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- Das Bistum Arundel und Brighton (lateinisch Dioecesis Arundelliensis-Brichtelmestunensis, englisch Diocese of Arundel and Brighton) ist eine im Vereinigten Königreich gelegene römisch-katholische Diözese mit Sitz in Arundel. (de)
- Le diocèse d'Arundel et Brighton est un diocèse catholique suffragant de l'archidiocèse de Southwark en Angleterre, érigé en 1965. Son territoire couvre tout le Sussex et la majorité du comté de Surrey, à l'exception du district de Spelthorne. (fr)
- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton (in Latin: Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brichtelmestunensis) is a Latin Church Roman Catholic diocese in southern England covering the counties of Sussex and Surrey (excluding Spelthorne, which is part of the Diocese of Westminster). The diocese was erected on 28 May 1965 by Pope Paul VI, having previously been a part of the larger Diocese of Southwark, which was elevated to an archdiocese with a new ecclesiastical province on the same date. (en)
- Keuskupan Arundel dan Brighton (bahasa Latin: Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brich-telmestunensis; bahasa Inggris: Diocese of Arundel and Brighton) adalah sebuah keuskupan Katolik Roma di selatan Inggris yang meliputi Sussex dan Surrey (kecuali , yang menjadi bagian dari Keuskupan Westminster). Keuskupan tersebut didirikan pada tanggal 28 Mei 1965 oleh Paus Paulus VI, sebelumnya bagian dari Keuskupan Southwark, yang ditingkatkan menjadi keuskupan agung dengan provinsi gerejawi yang baru pada tanggal yang sama. (in)
- La diocesi di Arundel e Brighton (in latino: Dioecesis Arundelliensis-Brichtelmestunensis) è una sede della Chiesa cattolica in Inghilterra suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi di Southwark. Nel 2020 contava 179.800 battezzati su 3.342.140 abitanti. È retta dal vescovo Charles Phillip Richard Moth. (it)
- Diecezja Arundel i Brighton − diecezja Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w południowej Anglii, w metropolii Southwark. Obejmuje hrabstwa Surrey, West Sussex oraz East Sussex. Katedra diecezjalna znajduje się w Arundel, natomiast kuria biskupia zlokalizowana jest w Hove koło Brighton. Diecezja została erygowana 28 maja 1965, jej terytorium należało wcześniej do archidiecezji Southwark. (pl)
- 天主教阿倫德爾暨布萊頓教區(拉丁語:Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brichtelmestunensis)是英國英格蘭一個羅馬天主教教區。包括薩塞克斯郡和薩里郡全部。屬薩瑟克總教區。座堂位於阿倫德爾。 2011年,有196,700名教友,估轄區總人口6.1%,有96個堂區、19名司鐸、46名終身執事、87名修士、404名修女。現任主教為。 1965年5月28日升為教區。 (zh)
- Епархия Арундела и Брайтона — римско-католический диоцез с центром в городе графства Западный Суссекс в Англии. Диоцез основан 28 мая 1965 года, отделившись от архидиоцеза Саутуарка. Диоцез входит в Провинцию Саутуарка. Площадь диоцеза составляет 4,997 км² и включает графства: Западный Суссекс, Восточный Суссекс и Суррей. Диоцез насчитывает 13 деканатов. Кафедральный собор — Собор Пресвятой Девы Марии и Святого Филиппа Говарда на Parsons Hill Street в Арунделе. В настоящий момент пост епископа Арундела и Брайтона, с 21 марта 2015 года, занимает Чарльз Филипп Ричард Мот, бывший военный ординарий Великобритании. (ru)
- 4998000000.000000 (xsd:double)
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- dbr:Pulborough
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Westminster
- dbr:Rotherfield
- dbr:Rottingdean
- dbr:Royal_Holloway,_University_of_London
- dbr:Right_Reverend
- dbr:Battle,_East_Sussex
- dbr:Bernard_Longley
- dbr:Billingshurst
- dbr:Borough_of_Spelthorne
- dbr:Bramley,_Surrey
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_dioceses_and_prelatures_established_in_the_20th_century
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Southwark
- dbr:Horley
- dbr:Horsham
- dbr:Hurstpierpoint
- dbr:John_Wilson_(bishop)
- dbr:Peacehaven
- dbr:Reigate
- dbr:Richard_Moth
- dbr:University_of_Brighton
- dbr:University_of_Surrey
