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- مقاطعة وستميث هي إحدى مقاطعات أيرلندا الستة والعشرين. (ar)
- El comtat de Westmeath és un comtat de la província de Leinster (República d'Irlanda). La ciutat més important és Athlone (15,936 habitants). El seu lema és Triath ós Triathaibh (Noble per damunt de la noblesa). (ca)
- Hrabství Westmeath (irsky Contae na hIarmhí, anglicky County Westmeath) je irské hrabství nacházející se ve středu země v bývalé provincii Leinster. Sousedí s hrabstvím Roscommon na západě, s hrabstvím Offaly na jihu, s hrabstvím Meath na východě a s hrabstvími Cavan a Longford na severu. Hlavním městem hrabství je Mullingar. Hrabství má rozlohu 1840 km² a žije v něm 85 961 obyvatel (2011). Na západě hrabství se nalézá jezero Lough Ree na řece Shannon, třetí největší jezero v Irsku. Na území hrabství se dále nacházejí menší jezera, jako například , , Lough Derravaragh či Lough Owel. Skrz hrabství také vede spojující řeku Shannon a Liffey. Mezi zajímavá místa patří města Mullingar či Athlone. Dvoupísmenná zkratka hrabství, používaná zejména na SPZ, je WH. (cs)
- Westmeath (irisch An Iarmhí) ist ein County in der Republik Irland. (de)
- La graflando Westmeath (irlande Contae na hIarmhí) estas unu el la graflandoj de la Respubliko Irlando, lokita meze de la insulo kaj je la okcidento de la provinco Leinster. Ĝi estas tradicie alikonata kiel la "Laga Graflando" (Lake County) aŭ kiel la "Granda Graflando" (Great County). Westmeath havas landlimojn kun la graflandoj Cavan, Longford, Meath, Offaly kaj Roscommon. (eo)
- County Westmeath (/wɛstˈmiːð/; Irish: Contae na hIarmhí or simply An Iarmhí) is a county in Ireland. It is in the province of Leinster and is part of the Eastern and Midland Region. It formed part of the historic Kingdom of Meath, which was named Mide because the kingdom was located in the geographical centre of Ireland (the word Mide meaning 'middle'). Westmeath County Council is the administrative body for the county, and the county town is Mullingar. At the 2022 census, the population of the county was 95,840. (en)
- Westmeath konderria (gaeleraz Contae na hIarmhí) Irlandako erdialdean dago kokatuta, Leinsterreko probintzian. 1.764 km2-ko azalera dauka eta 86.164 biztanle ditu (2011). Mullingar/An Muileann gCearr da hiriburua eta hiri nagusia. (eu)
- Le comté de Westmeath (en irlandais : Contae na hIar-mhí) est une circonscription administrative de la République d'Irlande située dans la province du Leinster dans les Irish midlands. Westmeath est bordé par les comtés de Cavan, Longford, Meath, Offaly et de Roscommon. Il fait 1 764 km2 pour 86 164 habitants. Westmeath est situé à l'emplacement de l'ancienne province de Meath et plus tard du comté de Meath. La partition s'est faite en 1543, date de la création du comté de Westmeath. La principale ville du comté Mullingar en est le centre administratif (population 20 103). La ville d'Athlone (population 20 153) qui est située sur le fleuve Shannon est l'autre ville importante du comté. Situé au cœur de l'Irlande, le comté de Westmeath possède des paysages variés. On trouve des collines : Knockeyon, Ferin Hill, Randoon, une campagne vierge et des tourbières sauvages. On y trouve aussi les lacs Lough Ennell, Lough Owel, , Lough Lene, et Lough Ree, ainsi que le Shannon, plus long d'Irlande. Parmi les vestiges historiques, on peut citer l’ancienne abbaye de Fore, l’ile de Turgesius le Viking, la Colline d'Uisneach qui marque le centre de l’Irlande des Celtes mais aussi la demeure de Belvedere. Le Musée distillerie de Locke à Kilbeggan est considéré comme l'une des plus anciennes distilleries de whiskey du monde. Tous ces sites sont ouverts aux visiteurs toute l’année. Les villes de Mullingar et d'Athlone, de Moate, de Kilbeggan, et de Castlepollard, sont les pôles commerciaux du comté. (fr)
- El condado de Westmeath (en irlandés: An Iarmhí) se encuentra en el interior de Irlanda, dentro de la provincia de Leinster. Área: 1.764 km². Población: 72.027 (2002). Athlone (población: 15.936) a orillas del río Shannon, es la frontera occidental de Westmeath y la mayor de sus ciudades, mientras que Mullingar (población: 15.621) es su centro administrativo. Otras poblaciones del condado de Westmeath:
* Castlepollard Collinstown
* Moate An Muileann gCearr
* Kilbeggan, Kinnegad,
* Tyrrellspass (es)
- Tá an Iarmhí nó Contae na hIarmhí (Béarla: County Westmeath) i lár na hÉireann, i gCúige Laighean. Ba chuid de Chontae na Mí í go dtí an bhliain 1543 nuair a bunaíodh í mar chontae ina haonar. (ga)
- County Westmeath (bahasa Irlandia: Contae na hIarmhí) ialah sebuah county di Republik Irlandia, terletak di Provinsi Leinster. County Westmeath memiliki luas 1.764 km² dan berpenduduk 79.403 (2006). Ibu kota county ini ada di Mullingar. (in)
- Il Westmeath (wɛstˈmiːð - Contae na hIarmhí o semplicemente An Iarmhí in gaelico irlandese) è una delle 32 contee dell'Irlanda tradizionali oltre che una delle 28 amministrative della Repubblica d'Irlanda. È situata nella provincia del Leinster e nella regione delle Midlands. Originariamente costituiva l'antico Regno di Meath (o Mide) (Midhe in gaelico). Il è l'autorità deputata all'amministrazione della contea. La popolazione, secondo le rilevazioni del censimento del 2011, è di 86.164 abitanti. La county town è Mullingar. (it)
- ウェストミーズ県(愛: Contae na hIarmhí、英: County Westmeath)は、アイルランド中部、レンスター地方の県。2016年の人口は88,053人。 (ja)
- 웨스트미스주(영어: County Westmeath [wɛstˈmiːð][*], 아일랜드어: Contae na hIarmhí 콘테 나 흘라르비)는 아일랜드의 주로 주도는 멀린가이며 면적은 1,840km2, 인구는 88,396명(2011년 기준)이다. (ko)
