An Entity of Type: place, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British, French and Arab military administration over Levantine provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1917 and 1920, set up on 23 October 1917 following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and Arab Revolt of World War I. Although it was declared by the British military, who were in control of the region, it was followed on 30 September 1918 by the 1918 Anglo-French Modus Vivendi in which it was agreed that the British would give the French control in certain areas, and the Hashemites were given joint control of the Eastern area per T.E. Lawrence's November 1918 "Sharifian plan".

Property Value
  • إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة (بالإنجليزية: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration)‏، كانت إدارة عسكرية بريطانية فرنسية مشتركة على الولايات العثمانية السابقة في بلاد الشام وبلاد الرافدين ما بين 1918 و1920، تأسست في أعقاب حملة سيناء وفلسطين أثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى. انتهت الإدارة بعد فرض الانتداب الفرنسي على سوريا ولبنان و‌الانتداب البريطاني على فلسطين في مؤتمر سان ريمو، 19–26 أبريل 1920. في أعقاب الاحتلال البريطاني والفرنسي، تم تقسيم المنطقة إلى ثلاث وحدات إدارية فرعية، اختلفت قليلًا جدًا عن التقسيمات العثمانية السابقة. إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة الجنوبية، وتتألف من سناجق القدس ونابلس وعكا العثمانية، إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة الشمالية (سميت لاحقًا إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة الغربية) وتتألف من سناجق بيروت ولبنان واللاذقية وعدد من الأقضية الفرعية، إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة الشرقية وتتألف من سناجق سوريا والحجاز العثمانية. ولكن نجاح حرب الاستقلال التركية، أبقى سنجق مرعش، عنتاب وأورفة التابعين لولاية حلب في تركيا بعد عام 1921. كما تم فصل قضائي أنطاكيا وإسكندرون التابعين لسنجق حلب بصفتهما جمهورية خطاي في عام 1938. وانضمت الجمهورية إلى تركيا في عام 1939. (ar)
  • Η Διοίκηση Κατεχόμενων Εχθρικών Εδαφών (αγγλικά: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA) ήταν μια βρετανική και γαλλική στρατιωτική διοίκηση για τις επαρχίες της πρώην Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας μεταξύ 1918–20, που δημιουργήθηκαν μετά την κατά τον Πρώτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Η διοίκηση τερματίστηκε μετά την αποστολή της Γαλλικής Εντολής για τη Συρία και το Λίβανο και της Βρετανικής Εντολής για την Παλαιστίνη στη στις 19-26 Απριλίου 1920. (el)
  • La Administración del Territorio Enemigo Ocupado (ATEO) fue una administración militar conjunta anglo-francesa existente entre el 23 de octubre de 1917 y 1920 sobre las antiguas provincias que el Imperio otomano tenía en las regiones del Levante y Mesopotamia. Fue fijada por dichas potencias vencedoras tras la campaña de Palestina y Sinaí en la Primera Guerra Mundial, y se disolvió tras la creación del Mandato francés de Siria y Líbano y el Mandato británico de Palestina, en la Conferencia de San Remo (19-26 de abril de 1920). (es)
  • Etsaiaren Lurralde Okupatuen Administrazioa edo ELOA (ingelesez: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration edo OETA) Britainia Handia eta Frantziako lehenago Otomandar Inperioaren esku zeuden Siria Handia eta Mesopotamiako probintzien administrazio militarra izan zen. Lehen Mundu Gerrako ostean sortu zen. Administrazioa bukatu zen Siriako Frantziar Agintea eta Palestinako Britainiar Mandatua ezarri zenean 1920ko apirilaren 19-26an egin zen San Remoko konferentzian. (eu)
