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French legislative elections to elect the third National Assembly of the Fourth Republic took place on 2 January 1956 using party-list proportional representation. The elections had been scheduled for June 1956; however, they were brought forward by Edgar Faure using a constitutional sanction. The Poujadists won 52 seats versus predictions of six to eight, and the press stated that they held the balance of power. Media reception was mixed, with the result welcomed by communist supporters and condemned by papers such as The Times, Le Figaro, and The Saturday Evening Post.

Property Value
  • Les eleccions legislatives franceses de la tercera legislatura de la Quarta República se celebraren el 2 de gener de 1956, enmig de la crisi provocada després de la derrota en la batalla de Dien Bien Phu i l'inici del conflicte per la independència d'Algèria. S'eligiren 595 escons. (ca)
  • French legislative elections to elect the third National Assembly of the Fourth Republic took place on 2 January 1956 using party-list proportional representation. The elections had been scheduled for June 1956; however, they were brought forward by Edgar Faure using a constitutional sanction. The previous legislative elections in 1951 had been won by the Third Force, a coalition of center-left and center-right parties, but it was divided about denominational schools question and, when faced with the colonial problem, the governments had gradually moved towards the right. A part of the Rally of the French People (RPF), the Gaullist party, joined the majority in opposing the leadership of Charles de Gaulle, who then retired. The defeat in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954 caused a political crisis. The Radical Pierre Mendès-France became leader of the cabinet and ended the First Indochina War. He also began the process of independence for Morocco and Tunisia, but from November 1954 on, France was confronted by the Algerian War. In February 1955, Mendès-France was replaced, at the head of the cabinet, by his rival in the Radical Party, Edgar Faure. This one led a more repressive policy in Algeria. The far-right, led by Pierre Poujade, re-appeared at about the same time. He was a critic of "fiscalism", and leader of a shopkeepers and craftsmen's movement. Many voters seemed tired of the political system's numerous ministerial crises, and he had much support in the rural areas, which were in decline. The anticipated legislative elections took place when Faure was defeated by the National Assembly. Even though the French Communist Party re-emerged as the country's most popular party (for the last time in its history), it did not join the government. A coalition was formed behind Mendès-France and advocated a peaceful resolution of the Algerian conflict. This Republican Front was composed of the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO, socialist party) of Guy Mollet, the Radical Party of Pierre Mendès-France, the Democratic and Socialist Union of the Resistance of François Mitterrand and the National Centre of Social Republicans of Jacques Chaban-Delmas. Faure was excluded from the Radical Party – in response he transformed the Rally of the Republican Lefts (which had been abandoned by those groups which had now joined the Republican Front) into a party that he led, and he campaigned with the center-right parties. The French Communist Party remained the largest party and the Republican Front obtained a relative majority in order to end the Algerian War. The Poujadists won 52 seats versus predictions of six to eight, and the press stated that they held the balance of power. Media reception was mixed, with the result welcomed by communist supporters and condemned by papers such as The Times, Le Figaro, and The Saturday Evening Post. The coalition cabinet was led by the Socialist leader Guy Mollet. At the beginning he was also supported by the Communists, but pressure from the pieds-noir in Algeria incited him into leading a very repressive policy against the Algerian nationalists. This policy was criticized by Vice-Prime Minister Mendès-France and other members of the cabinet, who resigned, thus splitting the Republican Front. Mollet and his successors floundered in the conflict until May 1958. (en)
  • Las elecciones legislativas en Francia de la tercera legislatura de la Cuarta República se desarrolló el 2 de enero de 1956, utilizando un sistema electoral proporcional por lista. (es)
  • Pemilihan legislatif Prancis untuk memiliki Majelis Nasional ketiga Republik Keempat diadakan pada 2 Januari 1956 menggunakan . Pemilihan dijadwalkan pada Juni 1956, namun mereka dimajukan oleh Edgar Faure menggunakan sanksi konstitusional. (in)