- dbr:University_of_Sussex
- dbr:David_Cashman
- dbr:Deacon
- dbr:Province_of_Southwark
- dbr:Cormac_Murphy-O'Connor
- dbr:Cranleigh
- dbr:Crowborough
- dbr:Mayfield,_East_Sussex
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church,_Caterham
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church,_Petworth
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_and_St_Peter,_Leatherhead
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Assumption,_Englefield_Green
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_of_Canterbury_and_English_Martyrs,_St_Leonards-on-Sea
- dbr:Church_of_the_Sacred_Heart,_Hove
- dbr:Cobham,_Surrey
- dbr:Effingham,_Surrey
- dbr:Egham
- dbr:England
- dbr:Epsom
- dbr:Friary_Church_of_St_Francis_and_St_Anthony,_Crawley
- dbr:Frimley
- dbr:Greater_London
- dbr:Molesey
- dbc:Religion_in_East_Sussex
- dbc:Religion_in_West_Sussex
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_Ecclesiastical_Province_of_Southwark
- dbr:Angmering
- dbr:Lewes
- dbr:Shrine_Church_of_Our_Lady_of_Consolation_and_St_Francis
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Preston_Park
- dbr:St_Mary_Magdalene's_Church,_Bexhill-on-Sea
- dbr:St_Mary_Star_of_the_Sea_Church,_Hastings
- dbr:St_Mary_of_the_Angels,_Worthing
- dbr:St_Peter's_Church,_Shoreham-by-Sea
- dbr:St_Richard_of_Chichester_Church,_Chichester
- dbr:St_Tarcisius_Church,_Camberley
- dbr:St_Teresa_of_Avila_Church,_Chiddingfold
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Burgess_Hill
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Hailsham
- dbr:Staplefield
- dbr:West_Sussex
- dbr:Banstead
- dbr:Brighton_and_Hove
- dbr:Burwash
- dbr:Catholic_Church
- dbr:Wadhurst
- dbr:Walton-on-Thames
- dbr:West_Byfleet
- dbr:Weybridge
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_churches_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:Addlestone
- dbr:All_Saints_Church,_Oxted
- dbr:East_Preston,_West_Sussex
- dbr:East_Sussex
- dbr:Esher
- dbr:Ewell
- dbr:Fetcham
- dbr:Forest_Row
- dbc:Christian_organizations_established_in_1965
- dbc:Religious_organisations_based_in_England
- dbr:Northiam
- dbr:Our_Lady_and_St_Peter's_Church,_East_Grinstead
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Ransom_Church,_Eastbourne
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Sorrows_Church,_Bognor_Regis
- dbr:Parish
- dbr:Diocese
- dbc:Religion_in_Surrey
- dbr:Michael_George_Bowen
- dbr:Roman_Catholic
- dbr:Royal_Holloway_College
- dbr:Guildford
- dbr:Hampden_Park
- dbr:Haywards_Heath
- dbr:Heath_End,_Surrey
- dbr:Heathfield,_East_Sussex
- dbr:Hersham
- dbr:Thames_Ditton
- dbr:Arundel
- dbr:Arundel_Cathedral
- dbr:Ash,_Surrey
- dbr:Ashtead
- dbr:Assumption_of_Mary
- dbr:Chertsey
- dbr:Chichester
- dbr:Kent
- dbr:Keymer
- dbr:Kieran_Conry
- dbr:Langney
- dbr:Latin_Church
- dbr:Sunningdale
- dbr:Surrey
- dbr:Sussex
- dbr:Sutton_Place,_Surrey
- dbr:Tadworth
- dbr:Ecclesiastical_province
- dbr:Translation_(ecclesiastical)
- dbr:Religious_institute
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Arundel_and_Brighton
- dbr:Pope_Francis
- dbr:Pope_Paul_VI
- dbr:Portslade
- dbr:South_East_England
- dbr:Southwick,_West_Sussex
- dbr:St_Anthony_of_Padua_Church,_Rye
- dbr:St_Augustine's_Abbey,_Chilworth
- dbr:St_Catherine's_Church,_Littlehampton
- dbr:St_Dunstan's_Church,_Woking
- dbr:St_Edmund_Church,_Godalming
- dbr:St_Joan_of_Arc's_Church,_Farnham
- dbr:St_John_the_Baptist's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_John_the_Evangelist_Church,_Heron's_Ghyll
- dbr:St_Joseph's_Church,_Dorking
- dbr:Knaphill
- dbr:Merrow
- dbr:Merstham
- dbr:Newhaven,_East_Sussex
- dbr:Catholic_Church_in_England_and_Wales
- dbr:Redhill,_Surrey
- dbr:Selsey
- dbr:Brighton_&_Hove
- dbr:Woodingdean
- dbr:Worth_Abbey
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_More_(Seaford)
- dbr:Unitary_authority
- dbr:Most_Reverend
- dbr:Roman_Rite
- dbr:Pevensey_Bay
