczyty; sklepienia obejmujące całkowicie narożne kąty. Przy katedrze znajduje się Thistle Chapel z 1911 r. (pl)
- St Giles' Cathedral, ook bekend als St Giles High Kirk, is een voormalige kathedraal, gelegen in Edinburgh, Schotland. De kathedraal werd in de twaalfde eeuw gebouwd als parochiekerk en is sindsdien meermalen verbouwd. De laatste grote wijzigingen dateren uit de negentiende eeuw. Het exterieur is laat-georgiaans en het interieur is victoriaans. De kathedraal is tegenwoordig in gebruik als parochiekerk van de Kerk van Schotland. (nl)
- A Catedral de Santo Egídio ou São Gil (em inglês St. Giles' Cathedral) é uma catedral da Igreja da Escócia dedicada a Santo Egídio, santo padroeiro da cidade. Localizada na Milha Real de Edimburgo, esta catedral sido local de culto cristão desde o século XII. Em 1559, a igreja tornou-se local de culto protestante com John Knox, expoente da Reforma na Escócia, como seu ministro. É considerada a Igreja Matriz do Presbiterianismo. A catedral foi sede de um bispo por pelo menos dois períodos do século XVII: de 1636 a 1638 e de 1661 a 1689, quando os bispos apoiados pela Coroa escocesa ganharam poder no Igreja da Escócia ("Kirk"). Durante a maior parte da história pós-reforma, a Igreja da Escócia não tem tido bispos, dioceses ou catedrais, mas mesmo assim o termo "catedral" ainda é utilizado. Santo Egídio é a sede episcopal da cidade de Edimburgo. Cinco serviços são realizados todos os domingos, bem como serviços diários e os serviços especiais para o estado e as ocasiões cívicas. Seu ministro desde 2014 é o reverendo Calum MacLeod. (pt)
- Собор Святого Эгидия (англ. St Giles' Cathedral, Сент-Джайлс) — церковь в Эдинбурге; принадлежит Шотландской пресвитерианской церкви. Находится в центре Королевской мили и является украшением данного маршрута. В течение 900 лет храм был центром религиозной жизни Эдинбурга и до сих пор рассматривается как главный центр пресвитерианства. (ru)
- 圣吉尔斯大教堂(St. Giles' Cathedral)隸屬蘇格蘭教會,位于苏格兰爱丁堡老城皇家一英里的中点,其独特的苏格兰王冠尖顶是爱丁堡天际线的特點之一。教堂作为爱丁堡的宗教枢纽已有900年,時至今日,它是苏格兰教会在爱丁堡老城的堂会,每个主日举行五场礼拜,有时也被視為全世界长老会的母会。 爱丁堡属于圣安德鲁教区,在苏格兰宗教改革以前,主教座堂设在圣安德鲁斯,因此爱丁堡没有主教座堂。改教以后的圣吉尔斯大教堂僅在17世纪两个很短的阶段(1635年至1638年和1661年至1689年)作为正式的主教座堂,当时主教制度獲得王室支持,曾在苏格兰教会短暂地占据优势,其餘大部分时间,苏格兰教会没有主教、教区及主教座堂,因此,教堂名称中的“Cathedral”并無實質意义。 (zh)
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- 159109 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cambridge
- dbr:Canon_(priest)
- dbr:Carillon
- dbr:Beadle
- dbr:Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York
- dbr:Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex
- dbr:Psalms
- dbr:Robert_Lorimer
- dbr:Robert_Louis_Stevenson
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(architect)
- dbr:Robert_Rowand_Anderson
- dbr:Robert_Stewart,_Duke_of_Albany
- dbr:Robin_Cook
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Amiens
- dbr:Romanesque_architecture
- dbr:Ronald_Colville,_2nd_Baron_Clydesmuir
- dbr:Rough_Wooing
- dbr:Royal_Army_Medical_Corps
- dbr:Royal_College_of_Surgeons_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Royal_Scots
- dbr:Royal_Scots_Fusiliers
- dbr:Royal_Scots_Greys
- dbr:Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Samuel_Johnson
- dbr:Scallop
- dbr:Scotland
- dbr:Scottish_Episcopal_Church
- dbr:Scottish_Parliament
- dbr:Eneados
- dbr:List_of_architectural_vaults
- dbr:Mintons
- dbr:Miriam
- dbr:Morris_&_Co.
