An Entity of Type: agent, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Wallenberg family is a prominent Swedish family, Europe's most powerful business dynasty. Wallenbergs are noted as bankers, industrialists, politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats and military. The Wallenberg sphere's holdings employ about 600,000 people and have sales of $154 billion a year. The Wallenberg empire consists of 16 Wallenberg Foundations, Foundation Asset Management AB (FAM), Investor AB, Patricia Industries and Wallenberg Investments AB.

Property Value
  • Die Familie Wallenberg ist eine wohlhabende und einflussreiche Familiendynastie in Schweden. Seit der Gründung der «Stockholms Enskilda Bank» im Jahr 1856 durch André Oscar Wallenberg, aus der die noch heute existierende Großbank Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) hervorging, ist die Familie im Bankwesen und auch in einer Reihe anderer Wirtschaftssektoren tätig. (de)
  • La familia Wallenberg es una de las familias más ricas e influyentes de Suecia, renombrados como banqueros e industriales. * Jacob Wallenberg (1746-1778), marinero, y autor burlesco, especialmente dirigido a mujeres. Autor de "Min Son på Galejan". El apellido original de Jacob era Wallberg, pero lo cambió a Wallenberg. * Marcus Wallenberg (1774-1833), sobrino de Jacob Wallenberg, obispo en Linköping. * Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg, oficial naval, político y magnate periodístico. Visitó Estados Unidos en 1837, interesándose por la banca. Fundador del en 1856, el predecesor del Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, el cual constituye la base del poder económico de la familia. * Knut Agathon Wallenberg (1853-1938), hijo de Oscar Wallenberg, banquero y político, fundador de la (Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, 1909), del Banque des pays du Nord (1911), y del British bank of Northern commerce (1912), los cuales se fusionaron en 1921 con el . A través de las inversiones de Knut Wallenberg en , la propiedad de las minas de mineral de hierro del norte de Suecia quedó en manos suecas. Knut Wallenberg fue también Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Suecia 1914-1917. * Gustaf Wallenberg (1863-1937), hijo de Oscar Wallenberg, diplomático destacado en Tokio, Constantinopla, y Sofía. * Marcus Wallenberg (padre) (1864-1943), hijo de Oscar Wallenberg, industrial y banquero. Marcus Wallenberg invirtió en empresas suecas de significativa importancia como: ASEA, Ericsson, , , SAS, SAAB, y . De 1916 en adelante, Marcus Wallenberg también tomó parte en acuerdos diplomáticos y de arbitraje internacionales bilaterales y multilaterales y de árbitro, el más importante de los cuales consistió en el crucial acuerdo comercial 1916-1918 entre el Reino Unido y Suecia. * Axel Wallenberg (1874-1963), hijo de Oscar Wallenberg, industrial y diplomático, destacado en Washington 1921-1926. * Raoul Oscar Wallenberg (1888-1911), hijo de Gustaf Wallenberg, oficial naval. Murió de cáncer tres meses antes del nacimiento de su hijo Raoul. * Jacob Wallenberg (padre) (1892-1980), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg (padre), oficial naval, banquero, industrial, y diplomático. Después de la toma del poder en Alemania por parte de los nazis, Jacob Wallenberg participó en las negociaciones comerciales demandadas por el nuevo régimen alemán. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, interpretó un papel central en las casi perpetuas negociaciones comerciales con la Alemania nazi. Controlaba el imperio Wallenberg junto con su hermano Marcus. * Marcus Wallenberg (hijo) (1899-1982), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg (padre), industrial, banquero y diplomático, el cual tuvo un papel crucial en las negociaciones comerciales anglosuecas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Controló el imperio Wallenberg junto con su hermano Jacob hast su muerte. * Gustaf Wally (1905-1966), hijo de Axel Wallenberg, bailarín, actor y director teatral. * Raoul Wallenberg (1912-1947?), hijo de Raoul Oscar Wallenberg e hijastro de , diplomático, renombrado por su labor salvando un gran número, probablemente decenas de miles, de judíos durante el Holocausto nazi en Hungría. Capturado por los soviéticos en Budapest, en enero de 1945, tras la entrada de las tropas del Ejército Rojo en la ciudad, murió al parecer en una cárcel soviética en 1947, aunque existieron rumores de que se encontraba vivo en el gulag soviético hasta los años setenta. Por su labor, el estado de Israel le confirió la dignidad de Justo entre las Naciones. * Marc Wallenberg (1924-1971), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg, banquero e industrial. * Peter Wallenberg (padre) (1926-2015), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg (hijo), banquero e industrial. * Jacob Wallenberg (1956- ), hijo de Peter Wallenberg, presidente del consejo de Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken desde 1997 y presidente del consejo de Investor AB. * Marcus Wallenberg (1956- ), hijo de Marc Wallenberg, CEO de Investor AB, y del que se espera que suceda a Jacob Wallenberg como presidente del consejo del Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. * Peter Wallenberg (hijo) (1959- ), hijo de Peter Wallenberg (padre). * Nane Maria Annan, sobrino-nieta de Raoul Wallenberg y esposa del exsecretario general de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas Kofi Annan. * Datos: Q1064438 * Multimedia: Wallenberg family / Q1064438 (es)
  • La famille Wallenberg est la famille la plus riche et la plus influente de Suède, renommée pour compter plusieurs banquiers et industriels. Par ses conglomérats, cette dynastie est présente dans la plupart des grands groupes industriels suédois dont: Electrolux, Ericsson, Scania et SKF, ABB, SAS Group, AIK, Atlas Copco.Dans les années 1990, elle contrôlait indirectement le tiers du PNB suédois. Par le biais de Investor AB, les Wallenberg répartissent la plupart de leurs investissements. En 1994, elle a également créé la holding EQT Partners, spécialisée en capital-investissement afin de gérer au mieux ses actifs. À l'origine, la famille était spécialisée dans la banque : elle possédait la Stockholms Enskilda Bank, fondée en 1856. Par son sens des affaires, Marcus Wallenberg (né en 1899), aidé ensuite de ses deux fils, a conduit avec succès une diversification de ses investissements. La Stockolms Enskilda Bank a été accusée de collaborer avec le régime nazi pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le gouvernement des États-Unis a gelé ses avoirs au lendemain du conflit. Par la suite, en 1972, la banque a fusionné avec un autre établissement bancaire, aboutissant au groupe Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB). En 2015, la fortune des Wallenberg était estimée à 250 milliards d' euros par le Financial Times. La famille Wallenberg détient environ un tiers de la capitalisation boursière totale de la bourse de Stockholm. (fr)
  • The Wallenberg family is a prominent Swedish family, Europe's most powerful business dynasty. Wallenbergs are noted as bankers, industrialists, politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats and military. The Wallenberg sphere's holdings employ about 600,000 people and have sales of $154 billion a year. The Wallenberg empire consists of 16 Wallenberg Foundations, Foundation Asset Management AB (FAM), Investor AB, Patricia Industries and Wallenberg Investments AB. In the 1970s, the Wallenberg family businesses employed 40% of Sweden's industrial workforce and represented 40% of the total worth of the Stockholm stock market. By 2011, their conglomerate holding company, Investor AB, had an approximate ownership of 120 companies. By 2022, the Wallenberg sphere had an approximate ownership of 330 companies. In 2015, the family still owned a third of Sweden’s