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_England_Priory
- dbr:Sexual_abuse_scandal_in_Arundel_and_Brighton_diocese
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_Southwark
- dbr:Maurice_Noël_Léon_Couve_de_Murville
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_Westminster
- dbr:East_Worthing,_West_Sussex
- dbr:St_Philip_Howard
- dbr:Goring,_West_Sussex
- dbr:Rydes_Hill
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- Coat of arms of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton (en)
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- Logo_of_the_Diocese_of_Arundel_and_Brighton.png (en)
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- Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Bricht-elmestunensis (en)
- The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton within the Province of Southwark. (en)
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- Arundel and Brighton (en)
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- Counties of East Sussex and West Sussex and the County of Surrey outside the Greater London Boroughs, except Spelthorne. (en)
- (en)
- Fr Jonathan Martin (en)
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- Das Bistum Arundel und Brighton (lateinisch Dioecesis Arundelliensis-Brichtelmestunensis, englisch Diocese of Arundel and Brighton) ist eine im Vereinigten Königreich gelegene römisch-katholische Diözese mit Sitz in Arundel. (de)
- Le diocèse d'Arundel et Brighton est un diocèse catholique suffragant de l'archidiocèse de Southwark en Angleterre, érigé en 1965. Son territoire couvre tout le Sussex et la majorité du comté de Surrey, à l'exception du district de Spelthorne. (fr)
- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton (in Latin: Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brichtelmestunensis) is a Latin Church Roman Catholic diocese in southern England covering the counties of Sussex and Surrey (excluding Spelthorne, which is part of the Diocese of Westminster). The diocese was erected on 28 May 1965 by Pope Paul VI, having previously been a part of the larger Diocese of Southwark, which was elevated to an archdiocese with a new ecclesiastical province on the same date. (en)
- Keuskupan Arundel dan Brighton (bahasa Latin: Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brich-telmestunensis; bahasa Inggris: Diocese of Arundel and Brighton) adalah sebuah keuskupan Katolik Roma di selatan Inggris yang meliputi Sussex dan Surrey (kecuali , yang menjadi bagian dari Keuskupan Westminster). Keuskupan tersebut didirikan pada tanggal 28 Mei 1965 oleh Paus Paulus VI, sebelumnya bagian dari Keuskupan Southwark, yang ditingkatkan menjadi keuskupan agung dengan provinsi gerejawi yang baru pada tanggal yang sama. (in)
- La diocesi di Arundel e Brighton (in latino: Dioecesis Arundelliensis-Brichtelmestunensis) è una sede della Chiesa cattolica in Inghilterra suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi di Southwark. Nel 2020 contava 179.800 battezzati su 3.342.140 abitanti. È retta dal vescovo Charles Phillip Richard Moth. (it)
- Diecezja Arundel i Brighton − diecezja Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w południowej Anglii, w metropolii Southwark. Obejmuje hrabstwa Surrey, West Sussex oraz East Sussex. Katedra diecezjalna znajduje się w Arundel, natomiast kuria biskupia zlokalizowana jest w Hove koło Brighton. Diecezja została erygowana 28 maja 1965, jej terytorium należało wcześniej do archidiecezji Southwark. (pl)
- 天主教阿倫德爾暨布萊頓教區(拉丁語:Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Brichtelmestunensis)是英國英格蘭一個羅馬天主教教區。包括薩塞克斯郡和薩里郡全部。屬薩瑟克總教區。座堂位於阿倫德爾。 2011年,有196,700名教友,估轄區總人口6.1%,有96個堂區、19名司鐸、46名終身執事、87名修士、404名修女。現任主教為。 1965年5月28日升為教區。 (zh)