  • The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British, French and Arab military administration over Levantine provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1917 and 1920, set up on 23 October 1917 following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and Arab Revolt of World War I. Although it was declared by the British military, who were in control of the region, it was followed on 30 September 1918 by the 1918 Anglo-French Modus Vivendi in which it was agreed that the British would give the French control in certain areas, and the Hashemites were given joint control of the Eastern area per T.E. Lawrence's November 1918 "Sharifian plan". Following the occupation of the Adana Vilayet (the region of Cilicia) in December 1918, a new territory, OETA North, was set up. The administration ended in OETA West and OETA South in 1920 following the assignment of the Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon and British Mandate for Palestine at the 19–26 April 1920 San Remo conference. In OETA East, British administration ended following the withdrawal of British forces from the territory in November 1919, and the subsequent declaration of the Arab Kingdom of Syria over the same area. The area was split into two after the French defeated King Faisal in July 1920; the northern part of the territory was combined with the French-administered OETA West, and the southern part became a no man's land and later became the Emirate of Transjordan. Due to the success of the Turkish War of Independence, Marash, Aintab and Urfa sanjaks of former Aleppo Vilayet remained in Turkey after 1921. Also, Antakya and İskenderun kazas of Aleppo Sanjak in one were separated as the Republic of Hatay in 1938; the republic then instead became a part of Turkey in 1939. (en)
  • Les Territoires ennemis occupés (abrégés TEO ; en anglais : Occupied Enemy Territory ; en arabe : إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة) sont des zones sous administration militaire conjointe britannique, française et arabe dans le Levant, zones qui faisaient partie antérieurement de Empire ottoman. Les territoires ennemis occupés sont créés le 23 octobre 1917 à la suite de la campagne du Sinaï et de la Palestine et de la révolte arabe pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. La création de ces territoires est proclamée par l'armée britannique, qui contrôlait la région ; elle est suivie le 30 septembre 1918 par le Modus Vivendi anglo-français de 1918 ( (en)) dans lequel il était convenu que les Britanniques donneraient aux Français le contrôle de certaines zones, et aux Hachémites le contrôle conjoint de la zone orientale conformément à la solution chérifienne de T.E. Lawrence (le plan de T.E. Lawrence visait à faire de trois des quatre fils du chérif Hussein des chefs d'État dans des pays nouvellement créés à travers le Moyen-Orient : le deuxième fils de Hussein, Abdullah, dirigeant Bagdad et la Basse Mésopotamie, le troisième fils, Fayçsal en Syrie, et le quatrième fils, Zeid en Haute Mésopotamie ; voir (en)). Le 8 mars 1920, le Congrès syrien proclama le Royaume arabe de Syrie. Le 25 avril, la Société des Nations (SDN) institua dans leur principe le mandat français en Syrie et au Liban et le mandat britannique en Palestine. Le Royaume arabe de Syrie se rendit le 25 juillet. En août-septembre de la même année, les zones administrées par la France (TEO Ouest et TEO Est) furent divisées en : * l'État du Grand Liban (arrêté no 318 du 31 août 1920) ; * le territoire des Alaouites (arrêté no 319 du 31 août 1920 ; devenu plus tard « État des Alaouites ») ; * l'État d'Alep (arrêté no 330 du 1er septembre 1920) ; * l'État de Damas (idem), dont serait détaché l'État des Druzes en 1921. Le 16 septembre 1922, le Conseil de la Société des Nations vote une résolution agréant la proposition de la part du Royaume-Uni d’exclure la Transjordanie de l’ensemble du territoire de la Palestine (TEO Sud) . Le mandat britannique définitif entre en vigueur le 29 septembre 1923. Le TEO Nord, correspondant au vilayet d'Adana, en Cilicie, et au vilayet d'Alep est quasi intégralement récupéré par la Turquie lors de la guerre d'indépendance turque en 1922. Le Sandjak d'Alexandrette reste une zone particulière selon le traité d'Ankara. (fr)
