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安大略401號省道 Autostrada 401 Ontario Snelweg 401 Ontario Highway 401 Autoroute 401 (Ontario) Highway 401 Ontario Highway 401 Онтарио Хайвей 401
Онтарио Хайвей 401 (англ. Ontario Highway 401; офиц. Магистраль Макдональда-Картье, англ. Macdonald–Cartier Freeway; также «Королевский Хайвей 401» англ. King's Highway 401; в массовом употреблении распространены названия «Хайвей 401» англ. Highway 401 и «401» англ. four-oh-one) — крупнейшая автомагистраль Канады, проходящая через всю провинцию Онтарио. Начинается на западе провинции, от города Уинсор на границе с американским Детройтом, и заканчивается через 823 километра на востоке, на границе с Квебеком. Там дорога меняет название и фактической конечной точкой автомагистрали можно считать Монреаль. Формальной же конечной точкой Хайвея 401 на востоке является его переход в Квебекскую трассу 20 в Rivière-Beaudette, Quebec, ближайший город Корнуолл. 安大略401號省道(英語:Ontario Highway 401),正式名稱為國王401號公路(King's Highway 401),是加拿大安大略省一條東西向400系列高速公路,全長828.0公里,西起溫莎市,橫貫安大略省南部至魁北克省邊界為東端,並連接魁北克20號高速公路前往滿地可,此兩條公路構成魁北克市-温莎走廊的主要骨幹。途經多倫多市的一段401號省道是世上最繁忙及最寬闊的公路之一,最闊的一段有22條來回行車線,亦是安大略省經濟的大動脈。由於401省道非常繁忙,安大略省政府於1980年代決定興建安大略407號省道作為此公路的繞道。公路全線由安大略省交通厅管理,並由安大略省警察局負責巡邏和執法,車速限制為每小時100公里。 此公路全線名為麥克唐納-卡迪亞公路(Macdonald-Cartier Freeway),而介乎多倫多和的路段則在2007年額外冠以英雄公路(Highway of Heroes)之稱,以紀念在阿富汗戰爭中殉職的加拿大軍人。2015年在溫莎市開通的西延路段則冠為赫布·格雷園林公路(Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway)。 Autostrada 401 (ang. Highway 401, oficjalnie Macdonald-Cartier Freeway) – autostrada w Kanadzie, w południowo-zachodniej części prowincji Ontario. Przebiega od Windsor (miasta na granicy ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi), przez London, Kitchener, Toronto i Kingston do granicy z prowincją Quebec niedaleko od Montrealu, gdzie łączy się z autostradą . Długość wynosi 825.1 km. Jest jedną z najważniejszych arterii transportowych Kanady. Jej odcinek w Toronto należy do najszerszych (9 pasów ruchu w każdą stronę, z tego 4 pasy ekspresowe i 5 równolegle biegnących, oddzielonych pasów zbiorczych) i najbardziej ruchliwych na świecie. King's Highway 401, commonly referred to as Highway 401 and also known by its official name as the Macdonald–Cartier Freeway or colloquially referred to as the four-oh-one,is a controlled-access 400-series highway in the Canadian province of Ontario. It stretches 828 kilometres (514 mi) from Windsor in the west to the Ontario–Quebec border in the east. The part of Highway 401 that passes through Toronto is North America's busiest highway, and one of the widest.Together with Quebec Autoroute 20, it forms the road transportation backbone of the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, along which over half of Canada's population resides. It is also a Core Route in the National Highway System of Canada.The route is maintained by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) and patrolled by the Ontari Der Highway 401 oder Macdonald-Cartier Freeway ist eine Autobahn, die sich durch den Süden der kanadischen Provinz Ontario zieht. Sie ist die bei weitem längste Autobahn der 400er-Serie in Ontario und eine der meistbefahrenen Autobahnen der Welt. Sie hat an ihrer breitesten Stelle 18 Fahrspuren. Zusammen mit der Autoroute 20 in Québec bildet sie das Haupttransportnetz des Québec-Windsor-Korridors, der am dichtesten besiedelten, wohlhabendsten und meist industrialisierten Region des Landes, die sich entlang des Sankt-Lorenz-Stroms erstreckt und in