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owl:Thing dbo:Election wikidata:Q40231 dbo:Event dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q1656682 schema:Event n37:Event
Парламентські вибори у Великій Британії 2005 Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2005 Všeobecné volby ve Spojeném království 2005 Britische Unterhauswahl 2005 Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii w 2005 roku 2005年イギリス総選挙 2005年英国大选 Elecciones generales del Reino Unido de 2005 Elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2005 2005년 영국 총선 Élections générales britanniques de 2005 Eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2005 Eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 2005 2005 United Kingdom general election Парламентские выборы в Великобритании (2005)
Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 2005 года (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2005) — выборы, происходившие 5 мая 2005 года. Лейбористы под руководством Тони Блэра одержали победу на выборах, однако консерваторам удалось сократить своё отставание на 90 мандатов (с 247 до 158). 2005년 영국 총선은 2005년 5월 5일에 영국 하원의 646석을 선출하기 위해 실시된 선거이다. 2005年英國大選(United Kingdom general election of 2005)於2005年5月5日舉行。在首相托尼·布莱尔請求之下,英國女王伊利沙伯二世於4月11日宣布解散國會。本屆英國大選在全國646個選區(英格蘭有529個選區,蘇格蘭59個選區,威爾士40個選區,北愛爾蘭18個選區)進行,仍使用簡單多數制(First-past-the-post)的選舉方法,即每個選區以得票最多的候選人勝出,成為該區的代表,將在下議院獲得一個席位。獲得最多席位的黨派將組成英國下一屆政府,該黨黨魁則成為下一任首相。 選舉結果,布莱尔領導工黨取得三連勝,成為工黨在位最久的英國首相,但工黨在議席和選票大輻減少,僅憑簡單多數制的選舉制度維持多數黨地位。布莱尔受黨內的下台壓力增加,最終他於2007年6月27日提前下台,由財政大臣戈登·布朗接任。 Las elecciones generales de 2005 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el 5 de mayo de 2005. El Partido Laborista ganó su tercera victoria consecutiva, pero con un margen de sólo 66 escaños, comparado con 167 en las elecciones de 2001. Die britische Unterhauswahl 2005 fand am 5. Mai statt. Gewählt wurde in 646 (vorher 659) Wahlkreisen nach einem reinen Mehrheitswahlverfahren. In England und Nordirland fanden am gleichen Tag Lokalwahlen statt. Wahlgewinner war bei einer um 2,0 Prozentpunkte gestiegenen Wahlbeteiligung von 61,3 % die Labour Party, die mit 35,2 % der abgegebenen Stimmen aufgrund des bei den Unterhauswahlen geltenden Mehrheitswahlrechts erneut eine absolute Mehrheit der Sitze errang. Der Amtsinhaber Tony Blair, Premierminister seit 1997, wurde damit in seinem Amt bestätigt: A eleição geral do Reino Unido em 2005 foi realizada no dia 5 de maio para eleger um membro do Parlamento para representar cada um dos 650 círculos eleitorais na Câmara dos Comuns, a câmara baixa do Parlamento do Reino Unido. O Partido Trabalhista de Tony Blair ganhou a sua terceira vitória consecutiva, mas com uma maioria de 66 assentos em comparação com a maioria 260 lugares que já obtido. Desde então, foi a última vez em que os trabalhistas ganharam a eleição, além de ser a última eleição do líder trabalhista Tony Blair como primeiro-ministro onde que renunciou 2 anos depois. 2005年イギリス総選挙(2005ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 2005)は、英国議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の議員を選出するため、英国において2005年5月に行われたイギリス総選挙である。 Les élections législatives britanniques de 2005 se tiennent 5 mai afin de renouveler les mandats des députés à la Chambre des communes. Elles se tiennent dans les 646 circonscriptions du Royaume-Uni, sous le système du scrutin uninominal majoritaire à un tour (first past the post). Toutes les circonscriptions votent le jour du scrutin, sauf celle de South Staffordshire, dont l'élection se tient le 23 juin en raison du décès de l'un des candidats. Le Parti travailliste, mené par le Premier ministre Tony Blair, remporte une troisième victoire consécutive, bien que sa majorité se réduise à nouveau et qu'il ne gagne aucun nouveau siège. Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2005 si tennero il 5 maggio e videro la vittoria del Partito Laburista di Tony Blair, che fu confermato Primo Ministro; nel 2007 fu sostituito da Gordon Brown, esponente dello stesso partito. The 2005 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 5 May 2005, to elect 646 members to the House of Commons. The Labour Party, led by Tony Blair, won its third consecutive victory, with Blair becoming the second Labour leader after Harold Wilson to form three majority governments. However, its majority fell to 66 seats compared to the 167-seat majority it had won four years before. This was the first time the Labour Party had won a third consecutive election, and remains the party's most recent general election victory. Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii, 2005, odbyły się 5 maja 2005 roku na terenie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Wybory zostały rozpisane przez królową Elżbietę II 11 kwietnia 2005 roku na prośbę premiera Tony’ego Blaira. Wybory wygrała rządząca Brytyjska Partia Pracy premiera Tony’ego Blaira. Kandydatów na deputowanych do Izby Gmin wybierano w 646 jednomandatowych okręgach wyborczych. Wybory odbyły się równocześnie z lokalnymi wyborami w Anglii i Irlandii Północnej. Lokale wyborcze były otwarte przez 15 godzin, od godziny 8.00 do 23.00 (czasu polskiego). Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2005 hölls 5 maj, parlamentet upplöstes 11 april. Förväntningarna var att valdatumet skulle meddelats 4 april 2005, men eftersom påvens begravningsdag tillkännagavs samma dag kom premiärminister Tony Blair att vänta till 5 april. Vallokalerna stängdes klockan tio. Första valkretsen att bli färdigräknad blev som vid de senaste valen Sunderland South Парламентські вибори в Великої Британії 2005 року (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2005) — вибори, що відбувалися 5 травня 2005 року. Лейбористи під керівництвом Тоні Блера здобули перемогу на виборах, проте консерваторам вдалося скоротити своє відставання на 90 мандатів (з 247 до 158). Ve všeobecných volbách ve Spojeném království v roce 2005 se volilo 650 poslanců Dolní sněmovny parlamentu Spojeného království relativně většinovým volebním systémem. Volby se konaly 5. května 2005. Labouristé pod vedením premiéra Tonyho Blaira v nich obhajovali volební vítězství z let a . Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2005 es van celebrar el 5 de maig de 2005. El Partit Laborista va assolir la seva tercera victòria consecutiva, però amb un marge de només 66 escons, comparat amb els 167 de les eleccions de 2001.
n6:DrIanPaisley.jpg n6:Charles_Kennedy_MP_(cropped).jpg n6:Alex_Salmond,_First_Minister_of_Scotland_(cropped).jpg n6:Tony_Blair.jpg n6:Tony_Blair_WEF_(cropped).jpg n6:2005UKElectionMap.svg n6:2005_UK_General_Election_Gallagher_Index.png n6:2005_UK_parliament.svg n6:Caroline_Lucas_Smile.jpg n6:Michael_Howard_(cropped).jpg n6:Results_of_the_UK_General_Election,_2005.svg n6:Roger_Knapman.jpg n6:Uk_general_election_2005_by_age.png n6:PollingStation_UK_2005.jpg n6:House_of_Commons_2005_Election.svg
dbc:General_elections_to_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbc:2005_elections_in_the_United_Kingdom dbc:May_2005_events_in_the_United_Kingdom dbc:2005_United_Kingdom_general_election
dbr:Peter_Bone dbr:Peterborough_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Angus_MacNeil dbr:Crawley_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Newbury_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:David_Cameron dbr:Bristol_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Taunton_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Keith_Bradley,_Baron_Bradley dbr:Charles_Kennedy dbr:Hemel_Hempstead_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Richard_Taylor_(British_politician) dbr:Lynton_Crosby dbr:John_Taylor_(Solihull_MP) dbr:Mark_Pritchard_(politician) dbr:Plaid_Cymru dbr:Stewart_Hosie dbr:Ochil_and_South_Perthshire dbr:Henry_Smith_(British_politician) dbr:Cardiff_Central_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Wyre_Forest_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Rochdale_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sammy_Wilson_(politician) dbr:Simon_Thomas_(politician) dbr:Tony_Colman_(politician) n11:Tony_Blair_WEF_(cropped).jpg