- 5449.334984146944 (dbd:squareKilometre)
- Arcidiecéze washingtonská (latinsky Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) je římskokatolická arcidiecéze na území severoamerického města Washington, D.C. a části státu Maryland s katedrálou sv. Matěje apoštola ve Washingtonu. Jejím současným arcibiskupem je Wilton Daniel Gregory. (cs)
- L'arquebisbat de Washington (anglès: Archdiocese of Washington; llatí: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis), és una de l'. Pertany a la IV (DC, DE, MD, VA, VI, WV). El 2010 comptava amb 592.769 batjeats al voltant de 2.694.405 habitants. Actualment està regida per l'arquebisbe cardenal Wilton Daniel Gregory. L'arquebisbat de Washington és la llar de la Universitat Catòlica d'Amèrica, la universitat catòlica nacional dels Estats Units dirigida per la . És també la llar de la , una basílica menor dedicada al de la nació, Nostra Senyora de la Immaculada Concepció i l'església més gran dels Estats Units (i la vuitena del món). La basílica, tot i que no és una parròquia de l'arquebisbat de Washington, és on l'arxidiòcesi celebra les Misses de Pasqua i Nadal, que habitualment són retransmeses per la a tots els Estats Units. A la basílica es conserva la tiara del Papa Pau VI. (ca)
- Das in den USA gelegene Erzbistum Washington (lateinisch Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis, englisch Archdiocese of Washington) ist ein Erzbistum der römisch-katholischen Kirche mit Sitz in der Hauptstadt der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Washington, D.C. (de)
- La arquidiócesis de Washington (en latín, Archidioecesis Vashingtonen(sis) y en inglés, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington) es una circunscripción eclesiástica latina de la Iglesia católica en Estados Unidos, sede metropolitana de la provincia eclesiástica de Washington. La arquidiócesis tiene al arzobispo cardenal Wilton Daniel Gregory como su ordinario desde el 4 de abril de 2019. (es)
- L'archidiocèse de Washington (en latin : archidioecesis Vashingtonensis ; en anglais : archdiocese of Washington) est une Église particulière de l'Église catholique aux États-Unis. (fr)
- Keuskupan Agung Washington adalah sebuah gereja partikular Gereja Katolik Roma di Amerika Serikat. Keuskupan Agung tersebut terdiri dari Distrik Columbia dan country Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's dan Saint Mary's di negara bagian Maryland. Keuskupan Agung Washington adalah tempat dari , satu-satunya universitas nasional yang diasuh oleh Konferensi Waligereja Amerika Serikat dan Georgetown University, lembaga perguruan tinggi Yesuit tertua di negara tersebut. Selain itu, , sebuah basilika minor yang didedikasikan kepada perempuan pelindung negara tersebut, terletak di wilayahnya dan diurus olehnya, dan meskipun bukanlah katedral Keuskupan Agung (bahkan sebuah paroki dari Keuskupan Agung tersebut), tempat tersebut merupakan tempat dari Misa-Misa Paskah dan Natal-nya. (in)
- The Archdiocese of Washington is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or archdiocese of the Catholic Church in the United States. Its territorial remit encompasses the District of Columbia and the counties of Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's and Saint Mary's in the state of Maryland. It was originally part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The archdiocese crosses a state line. Three other U.S. Latin Church dioceses (Wilmington, Norwich and Gallup) also do this, but they each have territory in more than one state. The Archdiocese of Washington is home to The Catholic University of America, the only national university operated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher education in the country. In addition, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a minor basilica dedicated to the nation's patroness, the Immaculate Conception, is located within it, and it is not the archdiocesan cathedral (nor even a parish of the archdiocese). The cathedral of the archdiocese is the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in downtown Washington. (en)
