- La Batalla de Halidon Hill (19 Juliol 1333) fou un dels enfrontaments lliurats durant la Segona Guerra d'Independència escocesa (1332-1357). Els anglesos s'alçaren amb la victòria en derrotar totalment les forces d', que intentaven trencar el setge anglès sobre . (ca)
- Die Schlacht bei Halidon Hill am 19. Juli 1333 war eine Schlacht der Schottischen Unabhängigkeitskriege. Beim Versuch, die belagerte Stadt Berwick-upon-Tweed zu entsetzen, wurden die schottischen Truppen unter Sir Archibald Douglas auf ungünstigem Terrain von den Engländern vernichtend geschlagen. (de)
- The Battle of Halidon Hill took place on 19 July 1333 when a Scottish army under Sir Archibald Douglas attacked an English army commanded by King Edward III of England (r. 1327–1377) and was heavily defeated. The year before, Edward Balliol had seized the Scottish Crown from five-year-old David II (r. 1329–1371), surreptitiously supported by Edward III. This marked the start of the Second War of Scottish Independence. Balliol was shortly expelled from Scotland by a popular uprising, which Edward III used as a casus belli, invading Scotland in 1333. The immediate target was the strategically-important border town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, which the English besieged in March. A large Scottish army advanced to relieve the town. They attempted and failed to draw the English away from Berwick. By mid-July, knowing Berwick was on the verge of surrender and aware they were much stronger than the English, the Scots attacked. They unsuccessfully manoeuvred for position and then launched an assault on the English, who had taken up a favourable defensive position. English longbowmen caused heavy Scottish casualties during their approach, and when the Scots came into contact with the English infantry, the fight was short. The Scottish formations, collapsed and the Scots fled in disorder. The English men-at-arms mounted and pursued the Scots for eight miles, causing further heavy casualties. The Scottish commander and many of the Scots' senior nobility were killed during the battle. Berwick surrendered on terms the next day. Balliol was reinstalled as king of Scotland after ceding much of his territory to Edward III and agreeing to do homage for the balance. Balliol's opponents would not admit defeat and he was deposed again in 1334, restored in 1335 and deposed once again in 1336. In 1337 the Hundred Years' War broke out between France and England which allowed David II to consolidate his position in Scotland. In 1346 the Scots were decisively beaten at the Battle of Neville's Cross with heavy loss and David was captured. It was eleven years before terms were agreed for David's release. They included an Anglo-Scottish truce, which lasted for four decades and marked the end of the Second War of Scottish Independence. (en)
- La Batalla de Halidon Hill tuvo lugar el 19 de julio de 1333. En esta batalla, las fuerzas escocesas bajo el mando de sufrieron una aplastante derrota frente a Inglaterra cuando trataban de liberar la ciudad de Berwick-upon-Tweed. (es)
- Au cours des guerres d'indépendance de l'Écosse, la couronne d'Écosse est disputée entre Édouard Balliol, allié des Anglais, et David II d'Écosse. Édouard Balliol ayant dû fuir l'Écosse, le jeune roi Édouard III d'Angleterre intervient et défait les Écossais à Halidon Hill le 19 juillet 1333 à proximité de la ville de Berwick-upon-Tweed. (fr)
- La battaglia di Halidon Hill fu uno scontro armato avvenuto nell'ambito della Seconda guerra d'indipendenza scozzese il 19 luglio 1333 tra l'esercito inglese, cui arrise la vittoria, e quello scozzese. (it)
