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The Third Battle of Winchester, also known as the Battle of Opequon or Battle of Opequon Creek, was an American Civil War battle fought near Winchester, Virginia, on September 19, 1864. Union Army Major General Philip Sheridan defeated Confederate Army Lieutenant General Jubal Early in one of the largest, bloodiest, and most important battles in the Shenandoah Valley. Among the 5,000 Union casualties were one general killed and three wounded. The casualty rate for the Confederates was high: about 4,000 of 15,500. Two Confederate generals were killed and four were wounded. Participants in the battle included two future presidents of the United States, two future governors of Virginia, a former vice president of the United States, and a colonel whose grandson, George S. Patton became a famou

Property Value
  • The Third Battle of Winchester, also known as the Battle of Opequon or Battle of Opequon Creek, was an American Civil War battle fought near Winchester, Virginia, on September 19, 1864. Union Army Major General Philip Sheridan defeated Confederate Army Lieutenant General Jubal Early in one of the largest, bloodiest, and most important battles in the Shenandoah Valley. Among the 5,000 Union casualties were one general killed and three wounded. The casualty rate for the Confederates was high: about 4,000 of 15,500. Two Confederate generals were killed and four were wounded. Participants in the battle included two future presidents of the United States, two future governors of Virginia, a former vice president of the United States, and a colonel whose grandson, George S. Patton became a famous general in World War II. After learning that a large Confederate force loaned to Early left the area, Sheridan attacked Confederate positions along Opequon Creek near Winchester, Virginia. Sheridan used one cavalry division and two infantry corps to attack from the east, and two divisions of cavalry to attack from the north. A third infantry corps, led by Brigadier General George Crook, was held in reserve. After difficult fighting where Early made good use of the region's terrain on the east side of Winchester, Crook attacked Early's left flank with his infantry. This, in combination with the success of Union cavalry north of town, drove the Confederates back toward Winchester. A final attack by Union infantry and cavalry from the north and east caused the Confederates to retreat south through the streets of Winchester. Sustaining significant casualties and substantially outnumbered, Early retreated south on the Valley Pike to a more defendable position at Fisher's Hill. Sheridan considered Fisher's Hill to be a continuation of the September 19 battle, and followed Early up the pike where he defeated Early again. Both battles are part of Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley campaign that occurred in 1864 from August through October. After Sheridan's successes at Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Early's Army of the Valley suffered more defeats and was eliminated from the war in the Battle of Waynesboro, Virginia, on March 2, 1865. (en)
  • La bataille d'Opequon, également appelée troisième bataille de Winchester, fut une victoire meurtrière de l'Union durant les campagnes de la vallée de Shenandoah de 1864, pendant la guerre de Sécession. (fr)
  • De Derde Slag bij Winchester vond plaats op 9 september 1864 in Frederick County, Virginia als deel van de veldtochten in de Shenandoahvallei van 1864 tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Deze slag is ook gekend als de Slag bij de Opequon. Terwijl de Zuidelijke luitenant-generaal Jubal A. Early de Baltimore & Ohio spoorweg aanviel bij Martinsburg, West Virginia, rukte de Noordelijke generaal-majoor Philip H. Sheridan op via de Berryville Pike naar Winchester met het en . Zijn leger moest de oversteken. De Noordelijke opmars werd hierdoor lang genoeg vertraagd zodat Early zijn troepen kon concentreren om Sheridans opmars te stuiten. De strijd was hard en er vielen veel slachtoffers aan beide zijden, ook onder de officieren. De Zuidelijke slaglinie werd langzaam maar zeker teruggedrongen naar de stad. In de late namiddag slaagde het Noordelijke en de cavalerie erin om de Zuidelijke linkerflank te keren. Early gaf het bevel tot een algemene terugtocht. (nl)
