An Entity of Type: television show, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Star Trek: Phase II was the initial working title for what officially became titled Star Trek II, an unproduced American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as a sequel to (and continuation of) the original Star Trek, which had run from 1966 to 1969. The plans for the series were first developed after several failed attempts to create a feature film based on the property, coupled with plans for a Paramount Television Service (PTS) as a fourth broadcast television network in the United States.

Property Value
  • 50.0
  • Star Trek: Phase II byl plánovaný americký sci-fi seriál ze světa Star Treku vytvořeného Genem Roddenberry. Měl být vysílán v roce 1978 na kanálu . Jeho námětem bylo pokračování dobrodružství posádky hvězdné lodi Enterprise v rámci její druhé pětileté mise pod velením kapitána Kirka. (cs)
  • Star Trek: Phase Two war der Titel einer von Paramount Pictures für das Jahr 1978 geplanten Fernsehserie, die eine direkte Fortsetzung von Raumschiff Enterprise sein sollte. Die Serie sollte das Konzept von Raumschiff Enterprise wieder aufgreifen, insbesondere sollten im Wesentlichen die Crew und das Schiff (USS Enterprise) beibehalten werden. Einzig der populäre Charakter des Vulkaniers Spock fehlte, da der Schauspieler Leonard Nimoy nicht zur Wiederaufnahme seiner Rolle im Fernsehen bereit war, unter anderem auch weil Paramount nach Ansicht des Darstellers die Figur Spock durch untragbare Werbelizenzen verunglimpfte. So wird Spock auf einem Heineken-Plakat gezeigt, auf dem das Getränk einen vitalisierenden Effekt auf Spocks anfänglich schlaff herabhängende Ohrenspitzen hat. Andere Quellen berichten, dass Nimoy sich nicht erneut dem Turnus einer wöchentlich ausgestrahlten Serie ausgesetzt sehen wollte. Stattdessen war ein Vulkanier namens Xon vorgesehen, dessen Eltern im Gegensatz zu Spocks beide Vulkanier waren. Die Rolle des Xon sollte übernehmen, der dann im Kinofilm in einer kurzen Szene als Commander der Raumstation Epsilon 9 zu sehen ist, als man sich mit Nimoy einigte und ihn doch überzeugen konnte, seine alte Rolle zu übernehmen. Schließlich entschied man sich anders und drehte statt der Serie den Kinofilm Star Trek: Der Film. Einige der bereits für die Serie erstellten Kulissen wurden im Film verwendet; außerdem entspricht das Drehbuch des Films etwa dem der geplanten Pilotfolge, welche unter dem Produktionstitel „In thy Image“ geführt wurde. Einige der für die Serie geplanten Geschichten und Konzepte wurden schließlich in Raumschiff Enterprise – Das nächste Jahrhundert realisiert, andere im Fan-Fiction-Projekt Star Trek: Phase II. (de)
  • Star Trek: Phase II fue un proyecto de serie de televisión de ciencia ficción planeado por Gene Roddenberry, creador de Star Trek. Su estreno estaba planeado para comienzos de 1978, dentro del lanzamiento de un nuevo canal de Paramount, que en 1995 se convertiría en UPN. La serie, que no se llegó a rodar, hubiera seguido las aventuras de la tripulación del Enterprise con una segunda misión de cinco años.​ (es)
  • Star Trek : Phase II (Star Trek: Phase II) est un projet de série télévisée américaine créée par Gene Roddenberry. Il devait s'agir d'une suite de Star Trek. Planifiée pour l'année 1978 afin de devenir l'émission de lancement de la chaîne , la série devait être diffusée aux États-Unis le samedi à 8 heures du soir (heure de la côte Est). Ni la chaîne ni la série ne verront le jour. Ces nouvelles aventures de l'équipage de l'Enterprise étaient supposées reprendre les grandes lignes de la série des années 1960, avec toutefois l'absence du personnage de Spock puisque