- dbr:Mosaic
- dbr:Normandy_Veterans'_Association
- dbr:Privy_Council_of_Scotland
- dbr:Sacrament_house
- dbr:Basil_Spence
- dbr:Battle_of_Dunbar_(1650)
- dbr:Battle_of_Flodden
- dbr:Battle_of_Rullion_Green
- dbr:Bertel_Thorvaldsen
- dbr:Bishop
- dbr:Bishop_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Bishops'_Wars
- dbr:Black_Watch
- dbr:Book_of_Common_Prayer
- dbr:David
- dbr:David_Cousin
- dbr:David_I_of_Scotland
- dbr:David_Stewart,_Duke_of_Rothesay
- dbr:Alice_Meredith_Williams
- dbc:Protestant_churches_converted_from_Roman_Catholicism
- dbr:Apse
- dbr:Arcade_(architecture)
- dbr:Archbishop_of_St_Andrews
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_St_Andrews
- dbr:Archibald_Douglas,_4th_Earl_of_Douglas
- dbr:Archibald_Elliot
- dbr:Archibald_Napier,_1st_Lord_Napier
- dbr:House_of_Stuart
- dbr:Hugh_Blair
- dbr:John_Spottiswoode
- dbr:John_Stuart_Blackie
- dbr:John_the_Baptist
- dbr:Jonathan_(1_Samuel)
- dbr:Joseph_(Genesis)
- dbr:Joseph_Noel_Paton
- dbr:Joshua
- dbr:Jubal_(Bible)
- dbr:Listed_building
- dbr:Paul_the_Apostle
- dbr:Peebles
- dbr:Pentecost
- dbr:Perth,_Scotland
- dbr:Pevsner_Architectural_Guides
- dbr:Reid_Memorial_Church
- dbr:Restoration_(Scotland)
- dbr:Richard_II_of_England
- dbr:Robert_Burns
- dbr:Robert_Fergusson
- dbr:Robert_Gordon_(minister)
- dbr:Robert_Henry_Dick
- dbr:Robert_III_of_Scotland
- dbr:Robert_Leighton_(bishop)
- dbr:Charles_Burnett_(officer_of_arms)
- dbr:Charles_McBride
- dbr:Curate
- dbr:United_Free_Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:VE_Day
- dbr:Vestibule_(architecture)
- dbr:Victory_in_Europe_Day
- dbr:Virgil
- dbr:Visit_of_King_George_IV_to_Scotland
- dbr:David_Bryce
- dbr:David_Kindersley
- dbr:David_de_Bernham
- dbr:Calvinist
- dbc:St_Giles'_Cathedral
- dbr:Dean_(Christianity)
- dbr:Dean_of_Guild
- dbr:Dean_of_the_Chapel_Royal
- dbr:Dean_of_the_Thistle
- dbr:Deanery
- dbr:Eagle_lectern
- dbr:Incorporated_Trades_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:J._H._S._Burleigh
- dbr:Jacobean_architecture
- dbr:James_Ritchie_&_Son
- dbr:James_VI
- dbr:John_Bellany
- dbr:Madonna_(art)
- dbr:Scotichronicon
- dbr:Stained_glass
- dbr:Jesus_of_Nazareth
- dbr:Sir_John_Gordon,_1st_Baronet,_of_Haddo
- dbr:Watchnight_service
- dbr:Pediment
- dbr:Robin_Blair
- dbr:Symeon_of_Durham
- dbr:St_Mary-le-Bow
- dbr:Perth_(Scotland)
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_England
- dbr:Corbels
- dbr:Coronation_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Coulter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Court_of_Session
- dbr:Covenanters
- dbr:Cowgate
- dbr:Mary_of_Guelders
- dbr:Mary_of_Guise
- dbr:McEwan_Hall
- dbr:Saint_Eligius
- dbr:Saint_Giles
- dbr:Saint_Peter
- dbr:Esmé_Gordon
- dbr:Gavin_Douglas
- dbr:General_Assembly_of_the_Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:George_Buchanan
- dbr:Low_Mass
- dbr:Low_church
- dbr:Napier_baronets
- dbr:Nave
- dbr:New_College,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Niche_(architecture)
- dbr:Obelisk
- dbr:Oriel_window
- dbr:Regulation_Colours
- dbr:Parish_church
- dbr:Wallace_Williamson
- dbr:Quarter_bells
- dbr:William_Forbes_Gray
- dbr:Chris_Hoy
- dbr:Church_of_England
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady,_Copenhagen
- dbr:Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:City_of_Edinburgh_Council
- dbr:City_of_London
- dbr:Alexander_Lauder_of_Blyth
- dbr:Alexander_Napier_(2nd_Laird_of_Merchiston)
- dbr:Alexander_Rose_(bishop)
- dbr:Alexander_Webster
- dbr:Edward_Burne-Jones
- dbr:Edward_II_of_England
- dbr:Edward_VII
- dbr:Elgin,_Moray
- dbr:Elizabeth_Dempster
- dbr:Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Elizabeth_I_of_England
- dbr:Elsie_Inglis
- dbr:Frank_Mears
- dbr:French_Gothic_architecture