  • Pemerintahan Wilayah Musuh yang Diduduki (bahasa Inggris: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA) adalah sebuah pemerintahan militer Inggris dan Prancis atas provinsi-provinsi Syam dan Mesopotamia di bekas Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah antara 1918–20, yang dibentuk setelah Kampanye Sinai dan Palestina pada . Pemerintahan tersebut berakhir setelah penghimpunan dan di konferensi San Remo 19–26 April 1920. (in)
  • L'Amministrazione del territorio nemico occupato (in inglese Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, abbreviato in OETA) fu un'amministrazione militare congiunta britannica, francese e araba sulle province levantine dell'ex Impero ottomano tra il 1917 e il 1920, istituita il 23 ottobre 1917 a seguito della campagna del Sinai e della Palestina e della rivolta araba della prima guerra mondiale. L'amministrazione, sebbene fosse stata dichiarata dai militari britannici che avevano il controllo della regione, venne preceduta il 30 settembre 1918 dal Modus Vivendi anglo-francese del 1918 in cui fu concordato che gli inglesi avrebbero dato il controllo francese in alcune aree e gli hashemiti avrebbero ricevuto il controllo congiunto dell'area orientale secondo il "" di TE Lawrence del novembre 1918. In seguito all'occupazione del Vilayet di Adana (la regione della Cilicia) nel dicembre 1918, fu istituito un nuovo territorio, l'OETA Nord. L'amministrazione terminò nell'OETA Ovest e nell'OETA Sud nel 1920 in seguito all'assegnazione del Mandato francese di Siria e Libano e del Mandato britannico della Palestina alla conferenza di Sanremo del 19-26 aprile 1920. Nell'OETA Est, l'amministrazione britannica terminò in seguito al ritiro delle forze britanniche dal territorio nel novembre 1919 e alla successiva dichiarazione del Regno Arabo di Siria sulla stessa area. L'area fu divisa in due dopo la sconfitta del re Faysal da parte dei francesi nel luglio 1920; la parte settentrionale del territorio fu unita all'OETA Ovest amministrato dai francesi e la parte meridionale divenne una terra di nessuno che in seguito divenne l'Emirato di Transgiordania. A causa del successo della guerra d'indipendenza turca, i sangiaccati di Marash, Aintab e Urfa dell'ex Vilayet di Aleppo rimasero in Turchia dopo il 1921. Inoltre, le kaza di Antakya e İskenderun del sangiaccato di Aleppo furono separati come Repubblica di Hatay nel 1938; la repubblica divenne invece in seguito parte della Turchia nel 1939. (it)
  • 점령 적지 행정부(영어: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA)는 전쟁에서 점령한 적의 식민지 영토를 관리하기 위해 연합군 당국에 의해 설정된 2가지의 20세기 행정에 부여된 이름이다. 원래 OETA는 오스만 제국의 아랍 지역을 관리하기 위해 제1차 세계 대전 동안 설립된 것이었다. 그리고 두번째 OETA는 점령된 이탈리아 식민지들(동아프리카, 북아프리카)를 관리하기 위해 제2차 세계 대전 동안 설립되었다. 하지만, 독일의 아프리카 영토나 아시아 영토, 제2차 세계 대전에서 패배한 일제의 태평양 영토 등에 관해서는 설립되지 않았다. 유럽 내에서 연합군의 군사당국은 AMGOT 형식을 사용했는데 이는 "Allied Military Government for Occupied"의 줄임말이다. 이 형식을 사용하여 연합군은 유고슬라비아, 알바니아, 아드리아 해, 그리스 등의 지역에 대한 관리방법을 신속하게 정할 수 있었다. (ko)
  • A Administração do Território do Inimigo Ocupado (OETA), foi uma administração militar conjunta da França e do Reino Unido sobre as províncias do Levante e da Mesopotâmia do Império Otomano no período compreendido entre 1918-1920 e após a Campanha do Sinai e Palestina da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A administração terminou com a assinatura do Mandato Francês da Síria e do Líbano e do Mandato Britânico para a Palestina na conferência de San Remo de 19–26 de Abril de 1920. (pt)
  • 34804482 (xsd:integer)
  • 19802 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124889754 (xsd:integer)
  • OETA (en)
  • Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (en)