- 가톨릭 워싱턴 대교구(라틴어: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis)는 미국 워싱턴 D.C.에 있는 로마 가톨릭교회 대교구이다. 컬럼비아 특별구와 메릴랜드주의 캘버트 카운티, 찰스 카운티, 몽고메리 카운티, 프린스 조지스 카운티, 세인트 메리스 카운티 등을 담당하고 있다. 워싱턴 대교구에는 미국 가톨릭 대학교라는 이름의 산하 국립 가톨릭 대학교와 미국의 수호성인인 성모 마리아를 모신 원죄 없이 잉태되신 성모 국립 대성당이 소재해 있다. 원죄 없이 잉태되신 성모 국립 대성당은 워싱턴 대교구의 주교좌 성당은 아니지만, 예수 부활 대축일과 주님 성탄 대축일마다 미국 가톨릭 방송국 에서 미사를 특별히 생중계하고 있다. (ko)
- L'arcidiocesi di Washington (in latino: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) è una sede metropolitana della Chiesa cattolica negli Stati Uniti d'America appartenente alla regione ecclesiastica IV (DC, DE, MD, VA, VI, WV). Nel 2020 contava 667.434 battezzati su 3.033.794 abitanti. È retta dall'arcivescovo cardinale Wilton Daniel Gregory. (it)
- Het aartsbisdom Washington (Latijn: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis; Engels: Archdiocese of Washington) is een metropolitaan aartsbisdom van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk in de Verenigde Staten. De zetel van het aartsbisdom is in de stad Washington D.C.. De aartsbisschop van Washington is metropoliet van de kerkprovincie Washington, waartoe ook het volgende suffragane bisdom behoort:
* Bisdom Saint Thomas (nl)
- Archidiecezja waszyngtońska (łac. Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis, ang. Archdiocese of Washington) – rzymskokatolicka archidiecezja ze stolicą w Waszyngtonie, w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Obejmuje Waszyngton oraz hrabstwa Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George’s i Saint Mary’s w stanie Maryland. Wchodzi w skład metropolii Waszyngton. Oprócz niej w skład metropolii wchodzi diecezja Saint Thomas, która pokrywa się z terytorium Wysp Dziewiczych Stanów Zjednoczonych. Na terenie archidiecezji znajduje się Bazylika Niepokalanego Poczęcia – największy kościół w Stanach Zjednoczonych (ósmy na świecie) oraz Katolicki Uniwersytet Ameryki. (pl)
- A Arquidiocese de Washington (em latim: Archidiœcesis Vashingtonensis) é uma circunscrição eclesiástica da Igreja Católica situada em Washington D.C. Abrange todo o Distrito de Columbia e os condados de Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's e Saint Mary's no estado de Maryland. É fruto do desmembramento da arquidiocese de Baltimore-Washington em 15 de novembro de 1947. Seu atual Arcebispo é Wilton Daniel Gregory . Sua Sé é a Catedral do Apóstolo São Mateus. É o lar da Universidade Católica da América e também da Basílica do Santuário Nacional da Imaculada Conceição. Possui 140 paróquias assistidas por 782 párocos e cerca de 22% da sua população jurisdicionada é batizada. (pt)
- Архиепархия Вашингтона (лат. Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) — архиепархия Римско-Католической церкви с центром в городе Вашингтон, США. В митрополию Вашингтона входит епархия Сент-Томаса. Кафедральным собором архиепархии Вашингтона является в городе Вашингтон. (ru)
- 天主教華盛頓總教區(拉丁語:Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis;英語:Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington)是美國一個羅馬天主教教省總教區,也是該國三十二個總教區之一。總教區管轄範圍包括華盛頓哥倫比亞特區和馬里蘭州南部五個縣。 下轄一個教區,即位於美屬維京群島的聖多默教區。2004年有教友567,266人,2008年有140個堂區、799名司鐸。 1789年建巴爾的摩教區,華盛頓哥倫比亞特地區所在地區歸其管轄,1939年易名為巴爾的摩-華盛頓總教區。1947年11月15日升為總教區。1965年10月12日升為教省總教區。現任總主教是,輔理主教為、和,榮休總主教為陶南·維爾,榮休輔理主教為。 (zh)
- 5449334984.146944 (xsd:double)
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- July 29, 1939 (years ago)
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- 30436 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Calvert_County,_Maryland
- dbr:Prefect
- dbr:Prince_George's_County,_Maryland
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Atlanta
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Baltimore
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Louisville
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_New_Orleans
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_San_Francisco
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Birmingham_in_Alabama
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Bridgeport
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Buffalo
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Caguas
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Charlotte