- De Slag bij Halidon Hill vond plaats op 19 juli 1333 en was de laatste grote veldslag van de Schotse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlogen. Toen de Schotse troepen aangevoerd door probeerden de sinds 12 april belegerde stad Berwick-upon-Tweed te ontzetten werden zij in voor hen zeer ongunstige terreinomstandigheden door de Engelse troepen vernietigend verslagen. De Schotse troepen trokken door drassig gebied en moesten van daaruit Halidon Hill bestormen, waar zij door de Engelsen werden opgewacht. Zij waren een gemakkelijk doelwit voor de Engelsen, die efficiënt gebruik maakten van boogschutters met longbows. Daar waar de Engelsen nauwelijks verliezen leden, telden de Schotten op een leger van 7500 minstens 4000 gesneuvelden, waaronder de overgrote meerderheid van de toenmalige Schotse adel. De Engelsen namen weinig gevangenen, en daarvan werden er 's anderendaags nog een honderdtal opgehangen. Na de veldslag werd de belegering van Berwick hervat; de stad viel de volgende dag. (nl)
- Bitwa pod Halidon Hill – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 19 lipca 1333 między siłami wojsk szkockich dowodzonych przez sir Archibalda Douglasa a armią angielską Edwarda III. Była jedną z bitew stoczonych podczas wojen o niepodległość Szkocji. Zakończyła się całkowitym zwycięstwem Anglików. (pl)
- Битва при Халидон-Хилле (англ. Halidon Hill; 19 июля 1333 года) — одно из сражений Второй войны за независимость Шотландии. Поражение шотландской армии в этой битве привело к временному подчинению страны Англии. (ru)
- Битва при Галідон-Гіллі (англ. Battle of Halidon Hill) відбулася 19 липня 1333 року під час Другої війни за незалежність Шотландії. Шотландська армія на чолі із Арчибальдом Дугласом зазнала нищівної поразки від військ англійського короля Едварда III Плантагенета. (uk)
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- 20pxKingdom of England
- 20pxKingdom of Scotland
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- 42625 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Capture_of_Berwick_(1296)
- dbr:Casus_belli
- dbr:Bagpipe
- dbr:Robert_the_Bruce
- dbr:Roger_Mortimer,_1st_Earl_of_March
- dbr:Roxburghshire
- dbr:Scone,_Scotland
- dbr:Scorched_earth
- dbr:Morale
- dbr:Battle_of_Annan
- dbr:Battle_of_Crécy
- dbr:Battle_of_Dupplin_Moor
- dbr:Battle_of_Neville's_Cross
- dbr:Battle_of_Stanhope_Park
- dbr:Berwick-upon-Tweed
- dbr:Berwick_Castle
- dbr:David_II_of_Scotland
- dbc:Edward_III_of_England
- dbr:Archibald_Douglas_(died_1333)
- dbr:Hundred_Years'_War
- dbr:John_the_Baptist
- dbr:Jonathan_Sumption,_Lord_Sumption
- dbr:Perth,_Scotland
- dbr:River_Tyne
- dbr:Indenture
- dbr:Infantry
- dbr:March_(territorial_entity)
- dbc:1330s_in_England
- dbc:1333_in_Scotland
- dbr:Alexander_Seton_(Governor_of_Berwick)
- dbr:Edward_Balliol
- dbr:Edward_III_of_England
- dbr:Edward_I_of_England
- dbr:Enclosure
- dbr:English_longbow
- dbr:The_Midlands
- dbr:Thomas_of_Brotherton,_1st_Earl_of_Norfolk
- dbc:History_of_Berwick-upon-Tweed
- dbr:Anglo-Scottish_border
- dbr:Battle_(formation)
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1333
- dbc:Military_history_of_Northumberland
- dbc:Registered_historic_battlefields_in_England
- dbr:Siege_of_Calais_(1346–1347)
- dbr:Clifford_J._Rogers
- dbr:Fealty
- dbr:Materiel
- dbr:Bamburgh_Castle
- dbc:Battles_between_England_and_Scotland
- dbc:Battles_of_the_Wars_of_Scottish_Independence
- dbr:Trebuchet
- dbr:Tweedmouth
- dbr:Lanercost_Chronicle
- dbr:Alexandria
- dbr:Cumberland
- dbr:Duns,_Scottish_Borders
- dbr:Fife
- dbr:First_War_of_Scottish_Independence
- dbr:Norfolk
