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Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (Arabic: أسد بن عبد الله القسري; died 738) was a prominent official of the Umayyad Caliphate, serving twice as governor of Khurasan under the Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. The descendant of a prominent Arab family, he was the brother of Khalid al-Qasri, the powerful governor of Iraq for most of Hisham's reign. Asad's first tenure as governor in 724–727 came in the wake of the "Day of Thirst", a severe defeat at the hands of the Türgesh Turks in Transoxiana. Asad tried to reconcile the local Soghdians to Muslim rule, initiated tax reforms to address the grievances of the native converts to Islam (mawali), and enjoyed good relations with many local nobles, who began to convert to Islam under his influence. His military expeditions during his first tenure were tar

Property Value
  • Àssad ibn Abd-Al·lah ibn Àssad al-Qasrí, més conegut simplement com a Àssad ibn Abd-Al·lah (mort 738) fou un governador àrab del Khurasan, del clan Qasr dels Bajila. Fou governador del 723/724 al 726/727 i del 735 al 738 sota l'autoritat del seu germà Khàlid ibn Abd-Al·lah al-Qasrí governador de l'Iraq i l'Orient durant el califat d'Hixam ibn Abd-al-Màlik (724–743). El seu govern va coincidir amb l'ascens de les bandes turques que no podien ser aturades. Va fer expedicions a la zona del Parapomisus. El 726 va reconstruir Balkh destruïda per Qutayba ibn Múslim després de l'aixecament de Nezak, i hi va portar les tropes àrabs que estaven de guarnició a Barukan. La seva violència contra els mudarites locals va provocar una revolta i el califa el va destituir el 726/727. Però el desordre va continuar, i el 734 es va revoltar Al-Hàrith ibn Surayj (que va durar fins al 746) que tenia el suport del prínceps locals, i finalment el califa el va tornar a nomenar governador el 735; llavors va rebutjar als rebels cap a l'altre costat de l'Oxus, però tot i una expedició que va fer a Samarcanda ja no va poder restaurar el domini àrab complet a Sogdiana. A fi i efecte de controlar el Tukharistan va establir una guarnició de 2500 soldats sirians a Balkh (736). El 737 va fer una expedició al Khuttal, però els prínceps locals van demanar ajut al kakhan dels Turcs Occidentals, Yollyg-tegin Izhan-Khan (734-739) en xinès conegut com a Su Lu, i va haver de retornar a Balkh després de patir fortes pèrdues en una batalla contra aquests l'1 d'octubre del 737. Llavors les forces del rebel Al-Hàrith i dels prínceps de Sogdiana, amb el suport dels turcs, van creuar l'Oxus i van atacar Khurasan. Asad amb les seves forces sirianes i alguns contingents locals va sorprendre a l'exèrcit invasor a Kharistan i els va derrotar (desembre del 737) bloquejant la retirada dels que quedaven. Amb això va restaurar el poder àrab al Khurasan. Va morir uns mesos després (738) En els seus governs van començar a actuar a la província els emissaris dels futurs abbàssides. Va convertir a l'islam a un notable local, Saman-khudà, ancestre de la dinastia samànida, i el fill gran d'aquest va rebre el nom d'Àssad en honor seu. Els seus descendents van gaudir fins al govern d'Abdallah ibn Tahir (828-845) del feu de la vila d', construïda per ell a la proximitat de Naysabur. També un barri de Kufa fou creat per ell i va rebre el nom de Suk Asad. (ca)
