- Pákistánské námořnictvo je součástí pákistánských ozbrojených sil. Přes svou poměrně krátkou historii už má za sebou například účast ve třech Indicko-pákistánských válkách. Námořnictvo tvoří 26 000 příslušníků, 5000 záložníků a 1200 námořních pěšáků. Jádro pákistánské floty tvoří 11 fregat a pět diesel-elektrických ponorek, které doplňuje řada menších plavidel. Námořní letectvo tvoří především hlídkové letouny a vrtulníky. Jména pákistánských válečných lodí začínají prefixem PNS. (cs)
- Die Pakistan Navy ist die englische Bezeichnung der Marine der pakistanischen Streitkräfte, die für die 1046 Kilometer lange Küstenlinie Pakistans entlang des Arabischen Meeres sowie für die Verteidigung wichtiger ziviler Häfen und Militärbasen verantwortlich ist. Die Marine wurde im Zuge der Unabhängigkeit Pakistans 1947 aufgestellt. Die Befehlsgewalt liegt nach Artikel 243 der pakistanischen Verfassung beim Präsidenten. (de)
- The Pakistan Navy (PN) (Urdu: پاکستان بحریہ) (romanized: Pākistān Bāhrí'a; pronounced [ˈpaːkɪstaːn baɦɽiːa]) is the naval branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. It came into existence by transfer of personnel and equipment from the Royal Indian Navy that ceased to exist following the partition of India through a parliamentary act that established the birth of Pakistan and independence of India from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947. Its primary objective is to ensure the defence of the sea lines of communication of Pakistan and safeguarding Pakistan's maritime interests by executing national policies through the exercise of military effect, diplomatic and humanitarian activities in support of these objectives. In addition to its war services, the Navy has mobilized its war assets to conduct humanitarian rescue operations at home as well as participating in multinational task forces mandated by the United Nations to prevent seaborne terrorism and privacy off the coasts. The Pakistan Navy is a volunteer force which has been in conflict with neighbouring India twice on its sea borders, and has been repeatedly deployed in the Indian Ocean to act as a military advisor to Gulf Arab states and other friendly nations during the events of multinational conflict as part of its commitment to the United Nations. The Navy has several components including the Naval Aviation, Marines, and the Maritime Security Agency (a coast guard). Since its commencement on 14 August 1947, the defensive role of the Navy has expanded from securing the sealines and becoming the custodian of Pakistan's second strike capability with an ability to launch underwater missile system to target enemy positions. The Navy is commanded by the Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral, who is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. The Chief of Naval Staff is nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed by the President of Pakistan. The current Chief is Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi who was appointed on 7 October 2020. Admiral Niazi is the 22nd Chief of the Pakistan Navy, taking charge after Zafar Mahmood Abbasi. (en)
- La marine pakistanaise (ourdou : پاکستان بحریہ ; Pɑkistan Bahri'a) est la marine de guerre du Pakistan et représente l'une des composantes des forces armées pakistanaises. Elle est créée à la suite de la dissolution de la Royal Indian Navy après la partition de l'Inde britannique par un acte parlementaire établissant l'indépendance du Pakistan du Royaume-Uni le 14 août 1947. Son objectif principal et sa mission sont d’assurer la défense des communications du Pakistan et de préserver les intérêts maritimes en appliquant des politiques nationales par le biais de l'exercice d’effets militaires et d’activités diplomatiques et humanitaires à l’appui de ces objectifs. En plus de son service de guerre, la marine a mobilisé ses ressources militaires pour superviser les opérations de sauvetage