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Risposte internazionali all'Olocausto ردود الفعل الدولية على الهولوكوست Réaction internationale à la Shoah International response to the Holocaust
Per risposte internazionali all'Olocausto si intendono le critiche mosse negli anni successivi all'Olocausto verso i più importanti governi nazionali, organismi internazionali e leader mondiali per non aver intrapreso azioni efficaci e appropriate per salvare le milioni di vittime tra ebrei europei, rom e le altre vittime dell'Olocausto. Dans les décennies suivant la Shoah, plusieurs gouvernements et organismes internationaux ont été critiqués pour leur incapacité à avoir pris les mesures appropriées pour sauver les millions d'Européens, Juifs, Roms et autres victimes de la Solution finale. Les critiques affirment que certaines interventions, notamment de la part des Alliés, auraient pu sauver un grand nombre de personnes sans détourner d'importantes ressources de l'effort de guerre. في العقود التي تلت حادثة الهولوكوست، تعرّضت بعض الحكومات الوطنية والهيئات الدولية والقيادات العالمية لانتقادات إثر فشلهم في اتخاذ الإجراءات المناسبة لإنقاذ ملايين اليهود الأوروبيين والغجر وضحايا آخرين من الهولوكوست. إذ صرّح النّقاد بأن هذا التّدخل، وخاصة من قبل حكومات الحلفاء، لربما كان يمكن أن ينقذ أعدادًا كبيرًة من الناس وكان من الممكن إنجازه دون تحويل موارد كبيرة من المجهود الحربي. في ثلاث حالات، اعترضت بلدان بأكملها ترحيل السكان اليهود أثناء الهولوكوست. في بلدان أخرى، شكّل أفراد أو مجتمعات جديرة بالذكر مقاومة أثناء الهولوكوست. In the decades since the Holocaust, some national governments, international bodies and world leaders have been criticized for their failure to take appropriate action to save the millions of European Jews, Roma, and other victims of the Holocaust. Critics say that such intervention, particularly by the Allied governments, might have saved substantial numbers of people and could have been accomplished without the diversion of significant resources from the war effort.
dbr:World_Jewish_Congress dbr:Raczyński's_Note dbr:The_United_Kingdom dbr:Its_aftermath dbr:Jewish_refugees_from_German-occupied_Europe dbr:Auschwitz_bombing_debate
n19:Franco_BCN.jpg n19:Båd_med_jøder_på_vej_fra_Falster_til_Ystad_i_Sverige_(5709133933)_(2).jpg
dbc:Holocaust_historiography dbc:The_Holocaust dbc:International_response_to_the_Holocaust
dbr:Waffen-SS dbr:Anti-communism dbr:Auschwitz_concentration_camp dbr:Stanley_G._Payne dbr:Ministry_for_Foreign_Affairs_(Sweden) dbr:Jews n5:Båd_med_jøder_på_vej_fra_Falster_til_Ystad_i_Sverige_(5709133933)_(2).jpg dbr:Nordicism dbr:Yale_University_Press dbr:António_de_Oliveira_Salazar dbr:World_War_II dbr:Crimes_against_humanity dbr:Czechoslovakia dbr:Pontificate dbr:Sobibor dbr:Denaturalization dbr:Denmark dbr:Nazi_racial_theories dbr:Auschwitz dbr:Extermination_camps dbr:Dominican_Republic dbr:Lublin dbr:Kindertransport dbr:United_States dbr:Bermuda dbr:Global_politics dbr:Haavara_Agreement dbr:Pius_XII dbr:Lithuania dbr:Eliezer_Melamed dbr:Transit_of_German_troops_through_Finland_and_Sweden dbr:Allies_of_World_War_II dbr:Government dbr:Jewish_Combat_Organization dbr:Transit_visa dbr:Pope_Pius_XII's_1942_Christmas_address dbc:Holocaust_historiography dbr:José_Finat_y_Escrivá_de_Romaní dbr:Anti-Jewish_laws dbr:Belzec_extermination_camp dbr:Materiel dbr:Henry_Morgenthau_Jr. dbr:Aristides_de_Sousa_Mendes dbr:Nazi_concentration_camps dbr:German_concentration_camps dbr:Sephardic_Jews dbr:Pius_XII_and_the_German_Resistance dbr:Vichy_France dbr:Göran_Persson dbr:Microstates dbr:Pantheon_Books dbr:Sovereign_state dbr:Routledge dbr:Joint_Declaration_by_Members_of_the_United_Nations dbr:Chiune_Sugihara dbr:Rescue_of_the_Danish_Jews dbr:Precision_bombing dbr:Little,_Brown dbr:Responsibility_for_the_Holocaust dbr:Theresienstadt_Ghetto dbr:St._Peter's_Basilica dbr:New_York_Times dbr:White_Buses dbr:Axis-occupied_Greece dbr:Nazi_Germany dbr:Sweden_and_the_United_Nations dbr:Romani_people dbr:Secker_&_Warburg dbr:German-occupied_Poland dbr:Witold_Pilecki dbr:German-Japanese_Pact