- Епархия Арундела и Брайтона — римско-католический диоцез с центром в городе графства Западный Суссекс в Англии. Диоцез основан 28 мая 1965 года, отделившись от архидиоцеза Саутуарка. Диоцез входит в Провинцию Саутуарка. Площадь диоцеза составляет 4,997 км² и включает графства: Западный Суссекс, Восточный Суссекс и Суррей. Диоцез насчитывает 13 деканатов. Кафедральный собор — Собор Пресвятой Девы Марии и Святого Филиппа Говарда на Parsons Hill Street в Арунделе. (ru)
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton (en)
- Bistum Arundel und Brighton (de)
- Diocèse d'Arundel et Brighton (fr)
- Keuskupan Arundel dan Brighton (in)
- Diocesi di Arundel e Brighton (it)
- Diecezja Arundel i Brighton (pl)
- Епархия Арундела и Брайтона (ru)
- 天主教阿倫德爾暨布萊頓教區 (zh)
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- POINT(-0.55900001525879 51.85599899292)
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- Arundel and Brighton (en)
- Dioecesis Arundeliensis-Bricht-elmestunensis (en)
is dbo:diocese
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects
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- dbr:Pro_Ecclesia_et_Pontifice
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Southwark
- dbr:List_of_current_places_of_worship_in_Chichester_District
- dbr:List_of_current_places_of_worship_in_Wealden
- dbr:Bernard_Longley
- dbr:Bishopric_of_the_Forces_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:Borough_of_Spelthorne
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Southwark
- dbr:Hove
- dbr:List_of_cathedrals_in_England_and_Wales
- dbr:List_of_demolished_places_of_worship_in_Brighton_and_Hove
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Brighton_and_Hove
- dbr:David_Cashman
- dbr:Deaths_in_September_2017
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Adur
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Arun
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Crawley
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Eastbourne
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Elmbridge
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Epsom_and_Ewell
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Hastings
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Horsham_District
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Lewes_District
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Mid_Sussex
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Mole_Valley
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Reigate_and_Banstead
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Rother
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Tandridge_District
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Waverley_(borough)
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Woking_(borough)
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Worthing
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_the_Borough_of_Guildford
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church,_Petworth
- dbr:Elm_Grove,_Brighton
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Consolation
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_and_St_Peter,_Leatherhead
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Assumption,_Englefield_Green
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_More,_Seaford
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_of_Canterbury_and_English_Martyrs,_St_Leonards-on-Sea
- dbr:Church_of_the_Sacred_Heart,_Hove
- dbr:English_Martyrs'_Catholic_Church,_Goring-by-Sea
- dbr:Friary_Church_of_St_Francis_and_St_Anthony,_Crawley
- dbr:1982_visit_by_Pope_John_Paul_II_to_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:2017_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Armorial_of_the_Catholic_Church_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:Shrine_of_Our_Lady_of_Consolation
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Preston_Park
- dbr:St_Mary_Magdalen's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_Mary_Magdalene's_Church,_Bexhill-on-Sea
- dbr:St_Mary_Star_of_the_Sea_Church,_Hastings
- dbr:St_Mary_of_the_Angels,_Worthing
