- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury KG (28 April 1801 – 1 October 1885), styled Lord Ashley from 1811 to 1851, was a British Tory politician, philanthropist, and social reformer. He was the eldest son of The 6th Earl of Shaftesbury and his wife, Lady Anne Spencer, daughter of The 4th Duke of Marlborough, and older brother of Henry Ashley, MP. As a social reformer who was called the "Poor Man's Earl", he campaigned for better working conditions, reform to lunacy laws, education and the limitation of child labour. He was also an early supporter of the Zionist movement and the YMCA and a leading figure in the evangelical movement in the Church of England. (en)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7. Earl of Shaftesbury (* 28. April 1801 in London; † 1. Oktober 1885 in Folkestone, Kent), war ein bekannter britischer Politiker und Philanthrop der viktorianischen Zeit. Er war der älteste Sohn des , und der Lady Anne Spencer, Tochter des George Spencer, 4. Duke of Marlborough. Als Heir apparent seines Vaters führte er von 1811 bis 1851 den Höflichkeitstitel Lord Ashley. Er wurde an der Harrow School in London und dem Christ Church College der University of Oxford ausgebildet. 1826 wurde er erstmals für die Tories ins House of Commons gewählt. Er war von 1826 Abgeordneter für den Wahlkreis Woodstock, 1830 bis 1831 für Dorchester, 1832 bis 1846 für Dorset und 1847 bis 1851 für Bath. Beim Tod seines Vaters erbte er 1851 dessen Adelstitel als 7. Earl of Shaftesbury. Er erhielt dadurch einen Sitz im House of Lords, weswegen er aus dem House of Commons ausschied. Von 1834 bis 1835 hatte er das Amt eines Lord of the Admiralty inne. 1856 bis 1885 hatte er das Amt des Lord Lieutenant von Dorset inne. 1862 wurde er als Knight Companion in den Hosenbandorden aufgenommen. Im Parlament wurde er ab 1832 zum Führer der Bewegung für Fabrikreformen. Er zeichnete zu wesentlichen Teilen verantwortlich für die Factory Acts von 1847 und 1853 sowie für den von 1842 wie auch für den von 1845. Eines seiner Hauptinteressen war das Kindeswohl; er wurde Vorsitzender der und vehementer Unterstützer von Florence Nightingale, ferner unterstützte er Thomas John Barnardo bei dessen karitativer Arbeit. Er gilt als die treibende Kraft des englischen Evangelikalismus in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. „Vor allem anderen bin ich ein Evangelikaler und gehöre zu dieser Bewegung. Ich habe ständig mit ihnen zusammengearbeitet, und es befriedigt mich sehr, dass die meisten philanthropischen Bewegungen des Jahrhunderts von ihnen ausgegangen sind.“ – Lord Shaftesbury, 1884 Die Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain auf dem Londoner Piccadilly Circus wurde 1893 zum Gedenken seiner menschenfreundlichen Taten errichtet. Das Denkmal ist gekrönt von Aluminiumfigur eines nackten geflügelten Bogenschützen. Dieser wird offiziell der Engel der christlichen Nächstenliebe genannt, ist aber populär geworden als Eros. Die Darstellung einer nackten Figur auf einem öffentlichen Denkmal war zu jener Zeit umstritten; inzwischen ist die Statue jedoch zu einer Londoner Ikone geworden und hat ihren Platz auf der Titelzeile des Evening Standard. Am 10. Juni 1830 heiratete er Lady Emily Caroline Catherine Frances Cowper († 1872), die Tochter von . Sie hatten fünf Kinder:
* Lady Victoria Ashley († 1927), ⚭ ;
* Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 8. Earl of Shaftesbury (1831–1886);
* Rt. Hon. Evelyn Ashley (1836–1907), ⚭ Sybella Charlotte Farquhar;
* Hon. Anthony Lionel George Ashley-Cooper (1838–1914) ⚭ Frances Elizabeth Hanbury;