- dbr:Gallipoli_Campaign
- dbr:George_II_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:George_V
- dbr:Glasgow_Cathedral
- dbr:Glorious_Revolution
- dbr:Gothic_architecture
- dbr:Great_Britain
- dbr:Box_pew
- dbr:Moses
- dbr:Mother_Church
- dbr:Muriel_Spark
- dbr:Confraternity
- dbr:Corbel
- dbr:Crest_(heraldry)
- dbr:Cresting_(architecture)
- dbr:Crewe_Toll
- dbr:Crossing_(architecture)
- dbr:Crown_steeple
- dbr:Crucifixion_of_Jesus
- dbr:The_Meadows_(park)
- dbr:The_Prime_of_Miss_Jean_Brodie_(novel)
- dbr:The_Protectorate
- dbr:Thomas_Chalmers
- dbr:Thomas_Rickman
- dbr:Thomas_the_Apostle
- dbr:Orle_(heraldry)
- dbr:Oscar_Paterson
- dbr:Sarum_Use
- dbr:Andrew_the_Apostle
- dbr:Anglican_Communion
- dbr:Anglicanism
- dbr:Anne,_Princess_Royal
- dbr:Anne_of_Denmark
- dbr:Arma_Christi
- dbr:Battlement
- dbr:Bay_(architecture)
- dbr:Bernard_Feilden
- dbr:Leith
- dbr:Leprosy
- dbr:Leuchars
- dbr:Liberton,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Lily
- dbr:Lindisfarne
- dbr:Linlithgow
- dbr:Lord's_Prayer
- dbr:Lord_High_Commissioner_to_the_General_Assembly_of_the_Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:Lothian_Chambers
- dbr:Magdalen_Chapel,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Mahdist_War
- dbr:Caen_stone
- dbr:Calming_the_storm
- dbr:Choirboy
- dbr:Siege_of_Leith
- dbr:Sindh
- dbr:Sir_Robert_Arbuthnot,_4th_Baronet
- dbr:St_Mary's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)
- dbr:St_Mary_Redcliffe
- dbr:Stairs
- dbr:Stirling
- dbr:Stone_of_Scone
- dbr:Stork
- dbr:Suffragette
- dbr:Cleish
- dbr:Clerestory
- dbr:Clock_face
- dbr:Collegiate_church
- dbr:Column
- dbr:Commemorative_plaque
- dbr:Communion_table
- dbr:Façade
- dbr:Francis_Skidmore
- dbr:Francis_Spear
- dbr:Hall_church
- dbr:Harrison_&_Harrison
- dbr:Hopton_Wood_stone
- dbr:John_Inglis,_Lord_Glencorse
- dbr:John_Kennedy,_6th_Earl_of_Cassilis
- dbr:John_Mylne_(died_1667)
- dbr:Saint_Apollonia
- dbr:Patriarchs_(Bible)
- dbr:Pew
- dbr:Pier_(architecture)
- dbr:Pilton,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Pinnacle
- dbr:Pitcher_(container)
- dbr:Plaster
- dbr:Porch
- dbr:Market_stall
- dbr:Morris_and_Steedman
- dbr:Springer_(architecture)
- dbr:Steeple
- dbr:Tin_tabernacle
- dbr:McCrae's_Battalion
- dbr:Middle_Scots
- dbr:Murdoch_Walker
- dbr:Museum_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Scottish_Command
- dbr:Augustus_Saint-Gaudens
- dbr:Avengers:_Infinity_War
- dbr:Balmoral_Castle
- dbr:Bristol
- dbr:British_Admiralty
- dbr:British_Army
- dbr:British_Conquest_of_Egypt_(1882)
- dbr:British_Empire
- dbr:Bruntsfield_Links
- dbr:Burgh
- dbr:Cavalier
- dbr:Aglionby_Ross_Carson
- dbr:Agnes_Keith,_Countess_of_Moray
- dbr:Tin
- dbr:Transepts
- dbr:Transom_(architectural)
- dbr:Treaty_of_Berwick_(1560)
- dbr:Treaty_of_Ripon
- dbr:Trinity
- dbr:Tron_Kirk
- dbr:Walter_Scott
- dbr:Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:Wellesley_Bailey
- dbr:West_St_Giles'_Parish_Church
- dbr:Westminster_Abbey
- dbr:Whigs_(British_political_party)
- dbr:William_Alexander_Smith_(Boys'_Brigade)
- dbr:William_Burn
- dbr:William_Carstares
- dbr:William_Chambers_(publisher)
- dbr:William_III_of_England
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- left (en)
- right (en)
- centre (en)
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- A 12th century grotesque, reincorporated in the 15th century vaulted ceiling (en)
- The east end of the choir, showing the vaulted ceiling, clerestory, and pillars added in the mid-15th century (en)
- A boss in the Chepman Aisle, showing the arms of the Aisle's founder, Walter Chepman, impaled with those of his first wife, Mariota Kerkettill (en)
- The north transept screen, designed by William Hay and carved by John Rhind (en)