entire stock exchange. The Wallenbergs control many Swedish multinationals and other European industrial groups, such as world leading telecommunication multinational Ericsson; Scandinavian and Baltic bank giant Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; one of the world's largest paper and pulp multinationals Stora Enso, (which is world's oldest limited liability company); world's largest stock exchange company Nasdaq, Inc.; global leader in smart technologies and complete lifecycle solutions for marine and energy markets Wärtsilä; world's second-largest appliance maker Electrolux; one of the world's largest power, automation and robotics multinationals ABB; one of Europe's largest aerospace and arms manufacturers SAAB; Scandinavian airliner SAS Group; world's largest ball-bearing company SKF; manufacturer of compressors, vacuum and air treatment systems, construction equipment, power tools and assembly systems Atlas Copco; Europe's fourth largest pharmaceutical multinational AstraZeneca; outdoor power products, consumer watering products, cutting equipment and diamond tools manufacturer Husqvarna; Sobi; mining and infrastructure business company Epiroc; investment conglomerate Investor AB; the Grand Group hotel; world's largest supplier of powdered metal Höganäs AB; Europe's second-largest equity firm with portfolio companies in Europe, Asia and the USA EQT Partners, etc. Former holdings include, among others, fifth-largest truck manufacturer in the world Scania AB, Saab Automobile. Wallenbergs, through the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, allocate annually SEK 2 billion to science and research, which makes the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation one of the largest private research foundations in Europe, and has, until 2020, awarded SEK 31.2 billion in grants. Raoul Wallenberg, a diplomat, worked in Budapest, Hungary, during World War II to rescue Jews from the Holocaust. Between July and December 1944, he issued protective passports and housed Jews, saving tens of thousands. (en)
  • 발렌베리 가문(스웨덴어: Wallenberg, 영어: Wallenberg family, The Wallenbergs, Wallenbergs)은 스웨덴의 금융가와 기업가로 알려진 가장 영향력있고 부유한 가문이다. 이들은 스웨덴에서 가장 부유한 가문으로 알려져있다. 1990년, 발렌베리 가문은 스웨덴 GNP의 3분의 1에 간접적인 영향력을 행사하는 것으로 나타났다. 조국에 의하면 발렌베리 가문의 금융회사는 스웨덴의 전통적인 대기업으로, 노동조합의 경영참여권리를 존중하는 등, 노동자의 권리를 존중하는 경영으로 장수하는 기업이다.외교관인 라울 발렌베리는 2차세계대전 중 수천 명의 유대인을 홀로코스트에서 구한 것으로 알려져있다. (ko)
  • ヴァレンベリ家(Familjen Wallenberg, [ˈvalːənbæɹʝ] ワレンバーグ家、ウォーレンバーグ家)は、金融界と産業界で有名なスウェーデンで最も影響力があり富裕な一族である。1990年には、この一族がスウェーデンのGNPの3分の1を間接的に支配していると見積もられている。ヴァレンベリ家は自らが人選した企業幹部を通じた閥と最大の議決権を持つ株式により兵器メーカーSAAB などの各傘下企業をコントロールしている。また、外交官のラオル・ヴァレンベリは第二次世界大戦中に何千人というユダヤ人をホロコーストから救ったことで知られている。 (ja)
  • La famiglia Wallenberg è un'importante famiglia svedese, di banchieri, industriali, politici, funzionari dello Stato e diplomatici. I Wallenberg hanno partecipazioni nella maggior parte dei grandi gruppi industriali svedesi, come Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, SKF, AIK, ed altri ancora.Negli anni novanta la "sfera Wallenberg" produceva quasi un terzo del PIL svedese. Negli anni '70, la famiglia Wallemberg da sola occupava il 40% della forza-lavoro svedese e rappresentava il 40% della capitalizzazione di mercato della Borsa di Stoccolma.. Il più famoso dei Wallenberg, il diplomatico Raoul Wallenberg, operò a Budapest durante la seconda guerra mondiale per salvare gli ebrei dall'Olocausto. Fra il luglio e il dicembre 1944, rilasciò passaporti e ospitò ebrei, salvandone decine di migliaia. (it)