* Hon. Anthony Cecil Ashley-Cooper (1849–1932). (de)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7a Grafo de Shaftesbury, OĜ (28a de Aprilo 1801 – 1a de Oktobro 1885), nomumita Lord Ashley el 1811 al 1851 kaj poste Lord Shaftesbury post la morto de sia patro, estis angla politikisto, filantropo kaj socia reformisto. Li estis filo de Cropley Ashley-Cooper, 6a Grafo de Shaftesbury kaj pli aĝa frato de Anthony Henry Ashley-Cooper. En marto de 1833 Ashley enkodukis la leĝon de infana laboro ktp., en la fabrikoj kie neniu persono sub dekok jaroj rajtus labori pli ol dek horojn tage aŭ pli ol ok horojn sabate; kaj nur pli aĝaj ol 25 jaroj rajtus labori nokte. Tamen la registaro Whig, per majoritato de 145, modifis tiun decidon por "13" anstataŭ "18" kaj oni aprobis leĝon por ke neniu infano mal pli ol dektri jaroj laboru pli ol naŭ horojn, insistis ke ili devas iri al la lerneoj kaj eĉ oni nomumis la inspektistojn kiuj plenumu la leĝon. (eo)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (28 avril 1801, Londres – 1er octobre 1885), 7e comte de Shaftesbury, est un homme politique et l'un des philanthropes britanniques les plus connus de l'ère victorienne. (fr)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, séptimo conde de Shaftesbury (28 de abril de 1801 - 1 de octubre de 1885), Lord Ashley desde 1811 hasta 1851, fue un político y filántropo inglés . (es)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury KG (28 April 1801 – 1 Oktober 1885), yang disebut Lord Ashley dari 1811 sampai 1851 dan kemudian Lord Shaftesbury setelah dan istrinya Lady Anne Spencer, putri dari , dan kakak dari . (in)
- 第7代シャフツベリ伯爵アントニー・アシュリー=クーパー(英: Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury、1801年4月28日 - 1885年10月1日)は、イギリスの政治家、社会改良運動家。 の長男としてロンドンので生まれる。1811年に子がいなかった伯父の死去によって父クロプレイが第6代シャフツベリ伯爵となったため、伯爵位の法定推定相続人として「アシュリー卿」の儀礼称号を帯びた。ハーロー校、オックスフォード大学クライスト・チャーチで学ぶ。 1826年から1830年までオックスフォードシャー州選挙区選出の、1830年から1831年までドーセット州ドーチェスター選挙区選出の、1831年から1846年までドーセット州選挙区選出の、1847年から1851年までサマセット州バース選挙区選出の庶民院議員。議会ではトーリー党に属した。1851年7月にシャフツベリ伯爵位を継ぎ、貴族院へ移る。 人道主義の立場から、労働階級の状態の改善に努め、1833年の工場法や1847年の10時間労働法の成立に貢献し、貧民学校の成立や福音活動に尽力した。 (ja)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7. hrabia Shaftesbury (ur. 28 kwietnia 1801, zm. 1 października 1885) – angielski polityk, filantrop, reformator społeczny. (pl)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, VII conte di Shaftesbury (Londra, 28 aprile 1801 – Folkestone, 1º ottobre 1885) è stato un politico e filantropo inglese. (it)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (28 april 1801 - 1 oktober 1885) was een Britse politicus. Hij was sinds de dood van zijn grootvader in 1811 Lord Ashley en sinds de dood van zijn vader in 1851 de 7e graaf van Shaftesbury. Hij was een tijdlang eigenaar van Shaftesbury Abbey. Hij studeerde aan de prestigieuze Universiteit van Oxford. Voor de Tories zat Ashley-Cooper jarenlang in het Britse parlement, het Lagerhuis. In het Lagerhuis ontpopte hij zich als iemand die de onrechtvaardigheden van de industriële revolutie aan de kaak stelde. Hij werd binnen het Parlement leider van de beweging voor verbetering van de arbeidsomstandigheden in fabrieken. Een van zijn grootste successen was dat hij de "Ten Hours Act" door het Parlement wist te krijgen (1847). Daarvoor was hij voorvechter geweest van de "Mines Act" (1842) die werkgevers verbood vrouwen en kinderen onder de grond te laten werken en van de "Lunacy Act" (1845) die de situatie van psychiatrische patiënten in klinieken verbeterde.Ook buiten het Parlement hielp lord Shaftesbury de armen en toonde hij zich een waar filantroop. Hij was als voorzitter van de "Ragged Schools Union" voorvechter van gratis onderwijs voor de armen. En hij hielp Florence Nightingale het vak van verpleegster