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Columbus
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Dallas
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Gallup
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Memphis
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Norwich
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Richmond
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Saint_Thomas
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Springfield_in_Massachusetts
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Tyler
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Wilmington
- dbr:Roy_Edward_Campbell
- dbr:Metropolitan_bishop
- dbr:Metropolitan_see
- dbr:John_Selby_Spence_(Catholic_bishop)
- dbr:Basilica_of_the_National_Shrine_of_the_Immaculate_Conception
- dbr:Bishop_McNamara_High_School
- dbr:David_Edward_Foley
- dbr:DeMatha_Catholic_High_School
- dbr:Apostolic_Penitentiary
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_dioceses_and_prelatures_established_in_the_20th_century
- dbr:Archbishop
- dbr:Hyattsville,_Maryland
- dbr:Josephite_Fathers
- dbr:Patrick_Joseph_McCormick
- dbr:Patrick_O'Boyle_(American_bishop)
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:Congregation_for_Catholic_Education
- dbr:Connelly_School_of_the_Holy_Child
- dbr:County_(United_States)
- dbr:Maryland
- dbr:Mass_(liturgy)
- dbr:Ordinary_(Catholic_Church)
- dbr:Subpoena
- dbr:Clinton,_Maryland
- dbr:Edward_John_Herrmann
- dbr:Elizabeth_Seton_High_School
- dbr:Gate_of_Heaven_Cemetery_(Silver_Spring,_Maryland)
- dbr:Georgetown_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Georgetown_University
- dbr:Georgetown_Visitation_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Germantown,_Maryland
- dbr:Global_organisation_of_the_Catholic_Church
- dbr:Gonzaga_College_High_School
- dbr:Minor_basilica
- dbr:Montgomery_County,_Maryland
- dbr:Mount_Olivet_Cemetery_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Theodore_Edgar_McCarrick
- dbr:Theodore_McCarrick
- dbr:Theological_College_(The_Catholic_University_of_America)
- dbr:Thomas_William_Lyons
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Kansas_City-Saint_Joseph
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Wheeling-Charleston
- dbr:Alvaro_Corrada_del_Rio
- dbr:Silver_Spring,_Maryland
- dbr:Stone_Ridge_School_of_the_Sacred_Heart
- dbr:Leonard_Olivier
- dbr:Patron_saint
- dbr:Brookewood_School
- dbr:Cathedral_of_St._Matthew_the_Apostle_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Catholic_Church
- dbr:Catholic_Church_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Trinity_Washington_University
- dbr:Washington,_DC
- dbr:William_E._Lori
- dbr:William_Joseph_McDonald
- dbr:William_Wakefield_Baum
- dbr:Wilton_Daniel_Gregory
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_Ecclesiastical_Province_of_Washington
- dbr:Helen,_Maryland
- dbr:Suffragan_diocese
- dbr:Academy_of_the_Holy_Cross
- dbr:Eugene_Antonio_Marino
- dbr:Forest_Glen,_Maryland
- dbr:Francisco_González_Valer
- dbc:Catholic_Church_in_Maryland
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Washington
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Good_Counsel_High_School_(Montgomery_County,_Maryland)
- dbr:Papal_consistory
- dbr:Cardinal_(Catholic_Church)
- dbc:Catholic_Church_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Barry_Christopher_Knestout
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_dioceses_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Dicastery_for_the_Laity,_Family_and_Life
- dbc:Religious_organizations_based_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Mount_St._Sepulchre_Franciscan_Monastery
- dbr:James_Aloysius_Hickey
- dbr:The_Avalon_School
- dbr:The_Catholic_University_of_America
- dbr:The_Heights_School_(Maryland)
- dbr:Hush_money
- dbr:Archbishop_Carroll_High_School_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Baltimore
- dbc:Christian_organizations_established_in_1947
- dbr:Charles_County,_Maryland
- dbr:John_Francis_Donoghue
- dbr:John_Michael_McNamara
- dbr:Latin_Church
- dbr:Ecclesiastical_province
- dbr:Redemptoris_Mater_(seminary)
