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schema:Event n22:Event dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q1656682 wikidata:Q40231 owl:Thing dbo:Event dbo:Election
Präsidentschaftswahl in Chile 2021 2021 Chilean general election Elezioni generali in Cile del 2021 Eleição presidencial no Chile em 2021 Élection présidentielle chilienne de 2021 Президентские выборы в Чили (2021) 2021年智利大选 Γενικές εκλογές Χιλής 2021 Elección presidencial de Chile de 2021
Die Präsidentschaftswahl in Chile 2021 war die achte Präsidentschaftswahl in Chile seit der Transición. Der erste Wahlgang fand am 21. November 2021 statt. Bei der Stichwahl am 19. Dezember 2021 gewann Gabriel Boric mit knapp 56 % der Stimmen (Wahlbeteiligung 55 %). Gleichzeitig wurden auch 27 der 50 Mitglieder des chilenischen Senats sowie alle 155 Mitglieder der Abgeordnetenkammer neu gewählt. Die Amtszeit der Gewählten begann am 11. März 2022. A eleição presidencial no Chile de 2021 foi realizada em dois turnos. O primeiro foi em 21 de novembro, e o segundo foi no dia 19 de dezembro, para eleger um presidente com um mandato de 4 anos. O segundo turno foi disputado entre José Antonio Kast, do Partido Republicano, em coligação com o Partido Conservador Cristão , e Gabriel Boric, da Convergência Sicial, na coligação Apruebo Dignidad, que venceu a eleição com 4.620.890 votos. Президентские выборы в Чили прошли 21 ноября в один день с парламентскими выборами (1-й тур) и 19 декабря (2-й тур) 2021 года. Президент Себастьян Пиньера не мог баллотироваться. На пост президента баллотировалось 7 кандидатов. Никто из кандидатов не получил большинства голосов в 1-м туре. Хосе Антонио Каст, член Республиканской партии и кандидат от ультраправого альянса Христианско-социальный фронт, получил наибольшее количество голосов в 1-м туре (27,91 %). На втором месте оказался Габриэль Борич, член организации Социальная конвергенция и кандидат от левой коалиции «Одобряю достоинство». Таким образом, Каст и Борич вышли во 2-й тур президентских выборов. Впервые в рамках действующей Конституции ни один из кандидатов во 2-м туре не представлял доминирующую коалицию, поскольку кандидат от La elección presidencial de Chile para el período 2022-2026 se realizó el 21 de noviembre de 2021, en conjunto con las elecciones de diputados, senadores y las elecciones de consejeros regionales; la segunda vuelta electoral, en tanto, tuvo lugar el 19 de diciembre de 2021. Para estas elecciones, los pactos Apruebo Dignidad y Chile Vamos inscribieron primarias legales para definir a sus candidatos presidenciales. Estas primarias, que iban a tener lugar originalmente el 4 de julio,​ se realizaron el 18 de julio de 2021. Le elezioni generali in Cile del 2021 si sono tenute il 21 novembre per l'elezione del presidente e per il rinnovo del Congresso nazionale (Camera dei deputati e Senato); il 19 dicembre ha avuto luogo il turno di ballottaggio delle elezioni presidenziali. Le consultazioni fanno seguito alle elezioni della Convenzione costituzionale, indette allo scopo di redigere nuova Costituzione. General elections were held in Chile on 21 November 2021, including presidential, parliamentary and regional elections. Voters went to the polls to elect the President of the Republic to serve a four-year term, 27 of 50 members of the Senate to serve an eight-year term in the National Congress, all 155 members of the Chamber of Deputies to serve a four-year term in the National Congress, and all 302 members of the regional