geprofessionaliseerd te krijgen. Behalve een politicus met een sociale agenda en een filantroop, was lord Shaftesbury een van de eerste zionisten, maar wel een die uit evangelisch-christelijke motieven handelde. Hij probeerde zijn landgenoten ervan bewust te maken dat de joden een thuisland verdienden in Palestina. Hij overtuigde vooral Britse conservatieven de "World Zionist Movement" te ondersteunen zodat het Verenigd Koninkrijk uiteindelijk het initiatief zou nemen tot de oprichting van een joodse staat. Shaftesbury was voorzitter van de "London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews" en had behalve een missionair ook een economisch argument: als Palestina een Britse kolonie met joden als inwoners was, kon het gebied dienen als wingewest en katoen, zijde, kruiden en olijfolie leveren. Ter herinnering aan zijn filantropisch werk is in 1893 op Piccadilly Circus het opgericht. (nl)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7:e earl av Shaftesbury, född 28 april 1801 i London, död 1 oktober 1885, var en engelsk filantrop och politiker, konservativ och socialpolitiskt inriktad, son till och lady Anne Spencer. Han var en av den viktorianska erans mest kända politiker. (sv)
- Энтони Эшли-Купер, 7-й граф Шефтсбери (англ. Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury) (28 апреля 1801, Лондон — 1 октября 1885, Фолкстон) — британский политический деятель и филантроп, лидер евангелического течения в Церкви Англии. (ru)
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- 50705 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Canterbury_Association
- dbr:Quarterly_Review
- dbr:Robert_Peel
- dbc:Politics_of_Bath,_Somerset
- dbr:Bethnal_Green
- dbc:People_associated_with_the_Royal_National_College_for_the_Blind
- dbr:Anteros
- dbc:Commissioners_in_Lunacy
- dbc:Earls_of_Shaftesbury
- dbc:Lord-Lieutenants_of_Dorset
- dbc:Members_of_the_Canterbury_Association
- dbr:Patricia_Knatchbull,_2nd_Countess_Mountbatten_of_Burma
- dbr:Patrick_Chichester,_8th_Marquess_of_Donegall
- dbr:Robert_Jenkinson,_2nd_Earl_of_Liverpool
- dbr:Dermot_Chichester,_7th_Marquess_of_Donegall
- dbr:Earl_Cowper
- dbr:Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:John_Arthur_Roebuck
- dbr:October_1
- dbr:James_Haughton_Langston
- dbr:Cricklade_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Crimean_War
- dbr:Cropley_Ashley-Cooper,_6th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Mayfair,_London
- dbr:Opium
- dbr:Ragged_school
- dbr:Christ_Church,_Oxford
- dbr:Christian_Zionism
- dbr:Church_of_England
- dbr:Alexander_Lindsay,_25th_Earl_of_Crawford
- dbc:British_Christian_Zionists
- dbc:British_reformers
- dbc:History_of_mental_health_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Edward_Bickersteth_(priest)
- dbr:Edwina_Mountbatten,_Countess_Mountbatten_of_Burma
- dbr:George_Bankes
- dbr:George_Canning
- dbr:George_Hamilton-Gordon,_4th_Earl_of_Aberdeen
- dbr:George_Spencer,_4th_Duke_of_Marlborough
- dbr:George_Spencer-Churchill,_5th_Duke_of_Marlborough
- dbr:George_Spencer-Churchill,_6th_Duke_of_Marlborough
- dbr:George_Williams_(YMCA)
- dbr:Georgina_Battiscombe
- dbr:Muhammad_Ali_of_Egypt
- dbr:The_Right_Honourable
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_10th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_11th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_8th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_9th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Bath_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Lord_Palmerston
- dbr:Calendar_of_saints_(Church_of_England)
- dbr:Chimney_Sweepers_Act_1875
- dbr:Chimney_Sweepers_Regulation_Act_1864
- dbr:Chimney_Sweepers_and_Chimneys_Regulation_Act_1840
