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Rangtong and shentong are two distinctive views on emptiness (sunyata) and the two truths doctrine within Tibetan Buddhism. Rangtong (Tibetan: རང་སྟོང་, Wylie: rang stong; "empty of self-nature") is a philosophical term in Tibetan Buddhism that is used to distinguish the majority Madhyamaka teaching on the meaning of śūnyatā or "emptiness", namely that all phenomena are empty of an enduring and/or unchanging essence or "self," and that this emptiness is not an absolute reality, but a mere nominal characterisation of phenomena.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_1-0" class="reference"> It is related to the prasangika approach, which argues that no syllogistic forms of reasoning should be used to debate the notion of inherent existence, but only arguments which show the logical implic

Property Value
  • Le shentong ou zhentong (gzhan stong) « vide d’autre » est dans le bouddhisme tibétain une interprétation de la philosophie madhyamaka selon laquelle le « vide » de la nature ultime ou tathagatagarbha se comprend comme « vide de ce qui n’est pas elle », et non comme vide de nature propre. La réalité ultime est identique au buddhajnana, nature claire et lumineuse non duelle de l’esprit possédant les qualités de bouddha (buddhaguna), révélée par la méditation après dissipation des réalités contingentes et relatives. À cette interprétation s’oppose la perspective Madhyamaka rangtong (rang stong) « vide de soi ». Le Madhyamaka rangtong inclut le Madhyamaka prāsangika et le Madhyamaka svātantrika et se situe dans la lignée de la philosophie bouddhiste traditionnelle, selon laquelle la nature ultime est vide de nature propre, et la dissipation des illusions ne révèle pas de nature transcendante. Les adeptes de la philosophie shentong considèrent les deux points de vue comme compatibles, la réalisation de l'absence de nature propre représentant une vérité relative et une première étape vers la réalisation de la nature ultime. Cette différence de point de vue entraîna et entraîne toujours des débats passionnés et fut parfois prétexte à des luttes d’influence entre sectes, en particulier les Jonangpa promoteurs du concept et les Gelugpa qui les absorbèrent de force en 1642. (fr)
  • Rangtong and shentong are two distinctive views on emptiness (sunyata) and the two truths doctrine within Tibetan Buddhism. Rangtong (Tibetan: རང་སྟོང་, Wylie: rang stong; "empty of self-nature") is a philosophical term in Tibetan Buddhism that is used to distinguish the majority Madhyamaka teaching on the meaning of śūnyatā or "emptiness", namely that all phenomena are empty of an enduring and/or unchanging essence or "self," and that this emptiness is not an absolute reality, but a mere nominal characterisation of phenomena.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_1-0" class="reference"> It is related to the prasangika approach, which argues that no syllogistic forms of reasoning should be used to debate the notion of inherent existence, but only arguments which show the logical implications and absurdity of positions based upon inherent existence. This position is the mainstream Gelugpa interpretation of Madhyamaka, one of the main Mahayana schools, which dominates Vajrayana Buddhism. Shentong (Tibetan: གཞན་སྟོང་, Wylie: gzhan stong, Lhasa dialect: [ɕɛ̃̀tṍŋ], also transliterated zhäntong or zhentong; literally "other-emptiness") is a position within Tibetan Madhyamaka. It applies śūnyatā in a specific way, agreeing that relative reality is empty of self-nature, but stating that absolute reality (Paramarthasatya) is "non-dual Buddhajnana" and "empty" (Wylie: stong) only of "other," (Wylie: gzhan) relative phenomena, but is itself not empty and "truly existing." This absolute reality is described by positive terms, an approach which helps "to overcome certain residual subtle concepts" and "the habit [...] of negating whatever experience arises in his/her mind." It destroys false concepts, as does prasangika, but it also alerts the practitioner "to the presence of a dynamic, positive Reality that is to be experienced once the conceptual mind is defeated." Shentong was systematized and articulated under that name by Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292–1361), who identified absolute reality with the Buddha-nature. Shentong was suppressed by the dominant Gelug school for several hundred years, equally for political reasons as doctrinal reasons. In 1658, the Gelug authorities banned the Jonang school for political reasons, forcibly converting its monks and monasteries to the Gelug school, as well as banning shentong philosophy and books, thus making the rangtong position the overwhelmingly majority one in Tibetan Buddhism.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_1-1" class="reference"> After this suppression various shentong views were propagated mainly by Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lamas. The 19th century saw a revival of Shentong-views, and continued with the Rimé movement. Nowadays Shentong is present primarily as the main philosophical theory of the Jonang school, although it is also taught by the Sakya and Kagyu schools,[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_10-0" class="reference"> where it is identified with centerless awareness. (en)