- County Westmeath (Iers: An Iarmhí) is een graafschap in Ierland in de provincie Leinster. De hoofdstad van het graafschap is Mullingar, alhoewel Athlone de grootste stad in het graafschap is. Het graafschap werd in 1543 afgescheiden van Meath. Het heeft een oppervlakte van 1838 km² en telt 86.164 inwoners (2002). Het landschap is glooiend, met enkele moerasgebieden en meren. Mullingar is met Dublin verbonden door het . Op Ierse nummerborden wordt het graafschap afgekort tot WH, en de sportkleuren zijn wit en donkerrood. (nl)
- Westmeath (irl. Contae na hIarmhí) – hrabstwo w środkowej Irlandii, w zachodniej części prowincji Leinster. Hrabstwo było częścią dawnego królestwa Meath, a potem hrabstwa Meath, ten stan zakończył się w roku 1543, kiedy zostało utworzone hrabstwo Westmeath. Największym miastem hrabstwa jest Athlone, leżące nad rzeką Shannon, podczas gdy Mullingar jest administracyjnym centrum hrabstwa. Hrabstwo jest znane ze swojego bydła, jezior (np. ), stopu cyny z ołowiem (Mullingar Pewter), scenerii, kanału i firmy farmaceutycznej Elán. (pl)
- Уэ́стмит (За́падный Мит; ирл. An Iarmhí; англ. Westmeath) — графство в центре Ирландии. Входит в состав провинции Ленстер на территории Республики Ирландии. Административный центр — Маллингар, крупнейший город — Атлон. Население 86 164 человек (17-е место среди графств Республики Ирландия; данные 2011 г.). (ru)
- O Condado de Westmeath (An Iarmhí em irlandês) é um condado da República da Irlanda, na província de Leinster, no centro-norte do país. As duas maiores cidades são Athlone, com 15 936 habitantes, e a capital Mullingar (15 621). Westmeath tem como vizinhos os condados de Cavan a norte, Meath a leste, Offaly a sul, Roscommon a oeste e Longford a noroeste. (pt)
- Західний Міт (англ. Westmeath, ірл. An Iarmhí) — графство в центральній Ірландії. (uk)
- Westmeath (iriska: An Iarmhí) är ett grevskap i provinsen Leinster på Irland. Administrativ huvudort är Mullingar, medan den största staden är Athlone som endast har några hundra invånare mer. Athlone ligger delvis i grevskapet Roscommon. Grevskapet var från början en del av Provinsen Meath som blev upptagen i Leinster. Westmeath var under en tid även en del av grevskapet Meath. (sv)
- 韋斯特米斯郡 (County Westmeath,愛爾蘭語:Contae na hIarmhí),或譯為西米斯郡 ,是愛爾蘭的一郡,歷史上屬倫斯特省。位於愛爾蘭島中部內陸。面積1,764 km²,2006年人口79,403人。首府馬林加。 (zh)
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- "Noble above nobility"
- Triath ós Triathaibh
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- dbr:Castledaly
- dbr:Castlepollard
- dbr:Rochfortbridge
- dbr:Rosemount,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Royal_Canal
- dbr:Brendan_Shine
- dbr:Delvin
- dbr:Horseleap
- dbr:Hurling
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:River_Shannon
- dbr:Robbie_Henshaw
- dbr:Victoria_Cross
- dbr:Domnall_Midi
- dbr:Dáil_constituencies
- dbr:Irish_Standard_Time
- dbr:Provinces_of_Ireland
- dbr:Collinstown
- dbr:Coole,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Counties_of_Ireland
- dbr:County_Cavan
- dbr:County_Longford
- dbr:County_Meath
- dbr:County_Offaly
- dbr:County_Roscommon
- dbr:County_town
- dbr:Crookedwood
- dbr:Meath_West_(Dáil_constituency)
- dbr:Ryanair
- dbr:Moyvoughly
- dbr:Christy_Ring_Cup
- dbr:Church_of_Saints_Peter_and_Paul,_Athlone
- dbr:Clonmellon
- dbr:Gaelic_Ireland
- dbr:Gaelic_football
- dbr:Galway
- dbr:Galway_railway_station
- dbr:George_Wade
- dbr:Glassan
- dbr:Grand_Canal_(Ireland)
- dbr:Great_Famine_(Ireland)
- dbr:Moate
- dbr:Mount_Temple,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Mullaghmeen
- dbr:Mullingar
- dbr:Mullingar_railway_station
- dbr:Multyfarnham
- dbc:Local_government_areas_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Thomas_Duffy_(VC)
- dbr:TP_O'Connor
- dbr:Leinster
- dbr:Leinster_Senior_Football_Championship
- dbr:Local_government_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Longford–Westmeath_(Dáil_constituency)
- dbr:Lough_Derravaragh
- dbr:Lough_Ennell
- dbr:Lough_Lene
- dbr:Lough_Owel
- dbr:Lough_Ree
- dbr:Lough_Sheelin
- dbr:M6_motorway_(Ireland)
- dbr:Bog_of_Allen
- dbr:Clonyn_Castle
- dbr:Peg_Plunkett
- dbr:Sovereign_state
- dbr:Maud_de_Lacy,_Baroness_Geneville
- dbr:Ballina_railway_station
- dbr:Ballinahown
- dbr:Ballinalack
- dbr:Ballykeeran
- dbr:Ballymore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballynacargy
- dbr:Cecil_Boyd-Rochfort
- dbr:Central_Statistics_Office_(Ireland)
- dbr:Trim,_County_Meath
- dbr:Tubberclare
- dbr:Turgesius_Island
- dbr:Tyrrellspass
- dbr:Walter_Raleigh
- dbr:Westmeath_County_Council
- dbr:Westmeath_GAA
- dbr:Wisconsin_State_Assembly
- dbr:Drumraney
- dbr:Dual_carriageway
- dbr:James_Lennon_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Local_Government_(Ireland)_Act_1898
- dbr:Local_electoral_area
- dbr:Rathconrath
- dbr:Transport_21
- dbr:Alkermes_(company)
- dbr:Drumcree,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Dublin
- dbr:Dublin–Westport/Galway_railway_line
- dbr:Eastern_and_Midland_Region
- dbr:FAI_Cup
- dbr:File:Canal_Mullingar_01.JPG
- dbr:Finnea
- dbr:First_Dáil
- dbr:Fore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Norman_invasion_of_Ireland
- dbr:Nuala_Holloway
- dbr:Parliament_of_Ireland
- dbr:Celtic_Thunder
- dbr:Famine_Memorial_Fountain_(Mullingar)
- dbr:Foster_and_Allen
- dbr:Gormflaith_ingen_Flann_Sinna
- dbr:Grassland
- dbr:Christ_the_King_Cathedral,_Mullingar
- dbr:List_of_Irish_counties_by_area
- dbr:List_of_Irish_counties_by_population
- dbr:Queen_regnant
- dbr:2015_National_Football_League_(Ireland)