- dbr:District_of_Columbia
- dbr:Dominican_House_of_Studies
- dbr:Dominican_Order
- dbr:Don_Bosco_Cristo_Rey_High_School
- dbr:Donald_Wuerl
- dbr:Mario_E._Dorsonville
- dbr:Martin_Holley
- dbc:1947_establishments_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Apostolic_administrator
- dbr:Pope_Pius_XII
- dbr:Sons_of_the_Holy_Family
- dbr:St._Anselm's_Abbey_School
- dbr:St._John's_College_High_School
- dbr:St._John_Paul_II_Seminary
- dbr:St._Mary's_City,_Maryland
- dbr:St._Mary's_County,_Maryland
- dbr:St._Mary's_Ryken_High_School
- dbr:St._Vincent_Pallotti_High_School
- dbr:Finance
- dbr:Michael_J._Bransfield
- dbr:Michael_Joseph_Curley
- dbr:Michael_William_Fisher
- dbr:Opus_Dei
- dbr:Cathedra
- dbr:Raymond_James_Boland
- dbr:Loss_of_clerical_state
- dbr:Society_of_Jesus
- dbr:Cathedral_of_St._Matthew_the_Apostle
- dbr:Diocese_of_Mayaguez
- dbr:Divine_Word_Missionaries
- dbr:Immaculate_Conception
- dbr:In_persona_episcopi
- dbr:Roman_Rite
- dbr:United_States_Conference_of_Catholic_Bishops
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_archdioceses
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_dioceses_(alphabetical)
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_dioceses_(structured_view)
- dbr:Archdiocese
- dbr:List_of_the_Catholic_cathedrals_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_the_Catholic_dioceses_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Jesuit
- dbr:U.S._Virgin_Islands
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_the_Immaculate_Conception
- dbr:John_Carroll_(priest)
- dbr:Thomas_Cajetan_Kelly
- dbr:William_George_Curlin
- dbr:Mission_sui_juris
- dbr:William_D._Byrne
- dbr:Philip_Matthew_Hannan
- dbr:Mark_Edward_Brennan
- dbr:Saint_Mary's_County,_Maryland
- dbr:Kevin_Joseph_Farrell
- dbr:Prefecture_Apostolic
- dbr:Suffragan_see
- dbr:File:ADW_masthead-tall-official.png
- dbr:File:Archdiocese_of_Washington_Pastoral_Center.JPG
- dbr:File:Cathedral_of_St._Matthew_the_Apostle_cathedra.JPG
- dbr:File:Ecclesiastical_Province_of_Washington_map.png
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- ADW masthead-tall-official.png (en)
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- Metropolitan Archdiocese (en)
- Archidiœcesis Metropolitae Vashingtonensis (en)
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- District of Columbia plus counties of Montgomery, Prince George's, St. Mary's, Calvert, and Charles in Maryland (en)
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- 38.95305555555556 -76.98538888888889
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- Arcidiecéze washingtonská (latinsky Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) je římskokatolická arcidiecéze na území severoamerického města Washington, D.C. a části státu Maryland s katedrálou sv. Matěje apoštola ve Washingtonu. Jejím současným arcibiskupem je Wilton Daniel Gregory. (cs)
- Das in den USA gelegene Erzbistum Washington (lateinisch Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis, englisch Archdiocese of Washington) ist ein Erzbistum der römisch-katholischen Kirche mit Sitz in der Hauptstadt der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Washington, D.C. (de)
- La arquidiócesis de Washington (en latín, Archidioecesis Vashingtonen(sis) y en inglés, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington) es una circunscripción eclesiástica latina de la Iglesia católica en Estados Unidos, sede metropolitana de la provincia eclesiástica de Washington. La arquidiócesis tiene al arzobispo cardenal Wilton Daniel Gregory como su ordinario desde el 4 de abril de 2019. (es)
- L'archidiocèse de Washington (en latin : archidioecesis Vashingtonensis ; en anglais : archdiocese of Washington) est une Église particulière de l'Église catholique aux États-Unis. (fr)
- 가톨릭 워싱턴 대교구(라틴어: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis)는 미국 워싱턴 D.C.에 있는 로마 가톨릭교회 대교구이다. 컬럼비아 특별구와 메릴랜드주의 캘버트 카운티, 찰스 카운티, 몽고메리 카운티, 프린스 조지스 카운티, 세인트 메리스 카운티 등을 담당하고 있다. 워싱턴 대교구에는 미국 가톨릭 대학교라는 이름의 산하 국립 가톨릭 대학교와 미국의 수호성인인 성모 마리아를 모신 원죄 없이 잉태되신 성모 국립 대성당이 소재해 있다. 원죄 없이 잉태되신 성모 국립 대성당은 워싱턴 대교구의 주교좌 성당은 아니지만, 예수 부활 대축일과 주님 성탄 대축일마다 미국 가톨릭 방송국 에서 미사를 특별히 생중계하고 있다. (ko)
