An Entity of Type: architectural structure, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Elgin Cathedral is a historic ruin in Elgin, Moray, north-east Scotland. The cathedral—dedicated to the Holy Trinity—was established in 1224 on land granted by King Alexander II outside the burgh of Elgin and close to the River Lossie. It replaced the cathedral at Spynie, 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to the north, that was served by a small chapter of eight clerics. The new and bigger cathedral was staffed with 18 canons in 1226 and then increased to 23 by 1242. After a damaging fire in 1270, a rebuilding programme greatly enlarged the building. It was unaffected by the Wars of Scottish Independence but again suffered extensive fire damage in 1390 following an attack by Robert III's brother Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, also known as the Wolf of Badenoch. In 1402 the cathedral precinct again

Property Value
  • La Catedral d'Elgin, de vegades es denomina La llanterna del Nord, és un conjunt de ruïnes històriques situades a la ciutat d'Elgin al Consell de Moray, al nord-est d'Escòcia. Les càtedres dels primers bisbes de Moray estaven localitzats a les esglésies de Birnie, Kineddar i Spynie. El Bisbe Bricius va obtenir autoritat papal per establir una seu fixa parasu catedral en Spynie en 1206, però va demanar permís al papa abans de 1216 per traslladar-la a Elgin. No obstant això la catedral va romandre en Spynie fins a 1224, quan va ser finalment traslladada a Elgin pel successor de Bricius, Andreas. La construcció d'aquesta catedral es va completar a la fi del segle xiii. La seva sala capitular octogonal, una característica única en les catedrals d'Escòcia, es troba gairebé intacta. Les naus contenen les tombes i efígies d'alguns dels bisbes, així com d'alguns dels poderosos benefactors de la catedral. En 1390 la catedral i la Vila Real d'Elgin van ser cremats per , , també conegut com el Llop de Badenoch. Les mènsules de la catedral van ser atacades i destruïdes una vegada més en 1402 pels seguidors del Senyor de les Illes. Es van dur a terme importants reparacions de la Catedral als segles XV i XVI abans que caigués en desús i en la ruïna després de la Reforma escocesa. La preservació de l'edifici va començar lentament al segle xix, però en la segona meitat del segle xx, amb la renovació de les deteriorades pedres, l'edifici va ser totalment estabilitzat. (ca)
  • Elgin Cathedral is a historic ruin in Elgin, Moray, north-east Scotland. The cathedral—dedicated to the Holy Trinity—was established in 1224 on land granted by King Alexander II outside the burgh of Elgin and close to the River Lossie. It replaced the cathedral at Spynie, 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to the north, that was served by a small chapter of eight clerics. The new and bigger cathedral was staffed with 18 canons in 1226 and then increased to 23 by 1242. After a damaging fire in 1270, a rebuilding programme greatly enlarged the building. It was unaffected by the Wars of Scottish Independence but again suffered extensive fire damage in 1390 following an attack by Robert III's brother Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, also known as the Wolf of Badenoch. In 1402 the cathedral precinct again suffered an incendiary attack by the followers of the Lord of the Isles. The number of clerics required to staff the cathedral continued to grow, as did the number of craftsmen needed to maintain the buildings and surroundings. The cathedral went through periods of enlargement and renovation following the fires of 1270 and 1390 that included the doubling in length of the choir and the provision of outer aisles to the northern and southern walls of both the nave and choir. Today, these walls are at full height in some places and at foundation level in others yet the overall cruciform shape is still discernible. A mostly intact octagonal chapter house dates from the major enlargement after the fire of 1270. The gable wall above the double door entrance that links the west towers is nearly complete and was rebuilt following the fire of 1390. It accommodates a large window opening that now only contains stub tracery work and fragments of a large rose window. Recessed and chest tombs in both transepts and in the south