Leonard Nimoy avait refusé de participer à une résurrection de la franchise à la télévision et le possible remplacement du Capitaine Kirk par un nouveau personnage, le cachet de William Shatner étant trop élevé pour apparaître régulièrement dans la série. Finalement, le projet avorta trois semaines avant le début du tournage, non sans avoir produit scripts (dont de nombreux seront adaptés pour la série Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération), story-boards, nouveaux décors et casting de nouveaux acteurs. À la place, la Paramount décida de mettre en chantier un long métrage afin que l'annulation ne soit pas trop coûteuse. La production fit appel au réalisateur Robert Wise (West Side Story, Le Jour où la Terre s'arrêta). Les personnages de Xon, Decker et Ilia inspirèrent les personnages de la série Star Trek : La Nouvelle Génération. (fr)
  • Star Trek: Phase II adalah serial televisi yang berdasarkan Star Trek ciptaan Gene Roddenberry, yang telah mengudara dari 1966 hingga 1969. Serial ini diharapkan mengudara pada tahun 1978 seperti tertulis dalam proposal (pelopor UPN). Serial ini akan bercerita mengenai dalam perjalanan selama lima tahun yang kedua, dan merupakan kelanjutan dari franchise Star Trek. (in)
  • Star Trek: Phase II was the initial working title for what officially became titled Star Trek II, an unproduced American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as a sequel to (and continuation of) the original Star Trek, which had run from 1966 to 1969. The plans for the series were first developed after several failed attempts to create a feature film based on the property, coupled with plans for a Paramount Television Service (PTS) as a fourth broadcast television network in the United States. Both PTS and the Star Trek revival were announced in early June, 1977, with PTS to debut as one evening of programming each Saturday night and to gradually expand to other nights; a strategy successfully employed by the Fox Broadcasting Company a decade later. Star Trek: Phase II was to be the flagship show, and be broadcast at 8pm EST, followed by a movie of the week starting at 9pm. The initial order was for a two-hour pilot, followed by 13 hour-long episodes. With the exception of Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock, who had ongoing disputes with Roddenberry and Paramount, the entire regular and recurring cast of The Original Series were contracted to return, notably William Shatner as Captain Kirk. Three new and younger regular characters were created, science officer Lt. Xon, navigator Lt. Ilia, and ship's executive officer Willard Decker. Xon, Decker and Ilia were later influential in the development of characters on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and two of the scripts written for Phase II would be re-developed for use in that series. Behind the cameras, Roddenberry recruited Trek-novices Harold Livingston and Robert Goodwin as producers. Veterans of The Original Series were few, and included costume designer William Ware Theiss and illustrator Mike Minor. Art director Matt Jefferies was otherwise employed and brought in as a "technical advisor" and to update the design of the starship USS Enterprise. Special effects (on set) were to be by Jim Rugg. Science fiction novelist Alan Dean Foster received the assignment to write the story outline for the two-hour pilot, but, with a looming production deadline and unable to find a suitable writer to develop this story into a teleplay, Harold Livingston took on the writing job himself. Of the remaining 12 script assignments handed out, about half were to veterans of The Original Series. Pre-production began in