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Since the 1990s, the Anglican Communion has struggled with controversy regarding homosexuality in the church. In 1998, the 13th Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops passed a resolution "rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture". However, this is not legally binding. "Like all Lambeth Conference resolutions, it is not legally binding on all provinces of the Communion, including the Church of England, though it commends an essential and persuasive view of the attitude of the Communion." "Anglican national churches in Brazil, South Africa, South India, New Zealand and Canada have taken steps toward approving and celebrating same-sex relationships amid strong resistance among other national churches within the 80 million-member global body. The Episcopal Church in the U.S

Property Value
  • Since the 1990s, the Anglican Communion has struggled with controversy regarding homosexuality in the church. In 1998, the 13th Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops passed a resolution "rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture". However, this is not legally binding. "Like all Lambeth Conference resolutions, it is not legally binding on all provinces of the Communion, including the Church of England, though it commends an essential and persuasive view of the attitude of the Communion." "Anglican national churches in Brazil, South Africa, South India, New Zealand and Canada have taken steps toward approving and celebrating same-sex relationships amid strong resistance among other national churches within the 80 million-member global body. The Episcopal Church in the U.S. has allowed same-sex marriage since 2015, and the Scottish Episcopal Church has allowed same-sex marriage since 2017." "Church of England clergy have appeared to signal support for gay marriage after they rejected a bishops' report which said that only a man and woman could marry in church." The Church of England's 2019 General Synod was set to discuss a diocesan motion "to create a set of formal services and prayers to bless those who have had a same-sex marriage or civil partnership". At General Synod in 2019, the Church of England announced that same-gender couples may remain married and recognised as married after one spouse experiences a gender transition provided that the spouses identified as opposite genders at the time of the marriage. In 2002, the Diocese of New Westminster, in the Anglican Church of Canada, permitted the blessing of same-sex unions. In 2003, two openly gay men in England and the United States became candidates for bishop. In the Church of England, Jeffrey John eventually succumbed to pressure to withdraw his name from consideration to be the Bishop of Reading. In the Episcopal Church in the United States, Gene Robinson was elected and consecrated Bishop of New Hampshire, becoming the first openly gay bishop in the Anglican Communion and in apostolic Christianity. This was highly controversial and led several hundred bishops to boycott the 2008 Lambeth Conference. As an alternative to Lambeth, many of these bishops attended the Global Anglican Futures Conference in Jerusalem. As of 2004, other Anglican provinces, including the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and the Scottish Episcopal Church, permitted the ordination of gay clergy and others, such as the Episcopal Church in the USA, permitted blessing of same-sex unions as well. The BBC, in 2009, reported that many clergy in the Church of England "already bless same-sex couples on an unofficial basis". In South Africa, the Diocese of Saldanha Bay voted to support blessings for same-sex civil unions. The Anglican Church of Australia's highest court ruled that a diocese may authorise the blessing rites of same-sex unions. In Australia, two dioceses have done so. In 2019, the Southern African Provincial Synod voted to ask dioceses to "reflect and study" a report that recommends allowing each diocese to choose to offer services of prayer for couples in same-sex civil unions. Many provinces, primarily from the Global South and representing about half of the 80 million active Anglicans worldwide, have responded to these theological disputes by declaring a state of impaired communion with their Western counterparts. Minority groups in Western provinces have stated their opposition to what they consider un-scriptural actions by the churches in England, Canada, Australia, and the United States. Since 2000, some conservative Global South provinces have appointed missionary bishops to the United States and Canada to provide pastoral oversight to disaffected Anglicans. This process, known as Anglican realignment, is considered by the Episcopal Church USA and the Anglican