- dbr:Chimney_sweeps'_carcinoma
- dbr:Sir_James_Graham,_2nd_Baronet
- dbr:Sir_John_Gladstone,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Commissioners_in_Lunacy
- dbr:Chimney_sweeps
- dbr:Harry_Chichester,_2nd_Baron_Templemore
- dbr:Henry_Ashley_(Dorchester_MP)
- dbr:William_Ponsonby,_1st_Baron_de_Mauley
- dbr:Greater_Syria
- dbr:Squatting_position
- dbr:Maynooth_College_Act_1845
- dbc:1801_births
- dbc:1885_deaths
- dbc:Alumni_of_Christ_Church,_Oxford
- dbc:English_philanthropists
- dbc:Knights_of_the_Garter
- dbc:People_educated_at_Harrow_School
- dbc:YMCA_leaders
- dbr:Adam_Haldane-Duncan,_2nd_Earl_of_Camperdown
- dbc:Ashley-Cooper_family
- dbc:UK_MPs_1847–1852
- dbc:UK_MPs_who_inherited_peerages
- dbr:Catholic_Church
- dbr:Westminster_Abbey
- dbr:Wilfrid_Ashley,_1st_Baron_Mount_Temple
- dbr:William_John_Bankes
- dbr:William_Lamb,_2nd_Viscount_Melbourne
- dbr:Wimborne_St_Giles
- dbr:John_Calcraft_(the_younger)
- dbr:John_Collier_(painter)
- dbr:John_Floyer_(Dorset_MP)
- dbr:John_Fox-Strangways
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Relief_Act_1829
- dbr:Mines_and_Collieries_Act_1842
- dbr:Albert,_Prince_Consort
- dbr:Alfred_Gilbert
- dbr:Evangelical_Alliance
- dbr:Evangelical_Anglicanism
- dbr:Evelyn_Ashley
- dbr:Evening_Standard
- dbr:Factory_Acts
- dbr:Folkestone
- dbr:British_and_Foreign_Bible_Society
- dbr:Oxford_Movement
- dbr:Palestine_(region)
- dbr:Edward_Digby,_2nd_Earl_Digby
- dbr:Edward_Portman,_1st_Viscount_Portman
- dbr:Farquhar_baronets
- dbr:Lord_Charles_Spencer-Churchill_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:Quaker
- dbr:Harrow_School
- dbr:Henry_Fox-Strangways,_5th_Earl_of_Ilchester
- dbr:Henry_John_Temple,_3rd_Viscount_Palmerston
- dbr:Henry_Ker_Seymer
- dbr:Henry_Somerset,_6th_Duke_of_Beaufort
- dbr:Henry_Temple,_3rd_Viscount_Palmerston
- dbr:James_Finn
- dbr:Samuel_Wilberforce
- dbr:Arthur_Wellesley,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington
- dbr:A_land_without_a_people_for_a_people_without_a_land
- dbc:Members_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom_for_English_constituencies
- dbc:Tory_MPs_(pre-1834)
- dbc:UK_MPs_1826–1830
- dbc:UK_MPs_1830–1831
- dbc:UK_MPs_1831–1832
- dbc:UK_MPs_1832–1835
- dbc:UK_MPs_1835–1837
- dbc:UK_MPs_1837–1841
- dbc:UK_MPs_1841–1847
- dbc:Anglican_saints
- dbc:British_social_reformers
- dbc:Lords_of_the_Admiralty
- dbc:Presidents_of_the_Royal_Statistical_Society
- dbr:Charles_Dickens
- dbr:Charles_Spurgeon
- dbr:Chiswick
- dbc:Evangelical_Anglicans
- dbr:John_Bright
- dbr:John_Fielden
- dbr:Kent
- dbr:Lady_Pamela_Hicks
- dbr:Bleak_House
- dbr:Coal_mining
- dbr:George_Treweeke_Scobell
- dbr:Henry_Sturt
- dbr:William_Dodd_(writer)
- dbr:Robert_Wilberforce
- dbr:Zionist
- dbr:Dorchester_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Dorset_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Piccadilly_Circus
- dbr:Grosvenor_Square
- dbr:Emily_Lamb,_Countess_Cowper
- dbr:Factory_Act_1847
- dbr:Nicholas_Ashley-Cooper,_12th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Shaftesbury_Memorial_Fountain
- dbr:Christian_Zionism_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Woodstock_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:YMCA
- dbr:Lord_Lieutenant_of_Dorset
- dbr:Member_of_Parliament_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Robert_Williams_(1767–1847)
- dbr:London_Society_for_Promoting_Christianity_Amongst_the_Jews
- dbr:Lunacy_Act_1845
- dbr:Royal_Commission_on_Opium
- dbr:Tory_(British_political_party)
- dbr:Society_for_the_Suppression_of_the_Opium_Trade
- dbr:Madhouses_Act_1828
- dbr:Social_reform
- dbr:Pocket_borough
- dbr:Alexander_Keith,_D.D.