dbr:Fascism dbr:Lisbon dbr:ICRC dbr:Raoul_Wallenberg dbr:Oxford_University_Press dbr:Soviet_Union dbr:Cambridge_University_Press dbr:Home_Army dbr:Righteous_Among_the_Nations dbr:War_effort dbr:Norway dbr:United_Nations dbr:Secondary_antisemitism dbr:Battle_of_France dbr:Jewish_Archive_(Francoist_Spain) dbr:Jan_Karski dbr:Kingdom_of_Hungary dbr:History_of_Jews_in_Norway dbr:Poland dbr:Random_House dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Polish_government-in-exile dbr:René_Cassin dbr:Second_World_War n5:Franco_BCN.jpg dbr:Swedish_Red_Cross dbr:Germany–Turkey_relations dbr:Jewish_Anti-Fascist_Committee dbr:Estado_Novo_(Portugal) dbr:Munich_Agreement dbr:Protected_group dbr:Raul_Hilberg dbr:Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights dbr:Protestantism dbr:Francoist_Spain dbr:Japan dbr:Sweden dbr:Palestine_(region) dbr:White_Paper_of_1939 dbr:Report_to_the_Secretary_on_the_Acquiescence_of_this_Government_to_the_Murder_of_the_Jews dbr:Bordeaux dbr:Turkey_in_World_War_II dbr:Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Portugal) dbr:History_of_the_Jews_in_Germany dbr:Anti-Semitism dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:Göran_von_Otter dbr:Wayne_State_University_Press dbr:Anschluss dbr:List_of_Presidents_of_the_Swiss_Confederation dbr:Realpolitik dbr:Budapest dbr:German-occupied_Netherlands dbr:Role_of_the_international_community_in_the_Rwandan_genocide dbr:Finland dbr:General_Assembly_of_the_United_Nations dbr:University_of_Miami_School_of_Law dbr:Edward_Bernard_Raczyński dbc:The_Holocaust dbr:Adolf_Hitler dbr:Arutz_Sheva dbr:Spanish_Civil_War dbr:Immigration_Act_of_1924 dbr:Kenya_Colony dbr:Giorgio_Perlasca dbr:Extermination_camp dbr:Purdue_University_Press dbr:Mandatory_Palestine dbc:International_response_to_the_Holocaust dbr:Manchukuo dbr:Palgrave_Macmillan dbr:Danish_Resistance dbr:The_Mass_Extermination_of_the_Jews_in_German_Occupied_Poland dbr:Basic_Books dbr:Paul_A._Levine dbr:Szmul_Zygielbojm dbr:War_crime dbr:Red_Army dbr:Ángel_Sanz_Briz dbr:Warsaw_Ghetto dbr:Holocaust_victims dbr:Franklin_D._Roosevelt dbr:Riegner_Telegram dbr:Armenian_genocide_denial dbr:Futures_(journal) dbr:Norwegian_resistance dbr:Raphael_Lemkin dbr:Per_Anger dbr:Leadership dbr:Filipe_Ribeiro_de_Meneses dbr:Chargé_d'affaires n5:The_Mass_Extermination_of_Jews_in_German_Occupied.pdf dbr:Philipp_Etter dbr:Society_for_Military_History dbr:War_Refugee_Board dbr:Francisco_Franco dbr:The_Holocaust_in_Norway dbr:The_Holocaust dbr:Yosuke_Matsuoka dbr:Sudetenland dbr:Auschwitz_bombing_debate dbr:International_Holocaust_Remembrance_Alliance dbr:Moisés_Bensabat_Amzalak dbr:International_Committee_of_the_Red_Cross dbr:Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Spain) dbr:Intelligence_(information_gathering) dbr:Genocide dbr:Paul_Preston dbr:Anthony_Eden dbr:Houghton_Mifflin_Harcourt dbr:Holocaust dbr:University_Press_of_America dbr:Carl_Fredriksens_Transport dbr:FDR_and_the_Jews dbr:Hitler dbr:Treblinka_extermination_camp dbr:International_organization
n12:portugal_e_o_Holocausto_bachman_EN_.pdf n18:whilesixmilliond00mors n23:revue-revue-d-histoire-de-la-shoah-2015-2-page-277.htm n24:13521%23.UdpSnzv0Fsk
dbpedia-it:Risposte_internazionali_all'Olocausto dbpedia-fr:Réaction_internationale_à_la_Shoah wikidata:Q6055256 dbpedia-he:תגובת_העולם_לשואה dbpedia-ar:ردود_الفعل_الدولية_على_الهولوكوست n25:4nk1T yago-res:International_response_to_the_Holocaust
dbt:See_also dbt:The_Holocaust_sidebar dbt:Refbegin dbt:Reflist dbt:Harvid dbt:Refend dbt:Quote dbt:Quote_box dbt:Main dbt:Short_description dbt:The_Holocaust dbt:Sfn dbt:Cite_journal dbt:World_War_II dbt:Nbsp dbt:Cite_book dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Expand_section
Jews who were about to emigrate [… from Germany] had to obtain passports. At first, nothing in a passport indicated whether the bearer was a Jew. Apparently, no one thought of making any changes in passports issued to Jews or held by Jews until action was initiated by officials of a foreign country. That country was Switzerland.