boards to serve a three-year term. Following an electoral reform in 2015, the Senate increased its membership from 38 to 43 in 2017, and grew to its full size of 50 seats after this election. This election cycle was characterized as being the most polarized in modern Chilean history and a departure from political normality in Chile, being held in the backdrop of the 2019 Στις 21 Νοεμβρίου 2021 διεξήχθησαν γενικές εκλογές στη Χιλή, για να εκλεγούν: * ο Πρόεδρος της Χιλής για μία τετραετή θητεία * τα 155 μέλη της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων του Εθνικού Κογκρέσου της Χιλής για μία τετραετή θητεία * τα 27 από τα μέλη της Γερουσίας για μία οκταετή θητεία * τα μέλη περιφερειακών συμβουλίων για μία τριετή θητεία L'élection présidentielle chilienne de 2021 se déroule les 21 novembre et 19 décembre 2021 afin d'élire pour quatre ans le président de la République du Chili. Des élections parlementaires et régionales sont organisées simultanément. Le président sortant, Sebastián Piñera, ne peut être candidat à sa réélection, la Constitution chilienne interdisant les mandats successifs. 2021年智利大选在2021年11月21日举行,选举出總統、27个參議員、155个眾議員和302个大区議員。
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dbc:Gabriel_Boric dbc:November_2021_events_in_Chile dbc:Presidency_of_Sebastián_Piñera dbc:2021_elections_in_Chile dbc:2021_elections_in_South_America dbc:Presidential_elections_in_Chile
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dbr:2005-06_Chilean_presidential_election dbr:Chamber_of_Deputies_(Chile) dbr:Macarena_Ripamonti dbr:Maipú,_Chile dbr:Johannes_Kaiser_(Chilean_politician) dbr:Isabel_Parra dbr:New_Chile n12:Flag_of_the_Christian_Democrat_Party_of_Chile.svg dbr:Claudia_Pizarro dbr:Eduardo_Artés dbr:Heraldo_Muñoz dbr:Illapu dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Greece dbr:Izkia_Siches n12:UDI_2017_(recorte).svg dbr:Banco_del_Estado_de_Chile dbr:Celso_Amorim dbr:Nicolás_Maduro dbr:Álvaro_Elizalde dbr:CNN_Chile dbr:Equality_Party_(Chile) dbr:Biobío_Region dbr:San_Bernardo,_Chile dbr:Independent_Regionalist_Party dbr:Proportional_representation dbr:Eduardo_Bolsonaro dbr:Two-round_system dbr:Osorno,_Chile dbr:Chilean_transition_to_democracy n12:2021_Chilean_presidential_election_by_commune_percentage.svg n12:2021_Chilean_presidential_election_by_commune_percentage_(second_round).svg dbr:Los_Lagos_Region dbr:Commons_(Chilean_political_party) dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Spain dbr:Liberal_conservatism dbr:Leah_Gazan 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n12:SEBASTIAN_SICHEL_2019_(cropped).jpg dbr:Constitutional_Convention_(Chile) dbr:Donald_Trump dbr:Francisco_Vidal_Salinas dbr:Comunes_(political_party) dbr:Christian_Conservative_Party_(Chile) dbr:President_of_Costa_Rica dbr:La_Pintana dbr:Yanis_Varoufakis dbr:Citizens_(Chilean_political_party) dbr:Vijay_Prashad dbr:Pedro_Sánchez n12:Senado_de_Chile_elección_2021.svg dbr:Conservatism dbr:Social_Convergence dbr:Regions_of_Chile dbc:2021_elections_in_Chile n12:UPAUniónPatriótica.png dbr:Alfredo_Castro_(actor) dbr:Jair_Bolsonaro dbr:Jorge_Sharp dbr:Ali_Manouchehri dbr:Vallenar dbr:Ignacio_Briones dbr:Christian_Democratic_Party_(Chile) dbc:2021_elections_in_South_America dbr:Roberto_Neira dbr:Jorge_Baradit dbr:Uber dbc:Presidential_elections_in_Chile n12:Yasna_Provoste_Campillai_(2021)_(cropped).jpg dbr:Communist_Youth_of_Chile dbr:Unir_Movement dbr:Peñalolén dbr:Gloria_Hutt