- dbr:Eros_(god)
- dbr:Commemoration_(observance)
- dbr:Burial_at_Westminster_Abbey
- dbr:William_Willoughby_Cole,_3rd_Earl_of_Enniskillen
- dbr:London_Society_for_Promoting_Christianity_Among_the_Jews
- dbr:File:Anthony-Ashley-Cooper-bust.jpg
- dbr:County_Lunatic_Asylums_(England)_Act_1828
- dbr:File:7th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury.png
- dbr:File:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_7th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury_by_George_Frederic_Watts.jpg
- dbr:File:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper_(H_Hering_NPG_Ax39880).jpg
- dbr:File:Memorandum_to_Protestant_Monarchs...to_Palestine,_Colonial_Times_1841.jpg
- dbr:File:Statue_of_Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_Westminster_Abbey_02.jpg
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- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury by John Collier (en)
- Inflammation of the lungs (en)
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- The Earl of Shaftesbury (en)
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- The parish church on his estate at Wimborne St Giles, Dorset (en)
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- 1826 (xsd:integer)
- 1830 (xsd:integer)
- 1831 (xsd:integer)
- 1847 (xsd:integer)
- 1851 (xsd:integer)
- 1856 (xsd:integer)
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- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury KG (28 April 1801 – 1 October 1885), styled Lord Ashley from 1811 to 1851, was a British Tory politician, philanthropist, and social reformer. He was the eldest son of The 6th Earl of Shaftesbury and his wife, Lady Anne Spencer, daughter of The 4th Duke of Marlborough, and older brother of Henry Ashley, MP. As a social reformer who was called the "Poor Man's Earl", he campaigned for better working conditions, reform to lunacy laws, education and the limitation of child labour. He was also an early supporter of the Zionist movement and the YMCA and a leading figure in the evangelical movement in the Church of England. (en)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (28 avril 1801, Londres – 1er octobre 1885), 7e comte de Shaftesbury, est un homme politique et l'un des philanthropes britanniques les plus connus de l'ère victorienne. (fr)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, séptimo conde de Shaftesbury (28 de abril de 1801 - 1 de octubre de 1885), Lord Ashley desde 1811 hasta 1851, fue un político y filántropo inglés . (es)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury KG (28 April 1801 – 1 Oktober 1885), yang disebut Lord Ashley dari 1811 sampai 1851 dan kemudian Lord Shaftesbury setelah dan istrinya Lady Anne Spencer, putri dari , dan kakak dari . (in)
- 第7代シャフツベリ伯爵アントニー・アシュリー=クーパー(英: Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury、1801年4月28日 - 1885年10月1日)は、イギリスの政治家、社会改良運動家。 の長男としてロンドンので生まれる。1811年に子がいなかった伯父の死去によって父クロプレイが第6代シャフツベリ伯爵となったため、伯爵位の法定推定相続人として「アシュリー卿」の儀礼称号を帯びた。ハーロー校、オックスフォード大学クライスト・チャーチで学ぶ。 1826年から1830年までオックスフォードシャー州選挙区選出の、1830年から1831年までドーセット州ドーチェスター選挙区選出の、1831年から1846年までドーセット州選挙区選出の、1847年から1851年までサマセット州バース選挙区選出の庶民院議員。議会ではトーリー党に属した。1851年7月にシャフツベリ伯爵位を継ぎ、貴族院へ移る。 人道主義の立場から、労働階級の状態の改善に努め、1833年の工場法や1847年の10時間労働法の成立に貢献し、貧民学校の成立や福音活動に尽力した。 (ja)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7. hrabia Shaftesbury (ur. 28 kwietnia 1801, zm. 1 października 1885) – angielski polityk, filantrop, reformator społeczny. (pl)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, VII conte di Shaftesbury (Londra, 28 aprile 1801 – Folkestone, 1º ottobre 1885) è stato un politico e filantropo inglese. (it)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7:e earl av Shaftesbury, född 28 april 1801 i London, död 1 oktober 1885, var en engelsk filantrop och politiker, konservativ och socialpolitiskt inriktad, son till och lady Anne Spencer. Han var en av den viktorianska erans mest kända politiker. (sv)