  • De familie Wallenberg is een van de rijkste en invloedrijkste families van Zweden. De familie komt uit Östergötland en de meeste leden van de familie waren bankiers, industriëlen of diplomaten. André Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886) richtte in 1856 de Stockholms Enskilda Bank (nu: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken) op. In 1916 richtte de familie de investeringsmaatschappij Investor op. De familie Wallenberg is via Investor mede-eigenaar van een aantal grote Zweedse bedrijven. Doordat veel familieleden ook zitting nemen in de raden van bestuur bij veel van deze bedrijven is hun directe invloed groot. Het bekendste lid van de familie is de diplomaat Raoul Wallenberg (1912-../??). Hij heeft in de Tweede Wereldoorlog het leven van tienduizenden joden gered. (nl)
  • Wallenberg är en svensk framstående finansfamilj känd sedan släktens grundare André Oscar Wallenberg grundade Stockholms Enskilda Bank 1856. Familjen kontrollerar indirekt en tredjedel av Sveriges BNP genom sitt bank- och industriimperium. Globalt avviker släkten från andra ledande finansfamiljer i andra länder i avseende om inflytande över ett lands näringsliv. Släkten har i Sverige haft ett dominerande inflytande över näringslivet i mer än ett sekel. Wallenbergsläkten kontrollerar och är delägare i flera stora svenska och andra europeiska industrikoncerner, till exempel världsledande multinationella telekommunikationsföretaget Ericsson, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Stora Enso, Nasdaq, Wärtsilä, Electrolux, ABB, SAAB och SAS Group. En lång rad med företeelser är uppkallade efter medlemmar i släkten. Till exempel maträtten wallenbergare, uppkallad enligt vissa efter bankmannen Marcus Wallenberg. (sv)
  • Os Wallenberg - também conhecidos como Wallenbergarna - são uma família sueca, com uma posição destacada na vida económica do país. Originária da província da Gotalândia Oriental, conta entre os seus membros com várias personalidades importantes nos domínios bancários e industriais do país: * Marcus ”Dodde” Wallenberg jr (1899–1982) * Raoul Wallenberg (1912-ca 1947) * Peter Wallenberg (1926–2015) * Jacob Wallenberg (1956-) * Marcus Wallenberg (1956-) - Conselho de administração da Saab, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, , Electrolux, LKAB, Stora Enso, , Investor AB, Stora Feldmühle AG, Citicorp (Hong Kong), Citibank (Nova Iorque). * Peter Wallenberg (1959-) A família Wallenberg tem a sua esfera de influência baseada em fundações, empresas e instituições financeiras. * Investor AB - empresa de investimento sueca fundada em 1916 * Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken – banco sueco fundado em 1972, com sede em Estocolmo, Suécia * Atlas Copco - companhia industrial sueca fundada em 1873 * ABB - empresa multinacional com sede em Zurique, Suíça * Electrolux - fabricante de eletrodomésticos multinacional sueca * – grupo de fundações detentoras de capital em variadas empresas, gerido pela (pt)
  • Семейство Валленбергов (Валленберги) — одна из влиятельнейших семей Швеции, известная тем, что к ней принадлежит значительное количество видных банкиров, промышленников, политиков, государственных деятелей и дипломатов. Семейство Валленбергов владеет долями крупнейших производственных предприятий Швеции, таких как Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, , SKF, , Atlas Copco и.т.д. В семидесятые годы прошлого века на предприятиях контролируемых семейством Валленбергов трудилось порядка сорока процентов рабочей силы Швеции, а капитализация предприятий составляла около сорока процентов Стокгольмской фондовой биржи. Наиболее известным представителем семейства Валленбергов является Рауль Валленберг — знаменитый шведский дипломат, спасший от Холокоста большое количество евреев. Во время своей дипломатической миссии в Венгрии в период с июля по декабрь 1944 года Рауль Валленберг выдавал шведские паспорта евреям, чем спас жизнь десяткам тысяч людей. (ru)
  • 華倫堡家族(瑞典語:Wallenberg family)是一个瑞典知名家族,成员中包括众多知名银行家、企业家、政治家、官员及外交官。 華倫堡家族成员遍及瑞典工业集团,如爱立信、伊莱克斯、ABB、斯凯孚、AIK足球俱乐部、阿特拉斯·科普柯集团等。20世纪70年代,瓦伦堡家族公司雇佣了瑞典工业劳动力的40%,代表了瑞典股票市场总价值的40%。 瓦伦堡家族最知名的成员是拉乌尔·瓦伦贝格。他在第二次世界大战期间在匈牙利布达佩斯工作,1944年7月至12月间以发护照的形式拯救了数万犹太人。 (zh)
  • 1193699 (xsd:integer)
  • 97078 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124548736 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • Sweden (en)