dbr:Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Chile) dbr:Magallanes_and_Chilean_Antarctica_Region dbr:Valdivia dbr:Vox_(political_party) dbr:US_Secretary_of_State dbr:Sevim_Dağdelen dbr:Jorge_Tarud dbr:Mayor_of_Paris dbr:Noam_Chomsky dbr:José_Luis_Rodríguez_Zapatero dbr:Ali_Al-Dailami dbr:Costa-Gavras dbr:General_elections dbr:Stephany_Griffith-Jones dbr:Slavoj_Zizek dbr:Pink_Floyd dbr:Sebastián_Piñera dbr:D'Hondt_method dbr:Joaquín_Lavín dbr:Alameda_(Santiago) dbr:Political_Evolution dbr:Tweet_(Twitter) dbr:Coquimbo dbr:Coquimbo_Region dbr:Coordinadora_Arauco-Malleco dbr:Luis_Arce dbr:Senate_of_Chile dbr:Red_Metropolitana_de_Movilidad n12:Ciudadanos_2018.svg dbr:Democratic_Revolution dbr:KORWiN dbr:Ministry_of_the_Interior_and_Public_Security_(Chile) dbr:Srećko_Horvat dbr:1999-2000_Chilean_presidential_election dbr:Social_liberalism dbr:Elisa_Loncón dbr:Diego_Ancalao dbr:Mauricio_Soria_Macchiavello dbr:President_of_Argentina dbr:Richard_Burgon dbr:White_House dbr:Gerardo_Espíndola dbr:Democratic_Socialists_of_America dbr:Pamela_Jiles_(journalist) dbr:President_of_Bolivia dbr:President_of_Brazil dbr:Ministry_General_Secretariat_of_Government_(Chile) dbr:Tomás_Vodanovic dbr:The_List_of_the_People dbr:United_Centre_(Chile) dbr:Common_Force dbr:President_of_Ecuador dbr:Zarah_Sultana dbr:Sebastián_Sichel dbr:Viña_del_Mar dbr:Cabify dbr:Henrique_Capriles dbr:President_of_Chile dbr:President_of_Colombia dbr:Evelyn_Matthei dbr:2013_Chilean_general_election dbr:Ernesto_Samper dbr:Radical_Party_(Chile) dbr:National_Renewal_(Chile) dbr:Karol_Cariola n12:Marco_Enríquez-Ominami_2018_(4x3).jpg dbr:Gino_Lorenzini dbr:Feminist dbr:Guillermo_Lasso dbr:Santiago_Metropolitan_Region dbr:Christian_democracy n12:Evópoli2.png dbr:Chamber_of_Deputies_(Brazil) dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Chile_(2013) dbr:Chile n12:Federacion_Regionalista_Verde_Social_(recorte).png dbr:Providencia,_Chile dbr:President_of_Peru dbr:Democratic_socialism dbr:Patriotic_Union_(Chile) dbr:Alejandro_Zambra dbr:President_of_Mexico
n21:Resultados-Ofciales-Eleccion-Presidencial-21-de-noviembre-de-2021.xlsx n16:
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dbt:Fontcolor dbt:Party_color dbt:Center dbt:Main dbt:Ill dbt:Clear dbt:Efn dbt:Politics_of_Chile dbt:Bar_percent dbt:Election_results dbt:Use_American_English dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Commons_category-inline dbt:Infobox_election dbt:Notelist dbt:Bar_box dbt:Multiple_image dbt:Endorsements_box dbt:Chilean_elections dbt:Colored_link dbt:Short_description dbt:Infobox_legislative_election dbt:Switcher dbt:Reflist
5 6 7 3
dbr:Franco_Parisi dbr:José_Antonio_Kast Gabriel Boric dbr:Yasna_Provoste dbr:Marco_Enríquez-Ominami dbr:Sebastián_Sichel dbr:Eduardo_Artés
Total Won Not up
2 0 1 4 5 8 12
12 10 4 6 0 1 2 3
24 18 12 9 6 7 5 2 3 0 1
dbr:New_Time_(Chile) dbr:Dignidad_Ahora dbr:Patriotic_Union_(Chile) Let's Humanize Chile Ecologists and independents dbr:Constituent_Unity Green Regionalists and independents dbr:Chile_Podemos_Más dbr:Chile_Vamos For a Dignified Chile dbr:Party_of_the_People_(Chile) dbr:Apruebo_Dignidad Christian Conservative Party and independents dbr:Broad_Front_(Chile) Working Class Unity Front Independents Citizen Democracy dbr:New_Social_Pact Progressive Radical Change dbr:United_Independents_(Chile) dbr:Green_Ecologist_Party_(Chile) Republicans and independents dbr:Revolutionary_Workers_Party_(Chile) dbr:Christian_Social_Front dbr:Progressive_Party_(Chile)
Gabriel Boric's victory celebration in the Alameda.