dbr:Independent_politician dbr:Stewart_Jackson dbr:Guildford_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Scottish_National_Party dbr:Upper_Bann_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Roger_Casale dbr:Sunderland_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Jack_Straw dbr:Philip_Davies dbr:Robert_Goodwill dbr:Alan_Johnson dbr:Margaret_Thatcher dbr:Hornsey_and_Wood_Green_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Irish_nationalism dbr:Alex_Salmond dbr:James_Brokenshire dbr:Dumfries_and_Galloway_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Gordon_Brown dbr:Devolution dbr:Green_Party_of_England_and_Wales dbr:Ilford_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:List_of_parties_contesting_the_2005_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Weston-super-Mare_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:British_Summer_Time dbr:Melanie_Johnson dbr:Tim_Collins_(politician) dbr:Clwyd_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:David_TC_Davies dbr:Chris_Smith,_Baron_Smith_of_Finsbury dbr:Social_Democratic_and_Labour_Party dbr:David_Rendel dbr:Scarborough_and_Whitby_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Gordon_Banks_(politician) dbr:Minister_for_Gaelic dbr:The_Wrekin_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Anne_Main dbr:United_Nations dbr:Minister_of_State_for_Immigration dbr:John_Lyons_(British_politician) dbc:General_elections_to_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Jeremy_Browne dbr:Gillian_Shephard dbr:Tony_Clarke_(British_politician) dbr:Concession_(politics) dbr:Ludlow_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:David_Simpson_(Northern_Ireland_politician) n11:DrIanPaisley.jpg dbr:1992_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Cambridge_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) dbr:Guinness_World_Records dbr:South_Staffordshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Harold_Wilson dbr:Majority_government dbr:Jeremy_Paxman dbr:George_Galloway dbr:Enfield_Southgate_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Liberal_Democrats_(UK) dbr:John_Penrose dbr:Linda_Perham dbr:Lee_Scott_(politician) dbr:Michael_Portillo dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_England_(2005–2010) dbr:Bexleyheath_and_Crayford_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Wimbledon_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_Northern_Ireland_(2005–2010) dbr:John_Hume dbr:Michael_Howard dbr:Welwyn_Hatfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Mark_Lancaster,_Baron_Lancaster_of_Kimbolton n11:PollingStation_UK_2005.jpg dbr:1987_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_Scotland_(2005–2010) dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_Work_and_Pensions dbc:2005_elections_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Monmouth_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Galloway_and_Upper_Nithsdale_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Green_Party_in_Northern_Ireland dbr:Laura_Moffatt dbr:Perth_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:1929_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Peter_Snow dbr:1923_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_2005_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:David_Trimble dbr:Elizabeth_II dbr:Department_for_Children,_Schools_and_Families n11:Alex_Salmond,_First_Minister_of_Scotland_(cropped).jpg dbr:West_Sussex dbr:Gravesham_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:North_Down_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Blaenau_Gwent_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Oona_King dbr:Department_for_Environment,_Food_and_Rural_Affairs dbc:May_2005_events_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:2005_Ulster_Unionist_Party_leadership_election dbr:Reg_Empey dbr:Annabelle_Ewing dbr:Independent_Kidderminster_Hospital_and_Health_Concern dbr:Nigel_Beard dbr:British_National_Party dbr:Houghton_and_Washington_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Tim_Farron dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_Wales_(2005–2010) dbr:Lynne_Featherstone dbr:Estelle_Morris dbr:Tony_McWalter dbr:Solihull_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Russell_Brown_(British_politician) dbr:Harwich_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Justine_Greening dbr:Charles_Clarke dbr:Democratic_Unionist_Party dbr:Exit_poll dbr:Iain_Duncan_Smith dbr:Scottish_Greens dbr:Stephen_Twigg dbr:Anne_Campbell_(politician) dbr:SDP–Liberal_Alliance dbr:East_Dunbartonshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency) 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dbr:Sunderland_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Corby_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Lorna_Fitzsimons dbr:Kettering_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sinn_Féin dbr:Caroline_Lucas n11:Charles_Kennedy_MP_(cropped).jpg dbr:St_Albans_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Margaret_Beckett dbr:Paul_Rowen dbr:Coordinated_Universal_Time dbr:Buckingham_Palace dbr:Gallagher_index dbr:David_Dimbleby dbr:Percentage_point n11:Caroline_Lucas_Smile.jpg dbr:Landslide_victory dbr:Menzies_Campbell dbr:Chris_Leslie dbr:Cabinet_reshuffle dbr:Department_of_Health_and_Social_Care dbr:Home_Secretary dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Roger_Knapman dbr:Philip_Hollobone dbr:Jenny_Willott dbr:Shadow_Cabinet_of_Michael_Howard dbr:Calum_MacDonald_(politician) dbr:North_East_Fife_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:2010_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:John_Leech_(politician) dbr:Sue_Doughty dbr:Labour_Party_(UK) dbr:England dbr:Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer dbr:Douglas_Carswell dbr:Mike_Penning 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dbr:1983_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Chris_Mullin_(politician) dbr:Speaker_of_the_House_of_Commons_(United_Kingdom) dbr:Philip_Dunne_(Ludlow_MP) dbr:Chris_Pond dbr:Manifesto dbr:Parliamentary_Under-Secretary_of_State dbr:2003_Conservative_Party_leadership_election dbr:Anthony_King_(political_scientist) dbr:Paul_Boateng
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dbt:Main dbt:Use_British_English dbt:UK_general_election_opinion_polling dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:United_Kingdom_general_election,_2005A dbt:Party_color dbt:Infobox_election dbt:Sup dbt:Unreferenced_section dbt:Pie_chart dbt:Michael_Howard dbt:2005_United_Kingdom_general_election dbt:Election_summary_party dbt:United_Kingdom_elections dbt:Election_summary_begin dbt:Increase dbt:Reflist dbt:Decrease dbt:For dbt:UK_general_election_navigation dbt:Percentage_bar dbt:Bar_box dbt:New_Labour dbt:Colend dbt:Bar_percent dbt:Colbegin dbt:Short_description dbt:Wikinews dbt:Commons_category-inline dbt:Tony_Blair dbt:Citation_needed dbt:End dbt:Center dbt:Prone_to_spam
List of MPs elected in the 2005 United Kingdom general election
8 9 2
2003-11-06 1999-08-09 1994-07-21
2 8
Composition of the House of Commons after the election
+1 -1 -6 +6
Opinion polling for the 2005 United Kingdom general election
List of MPs elected in the 2001 United Kingdom general election
8784915 9552436 5985454
0.62 25.54 7.89 62.38 3.57
0.7 3.7 5.5
1.8 7.5 40.7 18.3 31.7
Labour Party
Labour Party
Popular vote
United Kingdom
dbr:Democratic_Unionist_Party dbr:UK_Independence_Party dbr:British_National_Party dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) dbr:Sinn_Féin dbr:Scottish_National_Party dbr:Liberal_Democrats_(UK) dbr:Green_Party_of_England_and_Wales dbr:Plaid_Cymru dbr:Labour_Party_(UK)
52 412 166
dbr:Michael_Howard dbr:Tony_Blair dbr:Charles_Kennedy
dbr:Ross,_Skye_and_Lochaber_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Folkestone_and_Hythe_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
* Indicates boundary change – so this is a notional figure Figure does not include the Speaker, Michael Martin Colours denote the winning party, as shown in the main table of results.
