An Entity of Type: Battlecruiser, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Admiral-class battlecruisers were to have been a class of four British Royal Navy battlecruisers built near the end of World War I. Their design began as an improved version of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, but it was recast as a battlecruiser after Admiral John Jellicoe, commander of the Grand Fleet, pointed out that there was no real need for more battleships, but that a number of German battlecruisers had been laid down that were superior to the bulk of the Grand Fleet's battlecruisers and the design was revised to counter these. The class was to have consisted of HMS Hood, Anson, Howe, and Rodney — all names of famous admirals — but the other three ships were suspended as the material and labour required to complete them was needed for higher-priority merchantmen and esco

Property Value
  • 262128.0
  • Třída Admiral byla třída britských bitevních křižníků, objednaná v průběhu první světové války. Plánována byla stavba celkem čtyř jednotek – HMS Anson, HMS Hood, HMS Howe a HMS Rodney, z nichž pouze Hood byl ve značně přepracované podobě dokončen. Lodě této třídy měly být protiváhou v císařském Německu stavěných bitevních křižníků třídy Mackensen. V bitvě u Jutska roku 1916 se prokázalo, že britské bitevní křižníky jsou nedostatečně pancéřovány. Pancéřování nových lodí proto bylo oproti projektu podstatně zesíleno a realizace všech změn stavbu nových lodí zdržela. Po porážce Kaiserliche Marine v první světové válce Britové svou koncepci bitevních křižníků přehodnotili (měly stále řadu nedostatků) a z celé třídy dokončili pouze HMS Hood. Ten byl po svém dokončení největší válečnou lodí světa (v rámci Royal Navy ho překonala až roku 1946 bitevní loď HMS Vanguard). (cs)
  • The Admiral-class battlecruisers were to have been a class of four British Royal Navy battlecruisers built near the end of World War I. Their design began as an improved version of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, but it was recast as a battlecruiser after Admiral John Jellicoe, commander of the Grand Fleet, pointed out that there was no real need for more battleships, but that a number of German battlecruisers had been laid down that were superior to the bulk of the Grand Fleet's battlecruisers and the design was revised to counter these. The class was to have consisted of HMS Hood, Anson, Howe, and Rodney — all names of famous admirals — but the other three ships were suspended as the material and labour required to complete them was needed for higher-priority merchantmen and escort vessels. Their designs were updated to incorporate the lessons from the Battle of Jutland, but the Admiralty eventually decided that it was better to begin again with a clean-slate design so they were cancelled in 1919. No more battlecruisers would be built due to the arms limitations agreements of the interbellum. Hood, however, was sufficiently advanced in construction that she was completed in 1920 and immediately became flagship of the Battlecruiser Squadron of the Atlantic Fleet. She served as the flagship of the Special Service Squadron during its round-the-world cruise in 1923–1924. Hood was transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet in 1936 and spent much of the next few years on Non-Intervention Patrols during the Spanish Civil War, returning to the United Kingdom before the beginning of World War II and the Battlecruiser Squadron of the Home Fleet. Hood spent most of the early part of the war patrolling against German commerce raiders and escorting convoys. Flagship of Force H, based at Gibraltar, she bombarded French ships during the attack on Mers-el-Kébir. In May 1941 Hood and the battleship Prince of Wales were ordered to intercept the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen as they attempted to break out into the North Atlantic. In the subsequent Battle of the Denmark Strait, the aft magazines of Hood exploded, sinking her within five minutes of opening fire. (en)
  • Die Admiral-Klasse umfasste vier Schlachtkreuzer der Royal Navy, die während des Ersten Weltkrieges entwickelt wurde, um ein Gegengewicht zu der deutschen Mackensen-Klasse zu schaffen, welche zur gleichen Zeit gebaut wurde. Ursprünglich sollte die Klasse aus den Schiffen HMS Anson, HMS Howe, HMS Rodney und HMS Hood bestehen. Als die deutsche Marineführung den Bau der Mackensen-Klasse stoppen ließ, wurde auch für die britischen Schiffe ein Baustopp verfügt. Nur der Bau der HMS Hood war schon so weit fortgeschritten, dass man sich entschied, den Bau zu vollenden. Die Hood wurde daraufhin im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt. (de)