15030974 15030963
Gabriel Boric at victory speech , santiago, chile.jpg Gabriel Boric Front portrait.jpg
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;Executive officials *Raúl Figueroa, Minister of Education *Sebastián Sichel, former Minister of Social Development and Family; former presidential candidate ;Individuals *Ena von Baer, Chilean senator *Johannes Kaiser, Chilean YouTuber and politician *Franco Parisi, engineer and economist; former presidential candidate *Marcelo Salas, footballer ;International politicians *Mario Vargas Llosa, 1st Marquis of Vargas Llosa, Spanish-Peruvian writer, politician and Nobel Prize winner. *Eduardo Bolsonaro, member of Chamber of Deputies of Brazil and son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro *Filip Dewinter, Member of the Flemish Parliament ;Parties and orgnanisations *KORWiN, Polish political party *Vox, Spanish political party ;Executive officials *Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Chile *Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile ;National officials *Karol Cariola, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile *Marco Enríquez-Ominami, former Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile; former presidential candidate *Yasna Provoste, President of the Senate of Chile; former presidential candidate ;Local officials *110 mayors including: **Carla Amtmann of Valdivia **Emeterio Carrillo of Osorno **Claudio Castro of Renca **Petero Edmunds of Rapa Nui **Gerardo Espíndola of Arica **Irací Hassler of Santiago **Carlos Gatica of Coyhaique **Daniel Jadue of Recoleta **Marcos López of Copiapó **Ali Manouchehri of Coquimbo **Roberto Neira of Temuco **Claudia Pizarro of La Pintana **Emilia Ríos of Ñuñoa **Macarena Ripamonti of Viña del Mar **Jorge Sharp of Valparaíso **Mauricio Soria of Iquique **Tomás Vodanovic of Maipú ;Individuals *Jorge Baradit, Chilean writer *Laurent Binet, French writer *Alfredo Castro, Chilean actor *Noam Chomsky, American linguist and activist *Costa-Gavras, Greek-French film director *Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Chilean economist *León Gieco, Argentine singer-songwriter *Stephany Griffith-Jones, Chilean-British economist *Srećko Horvat, Croatian philosopher *Illapu, Chilean folk band *Nicolas Jaar, American artist *Naomi Klein, Canadian author *Denisse Malebrán, Chilean singer *Toni Negri, Italian activist and philosopher *Avi Lewis, Canadian author and activist *Daniela Pardo, Chilean footballer *Isabel Parra, Chilean musician *Pedro Pascal, Chilean-American actor *Roger Waters, British singer and bassist of Pink Floyd *Vijay Prashad, Indian author and activist *Ahdaf Soueif, Egyptian author and activist *Ana Tijoux, Chilean musician *Alejandro Zambra, Chilean writer *Slavoj Zizek, Slovenian philosopher ;International politicians *José Mujica, former President of Uruguay *Ali Al-Dailami, Member of the German Bundestag *Celso Amorim, former Foreign Minister of Brazil *Andrés Arauz, former Ecuadorian Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent *Niki Ashton, Canadian Member of Parliament *Alexandre Boulerice, Canadian Member of Parliament *Richard Burgon, British Member of Parliament *Alicia Castro, former Argentinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom *Leïla Chaibi, Member of European Parliament for France *Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona, Spain *Jeremy Corbyn, British Member of Parliament and former Leader of the Labour Party (UK) *Sevim Dağdelen, Member of the German Bundestag *Leah Gazan, Canadian Member of Parliament *Matthew Green, Canadian Member of Parliament *John Hendy, Baron Hendy QC, Member of the British House of Lords *Andrej Hunko, Member of the German Bundestag *Scott Ludlam, former Australian Senator *Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Member of the European Parliament for France *Aloizio Mercadante, former Education Minister of Brazil *Grahame Morris, British Member of Parliament *Zaklin Nastic, Member of the German Bundestag *Gerardo Pisarello, Member of the 13th Spanish Congress of Deputies *Ernesto Samper, former President of Colombia *Zarah Sultana, British Member of Parliament *Rashida Tlaib, Member of the United States House of Representatives *Yanis Varoufakis, Member of the Hellenic Parliament and former Finance Minister *Alexis Tsipras, Member of the Hellenic Parliament and former Prime Minister of Greece *Idoia Villanueva, Member of the European Parliament for Spain *José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, former Prime Minister of Spain ;Organizations *Democratic Socialists of America