der über die Hälfte der kanadischen Bevölkerung wohnen und drei der größten kanadischen Städte, nämlich Québec, Montreal und Toronto, liegen. A Highway 401, também conhecida como Via Expressa Macdonald-Cartier, é uma rodovia localizada em Ontário, Canadá, e ao mesmo tempo uma via expressa em sua extensão. É uma rodovia provincial, diretamente administrada pela província de Ontário. Corre entre Windsor e a fronteira do Quebec, onde continua com o nome de Quebec Autoroute 20. A Highway 401, ao longo de seu trecho em Toronto, é considerada a via expressa mais movimentada do mundo, possuindo entre cinco e oito faixas por sentido na maior parte da Região Metropolitana de Toronto. King's Highway 401, ook wel Highway 401 genoemd en ook bekend onder zijn officiële naam Macdonald–Cartier Freeway of in spreektaal de the four-oh-one, is een snelweg in de Canadese provincie Ontario. Het is 828 kilometer (514,5 mijlen) lang van Windsor naar de grens met Quebec. Het deel van de snelweg dat door de stad Toronto loopt is de drukste snelweg ter wereld, en een van de breedste. L'autoroute 401 est une autoroute de série 400 majeure, située dans la province de l'Ontario, au Canada. La 401 est située dans le sud-ouest, le sud et l'est de l'Ontario, traversant la région la plus peuplée de la province et du pays, passant notamment par les villes de Windsor, London, le grand Toronto et Kingston. Elle constitue, avec l'autoroute 20, l'épine dorsale du réseau routier du corridor Windsor-Québec. La 401 traverse un bassin de population avoisinant les douze millions d'habitants.D'une longueur de 823 kilomètres, entièrement située en Ontario, elle est la plus longue autoroute ontarienne (de série 400), ainsi que la plus longue sous la même juridiction dans une même province (MTO) au pays. En date de 2022, l'autoroute 401 n'est toujours pas terminée à l'ouest, à Windsor, alo
dbr:ONroute dbr:Local-express_lanes dbr:Gordie_Howe_International_Bridge
Macdonald–Cartier Freeway
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632 613 615 611 623 617 619 599 593 582 579 566 570 544 556 543 538 525 526 522 758 738 750 730 705 716 696 698 675 685 687 661 659 645 647 648 721.0 373 375 369 371 380 381 383 376 378 379 356 357 359 352 354 355 364 365 366 367 362 340 342 336 348 350 351 344 346 324 320 333 328 330 312 295 299 278 275 284 286 282 268 497 509 487 464 472 474 448 461 456 436 432 435 440 416 417 418 419 428 431 425 426 404 406 400 401 403 412 415 408 410 389 390 385 387 397 399 394 117 101 109 81 90 48 63 56 34 40 21 28 5 6 7 1 2 13 14 10 250 230 236 238 232 235 208 222 216 218 199 194 195 203 180 183 177 189 186 187 164 149 157 721.0 129 137 825 804 814 789 786 796 792 770 778
dbr:Brockville dbr:Quinte_West dbr:Gananoque dbr:Hamilton,_Ontario_(township) Halton Hills – Mississauga boundary dbr:Leeds_and_the_Thousand_Islands dbr:Mississauga dbr:Cambridge,_Ontario dbr:Cobourg Milton – Halton Hills – Mississauga boundary dbr:Kitchener,_Ontario dbr:South-West_Oxford dbr:Oshawa dbr:Ingersoll,_Ontario Whitby/Ajax boundary dbr:Clarington
5 2
Macdonald–Cartier Freeway
The expanded interchange looking north in 2013, showing the flyover ramps between Highway 401 and Highway 410 with the Highway 401 express lanes underneath them. The Highway 401-403-410 interchange looking east in 1987. At the time the Highway 401 collector and express lanes merged prior to crossing Tomken Road. At the time Highway 410 was only a Super two highway which connected to Highway 401 east of the interchange.
