An Entity of Type: Education100883297, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The education system in Israel consists of three tiers: primary education (grades 1–6, approximately ages 6–12), middle school (grades 7–9, approximately ages 12–15) and high school (grades 10–12, approximately ages 15–19). Compulsory education takes place from kindergarten through 10th grade. The school year begins on September 1 (September 2 if September 1 is on Saturday), ending for elementary school pupils on June 30 (June 29 if June 30 is on Saturday), and for middle school and high school pupils on June 20 (June 19 if June 20 is on Saturday). Haredi Yeshivas follow an independent schedule, starting on 1 Elul.

Property Value
  • التعليم في إسرائيل يلعب دورًا رئيسيًا في حياة وثقافة البلاد. ففي إسرائيل نظام تعليمي شامل يركز على اتجاهات تربوية تقدمية. يصل الإنفاق على التعليم في إسرائيل حسابات لنحو 10% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، وتقوم الدولة بدعم معظم المدارس. (ar)
  • The education system in Israel consists of three tiers: primary education (grades 1–6, approximately ages 6–12), middle school (grades 7–9, approximately ages 12–15) and high school (grades 10–12, approximately ages 15–19). Compulsory education takes place from kindergarten through 10th grade. The school year begins on September 1 (September 2 if September 1 is on Saturday), ending for elementary school pupils on June 30 (June 29 if June 30 is on Saturday), and for middle school and high school pupils on June 20 (June 19 if June 20 is on Saturday). Haredi Yeshivas follow an independent schedule, starting on 1 Elul. Israeli culture views higher education as the key to higher mobility and socioeconomic status in Israeli society. For millennia medieval European antisemitism often forbade the Jews from owning land and farming, which limited their career choices for making a decent living. This forced many Jews to place a much higher premium on education allowing them to seek alternative career options that involved entrepreneurial and white-collar professional pursuits such as merchant trading, science, medicine, law, accountancy, and moneylending as these professions required higher levels of verbal, mathematical, and scientific literacy. The emphasis of education within Israeli society has its modern roots at least since the Jewish diaspora from the Renaissance and Enlightenment Movement all the way to the roots of Zionism in the 1880s. Jewish communities in the Levant were the first to introduce compulsory education for which the organized community, not less than the parents, was responsible for the education of the next generation. With contemporary Jewish culture's strong emphasis, promotion of scholarship and learning and the strong propensity to promote cultivation of intellectual pursuits as well as the nation's high university educational attainment rate exemplifies how highly Israeli society values higher education. Israel's populace is well educated and Israeli society highly values education. Education is a core value in Jewish culture and in Israeli society at large with many Israeli parents sacrificing their own personal comforts and financial resources to provide their children with the highest standards of education possible. Much of the Israeli Jewish population seek education as a passport to a decent white collar professional job and a middle class paycheck in the country's competitive high-tech economy. Jewish parents take great responsibility to inculcate the value of education in