New Social Pact PLC and independents dbr:Citizens_(Chilean_political_party) RD and independents dbr:Radical_Party_of_Chile_(2018) dbr:United_Centre_(Chile) dbr:Democratic_Revolution CS and independents PCCh and independents Comunes and independents dbr:Progressive_Party_(Chile) dbr:Equality_Party_(Chile) UDI and independents dbr:National_Citizen_Party dbr:Republican_Party_(Chile,_2019) dbr:Party_of_the_People_(Chile) PR and independents dbr:Democratic_Independent_Regionalist_Party PRI and independents dbr:Social_Green_Regionalist_Federation Citizens and independents dbr:Christian_Democratic_Party_(Chile) dbr:Social_Convergence dbr:Party_for_Democracy_(Chile) Patriotic Union dbr:Comunes_(political_party) dbr:Christian_Conservative_Party_(Chile) Christian Social Front PDC and independents dbr:Independent_Democratic_Union dbr:Humanist_Party_(Chile) dbr:Communist_Party_of_Chile Evópoli and independents dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Chile_(2013) dbr:National_Renewal_(Chile) dbr:Evópoli PS and independents PRO and independents RN and independents dbr:Socialist_Party_of_Chile PPD and independents
0 –3 +14 –1 +4 +5 –2 –14 New +2 +1 –7 –6 –4 –19 –11
43 36 53 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 25 19 21 22 23
n16: n21:Resultados-Ofciales-Eleccion-Presidencial-21-de-noviembre-de-2021.xlsx
Gabriel Boric First round Second round José Antonio Kast
25297 221284 96010 198710 59489 173882 51075 693474 40560 156256 335709 900064 46422 107696 27502 1815024 65262 274072 287190 433448 79251 111117 702607 7174 680283 58077 314114 102897 41344 898635 217259 82785 144028 1160 36706 127506 21338 4802 158134 534881 90960 489894 177105 250324 343437 9414 56506 336305 28082 111910 671502 41155 172054 10291 207607 305443 368024 4620890 23222 815563 4420 464885 242927 102293 666726 474132 95144 1961779 448137 3650088 534383 232144 188308 15916 549553 378378 264985 106790 354812 470514 214180 195409 234242 358207 257854 315682 65510 30077 80700
250 515
53 42 36 37 24 25 15 12 3 1
165308 187396 254582 592449 1085978 519971 322915 572141 98701 550430 911716 1325232 707286 1609482 1297686 726363 401567
30493 544849 24130 404762 233086
Στις 21 Νοεμβρίου 2021 διεξήχθησαν γενικές εκλογές στη Χιλή, για να εκλεγούν: * ο Πρόεδρος της Χιλής για μία τετραετή θητεία * τα 155 μέλη της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων του Εθνικού Κογκρέσου της Χιλής για μία τετραετή θητεία * τα 27 από τα μέλη της Γερουσίας για μία οκταετή θητεία * τα μέλη περιφερειακών συμβουλίων για μία τριετή θητεία Οι κάλπες άνοιξαν από τις 8.00 το πρωί μέχρι τις 18.00 το απόγευμα. Στην προεδρική εκλογή συμμετείχαν 7 υποψήφιοι. Στον δεύτερο γύρο των εκλογών, στις 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2021, ο Γκάμπριελ Μπόριτς νίκησε τον Χοσέ Αντόνιο Καστ συγκεντρώνοντας το 55,87% των ψήφων. Ο 35χρονος Μπόριτς, ο αρχηγός της αριστερής συμμαχίας Έγκριση Αξιοπρέπειας, θα είναι ο νεαρότερος Πρόεδρος στην ιστορία της Χιλής. Die Präsidentschaftswahl in Chile 2021 war die achte Präsidentschaftswahl in Chile seit der Transición. Der erste Wahlgang fand am 21. November 2021 statt. Bei der Stichwahl am 19. Dezember 2021 gewann Gabriel Boric mit knapp 56 % der Stimmen (Wahlbeteiligung 55 %). Gleichzeitig wurden auch 27 der 50 Mitglieder des chilenischen Senats sowie alle 155 Mitglieder der Abgeordnetenkammer neu gewählt. Die Amtszeit der Gewählten begann am 11. März 2022. Президентские выборы в Чили прошли 21 ноября в один день с парламентскими выборами (1-й тур) и 19 декабря (2-й тур) 2021 года. Президент Себастьян Пиньера не мог баллотироваться. На пост президента баллотировалось 7 кандидатов. Никто из кандидатов