- dbr:Henry_II_of_England
- dbr:Hill_of_Ben
- dbr:Hill_of_Uisneach
- dbc:County_Westmeath
- dbr:Tang,_County_Westmeath
- dbc:Counties_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Counties_of_Meath_and_Westmeath_Act_1543
- dbr:County_palatine
- dbr:The_Blizzards
- dbr:Arthur_Booth-Clibborn
- dbr:Athlone
- dbr:Athlone_Institute_of_Technology
- dbr:Athlone_railway_station
- dbr:Joe_Dolan
- dbr:John_Joe_Nevin
- dbr:John_McCormack_(tenor)
- dbr:Kilbeggan
- dbr:Killua_Castle
- dbr:Killucan_and_Rathwire
- dbr:Laurence_Ginnell
- dbc:Leinster
- dbr:High_King_of_Ireland
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Meath
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Westmeath
- dbr:Dublin-Sligo_railway_line
- dbr:Eircode
- dbr:Western_European_Time
- dbr:Westport_railway_station,_Mayo
- dbr:Miss_Ireland
- dbr:Moate_railway_station
- dbr:Hugh_de_Lacy,_Lord_of_Meath
- dbr:English_Pale
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Ireland
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Meath
- dbr:Kinnegad
- dbr:Knockeyon
- dbr:Michael_Joseph_Curley
- dbr:Michael_O'Leary_(businessman)
- dbr:Midland_Great_Western_Railway
- dbr:Midlands_Gateway
- dbr:Midlands–North-West_(European_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Milltownpass
- dbr:National_Development_Plan
- dbr:Nessa_Robins
- dbr:Niall_Horan
- dbr:One_Direction
- dbr:Raharney
- dbr:Ranaghan
- dbr:Rathowen
- dbr:Kingship_of_Tara
- dbr:Castletown-Geoghegan
- dbr:George_Arthur_Boyd-Rochfort
- dbr:Lord_Lieutenant_of_Westmeath
- dbr:Lordship_of_Meath
- dbr:Marl
- dbr:Túathal_Techtmar
- dbr:European_Parliament_constituencies_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Kings_of_Mide
- dbr:N4_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:N6_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:Streamstown
- dbr:Killucan
- dbr:Niall_mac_Aed_Ó_hUiginn
- dbr:Athlone_Town_F.C.
- dbr:Telephone_numbers_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Irish_Midlands
- dbr:Irish_Party
- dbr:Dublin_Connolly
- dbr:Dublin_Heuston
- dbr:Regions_of_Ireland
- dbr:File:Cavan_Coat_of_Arms.png
- dbr:File:Logo-contea-Roscommon.png
- dbr:File:Meath_coa.svg
- dbr:File:Offaly_crest.svg
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Washington
- dbr:Mide
- dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Ireland
- dbr:Motorway
- dbr:List_of_abbeys_and_priories_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Edward_Michael_Pakenham
- dbr:King_of_Ireland
- dbr:Máel_Sechnaill_II
- dbr:Geographic_centre_of_Ireland
- dbr:File:Chevaux_de_Westmeath.JPG
- dbr:File:Christ_le_Roi_Mullingar.JPG
- dbr:File:Athlone_IT.jpg
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- Island of Ireland location map Westmeath.svg (en)
- WestMeath Coat of Arms.png (en)
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- "Noble above nobility" (en)
- Triath ós Triathaibh (en)
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- Eircode routing keys (en)
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- مقاطعة وستميث هي إحدى مقاطعات أيرلندا الستة والعشرين. (ar)
- El comtat de Westmeath és un comtat de la província de Leinster (República d'Irlanda). La ciutat més important és Athlone (15,936 habitants). El seu lema és Triath ós Triathaibh (Noble per damunt de la noblesa). (ca)
- Westmeath (irisch An Iarmhí) ist ein County in der Republik Irland. (de)
- La graflando Westmeath (irlande Contae na hIarmhí) estas unu el la graflandoj de la Respubliko Irlando, lokita meze de la insulo kaj je la okcidento de la provinco Leinster. Ĝi estas tradicie alikonata kiel la "Laga Graflando" (Lake County) aŭ kiel la "Granda Graflando" (Great County). Westmeath havas landlimojn kun la graflandoj Cavan, Longford, Meath, Offaly kaj Roscommon. (eo)
- County Westmeath (/wɛstˈmiːð/; Irish: Contae na hIarmhí or simply An Iarmhí) is a county in Ireland. It is in the province of Leinster and is part of the Eastern and Midland Region. It formed part of the historic Kingdom of Meath, which was named Mide because the kingdom was located in the geographical centre of Ireland (the word Mide meaning 'middle'). Westmeath County Council is the administrative body for the county, and the county town is Mullingar. At the 2022 census, the population of the county was 95,840. (en)
- Westmeath konderria (gaeleraz Contae na hIarmhí) Irlandako erdialdean dago kokatuta, Leinsterreko probintzian. 1.764 km2-ko azalera dauka eta 86.164 biztanle ditu (2011). Mullingar/An Muileann gCearr da hiriburua eta hiri nagusia. (eu)
- El condado de Westmeath (en irlandés: An Iarmhí) se encuentra en el interior de Irlanda, dentro de la provincia de Leinster. Área: 1.764 km². Población: 72.027 (2002). Athlone (población: 15.936) a orillas del río Shannon, es la frontera occidental de Westmeath y la mayor de sus ciudades, mientras que Mullingar (población: 15.621) es su centro administrativo. Otras poblaciones del condado de Westmeath:
* Castlepollard Collinstown
* Moate An Muileann gCearr
* Kilbeggan, Kinnegad,
* Tyrrellspass (es)
- Tá an Iarmhí nó Contae na hIarmhí (Béarla: County Westmeath) i lár na hÉireann, i gCúige Laighean. Ba chuid de Chontae na Mí í go dtí an bhliain 1543 nuair a bunaíodh í mar chontae ina haonar. (ga)
- County Westmeath (bahasa Irlandia: Contae na hIarmhí) ialah sebuah county di Republik Irlandia, terletak di Provinsi Leinster. County Westmeath memiliki luas 1.764 km² dan berpenduduk 79.403 (2006). Ibu kota county ini ada di Mullingar. (in)