Church of Canada to be an illegitimate incursion into their territories; however, conservative Anglicans argued that the incursions were necessary because of the failure of these churches to uphold orthodox teaching with regard to human sexuality. As of 2016, "the more liberal provinces that are open to changing Church doctrine on marriage in order to allow same-sex unions include Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, South India, South Africa, the US and Wales". In England and Wales, civil partnerships are permitted for clergy. "Neither the Church in Wales nor the Church of England are opposed to clergy being in civil partnerships. The Church of England requests that clergy in civil partnerships vow to remain sexually chaste, but the Church in Wales has no such restriction." The Church of England has allowed priests to enter into same-sex civil partnerships since 2005. The Church of Ireland recognises the pensions for clergy in same-sex civil partnerships. (en)
  • Au sein des églises anglicanes, l'acceptation de l'homosexualité fait débat. Dans certaines églises de la Communion anglicane, des évêques ouvertement homosexuels ont été nommés ou élus, ce qui a provoqué des conflits et des menaces de rupture, voire d'éclatement de la communion. (fr)
  • O assunto da homossexualidade no anglicanismo é controverso. A maior parte das Províncias da Comunhão Anglicana considera que os atos homossexuais são "incompatíveis com a Escritura" e declara que o casamento e sexo é apenas para casais heterossexuais. Durante a décima-terceira em 1988, uma resolução foi aprovada declarando que atos homossexuais são "incompatíveis com a Escritura" por uma votação de 526 a 70. No entanto, o documento também continha uma declaração dizendo que esta política não seria a palavra final e que a pesquisa continuaria (As Resoluções de Lambeth não são obrigatórias para as igrejas membros da comunhão anglicana, mas têm considerável autoridade moral). Outras resoluções foram aprovadas, como a Issues in Human Sexuality, aprovada em 1991, que declara que relações estáveis entre pessoas do mesmo sexo são aceitáveis para leigos mas não para o clero. Em 2003, a Igreja da Inglaterra anunciou a nomeação de Jeffrey John, um clérigo vivendo em uma relação doméstica com outro homem, como bispo de Reading. Tradicionalistas da Igreja se sentiram ofendidos e John sucumbiu à pressão do Arcebispo de Cantuária (que tinha apoiado a nomeação inicialmente) e outros para desistir antes que tivesse sido formalmente eleito. Ele foi então nomeado Deão de Saint Albans. Até o ano de 2004, outras províncias tais quais a Igreja Episcopal dos Estados Unidos, a Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil, a , a Igreja Episcopal da Escócia e a permitiam a ordenação de clérigos homossexuais não-celibatários e a benção de uniões do mesmo sexo. Na Igreja Anglicana do Canadá, seis paróquias na abençoam uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e o deão Peter Elliott daquela diocese é um homossexual em uma relação compromissada. Um ex vigário homossexual categorizou a Igreja Anglicana como ''homofóbica'' após receber uma carta de seu bispo dizendo que não teria permissão para trabalhar na Igreja. Em junho de 2018, a Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil aprovou a celebração de matrimônio entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, se tornando, assim, a terceira Igreja na Comunhão Anglicana a permitir tais tipos de matrimônio. A Igreja Episcopal dos Estados Unidos já reconhece desde 2015 e a Igreja Episcopal da Escócia desde 2017. (pt)
  • Епископальная церковь США, а также, англиканские церкви Великобритании, Канады, ЮАР, Австралии и Новой Зеландии, благословляют однополые браки и однополые партнёрства, допускают открытых гомосексуалов к священническому служению, и, имеют открытые прецеденты рукоположения, в том числе состоящих в гражданском партнёрстве, гомосексуалов в епископов. Англиканские церкви Бразилии, Южной Африки, Южной Индии, Новой Зеландии и Канады празднуют однополые отношения и предприняли решительные шаги к их одобрению. Епископальная Церковь США разрешает однополые браки с 2015 года, а Шотландская Епископальная Церковь с 2017 года. К Епископальной церкви относились 11 из 45 американских президентов, англиканский Вашингтонский Кафедральный Собор — главный соборы столицы Соединённых Штатов Америки, и, является одним из крупнейших кафедральных соборов мира, и, вторым в США, после, строящегося с 1983 года, также, англиканского Собора Иоанна Богослова в Нью Йорке, который, после завершения строительства должен стать самым высоким Христианским Храмом Мира, обогнав с высотой 182 метра, самый высокий на данный момент Ульмский собор в Германии. Це́рковь А́нглии — государственная церковь Соединённого Королевства, Матерь-Церковь — всемирного Англиканского сообщества. Религиозно-догматические решения Церкви Англии, должны, одобряться Парламентом Великобритании, только, после этого, они принимаются Английской Церковью. Главой Церкви является британский монарх, за ним идут, намеренно, два ненаследуемых титула Архиепископов Кентерберийского и Йорского. Архиепископ Кентерберийский также является главным примасом всего Англиканского Сообщества. Англиканское сообщество является третьим самым большим христианским сообществом в мире после Римско-католической церкви и Вселенского православия. Статус канонического единства означает, что между церквями отсутствуют разногласия по важнейшим доктринам. (ru)
