About: Wappinger

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The Wappinger (/ˈwɒpɪndʒər/) were an Eastern Algonquian Munsee-speaking Native American people from what is now southern New York and western Connecticut. At the time of first contact in the 17th century they were primarily based in what is now Dutchess County, New York, but their territory included the east bank of the Hudson in what became both Putnam and Westchester counties south to the western Bronx and northern Manhattan Island. To the east they reached to the Connecticut River Valley, and to the north the Roeliff Jansen Kill in southernmost Columbia County, New York, marked the end of their territory.

Property Value
  • Els wappinger eren una confederació de tribus algonquines, el nom de la qual vol dir "orientals". Comprenia 17 tribus: Hammonasset, Kitchawank, Massaco, Menunkatuck, Nochpeem, Poquanock, Paugusset, Podunk, Quinnipiack, Sicagg, Sintsink, Siwanoy, Tankiteke, Tunxis, Wangunk, Wappinger i Wecquaesgeek. (ca)
  • Die Wappinger oder Wappani waren eine Gruppe von Indianerstämmen, die sich im Wappinger-Krieg zu einer Konföderation zusammengeschlossen hatten. Ihr traditionelles Wohngebiet erstreckte sich östlich des Hudson Rivers im südlichen Bundesstaat New York bis zur Grenze von Connecticut. (de)
  • Le terme Wappinger désigne une confédération de tribus amérindiennes vivant le long du fleuve Hudson. Leur territoire s'étendait au Sud depuis l'île de Manhattan jusqu'au Nord à la limite du territoire des Mohicans. (fr)
  • Los wappinger eran una confederación de tribus de indios algonquinos, cuyo nombre quiere decir “orientales”. Comprendía 17 tribus: Hammonasset, Kitchawank, Massaco, Menunkatuck, Nochpeem, Poquanock, Paugusset, Podunk, Quinnipiack, Sicagg, Sintsink, Siwanoy, Tankiteke, Tunxis, Wangunk, Wappinger y Wecquaesgeek. (es)
  • The Wappinger (/ˈwɒpɪndʒər/) were an Eastern Algonquian Munsee-speaking Native American people from what is now southern New York and western Connecticut. At the time of first contact in the 17th century they were primarily based in what is now Dutchess County, New York, but their territory included the east bank of the Hudson in what became both Putnam and Westchester counties south to the western Bronx and northern Manhattan Island. To the east they reached to the Connecticut River Valley, and to the north the Roeliff Jansen Kill in southernmost Columbia County, New York, marked the end of their territory. Their nearest allies were the Mohican to the north, the Montaukett to the southeast on Long Island, and the remaining New England tribes to the east. Like the Lenape, the Wappinger were highly decentralized as a people. They formed numerous loosely associated bands that had established geographic territories. The Wequaesgeek, a Wappinger people living along the lower Hudson River near today's New York City, were among the very first to be recorded encountering European adventurers and traders when Henry Hudson's Half Moon appeared in 1609. Long after their original settlements had been decimated by wars with the colonists, wars with other Indian tribes, questionable land sales, waves of diseases brought by the Europeans, and absorption into other tribes, their last sachem and a group of their heavily dwindled people were residing at the "prayer town" sanctuary of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. A stalwart spokesman for Native American concerns and valiant soldier, Daniel Nimham had traveled to Great Britain in the 1760s to argue for a return of tribal lands, and served in both the French and Indian Wars (on behalf of the English) and American Revolution (in support of the Colonists). He died with his son Abraham in a slaughter of the Stockbridge Militia