- Die Geschichte des Baseball umfasst die Entwicklung der Sportart Baseball vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart sowie die Geschichte der Vorläufer des modernen Baseball. (de)
- La historia del béisbol se ha desarrollado principalmente en los Estados Unidos, aunque se ha extendido en países y regiones como Australia, Panamá, República Dominicana, Europa, Asia, etc. Si bien el origen exacto del juego es difícil de encontrar, la mayoría que han hecho estudios de su historia coinciden que el béisbol evolucionó desde una variedad de juegos de características similares a este. (es)
- The question of the origins of baseball has been the subject of debate and controversy for more than a century. Baseball and the other modern bat, ball, and running games — stoolball, cricket and rounders — were developed from folk games in early Britain, Ireland, and Continental Europe (such as France and Germany). Early forms of baseball had a number of names, including "base ball", "goal ball", "round ball", "fetch-catch", "stool ball", and, simply, "base". In at least one version of the game, teams pitched to themselves, runners went around the bases in the opposite direction of today's game, much like in the Nordic brännboll, and players could be put out by being hit with the ball. Just as now, in some versions a batter was called out after three strikes. Although much is unclear, as one would expect of children's games of long ago, this much is known: by the mid-18th century a game had appeared in the south of England which involved striking a pitched ball and then running a circuit of bases. "Base ball" was at least one name for this proto-baseball, although there may have been others. English colonists took this game to North America with their other pastimes, and in the early 1800s variants were being played on both sides of the ocean under many appellations. However, the game was very significantly altered by amateur men's ball clubs in and around New York City in the middle of the 19th century, and it was this heavily revised sport that became modern baseball. (en)
- この項では、野球の歴史(やきゅうのれきし)について説明する。 ただし、野球の起源に関しては諸説があるため、現在最も有力とされている説を中心に話を進めることとする。 (ja)
- A questão sobre as origens do beisebol tem sido objeto de debate e controvérsia por mais de um século. O beisebol e outros esportes modernos com bastão, bola e corridas, como o críquete e rounders, foram desenvolvidos a partir de jogos populares no início da Grã-Bretanha e da Europa continental (tais como França e Alemanha). As primeiras formas do beisebol tiveram diversos nomes, incluindo "base ball", "goal ball", "round ball", "fetch-catch", "stool ball" e simplesmente "base". Em uma última versão do jogo, equipes arremessavam entre elas, corredores corriam entre as bases na direção oposta do jogo atual e os jogadores poderiam ser eliminados sendo atingidos pela bola. Assim como agora, em algumas versões, um rebatedor era eliminado após três strikes. (pt)
- Die Geschichte des Baseball umfasst die Entwicklung der Sportart Baseball vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart sowie die Geschichte der Vorläufer des modernen Baseball. (de)
- La historia del béisbol se ha desarrollado principalmente en los Estados Unidos, aunque se ha extendido en países y regiones como Australia, Panamá, República Dominicana, Europa, Asia, etc. Si bien el origen exacto del juego es difícil de encontrar, la mayoría que han hecho estudios de su historia coinciden que el béisbol evolucionó desde una variedad de juegos de características similares a este. (es)
- この項では、野球の歴史(やきゅうのれきし)について説明する。 ただし、野球の起源に関しては諸説があるため、現在最も有力とされている説を中心に話を進めることとする。 (ja)
- A questão sobre as origens do beisebol tem sido objeto de debate e controvérsia por mais de um século. O beisebol e outros esportes modernos com bastão, bola e corridas, como o críquete e rounders, foram desenvolvidos a partir de jogos populares no início da Grã-Bretanha e da Europa continental (tais como França e Alemanha). As primeiras formas do beisebol tiveram diversos nomes, incluindo "base ball", "goal ball", "round ball", "fetch-catch", "stool ball" e simplesmente "base". Em uma última versão do jogo, equipes arremessavam entre elas, corredores corriam entre as bases na direção oposta do jogo atual e os jogadores poderiam ser eliminados sendo atingidos pela bola. Assim como agora, em algumas versões, um rebatedor era eliminado após três strikes. (pt)
- The question of the origins of baseball has been the subject of debate and controversy for more than a century. Baseball and the other modern bat, ball, and running games — stoolball, cricket and rounders — were developed from folk games in early Britain, Ireland, and Continental Europe (such as France and Germany). Early forms of baseball had a number of names, including "base ball", "goal ball", "round ball", "fetch-catch", "stool ball", and, simply, "base". In at least one version of the game, teams pitched to themselves, runners went around the bases in the opposite direction of today's game, much like in the Nordic brännboll, and players could be put out by being hit with the ball. Just as now, in some versions a batter was called out after three strikes. (en)