earnest, with the emphasis on what would be the standing sets of the Enterprise, which differed radically in layout, design and detailing from those for The Original Series. Many costumes and props, too, were designed. Ultimately, Paramount's plans for its network and Star Trek's TV return faltered, as the low anticipated advertising revenues for the Paramount Television Service indicated that it was not viable, and the Paramount Pictures parent company Gulf and Western's chairman, Charles Bluhdorn, refused to back the plan, resulting in eventual exit of Paramount chief executive officer Barry Diller. In August 1977 Paramount president Michael Eisner announced—internally—that the two-hour pilot script was to be the long sought-after feature film story. However, In order to prevent negative publicity, the "cancellation" of the series and network was not immediately disclosed and development of the series and its scripts continued for a further five months, during which time tests were filmed on the incomplete Enterprise sets in widescreen format, a clear indication that whatever Star Trek was going to be was not a TV movie. On March 28, 1978, any illusions that Star Trek would be returning to television were ended when Paramount announced that instead of a series it would be producing what became the big budget film titled Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), which was itself a massive reworking of the "In Thy Image" two-hour movie script. Preproduction work on the series did not entirely go to waste. The standing Enterprise sets would be extensively reworked for the film (and its eventual sequels), and an unfinished admiral's office set's walls became part of the Enterprise cargo deck. However, the visual effects people hired for the feature film decided that the miniatures under construction were not up to the standards of a post-Star Wars feature, and all were scrapped. Director Robert Collins, who had been hired to direct the pilot, and promised he was to direct the feature, was replaced by Robert Wise. The concept of a "Paramount Network" led by a flagship Star Trek series finally came to fruition in January 1995 when Paramount launched the United Paramount Network (UPN) and the Star Trek: Voyager series. (en)
  • Star Trek: Phase II, conosciuta anche come Star Trek II, è una serie di fantascienza ideata da Gene Roddenberry come sequel a Star Trek: La serie classica, ma mai realizzata. L'idea di creare la serie fu inizialmente sviluppata dopo il fallimento nella realizzazione di un film basato sulla serie precedente nel corso degli anni 1970, insieme alla proposta per la Paramount Television Service, quarta rete televisiva negli Stati Uniti. Phase II avrebbe dovuto essere il programma di punta della rete, programmato ad essere mandato in onda il sabato alle 20 (ora della costa orientale). A seguito dell'annuncio che Star Trek sarebbe tornata con una serie a partire dal 17 giugno 1977, Roddenberry iniziò a ingaggiare nuovi membri dello staff tecnico, incluso Harold Livingston e come produttori esecutivi ed altri che in precedenza erano membri dello staff ne La Serie Classica come , mentre fu assunto come consulente tecnico e progettò una versione aggiornata della USS Enterprise. L'ordine iniziale era per un episodio pilota della durata di due ore, seguito da 13 episodi. Leonard Nimoy rifiutò l'offerta fatta da Roddenberry tornare nei panni di Spock come personaggio ricorrente, il che ha portato alla necessità di creare il nuovo personaggio del vulcaniano chiamato Xon. L'attore sostenne con successo il provino per la parte, ma in definitiva non lo ha mai interpretato. C'era preoccupazione che il cachet per William