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Commander Keen is a series of side-scrolling platform video games developed primarily by id Software. The series consists of six main episodes, a "lost" episode, and a final game; all but the final game were originally released for MS-DOS in 1990 and 1991, while the 2001 Commander Keen was released for the Game Boy Color. The series follows the eponymous Commander Keen, the secret identity of the eight-year-old genius Billy Blaze, as he defends the Earth and the galaxy from alien threats with his homemade spaceship, rayguns, and pogo stick. The first three episodes were developed by Ideas from the Deep, the precursor to id, and published by Apogee Software as the shareware title Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons; the "lost" episode 3.5 Commander Keen in Keen Dreams was developed

Property Value
  • Commander Keen ist eine Side-Scroller-Computerspiel-Serie entwickelt von id Software, in der die Spielfigur Billy Blaze, ein laut Geschichte achtjähriger Junge, zahlreiche Abenteuer im Weltraum erlebt. Meistens muss er die Erde oder gleich die ganze Galaxie vor der Zerstörung retten. (de)
  • Commander Keen is a series of side-scrolling platform video games developed primarily by id Software. The series consists of six main episodes, a "lost" episode, and a final game; all but the final game were originally released for MS-DOS in 1990 and 1991, while the 2001 Commander Keen was released for the Game Boy Color. The series follows the eponymous Commander Keen, the secret identity of the eight-year-old genius Billy Blaze, as he defends the Earth and the galaxy from alien threats with his homemade spaceship, rayguns, and pogo stick. The first three episodes were developed by Ideas from the Deep, the precursor to id, and published by Apogee Software as the shareware title Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons; the "lost" episode 3.5 Commander Keen in Keen Dreams was developed by id and published as a retail title by Softdisk; episodes four and five were released by Apogee as the shareware Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy; and the simultaneously developed episode six was published in retail by FormGen as Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Babysitter. Ten years later, a homage and sequel to the series was developed by David A. Palmer Productions and published by Activision as Commander Keen. Another game was announced in 2019 as under development by ZeniMax Online Studios, but was not released. Invasion of the Vorticons was the only game developed by Ideas from the Deep, and was based on programmer John Carmack's creation of adaptive tile refresh, a technique that allowed IBM-compatible general-purpose computers to replicate the smooth scrolling of video game consoles such as the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game's success caused designer Tom Hall, programmers John Carmack and John Romero, and artist Adrian Carmack to found id Software. Their obligations to Softdisk, where they had worked during development of the game, led to the creation of Keen Dreams as a prototype for the second trilogy of episodes. The final episode was split off during development into a stand-alone retail title, and plans for a third trilogy were cancelled after the success of Wolfenstein 3D (1992) and development focus on 3D first-person shooters such as Doom (1993). The final Keen game ten years later had oversight but little development work from id. Critical reception and the series' legacy has focused on the two main trilogies of episodes, with Vorticons having large success as a shareware game and impacting the success of Apogee (now 3D Realms) and its shareware model. The second trilogy sold fewer copies, which was blamed by id and Apogee on its split into two parts, and the 2001 game received mixed reviews. The MS-DOS games have been re-released in several compilation packages, and all but the sixth episode are still sold through modern emulation releases on platforms such as Steam. References to the series have been made by dozens of other games, especially to the Dopefish, an enemy in the fourth episode, which has been termed one of the video game industry's biggest in-jokes. An active modding community has grown around the series, producing editing tools and unofficial sequels. (en)