humanitaire dans son pays et participer à des forces opérationnelles multinationales mandatés par l’ONU pour prévenir le terrorisme maritime au large des côtes. La marine pakistanaise est une force de volontaires qui a été principalement en conflit avec l'Inde voisine à deux reprises sur ses frontières maritimes et qui a été déployée à plusieurs reprises dans l'océan Indien pour servir de conseil militaire dans les États arabes et d'autres pays amis lors d'événements multinationaux dans le cadre de son engagement envers les Nations Unies. L’effectif global de la marine est soutenu par les différentes divisions de la marine, y compris l’ aviation, les Marines et l’agence de la sécurité maritime — la branche de la garde côtière de la marine. Depuis sa création le 14 août 1947, le rôle défensif de la marine, qui était de sécuriser les compagnies maritimes et avec pour objectif de devenir la deuxième capacité de frappe du Pakistan, est capable de lancer un système de missiles sous-marins pour cibler les positions ennemies. La Constitution du Pakistan définit le rôle du président pakistanais en tant que commandant en chef civil élu, et la marine est commandée par le chef d'état-major de la marine, nommé par celui-ci, un amiral de rang quatre étoiles, membre éminent du Comité mixte des chefs d'état-major. La marine pakistanaise est actuellement au commandement de l'amiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, occupant ce poste depuis le 7 octobre 2017. (fr)
- La marina militare del Pakistan (in inglese Pakistan Navy, in urdu پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahr'ya) (PN) è il servizio navale delle . La marina è responsabile della sorveglianza dei 1046 km di linea costiera del Pakistan lungo il Mare Arabico e la difesa di importanti porti civili e basi militari. La sua festa è celebrata l'8 settembre in occasione della commemorazione della guerra indo-pakistana del 1965. Il ruolo corrente e primario della marina pakistana è proteggere gli interessi militari ed economici in patria e all'estero, eseguendo le politiche estere e di difesa del governo pakistano attraverso l'esercizio della potenza militare, delle attività diplomatiche e di altre attività di supporto a questi obiettivi. Come programma per il ventunesimo secolo, la marina pakistana si concentra anche su spedizioni globali e ha giocato un ruolo determinante nella partenza del . Al 2011, la marina annovera 11 unità navali combattenti, 30 velivoli, 20 elicotteri, una nave da sbarco con bacino allagabile, 4 cacciamine, 12 motovedette missilistiche, 12 hovercraft, 5 sottomarini, 8 navi ausiliarie ed una nave da ricerca. La marina è supportata anche dalla , dai , e dalla , la divisione paramilitare della marina pakistana Al 2011, la marina pakistana ha una forza di circa 25.000 uomini in servizio attivo e 5.000 nella riserva. In aggiunta vi sono 2.000 riservisti nella Maritime Security Agency, 2.500 in servizio nella Guardia Costiera, e 1.200 in servizio attivo nei Marines. Nei suoi tempi recenti la marina pakistana ha subito una estensiva modernizzazione ed espansione anche visto il suo ruolo nella guerra al terrorismo. Dal 2011, la marina ha aumentatola sua responsabilità operativa assumendosi un maggior ruolo internazionale nel contrastare la minaccia del terrorismo globale basato in mare ed il traffico di droga. Dal 2004 la marina pakistana è diventata un membro della Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150), una unità multinazionale della NATO La costituzione del Pakistan prevede che il presidente della repubblica sia il comandante in capo della Marina. Il Capo di Stato Maggiore, per statuto un ammiraglio a quattro stelle, viene nominato dal presidente con la necessaria consultazione e ratifica del Primo ministro. Il Capo di Stato Maggiore è subordinato al ministro della Difesa e al segretario alla Difesa, e comanda la Marina. (it)