Shatner fosse troppo alto per averlo nella serie permanentemente e così fu creato il ruolo di Willard Decker come eventuale sostituto. Sebbene fossero state tenute le audizioni per la parte, nessun attore fu scelto durante i lavori su Phase II. L'attrice Persis Khambatta fu scelta come Ilia, un nuovo personaggio pensato come aggiunta ai vecchi personaggi. L'attrice alla fine interpretò lo stesso personaggio in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. ad eccezione di Nimoy, gli altri attori che interpretavano i personaggi principali ne La Serie Classica vennero ingaggiati con un contratto che prevedeva il loro pagamento anche se la serie non fosse stata completata, anche Grace Lee Whitney, sarebbe tornata nei panni di Janice Rand. Rapidamente la serie Phase II vacillò, nell'agosto del 1977 Barry Diller, l'Amministratore delegato della Paramount Pictures, decise che "In Thy Image" di Alan Dean Foster (l'episodio pilota pianificato) sarebbe stato meglio come un film cinematografico, Per di più, i preannunciati ricavi pubblicitari per la Paramount Television Service non sarebbero stati sufficienti alla produzione. Al fine di evitare qualsiasi pubblicità negativa per la "cancellazione" della serie e della rete, comunque, la produzione continuò per i successivi cinque mesi. fu solo alla fine del 1977 che iniziarono i lavori per convertire la serie in The Motion Picture. I modelli già creati furono scartati, e Robert Collins, che era stato ingaggiato per dirigere l'episodio pilota, fu rimpiazzato da Robert Wise per il film. Nonostante questo, i personaggi di Xon, Decker e Ilia più avanti influenzeranno lo sviluppo dei personaggi di Star Trek: The Next Generation, e due dei copioni scritti per Phase II verranno sviluppati nuovamente per essere utilizzati nella serie stessa. Nel gennaio del 1995, la Paramount lanciò una propria rete televisiva, La United Paramount Network (UPN), la quale più avanti lancerà la serie Star Trek: Voyager. (it)
  • 『スタートレック:フェイズII』は『スタートレック』シリーズ最初の作品『宇宙大作戦』の直接的な続編として企画されたSFテレビドラマである。 脚本は12作目まで完成していたが、映画『スター・トレック』の公開のため企画は中止された。基本的にキャストは前作と同じだったが、副官スポック役のレナード・ニモイが舞台に出演中でブッキングできず、副官は新キャラクター、ゾーンとなった。なお本作では映画に登場する一部のクルーがレギュラーとして登場予定だった。 (ja)
  • Star Trek: Phase II foi uma planejada série de televisão americana baseada nos personagens criados por Gene Roddenberry para a série Star Trek, que foi exibida entre 1966 e 1969. Estava planejada para estreiar em maio de 1978 na proposta Paramount Television Service (uma antecessora da UPN). A série seguiria as aventuras da tripulação da nave estelar USS Enterprise em uma segunda missão de cinco anos. (pt)
  • Звёздный путь: Фаза II (англ. Star Trek: Phase II), также известный как Звёздный путь II (англ. Star Trek II) — не снятый телесериал с персонажами Джина Родденберри из телесериала «Звёздный путь: Оригинальный сериал» (или TOS — сокращение от The Original Series), выходившего в эфир с 1966 по 1969. Планы по производству сериала стали разрабатываться после неудачи при создании полнометражного фильма по мотивам оригинального сериала в 1970-х, а также в связи с предложением по запуску en:Paramount Television Service (предшественник UPN). Новый сериал планировалось запустить в эфир в мае 1978 года, он должен был стать флагманским сериалом канала. Сериал должен был продолжить приключения экипажа USS Энтерпрайз во второй пятилетней миссии и стать частью франшизы Star Trek. Кроме Леонарда Нимоя, отказавшегося от съёмок в телесериале, все остальные актёры оригинального телесериала подписали контракты на съёмки в продолжении. В августе 1977 года было решено, что планировавшаяся пилотная серия сериала больше подходит для полнометражного фильма. К концу 1977 года началась полноценная работа по преобразованию сериала в «Звёздный путь: Фильм». (ru)