Other parties Scottish National Party Conservative Party Liberal Democrats Labour Party
35.2 22.0 32.4
Prime Minister after election
33 48 11
355 165 198 62 51 23 4 403
403 51 165
All 646 seats to the House of Commons
dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_United_Kingdom Popular vote Parliamentary seats
1.5 0.9 32.4 35.2 1 22 2.2
464314 8357615 4814321 10724953
2005년 영국 총선은 2005년 5월 5일에 영국 하원의 646석을 선출하기 위해 실시된 선거이다. Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 2005 года (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2005) — выборы, происходившие 5 мая 2005 года. Лейбористы под руководством Тони Блэра одержали победу на выборах, однако консерваторам удалось сократить своё отставание на 90 мандатов (с 247 до 158). 2005年英國大選(United Kingdom general election of 2005)於2005年5月5日舉行。在首相托尼·布莱尔請求之下,英國女王伊利沙伯二世於4月11日宣布解散國會。本屆英國大選在全國646個選區(英格蘭有529個選區,蘇格蘭59個選區,威爾士40個選區,北愛爾蘭18個選區)進行,仍使用簡單多數制(First-past-the-post)的選舉方法,即每個選區以得票最多的候選人勝出,成為該區的代表,將在下議院獲得一個席位。獲得最多席位的黨派將組成英國下一屆政府,該黨黨魁則成為下一任首相。 選舉結果,布莱尔領導工黨取得三連勝,成為工黨在位最久的英國首相,但工黨在議席和選票大輻減少,僅憑簡單多數制的選舉制度維持多數黨地位。布莱尔受黨內的下台壓力增加,最終他於2007年6月27日提前下台,由財政大臣戈登·布朗接任。 The 2005 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 5 May 2005, to elect 646 members to the House of Commons. The Labour Party, led by Tony Blair, won its third consecutive victory, with Blair becoming the second Labour leader after Harold Wilson to form three majority governments. However, its majority fell to 66 seats compared to the 167-seat majority it had won four years before. This was the first time the Labour Party had won a third consecutive election, and remains the party's most recent general election victory. The Labour campaign emphasised a strong economy; however, Blair had suffered a decline in popularity, which was exacerbated by the decision to send British troops to invade Iraq in 2003. Despite this, Labour mostly retained its leads over the Conservatives in opinion polls on economic competence and leadership, and Conservative leaders Iain Duncan Smith (2001–2003) and Michael Howard (2003–2005) struggled to capitalise on Blair's unpopularity, with the party consistently trailing behind Labour in the polls throughout the 2001–2005 parliament. The Conservatives campaigned on policies such as immigration limits, improving poorly managed hospitals, and reducing high crime rates. The Liberal Democrats, led by Charles Kennedy, were opposed to the Iraq War, given that there had been no second UN resolution, and collected votes from disenchanted Labour voters. Tony Blair was returned as Prime Minister, with Labour having 355 MPs, but with a popular vote share of 35.2%, the smallest of any majority government in UK electoral history. In terms of votes, it was only narrowly ahead of the Conservatives, but still had a comfortable lead in terms of seats. The Conservatives returned 198 MPs, with 32 more seats than they had won at the previous general election, and won the popular vote in England, while still ending up with 91 fewer MPs in England than Labour. The Liberal Democrats saw their popular vote increase by 3.7% and won the most seats of any third party since 1923, with 62 MPs. Anti-war activist and former Labour MP George Galloway was elected as the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow under the Respect – The Unity Coalition banner, unseating Oona King; Richard Taylor was re-elected for Kidderminster Health Concern in Wyre Forest; and independent candidate Peter Law was elected in Blaenau Gwent. This would be to date the last general election to be held where the winning political party would win a majority of the seats that were contested in all of the constituent countries of Great Britain (ie England, Scotland and Wales) at the same time. In Northern