— Raul Hilberg
في العقود التي تلت حادثة الهولوكوست، تعرّضت بعض الحكومات الوطنية والهيئات الدولية والقيادات العالمية لانتقادات إثر فشلهم في اتخاذ الإجراءات المناسبة لإنقاذ ملايين اليهود الأوروبيين والغجر وضحايا آخرين من الهولوكوست. إذ صرّح النّقاد بأن هذا التّدخل، وخاصة من قبل حكومات الحلفاء، لربما كان يمكن أن ينقذ أعدادًا كبيرًة من الناس وكان من الممكن إنجازه دون تحويل موارد كبيرة من المجهود الحربي. اعترض باحثون آخرون على هذا النقد. إذ جادل البعض بأن فكرة أن الحلفاء لم يتخذوا أي إجراء هي مجرد خرافة، ذلك أن الحلفاء قد استقبلوا أكبر عدد ممكن من المهاجرين اليهود الألمان كما سمح النازيون، وأن العمل العسكري غير العملي من قِبَل الحلفاء، مثل قصف معسكر اعتقال أوشفيتز، قد أنقذ حياة قلِّة قليلة من الناس. قال آخرون بأن المعلومات الاستخباراتية المحدودة المتاحة للحلفاء ـــ الذين لم يتمكنوا، حتى وقت متأخر من أكتوبر 1944، من معرفة مواقع العديد من معسكرات الإبادة النازية أو أهداف المباني المختلفة داخل تلك المعسكرات التي حدّدوها ـــ جعلت القصف الدقيق أمراً مستحيلاً. في ثلاث حالات، اعترضت بلدان بأكملها ترحيل السكان اليهود أثناء الهولوكوست. في بلدان أخرى، شكّل أفراد أو مجتمعات جديرة بالذكر مقاومة أثناء الهولوكوست. In the decades since the Holocaust, some national governments, international bodies and world leaders have been criticized for their failure to take appropriate action to save the millions of European Jews, Roma, and other victims of the Holocaust. Critics say that such intervention, particularly by the Allied governments, might have saved substantial numbers of people and could have been accomplished without the diversion of significant resources from the war effort. Other researchers have challenged such criticism. Some have argued that the idea that the Allies took no action is a myth—that the Allies accepted as many German Jewish immigrants as the Nazis would allow—and that theoretical military action by the Allies, such as bombing the Auschwitz concentration camp, would have saved the lives of very few people. Others have said that the limited intelligence available to the Allies—who, as late as October 1944, did not know the locations of many of the Nazi death camps or the purposes of the various buildings within those camps they had identified—made precision bombing impossible. Dans les décennies suivant la Shoah, plusieurs gouvernements et organismes internationaux ont été critiqués pour leur incapacité à avoir pris les mesures appropriées pour sauver les millions d'Européens, Juifs, Roms et autres victimes de la Solution finale. Les critiques affirment que certaines interventions, notamment de la part des Alliés, auraient pu sauver un grand nombre de personnes sans détourner d'importantes ressources de l'effort de guerre. D'autres, au contraire, font valoir que l'idée selon laquelle les Alliés n'aient pris aucune action n'est qu'un mythe, que les Alliés ont accepté autant d'immigrants juifs allemands que les nazis l'autorisaient, et que des actions militaires comme le bombardement d'Auschwitz auraient sauvé la vie de très peu de gens. D'autres enfin estiment que les renseignements à la disposition des Alliés, qui à la fin d'octobre 1944 ne connaissaient pas l'emplacement de la plupart des camps de la mort nazis, ne permettaient pas un bombardement précis. Per risposte internazionali all'Olocausto si intendono le critiche mosse negli anni successivi all'Olocausto verso i più importanti governi nazionali, organismi internazionali e leader mondiali per non aver intrapreso azioni efficaci e appropriate per salvare le milioni di vittime tra ebrei europei, rom e le altre vittime dell'Olocausto. I più critici affermano che tale intervento, in particolare da parte dei governi alleati, avrebbe potuto salvare un numero considerevole di persone e avrebbe potuto essere realizzato senza impiegare risorse significative destinate allo sforzo bellico. Altri ricercatori hanno contestato queste critiche, sostenendo che il pensiero per cui gli Alleati non hanno intrapreso alcuna azione sia un mito, che gli Alleati abbiano accettato tanti immigrati ebrei tedeschi quanti ne avevano consentito i nazisti, e che l'azione militare teorica degli Alleati, come il bombardamento del campo di concentramento di Auschwitz, avrebbe salvato la vita a pochissime persone. Altri invece affermano che le limitate informazioni a disposizione degli Alleati, che fino all'ottobre 1944 non conoscevano né l'ubicazione di molti campi di sterminio nazisti né destinazione d'uso dei vari edifici presenti all'interno dei campi identificati, abbiano reso impossibile un bombardamento di precisione.