- L'arcidiocesi di Washington (in latino: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) è una sede metropolitana della Chiesa cattolica negli Stati Uniti d'America appartenente alla regione ecclesiastica IV (DC, DE, MD, VA, VI, WV). Nel 2020 contava 667.434 battezzati su 3.033.794 abitanti. È retta dall'arcivescovo cardinale Wilton Daniel Gregory. (it)
- Het aartsbisdom Washington (Latijn: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis; Engels: Archdiocese of Washington) is een metropolitaan aartsbisdom van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk in de Verenigde Staten. De zetel van het aartsbisdom is in de stad Washington D.C.. De aartsbisschop van Washington is metropoliet van de kerkprovincie Washington, waartoe ook het volgende suffragane bisdom behoort:
* Bisdom Saint Thomas (nl)
- Архиепархия Вашингтона (лат. Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis) — архиепархия Римско-Католической церкви с центром в городе Вашингтон, США. В митрополию Вашингтона входит епархия Сент-Томаса. Кафедральным собором архиепархии Вашингтона является в городе Вашингтон. (ru)
- 天主教華盛頓總教區(拉丁語:Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis;英語:Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington)是美國一個羅馬天主教教省總教區,也是該國三十二個總教區之一。總教區管轄範圍包括華盛頓哥倫比亞特區和馬里蘭州南部五個縣。 下轄一個教區,即位於美屬維京群島的聖多默教區。2004年有教友567,266人,2008年有140個堂區、799名司鐸。 1789年建巴爾的摩教區,華盛頓哥倫比亞特地區所在地區歸其管轄,1939年易名為巴爾的摩-華盛頓總教區。1947年11月15日升為總教區。1965年10月12日升為教省總教區。現任總主教是,輔理主教為、和,榮休總主教為陶南·維爾,榮休輔理主教為。 (zh)
- L'arquebisbat de Washington (anglès: Archdiocese of Washington; llatí: Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis), és una de l'. Pertany a la IV (DC, DE, MD, VA, VI, WV). El 2010 comptava amb 592.769 batjeats al voltant de 2.694.405 habitants. Actualment està regida per l'arquebisbe cardenal Wilton Daniel Gregory. (ca)
- Keuskupan Agung Washington adalah sebuah gereja partikular Gereja Katolik Roma di Amerika Serikat. Keuskupan Agung tersebut terdiri dari Distrik Columbia dan country Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's dan Saint Mary's di negara bagian Maryland. Keuskupan Agung Washington adalah tempat dari , satu-satunya universitas nasional yang diasuh oleh Konferensi Waligereja Amerika Serikat dan Georgetown University, lembaga perguruan tinggi Yesuit tertua di negara tersebut. (in)
- The Archdiocese of Washington is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or archdiocese of the Catholic Church in the United States. Its territorial remit encompasses the District of Columbia and the counties of Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's and Saint Mary's in the state of Maryland. It was originally part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The archdiocese crosses a state line. Three other U.S. Latin Church dioceses (Wilmington, Norwich and Gallup) also do this, but they each have territory in more than one state. (en)
- Archidiecezja waszyngtońska (łac. Archidioecesis Vashingtonensis, ang. Archdiocese of Washington) – rzymskokatolicka archidiecezja ze stolicą w Waszyngtonie, w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Obejmuje Waszyngton oraz hrabstwa Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George’s i Saint Mary’s w stanie Maryland. Wchodzi w skład metropolii Waszyngton. Oprócz niej w skład metropolii wchodzi diecezja Saint Thomas, która pokrywa się z terytorium Wysp Dziewiczych Stanów Zjednoczonych. (pl)
- A Arquidiocese de Washington (em latim: Archidiœcesis Vashingtonensis) é uma circunscrição eclesiástica da Igreja Católica situada em Washington D.C. Abrange todo o Distrito de Columbia e os condados de Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's e Saint Mary's no estado de Maryland. É fruto do desmembramento da arquidiocese de Baltimore-Washington em 15 de novembro de 1947. Seu atual Arcebispo é Wilton Daniel Gregory . Sua Sé é a Catedral do Apóstolo São Mateus. É o lar da Universidade Católica da América e também da Basílica do Santuário Nacional da Imaculada Conceição. (pt)
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington (en)
- Arquebisbat Catòlic de Washington (ca)