- Энтони Эшли-Купер, 7-й граф Шефтсбери (англ. Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury) (28 апреля 1801, Лондон — 1 октября 1885, Фолкстон) — британский политический деятель и филантроп, лидер евангелического течения в Церкви Англии. (ru)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7. Earl of Shaftesbury (* 28. April 1801 in London; † 1. Oktober 1885 in Folkestone, Kent), war ein bekannter britischer Politiker und Philanthrop der viktorianischen Zeit. Er war der älteste Sohn des , und der Lady Anne Spencer, Tochter des George Spencer, 4. Duke of Marlborough. Als Heir apparent seines Vaters führte er von 1811 bis 1851 den Höflichkeitstitel Lord Ashley. Er wurde an der Harrow School in London und dem Christ Church College der University of Oxford ausgebildet. – Lord Shaftesbury, 1884 (de)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7a Grafo de Shaftesbury, OĜ (28a de Aprilo 1801 – 1a de Oktobro 1885), nomumita Lord Ashley el 1811 al 1851 kaj poste Lord Shaftesbury post la morto de sia patro, estis angla politikisto, filantropo kaj socia reformisto. Li estis filo de Cropley Ashley-Cooper, 6a Grafo de Shaftesbury kaj pli aĝa frato de Anthony Henry Ashley-Cooper. (eo)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (28 april 1801 - 1 oktober 1885) was een Britse politicus. Hij was sinds de dood van zijn grootvader in 1811 Lord Ashley en sinds de dood van zijn vader in 1851 de 7e graaf van Shaftesbury. Hij was een tijdlang eigenaar van Shaftesbury Abbey. Hij studeerde aan de prestigieuze Universiteit van Oxford. Ter herinnering aan zijn filantropisch werk is in 1893 op Piccadilly Circus het opgericht. (nl)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7. Earl of Shaftesbury (de)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (eo)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (en)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (VII conde de Shaftesbury) (es)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (in)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, VII conte di Shaftesbury (it)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (7e comte de Shaftesbury) (fr)
- アントニー・アシュリー=クーパー (第7代シャフツベリ伯爵) (ja)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper (1801-1885) (nl)
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper (7. hrabia Shaftesbury) (pl)
- Эшли-Купер, Энтони, 7-й граф Шефтсбери (ru)
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7:e earl av Shaftesbury (sv)
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- freebase:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- yago-res:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- http://viaf.org/viaf/22944637
- http://d-nb.info/gnd/119138840
- dbpedia-commons:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- wikidata:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p071718311
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/انتونى_اشلى_كوبر_ايرل_شافتسبرى_السابع
- dbpedia-cy:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-de:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-eo:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-es:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-fr:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-he:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-id:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-it:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-ja:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-nl:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-pl:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-ru:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- dbpedia-sv:Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/34rjj
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- The Earl of Shaftesbury (en)
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- dbr:Benedetto_Musolino
- dbr:Queen_Victoria_Memorial,_Lancaster
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_by-elections_(1818–1832)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_by-elections_(1832–1847)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_by-elections_(1847–1857)