- dbr:Capitulation_(surrender)
- dbr:Chronicle
- dbr:John_Randolph,_3rd_Earl_of_Moray
- dbr:Kenneth_de_Moravia,_4th_Earl_of_Sutherland
- dbr:Siege_engine
- dbr:Halidon_Hill
- dbr:Historic_England
- dbr:Isabella_of_France
- dbc:House_of_Douglas_and_Angus
- dbr:Accolade
- dbr:Kelly_DeVries
- dbr:Homage_(feudal)
- dbr:Thomas_Randolph,_1st_Earl_of_Moray
- dbr:Treaty_of_Berwick_(1357)
- dbr:William_Keith_of_Galston
- dbr:William_Prendergast_(died_1333)
- dbr:Mark_(money)
- dbr:Philip_VI_of_France
- dbr:Philippa_of_Hainault
- dbr:Pitched_battle
- dbr:Pope_John_XXII
- dbr:Hugh,_Earl_of_Ross
- dbr:English_longbowmen
- dbr:English_parliament
- dbr:Kingdom_of_England
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Scotland
- dbr:Brut_Chronicle
- dbr:Newcastle_upon_Tyne
- dbr:Second_War_of_Scottish_Independence
- dbr:York
- dbr:Yorkshire
- dbr:High_tide
- dbr:Looting
- dbr:Welsh_Marches
- dbr:Robert_II_of_Scotland
- dbr:Sortie
- dbr:Unconditional_surrender
- dbr:Plunging_fire
- dbr:Schiltron
- dbr:Safe_conduct
- dbr:Patrick_V,_Earl_of_March
- dbr:Men-at-arms
- dbr:Treaty_of_Northampton
- dbr:War_cry
- dbr:King_Edward_III
- dbr:John_I_of_Scotland
- dbr:Guerrilla_tactics
- dbr:Register_of_Historic_Battlefields
- dbr:Reconnoitre
- dbr:Henry_Beaumont,_4th_Earl_of_Buchan
- dbr:File:1334_Treaty_of_Newcastle.svg
- dbr:File:Edouard_III_devant_Berwick.jpg
- dbr:File:Arms_of_Thomas_of_Brotherton,_1st_Earl_of_Norfolk.svg
- dbr:File:Royal_Arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Scotland.svg
- dbr:File:Moray_Coat_of_Arms.svg
- dbr:File:Royal_Arms_of_England.svg
- dbr:File:Balliol_arms.svg
- dbr:File:Charge_of_the_Scots_at_Halidon_Hill.jpg
- dbr:File:Halidon_Hill.jpg
- A relief map of Scotland and northern England showing the location of the battle (en)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- Several thousand (en)
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- 20 (xsd:integer)
- Sir Archibald DouglasRobert Stewart20px Earl of Moray (en)
- Battle of Halidon Hill (en)
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- Location of the battle within England (en)
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- the Second War of Scottish Independence (en)
- Halidon Hill, near Berwick-upon-Tweed (en)
- bottom (en)
- left (en)
- top (en)
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- 15000 (xsd:integer)
- Less than 10,000 (en)
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- La Batalla de Halidon Hill (19 Juliol 1333) fou un dels enfrontaments lliurats durant la Segona Guerra d'Independència escocesa (1332-1357). Els anglesos s'alçaren amb la victòria en derrotar totalment les forces d', que intentaven trencar el setge anglès sobre . (ca)
- Die Schlacht bei Halidon Hill am 19. Juli 1333 war eine Schlacht der Schottischen Unabhängigkeitskriege. Beim Versuch, die belagerte Stadt Berwick-upon-Tweed zu entsetzen, wurden die schottischen Truppen unter Sir Archibald Douglas auf ungünstigem Terrain von den Engländern vernichtend geschlagen. (de)
- La Batalla de Halidon Hill tuvo lugar el 19 de julio de 1333. En esta batalla, las fuerzas escocesas bajo el mando de sufrieron una aplastante derrota frente a Inglaterra cuando trataban de liberar la ciudad de Berwick-upon-Tweed. (es)
- Au cours des guerres d'indépendance de l'Écosse, la couronne d'Écosse est disputée entre Édouard Balliol, allié des Anglais, et David II d'Écosse. Édouard Balliol ayant dû fuir l'Écosse, le jeune roi Édouard III d'Angleterre intervient et défait les Écossais à Halidon Hill le 19 juillet 1333 à proximité de la ville de Berwick-upon-Tweed. (fr)