  • Con le due espressioni tibetane Rangtong e Shentong si intende indicare quella celeberrima diatriba religiosa e filosofica sorta nel buddhismo tibetano a partire dal XV secolo e giunta ai nostri giorni. (it)
  • Rangtong e shentong são duas visões sobre a vacuidade (sunyata) e a no budismo tibetano. Rangtong (em tibetano: Wylie: rang stong; "vazio de natureza própria") é um termo filosófico no budismo tibetano que é usado para distinguir a maioria dos ensinamentos Madhyamaka sobre o significado de śūnyatā ou "vacuidade", ou seja, que todos os fenômenos são vazios de uma essência duradoura e/ou imutável ou "self", e que esse vazio não é uma realidade absoluta, mas uma mera caracterização nominal dos fenômenos. Está relacionado à abordagem , que argumenta que nenhuma forma silogística de raciocínio deve ser usada para debater a noção de existência inerente, mas apenas argumentos que mostram as implicações lógicas e o absurdo de posições baseadas na existência inerente. Esta posição é a principal interpretação Gelugpa do Madhyamaka, uma das principais escolas Maaiana, que domina o budismo Vajrayana. Shentong (em tibetano: གཞན་སྟོང་; Wylie: gzhan stong; no dialeto de Lassa: AFI: [ɕɛ̃̀tṍŋ], também transliterado zhäntong ou zhentong; literalmente "vazio de outro") é uma posição dentro do Madhyamaka tibetano. Ela aplica śūnyatā de uma maneira específica, concordando que a realidade relativa é vazia de natureza própria, mas afirmando que a realidade absoluta (Paramarthasatya) é "Budajnana não dual" e "vazia" apenas de "outro", fenômeno relativo, mas em si mesma não é vazia e é "verdadeiramente existente". Esta realidade absoluta é descrita por termos positivos, uma abordagem que ajuda a "superar certos conceitos sutis residuais" e "o hábito [...] de negar qualquer experiência que surja em sua mente". Ela destrói conceitos falsos, como faz prasangika, mas também alerta o praticante "para a presença de uma Realidade dinâmica e positiva que deve ser experienciada quando a mente conceitual for derrotada". Shentong foi sistematizado e articulado sob esse nome por (1292–1361), que identificou a realidade absoluta com a natureza de Buda. Shentong foi suprimida pela escola dominante Gelug por várias centenas de anos, igualmente por razões políticas e doutrinárias. Em 1658, as autoridades Gelug baniram a escola Jonang por razões políticas, convertendo à força seus monges e mosteiros na escola Gelug, além de proibir a filosofia e os livros de shentong, tornando assim a posição do rangtong a maioria esmagadora do budismo tibetano. Após essa supressão, várias visões de shentong foram propagadas principalmente pelos lamas de e Nyingma. O século XIX viu um renascimento das visões de Shentong, e continuou com o movimento Rimé. Atualmente, Shentong está presente principalmente como a principal teoria filosófica da escola Jonang, embora também seja ensinada pelas escolas Sakya e Kagyu, onde é identificada com a consciência sem centro. (pt)
  • Szentong (z języka tybetańskiego w tłumaczeniu na polski „Pustość Innego”) – tybetańska doktryna związana z madhjamaką integrująca przekaz Nagardżuny „Środkowej Ścieżki” z przekazem Asangi o naturze Buddy. Według szkoły buddyzmu tybetańskiego dzionang i niektórych szkół kagyu i nyingma jest to najdokładniejsza i wyczerpująca doktryna madhjamaki, która inne doktryny madhjamaki określa jako rangtong (w tłumaczeniu z tybetańskiego „Pustość Siebie”). (pl)
  • 他性空(梵語:parabhāva-śūnyatā,或parasvabhāva-śūnyatā),又譯他空,也稱為彼彼空(itaretara-śūnyatā),佛教術語,大乘佛教中對於空性的一種見解,主張在自性之外的法,其自性是空性。抱持這種見解,稱為他空見(parasvabhāva-śūnyatā-dṛṣṭi)。 一般認為,唯識學派與如來藏學派皆主張他性空,亦即世俗諦是空、勝義諦是有,與主張一切法的中觀學派的核心主張不同,長久以來有著爭議。 藏傳佛教中的覺囊派是第一個明確以他空見立宗義的宗派,寧瑪派中又稱他空見為大中觀,或了義大中觀。大手印也採用他空見。 (zh)
  • Жентонг, або Махамадг'яміка (тиб. གཞན་སྟོངགཞན་སྟོང Вайлі: gzhan stong) — погляд, що показує те, як абсолютна природа реальності вільна або ж порожня від чого-небудь «іншого», крім своєї власної природи. (uk)