  • La terza battaglia di Winchester, conosciuta anche come battaglia di Opequon o battaglia di Opequon Creek, fu una battaglia della guerra di secessione americana combattuta vicino a Winchester, in Virginia, il 19 settembre 1864. Il maggiore generale dell'esercito dell'Unione Philip Sheridan sconfisse il tenente generale dell'esercito confederato Jubal Early in una delle battaglie più sanguinose e importanti combattute nella Valle dello Shenandoah. Tra le 5.000 vittime dell'Unione venne ucciso un generale e tre vennero feriti. Il tasso di vittime per i Confederati fu molto alto: circa 4.000 morti su una forza di 15.500 uomini. Due generali confederati furono uccisi e quattro feriti. Tra i partecipanti alla battaglia c'erano due futuri presidenti degli Stati Uniti, due futuri governatori della Virginia, un ex vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti e un colonnello il cui nipote, George S. Patton, divenne un famoso generale durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Dopo aver appreso che una grande forza confederata, annessa all'esercito di Early, aveva lasciato l'area, Sheridan attaccò le posizioni confederate lungo l'Opequon Creek vicino a Winchester. Utilizzò una divisione di cavalleria e due corpi d'armata di fanteria per attaccare da est e due divisioni di cavalleria per attaccare da nord. Un terzo corpo d'armata di fanteria, guidato, dal generale di brigata George Crook, era stato tenuto di riserva. Dopo un combattimento difficile, in cui Early fece un buon uso del terreno della regione sul lato est di Winchester, Crook attaccò il fianco sinistro di Early con la sua fanteria. Questo, in combinazione con il successo della cavalleria dell'Unione a nord della città, respinse i Confederati verso Winchester. Un attacco finale della fanteria e della cavalleria dell'Unione, da nord e da est, fece ritirare i Confederati a sud attraverso le strade di Winchester. Avendo subito perdite significative ed essendo rimasto sostanzialmente in inferiorità numerica, Early si ritirò a sud nella Valle Pike in una posizione più difendibile a Fisher's Hill. Sheridan considerava Fisher's Hill una continuazione della battaglia del 19 settembre e seguì Early fino a dove lo aveva sconfitto una prima volta. Entrambe le battaglie furono parte della campagna della valle di Shenandoah avvenuta nel 1864 da agosto a ottobre. Dopo i successi di Sheridan a Winchester e Fisher's Hill, l'Armata della Valle di Early subì altre sconfitte e fu eliminata dalla guerra nella , in Virginia, il 2 marzo 1865. (it)
  • オペクォンの戦い(オペクォンのたたかい、英:Battle of Opequon、より一般的には第三次ウィンチェスターの戦い、英:Third Battle of Winchester)は、南北戦争の終盤、1864年のバレー方面作戦の一部として9月19日にバージニア州ウィンチェスターで行われた戦闘である。 南軍のジュバル・アーリー中将軍がウェストバージニア州マーティンズバーグでボルティモア・アンド・オハイオ鉄道を襲撃したので、北軍のフィリップ・シェリダン少将は第6軍団と第19軍団を伴い、ベリービル・パイクを通ってウィンチェスターに向けて進軍し、オペクォン・クリークを越えた。北軍の進軍が遅れてその間にアーリーは自軍を集結できるだけの時間が取れ、主力による猛攻を行って、戦いは数時間続いた。両軍の損失は大きかった。南軍の前線は次第にウィンチェスターの町の方向に後退させられた。午後半ばに、第8軍団と騎兵隊が南軍の左側面に回りこんだ。アーリーは総退却を命じた。両軍共にその規模、戦いの激しさ、さらには将官クラスの重大な損失とその後の影響の故に、多くの歴史家達はこの戦闘をシェナンドー渓谷における最も重要な戦闘と考えている。 (ja)
  • Третье сражение при Винчестере (англ. Third Battle of Winchester), оно же Сражение при Опеконе (Battle of Opequon) произошло 19 сентября 1864 года на северо-западной окраине города Винчестера, штат Виргиния, в ходе кампании в долине 1864 года американской Гражданской войны. Армия генерала Джубала Эрли пыталась остановить наступление армии Фила Шеридана, но была вынуждена отступить и оставить Винчестер. После своей победы при Берривиле в начале сентября генерал Шеридан стал собирать информацию о противнике и вскоре выяснил, что отряды Кершоу и Катшоу покинули Винчестер и ушли к Мартинсбергу. Шеридан сразу начал наступление на Винчестер по Берривиллской дороге силами VI и XIX корпусов. Дивизии генерала Эрли были разбросаны по долине но успели сконцентрироваться у Винчестера. Шеридану удалось оттеснить Эрли к Винчестеру, а ближе к вечеру федеральная кавалерия прорвала левый фланг южан. Сражение позволило федеральной армии перейти в общее наступление в долине Шенандоа и повлияло на президентские выборы 1864 года. (ru)
  • 5,018
  • Confederate States
  • (Union)
  • 1864-09-19 (xsd:date)