  • Commander Keen es una saga de videojuegos desarrollados por id Software al inicio de la década de 1990, que fue exitoso en replicar la acción de los juegos de la plataforma NES, Super Mario Bros., en MS-DOS. Estos caricaturescos juegos de plataformas son reconocidos por su innovador uso de gráficos EGA y su distribución a través del mecanismo de shareware, y porque fueron los primeros juegos diseñados por id Software (que luego desarrollaría las series exitosas de juegos Doom y Quake). Los juegos también tuvieron éxito entre los jugadores de PC de la época gracias al revolucionario motor de gráficos de desplazamiento suave desarrollado por John Carmack. Aunque fueron desarrollados por id Software, la mayoría de los juegos de la saga Commander Keen fueron publicados por Apogee Software, una publicadora de juegos shareware para MS-DOS ya conocido en esa época. es el diseñador de Commander Keen y el creador del universo de Keen. El personaje principal es Billie Blaze, un niño genio de ocho años de edad, que viaja defendiendo a la humanidad. (es)
  • Commander Keen est une série de jeux vidéo de type jeu de plate-forme, réalisée par id Software et publiée par Apogee Software au début des années 1990. Ces jeux étaient surtout connus pour l'utilisation du système de couleurs EGA et pour leur distribution en tant que shareware. Commander Keen est également le nom du personnage principal de la série. (fr)
  • Commander Keen adalah sebuah seri permainan video yang utamanya dikembangkan oleh id Software. Seri tersebut terdiri dari enam episode utama, sebuah episode "hilang", dan permainan akhir; semuanya selain permainan akhir awalnya dirilis untuk MS-DOS pada 1990 dan 1991, sementara dari tahun 2001 dirilis untuk Game Boy Color. (in)
  • Commander Keen è una serie di videogiochi sviluppati dalla id Software e pubblicati dalla Apogee Software per PC (MS-DOS) tra il 1990 e il 1995. La serie di genere platform a scorrimento, oltre che per la sua grafica in stile cartone animato, che sfruttava le schede video dell'epoca EGA, è nota per essere uno dei primi videogiochi sviluppati dalla id Software, che in seguito diventerà celebre con titoli come Doom e Quake. (it)
  • Commander Keen is een serie van computerspellen gemaakt door id Software begin jaren 90 van de 20e eeuw. De cartoonachtige platformspellen waren de eerste spellen van id Software, die later blockbusters zoals Doom en Quake ontwikkelde. Hoewel id Software de spellen ontwikkelde, werden ze uitgebracht door Apogee Software. Tom Hall is de ontwerper van Commander Keen en de bedenker van het Keen-universum. Het eerste spel kwam uit op 14 december 1990. In totaal zijn er zeven officiële spellen gemaakt voor de pc en een spel voor de Game Boy Color. (nl)
  • Commander Keen (рус. Командир Кин) — серия компьютерных игр в жанре платформер, разработанная американской компанией id Software в начале 1990-х годов. Главный герой серии — Билли Блэйз (англ. Billy Blaze) — 8-летний мальчик-гений, который перемещается в пространстве под псевдонимом «Commander Keen». Игры отличаются новаторским на момент выхода использованием EGA-графики. Игры серии Commander Keen были одними из первых игр, разработанных id Software. (ru)
  • Commander Keen to seria 7 epizodycznych gier komputerowych. Pierwsza praca zespołu id Software, która wydana przez Apogee Software na platformie PC/MS-DOS w latach '90 szybko zdobyła popularność i przyniosła mu sławę – dając zarazem początek całej serii gier platformowych na komputery osobiste. Seria stała się poniekąd pierwowzorem produkcji , a także doczekała się kontynuacji na platformie GBA. Gra zyskała popularność na platformie PC porównywalną z popularnością Super Mario Bros. na innych platformach i konsolach, dzięki dystrybucjom shareware i grafice EGA wspartej o niedostępny do tej pory na PC system płynnego przewijania ekranu zaprojektowany przez Johna Carmacka. W grze gracz poznaje młodego ośmioletniego chłopca – geniusza (posiada 314 IQ), zagubionego w świecie swojej fantazji, który zarówno poznaje i podbija nieznane miejsca, jak i stawia czoło licznym niebezpieczeństwom. Billy Blaze, główny protagonista gry, buduje swój pierwszy statek kosmiczny i gdy wszyscy idą spać, zabiera kask brata przybierając nowe imię – godne obrońcy Ziemi: Commander Keen (w tłumaczeniu dosłownie „Komandor Bystrzak”). Na wyposażenie młodego chłopca składa się zabrany bratu żółto-zielony kask footbolowy, gra komputerowa Paddle War (Pong), pogo stick (sprężyna do skakania) i raygun (pistolet laserowy). (pl)