Ireland, the Ulster Unionist Party, the more moderate of the main unionist parties, which had dominated Northern Irish politics since the 1920s, was reduced from six MPs to one, with party leader David Trimble himself being unseated. The more hardline Democratic Unionist Party became the largest Northern Irish party, with nine MPs elected. Notable MPs leaving the House of Commons at this election included UUP leader David Trimble, former SDLP leader John Hume, former Cabinet ministers Estelle Morris, Paul Boateng, Chris Smith, Gillian Shephard, Virginia Bottomley and Michael Portillo, the Father of the House of Commons Tam Dalyell, Tony Banks and Sir Teddy Taylor, while Stephen Twigg lost his seat in Enfield Southgate back to the Conservatives. Following the election, Michael Howard conceded defeat, resigned as Conservative leader and was succeeded by future Prime Minister David Cameron. Blair resigned as both Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party in June 2007, and was replaced by then-Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown. The election results were broadcast live on the BBC and presented by Peter Snow, David Dimbleby, Tony King, Jeremy Paxman, and Andrew Marr. Парламентські вибори в Великої Британії 2005 року (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2005) — вибори, що відбувалися 5 травня 2005 року. Лейбористи під керівництвом Тоні Блера здобули перемогу на виборах, проте консерваторам вдалося скоротити своє відставання на 90 мандатів (з 247 до 158). Ve všeobecných volbách ve Spojeném království v roce 2005 se volilo 650 poslanců Dolní sněmovny parlamentu Spojeného království relativně většinovým volebním systémem. Volby se konaly 5. května 2005. Labouristé pod vedením premiéra Tonyho Blaira v nich obhajovali volební vítězství z let a . 2005年イギリス総選挙(2005ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 2005)は、英国議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の議員を選出するため、英国において2005年5月に行われたイギリス総選挙である。 Die britische Unterhauswahl 2005 fand am 5. Mai statt. Gewählt wurde in 646 (vorher 659) Wahlkreisen nach einem reinen Mehrheitswahlverfahren. In England und Nordirland fanden am gleichen Tag Lokalwahlen statt. Wahlgewinner war bei einer um 2,0 Prozentpunkte gestiegenen Wahlbeteiligung von 61,3 % die Labour Party, die mit 35,2 % der abgegebenen Stimmen aufgrund des bei den Unterhauswahlen geltenden Mehrheitswahlrechts erneut eine absolute Mehrheit der Sitze errang. Der Amtsinhaber Tony Blair, Premierminister seit 1997, wurde damit in seinem Amt bestätigt: Die Labour Party büßte bei ihrem historisch-statistischen Sieg – noch nie zuvor konnte Labour drei Wahlen in Folge gewinnen – allerdings (umgerechnet auf die neue Wahlkreiseinteilung) 47 Wahlkreise und damit Mandate im Unterhaus ein und kam auf 356 Sitze. Für den Sieg nötig waren 324 Sitze. Drei relativ junge Minister des Blair-Kabinetts verloren ihre Unterhaussitze an den jeweiligen Gegenkandidaten der Konservativen: Schulminister Stephen Twigg in Enfield Southgate, , Constitutional Affairs Minister, in Shipley und Gesundheitsministerin in Welwyn Hatfield. Der Konservativen Partei unter Herausforderer Michael Howard gelang es nicht, ihren Stimmenanteil signifikant zu steigern (32,3 % der Stimmen); allerdings gewann seine Partei 33 Sitze im Unterhaus dazu und kam damit auf 197 Mandate. Die Liberaldemokraten unter ihrem Vorsitzenden Charles Kennedy steigerten ihren Stimmenanteil mit 22,0 % deutlich; die Zahl ihrer Unterhaus-Mandate wuchs von 51 auf 62. Damit erreichten die Liberalen ihre höchste Zahl an Mandaten seit 1923. Bei den kleineren Parteien ergaben sich leichte Gewinne von zwei Sitzen für die Scottish National Party (jetzt 6 Mandate) und der Verlust eines Mandates für die walisische Regionalpartei