  • 《星艦奇航記:第二期》(原名:Star Trek: Phase II)是一個胎死腹中的電視影集計畫,原本預定於1978年春季在派拉蒙打算成立的電視網中首播。故事內容是基於吉恩·羅登貝瑞原創的《星艦奇航記》角色與時空背景。影集主要是描述「星艦企業號」的航員進行第二次五年任務期間所發生的冒險故事(接續自前一個系列完結之後)。 影集原本計畫由威廉·薛特納(William Shatner)與(DeForest Kelley)擔綱演出他們之前的角色詹姆斯·柯克與李奧納德·麥考伊。比較引人注目的是李奧納德·尼摩伊(Leonard Nimoy)的缺席,他因為關於史巴克這個角色的行銷議題,以及對《Equus》這齣舞台劇的責任,所以回絕了這次的演出機會。 影集會加入幾個新成員,包括威廉·碟克(William Decker)中校、(Ilia)上尉、以及瓦肯人榮(Xon)上尉等等。 儘管影集大部分的準備工作、許多電視等級的模型(包括星艦企業號本體以及許多試播章節裡的模型)、與十二集完整的劇本都已經完成,影集的製播計畫最後還是中止了,改而製作一部電影——《星艦迷航記》。電影裡所有角色都有出現(不過有的只有短短幾幕)。碟克和依莉亞成為貫穿這部電影的要角。榮上尉(現在叫做索納克(Sonak)中校)只出現了幾分鐘,在死於意外前也有幾句對白。扮演榮的演員,大衛·高崔奧斯(David Gautreaux),也在這部電影裡客串演出艾普希隆九號(Epsilon 9)太空站的布蘭區(Branch)指揮官。 在早期階段,榮原本叫做沙維克(Savik)。後來這個名字的變化型,(Saavik),用來命名電影《星戰大怒吼》裡面的一個女瓦肯人。 有兩集(「小孩」(The Child)和「惡魔的稅金」(Devil's Due))的劇本經過改寫之後,使用在影集《銀河飛龍》裡,因為當時發生了劇本作者罷工事件。此外,影集裡一些新元素最後也融入了《銀河飛龍》之中。例如瑞克中校(Riker)可以看成碟克的另一個版本;而星異(Troi)則是依莉亞的另一個版本。 (zh)
  • 3000.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 54769 (xsd:integer)
  • 51714 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113832090 (xsd:integer)
  • Artist's illustration of the Phase II Enterprise (en)
  • United States (en)
  • US (en)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • English (en)
  • Pilot, plus 13 scripts (en)
  • 3000.0
  • Star Trek: Phase II byl plánovaný americký sci-fi seriál ze světa Star Treku vytvořeného Genem Roddenberry. Měl být vysílán v roce 1978 na kanálu . Jeho námětem bylo pokračování dobrodružství posádky hvězdné lodi Enterprise v rámci její druhé pětileté mise pod velením kapitána Kirka. (cs)
  • Star Trek: Phase II fue un proyecto de serie de televisión de ciencia ficción planeado por Gene Roddenberry, creador de Star Trek. Su estreno estaba planeado para comienzos de 1978, dentro del lanzamiento de un nuevo canal de Paramount, que en 1995 se convertiría en UPN. La serie, que no se llegó a rodar, hubiera seguido las aventuras de la tripulación del Enterprise con una segunda misión de cinco años.​ (es)
  • Star Trek: Phase II adalah serial televisi yang berdasarkan Star Trek ciptaan Gene Roddenberry, yang telah mengudara dari 1966 hingga 1969. Serial ini diharapkan mengudara pada tahun 1978 seperti tertulis dalam proposal (pelopor UPN). Serial ini akan bercerita mengenai dalam perjalanan selama lima tahun yang kedua, dan merupakan kelanjutan dari franchise Star Trek. (in)
  • 『スタートレック:フェイズII』は『スタートレック』シリーズ最初の作品『宇宙大作戦』の直接的な続編として企画されたSFテレビドラマである。 脚本は12作目まで完成していたが、映画『スター・トレック』の公開のため企画は中止された。基本的にキャストは前作と同じだったが、副官スポック役のレナード・ニモイが舞台に出演中でブッキングできず、副官は新キャラクター、ゾーンとなった。なお本作では映画に登場する一部のクルーがレギュラーとして登場予定だった。 (ja)
  • Star Trek: Phase II foi uma planejada série de televisão americana baseada nos personagens criados por Gene Roddenberry para a série Star Trek, que foi exibida entre 1966 e 1969. Estava planejada para estreiar em maio de 1978 na proposta Paramount Television Service (uma antecessora da UPN). A série seguiria as aventuras da tripulação da nave estelar USS Enterprise em uma segunda missão de cinco anos. (pt)
  • Star Trek: Phase Two war der Titel einer von Paramount Pictures für das Jahr 1978 geplanten Fernsehserie, die eine direkte Fortsetzung von Raumschiff Enterprise sein sollte. Die Serie sollte das Konzept von Raumschiff Enterprise wieder aufgreifen, insbesondere sollten im Wesentlichen die Crew und das Schiff (USS Enterprise) beibehalten werden. Einzig der populäre Charakter des Vulkaniers Spock fehlte, da der Schauspieler Leonard Nimoy nicht zur Wiederaufnahme seiner Rolle im Fernsehen bereit war, unter anderem auch weil Paramount nach Ansicht des Darstellers die Figur Spock durch untragbare Werbelizenzen verunglimpfte. So wird Spock auf einem Heineken-Plakat gezeigt, auf dem das Getränk einen vitalisierenden Effekt auf Spocks anfänglich schlaff herabhängende Ohrenspitzen hat. Andere Quelle (de)
