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Asajj Ventress (/əˈsɑːʒ ˈvɛntrəs/) is a character from the Star Wars franchise. Originally intended to appear as an antagonist in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, she was first introduced in the 2003 micro-series Star Wars: Clone Wars (voiced by Grey DeLisle), which has since been removed from the Star Wars canon and is part of the Star Wars Legends continuity. A different version of Ventress was featured in the 2008 animated film The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series of the same name, in which she is voiced by Nika Futterman. The character also appears in tie-in Star Wars media such as books, comics, and video games, and has become a favorite among fans.

Property Value
  • Asajj Venteress je fiktivní postava ze světa Star Wars. Její druh pocházející z planety se podobá lidem, má však šedivou kůži a je velice známý svým využíváním černé magie. Je nejvíce známá z období Klonových válek jako učednicí hraběte Dooku. Během války porazila několik rytířů Jedi a několikrát se utkala s Obi-wanem Kenobim a Anakinem Skywalkerem. Při jednom ze soubojů udělala Anakinovi jizvu u oka. Ke konci Klonových válek zemřela rukou Hrabě Dookua. (cs)
  • Asajj Ventress (/əˈsɑːʒ ˈvɛntrəs/) is a character from the Star Wars franchise. Originally intended to appear as an antagonist in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, she was first introduced in the 2003 micro-series Star Wars: Clone Wars (voiced by Grey DeLisle), which has since been removed from the Star Wars canon and is part of the Star Wars Legends continuity. A different version of Ventress was featured in the 2008 animated film The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series of the same name, in which she is voiced by Nika Futterman. The character also appears in tie-in Star Wars media such as books, comics, and video games, and has become a favorite among fans. In the Star Wars universe, Ventress is a former member of the Nightsisters, a cult of witches from the planet Dathomir, who was sold into slavery as a child, and was subsequently taken in as a Jedi Padawan by the Jedi Master who saved her. Following her master's death in battle, Ventress falls to the dark side of the Force and becomes Count Dooku's informal Sith apprentice and personal assassin. As a Sith assassin, she wields two lightsabers with curved handles that can attach together and form a double bladed weapon with a curve in the middle. Originally a villain opposing the Jedi and the Galactic Republic, she is eventually betrayed by Dooku and, after a failed attempt to exact revenge on him, tries to distance herself from her old life by turning to bounty hunting. Despite her efforts, however, Ventress finds herself drawn back into the Clone Wars when she helps her former Jedi enemies in various situations, slowly redeeming herself. In the 2015 novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple, adapted from an eight-episode arc intended for the seventh season of The Clone Wars, Ventress works with the Jedi Quinlan Vos in a secret mission to assassinate Dooku, and ultimately sacrifices her life to save Vos from him. (en)
  • Asajj Ventress Star Warseko fikziozko unibertsoko pertsonaia bat da. Ventress buru militar boteretsu eta zehatz bat izan zen. Ventressen espezia ezezaguna zen, giza ezaugarriak zituen, baina ilerik gabe eta larruazal ia zuri batekin. Jedien aurkako borrokaren tresna bihurtu zen Klon Gerretan. Dooku Kondeak Asajj Ventress misteriotsua Rattataken aurkitu zuen (gerraz jositako planeta bat) gertatu eta gutxira. Jedien artean formalki prestatua izan ez zen arren, Ventressek indarraren abileziak zituela frogatu zuen. Dooku Kondearen zaintzapean indarraren alde ilunera batu zen. Batzuetan Durge ordainsari bilatzailearekin zihoala, Ventress aurkari soil bat baino gehiago izan zen Errepublika Galaktikoko Jedirik hoberenentzat. Asajj Ventressek Anakin Skywalker