An Entity of Type: WikicatMarianApparitions, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Our Lady of La Salette (French: Notre-Dame de La Salette) is a Marian apparition reported by two French children, Maximin Giraud and Mélanie Calvat, to have occurred at La Salette-Fallavaux, France, in 1846. Places dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette outside of France include a sanctuary in Oliveira de Azeméis, in Portugal, a chapel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, in México, as well as a national shrine in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and a shrine in Enfield, New Hampshire, in the United States, both known for their displays of Christmas lights.

Property Value
  • Zjevení Panny Marie v La Salettě patří mezi nejdůležitější mariánská zjevení. Dne 19. září 1846 se jedenáctiletému Maximovi Giraudovi a patnáctileté Mélanii Calvatové údajně zjevila Panna Marie, když vysoko ve francouzských Alpách pásli stádo krav. Za neustávajícího Mariina pláče prý sdělila Mélanii poselství, v němž lidstvo varuje před množstvím zla, jemuž nikdo neunikne. Nakonec však, podle jejího příslibu, dobro zvítězí. Po důkladném prošetření události biskup Mons. ve svém pastýřském listu vydaném 19. září 1851 prohlásil, že mariánské události v obci La Saletta byly pravdivé, a jsou tedy nepopiratelné. (cs)
  • Mare de Déu de la Saleta (en francès Notre-Dame de La Salette) és el nom sota el qual els fidels catòlics designen la Mare de Déu apareguda a dos nens el 19 de setembre de 1846 al poble de La Saleta Falavaus (Isèra, França). També designa el santuari que va ser edificat al lloc de l'aparició. (ca)
  • La Virgen de la Salette (también llamada Nuestra Señora de la Salette, Notre Dame de La Salette en francés o Nuestra Señora de la Saleta en español) es el nombre bajo el cual los fieles católicos designan a la Virgen María aparecida a dos niños el 19 de septiembre de 1846 en el pueblo de La Salette-Fallavaux (Isère, Francia). También es la advocación del santuario que se edificó en el lugar de la aparición. (es)
  • Our Lady of La Salette (French: Notre-Dame de La Salette) is a Marian apparition reported by two French children, Maximin Giraud and Mélanie Calvat, to have occurred at La Salette-Fallavaux, France, in 1846. On 19 September 1851, the local bishop formally approved the public devotion and prayers to Our Lady of La Salette. On 21 August 1879, Pope Leo XIII granted a canonical coronation to the image now located within the Basilica of Our Lady of La Salette. A Russian-style tiara was granted to the image, instead of the solar-type tiara used in the traditional depictions of Our Lady during her apparitions. Places dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette outside of France include a sanctuary in Oliveira de Azeméis, in Portugal, a chapel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, in México, as well as a national shrine in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and a shrine in Enfield, New Hampshire, in the United States, both known for their displays of Christmas lights. (en)
  • Notre-Dame de La Salette est le nom sous lequel les catholiques désignent la Vierge Marie telle qu'elle est apparue à deux enfants (Mélanie Calvat et Maximin Giraud) le 19 septembre 1846 en haut du village de La Salette-Fallavaux, près de Corps, en France, dans le département de l'Isère. Cette apparition mariale, reconnue officiellement par l’Église catholique a entraîné une dévotion à la Vierge Marie sous l'appellation « de La Salette ». Plusieurs églises et sanctuaires de par le monde lui sont consacrés. Notre-Dame de La Salette est aussi le vocable sous lequel est désigné le sanctuaire marial qui a été édifié sur les lieux de l'apparition, dans la montagne au-dessus de la commune de Corps (Isère). (fr)