  • هو الأمير الفاتح ووالي خراسان أبو المنذر أسد بن عبد الله بن يزيد بن اسد القسري البجلي كان أسد بن عبد الله من عظماء الأمراء الفاتحين في خراسان والعصر الأموي ويعتبر آخر القادة الفاتحين في العصر الأموي وكان جواداً ممدحاً، وشجاعاً مقداماً. وفيه قال ابن السجف المجاشعي: (ar)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (Arabic: أسد بن عبد الله القسري; died 738) was a prominent official of the Umayyad Caliphate, serving twice as governor of Khurasan under the Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. The descendant of a prominent Arab family, he was the brother of Khalid al-Qasri, the powerful governor of Iraq for most of Hisham's reign. Asad's first tenure as governor in 724–727 came in the wake of the "Day of Thirst", a severe defeat at the hands of the Türgesh Turks in Transoxiana. Asad tried to reconcile the local Soghdians to Muslim rule, initiated tax reforms to address the grievances of the native converts to Islam (mawali), and enjoyed good relations with many local nobles, who began to convert to Islam under his influence. His military expeditions during his first tenure were targeted mainly against restive local princes, avoiding a direct confrontation with the Türgesh. After his dismissal, his successors reversed his policy of reconciliation, resulting in a large-scale anti-Arab rebellion among the Soghdians. Another major defeat against the Türgesh in the Battle of the Defile was followed by the almost complete collapse of the Arab position in Trasoxiana and the outbreak of a major rebellion in Khurasan itself, led by al-Harith ibn Surayj. Appointed for a second time to govern Khurasan in late 734, Asad brought fresh troops into the province and managed to suppress Harith's uprising in 735–736, although the rebel leader himself escaped capture. An expedition in Khuttal in 737 brought about the intervention of the Türgesh ruler, the qaghan, at the head of an army. Despite initial Arab setbacks and the Türgesh invasion of Khurasan, Asad succeeded in inflicting a defeat upon the qaghan in person at the Battle of Kharistan, turning back the Türgesh army. Despite Asad's death a few months later, this success was instrumental in preserving Muslim rule in Central Asia, as the blow to the qaghan's prestige led to his murder soon after and the collapse of Türgesh power. At the same time, Asad's conciliatory policy towards the native population laid the foundations for its eventual acceptance of Muslim rule and the Islamization of Central Asia. (en)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah ibn Assad al-Qasrí, más conocido simplemente como Asad ibn Abdallah (m. 738) fue un gobernador árabe del Jorasán, del clan Qasr de los Bajila. Fue gobernador del 723/724 al 726/727 y del 735 al 738 bajo la autoridad de su hermano Jalid ibn Abdallah al-Qasrí gobernador de Irak y el Oriente durante el califato de Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (724–743). (es)
  • Asad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Asad al-Qasrī (arabo ﺍﺳﺪ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺪالله ﺑﻦ ﺍﺳﺪ ﺍﻟﻘﺴﺮﻱ; ... – Balkh, febbraio 738) è stato un funzionario e generale arabo omayyade.Capace funzionario omayyade, ricoprì importanti cariche governatorali nell'amministrazione all'epoca del califfo Hishām b. ʿAbd al-Malik. Discendente di un'importante famiglia araba e fratello del governatore d'Iraq, Khālid b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Qasrī, Asad ottenne la prima nomina a Wālī nel 724, dopo il disastroso "Giorno della sete" in cui i Turchi Turgesh avevano inflitto una pesante disfatta alle forze omayyadi in Transoxiana, mantenendo la carica fino al 727. Asad si adoperò