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The Ottoman Empire had a number of tributary and vassal states throughout its history. Its tributary states would regularly send tribute to the Ottoman Empire, which was understood by both states as also being a token of submission. In exchange for certain privileges, its vassal states were obligated to render support to the Ottoman Empire when called upon to do so. Some of its vassal states were also tributary states. These client states, many of which could be described by modern terms such as satellite states or puppet states, were usually on the periphery of the Ottoman Empire under suzerainty of the Porte, over which direct control was not established, for various reasons.

Property Value
  • Els estats vassalls otomans foren una sèrie d'estats vassalls o tributaris, en general localitzats a la perifèria de l'Imperi Otomà, que estaven sota sobirania de la Sublim Porta, però sobre els quals no s'exercia el control directe per diverses raons. (ca)
  • Τα υποτελή κράτη ήταν μια σειρά υποτελών ή φόρου υποτελών κρατών, συνήθως στην περιφέρεια της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας υπό την κυριαρχία της Πύλης, για τα οποία δεν είχε καθιερωθεί άμεσος έλεγχος για διάφορους λόγους. (el)
  • Los estados vasallos y tributarios del Imperio otomano fueron una serie de estados vasallos o estados tributarios, por lo general localizados en la periferia del Imperio otomano, que estaban bajo soberanía de la Porte, pero sobre los que no ejercía el control directo por diversas razones. (es)
  • Negara-negara Vassal adalah sejumlah negara bawahan dan taklukan, biasanya di pinggiran Kekaisaran Ottoman di bawah suzerainty (kekuasaan) dari Porte (pemerintah pusat) Ottoman, di mana kontrol langsung tidak dilakukan, karena berbagai alasan. (in)
  • The Ottoman Empire had a number of tributary and vassal states throughout its history. Its tributary states would regularly send tribute to the Ottoman Empire, which was understood by both states as also being a token of submission. In exchange for certain privileges, its vassal states were obligated to render support to the Ottoman Empire when called upon to do so. Some of its vassal states were also tributary states. These client states, many of which could be described by modern terms such as satellite states or puppet states, were usually on the periphery of the Ottoman Empire under suzerainty of the Porte, over which direct control was not established, for various reasons. (en)
  • Con il termine di Stato vassallo dell'Impero ottomano si indicano una serie di stati tributari o vassalli, solitamente posti alla periferia dell'Impero ottomano sotto la sovranità della Sublime Porta ma non direttamente controllati per diverse ragioni politiche o storiche. (it)
  • Estados Vassalos foram uma série de estados tributários ou vassalos, geralmente na periferia do Império Otomano, sob a suserania da Sublime Porta, sobre a qual o controle direto não foi estabelecido, por várias razões. (pt)
  • Вассальные и даннические государства Османской империи — общее название для ряда государств (в основном на периферии Османской империи), которые признавали сюзеренитет Высокой Порты, но над которыми по тем или иным причинам не устанавливался прямой контроль. (ru)
  • 鄂圖曼帝國的附屬國是宗主權在樸特的附屬國,通常在鄂圖曼土耳其帝國的外圍。樸特並沒有對這些附屬國有直接控制的機制。 (zh)
  • 8595708 (xsd:integer)
  • 14441 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117716430 (xsd:integer)
  • Els estats vassalls otomans foren una sèrie d'estats vassalls o tributaris, en general localitzats a la perifèria de l'Imperi Otomà, que estaven sota sobirania de la Sublim Porta, però sobre els quals no s'exercia el control directe per diverses raons. (ca)
  • Τα υποτελή κράτη ήταν μια σειρά υποτελών ή φόρου υποτελών κρατών, συνήθως στην περιφέρεια της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας υπό την κυριαρχία της Πύλης, για τα οποία δεν είχε καθιερωθεί άμεσος έλεγχος για διάφορους λόγους. (el)
  • Los estados vasallos y tributarios del Imperio otomano fueron una serie de estados vasallos o estados tributarios, por lo general localizados en la periferia del Imperio otomano, que estaban bajo soberanía de la Porte, pero sobre los que no ejercía el control directo por diversas razones. (es)
  • Negara-negara Vassal adalah sejumlah negara bawahan dan taklukan, biasanya di pinggiran Kekaisaran Ottoman di bawah suzerainty (kekuasaan) dari Porte (pemerintah pusat) Ottoman, di mana kontrol langsung tidak dilakukan, karena berbagai alasan. (in)
  • The Ottoman Empire had a number of tributary and vassal states throughout its history. Its tributary states would regularly send tribute to the Ottoman Empire, which was understood by both states as also being a token of submission. In exchange for certain privileges, its vassal states were obligated to render support to the Ottoman Empire when called upon to do so. Some of its vassal states were also tributary states. These client states, many of which could be described by modern terms such as satellite states or puppet states, were usually on the periphery of the Ottoman Empire under suzerainty of the Porte, over which direct control was not established, for various reasons. (en)
  • Con il termine di Stato vassallo dell'Impero ottomano si indicano una serie di stati tributari o vassalli, solitamente posti alla periferia dell'Impero ottomano sotto la sovranità della Sublime Porta ma non direttamente controllati per diverse ragioni politiche o storiche. (it)
  • Estados Vassalos foram uma série de estados tributários ou vassalos, geralmente na periferia do Império Otomano, sob a suserania da Sublime Porta, sobre a qual o controle direto não foi estabelecido, por várias razões. (pt)
  • Вассальные и даннические государства Османской империи — общее название для ряда государств (в основном на периферии Османской империи), которые признавали сюзеренитет Высокой Порты, но над которыми по тем или иным причинам не устанавливался прямой контроль. (ru)
  • 鄂圖曼帝國的附屬國是宗主權在樸特的附屬國,通常在鄂圖曼土耳其帝國的外圍。樸特並沒有對這些附屬國有直接控制的機制。 (zh)
  • Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire (en)
  • Estats vassalls i tributaris de l'Imperi Otomà (ca)
  • Υποτελή κράτη της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας (el)
  • Estados vasallos y tributarios del Imperio otomano (es)
  • Negara-negara bawahan dan taklukan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah (in)
  • Stati vassalli e tributari dell'Impero ottomano (it)
  • Estados vassalos e tributários do Império Otomano (pt)
  • Вассальные и даннические государства Османской империи (ru)
  • 鄂圖曼帝國的附屬國 (zh)
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