  • Commander Keen är huvudpersonen i en serie datorspel utvecklade av id Software, utgivna av Apogee under början av 1990-talet. Spelserien var ett framgångsrikt koncept till PC-plattformen och konkurrerade med NES:ens Super Mario Bros.. Detta var även ett av de första spelen av id Software som senare skulle utveckla storsäljare i Doom- och Quake-serierna. (sv)
  • Commander Keen é uma série de jogos desenvolvida pela Id Software no início de 1990. A série é centrada nas aventuras de Billy Blaze, um menino de oito anos que viaja através do espaço e assume a identidade de "Commander Keen", algo como "Comandante Perspicaz", em português. A série foi um sucesso em replicar a ação side-scrolling do Super Mario Bros para Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) em jogos DOS. Os jogos de plataforma em estilo de desenho animado são notáveis por seu uso pioneiro de gráficos EGA e shareware de distribuição; e foram alguns dos primeiros da Id Software (que passou a desenvolver mais tarde Wolfenstein 3D, Doom e Quake). Os jogos também foram empolgantes para os PCs gamers da época por causa do motor gráfico smooth-scrolling feito por John Carmack. Embora desenvolvido pela Id, a maioria dos jogos Commander Keen foram publicados pela Apogee Software, uma editora de jogos DOS shareware já estabelecida. Tom Hall é o criador de Commander Keen e seu universo. Os jogos, com exceção de Aliens Ate My Baby Sittert!, foram disponibilizados na Steam em 3 de agosto de 2007. Keen Dreams foi lançado para Android no dia 10 de junho de 2013, no Google Play. (pt)
  • 指挥官基恩系列(英语:Commander Keen)是一系列电脑游戏的名字。在游戏中,同名主人公基恩是一名勇敢的冒险者。 (zh)
  • 37529 (xsd:integer)
  • 63725 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1115059738 (xsd:integer)
  • 1990-12-14 (xsd:date)
  • Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons (en)
  • 2001-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • Commander Keen (en)
  • The original concept for Commander Keen, used in the introduction of "Marooned on Mars" (en)
  • Billy Blaze, eight-year-old genius, working diligently in his backyard clubhouse has created an interstellar starship from old soup cans, rubber cement and plastic tubing. While his folks are out on the town and the babysitter has fallen asleep, Billy travels into his backyard workshop, dons his brother's football helmet, and transforms into... COMMANDER KEEN—defender of Earth! In his ship, the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket, Keen dispenses galactic justice with an iron hand! (en)
  • Commander Keen (en)
  • Commander Keen ist eine Side-Scroller-Computerspiel-Serie entwickelt von id Software, in der die Spielfigur Billy Blaze, ein laut Geschichte achtjähriger Junge, zahlreiche Abenteuer im Weltraum erlebt. Meistens muss er die Erde oder gleich die ganze Galaxie vor der Zerstörung retten. (de)
  • Commander Keen est une série de jeux vidéo de type jeu de plate-forme, réalisée par id Software et publiée par Apogee Software au début des années 1990. Ces jeux étaient surtout connus pour l'utilisation du système de couleurs EGA et pour leur distribution en tant que shareware. Commander Keen est également le nom du personnage principal de la série. (fr)
  • Commander Keen adalah sebuah seri permainan video yang utamanya dikembangkan oleh id Software. Seri tersebut terdiri dari enam episode utama, sebuah episode "hilang", dan permainan akhir; semuanya selain permainan akhir awalnya dirilis untuk MS-DOS pada 1990 dan 1991, sementara dari tahun 2001 dirilis untuk Game Boy Color. (in)
  • Commander Keen è una serie di videogiochi sviluppati dalla id Software e pubblicati dalla Apogee Software per PC (MS-DOS) tra il 1990 e il 1995. La serie di genere platform a scorrimento, oltre che per la sua grafica in stile cartone animato, che sfruttava le schede video dell'epoca EGA, è nota per essere uno dei primi videogiochi sviluppati dalla id Software, che in seguito diventerà celebre con titoli come Doom e Quake. (it)
  • Commander Keen is een serie van computerspellen gemaakt door id Software begin jaren 90 van de 20e eeuw. De cartoonachtige platformspellen waren de eerste spellen van id Software, die later blockbusters zoals Doom en Quake ontwikkelde. Hoewel id Software de spellen ontwikkelde, werden ze uitgebracht door Apogee Software. Tom Hall is de ontwerper van Commander Keen en de bedenker van het Keen-universum. Het eerste spel kwam uit op 14 december 1990. In totaal zijn er zeven officiële spellen gemaakt voor de pc en een spel voor de Game Boy Color. (nl)