aisle of the choir contain effigies of bishops and knights, and large flat slabs in the now grass-covered floor of the cathedral mark the positions of early graves. The homes of the dignitaries and canons, or manses, stood in the chanonry and were destroyed by fire on three occasions: in 1270, 1390 and 1402. The two towers of the west front are mostly complete and were part of the first phase of construction. Only the precentor's manse is substantially intact while two others have been incorporated into private buildings. A protective wall of massive proportions surrounded the cathedral precinct, but only a small section has survived. The wall had four access gates, one of which—the Pans Port—still exists. The number of canons had increased to 25 by the time of the Scottish Reformation in 1560 when the cathedral was abandoned and its services transferred to Elgin's parish church of St Giles. After the removal of the lead waterproofing of the roof in 1567, the cathedral fell steadily into decay. The building was still largely intact in 1615 but in the winter of 1637, a storm brought down the roof covering the eastern limb. In the spring of 1711, the central steeple above the crossing collapsed taking the walls of the nave with it. Ownership was transferred from the Church to the Crown in 1689 but that made no difference to the building's continuing deterioration. Only in the early years of the 19th Century did the Crown begin the conservation process—the stabilisation of the structure proceeded through until the end of the 20th Century with the large-scale improvements to the two western towers. (en)
  • La catedral de Elgin, a veces se denomina La linterna del Norte, es un conjunto de ruinas históricas situadas en la ciudad de Elgin el condado de Moray, el noreste de Escocia. Las cátedras de los primeros obispos de Moray estaban localizados en las iglesias de Birnie, Kineddar y Spynie. El Obispo Bricius obtuvo autoridad papal para establecer una sede fija parasu catedral en Spynie en 1206, pero pidió permiso al papa antes de 1216 para trasladarla a Elgin. Sin embargo la catedral permaneció en Spynie hasta 1224, cuando fue finalmente trasladada a Elgin por el sucesor de Bricius, Andreas. La construcción de esta catedral se completó a finales del siglo XIII. Su sala capitular octogonal, una característica única en las catedrales de Escocia, se encuentra casi intacta. Las naves contienen las tumbas y efigies de algunos de los obispos, así como de algunos de los poderosos benefactores de la catedral. En 1390 la catedral y la Villa Real de Elgin fueron quemados por Alejandro Estuardo, conde de Buchan, también conocido como el Lobo de Badenoch. Las ménsulas de la catedral fueron atacadas y destruidas una vez más en 1402 por los seguidores del Señor de las Islas. Se llevaron a cabo importantes reparaciones de la Catedral en los siglos XV y XVI antes de que cayera en desuso y en la ruina tras la Reforma escocesa. La preservación del edificio comenzó lentamente en el siglo XIX, pero en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, con la renovación de las deterioradas piedras, el edificio fue totalmente estabilizado. (es)
  • Elgingo katedrala (ingelesez: Elgin Cathedral) Eskoziako Elgin herriko katedrala da, gaur egun hondarretan aurkitzen dena. A mailako eraikina izendaturik dago. (eu)
  • La cathédrale d'Elgin, parfois appelée « Lanterne du Nord » est une ancienne cathédrale en ruines du XIIIe siècle située à Elgin dans le Moray, au nord-est de l'Écosse. (fr)
  • Elgin Cathedral is een (ruïne van een) dertiende-eeuwse kathedraal in Elgin in de Schotse regio Moray. De kathedraal was ooit het religieus centrum van Moray en was bijgenaamd Lantern of the North (lantaarn van het noorden). Tussen 1224 en 1560 was er een bisschopszetel gevestigd. (nl)
  • Katedra Świętej Trójcy w Elgin (ang.: Holy Trinity Cathedral in Elgin, gael.: Cathair-eaglais na Trianaid ann an Eilginn) to obecnie ruina XIII-wiecznego katolickiego kościoła katedralnego, siedziby biskupa w latach 1224-1560, w Elgin w Szkocji. Zwana była "Latarnią Północy". (pl)