  • Star Trek: Phase II was the initial working title for what officially became titled Star Trek II, an unproduced American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as a sequel to (and continuation of) the original Star Trek, which had run from 1966 to 1969. The plans for the series were first developed after several failed attempts to create a feature film based on the property, coupled with plans for a Paramount Television Service (PTS) as a fourth broadcast television network in the United States. (en)
  • Star Trek : Phase II (Star Trek: Phase II) est un projet de série télévisée américaine créée par Gene Roddenberry. Il devait s'agir d'une suite de Star Trek. Planifiée pour l'année 1978 afin de devenir l'émission de lancement de la chaîne , la série devait être diffusée aux États-Unis le samedi à 8 heures du soir (heure de la côte Est). Ni la chaîne ni la série ne verront le jour. (fr)
  • Star Trek: Phase II, conosciuta anche come Star Trek II, è una serie di fantascienza ideata da Gene Roddenberry come sequel a Star Trek: La serie classica, ma mai realizzata. L'idea di creare la serie fu inizialmente sviluppata dopo il fallimento nella realizzazione di un film basato sulla serie precedente nel corso degli anni 1970, insieme alla proposta per la Paramount Television Service, quarta rete televisiva negli Stati Uniti. Phase II avrebbe dovuto essere il programma di punta della rete, programmato ad essere mandato in onda il sabato alle 20 (ora della costa orientale). A seguito dell'annuncio che Star Trek sarebbe tornata con una serie a partire dal 17 giugno 1977, Roddenberry iniziò a ingaggiare nuovi membri dello staff tecnico, incluso Harold Livingston e come produttori esecu (it)
  • Звёздный путь: Фаза II (англ. Star Trek: Phase II), также известный как Звёздный путь II (англ. Star Trek II) — не снятый телесериал с персонажами Джина Родденберри из телесериала «Звёздный путь: Оригинальный сериал» (или TOS — сокращение от The Original Series), выходившего в эфир с 1966 по 1969. Планы по производству сериала стали разрабатываться после неудачи при создании полнометражного фильма по мотивам оригинального сериала в 1970-х, а также в связи с предложением по запуску en:Paramount Television Service (предшественник UPN). Новый сериал планировалось запустить в эфир в мае 1978 года, он должен был стать флагманским сериалом канала. Сериал должен был продолжить приключения экипажа USS Энтерпрайз во второй пятилетней миссии и стать частью франшизы Star Trek. Кроме Леонарда Нимоя, о (ru)
  • 《星艦奇航記:第二期》(原名:Star Trek: Phase II)是一個胎死腹中的電視影集計畫,原本預定於1978年春季在派拉蒙打算成立的電視網中首播。故事內容是基於吉恩·羅登貝瑞原創的《星艦奇航記》角色與時空背景。影集主要是描述「星艦企業號」的航員進行第二次五年任務期間所發生的冒險故事(接續自前一個系列完結之後)。 影集原本計畫由威廉·薛特納(William Shatner)與(DeForest Kelley)擔綱演出他們之前的角色詹姆斯·柯克與李奧納德·麥考伊。比較引人注目的是李奧納德·尼摩伊(Leonard Nimoy)的缺席,他因為關於史巴克這個角色的行銷議題,以及對《Equus》這齣舞台劇的責任,所以回絕了這次的演出機會。 影集會加入幾個新成員,包括威廉·碟克(William Decker)中校、(Ilia)上尉、以及瓦肯人榮(Xon)上尉等等。 在早期階段,榮原本叫做沙維克(Savik)。後來這個名字的變化型,(Saavik),用來命名電影《星戰大怒吼》裡面的一個女瓦肯人。 (zh)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (en)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (cs)
  • Star Trek: Phase Two (de)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (es)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (fr)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (in)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (it)
  • スタートレック:フェイズII (ja)
  • Star Trek: Phase II (pt)
  • Звёздный путь: Фаза II (ru)
  • 星艦奇航記:第二期 (zh)
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