per riconciliare i Sogdiani di Transoxiana con i musulmani, avviò riforme fiscali atte a placare il grave malcontento delle popolazioni indigene convertite all'Islam (mawālī) ma ancora gravate delle imposte cui erano invece tenuti i sudditi "protetti" (jizya e kharāj) e s'impegnò a rafforzare le relazioni con molti nobili del posto che, grazie a lui, cominciarono ad abbracciare la religione dei conquistatori. Le sue spedizioni militari nel corso del suo primo governatorato ebbero come obiettivo in gran parte la riottosa nobiltà locale, evitando con cura un diretto confronto coi Turchi Turgesh. Dopo essere stato rimosso da Governatore, i suoi successori rovesciarono del tutto la sua linea politica di riconciliazione, provocando una ribellione anti-araba su vasta scala tra i Sogdiani.Una nuova disfatta si ebbe anche contro i Turgesh nella battaglia della strettoia, da cui derivò il collasso pressoché generale delle posizioni arabo-islamiche in Transoxiana e la propagazione nello stesso Khorasan della rivolta, per opera del murgita al-Harith ibn Surayj. Nominato una seconda volta Governatore del Khorasan a fine 734, Asad portò truppe siriane fresche nella sua provincia e tentò di metter fine alla rivolta di Ibn Surayj nel 735–736, sebbene il capo ribelle stesso riuscisse a sfuggire alla cattura. Una spedizione in Khuttal nel 737 provocò l'intervento del Kaghān Turgesh Su Lu alla testa di un esercito. Malgrado un iniziale rovescio arabo e la conseguente invasione Turgesh del Khorasan, Asad riuscì a infliggere una disfatta al Kaghān in persona nella battaglia di Kharīstān e a respingere l'esercito Turgesh nei suoi territori. Malgrado la morte pochi mesi dopo di Asad, questo successo fu strumentale per salvaguardare il ruolo islamico nell'Asia centrale, facilitato dalla morte del Khagān, assassinato pochissimi mesi dopo lo scontro a Kharīstān, che trascinò con sé nella rovina il potere Turgesh. Allo stesso tempo la politica conciliante di Asad verso le popolazioni del posto comportò la loro accettazione del governo musulmano e l'islamizzazione dell'Asia centrale. (it)
  • 阿萨德·本·阿卜杜拉·盖斯里(阿拉伯语:أسد بن عبد الله القسري‎,转写:Asad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Qasri,?-738年)是倭马亚王朝(古称白衣大食)的将领,哈里发希沙姆一世在位期间(724-743年)曾两度任呼罗珊总督(即埃米尔,724-727年及734-738年任职,中国古籍曾称之为“大食东面将军呼逻散诃密”),卒于任上。他出身阿拉伯豪族,其兄弟在希沙姆一世时,长期任(724-738年)。阿萨德的第一个任期开始于724年著名的“渴水日之战”后,此战中,阿拉伯军在河中地区与突骑施交战,遭遇惨败。他上任后,试图促进当地粟特人和穆斯林统治者和解,进行税收改革以平息当地新改信伊斯兰教者(马瓦里)的不满,并与本地贵族保持良好关系,在他的影响下,这些贵族开始皈依伊斯兰教。第一个任期中,他避免与突骑施直接交战,只征伐反叛的当地君主。 727年他被解职,之后的总督们并不遵行他的政策,导致反抗阿拉伯人的大起义爆发,雪上加霜的是,阿拉伯军在731年的“”中再次损失惨重,阿拉伯人在河中的统治近于完全崩溃,同时将领哈里斯·本·苏赖杰在呼罗珊本部也举兵叛乱。734年下半年,阿萨德再次被任命为呼罗珊总督,他带来的生力军于735-736年镇压了哈里斯的叛乱,但哈里斯本人逃脱。随后阿萨德又联系唐朝,商议共同攻击突骑施,唐军因故未行。737年,他率军进攻,引得突骑施可汗苏禄亲自来攻,尽管阿拉伯军在首战“”中失败,突骑施甚至攻入呼罗珊,但阿萨德在第二战中大败突骑施军,逆转了中亚局势。阿萨德虽不久于738年2月去世,但他的成功已极大稳固了阿拉伯人对河中的统治,突骑施汗苏禄败回本国后,内部矛盾凸显,不久被莫贺达干杀死,突骑施受到唐军攻击,很快衰落崩溃。另外,阿萨德的和解政策也为河中人接受穆斯林统治,最终伊斯兰化奠定了基础。 (zh)
  • 0738-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 0724-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 0738-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 41171905 (xsd:integer)
  • 21861 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113131456 (xsd:integer)
  • G. R. Hawting (en)
  • H.A.R. Gibb (en)
  • Richard N. Frye (en)
  • The Sāmānids (en)
  • February 738 (en)
  • Balkh (en)
  • Abdallah ibn Yazid al-Qasri (en)
  • G. R. (en)
  • H. A. R. (en)
  • R. N. (en)
  • Twice Umayyad governor of Khurasan, defeated the Türgesh (en)
  • Gibb (en)
  • Frye (en)