  • Жентонг, или Махамадхъямака (тиб. གཞན་སྟོང, Вайли: gzhan stong, «пустой от чего-либо иного») — одно из философских учений буддизма махаяны, показывающее, каким образом абсолютная природа реальности «свободна» или же «пуста» от чего-либо «другого», кроме своей собственной природы (свабхава). (ru)
  • 46588001 (xsd:integer)
  • 28272 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1120156283 (xsd:integer)
  • note (en)
  • ɕɛ̃̀tṍŋ (en)
  • "Absolute" (en)
  • "Buddhajnana" (en)
  • གཞན་སྟོང་ (en)
  • རང་སྟོང་ (en)
  • gzhan stong (en)
  • rang stong (en)
  • Con le due espressioni tibetane Rangtong e Shentong si intende indicare quella celeberrima diatriba religiosa e filosofica sorta nel buddhismo tibetano a partire dal XV secolo e giunta ai nostri giorni. (it)
  • Szentong (z języka tybetańskiego w tłumaczeniu na polski „Pustość Innego”) – tybetańska doktryna związana z madhjamaką integrująca przekaz Nagardżuny „Środkowej Ścieżki” z przekazem Asangi o naturze Buddy. Według szkoły buddyzmu tybetańskiego dzionang i niektórych szkół kagyu i nyingma jest to najdokładniejsza i wyczerpująca doktryna madhjamaki, która inne doktryny madhjamaki określa jako rangtong (w tłumaczeniu z tybetańskiego „Pustość Siebie”). (pl)
  • 他性空(梵語:parabhāva-śūnyatā,或parasvabhāva-śūnyatā),又譯他空,也稱為彼彼空(itaretara-śūnyatā),佛教術語,大乘佛教中對於空性的一種見解,主張在自性之外的法,其自性是空性。抱持這種見解,稱為他空見(parasvabhāva-śūnyatā-dṛṣṭi)。 一般認為,唯識學派與如來藏學派皆主張他性空,亦即世俗諦是空、勝義諦是有,與主張一切法的中觀學派的核心主張不同,長久以來有著爭議。 藏傳佛教中的覺囊派是第一個明確以他空見立宗義的宗派,寧瑪派中又稱他空見為大中觀,或了義大中觀。大手印也採用他空見。 (zh)
  • Жентонг, або Махамадг'яміка (тиб. གཞན་སྟོངགཞན་སྟོང Вайлі: gzhan stong) — погляд, що показує те, як абсолютна природа реальності вільна або ж порожня від чого-небудь «іншого», крім своєї власної природи. (uk)
  • Жентонг, или Махамадхъямака (тиб. གཞན་སྟོང, Вайли: gzhan stong, «пустой от чего-либо иного») — одно из философских учений буддизма махаяны, показывающее, каким образом абсолютная природа реальности «свободна» или же «пуста» от чего-либо «другого», кроме своей собственной природы (свабхава). (ru)
  • Rangtong and shentong are two distinctive views on emptiness (sunyata) and the two truths doctrine within Tibetan Buddhism. Rangtong (Tibetan: རང་སྟོང་, Wylie: rang stong; "empty of self-nature") is a philosophical term in Tibetan Buddhism that is used to distinguish the majority Madhyamaka teaching on the meaning of śūnyatā or "emptiness", namely that all phenomena are empty of an enduring and/or unchanging essence or "self," and that this emptiness is not an absolute reality, but a mere nominal characterisation of phenomena.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_1-0" class="reference"> It is related to the prasangika approach, which argues that no syllogistic forms of reasoning should be used to debate the notion of inherent existence, but only arguments which show the logical implic (en)
  • Le shentong ou zhentong (gzhan stong) « vide d’autre » est dans le bouddhisme tibétain une interprétation de la philosophie madhyamaka selon laquelle le « vide » de la nature ultime ou tathagatagarbha se comprend comme « vide de ce qui n’est pas elle », et non comme vide de nature propre. La réalité ultime est identique au buddhajnana, nature claire et lumineuse non duelle de l’esprit possédant les qualités de bouddha (buddhaguna), révélée par la méditation après dissipation des réalités contingentes et relatives. À cette interprétation s’oppose la perspective Madhyamaka rangtong (rang stong) « vide de soi ». Le Madhyamaka rangtong inclut le Madhyamaka prāsangika et le Madhyamaka svātantrika et se situe dans la lignée de la philosophie bouddhiste traditionnelle, selon laquelle la nature ul (fr)
  • Rangtong e shentong são duas visões sobre a vacuidade (sunyata) e a no budismo tibetano. Rangtong (em tibetano: Wylie: rang stong; "vazio de natureza própria") é um termo filosófico no budismo tibetano que é usado para distinguir a maioria dos ensinamentos Madhyamaka sobre o significado de śūnyatā ou "vacuidade", ou seja, que todos os fenômenos são vazios de uma essência duradoura e/ou imutável ou "self", e que esse vazio não é uma realidade absoluta, mas uma mera caracterização nominal dos fenômenos. Está relacionado à abordagem , que argumenta que nenhuma forma silogística de raciocínio deve ser usada para debater a noção de existência inerente, mas apenas argumentos que mostram as implicações lógicas e o absurdo de posições baseadas na existência inerente. Esta posição é a principal i (pt)
  • Shentong (fr)
  • Rangtong/Shentong (it)
  • Szentong (pl)
  • Rangtong and shentong (en)
  • Rangtong-Shentong (pt)
  • Жентонг (ru)
  • Жентонг (uk)
  • 他性空 (zh)
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