- Arcidiecéze washingtonská (cs)
- Erzbistum Washington (de)
- Arquidiócesis de Washington (es)
- Archidiocèse de Washington (fr)
- Keuskupan Agung Washington (in)
- Arcidiocesi di Washington (it)
- 가톨릭 워싱턴 대교구 (ko)
- Aartsbisdom Washington (nl)
- Archidiecezja waszyngtońska (pl)
- Arquidiocese de Washington (pt)
- Архиепархия Вашингтона (Римско-католическая церковь) (ru)
- 天主教華盛頓總教區 (zh)
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- POINT(-76.985389709473 38.953056335449)
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- Washington (en)
- Archidiœcesis Metropolitae Vashingtonensis (en)
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- dbr:Cardinal_electors_in_the_1978_papal_conclaves
- dbr:Cardinal_electors_in_the_2013_papal_conclave
- dbr:Cardinals_created_by_Francis
- dbr:Carlo_Maria_Viganò
- dbr:American_Cardinals_Dinner
- dbr:Rockville,_Maryland
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Atlanta
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Baltimore
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Chicago
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_New_York
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Seattle
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Charlotte
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Cleveland
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Pensacola–Tallahassee
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Saginaw
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Saint_Thomas
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Wilmington
- dbr:Roy_Edward_Campbell
- dbr:Santa_Maria_Madre_del_Redentore_a_Tor_Bella_Monaca
- dbr:Endorsements_in_the_1928_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries
- dbr:List_of_converts_to_Catholicism
- dbr:National_Catholic_Educational_Association
- dbr:The_Missionary_Position:_Mother_Teresa_in_Theory_and_Practice
- dbr:Barry_C._Knestout
- dbr:Basilica_and_National_Shrine_of_Our_Lady_of_Lebanon_(North_Jackson,_Ohio)
- dbr:Basilica_of_the_National_Shrine_of_the_Assumption_of_the_Blessed_Virgin_Mary
- dbr:Basilica_of_the_National_Shrine_of_the_Immaculate_Conception
- dbr:Benedict_the_Moor
- dbr:Bishop_McNamara_High_School
- dbr:David_Edward_Foley
- dbr:DeMatha_Catholic_High_School
- dbr:Death_and_state_funeral_of_Ronald_Reagan
- dbr:Holy_Comforter-St._Cyprian_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Holy_Rosary_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Holy_Trinity_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Home_for_the_Aged_Men_and_Women_(Washington,_DC)
- dbr:John_Selby_Spence_(bishop)
- dbr:Joseph_P._McFadden
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_University_of_America_people
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_bishops_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_Fordham_University_alumni
- dbr:List_of_current_cardinals
- dbr:Patrick_Joseph_McCormick
- dbr:Patrick_O'Boyle_(cardinal)
- dbr:Patriot_Act
- dbr:Paul_Gregory_Bootkoski
- dbr:Robert_F._Kennedy
- dbr:Curial_response_to_Catholic_sexual_abuse_cases
- dbr:University_of_Scranton
- dbr:Deaths_in_July_2015
- dbr:Deaths_in_November_2014
- dbr:Deaths_in_October_2004
- dbr:James_A._Martin
- dbr:List_of_parishes_in_the_Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Washington
- dbr:List_of_parochial_and_private_schools_in_the_Washington,_D.C._Metropolitan_Area
- dbr:List_of_participants_at_the_Fourteenth...eral_Assembly_of_the_Synod_of_Bishops
- dbr:List_of_people_associated_with_the_Pontifical_University_of_St._Thomas_Aquinas
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Michigan
- dbr:List_of_schools_in_the_Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Washington
- dbr:Connelly_School_of_the_Holy_Child
- dbr:Mary_Virginia_Merrick
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church_(Bowie,_Maryland)
- dbr:Saint_Anselm's_Abbey_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Saint_John_Paul_II_National_Shrine
- dbr:Saint_Mary,_Mother_of_God_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Saint_Stephen_Martyr_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:George_Augustus_Stallings_Jr.