Plaid Cymru (jetzt noch 3 Mandate). Ein ehemaliger Labour-Abgeordneter, George Galloway, errang in Wales gegen seine vormalige Partei ein Mandat als Unabhängiger. Er erhielt nach einem sehr kämpferischen Wahlkampf, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Ablehnung des Irakkriegs stand, im mehrheitlich von Einwanderern bevölkerten Londoner East End einen Sitz für die neu gegründete Partei Respect. Insgesamt waren im neuen Unterhaus drei unabhängige Abgeordnete vertreten, nachdem auch Richard Taylor von der Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern (IKKH) seinen Sitz verteidigt hatte. Diesen hatte er 2001 mit dem Protest gegen die beabsichtigte Teilschließung eines Krankenhauses im Wahlkreis Wyre Forest (bei Birmingham) gewonnen. In Nordirland gelangen der radikal-protestantischen DUP unter dem Prediger Ian Paisley erhebliche Stimmen und Mandatsgewinne. Mit nunmehr 9 von 18 nordirischen Sitzen (+ 4) war die DUP die mit Abstand stärkste Kraft dort. Die andere protestantische Partei, die UUP des Friedensnobelpreisträgers David Trimble verlor fünf ihrer sechs Sitze, darunter den Wahlkreis von Trimble selbst. Auf katholischer Seite gewann lediglich der politische Arm der IRA, die Sinn Féin einen Sitz hinzu und stellte somit fünf Sitze. Die gemäßigte SDLP gewann weiterhin drei Wahlkreise. Insgesamt wurden in Großbritannien mehr als 27 Millionen Stimmen abgegeben, die Wahlbeteiligung betrug damit 61,3 % und lag um 2,0 % höher als im Jahr 2001. Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2005 hölls 5 maj, parlamentet upplöstes 11 april. Förväntningarna var att valdatumet skulle meddelats 4 april 2005, men eftersom påvens begravningsdag tillkännagavs samma dag kom premiärminister Tony Blair att vänta till 5 april. Vallokalerna stängdes klockan tio. Första valkretsen att bli färdigräknad blev som vid de senaste valen Sunderland South Valet gällde denna gång 646 platser, och inte 659 som vid valet 2001, eftersom den tidigare överrepresentationen för Skottland avskaffats på grund av det återinrättade Skotska parlamentet 1999, och antalet skotska valkretsar minskats från 72 till 59. Valet i valkretsen Staffordshire South sköts upp då en av kandidaterna dött. Valet skedde samtidigt som 34 val till stadsfullmäktige och fyra borgmästarval. Då mandatfördelningen avgörs genom val i enpersonsvalkretsar behöver antalet vunna mandat inte stå i proportion till antalet vunna röster. Labour fick med 35 procent av rösterna knappt tre procentenheter fler röster än Tories, men 356 mandat (80 procent fler mandat jämfört med Tories) och en betryggande majoritet i parlamentet. Valkretsindelningen var härvidlag gynnsam för Labour - vid valet 2010 fick Tories 36 procent av rösterna, sju procentenheter mer än Labour, men bara 306 mandat och ingen egen majoritet. Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2005 es van celebrar el 5 de maig de 2005. El Partit Laborista va assolir la seva tercera victòria consecutiva, però amb un marge de només 66 escons, comparat amb els 167 de les eleccions de 2001. Las elecciones generales de 2005 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el 5 de mayo de 2005. El Partido Laborista ganó su tercera victoria consecutiva, pero con un margen de sólo 66 escaños, comparado con 167 en las elecciones de 2001. A eleição geral do Reino Unido em 2005 foi realizada no dia 5 de maio para eleger um membro do Parlamento para representar cada um dos 650 círculos eleitorais na Câmara dos Comuns, a câmara baixa do Parlamento do Reino Unido. O Partido Trabalhista de Tony Blair ganhou a sua terceira vitória consecutiva, mas com uma maioria de 66 assentos em comparação com a maioria 260 lugares que já obtido. A campanha dos trabalhistas enfatizou uma economia forte, porém