at the Battle of Kingsbridge in 1778. Following the war, what was left of a combined Mohican and Wappinger community in Stockbridge, Massachusetts left for Oneida County in western New York to join the Oneida people there. There they were joined by the remnants of the Munsee, forming the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe. From that time the Wappinger ceased to have an independent name in history, and their people intermarried with others. Their descendants were subsequently relocated to a Stockbridge-Munsee reservation in Shawano County, Wisconsin. The tribe operates a casino there, and in 2010 was awarded two tiny parcels suitable for casinos in New York State in return for dropping larger land claims there. The totem (or emblem) of the Wappinger was the “enchanted wolf”, with the right paw raised defiantly. By one account they shared this totem with the Mohicans. (en)
  • De Wappingers of Wappani waren een groep inheemse Amerikanen die in de 17e eeuw een gebied bewoonden ten oosten van de rivier de Hudson, onder andere het gebied dat nu New York en Manhattan heet en toen Nieuw-Amsterdam, tot in de staat Connecticut. Hoewel het Europese idee van "stammen" in het algemeen niet overeenkwam met de geschiedenis van deze mensen, waren ze het meest verwant met de Lenni-Lenape-indianen, woonachtig in Delaware, en de Mahicans, die allemaal de Algonquiantaal spraken. Tijdens de Oorlog van Kieft in 1643 verenigden de verschillende Wappingergroepen zich om tegen de Nederlanders in het verweer te komen, waarbij nederzettingen in de hele kolonie Nieuw-Nederland werden aangevallen. De meest prominente groep hierin was die van de , van wie er meer dan 1500 werden gedood in de twee jaar durende oorlog. Na de oorlog viel de confederatie uit elkaar en trokken de overgebleven Wappingers uit hun gebied en vonden ze onderdak bij de omringende volken. De stad Wappinger en het dorp Wappingers Falls, beide in de staat New York (staat) gelegen, zijn naar hen genoemd. (nl)
  • ウォピンジャー族(Wappinger)またはウォパニ族(Wappani)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州周辺を領土としていたインディアン部族である。同州にウォピンジャー族から名付けた、などがある。 ウォピンジャー族は、アルゴンキン語族に属しアルゴンキン語族国家を築いていた。17世紀まで、アメリカ東部ニューイングランドのニューヨーク州・コネチカット州間のの頂上に東へ伸びるブロンクスと間のハドソン川の東側で約8,000人が約30の村を築き、トウモロコシ・カボチャ・豆などの農作物を栽培し、鹿を狩るなどして暮らしていた。またモヒカン族とデラウェア族と親密に関わっていた。ウォピンジャー族(ウォパニ族)の名前は「ワッパン(東)」と「イ(人)」から来ているという説がある。 1524年フランス国王の命を受けたイタリア人航海士ジョバンニ・ダ・ヴェラッツァーノがニューヨークのハドソン川に到達した時、ヨーロッパ人として初めてウォピンジャー族と遭遇した。1609年にはイギリスのヘンリー・ハドソンも遭遇している。1624年オランダ人がウォピンジャー族が住む、現在のマンハッタン島に上陸し、植民地ニューアムステルダムを建設した。最初オランダ人とは良好な関係を築いていたが、しかし1639年に新しいオランダ人総督がハドソン川下流地域における部族間の抗争を煽ったことから、両者の関係が悪化し、1643年から1645年までオランダ人入植者との間でや1655年で大勢のウォピンジャー族が殺され、生き残った者も天然痘などで死亡し、ウォピンジャー族の人口減少によって社会は壊滅的打撃を受けた。1730年には数百人程度となった。19世紀に、残ったそれらの少数は条約でウィスコンシン州の土地に住み着いた。現在、ウィスコンシン州やニューヨーク州、ロードアイランド州にも少数がコミュニティーを維持している。 (ja)
  • Os wappani ou wappinger ("orientais", em algonquiano) foram um grupo de indígenas americanos, cujo território se estendia, no século XVII, ao longo da margem oriental do rio Hudson. A partir do atual condado de Dutchess, espalhavam-se ao sul até Manhattan, e a leste, até partes de Connecticut. Eram parentes próximos dos lenapes e dos moicanos, todos falantes dos idiomas algonquianos; como os lenapes, os wappani não se organizaram em tribos coesas ao longo da maior parte de sua história; em vez disso, formaram aproximadamente dezoito grupos agrupados de maneira livre. (pt)
  • Ваппингеры (англ. Wappinger) — индейское племя, которое в XVII веке населяло южную часть штата Нью-Йорк и запад Коннектикута. (ru)
  • 5857074 (xsd:integer)
  • 33358 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117019202 (xsd:integer)
  • Wappinger territory , from a 1685 reprint of a 1656 map (en)
  • Wappinger (en)