their children at a young age. Striving for high academic achievement and educational success is stressed in many modern Jewish Israeli households as parents make sure that their children are well educated adequately in order to gain the necessary technological skills needed for employment success to compete in Israel's modern high-tech job market. Israelis see competency with in demand job skills such as literacy in math and science as especially necessary for employment success in Israel's competitive 21st-century high-tech economy. Israel's Jewish population maintains a relatively high level of educational attainment where just under half of all Israeli Jews (46%) hold post-secondary degrees. This figure has remained stable in their already high levels of educational attainment over recent generations. Israeli Jews (among those ages 25 and older) have average of 11.6 years of schooling making them one of the most highly educated of all major religious groups in the world. In Arab, Christian and Druze schools, the exam on Biblical studies is replaced by an exam on Muslim, Christian or Druze heritage. Maariv described the Christian Arabs sectors as "the most successful in education system", since Christians fared the best in terms of education in comparison to any other religion in Israel. Israeli children from Russian-speaking families have a higher bagrut pass rate at high-school level. Although amongst immigrant children born in the Former Soviet Union, the bagrut pass rate is highest amongst those families from European FSU states at 62.6%, and lower amongst those from Central Asian and Caucasian FSU states. In 2014, 61.5% of all Israeli twelfth graders earned a matriculation certificate. As the Israeli economy is largely scientific and technological based, the labor market demands people who have achieved some form of higher education, particularly related to science and engineering in order to gain a competitive edge when searching for employment. In 2012, the country ranked second among OECD countries (tied with Japan and after Canada) for the percentage of 25 to 64-year-olds that have attained tertiary education with 46 percent compared with the OECD average of 32 percent. In addition, nearly twice as many Israelis aged 55–64 held a higher education degree compared to other OECD countries, with 47 percent holding an academic degree compared with the OECD average of 25%. It ranks fifth among OECD countries for the total expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP. In 2011, the country spent 7.3% of its GDP on all levels of education, comparatively more than the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development average of 6.3% and as a result has fostered an education system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow its economy over the past 70 years. The Israeli education system has been praised for various reasons, including its high quality and its major role in spurring Israel's economic development and technological boom. Many international business leaders and organizations such as Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the technology giant IBM have praised Israel for its high quality of education in helping spur Israel's economic development. (en)