Blair tinha sofrido um declínio na popularidade mesmo antes da decisão de enviar tropas britânicas para invadir o Iraque em 2003. O Partido Conservador, liderado por Michael Howard desde o final de 2003, fez campanha em políticas, como limites de imigração, melhorias em hospitais mal geridos e na redução das taxas de criminalidade, todos sob o slogan "Você está pensando o que estamos pensando?". O Partido Liberal Democrata, liderado por Charles Kennedy, fez uma forte oposição à Guerra do Iraque desde o início. Tony Blair foi re-conduzido como primeiro-ministro, com o apoio de 355 deputados, mas com uma votação popular de 35,2%, a mais baixa maioria de qualquer governo na história britânica. Em termos de votos, os trabalhistas ficaram um pouco à frente dos conservadores, mas ainda tiveram uma vantagem confortável no número de vagas. Os conservadores, no entanto, conseguiram 198 deputados, 33 a mais do que a eleição anterior. Os liberais democratas tiveram um aumento de 3,7% no voto popular, e ganharam o maior número de vagas para qualquer partido que tenha ficado na terceira colocação desde 1923, conseguindo 62 deputados. O ex-deputado trabalhista e ativista anti-guerra George Galloway foi eleito como deputado pelo recém-formado Respect Party. Na Irlanda do Norte, o partido unionista do Ulster, que dominou a política da Irlanda do Norte desde 1920, reduziu o número de vagas de seis deputados para um deputado, sendo que líder do partido David Trimble perdeu a eleição. O Partido Unionista Democrático se tornou o maior partido da Irlanda, com 9 deputados. Após a eleição, o líder conservador Michael Howard renunciou e foi sucedido por David Cameron, e em 2007, Blair renunciou ao cargo de primeiro-ministro e líder dos trabalhistas, sendo substituído por Gordon Brown. Desde então, foi a última vez em que os trabalhistas ganharam a eleição, além de ser a última eleição do líder trabalhista Tony Blair como primeiro-ministro onde que renunciou 2 anos depois. Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2005 si tennero il 5 maggio e videro la vittoria del Partito Laburista di Tony Blair, che fu confermato Primo Ministro; nel 2007 fu sostituito da Gordon Brown, esponente dello stesso partito. Les élections législatives britanniques de 2005 se tiennent 5 mai afin de renouveler les mandats des députés à la Chambre des communes. Elles se tiennent dans les 646 circonscriptions du Royaume-Uni, sous le système du scrutin uninominal majoritaire à un tour (first past the post). Toutes les circonscriptions votent le jour du scrutin, sauf celle de South Staffordshire, dont l'élection se tient le 23 juin en raison du décès de l'un des candidats. Le Parti travailliste, mené par le Premier ministre Tony Blair, remporte une troisième victoire consécutive, bien que sa majorité se réduise à nouveau et qu'il ne gagne aucun nouveau siège. Le déclin de popularité de Blair est largement attribué à sa décision d'envoyer des troupes participer à la guerre d'Irak en 2003. Les élections de 2005 ont aussi vu les partis indépendants et les petits partis gagner plus de sièges qu'ils ne l'avaient fait en 60 ans. Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii, 2005, odbyły się 5 maja 2005 roku na terenie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Wybory zostały rozpisane przez królową Elżbietę II 11 kwietnia 2005 roku na prośbę premiera Tony’ego Blaira. Wybory wygrała rządząca Brytyjska Partia Pracy premiera Tony’ego Blaira. Kandydatów na deputowanych do Izby Gmin wybierano w 646 jednomandatowych okręgach wyborczych. Wybory odbyły się równocześnie z lokalnymi wyborami w Anglii i Irlandii Północnej. Lokale wyborcze były otwarte przez 15 godzin, od godziny 8.00 do 23.00 (czasu polskiego).
2005 United Kingdom general election