- La battaglia di Halidon Hill fu uno scontro armato avvenuto nell'ambito della Seconda guerra d'indipendenza scozzese il 19 luglio 1333 tra l'esercito inglese, cui arrise la vittoria, e quello scozzese. (it)
- Bitwa pod Halidon Hill – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 19 lipca 1333 między siłami wojsk szkockich dowodzonych przez sir Archibalda Douglasa a armią angielską Edwarda III. Była jedną z bitew stoczonych podczas wojen o niepodległość Szkocji. Zakończyła się całkowitym zwycięstwem Anglików. (pl)
- Битва при Халидон-Хилле (англ. Halidon Hill; 19 июля 1333 года) — одно из сражений Второй войны за независимость Шотландии. Поражение шотландской армии в этой битве привело к временному подчинению страны Англии. (ru)
- Битва при Галідон-Гіллі (англ. Battle of Halidon Hill) відбулася 19 липня 1333 року під час Другої війни за незалежність Шотландії. Шотландська армія на чолі із Арчибальдом Дугласом зазнала нищівної поразки від військ англійського короля Едварда III Плантагенета. (uk)
- The Battle of Halidon Hill took place on 19 July 1333 when a Scottish army under Sir Archibald Douglas attacked an English army commanded by King Edward III of England (r. 1327–1377) and was heavily defeated. The year before, Edward Balliol had seized the Scottish Crown from five-year-old David II (r. 1329–1371), surreptitiously supported by Edward III. This marked the start of the Second War of Scottish Independence. Balliol was shortly expelled from Scotland by a popular uprising, which Edward III used as a casus belli, invading Scotland in 1333. The immediate target was the strategically-important border town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, which the English besieged in March. (en)
- De Slag bij Halidon Hill vond plaats op 19 juli 1333 en was de laatste grote veldslag van de Schotse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlogen. Toen de Schotse troepen aangevoerd door probeerden de sinds 12 april belegerde stad Berwick-upon-Tweed te ontzetten werden zij in voor hen zeer ongunstige terreinomstandigheden door de Engelse troepen vernietigend verslagen. De Schotse troepen trokken door drassig gebied en moesten van daaruit Halidon Hill bestormen, waar zij door de Engelsen werden opgewacht. Zij waren een gemakkelijk doelwit voor de Engelsen, die efficiënt gebruik maakten van boogschutters met longbows. (nl)
- Battle of Halidon Hill (en)
- Batalla de Halidon Hill (ca)
- Schlacht bei Halidon Hill (de)
- Batalla de Halidon Hill (es)
- Bataille de Halidon Hill (fr)
- Battaglia di Halidon Hill (it)
- Slag bij Halidon Hill (nl)
- Bitwa pod Halidon Hill (pl)
- Битва при Халидон-Хилле (ru)
- Битва при Галідон-Гіллі (uk)
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- POINT(-2.0517799854279 55.785789489746)
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- Battle of Halidon Hill (en)
is dbo:battle
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is dbo:deathPlace
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- dbr:List_of_battles_(alphabetical)
- dbr:List_of_battles_1301–1600
- dbr:List_of_battles_between_England_and_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_battles_by_geographic_location
- dbr:List_of_battles_involving_the_Kingdom_of_Scotland
- dbr:Battle_of_Culblean
- dbr:Battle_of_Dupplin_Moor
- dbr:Battle_of_Homildon_Hill
- dbr:Battle_of_Kinghorn
- dbr:Battle_of_Neville's_Cross
- dbr:Berwick-upon-Tweed
- dbr:David_II_of_Scotland
- dbr:Archibald_Douglas,_4th_Earl_of_Douglas
- dbr:Archibald_Douglas_(died_1333)
- dbr:Hugh_de_Courtenay,_2nd/10th_Earl_of_Devon
- dbr:Robert
- dbr:Urquhart_Castle
- dbr:David_Lindsay_of_Crawford
- dbr:Donnchadh_IV,_Earl_of_Fife