jedi padawana Yavin IV planetara gidatu zuela ezagutzen da, non bere aurka borrokatu zuen. Azkenik Anakinek borrokan garaitu zuen indarraren alde iluna erabiliz. Ondoren Asajjek beste bi alditan lortu zuen Anakinekin borrokatzea, hurrengo bi borroketan galduz, horietatik azkenekoan Asajj izango zen Anakini honek aurpegian duen orbana eragingo ziona. Azkenik Dooku Kondearekin nahigabetuta geratu zen, bera ere tresna soil bat baino ez zela jakin zuenean. Borroka ezberdin batean Anakin Skywalkerren aurka borrokatu zuen, honen ondorioz berak bere heriotza propioa eragin zuelarik bere gorrotoa, haserrea eta beldurra nabaritzen hasten denean amildegi batetik bota zuenean, Geonosisen. (eu)
  • Asajj Ventress es un personaje del universo ficticio de Star Wars. Era una de los acólitos sensibles a la Fuerza del Conde Dooku durante las Guerras Clon.Siendo una niña, Asajj fue entrenada en las artes Jedi en su planeta natal por el Caballero Jedi Ky Narec, pero sucumbió al lado oscuro cuando éste fue asesinado. Después de adueñarse de la espada láser de su difunto Maestro en adición al suyo, Asajj mató a todos los señores de guerra en Rattatak. Finalmente, los eventos realizados por Asajj llamaron la atención de Dooku, quien, después de una prueba de sus habilidades, la nombró Comandante de la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes. (es)
  • Asajj Ventress est un personnage de Star Wars. Originaire de la planète Dathomir, elle est amenée dès l'enfance sur Coruscant afin d'être formée en tant que Jedi. Avant le début de la Guerre des clones, Ventress quitte l'ordre Jedi, devient l'apprentie du Comte Dooku, à la suite de la mort de son maître Jedi et participe à de nombreuses batailles. Durant la deuxième année de guerre, elle est victime d'une tentative de meurtre par son maître Sith : Dooku. Elle finit par retourner vers ses origines, les Sœurs de la Nuit. Elle est créée par George Lucas, le créateur de Star Wars, par le créateur de la série d'animation Star Wars: Clone Wars, Genndy Tartakovsky[pas clair]. Par la suite, le personnage intègre le film Star Wars: The Clone Wars et la série télévisée du même nom. C'est d'abord l'actrice américaine Grey DeLisle qui prête sa voix à Asajj Ventress dans la version originale puis Nika Futterman est choisie pour l’interpréter dans The Clone Wars. (fr)
  • Asajj Ventress è un personaggio immaginario della saga fantascientifica di Guerre stellari, creata per la serie animata del 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars di Genndy Tartarovski e successivamente ripresa in vari media fra cui il film Star Wars: The Clone Wars del 2008 (che segna la sua prima apparizione canonica nella saga a seguito della nuova timeline entrata in vigore nel 2014), la serie omonima ed il libro L'apprendista del Lato Oscuro (di cui è protagonista insieme a Quinlan Vos). In tutte le versioni della sua storia, Asajj appare come agente del Conte Dooku durante le guerre dei cloni caratterizzata dal combattere con due spade laser con l'impugnatura ricurva ed un'ostica avversaria per Anakin Skywalker ed Obi-Wan Kenobi. (it)
  • 아사즈 벤트리스(Asajj Ventress)는 두쿠 백작의 제자이다. (ko)
  • Asajj Ventress is een personage uit het Star Warsuniversum. Ze komt niet voor in de films, maar wel in het Star Wars Expanded Universe. Ze is vooral bekend van haar rol in de animatieserie Star Wars: Clone Wars, waarin ze de leerling is van Graaf Dooku. Ze is een commandant van de Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), oftewel de separatisten. (nl)
  • Clone Wars
  • – "Chapter 6" (2003)
  • 19672764 (xsd:integer)
  • 24755 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119141974 (xsd:integer)
  • Asajj Ventress as she appears in the first two seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (en)
  • y (en)
  • 6.0 (dbd:second)
  • Clone Wars (en)
  • The Clone Wars Legacy (en)
  • – "Dark Disciple" (en)
  • Masters (en)
  • Homeworld (en)
  • Apprentice (en)
  • Asajj Ventress (en)