- Il Westmeath (wɛstˈmiːð - Contae na hIarmhí o semplicemente An Iarmhí in gaelico irlandese) è una delle 32 contee dell'Irlanda tradizionali oltre che una delle 28 amministrative della Repubblica d'Irlanda. È situata nella provincia del Leinster e nella regione delle Midlands. Originariamente costituiva l'antico Regno di Meath (o Mide) (Midhe in gaelico). Il è l'autorità deputata all'amministrazione della contea. La popolazione, secondo le rilevazioni del censimento del 2011, è di 86.164 abitanti. La county town è Mullingar. (it)
- ウェストミーズ県(愛: Contae na hIarmhí、英: County Westmeath)は、アイルランド中部、レンスター地方の県。2016年の人口は88,053人。 (ja)
- 웨스트미스주(영어: County Westmeath [wɛstˈmiːð][*], 아일랜드어: Contae na hIarmhí 콘테 나 흘라르비)는 아일랜드의 주로 주도는 멀린가이며 면적은 1,840km2, 인구는 88,396명(2011년 기준)이다. (ko)
- County Westmeath (Iers: An Iarmhí) is een graafschap in Ierland in de provincie Leinster. De hoofdstad van het graafschap is Mullingar, alhoewel Athlone de grootste stad in het graafschap is. Het graafschap werd in 1543 afgescheiden van Meath. Het heeft een oppervlakte van 1838 km² en telt 86.164 inwoners (2002). Het landschap is glooiend, met enkele moerasgebieden en meren. Mullingar is met Dublin verbonden door het . Op Ierse nummerborden wordt het graafschap afgekort tot WH, en de sportkleuren zijn wit en donkerrood. (nl)
- Westmeath (irl. Contae na hIarmhí) – hrabstwo w środkowej Irlandii, w zachodniej części prowincji Leinster. Hrabstwo było częścią dawnego królestwa Meath, a potem hrabstwa Meath, ten stan zakończył się w roku 1543, kiedy zostało utworzone hrabstwo Westmeath. Największym miastem hrabstwa jest Athlone, leżące nad rzeką Shannon, podczas gdy Mullingar jest administracyjnym centrum hrabstwa. Hrabstwo jest znane ze swojego bydła, jezior (np. ), stopu cyny z ołowiem (Mullingar Pewter), scenerii, kanału i firmy farmaceutycznej Elán. (pl)
- Уэ́стмит (За́падный Мит; ирл. An Iarmhí; англ. Westmeath) — графство в центре Ирландии. Входит в состав провинции Ленстер на территории Республики Ирландии. Административный центр — Маллингар, крупнейший город — Атлон. Население 86 164 человек (17-е место среди графств Республики Ирландия; данные 2011 г.). (ru)
- O Condado de Westmeath (An Iarmhí em irlandês) é um condado da República da Irlanda, na província de Leinster, no centro-norte do país. As duas maiores cidades são Athlone, com 15 936 habitantes, e a capital Mullingar (15 621). Westmeath tem como vizinhos os condados de Cavan a norte, Meath a leste, Offaly a sul, Roscommon a oeste e Longford a noroeste. (pt)
- Західний Міт (англ. Westmeath, ірл. An Iarmhí) — графство в центральній Ірландії. (uk)
- Westmeath (iriska: An Iarmhí) är ett grevskap i provinsen Leinster på Irland. Administrativ huvudort är Mullingar, medan den största staden är Athlone som endast har några hundra invånare mer. Athlone ligger delvis i grevskapet Roscommon. Grevskapet var från början en del av Provinsen Meath som blev upptagen i Leinster. Westmeath var under en tid även en del av grevskapet Meath. (sv)
- 韋斯特米斯郡 (County Westmeath,愛爾蘭語:Contae na hIarmhí),或譯為西米斯郡 ,是愛爾蘭的一郡,歷史上屬倫斯特省。位於愛爾蘭島中部內陸。面積1,764 km²,2006年人口79,403人。首府馬林加。 (zh)
- Hrabství Westmeath (irsky Contae na hIarmhí, anglicky County Westmeath) je irské hrabství nacházející se ve středu země v bývalé provincii Leinster. Sousedí s hrabstvím Roscommon na západě, s hrabstvím Offaly na jihu, s hrabstvím Meath na východě a s hrabstvími Cavan a Longford na severu. Mezi zajímavá místa patří města Mullingar či Athlone. Dvoupísmenná zkratka hrabství, používaná zejména na SPZ, je WH. (cs)
- Le comté de Westmeath (en irlandais : Contae na hIar-mhí) est une circonscription administrative de la République d'Irlande située dans la province du Leinster dans les Irish midlands. Westmeath est bordé par les comtés de Cavan, Longford, Meath, Offaly et de Roscommon. Il fait 1 764 km2 pour 86 164 habitants. Westmeath est situé à l'emplacement de l'ancienne province de Meath et plus tard du comté de Meath. La partition s'est faite en 1543, date de la création du comté de Westmeath. (fr)
- County Westmeath (en)
- مقاطعة وستميث (ar)
- Comtat de Westmeath (ca)
- Hrabství Westmeath (cs)
- County Westmeath (de)
- Graflando Westmeath (eo)
- Condado de Westmeath (es)
- Westmeath konderria (eu)
- Contae na hIarmhí (ga)
- Comté de Westmeath (fr)
- County Westmeath (in)
- Contea di Westmeath (it)
- 웨스트미스주 (ko)
- ウェストミーズ県 (ja)
- County Westmeath (nl)
- Westmeath (pl)
- Condado de Westmeath (pt)
- Уэстмит (ru)
- Westmeath (sv)
- Західний Міт (uk)
- 韋斯特米斯郡 (zh)
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is dbo:birthPlace
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is dbo:broadcastArea
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is dbo:city
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is dbo:country
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is dbo:county
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is dbo:deathPlace
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is dbo:headquarter
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is dbo:hometown
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is dbo:locatedInArea
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is dbo:region
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is dbo:restingPlace
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is dbo:routeJunction
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is dbo:subdivision
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- dbr:Cappagh,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Carrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Carrick,_Lackan
- dbr:Castledaly
