An Entity of Type: ship, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Démocratie was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the French Navy in the mid-1900s. She was the fourth member of the Liberté class, which included three other vessels and was a derivative of the preceding République class, with the primary difference being the inclusion of a heavier secondary battery. Démocratie carried a main battery of four 305 mm (12 in) guns, like the République, but mounted ten 194 mm (7.6 in) guns for her secondary armament in place of the 164 mm (6.5 in) guns of the earlier vessels. Like many late pre-dreadnought designs, Démocratie was completed after the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought had entered service, rendering her obsolescent.

Property Value
  • 135250.0
  • Démocratie was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the French Navy in the mid-1900s. She was the fourth member of the Liberté class, which included three other vessels and was a derivative of the preceding République class, with the primary difference being the inclusion of a heavier secondary battery. Démocratie carried a main battery of four 305 mm (12 in) guns, like the République, but mounted ten 194 mm (7.6 in) guns for her secondary armament in place of the 164 mm (6.5 in) guns of the earlier vessels. Like many late pre-dreadnought designs, Démocratie was completed after the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought had entered service, rendering her obsolescent. On entering service, Démocratie joined the Mediterranean Squadron, based in Toulon. She immediately began the normal peacetime training routine of squadron and fleet maneuvers and cruises to various ports in the Mediterranean. She also participated in several naval reviews for a number of French and foreign dignitaries. Following the outbreak of war in July 1914, Démocratie was used to escort troopship convoys carrying elements of the French Army from French North Africa to face the Germans invading northern France. She thereafter steamed to contain the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the Adriatic Sea, taking part in the minor Battle of Antivari in August. The increasing threat of Austro-Hungarian U-boats and the unwillingness of the Austro-Hungarian fleet to engage in battle led to a period of monotonous patrols that ended with Italy's entry into the war on the side of France, which allowed the French fleet to be withdrawn. In mid-1916, she became involved in events in Greece, being stationed in Salonika to put pressure on the Greek government to enter the war on the side of the Allies, but she saw little action for the final two years of the war. Immediately after the end of the war, she was sent to the Black Sea, first to oversee the surrender of German-occupied Russian warships there, and then as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. In May 1919, she carried the Ottoman delegation to France to sign the Treaty of Sèvres. The ship was placed in reserve in 1920, stricken from the naval register in 1921, and broken up later that year. (en)
  • La Démocratie est un cuirassé de la marine française construit à Brest à partir de 1903.C'est un cuirassé de type Pré-Dreadnought de la classe Liberté. (fr)