- A capital from the 12th century church, reincorporated in the west wall of the St Eloi Aisle (en)
- The Albany Aisle (en)
- The Preston Aisle (en)
- The curved barrel vault of the south choir aisle (en)
- The west façade of the building (en)
- The west front prior to the Burn restoration (en)
- The fragment of an arch in the south west pier of the crossing indicates the original, lower height of the south nave arcade. (en)
- This fragment of a springer indicates that the original choir vault began at the capitals of the pillars. (en)
- The 12th century north door survived until the end of the 18th century. (en)
- The wall of the tower at the west end of the nave, the outline of the former roof and loft are visible. (en)
- The Victorian west doorway, designed by William Hay with statues carved by John Rhind (en)
- The 15th century south porch, demolished during the Burn restoration (en)
- The west front of the church in the 21st century, showing the effects of the Burn restoration (en)
- A similar view in the 21st century: the pulpit remains and chairs face the central white marble communion table by Luke Hughes , chandeliers by Lighting Design Partnership are also visible. (en)
- Drawing of the south transept, showing the partial barrel vault and transverse arch (en)
- The window and remains of the vault of St John's Chapel in north transept (en)
- The south side of the nave, showing the plaster vault and clerestory inserted by William Burn and the filled-in arches of the former clerestory. (en)
- The interior around 1900, looking west from the choir: stalls face each other in the choir and chairs in the nave face east; the pulpit by John Rhind stands to the right; in the nave, gasoliers by Francis Skidmore and regimental colours hang. (en)
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- 0001-12-14 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- Exterior (en)
- Choir (en)
- Nave (en)
- Choir aisles (en)
- Crossing and transepts (en)
- Nave aisles (en)
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- St. Giles' Cathedral South Choir Aisle Vault.jpg (en)
- Edinburgh St Giles Cathedral 01.JPG (en)
- Geikie St. Giles.png (en)
- St Giles Cathedral, the Choir looking East 1852.jpg (en)
- St Giles Cathedral - 04.jpg (en)
- St Giles Cathedral By VegasGav77771.jpg (en)
- St Giles' Choir Springer.jpg (en)
- St Giles' Interior c1900.jpg (en)
- St Giles' Interior.jpg (en)
- St Giles' Nave Tower Wall.jpg (en)
- St Giles', Edinburgh - Romanesque Doorway.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' South Porch.png (en)
- St. Giles' Albany Aisle.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Cathedral, South Transept.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Cathedral, South-West Crossing Pier.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Chepman.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Eloi Aisle Stone.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Grotesque.jpg (en)
- St. Giles' Transept Screen.jpg (en)
- St. John's Chapel, St. Giles'.png (en)
- Edinburgh - St Giles' Cathedral - 20140421134707.jpg (en)
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- Location of St Giles' within central Edinburgh (en)
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- Cathair-eaglais Naomh Giles (en)
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- High Kirk of Edinburgh (en)
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- "They had nearly all been in St Giles' with its tattered blood-stained banners of the past. Sandy had not been there, and did not want to go. The outsides of old Edinburgh churches frightened her, they were of such dark stone, like presences almost the colour of the Castle rock, and were built so warningly with their upraised fingers." (en)