  • Hawting (en)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (en)
  • 136 (xsd:integer)
  • 684 (xsd:integer)
  • 925 (xsd:integer)
  • Umayyad governor of Khurasan (en)
  • Asad b. ʿAbd Allāh (en)
  • K̲h̲ālid b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Ḳasrī (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • 724 (xsd:integer)
  • 734 (xsd:integer)
  • 724 (xsd:integer)
  • هو الأمير الفاتح ووالي خراسان أبو المنذر أسد بن عبد الله بن يزيد بن اسد القسري البجلي كان أسد بن عبد الله من عظماء الأمراء الفاتحين في خراسان والعصر الأموي ويعتبر آخر القادة الفاتحين في العصر الأموي وكان جواداً ممدحاً، وشجاعاً مقداماً. وفيه قال ابن السجف المجاشعي: (ar)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah ibn Assad al-Qasrí, más conocido simplemente como Asad ibn Abdallah (m. 738) fue un gobernador árabe del Jorasán, del clan Qasr de los Bajila. Fue gobernador del 723/724 al 726/727 y del 735 al 738 bajo la autoridad de su hermano Jalid ibn Abdallah al-Qasrí gobernador de Irak y el Oriente durante el califato de Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (724–743). (es)
  • Àssad ibn Abd-Al·lah ibn Àssad al-Qasrí, més conegut simplement com a Àssad ibn Abd-Al·lah (mort 738) fou un governador àrab del Khurasan, del clan Qasr dels Bajila. Fou governador del 723/724 al 726/727 i del 735 al 738 sota l'autoritat del seu germà Khàlid ibn Abd-Al·lah al-Qasrí governador de l'Iraq i l'Orient durant el califat d'Hixam ibn Abd-al-Màlik (724–743). Va morir uns mesos després (738) (ca)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (Arabic: أسد بن عبد الله القسري; died 738) was a prominent official of the Umayyad Caliphate, serving twice as governor of Khurasan under the Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. The descendant of a prominent Arab family, he was the brother of Khalid al-Qasri, the powerful governor of Iraq for most of Hisham's reign. Asad's first tenure as governor in 724–727 came in the wake of the "Day of Thirst", a severe defeat at the hands of the Türgesh Turks in Transoxiana. Asad tried to reconcile the local Soghdians to Muslim rule, initiated tax reforms to address the grievances of the native converts to Islam (mawali), and enjoyed good relations with many local nobles, who began to convert to Islam under his influence. His military expeditions during his first tenure were tar (en)
  • Asad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Asad al-Qasrī (arabo ﺍﺳﺪ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺪالله ﺑﻦ ﺍﺳﺪ ﺍﻟﻘﺴﺮﻱ; ... – Balkh, febbraio 738) è stato un funzionario e generale arabo omayyade.Capace funzionario omayyade, ricoprì importanti cariche governatorali nell'amministrazione all'epoca del califfo Hishām b. ʿAbd al-Malik. (it)
  • 阿萨德·本·阿卜杜拉·盖斯里(阿拉伯语:أسد بن عبد الله القسري‎,转写:Asad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Qasri,?-738年)是倭马亚王朝(古称白衣大食)的将领,哈里发希沙姆一世在位期间(724-743年)曾两度任呼罗珊总督(即埃米尔,724-727年及734-738年任职,中国古籍曾称之为“大食东面将军呼逻散诃密”),卒于任上。他出身阿拉伯豪族,其兄弟在希沙姆一世时,长期任(724-738年)。阿萨德的第一个任期开始于724年著名的“渴水日之战”后,此战中,阿拉伯军在河中地区与突骑施交战,遭遇惨败。他上任后,试图促进当地粟特人和穆斯林统治者和解,进行税收改革以平息当地新改信伊斯兰教者(马瓦里)的不满,并与本地贵族保持良好关系,在他的影响下,这些贵族开始皈依伊斯兰教。第一个任期中,他避免与突骑施直接交战,只征伐反叛的当地君主。 (zh)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (en)
  • أسد بن عبد الله القسري (ar)
  • Àssad ibn Abd-Al·lah (ca)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (es)
  • Asad ibn 'Abd Allah al-Qasri (it)
  • 阿萨德·本·阿卜杜拉·盖斯里 (zh)
  • Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri (en)
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