  • La classe Admiral est une classe de quatre croiseurs de bataille construits pour la Royal Navy à la fin la Première Guerre mondiale. À la suite de l'arrêt des hostilités, seul le HMS Hood est terminé : il est coulé par le Bismarck en 1941 au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. (fr)
  • Kapal penjelajah tempur kelas Admiral adalah kelas kapal penjelajah tempur buatan Royal Navy di penghujung Perang Dunia I. Kelas ini menggunakan nama para laksamana kenamaan Inggris pada masa lalu. Ada 4 kapal yang direncanakan dibuat dalam kelas ini, yaitu HMS Hood, HMS Anson, HMS Howe, dan HMS Rodney; tapi dalam kenyataannya hanya satu kapal yang berhasil dibuat, yaitu HMS Hood. Awalnya, kapal ini dirancang sebagai kapal tempur peningkatan dari kelas Queen Elizabeth, namun oleh , dihadapkan pada meningkatnya ancaman dari penjelajah tempur Jerman, maka kelas Admiral (dalam hal ini HMS Hood) dirancang ulang sebagai penjelajah tempur. Atas perubahan-perubahan ini, ditambah kebutuhan mendesak atas kapal eskorta dan kapal niaga, hanya HMS Hood yang diselesaikan, sementara saudarinya dibatalkan. HMS Hood kemudian menjadi kapal bendera dari Skuadron Penjelajah Tempur dan turut serta dalam berbagai misi Inggris ke seluruh dunia. Setelah Perang Dunia II meletus, HMS Hood turut ambil bagian dalam penyerangan atas Armada Prancis di Mers-el-Kebir, dan perburuan atas kapal tempur Jerman, KMS Bismarck. Setelah berhasil melacak Bismarck dan Prinz Eugen di Selat Denmark, nasib HMS Hood harus berakhir di tangan buruannya tersebut setelah terhantam beberapa peluru meriam Bismarck. Saat selesai dibuat, HMS Hood adalah kapal tempur utama terbesar di dunia (sebelum Bismarck) dan menjadi kelas penjelajah tempur terakhir yang dibuat oleh Inggris. (in)
  • Gli incrociatori da battaglia classe Admiral sono stati un gruppo di quattro navi progettate per la Royal Navy britannica sul finire della prima guerra mondiale. La loro costruzione fu pensata per contrastare la classe Mackensen di incrociatori da battaglia in costruzione per la Kaiserliche Marine tedesca. Inizialmente era prevista la costruzione di quattro navi: Anson, Howe, Rodney e Hood. Dopo la sospensione della costruzione delle navi tedesche, la Anson, la Howe e la Rodney vennero cancellate. La Hood, la cui costruzione era più avanzata, venne completata e rimase in servizio fino alla seconda guerra mondiale. (it)
  • A Classe Admiral era um grupo de quatro navios da Marinha Real Britânica que foram projetados perto do fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Estes navios foram pretendidos para fazer frente aos cruzadores de batalha da Classe Mackensen, da Marinha Imperial Alemã, que estavam então sob construção. A classe foi pretendida originalmente para consistir nos navios HMS Anson, Howe, Rodney, e Hood. Depois que os alemães pararam de trabalhar na Classe Mackensen, o HMS Anson, Howe, e Rodney foram cancelados. O Hood, entretanto, foi terminado e entrou em serviço um pouco depois do final da Primeira Guerra Mundial. (pt)
  • Admiral-klass var en brittisk fartygsklass, bestående av slagkryssaren HMS Hood, färdigbyggd 1920. HMS Hood var brittiska flottans största fartyg och världens sörsta krisgsfartyg under 20 år efter att hon byggts. (sv)
  • 262.128000 (xsd:double)
  • 31.699200 (xsd:double)
  • 59.264000 (xsd:double)
  • 2819797 (xsd:integer)
  • 38991 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1080720612 (xsd:integer)
  • 1916 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 1920 (xsd:integer)
  • 1920 (xsd:integer)
  • Admiral class (en)
  • *4 × twin guns *16 × single guns *4 × single AA guns *10 × torpedo tubes (en)
  • *Belt: *Decks: *Barbettes: *Turrets: *Conning tower: *Torpedo bulkheads: (en)
  • HMS Hood as she was in 1921 (en)
  • 820 (xsd:integer)
  • HMS Hood profile drawing.png (en)