- "No other Scottish church has so tangled an architectural history." (en)
- The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (en)
- The Story of Scotland in Stone (en)
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- Home of the Parliament of Scotland (en)
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- Die einstige Kathedrale St Giles’ Cathedral, auch High Kirk of Edinburgh, ist die Hauptkirche der Church of Scotland und eine der bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt Edinburgh in Schottland. Sie befindet sich an der als Royal Mile bekannten Hauptachse der Altstadt rund 500 Meter östlich vom Edinburgh Castle. (de)
- San Giles katedral edo Edinbugheko Eliza Nagusia (ingelesez: St. Giles Cathedral edo High Kirk of Edinburgh) Eskoziako Edinburgh hiriburuaren erdigunean dagoen katedral bat da, hain zuzen ere Edinburgheko Hiri Zaharran kokatzen den Royal Mile kalean dago, Edinburgheko gaztelua eta Holyrood jauregiaren artean. A mailako eraikina izendaturik dago. Edinburgh hiriko santu zaindaria sagaratua dago. (eu)
- La cathédrale Saint-Gilles (en anglais : Saint Giles' Cathedral) est un édifice construit en 1120 et situé sur le Royal Mile, à Édimbourg, en Écosse. Il est considéré comme l'église-mère du presbytérianisme. L'église n'est pas strictement une cathédrale, car l'Église d'Écosse n'a pas d'évêques. Elle ne fut que brièvement au XVIIe siècle un siège épiscopal du diocèse d'Édimbourg. (fr)
- セント・ジャイルズ大聖堂(St. Giles' Cathedral)は、スコットランド、エディンバラにあるスコットランド国教会の大聖堂。別名をエディンバラ高教会(High Kirk of Edinburgh)といい、の中間にある、非常に目を引く冠塔で飾られた建物である。大聖堂はおよそ900年間、エディンバラにおける宗教の中心であり、時には長老派教会の母教会とみなされている。エリザベス女王が2022年9月8日にスコットランドのバルモラル城で崩御した際には、生前の取り決め(ロンドン橋計画)に従い12日に追悼礼拝が執り行われた。 (ja)
- St Giles' Cathedral, ook bekend als St Giles High Kirk, is een voormalige kathedraal, gelegen in Edinburgh, Schotland. De kathedraal werd in de twaalfde eeuw gebouwd als parochiekerk en is sindsdien meermalen verbouwd. De laatste grote wijzigingen dateren uit de negentiende eeuw. Het exterieur is laat-georgiaans en het interieur is victoriaans. De kathedraal is tegenwoordig in gebruik als parochiekerk van de Kerk van Schotland. (nl)
- Собор Святого Эгидия (англ. St Giles' Cathedral, Сент-Джайлс) — церковь в Эдинбурге; принадлежит Шотландской пресвитерианской церкви. Находится в центре Королевской мили и является украшением данного маршрута. В течение 900 лет храм был центром религиозной жизни Эдинбурга и до сих пор рассматривается как главный центр пресвитерианства. (ru)
- 圣吉尔斯大教堂(St. Giles' Cathedral)隸屬蘇格蘭教會,位于苏格兰爱丁堡老城皇家一英里的中点,其独特的苏格兰王冠尖顶是爱丁堡天际线的特點之一。教堂作为爱丁堡的宗教枢纽已有900年,時至今日,它是苏格兰教会在爱丁堡老城的堂会,每个主日举行五场礼拜,有时也被視為全世界长老会的母会。 爱丁堡属于圣安德鲁教区,在苏格兰宗教改革以前,主教座堂设在圣安德鲁斯,因此爱丁堡没有主教座堂。改教以后的圣吉尔斯大教堂僅在17世纪两个很短的阶段(1635年至1638年和1661年至1689年)作为正式的主教座堂,当时主教制度獲得王室支持,曾在苏格兰教会短暂地占据优势,其餘大部分时间,苏格兰教会没有主教、教区及主教座堂,因此,教堂名称中的“Cathedral”并無實質意义。 (zh)
- La catedral de Saint Giles, o Saint Giles' Cathedral en anglès, és un edifici religiós històric, construït a partir del segle xii, emblema de la ciutat d'Edimburg, a Escòcia. L'edifici és anomenat també High Kirk of Edinburgh ('gran església d'Edimburg'). El seu element més característic és la cúpula en forma de corona reial. És una de les dues parròquies de la ciutat vella d'Edimburg i és considerada com l'església mare del presbiterianisme i de l'Església d'Escòcia. No té oficialment el títol de catedral per l'absència d'aquestes en l'Església d'Escòcia, encara que va tenir aquest títol en el passat. (ca)
- La catedral de Saint Giles, en español catedral de San Gil o San Egidio (o Saint Giles' Cathedral en inglés), es un edificio religioso histórico, construido a partir del siglo XII, emblemático de la ciudad de Edimburgo (Escocia). La iglesia actual data de finales del siglo XIV, siendo posteriormente restaurada en el siglo XIX. Tiene la categoría A de edificio protegido. La catedral está dedicada a San Giles, que es el santo patrono de Edimburgo y un santo muy popular en la Edad Media, patrono también de los y leprosos. (es)