не получил большинства голосов в 1-м туре. Хосе Антонио Каст, член Республиканской партии и кандидат от ультраправого альянса Христианско-социальный фронт, получил наибольшее количество голосов в 1-м туре (27,91 %). На втором месте оказался Габриэль Борич, член организации Социальная конвергенция и кандидат от левой коалиции «Одобряю достоинство». Таким образом, Каст и Борич вышли во 2-й тур президентских выборов. Впервые в рамках действующей Конституции ни один из кандидатов во 2-м туре не представлял доминирующую коалицию, поскольку кандидат от правящей коалиции Чили Подемос Себастьян Сичель занял лишь 4-е место. Во 2-м туре кандидат от левой коалиции Габриэль Борич одержал победу, набрав по предварительным данным 55,87 % голосов. Хосе Антонио Каст признал своё поражение и поздравил Борича с победой. Борич в свои 35 лет станет самым молодым президентом Чили за всю историю страны. General elections were held in Chile on 21 November 2021, including presidential, parliamentary and regional elections. Voters went to the polls to elect the President of the Republic to serve a four-year term, 27 of 50 members of the Senate to serve an eight-year term in the National Congress, all 155 members of the Chamber of Deputies to serve a four-year term in the National Congress, and all 302 members of the regional boards to serve a three-year term. Following an electoral reform in 2015, the Senate increased its membership from 38 to 43 in 2017, and grew to its full size of 50 seats after this election. This election cycle was characterized as being the most polarized in modern Chilean history and a departure from political normality in Chile, being held in the backdrop of the 2019 protests, the writing of a new constitution and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Continuing with the results of the elections held on 15–16 May 2021 for mayors, governors and members of the Constitutional Convention, the main center-left and center-right coalitions that had ruled the country since the end of the military dictatorship saw a significant decrease in their support, especially in the presidential election. For the parliamentary election, the center-right coalition Chile Podemos Más kept their position as the largest bloc in both chambers and even increased their number of senators, despite losing more than 10 percentage points from the previous election. In the left wing, the new coalition Apruebo Dignidad had important gains at the expense of the center-left New Social Pact (NPS), becoming the second largest bloc in the Chamber of Deputies. However, NPS kept more seats in the Senate. New parties, like the far-right Republican Party and the populist Party of the People, also gained several seats. Consequently, the newly elected Congress was split evenly between the combined left and combined right, with the non-aligned congresspeople holding the balance of power. Seven candidates ran for the presidency. The candidates for the traditional centrist coalitions finished in fourth and fifth place, while two candidates from newly formed parties and coalitions, José Antonio Kast and Gabriel Boric, qualified for the second round, after no candidate received more than 50% of the vote. Before the 2021 Presidential election, Chile's political system had repeatedly bounced between centre-right and centre-left control, with little structural movement occurring between presidents. This was in part due to the 1980 constitution impeding changes to Chile's economic system and ensuring privatisation of many essential services like water, electricity and transportation. Voters in this election desired change and thus chose to scrap the traditional polictical parties and move candidates of new parties foreward. José Antonio Kast, of the far-right Republican Party, ran a campaign on populist and christian conservative values with a strong "law and order" message, drawing comparisons with former US president Donald Trump and current Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. In stark contrast, Gabriel Boric, a member of the Social Convergence party and the candidate of the left-wing Apruebo Dignidad