An Entity of Type: WikicatLateRomanProvinces, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Valentia (Latin for "Land of Valens") was probably one of the Roman provinces of the Diocese of "the Britains" in late Antiquity. Its position, capital, and even existence remain a matter of scholarly debate. It was not mentioned in the Verona List compiled around AD 312 and so was probably formed out of one or more of the other provinces established during the Diocletian Reforms. Some scholars propose Valentia was a new name for the entire diocese, but the List of Offices names it as a consular-rank province along with Maxima Caesariensis and the other equestrian-ranked provinces. Present hypotheses for the placement of Valentia include Wales, with its capital at Deva (Chester); Cumbria south of Hadrian's Wall, with its capital at Luguvalium (Carlisle), Modern scholars dismiss the old ide

Property Value
  • Valentia war eine Provinz des Römischen Reiches im heutigen Großbritannien. Sie wurde nach Kaiser Valentinian I. benannt, der sie durch den comes Flavius Theodosius im Jahr 369 n. Chr. einrichtete. Sie hatte einen consularis als Statthalter. Lage und Größe der Provinz sind in der Forschung umstritten. Vorgeschlagen wurden etwa das nördliche Wales oder eine Teilung der bestehenden Provinz Britannia secunda mit der Hauptstadt Eboracum (York). Valentia könnte dabei das Gebiet des heutigen Cumbria gewesen sein. Äußerst unwahrscheinlich ist, dass die Provinz, wie ältere Rekonstruktionen meinten, nördlich des Hadrianswalls im südlichen Schottland lag. Vorgeschlagen wurde auch, dass es sich bei Valentia nicht um eine Provinz handelte, sondern um die zeitweilige Benennung der Diözese der britannischen Provinzen. (de)
  • Valentia era el nombre de una provincia romana constituida en la parte septentrional de la diócesis de Britania, con la provincia de Britania Secunda al sur, fundada por Flavio Teodosio en 369. No se conoce su capital con seguridad, aunque hay historiadores que señalan a una ciudad llamada junto al actual Carlisle. La provincia fue abandonada por los romanos en 410.​ (es)
  • La Valentia était une province romaine du diocèse des Bretagnes. Province la plus septentrionale du diocèse, elle s'étendait, pense-t-on[Qui ?], entre le mur d'Hadrien au sud et le mur d'Antonin au nord[réf. nécessaire]. Elle fut créée (ou recréée) par Théodose l'Ancien lors de la réorganisation de la Bretagne mise en place après qu'eurent été repoussées les incursions de Pictes, des Scots et Saxons entre 368 et 370. Son nom dérive probablement de celui des empereurs Valentinien Ier et Valens. Sa capitale est probablement Luguvalium (fort gardé par le Dux Britanniarum) mais ses gouverneurs (un ancien consul, vu les difficultés à garder le mur et la région) sont totalement inconnus. (fr)
  • Valentia (Latin for "Land of Valens") was probably one of the Roman provinces of the Diocese of "the Britains" in late Antiquity. Its position, capital, and even existence remain a matter of scholarly debate. It was not mentioned in the Verona List compiled around AD 312 and so was probably formed out of one or more of the other provinces established during the Diocletian Reforms. Some scholars propose Valentia was a new name for the entire diocese, but the List of Offices names it as a consular-rank province along with Maxima Caesariensis and the other equestrian-ranked provinces. Present hypotheses for the placement of Valentia include Wales, with its capital at Deva (Chester); Cumbria south of Hadrian's Wall, with its capital at Luguvalium (Carlisle), Modern scholars dismiss the old idea that it was the lands between the Antonine Wall and Hadrian's Wall, possibly with a capital at Habitancum (Risingham), because of the dearth of Roman finds in that area. (en)
  • Valentia era il nome di una provincia romana costituita nella parte settentrionale della diocesi di Britannia, fondata da Flavio Teodosio nel 369, avente capitale probabilmente a Luguvalium (odierna Carlisle), e abbandonata dai Romani nel 410. (it)
  • Valência (em latim: Valentia) era uma do Império Romano na Britânia. Conde Teodósio criou a Valência em 369 como parte de sua reorganização da Britânia após a "Grande Conspiração" e, provavelmente, deu-lhe este nome em homenagem aos imperadores da época, Valentiniano e Valente. (pt)
  • 1354558 (xsd:integer)
  • 8684 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123683435 (xsd:integer)
  • Valentia era el nombre de una provincia romana constituida en la parte septentrional de la diócesis de Britania, con la provincia de Britania Secunda al sur, fundada por Flavio Teodosio en 369. No se conoce su capital con seguridad, aunque hay historiadores que señalan a una ciudad llamada junto al actual Carlisle. La provincia fue abandonada por los romanos en 410.​ (es)
  • Valentia era il nome di una provincia romana costituita nella parte settentrionale della diocesi di Britannia, fondata da Flavio Teodosio nel 369, avente capitale probabilmente a Luguvalium (odierna Carlisle), e abbandonata dai Romani nel 410. (it)
  • Valência (em latim: Valentia) era uma do Império Romano na Britânia. Conde Teodósio criou a Valência em 369 como parte de sua reorganização da Britânia após a "Grande Conspiração" e, provavelmente, deu-lhe este nome em homenagem aos imperadores da época, Valentiniano e Valente. (pt)
  • Valentia war eine Provinz des Römischen Reiches im heutigen Großbritannien. Sie wurde nach Kaiser Valentinian I. benannt, der sie durch den comes Flavius Theodosius im Jahr 369 n. Chr. einrichtete. Sie hatte einen consularis als Statthalter. (de)
  • Valentia (Latin for "Land of Valens") was probably one of the Roman provinces of the Diocese of "the Britains" in late Antiquity. Its position, capital, and even existence remain a matter of scholarly debate. It was not mentioned in the Verona List compiled around AD 312 and so was probably formed out of one or more of the other provinces established during the Diocletian Reforms. Some scholars propose Valentia was a new name for the entire diocese, but the List of Offices names it as a consular-rank province along with Maxima Caesariensis and the other equestrian-ranked provinces. Present hypotheses for the placement of Valentia include Wales, with its capital at Deva (Chester); Cumbria south of Hadrian's Wall, with its capital at Luguvalium (Carlisle), Modern scholars dismiss the old ide (en)
  • La Valentia était une province romaine du diocèse des Bretagnes. Province la plus septentrionale du diocèse, elle s'étendait, pense-t-on[Qui ?], entre le mur d'Hadrien au sud et le mur d'Antonin au nord[réf. nécessaire]. (fr)
  • Valentia (römische Provinz) (de)
  • Valentia (provincia romana) (es)
  • Valentia (province romaine) (fr)
  • Valentia (provincia romana) (it)
  • Valência (província romana) (pt)
  • Valentia (Roman Britain) (en)
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