  • Des élections législatives se sont déroulées le 2 janvier 1956. Dernières élections parlementaires de la IVe République, elles prendront part dans un contexte de crise politique et verront la campagne électorale dominée par la passion qui anime les candidats des différentes forces en lice. (fr)
  • Le elezioni legislative in Francia del 1956 per eleggere i 596 deputati dell'Assemblea nazionale si tennero il 2 gennaio. (it)
  • 1956년 프랑스 총선 %302010025.36%14.99%14.93%12.62%10.99%10.88%3.85%2.69%1.18%PCFCNISFIO급진당MRP득실표율1951년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8-10-12-14-16-18-20−0.91%+1.35%−0.46%+12.62%+10.99%−1.72%−6.32%−19.24%+1.18% PCFCNISFIO급진당MRP 1956년 프랑스 총선은 1956년 프랑스에서 치러진 총선으로, 정당명부식 비례대표제가 도입되었다. (ko)
  • Op 2 januari 1956 werden er parlementsverkiezingen in Frankrijk gehouden. Hoewel de Fransen pas in juni 1956 naar de stembus zouden gaan om een nieuwe Nationale Vergadering (Assemblée Nationale) te gaan kiezen, moesten zij, als gevolg van de kamerontbinding van 30 november 1955, reeds op 2 januari 1956 hun stem uitbrengen. De linkse partijen (Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière, Parti Radical-Socialiste, e.a.) waren het aanvankelijk niet eens met de kamerontbinding door premier Edgar Faure daar zij de campagnetijd tot aan de verkiezingen van januari 1956 te kort achtten. De rechtse partijen hoopten hier juist van te kunnen profiteren. Op 8 december 1955 vormden de linkse partijen, SFIO, PRS, de UDSR en de gaullistische Républicains Sociaux van Jacques Chaban-Delmas, onder leiding van de radicaal-socialist (dat wil zeggen links-liberaal) Pierre Mendès France het Front Républicain (FR, Republikeins Front). Mendès-France wilde een einde maken aan de oorlog in Algerije en sociale hervormingen. Uiterst rechts liet in de aanloop van de verkiezingen van zich horen in de persoon van vakbondsleider Pierre Poujade en diens (UFF). Poujade's ideologie, het "Poujadisme" was een mengeling van antisemitisme, rechts-populisme en een "nieuwe" belastingpolitiek (dat wil zeggen lagere belastingen). Poujade werd gesteund door enkele middenstanders en zelfstandige . De verkiezingen die op 2 januari 1956 werden gehouden mondden uit in een overwinning voor het Republikeins Front. President René Coty gaf Guy Mollet (SFIO) de opdracht om een kabinet te formeren. Op 1 februari 1956 werd Mollet premier van de centrum-linkse partij die het Front Républicain vormden. Het kabinet kwam haar beloften van vrede in Algerije en sociale hervormingen niet na en dit leidde tot het ontslag van Mendès-France en enkele andere ministers ontslag vanwege de koers van Mollet (ofschoon Mendès-France aandrong op het aanblijven van de meester PRS-ministers om een kabinetscrisis te voorkomen). (nl)
  • Парламентские выборы 1956 года во Франции состоялись 2 января. На них было избранo третьe Национальное собрание Четвертой республики. Выборы проводились по партийной пропорциональной системе. (ru)
  • As eleições legislativas da França foram realizadas a 2 de Janeiro de 1956 e, serviram para eleger os 595 deputados para a Assembleia Nacional. Ao contrário do que aconteceu entre 1947 e 1956, os partidos de centro-esquerda, centro e centro-direita concorreram em coligações separadas, com os socialistas e radicais a concorreram na "Frente Republicana" e os e democratas-cristãos a concorreram no "Centro-Direita", com o movimento gaullista divido entre o centro-esquerda e o centro-direita. Os resultados deram nova vitória ao Partido Comunista Francês, que conseguiu 25,9% dos votos e 150 deputados, apesar de, na realidade, os comunistas estarem vetados a entrar no governo. Quanto às coligações, o "Centro-direita" conseguiu uma maioria relativa, ao conquistar 214 deputados, com a "Frente Republicana" a ficar-se pelos 172 deputados. A grande surpresa destas eleições foi o grande sucesso do partido de extrema-direita, liderado por , que conquistou 12,9% dos votos e 52 deputados. Este sucesso da extrema-direita, em muito, se deve à desilusão do eleitorado francês com a instabilidade da IV República. Após as eleições, o socialista Guy Mollet tornou-se o novo primeiro-ministro, mas, o seu fracasso em resolver a Guerra da Argélia e perda de credibilidade da IV República, culminaria na Crise de Maio em 1958, em que, De Gaulle volta a assumir o poder na França, dissolvendo a IV República e fazendo aprovar uma nova constituição, que, levaria à fundação da V República, em 1958. (pt)
  • 1956年法國立法選舉在1956年1月2日舉行,選舉法蘭西第四共和國的第三屆國民議會成員。法國共產黨在這次選舉獲得150個議席,重新成為國會最大政黨,但並未加入政府。這次選舉也是法國共產黨最後一次成為法國國會最大政黨。 (zh)
  • 1956-01-02 (xsd:date)
  • 1956 French legislative election (en)
  • 7363170 (xsd:integer)
  • 13313 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1120771641 (xsd:integer)
  • French Section of the Workers International (en)
  • 350 (xsd:integer)
  • Radical Party (en)
  • 704214 (xsd:integer)
  • FFBF00 (en)
  • France (en)
  • 1956-01-02 (xsd:date)
  • 1956 (xsd:integer)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • 95 (xsd:integer)
  • 96 (xsd:integer)