  • 0001-04-26 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • British Empire and French Third Republic (en)
  • San Remo conference (en)
  • Flag of the Ottoman Empire.svg (en)
  • Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (en)
  • Flag of Turkey.svg (en)
  • Latakiya-sanjak-Alawite-state-French-colonial-flag.svg (en)
  • Flag of Kingdom of Syria .svg (en)
  • Lebanese French flag.svg (en)
  • Flags of France and the United Kingdom, as well as the flag of the Arab administration in OETA-East (en)
  • x50pxx50px (en)
  • Area of the OETA.svg (en)
  • Area of the OETA, according to the British Government's History of the Great War Based on Official Documents (en)
  • 1917 (xsd:integer)
  • Adana Vilayet (en)
  • Aleppo Vilayet (en)
  • Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem (en)
  • Beirut Vilayet (en)
  • Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate (en)
  • Damascus Vilayet (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • Mandatory Palestine (en)
  • Turkey (en)
  • Alawite State (en)
  • Arab Kingdom of Syria (en)
  • Greater Lebanon (en)
  • Occupied territory (en)
  • Public Record Office. W.O. 106. File 718; Secret (en)
  • Administrators (en)
  • 1920 (xsd:integer)
  • 1917-10-23 (xsd:date)
  • Η Διοίκηση Κατεχόμενων Εχθρικών Εδαφών (αγγλικά: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA) ήταν μια βρετανική και γαλλική στρατιωτική διοίκηση για τις επαρχίες της πρώην Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας μεταξύ 1918–20, που δημιουργήθηκαν μετά την κατά τον Πρώτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Η διοίκηση τερματίστηκε μετά την αποστολή της Γαλλικής Εντολής για τη Συρία και το Λίβανο και της Βρετανικής Εντολής για την Παλαιστίνη στη στις 19-26 Απριλίου 1920. (el)
  • La Administración del Territorio Enemigo Ocupado (ATEO) fue una administración militar conjunta anglo-francesa existente entre el 23 de octubre de 1917 y 1920 sobre las antiguas provincias que el Imperio otomano tenía en las regiones del Levante y Mesopotamia. Fue fijada por dichas potencias vencedoras tras la campaña de Palestina y Sinaí en la Primera Guerra Mundial, y se disolvió tras la creación del Mandato francés de Siria y Líbano y el Mandato británico de Palestina, en la Conferencia de San Remo (19-26 de abril de 1920). (es)
  • Etsaiaren Lurralde Okupatuen Administrazioa edo ELOA (ingelesez: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration edo OETA) Britainia Handia eta Frantziako lehenago Otomandar Inperioaren esku zeuden Siria Handia eta Mesopotamiako probintzien administrazio militarra izan zen. Lehen Mundu Gerrako ostean sortu zen. Administrazioa bukatu zen Siriako Frantziar Agintea eta Palestinako Britainiar Mandatua ezarri zenean 1920ko apirilaren 19-26an egin zen San Remoko konferentzian. (eu)
  • Pemerintahan Wilayah Musuh yang Diduduki (bahasa Inggris: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA) adalah sebuah pemerintahan militer Inggris dan Prancis atas provinsi-provinsi Syam dan Mesopotamia di bekas Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah antara 1918–20, yang dibentuk setelah Kampanye Sinai dan Palestina pada . Pemerintahan tersebut berakhir setelah penghimpunan dan di konferensi San Remo 19–26 April 1920. (in)
  • 점령 적지 행정부(영어: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, OETA)는 전쟁에서 점령한 적의 식민지 영토를 관리하기 위해 연합군 당국에 의해 설정된 2가지의 20세기 행정에 부여된 이름이다. 원래 OETA는 오스만 제국의 아랍 지역을 관리하기 위해 제1차 세계 대전 동안 설립된 것이었다. 그리고 두번째 OETA는 점령된 이탈리아 식민지들(동아프리카, 북아프리카)를 관리하기 위해 제2차 세계 대전 동안 설립되었다. 하지만, 독일의 아프리카 영토나 아시아 영토, 제2차 세계 대전에서 패배한 일제의 태평양 영토 등에 관해서는 설립되지 않았다. 유럽 내에서 연합군의 군사당국은 AMGOT 형식을 사용했는데 이는 "Allied Military Government for Occupied"의 줄임말이다. 이 형식을 사용하여 연합군은 유고슬라비아, 알바니아, 아드리아 해, 그리스 등의 지역에 대한 관리방법을 신속하게 정할 수 있었다. (ko)