Windsor, London, Kitchener, Cambridge, Mississauga, Toronto, Oshawa, Kingston and Cornwall
Oxford Waterloo Leeds and Grenville Essex Middlesex Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Northumberland Lennox and Addington Durham Halton Wellington Hastings Elgin
27 19 16 10 11 8 9 13 3 6 7 4
Proposed 1938 0001-10-11 0001-06-28
Highway 401 interchange with 403-410 in 1987.jpg Highway 403 End.jpg Highway 410 Start.jpg
E. C. Row Expressway in Windsor near Woodstock near Milton in Mississauga towards Ottawa in Whitby / 16px|alt=|link= Don Valley Parkway in Toronto in Clarington in London to in Toronto
5.8 237.9 40 645.1 185.9 none 404.3 464.8 428.4 415.2 543.2 176.7 332.7 2 0 164.1 189.1 157.4 208.5 33.7 336.1 320.1 129.2 425.4 311.9 235.3 62.8 474.5 615.3 344.5 379.2 295.7 4.7 199.3 330.4 497.2 358.9 448.1 345.4 789.5 383.2 339.6 591.9 578.8 267.9 461.4 522.2 720.1 341.7 236.3 758.2 12.6 828 555.7 777.8 716.2 791.8 684.7 376.3 377.6 20.4 402.5 675.5 364.8 183.2 195.5 730 526.5 582.1 509.7 401.3 786.4 229.8 698 407.7 542.7 80.90000000000001 417.6 737.8 661 623 3.4 619 617 613 89.3 419.4 603.5 519.5 7.1 231.9 282.5 456.6 566.4 825.4 525.4 813.8 472.6 137.3 381.6 721.2 415.8 646.7 570.5 452.9 538.5 658.8 60.2 10.1 300.1 55.7 398.3 418.5 487 704.8 396.6 222.2 432.4 431.3 647.9 179.4 394 389 385 364 610.8 362 355.4 356 347.6 686.7 218.5 371 368 369 750.2 328 193.6 593.4 406.9 386.5 350.3 286.5 116.2 13.4 366.2 769.5 27.5 380.8 436.3 412.1 275 804.6 148.5 796.1 696.2 367.3 203 357.4 409.6 216 372.9 108.3 360.5 351.1 390.3 186.8 277.9 631.9 400.3 47.3 283.8 440.1 333.3 598.8 250.1 101 435.2 323.8 374.9 426.5 353.5
Tecumseh Whitby South-West Oxford Thames Centre South Stormont Greater Napanee Tyendinaga West Elgin Prescott South Glengarry Pickering Brighton North Dumfries Woodstock Belleville Milton Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Cambridge Southwold Cramahe Port Hope Puslinch South Dundas Cornwall Alnwick/Haldimand Loyalist Front of Yonge Ajax Blandford-Blenheim Elizabethtown-Kitley Augusta Norwich Lakeshore
6 7 4 5 2 3 1 10 8 33
the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
A map of the southern portion of the Canadian province of Ontario and environs, with the 400-series highway network superimposed. Highway 401 is shown as a red line, crossing from the lower left to the upper-right .
Highway 401 within Southern Ontario
0001-09-11 Eastbound to southbound exit and northbound to westbound entrance Formerly Highway 100; reconstruction and expansion from a three-way to four-way interchange begun in 2015; access to London International Airport Northern terminus of Highway 77 Westbound exit is a left-hand exit from collector lanes, and right-hand exit from express lanes; westbound access to Dufferin Street via Yorkdale Road Eastbound via exit 647 Westbound exit, formerly Highway 135 west Westbound entry and eastbound exit; construction begun in 2013, completed Spring 2016 Toll highway; signed as exits 330A and 330B eastbound; no access from westbound Highway 407 to eastbound Highway 401 or westbound Highway 401 to eastbound Highway 407 Eastbound entrance Replaced exit 400 in 1986 as part of Go Transit expansion east of Pickering 0001-12-09 Eastbound exit; westbound access will open to connect to Gordie Howe International Bridge Formerly Highway 126 Formerly Highway 28 From eastbound Highway 401, access to Sheppard Avenue via northbound Highway 404 from 401 collector lanes only Formerly Waverley Road Westbound exit and eastbound entrance only to Highway 8; signed as exit 278A and 278B eastbound Formerly Highway 29 / Highway 42 Formerly known as St. Joachim Road Removed, exit replaced with Westney Road interchange in 1986 Signed as exits 268A and 268B eastbound; formerly Highway 97 Formerly Highway 32 Formerly Highway 2 south / Highway 34 north Formerly Highway 38 Eastbound exit and westbound entrance; signed as exit 721 eastbound Signed as exits 543A and 543B ; formerly Highway 14 Formerly Highway 10; westbound exit from both collectors and express Formerly Highway 12; begins at to the north of the interchange, and it runs northward to just south of Highway 407 at the southern end of Although signed as both the exit for Mississauga Road and Erin Mills Parkway, Erin Mills Parkway merges with Mississauga Road to the south and does not officially reach Highway 401 Access to Regional Road 56/Farewell Street 0001-06-20 none Eastern end of Highway 6 concurrency Replaced exit 416 in 2009 Exit opened in 1983 Signed as exit 721 westbound; NY 812 unsigned Exit opened in 1999. Westbound exit to Highway 3 West, eastbound exit to Highway 3 East, eastbound entrance from Highway 3 East Former partial interchange; full access to/from Highways 403 and 410 after new ramps from eastbound Highway 401 to westbound Highway 403 and from eastbound 403 to westbound 401 were opened in 2018 Interchange removed; present access to Jane Street via Black Creek Drive 0001-02-18 Formerly Highway 74 Kingston Road was formerly Highway 2; Highway 2A was downloaded to the City of Toronto; Signed as exit 392 westbound Formerly Highway 98, access to Windsor International Airport No access from southbound Martin Grove to eastbound Highway 401; No access from eastbound Highway 401 to Martin Grove Formerly Highway 11 Formerly Highway 25; GO Transit bus stop on eastbound ramp Eastbound express access to Highway 400 Westbound exit and eastbound entrance; formerly Highway 3B/Highway 401A 12000.0 Southern terminus of Highway 40 Westbound exit via exit 418 Southern terminus of Regional Road 19 designation Formerly Aird Street Formerly Highway 11A Proposed freeway bypass of western Greater Toronto to connect with Highway 400 in Vaughan; connection to be incorporated into Highway 407 interchange complex Formerly Highway 133 Eastbound exit and eastbound entrance, westbound entrance from Highway 3 West 0001-06-28 Formerly Highway 41; signed as exits 579A and 579B westbound Formerly Highway 45; signed as exits 474A and 474B eastbound Removed, exit replaced with Salem Road interchange in 2003 Formerly Highway 30 Formerly eastbound exit and westbound entrance; converted into a full interchange, opened June 2016 Highway 401 continues as A-20 Formerly Highway 31 Formerly Highway 2 Formerly Highway 33 Formerly Highway 21 Western end of Highway 6 concurrency Formerly Highway 48 Westbound exit and eastbound entrance; western terminus Signed as exits 177A and 177B ; reconstruction planned, turning the cloverleaf interchange into a parclo Removed, exit replaced with nearby Stevenson Road interchange in 2009 Replaced exit 403 in December 2003 Eastbound exit Westbound exit and eastbound entrance Formerly Highway 59 Via future connector in Michigan, planned opening in 2024 Westbound exit and entrance Formerly Highway 73 Construction begun in early 2014, opened November 2015. Highway 4 rerouted along Wonderland Road in 2018. Eastbound exit and westbound entrance Formerly Highway 76 Exit 348 , exit 350 , exit 351 and exit 352
Trenton Service Centres Former Mississauga Info Centre ; operated from 1991 to 2006 and demolished in 2010 Camden East Service Centre Port Hope Service Centre
Church Street , Maitland dbr:Avenue_Road dbr:Ojibway_Parkway Holt Road dbr:Victoria_Park_Avenue Kingston Road, "Highway 2A", Sheppard Avenue , Port Union Road dbr:Martin_Grove_Road Dougall Parkway Jane Street dbr:Kennedy_Road_(Toronto) Cabana Road West Upper Canada Road dbr:McCowan_Road dbr:Wellington_Road_(London,_Ontario) – Toronto Pearson International Airport Meadowvale Road Belfield Road / Kipling Avenue dbr:E._C._Row_Expressway dbr:Islington_Avenue Yonge Boulevard Thousand Islands Parkway – Ivy Lea, Rockport Mavis Road dbr:Weston_Road dbr:Thousand_Islands_Parkway dbr:Dixon_Road dbr:Morningside_Avenue_(Toronto) dbr:Hurontario_Street Brimley Road south, Progress Avenue Exeter Road E. C. Row Expressway dbr:Markham_Road dbr:