- The impeachment process against Richard Nixon began in the United States House of Representatives on October 30, 1973, following the series of high-level resignations and firings widely called the "Saturday Night Massacre" during the course of the Watergate scandal. The House Committee on the Judiciary set up an impeachment inquiry staff and began investigations into possible impeachable offenses by Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States. The process was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the House granted the Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Nixon of high crimes and misdemeanors under Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution. This investigation was undertaken one year after the United States Senate established the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities to investigate the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex during the 1972 presidential election, and the Republican Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement; during those hearings the scope of the scandal became apparent and the existence of the Nixon White House tapes was revealed. Following an April 1974 subpoena from the Judiciary Committee, edited transcripts of 42 taped White House conversations relevant to the Watergate cover-up were finally made public by Nixon. However, the committee pressed for the audio tapes themselves, and subsequently issued subpoenas for additional tapes, all of which Nixon had refused. That same month, Nixon also refused to comply with a subpoena from special prosecutor Leon Jaworski for 64 Watergate-related tapes. Ultimately, on July 24, 1974, the United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision against Nixon, which ordered him to comply. On May 9, 1974, formal hearings in the impeachment inquiry of Nixon began, culminating July 27–30, 1974, when members of the Democratic-led Judiciary Committee eventually approved three articles of impeachment. These articles charged Nixon with: 1) obstruction of justice in attempting to impede the investigation of the Watergate break-in, protect those responsible, and conceal the existence of other illegal activities; 2) abuse of power by using the office of the presidency on multiple occasions, dating back to the first year of his administration (1969), to unlawfully use federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as establishing a covert White House special investigative unit, to violate the constitutional rights of citizens and interfere with lawful investigations; and 3) contempt of Congress by refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas. These articles were reported to the House of Representatives for final action, with 7 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 of its Democrats in voting in favor of one or more of the articles. Two other articles were debated in committee but were rejected. Based on the strength of the evidence presented and the bipartisan support for the articles in committee, House leaders of both political parties concluded that Nixon's impeachment by the full House was a certainty if it reached the House floor for a final vote, and that his conviction in a Senate trial was a distinct possibility. On August 5, 1974, Nixon released a transcript of one of the additional conversations to the public, known as the "smoking gun" tape, which made clear his complicity in the Watergate cover-up. This disclosure destroyed Nixon politically. His most loyal defenders in Congress announced they would vote to impeach and convict Nixon for obstructing justice. Republican congressional leaders met with Nixon and told him that his impeachment and removal were all but certain. Thereupon, Nixon gave up the struggle to remain in office, resigning the presidency on August 9, 1974, before the full House could vote on the articles of impeachment. Although arrangements for a final House vote along with a Senate trial were being made at the time, further formal action was rendered unnecessary by his resignation, so the House brought the impeachment process against him to an official close two weeks later. Nixon was the first U.S. president in over a century, since Andrew Johnson in 1868, to be the subject of formal impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives. Two of Nixon's successors have undergone similar proceedings, and both, like Johnson, were impeached but then acquitted at the consequent Senate trial. Thus, while Nixon himself was not impeached, the impeachment process against him is so far the only one to cause a president's departure from office. (en)
- Proses pemakzulan terhadap Richard Nixon diprakarsai di Dewan Perwakilan Amerika Serikat pada 30 Oktober 1973, menyusul episode "" dari skandal Watergate. Komite Kehakiman Dewan membentuk staf penyelidikan pemakzulan dan mulai menyelidiki kemungkinan pelanggaran yang dapat dimakzulkan oleh Richard Nixon, Presiden ke-37 Amerika Serikat. Proses ini secara resmi diprakarsai pada 6 Februari 1974, ketika Dewan Perwakilan AS mengeluarkan sebuah resolusi, H.Res. 803, yang memberikan wewenang kepada Komite Kehakiman untuk menyelidiki apakah ada cukup alasan untuk memakzulkan Nixon atas kejahatan berat dan pelanggaran ringan, terutama terkait dengan Watergate. Penyelidikan ini dilakukan satu tahun setelah Senat Amerika Serikat membentuk untuk menginvestigasi pembobolan tahun 1972 di markas besar di di Washington, D.C., dan berupaya menutup-nutupi keterlibatannya. Menyusul sebuah somasi dari Komite Kehakiman, pada April 1974 transkrip editan dari banyak percakapan terkait Watergate dari dipublikasikan oleh Nixon, tetapi komite mendesak untuk pita rekaman penuh dan percakapan tambahan. Nixon menolak, tetapi pada 24 Juli, Mahkamah Agung AS memerintahkannya untuk patuh. Pada 27, 29, dan 30, 1974, Komite menyetujui tiga pasal pemakzulan terhadap Nixon, karena , penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, dan , dan melaporkan pasal-pasal tersebut kepada Dewan Perwakilan. Dua pasal pemakzulan lainnya diperdebatkan tetapi tidak disetujui. Sebelum Dewan dapat memberikan suara pada resolusi pemakzulan, Nixon mempublikasikan pada 5 Agustus 1974 sebuah transkrip dari salah satu percakapan tambahan, yang dikenal sebagai , yang menyingkap keterlibatannya yang terselubung. Dengan dukungan politiknya yang benar-benar terkikis, Nixon mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya pada 9 Agustus 1974. Diyakini secara luas bahwa seandainya Nixon tidak mengundurkan diri, pemakzulannya oleh Dewan dan pencopotan dari jabatannya melalui persidangan di hadapan Senat Amerika Serikat akan terjadi. Nixon merupakan salah satu dari tiga presiden AS yang terhadapnya pasal-pasal pemakzulan dilaporkan ke Dewan paripurna untuk dipertimbangkan. Dua lainnya—Andrew Johnson tahun 1868 dan Bill Clinton tahun 1998—keduanya menghadapi proses pemakzulan. Namun, keduanya juga dibebaskan dari semua tuduhan setelah persidangan Senat, dan dengan demikian diizinkan untuk tetap menjabat sebagai presiden. (in)