  • A Catedral de Elgin é uma ruína histórica situada em , nordeste da Escócia. A catedral dedicada à Santíssima Trindade foi estabelecida em 1224 em terrenos concedidos pelo rei Alexandre II, fora do burgh de Elgin e perto do . Esta catedral substituiu a de Spynie, a três quilómetros a norte, que foi servida por um pequeno capítulo de oito clérigos. A nova e maior catedral era composta por 18 cónegos em 1226, e depois aumentou para 23 em 1242. Após um incêndio que danificou a catedral em 1270, o programa de reconstrução ampliou o edifício. Não foi afectada pelas Guerras de Independência escocesas, mas sofreria novamente um grande dano com um incêndio em 1390, após um ataque do irmão de Robert III, , também conhecido como o Lobo de . Em 1402, o recinto da catedral sofreu, de novo, um incêndio posto pelos seguidores do . O número de clérigos necessários para manter a catedral continuou a crescer, assim como o número de artesãos necessários para manter os edifícios e os arredores. O número de cónegos aumentou para 25 na época da Reforma Escocesa em 1560, quando a catedral foi abandonada e os seus serviços foram transferidos para a igreja paroquial de Elgin, St Giles. Após a remoção do chumbo que impermeabilizava o tecto, em 1567, a catedral foi sendo abandonada, entrando em decadência. Sua deterioração atingiu o auge no século XIX, altura em que o prédio estava numa condição significativamente ruinosa. A catedral passou por períodos de ampliação e renovação a seguir os incêndios de 1270 e 1390 que incluíram o duplicação do comprimento do coro, e a construção de corredores externos para as paredes a norte e a sul da nave e do coro. Hoje, essas paredes atingiram o seu máximo de altura em alguns lugares e ao nível das fundações em outros, mas a sua forma cruciforme ainda é discernível. A sala do capítulo octogonal, no geral quase intacta, data da grande ampliação depois do incêndio de 1270. A parede do frontão acima da entrada da porta dupla que liga as torres ocidentais está quase completa e foi reconstruída após o incêndio de 1390. Acomoda uma grande abertura para o exterior que agora apenas contém traços e fragmentos de uma grande janela em rosa. Os túmulos embutidos transeptos e no corredor sul do coro contêm efígies de bispos e cavaleiros, e grandes lajes planas no agora piso coberto de relva da catedral marcam as posições das sepulturas iniciais. As casas dos dignitários e dos cónegos foram destruídas pelo fogo em três ocasiões: em 1270, 1390 e 1402. As duas torres da frente ocidental estão praticamente intactas e faziam parte da primeira fase de construção. Somente a casa do chantre está; duas outros foram incorporadas em edifícios privados. Uma parede protectora de proporções maciças cerca o recinto da catedral, mas apenas uma pequena secção sobreviveu. A parede tinha quatro portões de acesso, um dos quais - o Pans Port - ainda existe. (pt)
  • 埃爾金主教座堂(Elgin Cathedral)是英國蘇格蘭東北部埃爾金的一座教堂遺跡。這座教堂始建於1224年。1270年,該教堂發生大火。此後的重建大幅擴張了教堂的規模。然而在1390年和1402年,教堂再次遭到破壞。1560年蘇格蘭宗教改革之後,這座教堂被遺棄。現在這座教堂是蘇格蘭的A級保護建築。 (zh)
  • 2217988 (xsd:integer)
  • 69174 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1121315567 (xsd:integer)
  • 1224-04-10 (xsd:date)
  • hlist (en)
  • Inverness (en)
  • Elgin (en)
  • Strathspey (en)
  • Strathbogie (en)
  • 1224-07-19 (xsd:date)
  • The Holy Trinity (en)
  • Elgin Cathedral (en)
  • (en)
  • ---- (en)
  • Probably late in the year, Rothesay) arrested by Albany (en)
  • 'popish trappings’ removed from cathedral (en)
  • Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan burns the cathedral and chanonry; central tower collapses; Bishop Bur appeals to the King for reparation for the acts of his brother (en)
  • The Pans Port and an existing section of the original precinct wall taken into public ownership (en)
  • Bishop Andrew de Moravia gains approval for the move of the bishopric to Elgin (en)
  • Andrew issues new constitution greatly increasing the number of canons (en)
  • Patrick Hepburn, the last Catholic bishop of Moray died (en)
  • chapter house window tracery replaced and glazed and re-roofed (en)
  • Alexander, Lord of Lochaber attacks cathedral (en)
  • Central tower collapsed destroying nave (en)
  • Crown funded the roofing of the chapter house supervised by Robert Reid (en)
  • Roof covering the choir collapses (en)
  • Roof lead and bells removed by order of parliament (en)
  • The Precenter's Manse taken into public ownership (en)
  • William Hay, the last bishop of Moray died; Union of the Parliaments (en)