  • Film (en)
  • Speculative fiction (en)
  • Dathomirian Zabrak (en)
  • asajj-ventress (en)
  • Asajj Ventress (en)
  • Supreme Leader of the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (en)
  • Asajj Venteress je fiktivní postava ze světa Star Wars. Její druh pocházející z planety se podobá lidem, má však šedivou kůži a je velice známý svým využíváním černé magie. Je nejvíce známá z období Klonových válek jako učednicí hraběte Dooku. Během války porazila několik rytířů Jedi a několikrát se utkala s Obi-wanem Kenobim a Anakinem Skywalkerem. Při jednom ze soubojů udělala Anakinovi jizvu u oka. Ke konci Klonových válek zemřela rukou Hrabě Dookua. (cs)
  • 아사즈 벤트리스(Asajj Ventress)는 두쿠 백작의 제자이다. (ko)
  • Asajj Ventress is een personage uit het Star Warsuniversum. Ze komt niet voor in de films, maar wel in het Star Wars Expanded Universe. Ze is vooral bekend van haar rol in de animatieserie Star Wars: Clone Wars, waarin ze de leerling is van Graaf Dooku. Ze is een commandant van de Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), oftewel de separatisten. (nl)
  • Asajj Ventress (/əˈsɑːʒ ˈvɛntrəs/) is a character from the Star Wars franchise. Originally intended to appear as an antagonist in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, she was first introduced in the 2003 micro-series Star Wars: Clone Wars (voiced by Grey DeLisle), which has since been removed from the Star Wars canon and is part of the Star Wars Legends continuity. A different version of Ventress was featured in the 2008 animated film The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series of the same name, in which she is voiced by Nika Futterman. The character also appears in tie-in Star Wars media such as books, comics, and video games, and has become a favorite among fans. (en)
  • Asajj Ventress es un personaje del universo ficticio de Star Wars. Era una de los acólitos sensibles a la Fuerza del Conde Dooku durante las Guerras Clon.Siendo una niña, Asajj fue entrenada en las artes Jedi en su planeta natal por el Caballero Jedi Ky Narec, pero sucumbió al lado oscuro cuando éste fue asesinado. (es)
  • Asajj Ventress Star Warseko fikziozko unibertsoko pertsonaia bat da. Ventress buru militar boteretsu eta zehatz bat izan zen. Ventressen espezia ezezaguna zen, giza ezaugarriak zituen, baina ilerik gabe eta larruazal ia zuri batekin. Jedien aurkako borrokaren tresna bihurtu zen Klon Gerretan. Asajj Ventressek Anakin Skywalker jedi padawana Yavin IV planetara gidatu zuela ezagutzen da, non bere aurka borrokatu zuen. Azkenik Anakinek borrokan garaitu zuen indarraren alde iluna erabiliz. (eu)
  • Asajj Ventress est un personnage de Star Wars. Originaire de la planète Dathomir, elle est amenée dès l'enfance sur Coruscant afin d'être formée en tant que Jedi. Avant le début de la Guerre des clones, Ventress quitte l'ordre Jedi, devient l'apprentie du Comte Dooku, à la suite de la mort de son maître Jedi et participe à de nombreuses batailles. Durant la deuxième année de guerre, elle est victime d'une tentative de meurtre par son maître Sith : Dooku. Elle finit par retourner vers ses origines, les Sœurs de la Nuit. (fr)
  • Asajj Ventress è un personaggio immaginario della saga fantascientifica di Guerre stellari, creata per la serie animata del 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars di Genndy Tartarovski e successivamente ripresa in vari media fra cui il film Star Wars: The Clone Wars del 2008 (che segna la sua prima apparizione canonica nella saga a seguito della nuova timeline entrata in vigore nel 2014), la serie omonima ed il libro L'apprendista del Lato Oscuro (di cui è protagonista insieme a Quinlan Vos). (it)
  • Asajj Ventress (en)
  • Asajj Ventress (cs)
  • Asajj Ventress (es)
  • Asajj Ventress (eu)
  • Asajj Ventress (fr)
  • Asajj Ventress (it)
  • 아사즈 벤트리스 (ko)
  • アサージ・ヴェントレス (ja)
  • Asajj Ventress (nl)
  • Asajj Ventress (en)
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