- Pakistan Navy (urdu: پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahriya) – jeden z rodzajów pakistańskich sił zbrojnych odpowiedzialny za prowadzenia działań bojowych na Morzu Arabskim. Obecnie liczy 24 tysiące personelu, dysponuje 68 okrętami i własnym lotnictwem (ang. Pakistan Naval Air Arm) liczącym 48 statków powietrznych. Indyjski atak powietrzny 4 grudnia 1971 zatopił trzy z czterech pakistańskich patrolowców typu Town, stacjonujących we Wschodnim Pakistanie (Bangladeszu). Tego samego dnia zatopiony został okręt podwodny „Ghazi”. 22 grudnia 1971 roku , pakistański okręt podwodny typu Daphné, zatopił przy pomocy torped indyjską fregatę INS "Kuukri" typu Blackwood, był to pierwszy takiego rodzaju atak od czasu zakończenia II wojny światowej. 22 maja 2011 roku talibowie podczas ataku na bazę w Karaczi zniszczyli dwa z czterech posiadanych przez Pakistan samolotów Lockheed P-3 Orion. USA zgodziły się dostarczyć w ich miejsce inne maszyny. (pl)
- A Marinha do Paquistão (em Urdu: پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahr'ya) é o ramo naval das Forças Armadas do Paquistão. É responsável por 1046 km (650 milhas) do litoral paquistanês ao longo da costa do Mar Arábico e na defesa de importantes portos civis e bases militares. O Dia da Marinha é comemorado em 8 de setembro, em comemoração da Guerra Indo-Paquistanesa de 1965. O objectivo principal da Marinha do Paquistão é proteger os interesses militares e econômicos, internos e externos do país, executando as políticas externa e de defesa do Governo do Paquistão através do exercício do efeito militar, atividades diplomáticas e outras atividades de apoio a esses objetivos. Desde o início do século XXI que a Marinha tem focado em operações expedicionárias globais, e desempenhou um papel vital no estabelecimento do . (pt)
- Военно-морские силы Пакистана (урду پاک بحریہ Pak Bahr’ya, англ. Pakistan Navy) — один из видов вооружённых сил Исламской Республики Пакистан. В основном включают в себя военно-морской флот, военно-морскую авиацию, морскую пехоту, части и подразделения специального назначения. День ВМС Пакистана отмечается 8 сентября. (ru)
- 巴基斯坦海军(乌尔都语:پاکستان بحریہ),为巴基斯坦军事力量的海上军种。巴基斯坦海军创建于1947年巴基斯坦独立之后。主要任务是保护巴斯斯坦领海、港口、渔业、航线的安全。海军节设于每年的9月8日,以纪念1965年印巴战争。 (zh)
- Військово-морські сили Пакистану (урду پاک بحریہ Pak Bahr’ya, англ. Pakistan Navy) - один з родів Збройних сил Пакистану чисельність якого складає близько 24000 осіб та ще 5000 у резерві. (uk)
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- * 12,000Marines
- * 2,800civilian personnel
- * 35,300active-dutyofficers andsailors
- * 4,000Maritime Security Agency
- * 5,000reserve force
- 154 ships and 85 aircraft
- 54,100 total active personnel
- Arabic:
- English: Allah is Sufficient for us - and what an excellent (reliable) Trustee (of affairs) is He!
- (Qur'an,3:173)
- حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
- ہمارے لیے اللّٰہ کافی ہے اور وہ بہترین کارساز ہے۔
- Coastal defence
- Naval warfare
- Maritime security
- Second-strike capability
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- 250671 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- McInerney (en)
- Tariq (en)
- F-22P (en)
- 0001-09-08 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- dbr:Indo-Pakistani_wars_and_conflicts
- Somali Civil War (en)
- Sri Lankan Civil War (en)
- War in Afghanistan (en)
- War on Terror (en)
- (en)
- Conflict in Arab world (en)
- UN Peacekeeping missions (en)
- Crest of Pakistan Navy (en)
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- Adm. Amjad Khan Niazi (en)
- General Nadeem Raza (en)
- President Arif Alvi (en)
- V/Adm. Faisal Lodhi (en)
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- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 6 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 48 (xsd:integer)
- 54 (xsd:integer)
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- 0001-06-08 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- F-22P PNS Zulfiquar.JPG (en)