- dbr:Duns_Castle
- dbr:Earl_of_Carrick
- dbr:Earl_of_Douglas
- dbr:Earl_of_Kilmarnock
- dbr:Earl_of_Northumberland
- dbr:Registered_Battlefields_(UK)
- dbr:1330s_in_England
- dbr:1333
- dbr:1333_in_Scotland
- dbr:Chiefs_of_Clan_Cameron
- dbr:Chiefs_of_Clan_Fraser
- dbr:Warfare_in_Medieval_Scotland
- dbr:Timeline_of_St_Columb_Major
- dbr:Château_Gaillard
- dbr:Clan_Cameron
- dbr:Clan_Douglas
- dbr:Clan_Munro
- dbr:Clan_Scott
- dbr:Clan_Sutherland
- dbr:Alexander_Bruce,_Earl_of_Carrick
- dbr:Alexander_Seton_(Governor_of_Berwick)
- dbr:Edward_Balliol
- dbr:Edward_III_of_England
- dbr:Edward_Keith
- dbr:Edward_the_Black_Prince
- dbr:England_in_the_Late_Middle_Ages
- dbr:English_longbow
- dbr:Murdostoun
- dbr:Murray_(surname)
- dbr:Thomas_Grey_(constable)
- dbr:Thomas_of_Brotherton,_1st_Earl_of_Norfolk
- dbr:Military_history_of_Scotland
- dbr:Anglo-Scottish_border
- dbr:Battle_of_Boroughmuir
- dbr:Malise_V,_Earl_of_Strathearn
- dbr:Siege_of_Berwick_(1333)
- dbr:Sieges_of_Berwick_(1355_and_1356)
- dbr:Pike_(weapon)
- dbr:Medieval_technology
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_Late_Middle_Ages
- dbr:Burnt_Candlemas
- dbr:Adam_de_Everingham,_2nd_Baron_Everingham
- dbr:Timeline_of_Northumbria_and_Northumberland
- dbr:William_Douglas,_1st_Earl_of_Douglas
- dbr:William_Felton_(died_1367)
- dbr:William_Montagu,_1st_Earl_of_Salisbury
- dbr:Joan_of_the_Tower
- dbr:John_Campbell,_Earl_of_Atholl
- dbr:July_19
- dbr:Lancashire_Militia
- dbr:William_IV,_Lord_of_Douglas
- dbr:A_Gest_of_Robyn_Hode
- dbr:Adam_de_Gordon,_Lord_of_Gordon
- dbr:Agnes,_Countess_of_Dunbar
- dbr:Alexander_Seton_(died_1332)
- dbr:Dumbarton_Castle
- dbr:East_York_Militia
- dbr:Eustace_Folville
- dbr:Baron_Everingham
- dbr:Battle_of_halidon_hill
- dbr:Edrington
- dbr:Gloucestershire_Militia
- dbr:John_Randolph,_3rd_Earl_of_Moray
- dbr:John_Stewart_(knight,_died_1298)
- dbr:John_Sully
- dbr:John_de_Strivelyn
- dbr:John_of_Eltham,_Earl_of_Cornwall
- dbr:Kenneth_de_Moravia,_4th_Earl_of_Sutherland
- dbr:List_of_Scots
- dbr:White_Knight_(Fitzgibbon_family)
- dbr:Halidon_Hill
- dbr:Harold_Harefoot
- dbr:Harthacnut
- dbr:Henry_Percy,_2nd_Baron_Percy
- dbr:Henry_of_Grosmont,_Duke_of_Lancaster
- dbr:History_of_Nairn
- dbr:History_of_Scotland
- dbr:James_Douglas,_Lord_of_Douglas
- dbr:Staffordshire_Militia
- dbr:Alan_Stewart_of_Dreghorn
- dbr:John_Crabbe_(died_1352)
- dbr:King_John's_Palace
- dbr:Henry_Scrope,_1st_Baron_Scrope_of_Masham
- dbr:Henry_de_Beaumont
- dbr:William_Douglas,_Lord_of_Liddesdale
- dbr:William_Keith_of_Galston
- dbr:William_Prendergast_(died_1333)
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_Middle_Ages
- dbr:St_Columb_Major
- dbr:Clan_Forrester
- dbr:Clan_Fraser_of_Lovat
- dbr:Clan_Gordon
- dbr:Clan_Haig
- dbr:Clan_Murray
- dbr:Clan_Ross
- dbr:Clan_Russell
- dbr:Clan_Sandilands
- dbr:Clan_Stewart
- dbr:Clan_Stirling
- dbr:Clan_Turnbull
- dbr:Hugh,_Earl_of_Ross
- dbr:Hugh_the_Dull,_Lord_of_Douglas
- dbr:Ranulph_Neville,_1st_Baron_Neville
- dbr:Second_War_of_Scottish_Independence
- dbr:Yeoman
- dbr:Lord_Lovat
- dbr:Malcolm_Fleming,_Earl_of_Wigtown
- dbr:Maol_Choluim_II,_Earl_of_Lennox
- dbr:Robert_II_of_Scotland
- dbr:Robert_Lauder_of_Quarrelwood
- dbr:Simon_Fraser,_1st_Laird_of_Lovat
- dbr:William_III,_Earl_of_Ross
- dbr:Schiltron
- dbr:Patrick_V,_Earl_of_March
- dbr:Walter_fitz_Gilbert_of_Cadzow
- dbr:Wars_of_Scottish_Independence
- dbr:Yeoman_archer
is dbp:battles
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is dbp:deathPlace
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is owl:differentFrom
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