  • La educación en Israel está dividida en tres niveles: la educación primaria, que consiste de los grados 1 al 6, aproximadamente entre los seis y doce años de edad; la educación secundaria, que comprende los grados 7 al 9 para edades de entre los doce y quince años; la educación preparatoria consiste en los grados 10 al 12, con alumnos de entre quince y dieciocho años de edad. La educación obligatoria comienza en el jardín de niños y finaliza en el duodécimo grado o educación preparatoria.​ El ciclo escolar comienza cada año el 1 de septiembre y finaliza el 30 de junio del siguiente año para la educación básica, en la educación secundaria y preparatoria el ciclo finaliza el 20 de junio. (es)
  • 본 문서는 이스라엘의 교육에 관한 내용이다. 1948년에 독립한 이스라엘의 교육은 70개 이상의 서로 다른 언어·방언 및 많은 (新·舊 歸還者)의 다양한 문화적 배경과 자국(自國)에서 출생한 사람 등을 하나의 국민으로 통합, 국민적 재생(再生)의 실현을 위한 중요한 기능을 맡고 있다. 정부는 대량으로 돌아온 귀환자의 수용·국가방위 및 국토개발이라는 중책을 맡고 있으면서도, 유치원에서 대학에 이르기까지 완전한 학교체제의 정리와 과학적 연구를 활발히 진행시키고 있다. 1969년부터 1970년도에 걸쳐 교육기관에 재학하고 있는 학생 총수는 약 80만명으로, 1948년에서 1949년까지의 14만명에 비교하면 엄청난 증가라고 할 수 있다. 학교교육은 남녀공학이 원칙이며, 초등학교는 8년, 중등학교는 4년 과정이 많았으나 1969년에 의회는 초등교육 6년, 중등교육 3+3년(6-3-3제) 학교제도의 개혁안을 통과시킴으로써 우선 8개의 도시와 42개의 지방구에서 새로운 학제를 도입하였다. 초등교육은 현재 5세에서 14세까지의 아동을 대상으로 무상의무교육을 실시하며, 재정은 국가와 지방교육당국이 각각 부담하고 있다. 14세에서 18세까지의 청년으로서 이 의무교육에 취학하지 못한 사람은 특별학급에 출석하도록 되어 있다. 그러나 1969년의 개혁법안에 의해 16세까지의 무상의무교육이 규정되었으며, 앞으로 의무교육 연령은 점차로 높아질 것으로 예상된다. 아동은 부모의 선택에 의해서 일반학교나 종교학교에 취학하게 되는데, 초등학교 총학생의 14%는 일반학교에 진학하고, 29%는 종교학교에, 7%는 사립학교에 진학한다. 1969년의 학제개혁법안이 실시되자, 이들 종교학교는 종교교육이 경감되는 것을 이유로 들어 맹렬한 반대를 주장하고 있다. 고등학교의 수업료는 연간 875 내지 1,025 '이스라엘 파운드'인데, 부모의 수입 정도에 따라 국가나 지방당국의 보조가 있고, 또는 수업료의 전액이 보조되기도 한다. 새로 돌아온 귀향자의 자녀를 포함한 약 50%의 학생이 수업료를 면제받고 있는 상황이다. (ko)
  • イスラエルの教育として、この項目ではイスラエルの教育について述べる。 (ja)
  • Освіта в Ізраїлі є важливою частиною повсякденного життя та культури країни. Ізраїль має розвинуту систему освіти з найбільшою увагою на сучасні методи та напрямки. Витрати на освіту складають близько 10 % ВВП країни, а переважна більшість шкіл отримує державну фінансову підтримку. (uk)
  • 以色列教育(希伯来语:חינוך בישראל‬,羅馬化:Chinuch b'Yisrael)指以色列境內對猶太人、阿拉伯人及其他少數民族所實施的複雜且多元的教育和升學方式。以色列擁有世界聞名的教育制度及文化。統計上,以色列的识字率为97.1%,是中东地区识字率最高的国家。以色列的義務教育為3至15歲,且5到15歲期間為免費。義務教育之外,16至18歲期間也為免費。 以色列的學校以公立為主,少部分為私立。大部分學生就讀於不教授宗教課程的學校,有些學生就讀於教授部分宗教課程的學校,還有的學生就讀於幾乎全部以宗教課程為主的學校,凸顯了以色列建國七十年來在政治、種族與宗教上的複雜性。以色列的教育與其高科技產業和高強度的國防基礎有極大的關係。由於猶太民族普遍重視教育,因此坊間多將以色列教育與「成功」、「適性學習」做連結。 由於以色列經濟主要以高科技產業為主,國內就業市場對受過高等教育,尤其是理工背景出身的畢業生需求較高,因此以色列國民參與高等教育的比例也偏高。2012年,以色列25至64歲人口中受過高等教育的比例中為46%,在經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)所有會員國中排名第二(次於加拿大,和日本並列);55-64歲人口中,高等教育學位的擁有率為47%,約為全OECD平均(25%)的兩倍。 總的來說,以色列的教育制度因各種原因而受到讚揚,其中包括其教育過程的品質及在刺激經濟發展上的重要作用。許多國際商業領袖和組織例如微軟創始人比爾·蓋茨、科技公司IBM都曾讚賞以色列教育在推動經濟建設上實際成效。 (zh)
  • Образование играет важную роль в жизни и культуре Израиля. В системе среднего образования наблюдается склонность принимать в расчёт современные образовательные тенденции. Расходы на образование в 2018 году составили 6.16% ВВП, большинство школ субсидированы государством. По данным Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, в Израиле на 2011 год 45 % населения имели высшее образование. Среди стран, входящих в эту организацию, Израиль занимает 2-е место по этому параметру. 78 % общего финансирования высших учебных заведений поступает из госбюджета. 58 % взрослых израильтян считают, что высшее образование очень важно для успеха в жизни, 77 % израильских родителей хотят, чтобы их дети получили высшее образование. (ru)
  • 5276547 (xsd:integer)
  • 52865 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124827334 (xsd:integer)
  • 49.0
  • 85.0
  • 45500000000 (xsd:decimal)
  • 2015 (xsd:integer)
  • Israel (en)
  • 357685 (xsd:integer)
  • 828732 (xsd:integer)
  • 259139 (xsd:integer)
  • 1445555 (xsd:integer)
  • Education Minister of Israel (en)