- dbr:Castlelost_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Castlepollard
- dbr:Castletown_Geoghegan
- dbr:Castletownkindalen
- dbr:Rochfortbridge
- dbr:Rosemount,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Baylin
- dbr:Belville,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Blackmiles
- dbr:Brawny_(barony)
- dbr:Delvin
- dbr:Delvin_(barony)
- dbr:Delvin_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Derradd
- dbr:Hospitalbank
- dbr:Johnstown,_Templeoran
- dbr:Conry_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Cooksborough
- dbr:Coole,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Coosan
- dbr:Coralstown
- dbr:Corkaree
- dbr:Crookedwood
- dbr:Mayne,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Meedin
- dbr:Russagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Churchtown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Clanhugh_Demesne
- dbr:Clonarney_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Clonava
- dbr:Clondalever,_Kilpatrick
- dbr:Clonfad
- dbr:Clonkeen,_Street
- dbr:Clonkill
- dbr:Clonlonan
- dbr:Clonmellon
- dbr:Enniscoffey_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Froghanstown,_Multyfarnham
- dbr:Fulmort
- dbr:Galmoylestown_Lower
- dbr:Galmoylestown_Upper
- dbr:Garraree
- dbr:Garriskil
- dbr:Garrysallagh,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Glassan
- dbr:Glebe,_Leny
- dbr:Glebe,_Taghmon
- dbr:Glencara
- dbr:Grange,_Kilbixy
- dbr:Grange,_Lackan
- dbr:Grangegeeth,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Moate
- dbr:Monagead
- dbr:Monintown
- dbr:Monkstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Monroe,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Monroe_or_Johnstown_(Nugent)
- dbr:Mount_Temple,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Mountmurray
- dbr:Moyashel_and_Magheradernon
- dbr:Moycashel
- dbr:Moygoish
- dbr:Moylisker
- dbr:Mullingar_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Multyfarnham
- dbr:Multyfarnham_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Multyfarnham_(townland)
- dbr:Multyfarnham_or_Fearbranagh
- dbr:Ankers_Bower
- dbr:Leinster
- dbr:Leny,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Leny_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Lickbla
- dbr:Lilliput_(townland)
- dbr:Lismalady
- dbr:Loughanstown,_Portnashangan
- dbr:Loughnavalley
- dbr:Lugnagullagh
- dbr:Lynn_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Slane_Beg
- dbr:Slane_More
- dbr:Stonehall,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Stonehall_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Streamstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Street,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Street,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballard,_Portloman
- dbr:Ballinahown
- dbr:Ballinalack
- dbr:Ballindurrow
- dbr:Ballinea
- dbr:Ballinphort
- dbr:Ballinriddera
- dbr:Ballyboy,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballyedward,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballyharney
- dbr:Ballykeeran
- dbr:Ballyloughloe
- dbr:Ballymore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballymore_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballymorin_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballynacargy
- dbr:Ballynaclonagh
- dbr:Ballynafid
- dbr:Ballynagall,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballynakill,_Multyfarnham
- dbr:Ballyvade
- dbr:Balrath,_Portloman
- dbr:Balreagh
- dbr:Bunown_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Tober,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Toberaquill
- dbr:Tubberclare
- dbr:Tuitestown,_Kilpatrick
- dbr:Tullaghan,_Mullingar
- dbr:Turgesius_Island
- dbr:Tyfarnham
- dbr:Tyfarnham_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Tyrrellspass
- dbr:Walshestown_North
- dbr:Wattstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Abbeyland,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Culleen_More
- dbr:Culleenabohoge
- dbr:Culleendarragh
- dbr:Cullenhugh
- dbr:Dalystown
- dbr:Down,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Downs_(townland,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Drumcree,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Drumraney_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Durrow,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Dysart,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Dysart_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Farbill
- dbr:Farrancallin
- dbr:Farrow,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Fartullagh
- dbr:Faughalstown
- dbr:Finnea
- dbr:Fore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Fore_(barony,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Foxburrow,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Foyran
- dbr:Noughaval_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Parsonstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Pass_of_Kilbride_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Heathland,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Tang,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Templeoran
- dbr:Templeoran_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Templepatrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ardnurcher,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Athlone
- dbr:Joanstown
- dbr:Kilbeggan
- dbr:Kilbeggan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilbixy_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilbride,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilcleagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilcumny
- dbr:Kilcumny_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilcumreragh
- dbr:Kilkenny_West
- dbr:Kilkenny_West_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killare_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killintown
- dbr:Killua_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killucan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killucan_and_Rathwire
- dbr:Killulagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killynan_(Cooke)
- dbr:Kilmacnevan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilmaglish
- dbr:Kilmanaghan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_Fore
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_Leny
- dbr:Lackan
- dbr:Lackan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Lackanwood
- dbr:Larkinstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Taghmon_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Taghmon_(townland,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Donore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Martinstown,_Stonehall
- dbr:Piercefield,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Piercetown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Portloman
- dbr:Portloman_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Portnashangan
- dbr:Portnashangan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Soho,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:St._Feighin's
- dbr:St._Mary's,_Athlone_(civil_parish)
- dbr:St._Mary's,_Fore
- dbr:Kinnegad
- dbr:Knightswood,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Knockatee
- dbr:Knockbody
- dbr:Knockdrin,_Taghmon
- dbr:Knockmorris
- dbr:Milltownpass
- dbr:Newtown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Raharney
- dbr:Rahugh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ranaghan
- dbr:Rathaniska
- dbr:Rathaspick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathbennett
- dbr:Rathconnell_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathconrath_(barony)
- dbr:Rathconrath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathcorbally
- dbr:Rathganny
- dbr:Rathgarve
- dbr:Rathlevanagh
- dbr:Rathowen
- dbr:Scurlockstown,_Portloman
- dbr:Shandonagh
- dbr:Sheefin
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- dbr:Cahal_Daly
- dbr:Camillus_Glynn
- dbr:Cappagh,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Carey_Dillon,_5th_Earl_of_Roscommon
- dbr:Carrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Carrick,_Lackan
- dbr:Castledaly
- dbr:Castlelost_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Castlepollard
- dbr:Castletown_Geoghegan
- dbr:Castletownkindalen
- dbr:Amlaíb_Conung
- dbr:Amlaíb_Cuarán
- dbr:Beggstown
- dbr:Bellfield,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Prince_Ernst_Heinrich_of_Saxony
- dbr:Robert_Nugent,_1st_Earl_Nugent
- dbr:Robert_Troy
- dbr:Rochfort_Maguire
- dbr:Rochfortbridge
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Ardagh_and_Clonmacnoise
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Elphin
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Meath
- dbr:Rory_O'Connell
- dbr:Roscommon–Leitrim_(Dáil_constituency)
- dbr:Rose_of_Tralee_(festival)
- dbr:Rosemount,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Rostrevor
- dbr:Ruaidrí_Ua_Conchobair
- dbr:Scragh_Bog
- dbr:Brawny
- dbr:Electoral_(Amendment)_Act_2009
- dbr:Electoral_Act_1923
- dbr:Ennis_baronets
- dbr:Enniscoffey_(townland)
- dbr:Eoin_Farrell
- dbr:Eoin_Price
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_(1832–1868)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_(1885–1918)
- dbr:List_of_baronies_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_beaches_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_census_towns_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_cities_with_defensive_walls
- dbr:List_of_civil_parishes_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_company_towns
- dbr:List_of_family_seats_of_Irish_nobility
- dbr:Mick_Murray_(Irish_republican)
- dbr:Midland_Region,_Ireland
- dbr:Milltown_River
- dbr:Minella_Times
- dbr:Mornington_House
- dbr:Mullingar_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Multyfarnham_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Munlough_North
- dbr:Munlough_South
- dbr:Máel_Sechnaill_mac_Domnaill
- dbr:Máel_Sechnaill_mac_Máele_Ruanaid
- dbr:Mac_Cairthinn_mac_Coelboth
- dbr:Mac_Con_Midhe
- dbr:Members_of_the_1689_Irish_Parliament
- dbr:Moorerow_or_Tonlegee
- dbr:Sir_John_Piers,_6th_Baronet
- dbr:Pass_of_Kilbride
- dbr:Tadhg_Ó_Cobhthaigh
- dbr:Soghain
- dbr:1939_Coventry_bombing
- dbr:2007_Westmeath_Senior_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:2009_European_Parliament_election_in_Ireland
- dbr:2009_Great_Britain_and_Ireland_floods
- dbr:2011_Irish_census
- dbr:Barry_Kelly_(referee)
- dbr:Barry_Yelverton,_1st_Viscount_Avonmore
- dbr:Battle_of_Ardnocher
- dbr:Battle_of_Tecroghan
- dbr:Baylin
- dbr:Bealin_High_Cross
- dbr:Bell_Beaker_culture
- dbr:Belvedere_House_and_Gardens
- dbr:Belville,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Berrell_Jensen
- dbr:Blackmiles
- dbr:Brawny_(barony)
- dbr:Brendan_Murtagh
- dbr:Brendan_Smith_(politician)
- dbr:Brian_Boru
- dbr:Brian_Lenihan_Jnr
- dbr:De_Profundis_Stone
- dbr:Dean_Crowe_Theatre
- dbr:Delvin
- dbr:Delvin_(barony)
- dbr:Delvin_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Denis_Fahey
- dbr:Dermot_Farrell
- dbr:Derradd
- dbr:Alice_Dease