  • Unionvictory
  • 40,000
  • 15,514
  • 1501334 (xsd:integer)
  • 92354 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117233502 (xsd:integer)
  • Battle of Opequon, chromolithograph by Kurz & Allison, 1893. (en)
  • 4015 (xsd:integer)
  • 5018 (xsd:integer)
  • 30 (xsd:integer)
  • Confederate States (en)
  • Philip Sheridan (en)
  • (en)
  • Fitzhugh Lee (en)
  • John C. Breckinridge (en)
  • George Crook (en)
  • Alfred T. A. Torbert (en)
  • Horatio Wright (en)
  • William H. Emory (en)
  • Jubal Early (en)
  • (en)
  • Third Battle of Winchester (en)
  • 1864-09-19 (xsd:date)
  • Note (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • the American Civil War (en)
  • Union victory (en)
  • 15514 (xsd:integer)
  • 40000 (xsd:integer)
  • Army of the Shenandoah (en)
  • Army of the Valley (en)
  • 39.1956 -78.1325
  • La bataille d'Opequon, également appelée troisième bataille de Winchester, fut une victoire meurtrière de l'Union durant les campagnes de la vallée de Shenandoah de 1864, pendant la guerre de Sécession. (fr)
  • オペクォンの戦い(オペクォンのたたかい、英:Battle of Opequon、より一般的には第三次ウィンチェスターの戦い、英:Third Battle of Winchester)は、南北戦争の終盤、1864年のバレー方面作戦の一部として9月19日にバージニア州ウィンチェスターで行われた戦闘である。 南軍のジュバル・アーリー中将軍がウェストバージニア州マーティンズバーグでボルティモア・アンド・オハイオ鉄道を襲撃したので、北軍のフィリップ・シェリダン少将は第6軍団と第19軍団を伴い、ベリービル・パイクを通ってウィンチェスターに向けて進軍し、オペクォン・クリークを越えた。北軍の進軍が遅れてその間にアーリーは自軍を集結できるだけの時間が取れ、主力による猛攻を行って、戦いは数時間続いた。両軍の損失は大きかった。南軍の前線は次第にウィンチェスターの町の方向に後退させられた。午後半ばに、第8軍団と騎兵隊が南軍の左側面に回りこんだ。アーリーは総退却を命じた。両軍共にその規模、戦いの激しさ、さらには将官クラスの重大な損失とその後の影響の故に、多くの歴史家達はこの戦闘をシェナンドー渓谷における最も重要な戦闘と考えている。 (ja)
  • The Third Battle of Winchester, also known as the Battle of Opequon or Battle of Opequon Creek, was an American Civil War battle fought near Winchester, Virginia, on September 19, 1864. Union Army Major General Philip Sheridan defeated Confederate Army Lieutenant General Jubal Early in one of the largest, bloodiest, and most important battles in the Shenandoah Valley. Among the 5,000 Union casualties were one general killed and three wounded. The casualty rate for the Confederates was high: about 4,000 of 15,500. Two Confederate generals were killed and four were wounded. Participants in the battle included two future presidents of the United States, two future governors of Virginia, a former vice president of the United States, and a colonel whose grandson, George S. Patton became a famou (en)
  • La terza battaglia di Winchester, conosciuta anche come battaglia di Opequon o battaglia di Opequon Creek, fu una battaglia della guerra di secessione americana combattuta vicino a Winchester, in Virginia, il 19 settembre 1864. Il maggiore generale dell'esercito dell'Unione Philip Sheridan sconfisse il tenente generale dell'esercito confederato Jubal Early in una delle battaglie più sanguinose e importanti combattute nella Valle dello Shenandoah. Tra le 5.000 vittime dell'Unione venne ucciso un generale e tre vennero feriti. Il tasso di vittime per i Confederati fu molto alto: circa 4.000 morti su una forza di 15.500 uomini. Due generali confederati furono uccisi e quattro feriti. Tra i partecipanti alla battaglia c'erano due futuri presidenti degli Stati Uniti, due futuri governatori dell (it)
  • De Derde Slag bij Winchester vond plaats op 9 september 1864 in Frederick County, Virginia als deel van de veldtochten in de Shenandoahvallei van 1864 tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Deze slag is ook gekend als de Slag bij de Opequon. (nl)
  • Третье сражение при Винчестере (англ. Third Battle of Winchester), оно же Сражение при Опеконе (Battle of Opequon) произошло 19 сентября 1864 года на северо-западной окраине города Винчестера, штат Виргиния, в ходе кампании в долине 1864 года американской Гражданской войны. Армия генерала Джубала Эрли пыталась остановить наступление армии Фила Шеридана, но была вынуждена отступить и оставить Винчестер. (ru)
  • Bataille d'Opequon (fr)
  • Third Battle of Winchester (en)
  • Terza battaglia di Winchester (it)
  • オペクォンの戦い (ja)
  • Derde Slag bij Winchester (nl)
  • Третье сражение при Винчестере (ru)
  • POINT(-78.132499694824 39.195598602295)
  • 39.195599 (xsd:float)
  • -78.132500 (xsd:float)
  • Third Battle of Winchester (en)
  • (Battle of Opequon) (en)
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