  • Bunda dari La Salette (bahasa Prancis: Notre-Dame de La Salette) adalah sebuah penampakan Maria yang dilaporkan oleh dua anak, dan Mélanie Calvat yang terjadi di La Salette-Fallavaux, Prancis, pada 1846. Pada 19 September 1851, uskup lokal resmi mengakui devosi publik dan doa kepada Bunda dari La Salette. Pada 21 Agustus 1879, Paus Leo XIII memberikan kepada gambar yang kini berada di Basilika Bunda dari La Salette. Sebuah tiara gaya Rusia diberikan kepada gambar tersebut, menggantikan tiara berjenis surya yang dipakai dalam penggambaran tradisional terhadap penampakan tersebut. Tempat-tempat yang didedikasikan kepada Bunda dari La Salette di luar Prancis meliputi sebuah biara di Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, sebuah biara nasional di Attleboro, Massachusetts dan sebuah biara di , Amerika Serikat, keduanya dikenal karena memasang penerang-penerang Natal, dan sebuah kapel di , Meksiko. (in)
  • 는 프랑스 그르노블 인근의 작은 산마을이다. 이곳은 1846년 와 등 두 명의 어린 목동들에 의해 알려진 성모 마리아의 발현으로 가장 유명하며, 이후 수많은 기적적 치유가 보고되었다. 로마 가톨릭교회는 이러한 현상을 조사하여 믿어도 무방하다는 결론을 내렸으며, 라살레트의 성모라는 이름으로 승인하였다. (ko)
  • Nostra Signora di La Salette (o Madonna di La Salette) è l'appellativo con cui la Chiesa cattolica venera Maria, in seguito alle apparizioni che ebbero, il 19 settembre 1846, due ragazzi, Maximin Giraud e Mélanie Calvat.Il nome della località si riferisce al comune francese di La Salette-Fallavaux, dipartimento dell'Isère, vicino a Corps. (it)
  • ラ・サレットの聖母 (フランス語: Notre-Dame de La Salette) は、1846年9月19日、フランスの (La Salette) において牛飼いの少女メラニー・カルヴァ (Melanie Calvat) と11歳の牛飼いの少年マクシマン・ジロー (Maximin Giraud) の2人の子供が報告した聖母の出現である。 (ja)
  • Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van La Salette ook wel O.L.V. van La Salette, middelares voor de zondaars genoemd, betreft een bedevaartsoord inLa Salette, een klein alpendorp op 1800 meter hoogte in de gemeente La Salette-Fallavaux, in het Franse Dauphine in het bisdom Grenoble, ca. 75 km ten zuidoosten van Grenoble. In het jaar 1846 zou er in La Salette een verschijning van Maria aan twee herderskinderen, en , hebben plaatsgevonden die door de Katholieke Kerk wordt erkend. La Salette is te bereiken via een weg van 15 km vertrekkend uit Corps, aan de route Napoléon (N85), dit is de weg van Grenoble naar Gap. De congregatie van de dankt haar naam aan Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van La Salette. (nl)
  • Matka Boża z La Salette – katolicki tytuł Maryi, Matki Jezusa, związany z objawieniem maryjnym we francuskim mieście La Salette 19 września 1846 roku. (pl)
  • Дева Мария из Ла-Салетта — явление Девы Марии двум детям в Альпах, во французской деревне Ла-Салетт-Фаллаво в 1846 году. Признано Католической церковью подлинным. Центром данного богородичного культа служит . В честь явления назван орден салетинцев. Деревня Ла-Салетт-Фаллаво благодаря данному явлению превратилась в крупный паломнический центр. По сообщению двоих детей, 11-летнего Максимина Жиро и 14-летней Мелани Кальва, 19 сентября 1846 года на горе Ла-Салетт в Альпах (примерно 30 км к юго-востоку от Гренобля) им явилась Дева Мария и передала послание, призывающее людей к покаянию. Католические источники сообщают о последовавших за этим чудесах, в частности, многочисленных исцелениях. После тщательного изучения обстоятельств явления и последовавших событий папа Пий IX в 1851 году признал явление подлинным. В том же году было начато строительство . В 1852 году был основан орден салетинцев, важнейшим элементом духовной жизни которого было почитание Девы Марии из Ла-Салетта. В 1879 году папа Лев XIII короновал образ Девы Марии из Ла-Салетта. (ru)