- dbr:Alice_Ginnell
- dbr:Alison_Spittle
- dbr:Alo_Kelly
- dbr:Andrew_Clarkin
- dbr:Andrew_Mitchell_(hurler)
- dbr:Anthony_Malone
- dbr:Aonghus_Ruadh_Ó_Dálaigh
- dbr:April_5_(Eastern_Orthodox_liturgics)
- dbr:Ardmore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ardnaglug
- dbr:Ardue
- dbr:Horseleap
- dbr:Hospitalbank
- dbr:Hugh_Geoghegan
- dbr:Hugh_Hamilton_(bishop)
- dbr:Hugh_Morgan_Tuite
- dbr:John_Patrick_Hayden
- dbr:John_Richard_Arthur_Conolly
- dbr:Johnstown,_Templeoran
- dbr:Joseph_Bourke,_3rd_Earl_of_Mayo
- dbr:Joseph_Higgins_(bishop)
- dbr:Joseph_Whelehan
- dbr:List_of_Irish_counties_by_highest_point
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1832_United...general_election_(Constituencies_A–B)
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1832_United...general_election_(Constituencies_U–Z)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_in_Ireland_and_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_bridges_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_castles_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_cities,_boroughs_and_towns_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_closed_railway_stations_in_Ireland
- dbr:Patrick_Lenihan
- dbr:Patrick_Shaw_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Daly_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Gogarty
- dbr:Paul_McGrath_(politician)
- dbr:Paul_Sharry
- dbr:Peter_Burke_(politician)
- dbr:Peter_Kelly_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:Richard_Daly
- dbr:Richard_Trench,_2nd_Earl_of_Clancarty
- dbr:River_Brosna
- dbr:River_Inny_(Leinster)
- dbr:River_Shannon
- dbr:Robert_Dillon,_2nd_Earl_of_Roscommon
- dbr:Robert_Dillon_(died_1579)
- dbr:Charles_Coffey
- dbr:Charles_Harvey-Kelly
- dbr:Charles_Henry_Meldon
- dbr:Curragh,_St._Mary's
- dbr:Curragh_(Mechum)
- dbr:Curry_(surname)
- dbr:Custos_Rotulorum_of_Westmeath
- dbr:Cálraighe
- dbr:Cú_Connacht_Ua_Dálaigh
- dbr:David_Glennon
- dbr:David_Kilcoyne_(hurler)
- dbr:De_Lacy
- dbr:Declan_Masterson
- dbr:Derek_McNicholas
- dbr:Dermot_Healy
- dbr:Derries,_Westmeath
- dbr:Derry,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Derryginny
- dbr:Desmond_Egan
- dbr:Destruction_of_Irish_country_houses_(1919–1923)
- dbr:Donnchad_Midi
- dbr:Donnchadh_Mór_Ó_Dálaigh
- dbr:Donnchadh_Ó_Cobhthaigh
- dbr:Down_Survey
- dbr:Duke_(surname)
- dbr:Earl_of_Longford
- dbr:Early_Scandinavian_Dublin
- dbr:East_Breifne
- dbr:Inchmore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Inchmore_(Tiernan)
- dbr:James_Walsh_(Irish_priest)
- dbr:John_Armstrong_(Irish_politician)
- dbr:John_Browne,_5th_Baron_Kilmaine
- dbr:John_Browne_(sheriff)
- dbr:John_Burke,_Baron_Leitrim
- dbr:List_of_bogs
- dbr:Niamh_Algar
- dbr:Levinge_baronets
- dbr:Lilliput_and_Blefuscu
- dbr:List_of_historic_houses_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_kings_of_Meath
- dbr:List_of_loughs_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_manor_houses
- dbr:List_of_market_houses_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_memorials_to_the_Great_Famine
- dbr:List_of_monastic_houses_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_participants_in_the_Nine_Years'_War
- dbr:List_of_rail_accidents_(1960–1969)
- dbr:List_of_rivers_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_saints_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_schools_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_settlements_on_the_island_of_Ireland_by_population
- dbr:R444_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:Nugent_Barker
- dbr:North_Westmeath_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Timothy_McAuliffe
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_Irish_War_of_Independence
- dbr:Westmeath_county_football_team
- dbr:Whitewell,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:1841_census_of_Ireland
- dbr:1911_census_of_Ireland
- dbr:1925_Seanad_election
- dbr:1586_in_Ireland
- dbr:1639_in_Ireland
- dbr:1650_in_Ireland
- dbr:1704_in_Ireland
- dbr:Collinstown
- dbr:Colm_Murray
- dbr:Coláiste_Mhuire,_Mullingar
- dbr:Conry_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Cooksborough
- dbr:Coole,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Coosan
- dbr:Coralstown
- dbr:Corkaree
- dbr:Cormac_Boyle
- dbr:Corp_Naomh
- dbr:Counties_of_Ireland
- dbr:County_Cavan
- dbr:County_Kildare
- dbr:County_Longford
- dbr:County_Meath
- dbr:County_Offaly
- dbr:County_Roscommon
- dbr:County_town
- dbr:Crookedwood
- dbr:Mary_McEvoy
- dbr:Mary_O'Rourke
- dbr:Mayne,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Meath_West_(Dáil_constituency)
- dbr:Meath–Westmeath_(Dáil_constituency)
- dbr:Meedin
- dbr:Russagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:SS_Tokomaru
- dbr:Saint_Stephen
- dbr:Chichester_Phillips
- dbr:Childers_Reforms
- dbr:Elliott_sisters
- dbr:Esker_Riada
- dbr:Gaulstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Gaybrook_Demesne
- dbr:Niall_O'Brien_(hurler)
- dbr:Norman_(name)
- dbr:Noughaval_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Oldtown,_Castlelost
- dbr:Organisation_of_National_Ex-Servicemen
- dbr:Midlands_Gold
- dbr:Nicholas_Tuite_MacCarthy
- dbr:Sydney,_Lady_Morgan
- dbr:The_Planets_Bend_Between_Us
- dbr:Moyvoughly
- dbr:Nutgrove
- dbr:South_Asian_people_in_Ireland
- dbr:Origins_of_Australian_rules_football
- dbr:R148_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R392_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R436_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:Society_Rock
- dbr:R.S.A.G.