coalition, campaigned on a progressive message reflecting the ideas behind the 2019 protests. He pushed for broadening the social safety net, higher taxes on the wealthy, combating climate change, social justice, and change to the current privatized pension system. Boric also supported the ongoing writing of a new Chilean constitution, while Kast repeatedly said he would interfere to stop its ratification if elected. Despite narrowly lagging behind Kast in the first round, Boric won the second round with 55.87% of the vote, a larger margin than pre-election polls predicted, with Kast conceding defeat shortly after polls closed. At 35 years old, Gabriel Boric became the youngest president ever elected in Chile and the one elected with the largest number of votes in Chilean history. Turnout in the second round increased to 55.7%, the largest number since voting became voluntary in Chile in 2013. All the newly elected authorities, including president-elect Boric, began their terms on 11 March 2022. La elección presidencial de Chile para el período 2022-2026 se realizó el 21 de noviembre de 2021, en conjunto con las elecciones de diputados, senadores y las elecciones de consejeros regionales; la segunda vuelta electoral, en tanto, tuvo lugar el 19 de diciembre de 2021. Para estas elecciones, los pactos Apruebo Dignidad y Chile Vamos inscribieron primarias legales para definir a sus candidatos presidenciales. Estas primarias, que iban a tener lugar originalmente el 4 de julio,​ se realizaron el 18 de julio de 2021. La votación en primera vuelta contó con la participación del 47,33 % del electorado, lo que corresponde a 7 114 800 votantes.​ En distintos puntos de votación, existieron aglomeraciones que se generaron a causa del aforo y medidas sanitarias en el contexto de pandemia de COVID-19.​ En la segunda vuelta se acusó una falta de transporte público, razón por la cual parlamentarios de oposición procedieron a querellar a la ministra de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones Gloria Hutt, el mismo día de la elección.​ Finalmente, con el 55,8 % de los votos, el candidato de Apruebo Dignidad Gabriel Boric se consolidó como presidente electo de la República de Chile con el mayor número de votos recibidos por un candidato presidencial en la historia del país.​ Además, con 36 años será el presidente más joven en asumir la primera magistratura.​ 2021年智利大选在2021年11月21日举行,选举出總統、27个參議員、155个眾議員和302个大区議員。 L'élection présidentielle chilienne de 2021 se déroule les 21 novembre et 19 décembre 2021 afin d'élire pour quatre ans le président de la République du Chili. Des élections parlementaires et régionales sont organisées simultanément. Le président sortant, Sebastián Piñera, ne peut être candidat à sa réélection, la Constitution chilienne interdisant les mandats successifs. Le scrutin voit les candidats d'extrême droite José Antonio Kast et de gauche radicale Gabriel Boric se qualifier pour le second tour. Pour la première fois depuis le retour de la démocratie en 1989, le second tour n'oppose pas des candidats issus des partis de centre droit et de centre gauche traditionnels. Boric remporte le second tour avec près de 56 % des voix, une première pour un candidat arrivé second à l'issue du premier tour. Il devient à 35 ans le plus jeune président de l'histoire du pays. A eleição presidencial no Chile de 2021 foi realizada em dois turnos. O primeiro foi em 21 de novembro, e o segundo foi no dia 19 de dezembro, para eleger um presidente com um mandato de 4 anos. O segundo turno foi disputado entre José Antonio Kast, do Partido Republicano, em coligação com o Partido Conservador Cristão , e Gabriel Boric, da Convergência Sicial, na coligação Apruebo Dignidad, que venceu a eleição com 4.620.890 votos. Le elezioni generali in Cile del 2021 si sono tenute il 21 novembre per l'elezione del presidente e per il rinnovo del Congresso nazionale (Camera dei deputati e Senato); il 19 dicembre ha avuto luogo il turno di ballottaggio delle elezioni presidenziali. Le consultazioni fanno seguito alle elezioni della Convenzione costituzionale, indette allo scopo di redigere nuova Costituzione.