  • 有关于同性恋的议题在普世圣公宗的几个教省引起争议。1998年的第13届兰柏会议上以526票赞成、70票反对的表决结果通过了一项决议,这项决议指出同性間的性行為“与圣经不相符”。然而,这项决议中仍然包括了这样的陈述:“我们呼吁所有的教徒对所有人有感情以及牧师般地服侍,而不顾他们的性倾向,同时谴责对同性恋的无理由的恐惧、婚内暴力和商业的性行为”,并且很重要地指出“我们保证我们会倾听同性恋人士的经验,我们也承诺他们会得到上帝的爱。所有的有信仰的忠诚的受洗过的人,不管他们的性倾向是怎样,都是基督的身体的成员”。兰柏会议“不是一个制定强加给教省的纪律和规定的地方,而是一个解决争议的论坛”。 2003年英国国教会宣布了任命一位正在和另一位同性同居的牧师,为英国国教会牛津教区副主教,但是因为有反对的声音,他被改任为圣奥尔本斯座堂的主持牧师。2004年,其他的圣公会教省,例如美国圣公会、巴西圣公会、墨西哥圣公会、苏格兰圣公会和南非洲圣公会教省合法化了非单身的同性恋牧师的任命和同性结合的祝福。在加拿大圣公会,新威斯敏斯特教区的六个堂区承认了祝福同性结合的礼仪,并且那个教区的主持牧师就是一位同性恋者。2003年美国圣公会任命基恩·罗宾逊为新罕布什尔教区的主教。 为回应这些神学上的争端,以中非洲教省开始的很多教省,包括了亚洲、非洲和澳洲的总计占圣公会人口一半,即4千万人口的教省发表声明,宣布他们和其他教省的交流因此受阻。西方教省中的少数派团体声明他们对英国国教会、加拿大圣公会、澳大利亚圣公会以及美国圣公会的不神圣的行为的反对。有些美国圣公宗团体脱离了美国圣公会,加入了如同卢旺达或是乌干达的非洲圣公会组织。 (zh)
  • 292208 (xsd:integer)
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  • 2016-03-28 (xsd:date)
  • Au sein des églises anglicanes, l'acceptation de l'homosexualité fait débat. Dans certaines églises de la Communion anglicane, des évêques ouvertement homosexuels ont été nommés ou élus, ce qui a provoqué des conflits et des menaces de rupture, voire d'éclatement de la communion. (fr)
  • Since the 1990s, the Anglican Communion has struggled with controversy regarding homosexuality in the church. In 1998, the 13th Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops passed a resolution "rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture". However, this is not legally binding. "Like all Lambeth Conference resolutions, it is not legally binding on all provinces of the Communion, including the Church of England, though it commends an essential and persuasive view of the attitude of the Communion." "Anglican national churches in Brazil, South Africa, South India, New Zealand and Canada have taken steps toward approving and celebrating same-sex relationships amid strong resistance among other national churches within the 80 million-member global body. The Episcopal Church in the U.S (en)
  • O assunto da homossexualidade no anglicanismo é controverso. A maior parte das Províncias da Comunhão Anglicana considera que os atos homossexuais são "incompatíveis com a Escritura" e declara que o casamento e sexo é apenas para casais heterossexuais. Durante a décima-terceira em 1988, uma resolução foi aprovada declarando que atos homossexuais são "incompatíveis com a Escritura" por uma votação de 526 a 70. No entanto, o documento também continha uma declaração dizendo que esta política não seria a palavra final e que a pesquisa continuaria (As Resoluções de Lambeth não são obrigatórias para as igrejas membros da comunhão anglicana, mas têm considerável autoridade moral). Outras resoluções foram aprovadas, como a Issues in Human Sexuality, aprovada em 1991, que declara que relações está (pt)
  • Епископальная церковь США, а также, англиканские церкви Великобритании, Канады, ЮАР, Австралии и Новой Зеландии, благословляют однополые браки и однополые партнёрства, допускают открытых гомосексуалов к священническому служению, и, имеют открытые прецеденты рукоположения, в том числе состоящих в гражданском партнёрстве, гомосексуалов в епископов. Це́рковь А́нглии — государственная церковь Соединённого Королевства, Матерь-Церковь — всемирного Англиканского сообщества. Статус канонического единства означает, что между церквями отсутствуют разногласия по важнейшим доктринам. (ru)
  • 有关于同性恋的议题在普世圣公宗的几个教省引起争议。1998年的第13届兰柏会议上以526票赞成、70票反对的表决结果通过了一项决议,这项决议指出同性間的性行為“与圣经不相符”。然而,这项决议中仍然包括了这样的陈述:“我们呼吁所有的教徒对所有人有感情以及牧师般地服侍,而不顾他们的性倾向,同时谴责对同性恋的无理由的恐惧、婚内暴力和商业的性行为”,并且很重要地指出“我们保证我们会倾听同性恋人士的经验,我们也承诺他们会得到上帝的爱。所有的有信仰的忠诚的受洗过的人,不管他们的性倾向是怎样,都是基督的身体的成员”。兰柏会议“不是一个制定强加给教省的纪律和规定的地方,而是一个解决争议的论坛”。 2003年英国国教会宣布了任命一位正在和另一位同性同居的牧师,为英国国教会牛津教区副主教,但是因为有反对的声音,他被改任为圣奥尔本斯座堂的主持牧师。2004年,其他的圣公会教省,例如美国圣公会、巴西圣公会、墨西哥圣公会、苏格兰圣公会和南非洲圣公会教省合法化了非单身的同性恋牧师的任命和同性结合的祝福。在加拿大圣公会,新威斯敏斯特教区的六个堂区承认了祝福同性结合的礼仪,并且那个教区的主持牧师就是一位同性恋者。2003年美国圣公会任命基恩·罗宾逊为新罕布什尔教区的主教。 (zh)
  • Homosexuality and the Anglican Communion (en)
  • Homosexualité dans l'anglicanisme (fr)
  • Homossexualidade e anglicanismo (pt)
  • Гомосексуальность и Англиканское сообщество (ru)
  • 同性恋与普世圣公宗 (zh)
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