  • 98.7
  • 97.8
  • 95.8
  • 2014 (xsd:integer)
  • State & Private (en)
  • التعليم في إسرائيل يلعب دورًا رئيسيًا في حياة وثقافة البلاد. ففي إسرائيل نظام تعليمي شامل يركز على اتجاهات تربوية تقدمية. يصل الإنفاق على التعليم في إسرائيل حسابات لنحو 10% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، وتقوم الدولة بدعم معظم المدارس. (ar)
  • La educación en Israel está dividida en tres niveles: la educación primaria, que consiste de los grados 1 al 6, aproximadamente entre los seis y doce años de edad; la educación secundaria, que comprende los grados 7 al 9 para edades de entre los doce y quince años; la educación preparatoria consiste en los grados 10 al 12, con alumnos de entre quince y dieciocho años de edad. La educación obligatoria comienza en el jardín de niños y finaliza en el duodécimo grado o educación preparatoria.​ El ciclo escolar comienza cada año el 1 de septiembre y finaliza el 30 de junio del siguiente año para la educación básica, en la educación secundaria y preparatoria el ciclo finaliza el 20 de junio. (es)
  • イスラエルの教育として、この項目ではイスラエルの教育について述べる。 (ja)
  • Освіта в Ізраїлі є важливою частиною повсякденного життя та культури країни. Ізраїль має розвинуту систему освіти з найбільшою увагою на сучасні методи та напрямки. Витрати на освіту складають близько 10 % ВВП країни, а переважна більшість шкіл отримує державну фінансову підтримку. (uk)
  • The education system in Israel consists of three tiers: primary education (grades 1–6, approximately ages 6–12), middle school (grades 7–9, approximately ages 12–15) and high school (grades 10–12, approximately ages 15–19). Compulsory education takes place from kindergarten through 10th grade. The school year begins on September 1 (September 2 if September 1 is on Saturday), ending for elementary school pupils on June 30 (June 29 if June 30 is on Saturday), and for middle school and high school pupils on June 20 (June 19 if June 20 is on Saturday). Haredi Yeshivas follow an independent schedule, starting on 1 Elul. (en)
  • 본 문서는 이스라엘의 교육에 관한 내용이다. 1948년에 독립한 이스라엘의 교육은 70개 이상의 서로 다른 언어·방언 및 많은 (新·舊 歸還者)의 다양한 문화적 배경과 자국(自國)에서 출생한 사람 등을 하나의 국민으로 통합, 국민적 재생(再生)의 실현을 위한 중요한 기능을 맡고 있다. 정부는 대량으로 돌아온 귀환자의 수용·국가방위 및 국토개발이라는 중책을 맡고 있으면서도, 유치원에서 대학에 이르기까지 완전한 학교체제의 정리와 과학적 연구를 활발히 진행시키고 있다. 1969년부터 1970년도에 걸쳐 교육기관에 재학하고 있는 학생 총수는 약 80만명으로, 1948년에서 1949년까지의 14만명에 비교하면 엄청난 증가라고 할 수 있다. (ko)
  • Образование играет важную роль в жизни и культуре Израиля. В системе среднего образования наблюдается склонность принимать в расчёт современные образовательные тенденции. Расходы на образование в 2018 году составили 6.16% ВВП, большинство школ субсидированы государством. (ru)
  • 以色列教育(希伯来语:חינוך בישראל‬,羅馬化:Chinuch b'Yisrael)指以色列境內對猶太人、阿拉伯人及其他少數民族所實施的複雜且多元的教育和升學方式。以色列擁有世界聞名的教育制度及文化。統計上,以色列的识字率为97.1%,是中东地区识字率最高的国家。以色列的義務教育為3至15歲,且5到15歲期間為免費。義務教育之外,16至18歲期間也為免費。 以色列的學校以公立為主,少部分為私立。大部分學生就讀於不教授宗教課程的學校,有些學生就讀於教授部分宗教課程的學校,還有的學生就讀於幾乎全部以宗教課程為主的學校,凸顯了以色列建國七十年來在政治、種族與宗教上的複雜性。以色列的教育與其高科技產業和高強度的國防基礎有極大的關係。由於猶太民族普遍重視教育,因此坊間多將以色列教育與「成功」、「適性學習」做連結。 由於以色列經濟主要以高科技產業為主,國內就業市場對受過高等教育,尤其是理工背景出身的畢業生需求較高,因此以色列國民參與高等教育的比例也偏高。2012年,以色列25至64歲人口中受過高等教育的比例中為46%,在經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)所有會員國中排名第二(次於加拿大,和日本並列);55-64歲人口中,高等教育學位的擁有率為47%,約為全OECD平均(25%)的兩倍。 (zh)
  • Education in Israel (en)
  • التعليم في إسرائيل (ar)
  • Educación en Israel (es)
  • 이스라엘의 교육 (ko)
  • イスラエルの教育 (ja)
  • Educação em Israel (pt)
  • Образование в Израиле (ru)
  • Освіта в Ізраїлі (uk)
  • 以色列教育 (zh)
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