  • 103 (xsd:integer)
  • 107 (xsd:integer)
  • N/A (en)
  • New party (en)
  • 1958 (xsd:integer)
  • 1958 (xsd:integer)
  • no (en)
  • 12.62
  • 25.36
  • 10.88
  • 10.99
  • 14.93
  • 14.99
  • 2366321 (xsd:integer)
  • 2389163 (xsd:integer)
  • 2744562 (xsd:integer)
  • 3247431 (xsd:integer)
  • 3259782 (xsd:integer)
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  • 1951 (xsd:integer)
  • 1951 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 12 (xsd:integer)
  • 47 (xsd:integer)
  • 52 (xsd:integer)
  • ''N/A (en)
  • 52 (xsd:integer)
  • 77 (xsd:integer)
  • 83 (xsd:integer)
  • 95 (xsd:integer)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • 298 (xsd:integer)
  • All 595 seats to the French National Assembly (en)
  • #ddd (en)
  • 82.8
  • parliamentary (en)
  • 600 (xsd:integer)
  • Les eleccions legislatives franceses de la tercera legislatura de la Quarta República se celebraren el 2 de gener de 1956, enmig de la crisi provocada després de la derrota en la batalla de Dien Bien Phu i l'inici del conflicte per la independència d'Algèria. S'eligiren 595 escons. (ca)
  • Las elecciones legislativas en Francia de la tercera legislatura de la Cuarta República se desarrolló el 2 de enero de 1956, utilizando un sistema electoral proporcional por lista. (es)
  • Pemilihan legislatif Prancis untuk memiliki Majelis Nasional ketiga Republik Keempat diadakan pada 2 Januari 1956 menggunakan . Pemilihan dijadwalkan pada Juni 1956, namun mereka dimajukan oleh Edgar Faure menggunakan sanksi konstitusional. (in)
  • Des élections législatives se sont déroulées le 2 janvier 1956. Dernières élections parlementaires de la IVe République, elles prendront part dans un contexte de crise politique et verront la campagne électorale dominée par la passion qui anime les candidats des différentes forces en lice. (fr)
  • Le elezioni legislative in Francia del 1956 per eleggere i 596 deputati dell'Assemblea nazionale si tennero il 2 gennaio. (it)
  • 1956년 프랑스 총선 %302010025.36%14.99%14.93%12.62%10.99%10.88%3.85%2.69%1.18%PCFCNISFIO급진당MRP득실표율1951년 선거와 정당별 득실율 비교 % 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8-10-12-14-16-18-20−0.91%+1.35%−0.46%+12.62%+10.99%−1.72%−6.32%−19.24%+1.18% PCFCNISFIO급진당MRP 1956년 프랑스 총선은 1956년 프랑스에서 치러진 총선으로, 정당명부식 비례대표제가 도입되었다. (ko)
  • Парламентские выборы 1956 года во Франции состоялись 2 января. На них было избранo третьe Национальное собрание Четвертой республики. Выборы проводились по партийной пропорциональной системе. (ru)
  • 1956年法國立法選舉在1956年1月2日舉行,選舉法蘭西第四共和國的第三屆國民議會成員。法國共產黨在這次選舉獲得150個議席,重新成為國會最大政黨,但並未加入政府。這次選舉也是法國共產黨最後一次成為法國國會最大政黨。 (zh)
  • French legislative elections to elect the third National Assembly of the Fourth Republic took place on 2 January 1956 using party-list proportional representation. The elections had been scheduled for June 1956; however, they were brought forward by Edgar Faure using a constitutional sanction. The Poujadists won 52 seats versus predictions of six to eight, and the press stated that they held the balance of power. Media reception was mixed, with the result welcomed by communist supporters and condemned by papers such as The Times, Le Figaro, and The Saturday Evening Post. (en)
  • Op 2 januari 1956 werden er parlementsverkiezingen in Frankrijk gehouden. Hoewel de Fransen pas in juni 1956 naar de stembus zouden gaan om een nieuwe Nationale Vergadering (Assemblée Nationale) te gaan kiezen, moesten zij, als gevolg van de kamerontbinding van 30 november 1955, reeds op 2 januari 1956 hun stem uitbrengen. De linkse partijen (Section Française de l'Internationale Ouvrière, Parti Radical-Socialiste, e.a.) waren het aanvankelijk niet eens met de kamerontbinding door premier Edgar Faure daar zij de campagnetijd tot aan de verkiezingen van januari 1956 te kort achtten. De rechtse partijen hoopten hier juist van te kunnen profiteren. (nl)
  • As eleições legislativas da França foram realizadas a 2 de Janeiro de 1956 e, serviram para eleger os 595 deputados para a Assembleia Nacional. Ao contrário do que aconteceu entre 1947 e 1956, os partidos de centro-esquerda, centro e centro-direita concorreram em coligações separadas, com os socialistas e radicais a concorreram na "Frente Republicana" e os e democratas-cristãos a concorreram no "Centro-Direita", com o movimento gaullista divido entre o centro-esquerda e o centro-direita. (pt)
  • Eleccions legislatives franceses de 1956 (ca)
  • 1956 French legislative election (en)
  • Elecciones legislativas de Francia de 1956 (es)
  • Pemilu legislatif Prancis 1956 (in)
  • Elezioni legislative in Francia del 1956 (it)
  • Élections législatives françaises de 1956 (fr)
  • 1956년 프랑스 총선 (ko)
  • Franse parlementsverkiezingen 1956 (nl)
  • Eleição legislativa da França em 1956 (pt)
  • Парламентские выборы во Франции (1956) (ru)
  • 1956年法國立法選舉 (zh)
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