  • Nossa Senhora de La Salette (em francês Notre-Dame de La Salette) é a invocação dada à Virgem Maria nas suas aparições na montanha de La Salette, departamento de Isère, na região dos Alpes franceses. De acordo com os relatos existentes, Nossa Senhora terá aparecido a 19 de setembro de 1846 a duas crianças: Maximin Giraud, com 11 anos de idade, e Mélanie Calvat, com 15 anos. A veneração a Nossa Senhora de La Salette floresceu no século XX e, assim como Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (1858), Nossa Senhora de Fátima (1917) e Nossa Senhora das Lágrimas (1930), continua a ser uma das mais famosas aparições da Virgem Maria na idade contemporânea. Possui fortes ligações com essas três aparições marianas através da linha do tempo do segredo de La Salette, e confirmada nas recomendações dadas em Lourdes, nos acontecimentos em Fátima e nas mensagens reveladas em Campinas. (pt)
  • 298446 (xsd:integer)
  • 42936 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1120329459 (xsd:integer)
  • Jean Stern (en)
  • Abbé Alfred Monnin (en)
  • 1846-09-19 (xsd:date)
  • Our Lady of La Salette (en)
  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of La Salette, La Salette, France (en)
  • 270 (xsd:integer)
  • Vie du Curé d'Ars, t. 2, Paris, 1861, p. 281-283, searchable on Google Books. (en)
  • La Salette, Documents authentiques, t. 1, Desclée De Brouwer, 1980, pp. 47-48. (en)
  • (en)
  • - Father, are you sure you heard well what Maximin said to you? (en)
  • I gave you six days to work, I've reserved the seventh for myself and they don't want to give it to me, that's what weighs my son's hand down so much. And also those who drive the carts don't know how to swear without putting my son's name in the middle, these are the two things that make my son's hand so heavy. (en)
  • - " Well! Father, consult. But it's not worth it. Thereupon, Maximin made his confession. (en)
  • - Father , what should we think of La Salette? (en)
  • - My friend, you can think of it what you want: it is not an article of faith. For me, I think we have to love the Blessed Virgin. (en)
  • Approach, my children, don't be afraid, I'm here to tell you great news. If my people won't submit, I'm forced to let go the hand of my son. It is so strong and so heavy that I can no longer maintain it, for the time I have suffered for you. If I don't want my son to abandon you, I have all the charge to pray to him unceasingly. For you, you don't care. No matter what you do, you will never be able to compensate for the trouble I have taken for you. (en)
  • There will come a great famine. Before the famine comes, children under seven will take a quake from which they will die at the hands of those who hold them. (en)
  • - It's not necessary, he replied, it's good for the people. There are many who convert. Then he added: “I would like to make a general confession and enter a religious house. When I am at the convent, I will say that I have said everything, and that I have nothing more to say." So I went on: 'My friend, it can't go like that; I must consult my Bishop”. (en)
  • - Would it be indiscreet to ask you to kindly tell us what happened between you and Maximin, in this interview about which so much noise is made? What impression did it leave to you? (en)
  • - But, Father, it is said that Abbé Raymond had pushed this child to the limit and that it was to be delivered of this harassment that the boy said he had seen nothing. (en)
  • This will continue, to the point that this year, for Christmas there will be no more. (en)
  • If you have wheat you must not sow it, all that you will sow the beasts will eat it and what will remain that the animals will not have eaten, the year which comes it will crumble into dust when you will beat it. (en)
  • - I don't know what Mr. Raymond did; but I know very well that I did not torment the boy. All I did was say to him, when he was brought to me: "So it was you, my friend, who saw the Blessed Virgin?" (en)
  • Come, my children, pass it well on to all my people. (en)
  • - Oh ! very sure ! There are indeed some who wanted to say that I was deaf!... What didn't they say?... It seems to me that this is not how one defends the truth. (en)