- dbr:Wollow
- dbr:R156_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R161_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R195_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R389_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R391_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R393_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R394_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R395_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R396_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R400_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:R420_road_(Ireland)
- dbr:Rahanine
- dbr:Raharney_GAA
- dbr:Tyrrellspass_Castle
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland_(January–June_2021)
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_t...ublic_of_Ireland_(July–December_2020)
- dbr:Timothy_Shanley
- dbr:Ó_Cobhthaigh
- dbr:Ó_Cíonga
- dbr:William_Smyth_(Irish_bishop)
- dbr:Windmill,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:1832_in_Ireland
- dbr:1856_in_Ireland
- dbr:Church_of_Saints_Peter_and_Paul,_Athlone
- dbr:Churchtown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Cistercians
- dbr:Clanhugh_Demesne
- dbr:Clara,_County_Offaly
- dbr:Clonarney_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Clonava
- dbr:Clondalever,_Kilpatrick
- dbr:Clonfad
- dbr:Clonkeen,_Street
- dbr:Clonkill
- dbr:Clonlonan
- dbr:Clonmellon
- dbr:Edward_Bligh_(British_Army_officer)
is dbp:address
of | |
is dbp:area
of | |
is dbp:areasAffected
of | |
is dbp:birthPlace
of | |
is dbp:borough
of | |
is dbp:city
of | |
is dbp:countryAdminDivisions
of | |
is dbp:county
of | |
is dbp:deathPlace
of | |
is dbp:east
of | |
is dbp:localCouncil
of | |
is dbp:location
of | |
is dbp:locationTown
of | |
is dbp:north
of | |
is dbp:origin
of | |
is dbp:region
of | |
is dbp:source1Location
of | |
is dbp:south
of | |
is dbp:stadium
of | |
is dbp:subdivisionName
of |
- dbr:Cappagh,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Carrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Carrick,_Lackan
- dbr:Castledaly
- dbr:Castlelost_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Castlepollard
- dbr:Castletown_Geoghegan
- dbr:Castletownkindalen
- dbr:Rochfortbridge
- dbr:Rosemount,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Baylin
- dbr:Belville,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Blackmiles
- dbr:Brawny_(barony)
- dbr:Delvin
- dbr:Delvin_(barony)
- dbr:Delvin_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Derradd
- dbr:Hospitalbank
- dbr:Johnstown,_Templeoran
- dbr:River_Shannon
- dbr:Conry_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Cooksborough
- dbr:Coole,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Coosan
- dbr:Coralstown
- dbr:Corkaree
- dbr:Crookedwood
- dbr:Mayne,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Meedin
- dbr:Russagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Churchtown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Clanhugh_Demesne
- dbr:Clonarney_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Clonava
- dbr:Clondalever,_Kilpatrick
- dbr:Clonfad
- dbr:Clonkeen,_Street
- dbr:Clonkill
- dbr:Clonlonan
- dbr:Clonmellon
- dbr:Enniscoffey_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Froghanstown,_Multyfarnham
- dbr:Fulmort
- dbr:Galmoylestown_Lower
- dbr:Galmoylestown_Upper
- dbr:Garraree
- dbr:Garriskil
- dbr:Garrysallagh,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Glassan
- dbr:Glebe,_Leny
- dbr:Glebe,_Taghmon
- dbr:Glencara
- dbr:Grange,_Kilbixy
- dbr:Grange,_Lackan
- dbr:Grangegeeth,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Moate
- dbr:Monagead
- dbr:Monintown
- dbr:Monkstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Monroe,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Monroe_or_Johnstown_(Nugent)
- dbr:Mount_Temple,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Mountmurray
- dbr:Moyashel_and_Magheradernon
- dbr:Moycashel
- dbr:Moygoish
- dbr:Moylisker
- dbr:Mullingar_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Multyfarnham
- dbr:Multyfarnham_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Multyfarnham_(townland)
- dbr:Multyfarnham_or_Fearbranagh
- dbr:Ankers_Bower
- dbr:Leny,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Leny_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Lickbla
- dbr:Lilliput_(townland)
- dbr:Lismalady
- dbr:Loughanstown,_Portnashangan
- dbr:Loughnavalley
- dbr:Lugnagullagh
- dbr:Lynn_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Slane_Beg
- dbr:Slane_More
- dbr:Stonehall,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Stonehall_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Streamstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Street,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Street,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballard,_Portloman
- dbr:Ballinahown
- dbr:Ballinalack
- dbr:Ballindurrow
- dbr:Ballinea
- dbr:Ballinphort
- dbr:Ballinriddera
- dbr:Ballyboy,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballyedward,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballyharney
- dbr:Ballykeeran
- dbr:Ballyloughloe
- dbr:Ballymore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballymore_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballymorin_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ballynacargy
- dbr:Ballynaclonagh
- dbr:Ballynafid
- dbr:Ballynagall,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Ballynakill,_Multyfarnham
- dbr:Ballyvade
- dbr:Balrath,_Portloman
- dbr:Balreagh
- dbr:Bunown_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Tober,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Toberaquill
- dbr:Tubberclare
- dbr:Tuitestown,_Kilpatrick
- dbr:Tullaghan,_Mullingar
- dbr:Turgesius_Island
- dbr:Tyfarnham
- dbr:Tyfarnham_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Tyrrellspass
- dbr:Walshestown_North
- dbr:Wattstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Abbeyland,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Culleen_More
- dbr:Culleenabohoge
- dbr:Culleendarragh
- dbr:Cullenhugh
- dbr:Dalystown
- dbr:Down,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Downs_(townland,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Drumcree,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Drumraney_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Durrow,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Dysart,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Dysart_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Farbill
- dbr:Farrancallin
- dbr:Farrow,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Fartullagh
- dbr:Faughalstown
- dbr:Finnea
- dbr:Fore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Fore_(barony,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Foxburrow,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Foyran
- dbr:Parsonstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Pass_of_Kilbride_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Heathland,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Tang,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Templeoran
- dbr:Templeoran_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Templepatrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ardnurcher,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Athlone
- dbr:Joanstown
- dbr:Kilbeggan
- dbr:Kilbeggan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilbixy_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilbride,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilcleagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilcumny
- dbr:Kilcumny_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilkenny_West
- dbr:Kilkenny_West_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killare_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killintown
- dbr:Killua_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killucan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killucan_and_Rathwire
- dbr:Killulagh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Killynan_(Cooke)
- dbr:Kilmacnevan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilmaglish
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_Fore
- dbr:Kilpatrick,_Leny
- dbr:Lackan
- dbr:Lackan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Lackanwood
- dbr:Larkinstown,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Taghmon_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Taghmon_(townland,_County_Westmeath)
- dbr:Donore,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Martinstown,_Stonehall
- dbr:Piercefield,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Piercetown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Portloman
- dbr:Portloman_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Portnashangan
- dbr:Portnashangan_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Soho,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:St._Feighin's
- dbr:St._Mary's,_Athlone_(civil_parish)
- dbr:St._Mary's,_Fore
- dbr:Kinnegad
- dbr:Knightswood,_County_Westmeath
- dbr:Knockatee
- dbr:Knockbody
- dbr:Knockdrin,_Taghmon
- dbr:Knockmorris
- dbr:Milltownpass
- dbr:Newtown,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Raharney
- dbr:Rahugh_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Ranaghan
- dbr:Rathaniska
- dbr:Rathaspick,_County_Westmeath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathbennett
- dbr:Rathconnell_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathconrath_(barony)
- dbr:Rathconrath_(civil_parish)
- dbr:Rathcorbally
- dbr:Rathganny
- dbr:Rathgarve
- dbr:Rathlevanagh
- dbr:Rathowen
- dbr:Scurlockstown,_Portloman
- dbr:Shandonagh
- dbr:Sheefin
is dbp:west
of | |
is rdfs:seeAlso
of | |
is foaf:primaryTopic
of | |