- dbr:St_Oscar_Romero_Catholic_School
- dbr:St_Paul's_Catholic_College
- dbr:St_Peter's_Church,_Aldrington
- dbr:St_Peter's_Church,_Shoreham-by-Sea
- dbr:St_Richard's_Catholic_College
- dbr:St_Richard_of_Chichester_Church,_Chichester
- dbr:St_Tarcisius_Church,_Camberley
- dbr:St_Teresa_of_Avila_Church,_Chiddingfold
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Burgess_Hill
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Hailsham
- dbr:Jonathan_How_(Scouting)
- dbr:Lamsorti
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_(alphabetical)
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_(structured_view)
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_Europe
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_dioceses_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Our_Lady_and_St_Peter's_Church,_East_Grinstead
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Ransom_Church,_Eastbourne
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Sorrows_Church,_Bognor_Regis
- dbr:History_of_Christianity_in_Sussex
- dbr:A&B
- dbr:Arundel_Cathedral
- dbr:Kieran_Conry
- dbr:Lady_Sarah_Clutton
- dbr:Mary_Garson_(nun)
- dbr:St_Anthony_of_Padua_Church,_Rye
- dbr:St_Catherine's_Church,_Littlehampton
- dbr:St_Edmund_Church,_Godalming
- dbr:St_George's_Church,_Polegate
- dbr:St_John's_Seminary,_Wonersh
- dbr:St_John_the_Baptist's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_John_the_Evangelist_Church,_Heron's_Ghyll
- dbr:St_Joseph's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_Joseph's_Church,_Dorking
- dbr:Michael_Bowen_(bishop)
- dbr:Catholic_Association_Pilgrimage
- dbr:Catholic_Church_in_England_and_Wales
- dbr:Worth_Abbey
- dbr:Worthing
- dbr:Diocese_of_arundel_and_brighton
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Bishop_of_Arundel_and_Brighton
- dbr:Diocese_of_Arundel_and_Brighton
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_the_Forest_Church,_Forest_Row
- dbr:Sexual_abuse_scandal_in_Arundel_and_Brighton_diocese
- dbr:Stephen_Bernard
- dbr:Arundel_and_Brighton_Diocese
- dbr:Catholic_Diocese_of_Arundel_and_Brighton
is dbp:diocese
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- dbr:Sacred_Heart_Church,_Petworth
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_and_St_Peter,_Leatherhead
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Assumption,_Englefield_Green
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_More,_Seaford
- dbr:Church_of_St_Thomas_of_Canterbury_and_English_Martyrs,_St_Leonards-on-Sea
- dbr:Church_of_the_Sacred_Heart,_Hove
- dbr:English_Martyrs'_Catholic_Church,_Goring-by-Sea
- dbr:Friary_Church_of_St_Francis_and_St_Anthony,_Crawley
- dbr:Shrine_of_Our_Lady_of_Consolation
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Preston_Park
- dbr:St_Mary_Magdalen's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_Mary_Magdalene's_Church,_Bexhill-on-Sea
- dbr:St_Mary_Star_of_the_Sea_Church,_Hastings
- dbr:St_Mary_of_the_Angels,_Worthing
- dbr:St_Peter's_Church,_Aldrington
- dbr:St_Peter's_Church,_Shoreham-by-Sea
- dbr:St_Richard_of_Chichester_Church,_Chichester
- dbr:St_Teresa_of_Avila_Church,_Chiddingfold
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Burgess_Hill
- dbr:St_Wilfrid's_Church,_Hailsham
- dbr:Our_Lady_and_St_Peter's_Church,_East_Grinstead
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Ransom_Church,_Eastbourne
- dbr:Our_Lady_of_Sorrows_Church,_Bognor_Regis
- dbr:Arundel_Cathedral
- dbr:St_Anthony_of_Padua_Church,_Rye
- dbr:St_Catherine's_Church,_Littlehampton
- dbr:St_George's_Church,_Polegate
- dbr:St_John_the_Baptist's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_John_the_Evangelist_Church,_Heron's_Ghyll
- dbr:St_Joseph's_Church,_Brighton
- dbr:St_Joseph's_Church,_Dorking
- dbr:Worth_Abbey
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Bishop_of_Arundel_and_Brighton
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