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The "New Perspective on Paul" is a movement within the field of biblical studies concerned with the understanding of the writings of the Apostle Paul. The "new perspective" was started with liberal scholar E. P. Sanders' 1977 work Paul and Palestinian Judaism.The old Protestant perspective claims that Paul advocates justification through faith in Jesus Christ over justification through works of the Law. After the Reformation, this perspective was known as sola fide; this was traditionally understood as Paul arguing that Christians' good works would not factor into their salvation – only their faith would count. In this perspective, first-century Palestinian Judaism is dismissed as sterile and legalistic.

Property Value
  • المنظور الجديد حول بولس هو نقلة نوعية في الطريقة التي يفسر بها العلماء، وخاصة البروتسانت، كتابات الرسول بولس. فمنذ الإصلاح البروتستانتي، كانت دراسات كتابات بولس متأثرة جداً بآراء الكنائس اللوثرية والمصلحة (المنظور القديم) التي تعزو بعض السمات السلبية المرتبطة بالكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية من القرن السادس عشر إلى اليهودية في القرن الأول. والمنظور الجديد هو محاولة إخراج رسائل بولس من هذا الإطار وتفسيرها بناء على سياق اليهودية الحقيقية من القرن الأول. (ar)
  • Die Neue Perspektive auf Paulus (englisch New Perspective on Paul) ist eine seit den 1980er Jahren kontrovers diskutierte Sichtweise in der neutestamentlichen Forschung, welche die Schriften des Paulus von Tarsus unabhängig von der traditionellen lutherischen Interpretation der paulinischen Lehre von der Rechtfertigung des Gläubigen neu in den Blick nehmen möchte. Die Betrachtung der theologischen Aussagen und Grundpositionen des Paulus dient dabei vor allem der Bestimmung des jüdisch-christlichen Verhältnisses. (de)
  • La « nouvelle perspective sur Paul » est une réinterprétation des écrits de l'apôtre Paul, introduite à la fin des années 1970 par le théologien méthodiste américain E. P. Sanders, notamment dans son livre, paru en 1977, Paul and Palestinian Judaism. Selon la plupart des théologiens, notamment luthériens et réformés, Paul développe la théologie de la justification par la foi, en opposition à la justification par les œuvres, ce qui implique que les « bonnes œuvres » ne seraient pas prises en compte dans leur salut. Selon Sanders, Paul traitait non pas de « bonnes œuvres » mais plutôt de questions d'observance telles que la circoncision, les lois alimentaires et les lois sur le sabbat, qui séparaient les Juifs des autres nations. Cette théorie, qui semble contredire le salut par la foi et l'efficacité de la grâce divine, a fait l'objet d'un vif débat au sein de certaines instances protestantes américaines au cours de la première décennie du XXIe siècle. Elle reste une position marginale au sein du christianisme, où un accord général existe à présent sur l'idée que « la personne humaine est, pour son salut, entièrement dépendante de la grâce salvatrice de Dieu. » (fr)
  • The "New Perspective on Paul" is a movement within the field of biblical studies concerned with the understanding of the writings of the Apostle Paul. The "new perspective" was started with liberal scholar E. P. Sanders' 1977 work Paul and Palestinian Judaism.The old Protestant perspective claims that Paul advocates justification through faith in Jesus Christ over justification through works of the Law. After the Reformation, this perspective was known as sola fide; this was traditionally understood as Paul arguing that Christians' good works