- O processo de impeachment contra Richard Nixon começou na Câmara dos Representantes dos Estados Unidos em 30 de outubro de 1973, após uma série de renúncias de alto nível e demissões amplamente chamadas de " Massacre da Noite de Sábado " durante o escândalo de Watergate. A comissão montou uma equipe de inquérito de impeachment e iniciou investigações sobre possíveis crimes passíveis de impeachment cometidos por Richard Nixon, o 37º presidente dos Estados Unidos. O processo foi formalmente iniciado em 6 de fevereiro de 1974, quando a Câmara concedeu ao Comitê Judiciário autoridade para investigar se existiam motivos suficientes para o impeachment de Nixon. Esta investigação foi realizada um ano depois que o Senado dos Estados Unidos estabeleceu o Comitê para investigar a invasão de 1972 na sede do Comitê Nacional Democrata no complexo de escritórios de Watergate em Washington, DC, e a tentativa do governo no encobrimento de seu envolvimento; durante essas audiências, o escopo do escândalo tornou-se aparente e a existência das fitas da Casa Branca de Nixon foi revelada. Após uma intimação do Comitê Judiciário em abril de 1974, as transcrições editadas de 42 conversas gravadas na Casa Branca, relevantes para o encobrimento de Watergate, foram finalmente tornadas públicas por Nixon. No entanto, o comitê pressionou pelas próprias fitas de áudio e, subsequentemente, emitiu intimações para fitas adicionais, todas as quais Nixon recusou e em 24 de julho de 1974, a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos emitiu uma decisão unânime contra Nixon, que ordenou que ele obedecesse. Os artigos acusavam Nixon de: 1) obstrução da justiça na tentativa de impedir a investigação da invasão do Watergate, proteger os responsáveis e ocultar a existência de outras atividades ilegais; 2) abuso de poder pelo uso da presidência em múltiplas ocasiões, desde o primeiro ano de sua gestão (1969), para utilizar ilegalmente órgãos federais, como a Receita Federal e o Federal Bureau of Investigation, também como o estabelecimento de uma unidade de investigação especial secreta da Casa Branca, para violar os direitos constitucionais dos cidadãos e interferir nas investigações legais; e 3) desacato ao Congresso, recusando-se a cumprir as intimações do Congresso. Em 5 de agosto de 1974, Nixon divulgou ao público a transcrição de uma das conversas adicionais, conhecida como a fita da "arma fumegante", que deixou clara sua cumplicidade no encobrimento de Watergate. Essa revelação destruiu Nixon politicamente. Seus defensores mais leais no Congresso anunciaram que votariam no impeachment e na condenação de Nixon por obstruir a justiça. Com isso, Nixon desistiu de lutar para permanecer no cargo, renunciando à presidência em 9 de agosto de 1974, antes que o plenário da Câmara pudesse votar os artigos de impeachment, em consequência disso, a Câmara encerrou oficialmente o processo de impeachment contra ele duas semanas depois. Nixon foi o primeiro presidente dos Estados Unidos em mais de um século, desde Andrew Johnson em 1868, a ser objeto de um processo formal de impeachment na Câmara dos Representantes. embora o próprio Nixon não tenha sofrido impeachment, o processo de impeachment contra ele é até agora o único a causar a saída de um presidente do cargo. (pt)
- The impeachment process against Richard Nixon began in the United States House of Representatives on October 30, 1973, following the series of high-level resignations and firings widely called the "Saturday Night Massacre" during the course of the Watergate scandal. The House Committee on the Judiciary set up an impeachment inquiry staff and began investigations into possible impeachable offenses by Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States. The process was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the House granted the Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Nixon of high crimes and misdemeanors under Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution. This investigation was undertaken one year after the United State (en)
- Proses pemakzulan terhadap Richard Nixon diprakarsai di Dewan Perwakilan Amerika Serikat pada 30 Oktober 1973, menyusul episode "" dari skandal Watergate. Komite Kehakiman Dewan membentuk staf penyelidikan pemakzulan dan mulai menyelidiki kemungkinan pelanggaran yang dapat dimakzulkan oleh Richard Nixon, Presiden ke-37 Amerika Serikat. Proses ini secara resmi diprakarsai pada 6 Februari 1974, ketika Dewan Perwakilan AS mengeluarkan sebuah resolusi, H.Res. 803, yang memberikan wewenang kepada Komite Kehakiman untuk menyelidiki apakah ada cukup alasan untuk memakzulkan Nixon atas kejahatan berat dan pelanggaran ringan, terutama terkait dengan Watergate. Penyelidikan ini dilakukan satu tahun setelah Senat Amerika Serikat membentuk untuk menginvestigasi pembobolan tahun 1972 di markas besar (in)
- O processo de impeachment contra Richard Nixon começou na Câmara dos Representantes dos Estados Unidos em 30 de outubro de 1973, após uma série de renúncias de alto nível e demissões amplamente chamadas de " Massacre da Noite de Sábado " durante o escândalo de Watergate. Com isso, Nixon desistiu de lutar para permanecer no cargo, renunciando à presidência em 9 de agosto de 1974, antes que o plenário da Câmara pudesse votar os artigos de impeachment, em consequência disso, a Câmara encerrou oficialmente o processo de impeachment contra ele duas semanas depois. (pt)