- PNS Tippu Sultan former HMS Avenger.jpg (en)
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- dbr:Classical_Arabic
- (en)
- حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ (en)
- English: Allah is Sufficient for us - and what an excellent Trustee is He! (en)
- ہمارے لیے اللّٰہ کافی ہے اور وہ بہترین کارساز ہے۔ (en)
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- 3.15576E8
- 6.31152E8
- 9.46728E8
- 1.262304E9
- 1.104516E9
- Hilal-e-Jurat.png (en)
- Pakistan Independence Medal 1947.png (en)
- Republic Medal 1956 .png (en)
- Sitara-e-Harb 1965 War Ribbon.png (en)
- Sitara-e-Harb 1971 War.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Diffa.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Jang 1971 War.png (en)
- Hijri Tamgha.png (en)
- Hilal-e-Imtiaz.png (en)
- Independence Day Golden Jubilee Medal, 2006.svg (en)
- Jamhuriat Tamgha 1988.png (en)
- Nishan-e-Imtiaz.png (en)
- Qarardad-e-Pakistan Tamgha Pakistan.svg (en)
- Sitara-e-Basalat.png (en)
- Sitara-e-Imtiaz.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Baqa .png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Imtiaz.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Istaqlal .png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Jang 1965 War.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Sad Saala Jashan-e-Wiladat-e-Quaid-e-Azam.png (en)
- Sitara-e-Jurat.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Azm.png (en)
- Command and Staff College Quetta Centenary Medal.svg (en)
- Command and Staff College Quetta Centenary Medal 2007.png (en)
- Hilal-e-Imtiaz .png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Basalat.png (en)
- Hilal-e-Shujaat.png (en)
- Imtiazi Sanad.png (en)
- Nishan-e-Haider.png (en)
- President's Award for Pride of Performance.png (en)
- Sitara-e-Eissar.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Eisaar.png (en)
- Tamgha-e-Jurat.png (en)
- Tamgha-i-Khidmat .png (en)
- Naval warfare (en)
- (en)
- Coastal defence (en)
- Maritime security (en)
- Second-strike capability (en)
- General Jehangir Karamat on civil society–military relations (en)
- Pervez Musharraf, 1999 (en)
- Admiral Mohammad Sharif, (to U.S. Admiral Zumwalt in 1971) (en)
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, addressing the men and officers of HMIS Godavari in March 1948 (en)
- 154 (xsd:integer)
- 54100 (xsd:integer)
- 1947-08-14 (xsd:date)
- (en)
- Today is a historic day for Pakistan, doubly so for those of us in the Navy. The Dominion of Pakistan has come into being and with it a new Navy – the Royal Pakistan Navy – has been born. I am proud to have been appointed to command it and serve with you at this time. In the coming months, it will be my duty and yours to build up our Navy into a happy and efficient force (en)
- At the end of East-Pakistan crisis.... We had no intelligence and hence, were both deaf and blind with the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force pounding us day and night.... (en)
- In my opinion, if we have to repeat of past events then we must understand that Military leaders can pressure only up to a point. Beyond that their own position starts getting undermined because the military is after all is a mirror image of the civil society from which it is drawn. (en)
- Pakistan fully endorse the requirements of a strong navy, capable of safeguarding Pakistan's sea frontiers and her Lines of Communication, monitoring and protecting her exclusive economic zone. Continuous efforts are at hand to provide the best available equipment to the Navy despite all economic constraints. (en)
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- 130 (xsd:integer)
- 200 (xsd:integer)