- St Giles' Cathedral (Scottish Gaelic: Cathair-eaglais Naomh Giles), or the High Kirk of Edinburgh, is a parish church of the Church of Scotland in the Old Town of Edinburgh. The current building was begun in the 14th century and extended until the early 16th century; significant alterations were undertaken in the 19th and 20th centuries, including the addition of the Thistle Chapel. St Giles' is closely associated with many events and figures in Scottish history, including John Knox, who served as the church's minister after the Scottish Reformation. (en)
- La cattedrale di Sant'Egidio (in inglese St. Giles' Cathedral o High Kirk of Edinburgh) è il principale luogo di culto della Chiesa di Scozia a Edimburgo, situato al centro della Royal Mile. Talvolta è indicata come chiesa madre del presbiterianesimo, che si distingue in quanto non possiede vescovi, rendendo la chiesa non una cattedrale in senso stretto, ma una parrocchiale per parte della città vecchia di Edimburgo. (it)
- Katedra Świętego Idziego (ang. St Giles' Cathedral) – główny obiekt sakralny Kościoła Szkocji w Edynburgu. Mieści się przy ulicy High Street i placu Parliament Square. Kościół został wzniesiony w latach 1385-1410, ale posiada także wcześniejsze elementy oraz późniejsze znaczne zmiany i uzupełnienia, obejmujące oblicowanie ścian zewnętrznych gładkim murem ciosowym przez i dobudowę kaplicy Ostu przez w 1910 roku. Wyjątkowa szkocka budowla kościelna, zbudowana w monumentalnej skali i zdominowana przez charakterystyczny obiekt – wieżę zwieńczoną iglicą podpartą przez 8 łęków oporowych. Gruzy wcześniejszej budowli obudowane późnogotyckimi ścianami zewnętrznymi, charakteryzującymi się spiczastołukowymi oknami z płynącymi maswerkami; narożne kamienne czubowe i żabkowane szczyty; sklepienia obej (pl)
- A Catedral de Santo Egídio ou São Gil (em inglês St. Giles' Cathedral) é uma catedral da Igreja da Escócia dedicada a Santo Egídio, santo padroeiro da cidade. Localizada na Milha Real de Edimburgo, esta catedral sido local de culto cristão desde o século XII. Em 1559, a igreja tornou-se local de culto protestante com John Knox, expoente da Reforma na Escócia, como seu ministro. É considerada a Igreja Matriz do Presbiterianismo. (pt)
- St Giles' Cathedral (en)
- Catedral d'Edimburg (ca)
- St Giles’ Cathedral (de)
- Catedral de Edimburgo (es)
- San Giles katedrala (eu)
- Cathédrale Saint-Gilles d'Édimbourg (fr)
- Cattedrale di Sant'Egidio (it)
- セント・ジャイルズ大聖堂 (ja)
- St Giles' Cathedral (nl)
- Katedra św. Idziego w Edynburgu (pl)
- Эдинбургский собор (ru)
- Catedral de Santo Egídio (pt)
- 圣吉尔斯大教堂 (zh)
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- dbr:Production_of_Avengers:_Infinity_War_and_Avengers:_Endgame
- dbr:Queen's_Hall,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Robert_Lorimer
- dbr:Robert_Louis_Stevenson
- dbr:Robin_Cook
- dbr:Royal_Banner_of_Scotland
- dbr:Royal_High_School,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Royal_Standard_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Scots_Brigade
- dbr:Scottish_people
- dbr:List_of_cathedrals_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Michael_Gilbert_(goldsmith)
- dbr:Moubray_House
- dbr:Morning_dress
- dbr:Battle_of_Flodden
- dbr:Bedlam_Theatre
- dbr:Bella_MacCallum
- dbr:Boeing_C-17_Globemaster_III
- dbr:Book_of_Common_Prayer
- dbr:Death_and_state_funeral_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_St_Andrews
- dbr:Architecture_of_Scotland
- dbr:Architecture_of_Scotland_in_the_Industrial_Revolution
- dbr:Holyrood_Palace
