- Penyerbuan Pagoda Xá Lợi merupakan serangkaian penyerangan secara serempak pada berbagai pagoda Buddhis di Vietnam Selatan di tengah malam pada tanggal 21 Agustus 1963. Penyerbuan ini dilakukan oleh Pasukan Pertahanan Khusus Republik Vietnam dipimpin Kolonel Lê Quang Tung, dan polisi penyerang, yang diperintahkan oleh Ngô Đình Nhu, adik termuda Presiden Katolik Roma Ngô Đình Diệm. Xá Lợi, pagoda terbesar di Saigon, Vietnam Selatan menjadi target utama penyerangan. Lebih dari 1,400 Buddhis menjadi korban, tewas dan hilang mencapai ratusan. Dalam merespon penembakan Waisak Huế dan pelarangan bendera Buddhis di awal Mei, mayoritas Buddhis Vietnam Selatan memprotes penganiayaan agama dan diskriminasi pemerintahan Katolik Diệm. (in)
- The Xá Lợi Pagoda raids were a series of synchronized attacks on various Buddhist pagodas in the major cities of South Vietnam shortly after midnight on 21 August 1963. The raids were executed by the Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces under Colonel Lê Quang Tung, and combat police, both of which took their orders directly from Ngô Đình Nhu, younger brother of the Roman Catholic President Ngô Đình Diệm. Xá Lợi Pagoda, the largest pagoda in the South Vietnamese capital, Saigon, was the most prominent of the raided temples. Over 1,400 Buddhists were arrested, and estimates of the death toll and missing ranged up to the hundreds. In response to the Huế Vesak shootings and a ban on the Buddhist flag in early May, South Vietnam's Buddhist majority rose in widespread civil disobedience and protest against the religious bias and discrimination of the Catholic-dominated Diệm government. Buddhist temples in major cities, most prominently the Xá Lợi pagoda, became focal points for protesters and assembly points for Buddhist monks from rural areas. In August, several Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) generals proposed the imposition of martial law, ostensibly to break up the demonstrations, but in reality to prepare for a military coup. However, Nhu, already looking to arrest Buddhist leaders and crush the protest movement, used the opportunity to preempt the generals and embarrass them. He disguised Tung's Special Forces in army uniforms and used them to attack the Buddhists, thereby causing the general public and South Vietnam's U.S. allies to blame the army, diminishing the generals' reputations and ability to act as future national leaders. Soon after midnight on 21 August, Nhu's men attacked the pagodas using automatic firearms, grenades, battering rams and explosives, causing widespread damage. Some religious objects were destroyed, including a statue of Gautama Buddha in the Từ Đàm Pagoda in Huế, which was partially leveled by explosives. Temples were looted and vandalized, with the remains of venerated monks confiscated. In Huế, violent street battles erupted between government forces and rioting pro-Buddhist, anti-government civilians. The Ngô family claimed that the army had carried out the raids, something their U.S. allies initially believed. However, this was later debunked, and the incident prompted the United States to turn against the regime and begin exploring alternative leadership options, eventually leading to Diệm's overthrow in a coup. In South Vietnam itself, the raids stoked widespread anger. Several high-ranking public servants resigned, and university and high school students boycotted classes and staged riotous demonstrations, resulting in further mass incarcerations. As most of the students were from middle-class public service and military families, the arrests caused further upset among the Ngô family's power base. (en)
- 查抄舍利寺是佛教徒危機之一,包括1963年8月21日午夜在越南共和國(南越)发生的一系列同步进行的袭击佛教寺院的行动。这次南越政府軍的袭击行動由天主教徒总统吴廷琰的胞弟吴廷瑈指挥,陸軍上校黎光松(Lê Quang Tung)帶領、執行。其中最突出的袭击行动发生在首都西贡(今胡志明市)最大的寺院舍利寺,超过1,400名佛教徒被捕,被杀害或“失踪”者约有数百人。導致大多數信仰佛教的南越民情激憤。 (zh)
- Penyerbuan Pagoda Xá Lợi merupakan serangkaian penyerangan secara serempak pada berbagai pagoda Buddhis di Vietnam Selatan di tengah malam pada tanggal 21 Agustus 1963. Penyerbuan ini dilakukan oleh Pasukan Pertahanan Khusus Republik Vietnam dipimpin Kolonel Lê Quang Tung, dan polisi penyerang, yang diperintahkan oleh Ngô Đình Nhu, adik termuda Presiden Katolik Roma Ngô Đình Diệm. Xá Lợi, pagoda terbesar di Saigon, Vietnam Selatan menjadi target utama penyerangan. Lebih dari 1,400 Buddhis menjadi korban, tewas dan hilang mencapai ratusan. Dalam merespon penembakan Waisak Huế dan pelarangan bendera Buddhis di awal Mei, mayoritas Buddhis Vietnam Selatan memprotes penganiayaan agama dan diskriminasi pemerintahan Katolik Diệm. (in)
- 查抄舍利寺是佛教徒危機之一,包括1963年8月21日午夜在越南共和國(南越)发生的一系列同步进行的袭击佛教寺院的行动。这次南越政府軍的袭击行動由天主教徒总统吴廷琰的胞弟吴廷瑈指挥,陸軍上校黎光松(Lê Quang Tung)帶領、執行。其中最突出的袭击行动发生在首都西贡(今胡志明市)最大的寺院舍利寺,超过1,400名佛教徒被捕,被杀害或“失踪”者约有数百人。導致大多數信仰佛教的南越民情激憤。 (zh)
- The Xá Lợi Pagoda raids were a series of synchronized attacks on various Buddhist pagodas in the major cities of South Vietnam shortly after midnight on 21 August 1963. The raids were executed by the Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces under Colonel Lê Quang Tung, and combat police, both of which took their orders directly from Ngô Đình Nhu, younger brother of the Roman Catholic President Ngô Đình Diệm. Xá Lợi Pagoda, the largest pagoda in the South Vietnamese capital, Saigon, was the most prominent of the raided temples. Over 1,400 Buddhists were arrested, and estimates of the death toll and missing ranged up to the hundreds. In response to the Huế Vesak shootings and a ban on the Buddhist flag in early May, South Vietnam's Buddhist majority rose in widespread civil disobedienc (en)