  • - If Maximin did not deceive me, he did not see the Blessed Virgin. (en)
  • - No my friend, the boy told me that it was not true; that he hadn't seen anything. (en)
  • If the harvest goes bad, it's only for you, I made you see it last year with the apples, but you didn't take it into account. On the contrary, when you found bad potatoes you would swear and put my son's name in the middle. (en)
  • - I told him: “My child, if you have lied, you must retract”. (en)
  • Have you not seen spoiled wheat, my children? No, Madam. But my child, you must have seen it this time when you went with your father to the Coin and when there was a man who told your father to come and see his spoiled wheat. Then your father went there and he took some ears in his hand, he rubbed them and they fell into dust. Then, on returning, as they were still half an hour away from Corps, your father gave you a piece of bread and told you : "Well my child, still eat bread this year. We don't know who will eat it the coming year if it continues like this." (en)
  • - How come you didn't demand a public retraction from him? (en)
  • The others will do their penance in starvation. The nuts will become spoiled and the grapes will rot, but if they convert the stones and rocks will become heaps of wheat, and the potatoes will be sown . In the summer, only a few older women go to mass on Sundays and the others work, and in the winter the boys, when they don't know what to do, only go to mass to make fun of religion. People don't make lent, they go to the butcher's like dogs. Are you praying well, my children? Not much, madam. You have to do it night and morning and say at least a pater and an ave when you can't do better. (en)
  • - Maximin did not say that he had seen the Blessed Virgin; he only said that he had seen a great lady... There may be a misunderstanding there. (en)
  • Zjevení Panny Marie v La Salettě patří mezi nejdůležitější mariánská zjevení. Dne 19. září 1846 se jedenáctiletému Maximovi Giraudovi a patnáctileté Mélanii Calvatové údajně zjevila Panna Marie, když vysoko ve francouzských Alpách pásli stádo krav. Za neustávajícího Mariina pláče prý sdělila Mélanii poselství, v němž lidstvo varuje před množstvím zla, jemuž nikdo neunikne. Nakonec však, podle jejího příslibu, dobro zvítězí. Po důkladném prošetření události biskup Mons. ve svém pastýřském listu vydaném 19. září 1851 prohlásil, že mariánské události v obci La Saletta byly pravdivé, a jsou tedy nepopiratelné. (cs)
  • Mare de Déu de la Saleta (en francès Notre-Dame de La Salette) és el nom sota el qual els fidels catòlics designen la Mare de Déu apareguda a dos nens el 19 de setembre de 1846 al poble de La Saleta Falavaus (Isèra, França). També designa el santuari que va ser edificat al lloc de l'aparició. (ca)
  • La Virgen de la Salette (también llamada Nuestra Señora de la Salette, Notre Dame de La Salette en francés o Nuestra Señora de la Saleta en español) es el nombre bajo el cual los fieles católicos designan a la Virgen María aparecida a dos niños el 19 de septiembre de 1846 en el pueblo de La Salette-Fallavaux (Isère, Francia). También es la advocación del santuario que se edificó en el lugar de la aparición. (es)
  • 는 프랑스 그르노블 인근의 작은 산마을이다. 이곳은 1846년 와 등 두 명의 어린 목동들에 의해 알려진 성모 마리아의 발현으로 가장 유명하며, 이후 수많은 기적적 치유가 보고되었다. 로마 가톨릭교회는 이러한 현상을 조사하여 믿어도 무방하다는 결론을 내렸으며, 라살레트의 성모라는 이름으로 승인하였다. (ko)
  • Nostra Signora di La Salette (o Madonna di La Salette) è l'appellativo con cui la Chiesa cattolica venera Maria, in seguito alle apparizioni che ebbero, il 19 settembre 1846, due ragazzi, Maximin Giraud e Mélanie Calvat.Il nome della località si riferisce al comune francese di La Salette-Fallavaux, dipartimento dell'Isère, vicino a Corps. (it)