  • André Oscar Wallenberg (en)
  • André Oscar Wallenberg by Gustav Uno Troili (en)
  • Esse non videri (en)
  • Latin (en)
  • "to act, not to seem to be" (en)
  • Wallenberg (en)
  • It is in bad times profitable business is done. (en)
  • —André Oscar Wallenberg, in a letter in 1879 (en)
  • padding:10px; (en)
  • 1920.0
  • 1980.0
  • 40.0
  • 1790.0
  • 830.0
  • 2.524608E9
  • Marcus "Dodde" Wallenberg is the Wallenberg who receives most praise from those who knew him; people apostrophe his charm, his ingenuity, his negotiation skills and his ability to solve problems. Some want to describe him as the foremost financier of this century. But there is a terrifying dark side. He has also been described as one who played the role of an American Marine Corps sergeant, whose main task is to kill the soldiers' personalities in order to then be able to shape them as he pleases. He often launched verbal attacks on the employees. "He was hard as stone," an employee said. He ruled by instilling fear. Sven Fagerberg portrayed him as a boss, always escorted by his torpedoes. But the quality of the business leaders who passed revue in the Wallenberg sphere during Marcus Wallenberg Jr.'s time was impressive nonetheless. He also established norms in the group that will survive him for decades. (en)
  • Power? The word has a very negative connotation. We call it responsibility. (en)
  • I think the ICC, which the Wallenberg family have done so much to build, is really, I would say, the voice of global business. (en)
  • To move from the old to what is about to come is the only tradition worth keeping. (en)
  • It is the saddest day of my professional life. (en)
  • He could have rested on the extraordinary laurels of his family, but he chose to build and create. He is a man of enormous competence and dimension. (en)
  • The unemployment insurance fund is the largest parachute we have in the country and we should abolish it. Abolishing the unemployment insurance fund would be a good way to get people to commit themselves to finding new ways of income. (en)
  • Take the Wallenbergs', Sweden's first business family. They made their start in banking, with the Stockholm Enskilda Bank, founded in 1856 by André Oscar Wallenberg. From there they moved out into industry, founding or acquiring an array of the leading multinationals in their country: ASEA , Electrolux, Ericsson, Saab-Scania, SKF, Stora . At the end of the 20th century, these firms made up some 40 percent of Sweden's capitalization on the exchange. The Wallenbergs' would not necessarily hold a large part of the stock of these firms, but typically they held most of the votes because they knew how to lend. For the British review the Economist, the Wallenbergs' are the outstanding European industrial dynasty, five generations of highly successful entrepreneurs. For their family historian David Bartal, they are a Japanese-style family, Europe's most powerful of its kind, more discreet than the Agnellis' and richer than the Rothschilds'. Add up the sales of all the companies in the Wallenberg empire at the close of the 20th century, and you will find that one had more than ninety billion dollars a year, ahead of British Petroleum, IBM or General Electrics. It was then Europe's largest private-sector employer by sales after Shell. But look for "Wallenberg Inc." you would be disappointed. Discretion above all. (en)
  • We discussed all major issues with [EU] Commissioners. The purpose of this visit is not to lobby for any particular issue, but that we are informed, and that we open up for a further dialogue. We did a similar thing in Washington last year with large customers, which was about the US's relations with China. (en)
  • No business is so bad that it cannot be put back on its feet with the right leadership, but no business is so good that it cannot be destroyed by a bad leader. (en)