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Oxford_people_in_British_public_life
- dbr:List_of_Vanity_Fair_(British_magazine)_caricatures_(1868–1869)
- dbr:List_of_biographers
- dbr:List_of_cultural_icons_of_England
- dbr:List_of_eponymous_roads_in_London
- dbr:Metropolitan_Association_for_Improving_the_Dwellings_of_the_Industrious_Classes
- dbr:Paternalistic_conservatism
- dbr:Belfast_Castle
- dbr:Bishop_of_Hereford's_Bluecoat_School
- dbr:Anteros
- dbr:Anti-Catholicism_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Apollo_University_Lodge
- dbr:Holloway_Sanatorium
- dbr:Hugh_M'Neile
- dbr:Joseph_Butterworth_Owen
- dbr:Joseph_Edgar_Boehm
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1832_United...general_election_(Constituencies_D–E)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_MPs:_A
- dbr:List_of_knights_and_ladies_of_the_Garter
- dbr:List_of_ministerial_by-elections_to_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_Soho
- dbr:List_of_public_art_on_the_Victoria_Embankment
- dbr:Peabody_Trust
- dbr:Richard_Coeur_de_Lion_(statue)
- dbr:Richard_Oastler
- dbr:David_Strauss
- dbr:Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:John_Arthur_Roebuck
- dbr:List_of_philanthropists
- dbr:List_of_presidents_of_the_Royal_Statistical_Society
- dbr:Premierships_of_Benjamin_Disraeli
- dbr:Timeline_of_Zionism
- dbr:Wedding_of_Albert_Edward,_Prince_of_Wales,_and_Princess_Alexandra_of_Denmark
- dbr:1885
- dbr:1885_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:1801_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Coombe_Boys'_School
- dbr:Cropley_Ashley-Cooper,_6th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Child_labour
- dbr:Children's_rights_movement
- dbr:Orphanage
- dbr:National_Association_for_the_Promotion_of_Social_Science
- dbr:Ragged_school
- dbr:William_Tanner_Young
- dbr:1862_Birthday_Honours
- dbr:Christ_Church,_Jerusalem
- dbr:Christian_Zionism
- dbr:Church_of_St_Giles,_Wimborne_St_Giles
- dbr:Civilisation_(TV_series)
- dbr:Classiebawn_Castle
- dbr:Edward_Bickersteth_(priest)
- dbr:Edward_Littleton,_1st_Baron_Hatherton
- dbr:Edwina_Mountbatten,_Countess_Mountbatten_of_Burma
- dbr:Elizabeth_Barrett_Browning
- dbr:Elizabeth_Fry
- dbr:Emily_Temple,_Viscountess_Palmerston
- dbr:Freedom_of_the_City_of_London
- dbr:George_Bankes
- dbr:George_Eliot
- dbr:George_Hamilton-Gordon,_4th_Earl_of_Aberdeen
- dbr:George_Spencer-Churchill,_6th_Duke_of_Marlborough
- dbr:Georgina_Battiscombe
- dbr:Grace_Irwin
- dbr:Montagu_Corry,_1st_Baron_Rowton
- dbr:Mountbatten_family
- dbr:Thomas_Southwood_Smith
- dbr:Labourer's_Friend_Society
- dbr:Labouring_Classes_Lodging_Houses_Act_1851
- dbr:Anglican_Diocese_of_Jerusalem
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_10th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper,_8th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Bath_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Benjamin_Scott
- dbr:London_Necropolis_Company
- dbr:Louis_Mountbatten,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma
- dbr:Calendar_of_saints_(Church_of_England)
- dbr:Cambrian_Quarterly_Magazine_and_Celtic_Repertory
- dbr:Chimney_sweep
- dbr:Sir_John_Gladstone,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:Statue_of_Robert_Raikes,_London
- dbr:Commissioners_in_Lunacy
- dbr:Common_Lodging_Houses_Act_1851
- dbr:Embrace_the_Middle_East
- dbr:Emily_Ashley-Cooper,_Countess_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Feargus_O'Connor
- dbr:Female_Medical_Society
- dbr:Harry_Chichester,_2nd_Baron_Templemore
- dbr:Henry_Ashley_(Dorchester_MP)
- dbr:Henry_Bagshawe
- dbr:Lunatic_asylum
- dbr:Shaftesbury_Homes_and_Arethusa
- dbr:Palestine_Exploration_Fund
- dbr:Pit_pony
- dbr:William_Ponsonby,_1st_Baron_de_Mauley
- dbr:Balfour_Declaration
- dbr:Barbara_Hammond
- dbr:A._W._Ashley
- dbr:Broadlands
- dbr:Bunhill_Fields
- dbr:Adam_Haldane-Duncan,_2nd_Earl_of_Camperdown
- dbr:Toole's_Theatre