  • ラ・サレットの聖母 (フランス語: Notre-Dame de La Salette) は、1846年9月19日、フランスの (La Salette) において牛飼いの少女メラニー・カルヴァ (Melanie Calvat) と11歳の牛飼いの少年マクシマン・ジロー (Maximin Giraud) の2人の子供が報告した聖母の出現である。 (ja)
  • Matka Boża z La Salette – katolicki tytuł Maryi, Matki Jezusa, związany z objawieniem maryjnym we francuskim mieście La Salette 19 września 1846 roku. (pl)
  • Our Lady of La Salette (French: Notre-Dame de La Salette) is a Marian apparition reported by two French children, Maximin Giraud and Mélanie Calvat, to have occurred at La Salette-Fallavaux, France, in 1846. Places dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette outside of France include a sanctuary in Oliveira de Azeméis, in Portugal, a chapel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, in México, as well as a national shrine in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and a shrine in Enfield, New Hampshire, in the United States, both known for their displays of Christmas lights. (en)
  • Bunda dari La Salette (bahasa Prancis: Notre-Dame de La Salette) adalah sebuah penampakan Maria yang dilaporkan oleh dua anak, dan Mélanie Calvat yang terjadi di La Salette-Fallavaux, Prancis, pada 1846. Pada 19 September 1851, uskup lokal resmi mengakui devosi publik dan doa kepada Bunda dari La Salette. Pada 21 Agustus 1879, Paus Leo XIII memberikan kepada gambar yang kini berada di Basilika Bunda dari La Salette. Sebuah tiara gaya Rusia diberikan kepada gambar tersebut, menggantikan tiara berjenis surya yang dipakai dalam penggambaran tradisional terhadap penampakan tersebut. (in)
  • Notre-Dame de La Salette est le nom sous lequel les catholiques désignent la Vierge Marie telle qu'elle est apparue à deux enfants (Mélanie Calvat et Maximin Giraud) le 19 septembre 1846 en haut du village de La Salette-Fallavaux, près de Corps, en France, dans le département de l'Isère. Cette apparition mariale, reconnue officiellement par l’Église catholique a entraîné une dévotion à la Vierge Marie sous l'appellation « de La Salette ». Plusieurs églises et sanctuaires de par le monde lui sont consacrés. (fr)
  • Nossa Senhora de La Salette (em francês Notre-Dame de La Salette) é a invocação dada à Virgem Maria nas suas aparições na montanha de La Salette, departamento de Isère, na região dos Alpes franceses. De acordo com os relatos existentes, Nossa Senhora terá aparecido a 19 de setembro de 1846 a duas crianças: Maximin Giraud, com 11 anos de idade, e Mélanie Calvat, com 15 anos. (pt)
  • Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van La Salette ook wel O.L.V. van La Salette, middelares voor de zondaars genoemd, betreft een bedevaartsoord inLa Salette, een klein alpendorp op 1800 meter hoogte in de gemeente La Salette-Fallavaux, in het Franse Dauphine in het bisdom Grenoble, ca. 75 km ten zuidoosten van Grenoble. In het jaar 1846 zou er in La Salette een verschijning van Maria aan twee herderskinderen, en , hebben plaatsgevonden die door de Katholieke Kerk wordt erkend. De congregatie van de dankt haar naam aan Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe van La Salette. (nl)
  • Дева Мария из Ла-Салетта — явление Девы Марии двум детям в Альпах, во французской деревне Ла-Салетт-Фаллаво в 1846 году. Признано Католической церковью подлинным. Центром данного богородичного культа служит . В честь явления назван орден салетинцев. Деревня Ла-Салетт-Фаллаво благодаря данному явлению превратилась в крупный паломнический центр. (ru)
  • Our Lady of La Salette (en)
  • Mare de Déu de la Saleta (ca)
  • Zjevení Panny Marie v La Salettě (cs)
  • Virgen de La Salette (es)
  • Bunda dari La Salette (in)
  • Notre-Dame de La Salette (fr)
  • Nostra Signora di La Salette (it)
  • ラ・サレットの聖母 (ja)
  • 라살레트의 성모 (ko)
  • Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van La Salette (nl)
  • Matka Boża z La Salette (pl)
  • Nossa Senhora de La Salette (pt)
  • Дева Мария из Ла-Салетта (ru)
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