would not factor into their salvation – only their faith would count. In this perspective, first-century Palestinian Judaism is dismissed as sterile and legalistic. According to Sanders, Paul's letters do not address general good works, but instead question observances such as circumcision, dietary laws, and Sabbath laws, which were the "boundary markers" that set the Jews apart from the other ethnic groups. According to Sanders, first-century Palestinian Judaism was not a "legalistic community," nor was it oriented to "salvation by works." As God's chosen people, they were under his covenant. Contrary to Protestant belief, following the Law was not a way of entering the covenant, but of staying within it. (en)
  • 바울에 대한 새 관점(new perspective on Paul)이란 영국의 성공회 출신 신학자인 E. P. 샌더스(Sanders), 제임스 던(J. Dunn), 그리고 니컬러스 토머스 라이트(톰 라이트)와 같은 학자들이 전통적인 개신교의 칭의(justification)론을 새로운 관점으로 해석하는 학설이다. 그들에 따르면 새 관점(New Perspective)이란 1세기 유대주의의 관점을 가지고 칭의와 관련된 바울의 서신들을 새롭게 이해하는 시도이다. 종교 개혁가 루터와 울리히 츠빙글리, 칼뱅에 의해 주장된(Old Perspective) 이신칭의론(구원에서 행위가 영향을 주지 않고 오직 믿음으로만 의롭다함을 얻고 구원을 받음)을 비판하고 칭의를 현재 그리스도를 믿는자에 대한 법정적 무죄라는 하나님의 선언이 아니라 미래에 종말에서 최종완성된다고 한다. 즉 구원에 있어서 지속적인 행위와 종말론적 완성을 주장한다. 따라서 전통적인 개신교가 주장하는 법정적 칭의라는 핵심적인 주장을 새로운 관점으로 해석함으로써 큰 논쟁이 제기되고 있다. 새 관점은 현재 가장 뜨거운 주제로 등장하고 있다. (ko)
  • Het Nieuwe Perspectief op Paulus is een veelgebruikte term om een belangrijke ontwikkeling in de 20ste eeuw te typeren in het wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar de apostel Paulus. In de literatuur is de Engelse variant New Perspective on Paul gebruikelijk, alsmede de afkorting NPP. Belangrijke vertegenwoordigers zijn de protestantse nieuwtestamentici N.T. Wright, James D.G. Dunn en E.P. Sanders. (nl)
  • Nova Perspectiva sobre Paulo ou Teologia da Nova Perspectiva, ou simplesmente Nova Perspectiva é a designação dada às perspectivas informadas pelas descobertas históricas, linguísticas e teológicas contemporâneas dos escritos do apóstolo Paulo em oposição às interpretações desenvolvidas pela maioria dos reformadores magistrais. As perspectivas mais aceita dos reformadores Luterana e Calvinista sobre as Epístolas de São Paulo centra-se na interpretação de que, similar a um processo penal, Paulo advogaria a justificação pela fé em Jesus Cristo, e não justificação pelas obras da Lei ("sola fide"). Desse modo, segundo Paulo, as boas obras dos cristãos não seriam relevantes para a sua salvação, pois apenas a fé seria relevante. Apesar disso, reformadores como Ossiander, Bucer, Anabatistas e Erasmo - incidentalmente com maior conhecimento do grego que Lutero ou Calvino - possuíam outras perspectivas que antecederam a Nova Perspectiva. Os defensores da Nova Perspectiva apontam que Paulo não se referia às boas obras em geral, mas apenas às observâncias rituais como circuncisão, leis alimentares e leis do sábado, que diferenciavam os judeus das outras nações. A Nova Perspectiva defende o estudo da Bíblia considerando o contexto histórico da época na qual foram escritos os textos, e o uso dos métodos da ciência social para compreender a cultura da época. (pt)
  • 2198884 (xsd:integer)
  • 43139 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1120363390 (xsd:integer)
  • InternetArchiveBot (en)
  • April 2020 (en)
  • yes (en)
  • المنظور الجديد حول بولس هو نقلة نوعية في الطريقة التي يفسر بها العلماء، وخاصة البروتسانت، كتابات الرسول بولس. فمنذ الإصلاح البروتستانتي، كانت دراسات كتابات بولس متأثرة جداً بآراء الكنائس اللوثرية والمصلحة (المنظور القديم) التي تعزو بعض السمات السلبية المرتبطة بالكنيسة الرومانية الكاثوليكية من القرن السادس عشر إلى اليهودية في القرن الأول. والمنظور الجديد هو محاولة إخراج رسائل بولس من هذا الإطار وتفسيرها بناء على سياق اليهودية الحقيقية من القرن الأول. (ar)