  • A Administração do Território do Inimigo Ocupado (OETA), foi uma administração militar conjunta da França e do Reino Unido sobre as províncias do Levante e da Mesopotâmia do Império Otomano no período compreendido entre 1918-1920 e após a Campanha do Sinai e Palestina da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A administração terminou com a assinatura do Mandato Francês da Síria e do Líbano e do Mandato Britânico para a Palestina na conferência de San Remo de 19–26 de Abril de 1920. (pt)
  • إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة (بالإنجليزية: Occupied Enemy Territory Administration)‏، كانت إدارة عسكرية بريطانية فرنسية مشتركة على الولايات العثمانية السابقة في بلاد الشام وبلاد الرافدين ما بين 1918 و1920، تأسست في أعقاب حملة سيناء وفلسطين أثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى. انتهت الإدارة بعد فرض الانتداب الفرنسي على سوريا ولبنان و‌الانتداب البريطاني على فلسطين في مؤتمر سان ريمو، 19–26 أبريل 1920. (ar)
  • The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was a joint British, French and Arab military administration over Levantine provinces of the former Ottoman Empire between 1917 and 1920, set up on 23 October 1917 following the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and Arab Revolt of World War I. Although it was declared by the British military, who were in control of the region, it was followed on 30 September 1918 by the 1918 Anglo-French Modus Vivendi in which it was agreed that the British would give the French control in certain areas, and the Hashemites were given joint control of the Eastern area per T.E. Lawrence's November 1918 "Sharifian plan". (en)
  • Les Territoires ennemis occupés (abrégés TEO ; en anglais : Occupied Enemy Territory ; en arabe : إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة) sont des zones sous administration militaire conjointe britannique, française et arabe dans le Levant, zones qui faisaient partie antérieurement de Empire ottoman. Les territoires ennemis occupés sont créés le 23 octobre 1917 à la suite de la campagne du Sinaï et de la Palestine et de la révolte arabe pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. La création de ces territoires est proclamée par l'armée britannique, qui contrôlait la région ; elle est suivie le 30 septembre 1918 par le Modus Vivendi anglo-français de 1918 ( (en)) dans lequel il était convenu que les Britanniques donneraient aux Français le contrôle de certaines zones, et aux Hachémites le contrôle conjoint de (fr)
  • L'Amministrazione del territorio nemico occupato (in inglese Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, abbreviato in OETA) fu un'amministrazione militare congiunta britannica, francese e araba sulle province levantine dell'ex Impero ottomano tra il 1917 e il 1920, istituita il 23 ottobre 1917 a seguito della campagna del Sinai e della Palestina e della rivolta araba della prima guerra mondiale. L'amministrazione, sebbene fosse stata dichiarata dai militari britannici che avevano il controllo della regione, venne preceduta il 30 settembre 1918 dal Modus Vivendi anglo-francese del 1918 in cui fu concordato che gli inglesi avrebbero dato il controllo francese in alcune aree e gli hashemiti avrebbero ricevuto il controllo congiunto dell'area orientale secondo il "" di TE Lawrence del novembre 1 (it)
  • Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (en)
  • إدارة أراضي العدو المحتلة (ar)
  • Διοίκηση Κατεχόμενων Εχθρικών Εδαφών (el)
  • Etsaiaren Lurralde Okupatuen Administrazioa (eu)
  • Administración del Territorio Enemigo Ocupado (es)
  • Pemerintahan Wilayah Musuh yang Diduduki (in)
  • Territoires ennemis occupés (fr)
  • Amministrazione del territorio nemico occupato (it)
  • OETA (ko)
  • Administração do Território do Inimigo Ocupado (pt)
  • Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (en)
  • OETA (en)
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