  • By the time of the anniversary celebration in 1956, Marcus Wallenberg Jr. presided on 15 company boards and in addition had 15 other assignments. In time, he would double those and emerge as one of the most powerful and industrious industrial and banking princes a European country has ever had. In order to find Marcus "Dodde's" Wallenberg Jr's equal, one has to go back to some family head in dynasties such as Medici or Fugger. (en)
  • During the three years I have been in Basel, your method of approaching international problems, of which I gained some understanding during our work together in Berlin, has helped me more than I can tell you in dealing with the intricate and delicate questions which have presented themselves to the Bank for International Settlements by reason of changes wrought by the war. The thought of following in your footsteps will provide spur to my will and a goal for my ambition. (en)
  • in a discussion with Victor Fung at Asian Global Institute. (en)
  • Dynasties: Fortunes and Misfortunes, of the World's Great Family Businesses (en)
  • On Lennart Hyland, Swedish Television, 1980 (en)
  • Summer in P1, Swedish Radio (en)
  • Svenska Dagbladet, SvD (en)
  • Svenska Dagbladet, SvD, 1998 (en)
  • at Investor AB General Meeting, April, 1998 (en)
  • Den förlorade sonens återkomst – Peter Wallenberg 1926–2015 (en)
  • in a letter to Marcus Wallenberg Sr. in 1943 (en)
  • on Peter Wallenberg Sr. (en)
  • The Dual State, Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt, and the National Security Complex (en)
  • in a letter to his brother Jacob Wallenberg (1892-1980) in 1946 in an attempt to convince him to leave the family's interests in the railroad industry and focus instead on founding the airline SAS Group. (en)
  • 18 (xsd:integer)
  • Die Familie Wallenberg ist eine wohlhabende und einflussreiche Familiendynastie in Schweden. Seit der Gründung der «Stockholms Enskilda Bank» im Jahr 1856 durch André Oscar Wallenberg, aus der die noch heute existierende Großbank Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) hervorging, ist die Familie im Bankwesen und auch in einer Reihe anderer Wirtschaftssektoren tätig. (de)
  • 발렌베리 가문(스웨덴어: Wallenberg, 영어: Wallenberg family, The Wallenbergs, Wallenbergs)은 스웨덴의 금융가와 기업가로 알려진 가장 영향력있고 부유한 가문이다. 이들은 스웨덴에서 가장 부유한 가문으로 알려져있다. 1990년, 발렌베리 가문은 스웨덴 GNP의 3분의 1에 간접적인 영향력을 행사하는 것으로 나타났다. 조국에 의하면 발렌베리 가문의 금융회사는 스웨덴의 전통적인 대기업으로, 노동조합의 경영참여권리를 존중하는 등, 노동자의 권리를 존중하는 경영으로 장수하는 기업이다.외교관인 라울 발렌베리는 2차세계대전 중 수천 명의 유대인을 홀로코스트에서 구한 것으로 알려져있다. (ko)
  • ヴァレンベリ家(Familjen Wallenberg, [ˈvalːənbæɹʝ] ワレンバーグ家、ウォーレンバーグ家)は、金融界と産業界で有名なスウェーデンで最も影響力があり富裕な一族である。1990年には、この一族がスウェーデンのGNPの3分の1を間接的に支配していると見積もられている。ヴァレンベリ家は自らが人選した企業幹部を通じた閥と最大の議決権を持つ株式により兵器メーカーSAAB などの各傘下企業をコントロールしている。また、外交官のラオル・ヴァレンベリは第二次世界大戦中に何千人というユダヤ人をホロコーストから救ったことで知られている。 (ja)
  • 華倫堡家族(瑞典語:Wallenberg family)是一个瑞典知名家族,成员中包括众多知名银行家、企业家、政治家、官员及外交官。 華倫堡家族成员遍及瑞典工业集团,如爱立信、伊莱克斯、ABB、斯凯孚、AIK足球俱乐部、阿特拉斯·科普柯集团等。20世纪70年代,瓦伦堡家族公司雇佣了瑞典工业劳动力的40%,代表了瑞典股票市场总价值的40%。 瓦伦堡家族最知名的成员是拉乌尔·瓦伦贝格。他在第二次世界大战期间在匈牙利布达佩斯工作,1944年7月至12月间以发护照的形式拯救了数万犹太人。 (zh)
  • La familia Wallenberg es una de las familias más ricas e influyentes de Suecia, renombrados como banqueros e industriales. * Jacob Wallenberg (1746-1778), marinero, y autor burlesco, especialmente dirigido a mujeres. Autor de "Min Son på Galejan". El apellido original de Jacob era Wallberg, pero lo cambió a Wallenberg. * Marcus Wallenberg (1774-1833), sobrino de Jacob Wallenberg, obispo en Linköping. * Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886), hijo de Marcus Wallenberg, oficial naval, político y magnate periodístico. Visitó Estados Unidos en 1837, interesándose por la banca. Fundador del en 1856, el predecesor del Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, el cual constituye la base del poder económico de la familia. * Knut Agathon Wallenberg (1853-1938), hijo de Oscar Wallenberg, banquero y político, funda (es)