  • Die Neue Perspektive auf Paulus (englisch New Perspective on Paul) ist eine seit den 1980er Jahren kontrovers diskutierte Sichtweise in der neutestamentlichen Forschung, welche die Schriften des Paulus von Tarsus unabhängig von der traditionellen lutherischen Interpretation der paulinischen Lehre von der Rechtfertigung des Gläubigen neu in den Blick nehmen möchte. Die Betrachtung der theologischen Aussagen und Grundpositionen des Paulus dient dabei vor allem der Bestimmung des jüdisch-christlichen Verhältnisses. (de)
  • 바울에 대한 새 관점(new perspective on Paul)이란 영국의 성공회 출신 신학자인 E. P. 샌더스(Sanders), 제임스 던(J. Dunn), 그리고 니컬러스 토머스 라이트(톰 라이트)와 같은 학자들이 전통적인 개신교의 칭의(justification)론을 새로운 관점으로 해석하는 학설이다. 그들에 따르면 새 관점(New Perspective)이란 1세기 유대주의의 관점을 가지고 칭의와 관련된 바울의 서신들을 새롭게 이해하는 시도이다. 종교 개혁가 루터와 울리히 츠빙글리, 칼뱅에 의해 주장된(Old Perspective) 이신칭의론(구원에서 행위가 영향을 주지 않고 오직 믿음으로만 의롭다함을 얻고 구원을 받음)을 비판하고 칭의를 현재 그리스도를 믿는자에 대한 법정적 무죄라는 하나님의 선언이 아니라 미래에 종말에서 최종완성된다고 한다. 즉 구원에 있어서 지속적인 행위와 종말론적 완성을 주장한다. 따라서 전통적인 개신교가 주장하는 법정적 칭의라는 핵심적인 주장을 새로운 관점으로 해석함으로써 큰 논쟁이 제기되고 있다. 새 관점은 현재 가장 뜨거운 주제로 등장하고 있다. (ko)
  • Het Nieuwe Perspectief op Paulus is een veelgebruikte term om een belangrijke ontwikkeling in de 20ste eeuw te typeren in het wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar de apostel Paulus. In de literatuur is de Engelse variant New Perspective on Paul gebruikelijk, alsmede de afkorting NPP. Belangrijke vertegenwoordigers zijn de protestantse nieuwtestamentici N.T. Wright, James D.G. Dunn en E.P. Sanders. (nl)
  • The "New Perspective on Paul" is a movement within the field of biblical studies concerned with the understanding of the writings of the Apostle Paul. The "new perspective" was started with liberal scholar E. P. Sanders' 1977 work Paul and Palestinian Judaism.The old Protestant perspective claims that Paul advocates justification through faith in Jesus Christ over justification through works of the Law. After the Reformation, this perspective was known as sola fide; this was traditionally understood as Paul arguing that Christians' good works would not factor into their salvation – only their faith would count. In this perspective, first-century Palestinian Judaism is dismissed as sterile and legalistic. (en)
  • La « nouvelle perspective sur Paul » est une réinterprétation des écrits de l'apôtre Paul, introduite à la fin des années 1970 par le théologien méthodiste américain E. P. Sanders, notamment dans son livre, paru en 1977, Paul and Palestinian Judaism. (fr)
  • Nova Perspectiva sobre Paulo ou Teologia da Nova Perspectiva, ou simplesmente Nova Perspectiva é a designação dada às perspectivas informadas pelas descobertas históricas, linguísticas e teológicas contemporâneas dos escritos do apóstolo Paulo em oposição às interpretações desenvolvidas pela maioria dos reformadores magistrais. Os defensores da Nova Perspectiva apontam que Paulo não se referia às boas obras em geral, mas apenas às observâncias rituais como circuncisão, leis alimentares e leis do sábado, que diferenciavam os judeus das outras nações. (pt)
  • منظور جديد حول بولس (ar)
  • Neue Perspektive auf Paulus (de)
  • Nouvelle perspective sur Paul (fr)
  • 바울에 대한 새 관점 (ko)
  • New Perspective on Paul (en)
  • Nieuwe Perspectief op Paulus (nl)
  • Nova Perspectiva sobre Paulo (pt)
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