  • The brewery on the east bank of the River Lossie and directly opposite the cathedral is removed (en)
  • thumb|left|175px| (en)
  • Bishop Brice de Douglas gets approval for the church at Spynie to the fixed location of the cathedral (en)
  • John Shanks died and is buried in the cathedral cemetery (en)
  • The minister of St Giles church dismantled the Rood screen for firewood (en)
  • A Pictish cross-slab found near St Giles Church is moved to the Cathedral (en)
  • Parliament abolishes Mass; Bishops now use St Giles Church in Elgin (en)
  • John Shanks, a cobbler of Elgin, shifted '2853 cubic yards of rubbish' from cathedral grounds (en)
  • King David II's nomination, Alexander Bur, becomes Bishop (en)
  • The Pans Port gate refurbished and anachronistically ornamented (en)
  • Restoration of interior of north and south towers completed (en)
  • Destructive fire prompts significant reconstruction and enlargement; provision of new west doorway (en)
  • left|thumb|175px|The main west portal before the Reformation (en)
  • Bishop Andrew Stewart completes chapter house refurbishment (en)
  • Gregory, the first recorded Bishop of Moray, first appears in charters (en)
  • Extensive reinforcement and repairs to walls under supervision of Robert Reid (en)
  • 1224 (xsd:integer)
  • Bishop Andreas de Moravia (en)
  • Ruin (en)
  • * Advie and Cromdale * Aberlour and Boharm * Botarry and Elchies * Croy * Dipple and Ruthven * Duffus * Duthil * Elgin * Innerkethney * Kingussie and Insh * Kynnoir and Dumbannan * Moy * Rhynie * Petty and Brackla * Spynie (en)
  • * Artendol * Ferneway * Abriachan * Logykenny * Kyncardin * Abirnethy * Altyre * Ewain * Birnie * Lochalveth —Altyre, Birnie and, later, Lochalveth were reallocated to provide support for the various chaplaincies in the cathedral (en)
  • * Auldearn (en)
  • * Dallas * altarage of Auldearn * chapel of Nairn (en)
  • * Forres * Logyn Fythenach (en)
  • * Kinneddar * Essle (en)
  • * Rafford * Fothervais (en)
  • * Lhanbryde * Alves * Rafford—Rafford removed in 1226 (en)
  • * Inveravon * Urquhart—Urquhart south of Inverness, not Urquhart east of Elgin (en)
  • * Aberchirder—now Marnoch * Aberlour * Arndilly—now Boharm * Botary * Botriphnie * Drumdelgie * Dunbennan * Edendiack * Essie * Grantully—now Gartly * Glass * Inverkethney * Keith * Kinnoir * Rothiemay * Ruthven * Rhynie (en)
  • * Altyre * Alves * Auldearn * Birnie * Dallas * Dipple * Duffus * Dundurkas * Dyke * Elgin * Elchies * Essil * Forres * Fothervays—now Edinkillie * Kinneddar * Lhanbryde * Logie Fythenach—now Ardclach * Moy * Ogstoun * Rafford * Rothes * Spynie * Urquhart (en)
  • *Abernethy * Advie * Alvie * Cromdale * Duthil * Insh * Inverallan * Inveravon * Kincardine * Kingussie * Logie Kenny—now Laggan * Rothiemurcus (en)
  • * Abertarff * Abriachan * Brackley—now Brackla * Convinth * Croy * Dalarossie * Dalcross * Daviot * Dores * Ewan or Barevan—now Cawdor * Ferneway * Inverness * Kintallirgy—now Kiltarlity * Lunnin—now Moy * Lundechty—now Dunlichity * Petty * Urquhart * Wardlaw—now Kirkhill (en)
  • Prebends as a canon of chapter: * Ferness * Lethen * Dunlichity * Tulldivie * Logy Mensal prebends: * Elgin * St Andrews * Dyke * Ogston * Rothiemay * Keith * Grantully * Dulbatelouch * Rothiemurchaus * Davit * Talleralie * Innerallian (en)
  • Churches held in common (en)
  • Bishop (en)
  • Elgin (en)
  • Inverness (en)
  • Dean (en)
  • Strathspey (en)
  • Precentor (en)
  • Chancellor (en)
  • Strathbogie (en)
  • Treasurer (en)
  • Subdean (en)
  • Succentor (en)
  • Archdeacon (en)
  • Canons (en)
  • Elgin Cathedral (en)
  • SM90142 (en)
  • Chapter and prebendary churches in 1242 (en)
  • Deaneries of Moray and parishes (en)
  • background-color:#FFCC99 (en)
  • 57.650555555555556 -3.3055555555555554
  • Elgingo katedrala (ingelesez: Elgin Cathedral) Eskoziako Elgin herriko katedrala da, gaur egun hondarretan aurkitzen dena. A mailako eraikina izendaturik dago. (eu)
  • La cathédrale d'Elgin, parfois appelée « Lanterne du Nord » est une ancienne cathédrale en ruines du XIIIe siècle située à Elgin dans le Moray, au nord-est de l'Écosse. (fr)
  • Elgin Cathedral is een (ruïne van een) dertiende-eeuwse kathedraal in Elgin in de Schotse regio Moray. De kathedraal was ooit het religieus centrum van Moray en was bijgenaamd Lantern of the North (lantaarn van het noorden). Tussen 1224 en 1560 was er een bisschopszetel gevestigd. (nl)