  • La famille Wallenberg est la famille la plus riche et la plus influente de Suède, renommée pour compter plusieurs banquiers et industriels. Par ses conglomérats, cette dynastie est présente dans la plupart des grands groupes industriels suédois dont: Electrolux, Ericsson, Scania et SKF, ABB, SAS Group, AIK, Atlas Copco.Dans les années 1990, elle contrôlait indirectement le tiers du PNB suédois. (fr)
  • The Wallenberg family is a prominent Swedish family, Europe's most powerful business dynasty. Wallenbergs are noted as bankers, industrialists, politicians, bureaucrats, diplomats and military. The Wallenberg sphere's holdings employ about 600,000 people and have sales of $154 billion a year. The Wallenberg empire consists of 16 Wallenberg Foundations, Foundation Asset Management AB (FAM), Investor AB, Patricia Industries and Wallenberg Investments AB. (en)
  • La famiglia Wallenberg è un'importante famiglia svedese, di banchieri, industriali, politici, funzionari dello Stato e diplomatici. I Wallenberg hanno partecipazioni nella maggior parte dei grandi gruppi industriali svedesi, come Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, SKF, AIK, ed altri ancora.Negli anni novanta la "sfera Wallenberg" produceva quasi un terzo del PIL svedese. Negli anni '70, la famiglia Wallemberg da sola occupava il 40% della forza-lavoro svedese e rappresentava il 40% della capitalizzazione di mercato della Borsa di Stoccolma.. (it)
  • De familie Wallenberg is een van de rijkste en invloedrijkste families van Zweden. De familie komt uit Östergötland en de meeste leden van de familie waren bankiers, industriëlen of diplomaten. André Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886) richtte in 1856 de Stockholms Enskilda Bank (nu: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken) op. In 1916 richtte de familie de investeringsmaatschappij Investor op. De familie Wallenberg is via Investor mede-eigenaar van een aantal grote Zweedse bedrijven. Doordat veel familieleden ook zitting nemen in de raden van bestuur bij veel van deze bedrijven is hun directe invloed groot. (nl)
  • Os Wallenberg - também conhecidos como Wallenbergarna - são uma família sueca, com uma posição destacada na vida económica do país. Originária da província da Gotalândia Oriental, conta entre os seus membros com várias personalidades importantes nos domínios bancários e industriais do país: A família Wallenberg tem a sua esfera de influência baseada em fundações, empresas e instituições financeiras. (pt)
  • Семейство Валленбергов (Валленберги) — одна из влиятельнейших семей Швеции, известная тем, что к ней принадлежит значительное количество видных банкиров, промышленников, политиков, государственных деятелей и дипломатов. Семейство Валленбергов владеет долями крупнейших производственных предприятий Швеции, таких как Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, , SKF, , Atlas Copco и.т.д. В семидесятые годы прошлого века на предприятиях контролируемых семейством Валленбергов трудилось порядка сорока процентов рабочей силы Швеции, а капитализация предприятий составляла около сорока процентов Стокгольмской фондовой биржи. (ru)
  • Wallenberg är en svensk framstående finansfamilj känd sedan släktens grundare André Oscar Wallenberg grundade Stockholms Enskilda Bank 1856. Familjen kontrollerar indirekt en tredjedel av Sveriges BNP genom sitt bank- och industriimperium. Globalt avviker släkten från andra ledande finansfamiljer i andra länder i avseende om inflytande över ett lands näringsliv. Släkten har i Sverige haft ett dominerande inflytande över näringslivet i mer än ett sekel. (sv)
  • Wallenberg family (en)
  • Wallenberg (schwedische Familie) (de)
  • Familia Wallenberg (es)
  • Famille Wallenberg (fr)
  • Wallenberg (it)
  • 발렌베리가 (ko)
  • ヴァレンベリ家 (ja)
  • Wallenberg (familie) (nl)
  • Família Wallenberg (pt)
  • Семейство Валленбергов (ru)
  • Wallenberg (sv)
  • 瓦伦堡家族 (zh)
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