  • Eastern Algonquian languages, probably Munsee (en)
  • Extinct as a tribe (en)
  • Other Algonquian peoples (en)
  • traditional tribal religion (en)
  • Els wappinger eren una confederació de tribus algonquines, el nom de la qual vol dir "orientals". Comprenia 17 tribus: Hammonasset, Kitchawank, Massaco, Menunkatuck, Nochpeem, Poquanock, Paugusset, Podunk, Quinnipiack, Sicagg, Sintsink, Siwanoy, Tankiteke, Tunxis, Wangunk, Wappinger i Wecquaesgeek. (ca)
  • Die Wappinger oder Wappani waren eine Gruppe von Indianerstämmen, die sich im Wappinger-Krieg zu einer Konföderation zusammengeschlossen hatten. Ihr traditionelles Wohngebiet erstreckte sich östlich des Hudson Rivers im südlichen Bundesstaat New York bis zur Grenze von Connecticut. (de)
  • Le terme Wappinger désigne une confédération de tribus amérindiennes vivant le long du fleuve Hudson. Leur territoire s'étendait au Sud depuis l'île de Manhattan jusqu'au Nord à la limite du territoire des Mohicans. (fr)
  • Los wappinger eran una confederación de tribus de indios algonquinos, cuyo nombre quiere decir “orientales”. Comprendía 17 tribus: Hammonasset, Kitchawank, Massaco, Menunkatuck, Nochpeem, Poquanock, Paugusset, Podunk, Quinnipiack, Sicagg, Sintsink, Siwanoy, Tankiteke, Tunxis, Wangunk, Wappinger y Wecquaesgeek. (es)
  • Os wappani ou wappinger ("orientais", em algonquiano) foram um grupo de indígenas americanos, cujo território se estendia, no século XVII, ao longo da margem oriental do rio Hudson. A partir do atual condado de Dutchess, espalhavam-se ao sul até Manhattan, e a leste, até partes de Connecticut. Eram parentes próximos dos lenapes e dos moicanos, todos falantes dos idiomas algonquianos; como os lenapes, os wappani não se organizaram em tribos coesas ao longo da maior parte de sua história; em vez disso, formaram aproximadamente dezoito grupos agrupados de maneira livre. (pt)
  • Ваппингеры (англ. Wappinger) — индейское племя, которое в XVII веке населяло южную часть штата Нью-Йорк и запад Коннектикута. (ru)
  • The Wappinger (/ˈwɒpɪndʒər/) were an Eastern Algonquian Munsee-speaking Native American people from what is now southern New York and western Connecticut. At the time of first contact in the 17th century they were primarily based in what is now Dutchess County, New York, but their territory included the east bank of the Hudson in what became both Putnam and Westchester counties south to the western Bronx and northern Manhattan Island. To the east they reached to the Connecticut River Valley, and to the north the Roeliff Jansen Kill in southernmost Columbia County, New York, marked the end of their territory. (en)
  • ウォピンジャー族(Wappinger)またはウォパニ族(Wappani)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州周辺を領土としていたインディアン部族である。同州にウォピンジャー族から名付けた、などがある。 ウォピンジャー族は、アルゴンキン語族に属しアルゴンキン語族国家を築いていた。17世紀まで、アメリカ東部ニューイングランドのニューヨーク州・コネチカット州間のの頂上に東へ伸びるブロンクスと間のハドソン川の東側で約8,000人が約30の村を築き、トウモロコシ・カボチャ・豆などの農作物を栽培し、鹿を狩るなどして暮らしていた。またモヒカン族とデラウェア族と親密に関わっていた。ウォピンジャー族(ウォパニ族)の名前は「ワッパン(東)」と「イ(人)」から来ているという説がある。 (ja)
  • De Wappingers of Wappani waren een groep inheemse Amerikanen die in de 17e eeuw een gebied bewoonden ten oosten van de rivier de Hudson, onder andere het gebied dat nu New York en Manhattan heet en toen Nieuw-Amsterdam, tot in de staat Connecticut. Hoewel het Europese idee van "stammen" in het algemeen niet overeenkwam met de geschiedenis van deze mensen, waren ze het meest verwant met de Lenni-Lenape-indianen, woonachtig in Delaware, en de Mahicans, die allemaal de Algonquiantaal spraken. (nl)
  • Wappinger (en)
  • Wappinger (ca)
  • Wappinger (Volk) (de)
  • Wappinger (es)
  • Wappinger (fr)
  • ワッピンガー (ja)
  • Wappinger (volk) (nl)
  • Wappani (pt)
  • Ваппингеры (ru)
  • Wappinger (en)
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