- dbr:John_Welsh_of_Ayr
- dbr:Joseph_Lister
- dbr:List_of_cathedrals_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_Edinburgh
- dbr:Reid_Memorial_Church
- dbr:Religion_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Richard_Leonard
- dbr:Robert_Bowes_(diplomat)
- dbr:Robert_Hamilton_Paterson
- dbr:Cuttie-stool
- dbr:David_Lindsay_(bishop_of_Edinburgh)
- dbr:Dean_of_the_Chapel_Royal
- dbr:Donald_Hamish_Cameron_of_Lochiel
- dbr:Jacques_de_Bousie
- dbr:James_Ritchie_&_Son
- dbr:John_Bayne_of_Pitcairlie
- dbr:List_of_ministers_of_Greyfriars_Kirk
- dbr:List_of_saints_of_Scotland
- dbr:Peder_Munk
- dbr:Premiership_of_Nicola_Sturgeon
- dbr:Robina_F._Hardy
- dbr:Scottish_society_in_the_Middle_Ages
- dbr:St_Mary-le-Bow
- dbr:Tile_art
- dbr:1633
- dbr:Coronation_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Crown_of_Scotland
- dbr:Saint_Giles
- dbr:Esmé_Gordon
- dbr:George_Ferguson_(colonial_administrator)
- dbr:Octavians
- dbr:Wallace_Williamson
- dbr:Thomas_Sydserf
- dbr:Scottish_Prayer_Book_(1929)
- dbr:Scottish_royal_tapestry_collection
- dbr:1803_in_Scotland
- dbr:Chris_Hoy
- dbr:City_of_Edinburgh_Council
- dbr:Alexander_Oustean
- dbr:Edward_Burne-Jones
- dbr:Elizabeth_Dempster
- dbr:Elizabeth_II
- dbr:English_Civil_War
- dbr:English_invasion_of_Scotland_(1385)
- dbr:English_invasion_of_Scotland_(1482)
- dbr:Geddes_MacGregor
- dbr:George_Floyd_protests_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:George_Frampton
- dbr:George_MacLeod
- dbr:Giles_Gordon
- dbr:Crown_steeple
- dbr:Thistle
- dbr:1911_in_Scotland
- dbr:Anne,_Princess_Royal
- dbr:Lothian_Chambers
- dbr:Malcolm_Muggeridge
- dbr:St_Mary's_Cathedral,_Edinburgh_(Episcopal)
- dbr:St_Michael,_Cornhill
- dbr:State_funerals_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Francis_Esmond_Reynolds
- dbr:John_Lyon,_8th_Lord_Glamis
- dbr:John_Marshall_(Scottish_sculptor)
- dbr:John_Maxwell_(bishop)
- dbr:John_Mosman_(goldsmith)
- dbr:John_Mylne_(died_1667)
- dbr:Mademoiselle_Rallay
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_Late_Middle_Ages
- dbr:Murder_of_Lord_Darnley
- dbr:Music_in_Medieval_Scotland
- dbr:1953_in_Scotland
- dbr:A._B._McDonald
- dbr:Catherine_Calderwood
- dbr:Agnes_Keith,_Countess_of_Moray
- dbr:Treffgarne
- dbr:Trinity_Church,_Sutton
- dbr:Trinity_Episcopal_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Tron_Kirk
- dbr:Walter_Balcanquhall_(divine)
- dbr:Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:West_End,_Edinburgh
- dbr:West_Register_House
- dbr:West_St_Giles'_Parish_Church
- dbr:White_stork
- dbr:William_Alexander_Smith_(Boys'_Brigade)
- dbr:William_Lockhart_(Indian_Army_officer)
- dbr:Heart_of_Midlothian_(Royal_Mile)
- dbr:James_Barroun
- dbr:James_Crichton_of_Frendraught
- dbr:James_Gray_(goldsmith)
- dbr:James_Hamilton_(assassin)
- dbr:James_Hommyll
- dbr:James_Mosman
- dbr:John_Guthrie_(bishop_of_Moray)
- dbr:June_18
- dbr:List_of_Category_A_listed_buildings_in_the_Old_Town,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Scottish_National_War_Memorial
- dbr:2022_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:92nd_(Gordon_Highlanders)_Regiment_of_Foot
- dbr:Adam_Smith
- dbr:Alexander_Douglas-Hamilton,_16th_Duke_of_Hamilton
- dbr:Dunbar
- dbr:Edinburgh_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Edinburgh_Festival_Fringe
- dbr:Formation_of_the_United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Forth_Royal_Garrison_Artillery
- dbr:Outline_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Parliament_House,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Charles_Sumner_Sedgwick
- dbr:Charles_Warr
- dbr:Church_music_in_Scotland
- dbr:Family_in_early_modern_Scotland
- dbr:Flowers_of_the_Forest
- dbr:Flying_Colours_Flagmakers
- dbr:History_of_Christianity_in_Scotland