  • O Démocratie foi um couraçado pré-dreadnought operado pela Marinha Nacional Francesa e a quarta e última embarcação da Classe Liberté, depois do Liberté, Justice e Vérité. Sua construção começou em maio de 1903 no Arsenal de Brest e foi lançado ao mar em abril do ano seguinte, sendo comissionado na frota francesa em janeiro de 1908. Era armado com uma bateria principal de quatro canhões de 305 milímetros em duas torres de artilharia duplas, tinha um deslocamento carregado de quase quinze mil toneladas e alcançava uma velocidade máxima de dezoito nós. O Démocratie serviu na Esquadra do Mediterrâneo com seus irmãos. Suas principais atividades consistiram em exercícios de rotinas, manobras junto com a frota, visitas e portos estrangeiros e revistas navais e homenagem a dignitários estrangeiros. Com o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial em 1914, o navio escoltou comboios de tropas do Norte da África e então foi enviado para o Mar Adriático a fim de conter a Marinha Austro-Húngara, participando da Batalha de Antivari em agosto. Ele pouco fez depois disso e ficou até meados de 1915 apenas em patrulhas sem incidentes. O couraçado foi transferido para Grécia em 1916 a fim de pressionar os gregos a entrarem na guerra pelo lado dos Aliados, ficando estacionado em Salonica até o final da guerra, pouco fazendo nesse período. Ele foi para o Mar Negro ao final do conflito supervisionar a rendição de forças alemãs no local, em seguida envolvendo-se na intervenção dos Aliados na Guerra Civil Russa. O Démocratie transportou uma delegação otomana para a França em 1919 para a assinatura do Tratado de Sèvres, sendo descomissionado em maio de 1921 e desmontado pouco depois. (pt)
  • «Демократи́» (фр. Démocratie)— головной в серии французских эскадренных броненосцев типа «Демократи». «Демократи́» был заложен в мае 1903, спущен на воду в апреле 1904, достройка на плаву закончена в январе 1908. Вступил в состав флота в январе 1908, спустя год после революционного британского линкора Дредноут. Во время Первой мировой войны «Демократи́» служил во французским средиземноморском флоте. В конце августа 1914 он участвовала в Сражении с австро-венгерским флотом. Во время войны броненосец базировался в Корфу недалеко от побережья Греции, препятствуя выходу немецких, Австро-венгерских и турецких военных кораблей в Средиземное море, хотя огневого контакта с противником не имел. После окончания войны корабль вошел в Чёрное море, чтобы обеспечить осуществление условий Перемирия с Германией. «Демократи́» был списан в 1921 и впоследствии продан для разделки. (ru)
  • 民主号战列舰(法語:Démocratie)是法國海軍於1900年代建造的前無畏艦,同時為自由級戰艦中第4艘建造的軍艦。本艦屬1900年艦隊法案其中之一,設計佈局承襲自共和級戰艦,與前一級最大的差別在於本級艦採用口徑更大的副砲型號。艦體工程於1903年5月1日在開始放置龍骨,1904年4月30日時首次下水,並在1908年1月開始服役。艦上的主要武器為4門,這些主砲配置於2座雙聯裝砲塔內。其推進系統由3組與22台貝爾維爾(Belleville)式鍋爐組成,在航速可達18節(33公里每小時;21英里每小時)左右。然而以全裝重型火炮(All-Big-Gun)設計概念建造的无畏号战列舰開始於1906年12月服役於英國皇家海軍,這使得本艦及其同型艦在服役時即性能過時。 服役後的民主號,被法國海軍指派至駐紮在土倫的。服務初期,民主號的主要任務為海上演習、執行巡航任務、或是於法國各個地中海港口執行訪問行動等,另外還多次參與國內與國際的海軍閱兵典禮。當第一次世界大戰於1914年8月爆發後,本艦被改編至法國地中海艦隊第2分艦隊,首要任務為協助護航從法屬北非至法國本土間的運兵艦隊,以面對德軍入侵法國北部。接下來民主號隨艦隊前往亞得里亞海,阻止奧匈帝國海軍勢力延伸至地中海海域。隨後在8月的中,民主號協助聯軍艦隊擊沉奧匈帝國海軍的。海戰之後,民主號仍繼續隨艦隊封鎖亞得里亞海,嘗試與奧匈帝國海軍艦隊交戰,但奧匈帝國海軍堅持不派遣水面艦交戰,僅願意派出潛艇進行襲擊,然而這也大大增加聯軍艦隊被襲擊的危險性,使得民主號等艦僅能有限度地執行海上巡邏任務。在義大利加入協約國一側後,法國海軍才得以把艦隊撤出亞得里亞海。 1916年中期,聯軍為了向希臘政府施加壓力,派遣民主號等艦在希臘海域執行施壓動作,本艦接著隨艦隊直接前往薩洛尼卡,意圖逼迫希臘加入協約國。在戰爭最後的數個月裡,民主號在科孚島和穆茲羅斯之間交替駐紮,度過停戰前最後的歲月。一次世界大戰結束後,法國海軍立刻派遣民主號前往黑海,先是在塞瓦斯托波爾負責監督投降的德軍執行康邊停戰協定,歸還侵占的俄羅斯軍艦,接下來與協約國協助干涉俄國內戰,幫助當地俄國白軍防守敖德薩及塞瓦斯托波爾。1919年5月,鄂圖曼帝國代表團於康士坦丁堡搭乘民主號前往法國,並向協約國簽署塞夫爾條約。民主號返回法國本土後,先是於1920年被法國海軍轉至後備艦隊,後來在1921年時從除籍,並在2個月後出售拆解。 (zh)