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- Pákistánské námořnictvo je součástí pákistánských ozbrojených sil. Přes svou poměrně krátkou historii už má za sebou například účast ve třech Indicko-pákistánských válkách. Námořnictvo tvoří 26 000 příslušníků, 5000 záložníků a 1200 námořních pěšáků. Jádro pákistánské floty tvoří 11 fregat a pět diesel-elektrických ponorek, které doplňuje řada menších plavidel. Námořní letectvo tvoří především hlídkové letouny a vrtulníky. Jména pákistánských válečných lodí začínají prefixem PNS. (cs)
- Die Pakistan Navy ist die englische Bezeichnung der Marine der pakistanischen Streitkräfte, die für die 1046 Kilometer lange Küstenlinie Pakistans entlang des Arabischen Meeres sowie für die Verteidigung wichtiger ziviler Häfen und Militärbasen verantwortlich ist. Die Marine wurde im Zuge der Unabhängigkeit Pakistans 1947 aufgestellt. Die Befehlsgewalt liegt nach Artikel 243 der pakistanischen Verfassung beim Präsidenten. (de)
- Военно-морские силы Пакистана (урду پاک بحریہ Pak Bahr’ya, англ. Pakistan Navy) — один из видов вооружённых сил Исламской Республики Пакистан. В основном включают в себя военно-морской флот, военно-морскую авиацию, морскую пехоту, части и подразделения специального назначения. День ВМС Пакистана отмечается 8 сентября. (ru)
- 巴基斯坦海军(乌尔都语:پاکستان بحریہ),为巴基斯坦军事力量的海上军种。巴基斯坦海军创建于1947年巴基斯坦独立之后。主要任务是保护巴斯斯坦领海、港口、渔业、航线的安全。海军节设于每年的9月8日,以纪念1965年印巴战争。 (zh)
- Військово-морські сили Пакистану (урду پاک بحریہ Pak Bahr’ya, англ. Pakistan Navy) - один з родів Збройних сил Пакистану чисельність якого складає близько 24000 осіб та ще 5000 у резерві. (uk)
- La marine pakistanaise (ourdou : پاکستان بحریہ ; Pɑkistan Bahri'a) est la marine de guerre du Pakistan et représente l'une des composantes des forces armées pakistanaises. Elle est créée à la suite de la dissolution de la Royal Indian Navy après la partition de l'Inde britannique par un acte parlementaire établissant l'indépendance du Pakistan du Royaume-Uni le 14 août 1947. (fr)
- The Pakistan Navy (PN) (Urdu: پاکستان بحریہ) (romanized: Pākistān Bāhrí'a; pronounced [ˈpaːkɪstaːn baɦɽiːa]) is the naval branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. It came into existence by transfer of personnel and equipment from the Royal Indian Navy that ceased to exist following the partition of India through a parliamentary act that established the birth of Pakistan and independence of India from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947. (en)
- La marina militare del Pakistan (in inglese Pakistan Navy, in urdu پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahr'ya) (PN) è il servizio navale delle . La marina è responsabile della sorveglianza dei 1046 km di linea costiera del Pakistan lungo il Mare Arabico e la difesa di importanti porti civili e basi militari. La sua festa è celebrata l'8 settembre in occasione della commemorazione della guerra indo-pakistana del 1965. (it)
- Pakistan Navy (urdu: پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahriya) – jeden z rodzajów pakistańskich sił zbrojnych odpowiedzialny za prowadzenia działań bojowych na Morzu Arabskim. Obecnie liczy 24 tysiące personelu, dysponuje 68 okrętami i własnym lotnictwem (ang. Pakistan Naval Air Arm) liczącym 48 statków powietrznych. 22 maja 2011 roku talibowie podczas ataku na bazę w Karaczi zniszczyli dwa z czterech posiadanych przez Pakistan samolotów Lockheed P-3 Orion. USA zgodziły się dostarczyć w ich miejsce inne maszyny. (pl)
- A Marinha do Paquistão (em Urdu: پاک بحریہ, Pak Bahr'ya) é o ramo naval das Forças Armadas do Paquistão. É responsável por 1046 km (650 milhas) do litoral paquistanês ao longo da costa do Mar Arábico e na defesa de importantes portos civis e bases militares. O Dia da Marinha é comemorado em 8 de setembro, em comemoração da Guerra Indo-Paquistanesa de 1965. (pt)
- Pakistan Navy (en)
- Pákistánské námořnictvo (cs)
- Pakistan Navy (de)
- Marine pakistanaise (fr)
- Pak Bahr'ya (it)
- Pakistan Navy (pl)
- Marinha do Paquistão (pt)
- Военно-морские силы Пакистана (ru)
- Військово-морські сили Пакистану (uk)
- 巴基斯坦海军 (zh)
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