  • Katedra Świętej Trójcy w Elgin (ang.: Holy Trinity Cathedral in Elgin, gael.: Cathair-eaglais na Trianaid ann an Eilginn) to obecnie ruina XIII-wiecznego katolickiego kościoła katedralnego, siedziby biskupa w latach 1224-1560, w Elgin w Szkocji. Zwana była "Latarnią Północy". (pl)
  • 埃爾金主教座堂(Elgin Cathedral)是英國蘇格蘭東北部埃爾金的一座教堂遺跡。這座教堂始建於1224年。1270年,該教堂發生大火。此後的重建大幅擴張了教堂的規模。然而在1390年和1402年,教堂再次遭到破壞。1560年蘇格蘭宗教改革之後,這座教堂被遺棄。現在這座教堂是蘇格蘭的A級保護建築。 (zh)
  • La Catedral d'Elgin, de vegades es denomina La llanterna del Nord, és un conjunt de ruïnes històriques situades a la ciutat d'Elgin al Consell de Moray, al nord-est d'Escòcia. Les càtedres dels primers bisbes de Moray estaven localitzats a les esglésies de Birnie, Kineddar i Spynie. El Bisbe Bricius va obtenir autoritat papal per establir una seu fixa parasu catedral en Spynie en 1206, però va demanar permís al papa abans de 1216 per traslladar-la a Elgin. No obstant això la catedral va romandre en Spynie fins a 1224, quan va ser finalment traslladada a Elgin pel successor de Bricius, Andreas. La construcció d'aquesta catedral es va completar a la fi del segle xiii. La seva sala capitular octogonal, una característica única en les catedrals d'Escòcia, es troba gairebé intacta. Les naus con (ca)
  • Elgin Cathedral is a historic ruin in Elgin, Moray, north-east Scotland. The cathedral—dedicated to the Holy Trinity—was established in 1224 on land granted by King Alexander II outside the burgh of Elgin and close to the River Lossie. It replaced the cathedral at Spynie, 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) to the north, that was served by a small chapter of eight clerics. The new and bigger cathedral was staffed with 18 canons in 1226 and then increased to 23 by 1242. After a damaging fire in 1270, a rebuilding programme greatly enlarged the building. It was unaffected by the Wars of Scottish Independence but again suffered extensive fire damage in 1390 following an attack by Robert III's brother Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, also known as the Wolf of Badenoch. In 1402 the cathedral precinct again (en)
  • La catedral de Elgin, a veces se denomina La linterna del Norte, es un conjunto de ruinas históricas situadas en la ciudad de Elgin el condado de Moray, el noreste de Escocia. Las cátedras de los primeros obispos de Moray estaban localizados en las iglesias de Birnie, Kineddar y Spynie. El Obispo Bricius obtuvo autoridad papal para establecer una sede fija parasu catedral en Spynie en 1206, pero pidió permiso al papa antes de 1216 para trasladarla a Elgin. Sin embargo la catedral permaneció en Spynie hasta 1224, cuando fue finalmente trasladada a Elgin por el sucesor de Bricius, Andreas. La construcción de esta catedral se completó a finales del siglo XIII. Su sala capitular octogonal, una característica única en las catedrales de Escocia, se encuentra casi intacta. Las naves contienen las (es)
  • A Catedral de Elgin é uma ruína histórica situada em , nordeste da Escócia. A catedral dedicada à Santíssima Trindade foi estabelecida em 1224 em terrenos concedidos pelo rei Alexandre II, fora do burgh de Elgin e perto do . Esta catedral substituiu a de Spynie, a três quilómetros a norte, que foi servida por um pequeno capítulo de oito clérigos. A nova e maior catedral era composta por 18 cónegos em 1226, e depois aumentou para 23 em 1242. Após um incêndio que danificou a catedral em 1270, o programa de reconstrução ampliou o edifício. Não foi afectada pelas Guerras de Independência escocesas, mas sofreria novamente um grande dano com um incêndio em 1390, após um ataque do irmão de Robert III, , também conhecido como o Lobo de . Em 1402, o recinto da catedral sofreu, de novo, um incêndio (pt)
  • Catedral d'Elgin (ca)
  • Elgin Cathedral (en)
  • Catedral de Elgin (es)
  • Elgingo katedrala (eu)
  • Cathédrale d'Elgin (fr)
  • Elgin Cathedral (nl)
  • Katedra w Elgin (pl)
  • Catedral de Elgin (pt)
  • 埃爾金主教座堂 (zh)
  • POINT(-3.3055555820465 57.650554656982)
  • 57.650555 (xsd:float)
  • -3.305556 (xsd:float)
  • Elgin Cathedral (en)
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is dbp:cathedral of
is dbp:name of
is foaf:primaryTopic of
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