  • 1903-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • 135.250000 (xsd:double)
  • 24.250000 (xsd:double)
  • 8.200000 (xsd:double)
  • 1904-04-30 (xsd:date)
  • Broken up for scrap
  • 33.336000 (xsd:double)
  • 13762849 (xsd:integer)
  • 29579 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1080695607 (xsd:integer)
  • *4 × guns *10 × guns *13 × guns *10 × guns *2 × torpedo tubes (en)
  • *Belt: *Turrets: *Conning tower: *Upper deck: *Lower deck: (en)
  • pre-dreadnought battleship (en)
  • January 1908 (en)
  • *32 officers *710 enlisted men (en)
  • France (en)
  • Full load: (en)
  • Broken up for scrap (en)
  • Democratie-2 Bougault.jpg (en)
  • 1903-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • 1904-04-30 (xsd:date)
  • loa (en)
  • Démocratie (en)
  • *22 × Belleville boilers * (en)
  • *3 × screw propellers *3 × triple-expansion steam engines (en)
  • at (en)
  • 1921 (xsd:integer)
  • La Démocratie est un cuirassé de la marine française construit à Brest à partir de 1903.C'est un cuirassé de type Pré-Dreadnought de la classe Liberté. (fr)
  • Démocratie was a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the French Navy in the mid-1900s. She was the fourth member of the Liberté class, which included three other vessels and was a derivative of the preceding République class, with the primary difference being the inclusion of a heavier secondary battery. Démocratie carried a main battery of four 305 mm (12 in) guns, like the République, but mounted ten 194 mm (7.6 in) guns for her secondary armament in place of the 164 mm (6.5 in) guns of the earlier vessels. Like many late pre-dreadnought designs, Démocratie was completed after the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought had entered service, rendering her obsolescent. (en)
  • O Démocratie foi um couraçado pré-dreadnought operado pela Marinha Nacional Francesa e a quarta e última embarcação da Classe Liberté, depois do Liberté, Justice e Vérité. Sua construção começou em maio de 1903 no Arsenal de Brest e foi lançado ao mar em abril do ano seguinte, sendo comissionado na frota francesa em janeiro de 1908. Era armado com uma bateria principal de quatro canhões de 305 milímetros em duas torres de artilharia duplas, tinha um deslocamento carregado de quase quinze mil toneladas e alcançava uma velocidade máxima de dezoito nós. (pt)
  • «Демократи́» (фр. Démocratie)— головной в серии французских эскадренных броненосцев типа «Демократи». «Демократи́» был заложен в мае 1903, спущен на воду в апреле 1904, достройка на плаву закончена в январе 1908. Вступил в состав флота в январе 1908, спустя год после революционного британского линкора Дредноут. (ru)
  • 民主号战列舰(法語:Démocratie)是法國海軍於1900年代建造的前無畏艦,同時為自由級戰艦中第4艘建造的軍艦。本艦屬1900年艦隊法案其中之一,設計佈局承襲自共和級戰艦,與前一級最大的差別在於本級艦採用口徑更大的副砲型號。艦體工程於1903年5月1日在開始放置龍骨,1904年4月30日時首次下水,並在1908年1月開始服役。艦上的主要武器為4門,這些主砲配置於2座雙聯裝砲塔內。其推進系統由3組與22台貝爾維爾(Belleville)式鍋爐組成,在航速可達18節(33公里每小時;21英里每小時)左右。然而以全裝重型火炮(All-Big-Gun)設計概念建造的无畏号战列舰開始於1906年12月服役於英國皇家海軍,這使得本艦及其同型艦在服役時即性能過時。 (zh)
  • Démocratie (cuirassé) (fr)
  • French battleship Démocratie (en)
  • Démocratie (couraçado) (pt)
  • Демократи (броненосец) (ru)
  • 民主号战列舰 (zh)
  • Démocratie (en)
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