- dbr:George_Floyd_protests_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_the_Wayside
- dbr:Raymond_O'Brien
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_Maryland
- dbr:Church_of_St._Joseph_(Bronxville,_New_York)
- dbr:Church_of_the_Assumption_of_the_Blessed_Virgin_Mary_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:2018_in_Ireland
- dbr:Edward_John_Herrmann
- dbr:Edward_Sorin
- dbr:Elizabeth_Seton_High_School
- dbr:Elliot_Griffin_Thomas
- dbr:Gate_of_Heaven_Cemetery_(Silver_Spring,_Maryland)
- dbr:Georgetown_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Georgetown_University
- dbr:Georgetown_Visitation_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Gerard_J._Campbell
- dbr:Gonzaga_College_High_School
- dbr:Mother_of_God_Community
- dbr:Mother_of_God_School
- dbr:Mount_Olivet_Cemetery_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Museum_of_the_Bible
- dbr:Nancy_Pelosi
- dbr:The_Looming_Tower_(miniseries)
- dbr:Theodore_McCarrick
- dbr:Theological_College_(Catholic_University_of_America)
- dbr:Thomas_C._Kelly
- dbr:Thomas_William_Lyons
- dbr:La_Reine_High_School
- dbr:Annunciation_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Anthony_Pilla
- dbr:Leo_J._O'Donovan
- dbr:Shrine_of_the_Sacred_Heart
- dbr:Statue_of_John_Carroll
- dbr:Álvaro_Corrada_del_Río
- dbr:Leonard_Olivier
- dbr:Avondale,_Maryland
- dbr:Brookewood_School
- dbr:Cathedral_of_St._Matthew_the_Apostle_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Catholic_Church_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Catholic_Church_sex_abuse_cases_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases
- dbr:Catholic_Standard
- dbr:Timothy_M._Dolan
- dbr:Timothy_S._Healy
- dbr:Tozeur
- dbr:WCSP-FM
- dbr:WMET
- dbr:WOOK_(AM)
- dbr:Washington_Heights,_Manhattan
- dbr:William_Draper_Byrne
- dbr:William_E._Lori
- dbr:William_G._Curlin
- dbr:William_Joseph_McDonald
- dbr:William_Wakefield_Baum
- dbr:Wilton_Daniel_Gregory
- dbr:Lamphua
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_archdioceses
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_cathedrals_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_churches_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_(alphabetical)
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_(structured_view)
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_North_America
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_newspapers_and_magazines_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Albert_Cassell
- dbr:Dahlgren_Chapel_of_the_Sacred_Heart
- dbr:Eugene_Antonio_Marino
- dbr:Fiat_500L
- dbr:Forestville,_Maryland
- dbr:Francis_Martin_(biblical_scholar)
- dbr:Francis_X._Talbot
- dbr:Franciscan_Monastery_of_the_Holy_Land_in_America
- dbr:Francisco_González_Valer
- dbr:North_Bethesda,_Maryland
- dbr:Our_Lady,_Queen_of_the_Americas_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Our_Lady_Star_of_the_Sea_Catholic_Church_(Solomons,_Maryland)
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Good_Counsel_High_School_(Maryland)
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Lourdes_Catholic_School_(Bethesda,_Maryland)
- dbr:Cardinal_electors_in_the_2005_papal_conclave
- dbr:Cardinals_created_by_Benedict_XVI
- dbr:DignityUSA
- dbr:Grand_jury_investigation_of_Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_in_Pennsylvania
- dbr:Grave_of_Robert_F._Kennedy
- dbr:Historical_list_of_the_Catholic_bishops_of_the_United_States
- dbr:John_Wojnowski
- dbr:List_of_Knights_of_Columbus
- dbr:List_of_Louisiana_Creoles
- dbr:Philip_H._Frohman
- dbr:2015_visit_by_Pope_Francis_to_North_America
- dbr:Herbert_Bevard
- dbr:His_Lordship's_Kindness
- dbr:Historical_list_of_the_Catholic_bishops_of_Puerto_Rico
- dbr:James_Aloysius_Hickey
- dbr:Taylor_Marshall
- dbr:The_Avalon_School
- dbr:The_Heights_School_(Maryland)
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_Maryland
- dbr:Archbishop_Carroll_High_School_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Academy_of_the_Holy_Names_(Silver_Spring,_Maryland)
- dbr:Charlotte_Amalie,_U.S._Virgin_Islands
- dbr:Jerome_Feudjio
- dbr:John_Carroll_Society
- dbr:John_Francis_Donoghue
- dbr:John_J._DeGioia
- dbr:John_J._Myers
- dbr:John_Michael_McNamara
- dbr:Kevin_Farrell
- dbr:La_Clinica_del_Pueblo
- dbr:Lawrence_Shehan
- dbr:Susan_B._Anthony_Pro-Life_America
- dbr:Ecclesiastical_province
- dbr:Ecclesiastical_region
- dbr:El_Pregonero
- dbr:Dominican_House_of_Studies
- dbr:Don_Bosco_Cristo_Rey_High_School