  • Commander Keen (рус. Командир Кин) — серия компьютерных игр в жанре платформер, разработанная американской компанией id Software в начале 1990-х годов. Главный герой серии — Билли Блэйз (англ. Billy Blaze) — 8-летний мальчик-гений, который перемещается в пространстве под псевдонимом «Commander Keen». Игры отличаются новаторским на момент выхода использованием EGA-графики. Игры серии Commander Keen были одними из первых игр, разработанных id Software. (ru)
  • Commander Keen är huvudpersonen i en serie datorspel utvecklade av id Software, utgivna av Apogee under början av 1990-talet. Spelserien var ett framgångsrikt koncept till PC-plattformen och konkurrerade med NES:ens Super Mario Bros.. Detta var även ett av de första spelen av id Software som senare skulle utveckla storsäljare i Doom- och Quake-serierna. (sv)
  • 指挥官基恩系列(英语:Commander Keen)是一系列电脑游戏的名字。在游戏中,同名主人公基恩是一名勇敢的冒险者。 (zh)
  • Commander Keen is a series of side-scrolling platform video games developed primarily by id Software. The series consists of six main episodes, a "lost" episode, and a final game; all but the final game were originally released for MS-DOS in 1990 and 1991, while the 2001 Commander Keen was released for the Game Boy Color. The series follows the eponymous Commander Keen, the secret identity of the eight-year-old genius Billy Blaze, as he defends the Earth and the galaxy from alien threats with his homemade spaceship, rayguns, and pogo stick. The first three episodes were developed by Ideas from the Deep, the precursor to id, and published by Apogee Software as the shareware title Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons; the "lost" episode 3.5 Commander Keen in Keen Dreams was developed (en)
  • Commander Keen es una saga de videojuegos desarrollados por id Software al inicio de la década de 1990, que fue exitoso en replicar la acción de los juegos de la plataforma NES, Super Mario Bros., en MS-DOS. Estos caricaturescos juegos de plataformas son reconocidos por su innovador uso de gráficos EGA y su distribución a través del mecanismo de shareware, y porque fueron los primeros juegos diseñados por id Software (que luego desarrollaría las series exitosas de juegos Doom y Quake). Los juegos también tuvieron éxito entre los jugadores de PC de la época gracias al revolucionario motor de gráficos de desplazamiento suave desarrollado por John Carmack. Aunque fueron desarrollados por id Software, la mayoría de los juegos de la saga Commander Keen fueron publicados por Apogee Software, una (es)
  • Commander Keen to seria 7 epizodycznych gier komputerowych. Pierwsza praca zespołu id Software, która wydana przez Apogee Software na platformie PC/MS-DOS w latach '90 szybko zdobyła popularność i przyniosła mu sławę – dając zarazem początek całej serii gier platformowych na komputery osobiste. Seria stała się poniekąd pierwowzorem produkcji , a także doczekała się kontynuacji na platformie GBA. (pl)
  • Commander Keen é uma série de jogos desenvolvida pela Id Software no início de 1990. A série é centrada nas aventuras de Billy Blaze, um menino de oito anos que viaja através do espaço e assume a identidade de "Commander Keen", algo como "Comandante Perspicaz", em português. A série foi um sucesso em replicar a ação side-scrolling do Super Mario Bros para Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) em jogos DOS. Os jogos de plataforma em estilo de desenho animado são notáveis por seu uso pioneiro de gráficos EGA e shareware de distribuição; e foram alguns dos primeiros da Id Software (que passou a desenvolver mais tarde Wolfenstein 3D, Doom e Quake). Os jogos também foram empolgantes para os PCs gamers da época por causa do motor gráfico smooth-scrolling feito por John Carmack. Embora desenvolvido (pt)
  • Commander Keen (en)
  • Commander Keen (de)
  • Commander Keen (es)
  • Commander Keen (fr)
  • Commander Keen (in)
  • Commander Keen (it)
  • 커맨더 킨 (ko)
  • Commander Keen (nl)
  • Commander Keen (pl)
  • Commander Keen (pt)
  • Commander Keen (sv)
  • Commander Keen (серия игр) (ru)
  • 指挥官基恩系列 (zh)
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