- dbr:History_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:History_of_popular_religion_in_Scotland
- dbr:Isobel_Hoppar
- dbr:Robert_Crichton_(bishop)
- dbr:List_of_Edinburgh_Festival_Fringe_venues
- dbr:List_of_Gothic_architecture
- dbr:List_of_Presbyterian_churches
- dbr:Robert_Gourlay_(merchant)
- dbr:Thomas_Hadden
- dbr:Luckenbooths
- dbr:Scottish_Reformation
- dbr:The_Reverend
- dbr:Greyfriars_Kirk
- dbr:HMS_Birkenhead_(1845)
- dbr:HMS_Howe_(32)
- dbr:Henry_Frederick,_Prince_of_Wales
- dbr:Iona_Campbell,_Duchess_of_Argyll
- dbr:James_Boswell
- dbr:James_Craig_(architect)
- dbr:James_Graham,_1st_Marquess_of_Montrose
- dbr:James_Lawson_(minister)
- dbr:James_Stewart,_1st_Earl_of_Moray
- dbr:Jenny_Geddes
- dbr:Baháʼí_Faith_in_Scotland
- dbr:The_Canongate
- dbr:The_Hub,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Mary_Erskine
- dbr:Archibald_Campbell,_1st_Marquess_of_Argyll
- dbr:Charles_William_Dyson_Perrins
- dbr:John_Craig_(reformer)
- dbr:John_Durie
- dbr:John_Knox
- dbr:Karl_Parsons
- dbr:Kathleen_Pelham_Burn
- dbr:Bishop_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Blank_piece_of_paper
- dbr:Sutton,_London
- dbr:Economy_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:Edinburgh_Wax_Museum
- dbr:George_Seton,_Lord_Seton
- dbr:Henry_Lauder,_Lord_St_Germains
- dbr:Henry_Whitley
- dbr:High_Constables_and_Guard_of_Honour_of_the_Palace_of_Holyroodhouse
- dbr:Honours_of_Scotland
- dbr:Jean_Stewart,_Lady_Bargany
- dbr:Thomas_Hamilton_(architect)
- dbr:William_Greenfield_(minister)
- dbr:St_Giles_Cathedral
- dbr:Douglas_Haig,_1st_Earl_Haig
- dbr:Articles_of_Leith
- dbr:Margaret_Tudor
- dbr:Burgh_Muir
- dbr:Pilkington_Jackson
- dbr:St_Aloysius_Church,_Glasgow
- dbr:St_Cuthbert's_Church,_Edinburgh
- dbr:St_Giles'_Cathedral
- dbr:St_Giles's_Cathedral
- dbr:Clan_MacLellan
- dbr:Greyfriars_Kirkyard
- dbr:Edinburgh_Cathedral
- dbr:Mercat_Cross,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Michael_Begg
- dbr:Newington,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Old_Tolbooth,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Old_Town,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Cameron_Lees
- dbr:Canongate_Kirk
- dbr:Canongate_Kirkyard
- dbr:Christianity_in_Medieval_Scotland
- dbr:Kirking_of_the_parliament
- dbr:Lying_in_state
- dbr:Robert_Richardson_(Lord_Treasurer)
- dbr:Robert_Walker_(minister)
- dbr:Royal_Mile
- dbr:Saint_Giles_(disambiguation)
- dbr:William_Schaw
- dbr:List_of_tallest_buildings_and_structures_in_Edinburgh
- dbr:Luke_Hughes_(furniture_designer)
- dbr:Operation_London_Bridge
- dbr:Patrick_Robertson,_Lord_Robertson
- dbr:Old_St_Paul's,_Edinburgh
- dbr:The_Dregy_Of_Dunbar
- dbr:St_Michael's_Parish_Church,_Linlithgow
- dbr:European_wars_of_religion
- dbr:Gilbert_Cleuch
- dbr:Gilleasbuig_Macmillan
- dbr:National_Covenant
- dbr:National_service_of_thanksgiving
- dbr:Walter_Chepman
- dbr:Walter_Merlioun
- dbr:Patrick_Galloway
- dbr:ʻAbdu'l-Bahá's_journeys_to_the_West
- dbr:Robert_Rollock
- dbr:Presbyterianism
- dbr:Vigil_of_the_Princes
- dbr:Robert_Howie_Fisher
- dbr:Thistle_Chapel
- dbr:St._Giles'_Cathedral
- dbr:St._Giles_Cathedral
- dbr:The_High_Church_of_St_Giles
- dbr:The_High_Kirk_of_St_Giles
- dbr:High_Church_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:High_Kirk,_Edinburgh
- dbr:High_Kirk_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:High_Kirk_of_St_Giles
- dbr:Edinburgh's_High_Kirk
- dbr:St._Giles'_Cathedral,_Edinburgh
- dbr:St._Giles's,_Edinburgh
- dbr:St._Giles's_Cathedral
- dbr:St._Giles_High_Kirk
- dbr:St_Giles',_Edinburgh
- dbr:St_Giles'_Cathedral,_Edinburgh
- dbr:St_Giles'_Kirk
- dbr:St_Giles,_Edinburgh
- dbr:St_Giles_High_Kirk
- dbr:St_Giles_Kirk
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