- dbr:Donald_Wuerl
- dbr:March_on_Washington_for_Jobs_and_Freedom
- dbr:Mario_E._Dorsonville
- dbr:Mark_E._Brennan
- dbr:Martin_David_Holley
- dbr:Bordj-Bou-Djadi
- dbr:C._John_McCloskey
- dbr:Phi_Kappa_Theta
- dbr:Philip_Hannan
- dbr:Piscataway,_Maryland
- dbr:Sons_of_the_Holy_Family
- dbr:St._Aloysius_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Ambrose_Church_(Cheverly,_Maryland)
- dbr:St._Anselm's_Abbey_School
- dbr:St._Augustine_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Dominic_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Francis_Xavier_Church_and_Newtown_Manor_House_Historic_District
- dbr:St._Ignatius_Church_(Oxon_Hill,_Maryland)
- dbr:St._John_Paul_II_Seminary
- dbr:St._John_the_Baptist_Catholic_Church_(Silver_Spring,_Maryland)
- dbr:St._Joseph's_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Patrick's_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Peter's_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Peter's_School,_Waldorf
- dbr:St._Philip_the_Apostle_Catholic_School
- dbr:St._Rose_of_Lima_Catholic_Church_(Gaithersburg,_Maryland)
- dbr:St._Vincent_Pallotti_High_School
- dbr:St_Anthony_of_Padua_Church,_Washington_D.C.
- dbr:Immaculata_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Inauguration_of_Joe_Biden
- dbr:Michael_Joseph_Curley
- dbr:Michael_William_Fisher
- dbr:Milan_C._Miskovsky
- dbr:Carroll_Publishing_Company
- dbr:Catholic_Democrats
- dbr:Raymond_James_Boland
- dbr:Redemptorists
- dbr:Chancellor_(education)
- dbr:Seán_Patrick_O'Malley
- dbr:Ye_Xiaowen
- dbr:Yoohanon_Chrysostom
- dbr:Lorenzo_Albacete
- dbr:Saint_Luke_Institute
- dbr:Peter_Vaghi
- dbr:Eucharist_denial_to_Catholic_politicians_over_abortion
- dbr:Diocese_of_Washington
- dbr:Imani_Temple_African-American_Catholic_Congregation
- dbr:In_persona_episcopi
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Leavenworth
- dbr:Patronal_Medal
- dbr:Prayers_at_United_States_presidential_inaugurations
- dbr:St._John_the_Evangelist_Catholic_Church_(Silver_Spring,_Maryland)
- dbr:Rusticiana
- dbr:St._Ann's_Center_for_Children,_Youth_and_Families
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_Washington
- dbr:Gilbert_Levine
- dbr:Washington_Catholic_Athletic_Conference
- dbr:Personal_ordinariate
- dbr:Sister_Susan_Rose_Francois
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Washington
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Washington_DC
- dbr:Washington,_D.C._Archdiocese
- dbr:Adw.org
- dbr:See_of_Washington
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archbishop_of_Washington
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Washington,_DC
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Bishop_of_Washington
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Washington
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- dbr:Holy_Comforter-St._Cyprian_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Holy_Rosary_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Holy_Trinity_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church_(Bowie,_Maryland)
- dbr:Saint_Mary,_Mother_of_God_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Saint_Stephen_Martyr_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Church_of_the_Assumption_of_the_Blessed_Virgin_Mary_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Elliot_Griffin_Thomas
- dbr:Theodore_McCarrick
- dbr:Annunciation_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Shrine_of_the_Sacred_Heart
- dbr:Cathedral_of_St._Matthew_the_Apostle_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Dahlgren_Chapel_of_the_Sacred_Heart
- dbr:Francis_Martin_(biblical_scholar)
- dbr:Francisco_González_Valer
- dbr:Our_Lady,_Queen_of_the_Americas_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Our_Lady_Star_of_the_Sea_Catholic_Church_(Solomons,_Maryland)
- dbr:Herbert_Bevard
- dbr:Donald_Wuerl
- dbr:Mario_E._Dorsonville
- dbr:St._Aloysius_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Ambrose_Church_(Cheverly,_Maryland)
- dbr:St._Augustine_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Dominic_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Joseph's_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Patrick's_Catholic_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Peter's_Church_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:St._Rose_of_Lima_Catholic_Church_(Gaithersburg,_Maryland)
- dbr:St_Anthony_of_Padua_Church,_Washington_D.C.
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