- dbr:Wilfrid_Ashley,_1st_Baron_Mount_Temple
- dbr:William_Booth
- dbr:William_Cowper-Temple,_1st_Baron_Mount_Temple
- dbr:William_John_Bankes
- dbr:Wimbledon_Championships
- dbr:Countess_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:John_Calcraft_(the_younger)
- dbr:John_Floyer_(Dorset_MP)
- dbr:John_Fox-Strangways
- dbr:Lancashire_and_Cheshire_Miners'_Federation
- dbr:Mines_Regulation_Act_1860
- dbr:Mines_and_Collieries_Act_1842
- dbr:Alexander_Haldane
- dbr:Alexander_Mackonochie
- dbr:Alfred_Gilbert
- dbr:Alleged_Lunatics'_Friend_Society
- dbr:Evelyn_Ashley
- dbr:Factory_Acts
- dbr:Family_Action
- dbr:Angelo_Colarossi
- dbr:Noel_Park
- dbr:Charlotte_Sharman
- dbr:Church_Pastoral_Aid_Society
- dbr:Edward_Digby,_2nd_Earl_Digby
- dbr:Edward_Portman,_1st_Viscount_Portman
- dbr:Edward_Seymour_(physician)
- dbr:History_of_childhood
- dbr:History_of_education_in_England
- dbr:History_of_labour_law
- dbr:History_of_psychiatry
- dbr:History_of_the_prime_minister_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:John_Pollock_(author)
- dbr:John_Wood_(Bradford_manufacturer)
- dbr:London_City_Mission
- dbr:List_of_Freemasons_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1826_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1830_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_MPs_elected_in_the_1847_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:List_of_Old_Harrovians
- dbr:List_of_Royal_National_College_for_the_Blind_people
- dbr:Louisa_Daniell
- dbr:Royal_National_College_for_the_Blind
- dbr:Maria_Rye
- dbr:Greenhouse_(Leeds)
- dbr:Harrow_School
- dbr:Henry_Cotterill
- dbr:Henry_Fox-Strangways,_5th_Earl_of_Ilchester
- dbr:Henry_John_Temple,_3rd_Viscount_Palmerston
- dbr:Henry_Ker_Seymer
- dbr:Involuntary_commitment
- dbr:Israel_Zangwill
- dbr:Israel_lobby_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Jacob_Owen
- dbr:Jane_Grigson
- dbr:Jennie_M._Bingham
- dbr:Mary_Anne_Rawson
- dbr:Mary_Cholmondeley,_Lady_Delamere
- dbr:Artizans,_Labourers_&_General_Dwellings_Company
- dbr:A_land_without_a_people_for_a_people_without_a_land
- dbr:Charles_Baring
- dbr:John_Fielden
- dbr:Labour_law
- dbr:Lady_Pamela_Hicks
- dbr:Lancaster_House
- dbr:Edwin_Chadwick
- dbr:George_Stringer_Bull
- dbr:George_Treweeke_Scobell
- dbr:Henry_Sturt
- dbr:Henry_Wentworth_Monk
- dbr:Highgate_Literary_and_Scientific_Institution
- dbr:William_Dodd_(writer)
- dbr:Red_Tory
- dbr:Saints_in_Anglicanism
- dbr:Dorchester_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Dorset_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Artemisia_(ship)
- dbr:Ashley-Cooper
- dbr:Cabmen's_Shelter_Fund
- dbr:Civil_Lord_of_the_Admiralty
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley-Cooper
- dbr:Michael_Thomas_Sadler
- dbr:National_Society_for_the_Prevention_of_Cruelty_to_Children
- dbr:Open_Brethren
- dbr:Carlo_Pellegrini_(caricaturist)
- dbr:Reform_League
- dbr:Shaftesbury
- dbr:Shaftesbury_Settlement,_Alberta
- dbr:Christian_Zionism_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Woodstock_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:YMCA
- dbr:Lord_Charles_Spencer-Churchill
- dbr:Lord_Lieutenant_of_Dorset
- dbr:Model_dwellings_company
- dbr:Robert_Williams_(1767–1847)
- dbr:Seeley,_Service
- dbr:Shaftesbury_Park_Estate
- dbr:Victorian_era
- dbr:Victorian_morality
- dbr:Factories_Act_1847
- dbr:List_of_statisticians
- dbr:Livability_(charity)
- dbr:Lunacy_Act_1845
- dbr:Robert_Bald
- dbr:Royal_Commission_of_Inquiry_into_Children's_Employment
- dbr:Royal_Commission_on_Opium
- dbr:Natan_Friedland
- dbr:Pit_brow_women
- dbr:Street_children
- dbr:Philanthropy
- dbr:Society_for_the_Suppression_of_the_Opium_Trade
- dbr:Young_England
- dbr:Speaker's_Lectures
- dbr:Victoria_Institute
- dbr:7th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
- dbr:Stratford_Martyrs_Memorial
- dbr:Thomas_Ackroyd
- dbr:Anthony_Ashley_Cooper,_7th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
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