  • *24 Yarrow boilers * (en)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • at (en)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • Die Admiral-Klasse umfasste vier Schlachtkreuzer der Royal Navy, die während des Ersten Weltkrieges entwickelt wurde, um ein Gegengewicht zu der deutschen Mackensen-Klasse zu schaffen, welche zur gleichen Zeit gebaut wurde. Ursprünglich sollte die Klasse aus den Schiffen HMS Anson, HMS Howe, HMS Rodney und HMS Hood bestehen. Als die deutsche Marineführung den Bau der Mackensen-Klasse stoppen ließ, wurde auch für die britischen Schiffe ein Baustopp verfügt. Nur der Bau der HMS Hood war schon so weit fortgeschritten, dass man sich entschied, den Bau zu vollenden. Die Hood wurde daraufhin im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt. (de)
  • La classe Admiral est une classe de quatre croiseurs de bataille construits pour la Royal Navy à la fin la Première Guerre mondiale. À la suite de l'arrêt des hostilités, seul le HMS Hood est terminé : il est coulé par le Bismarck en 1941 au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. (fr)
  • A Classe Admiral era um grupo de quatro navios da Marinha Real Britânica que foram projetados perto do fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Estes navios foram pretendidos para fazer frente aos cruzadores de batalha da Classe Mackensen, da Marinha Imperial Alemã, que estavam então sob construção. A classe foi pretendida originalmente para consistir nos navios HMS Anson, Howe, Rodney, e Hood. Depois que os alemães pararam de trabalhar na Classe Mackensen, o HMS Anson, Howe, e Rodney foram cancelados. O Hood, entretanto, foi terminado e entrou em serviço um pouco depois do final da Primeira Guerra Mundial. (pt)
  • Admiral-klass var en brittisk fartygsklass, bestående av slagkryssaren HMS Hood, färdigbyggd 1920. HMS Hood var brittiska flottans största fartyg och världens sörsta krisgsfartyg under 20 år efter att hon byggts. (sv)
  • Třída Admiral byla třída britských bitevních křižníků, objednaná v průběhu první světové války. Plánována byla stavba celkem čtyř jednotek – HMS Anson, HMS Hood, HMS Howe a HMS Rodney, z nichž pouze Hood byl ve značně přepracované podobě dokončen. Lodě této třídy měly být protiváhou v císařském Německu stavěných bitevních křižníků třídy Mackensen. (cs)
  • The Admiral-class battlecruisers were to have been a class of four British Royal Navy battlecruisers built near the end of World War I. Their design began as an improved version of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, but it was recast as a battlecruiser after Admiral John Jellicoe, commander of the Grand Fleet, pointed out that there was no real need for more battleships, but that a number of German battlecruisers had been laid down that were superior to the bulk of the Grand Fleet's battlecruisers and the design was revised to counter these. The class was to have consisted of HMS Hood, Anson, Howe, and Rodney — all names of famous admirals — but the other three ships were suspended as the material and labour required to complete them was needed for higher-priority merchantmen and esco (en)
  • Kapal penjelajah tempur kelas Admiral adalah kelas kapal penjelajah tempur buatan Royal Navy di penghujung Perang Dunia I. Kelas ini menggunakan nama para laksamana kenamaan Inggris pada masa lalu. Ada 4 kapal yang direncanakan dibuat dalam kelas ini, yaitu HMS Hood, HMS Anson, HMS Howe, dan HMS Rodney; tapi dalam kenyataannya hanya satu kapal yang berhasil dibuat, yaitu HMS Hood. Awalnya, kapal ini dirancang sebagai kapal tempur peningkatan dari kelas Queen Elizabeth, namun oleh , dihadapkan pada meningkatnya ancaman dari penjelajah tempur Jerman, maka kelas Admiral (dalam hal ini HMS Hood) dirancang ulang sebagai penjelajah tempur. Atas perubahan-perubahan ini, ditambah kebutuhan mendesak atas kapal eskorta dan kapal niaga, hanya HMS Hood yang diselesaikan, sementara saudarinya dibatalka (in)
  • Gli incrociatori da battaglia classe Admiral sono stati un gruppo di quattro navi progettate per la Royal Navy britannica sul finire della prima guerra mondiale. La loro costruzione fu pensata per contrastare la classe Mackensen di incrociatori da battaglia in costruzione per la Kaiserliche Marine tedesca. (it)
  • Třída Admiral (cs)
  • Admiral-Klasse (1918) (de)
  • Admiral-class battlecruiser (en)
  • Kapal penjelajah tempur kelas Admiral (in)
  • Classe Admiral (incrociatore da battaglia) (it)
  • Classe Admiral (croiseur) (fr)
  • Classe Admiral (pt)
  • Admiral-klass (slagkryssare) (sv)
  • Лінійні крейсери типу «Адмірал» (uk)
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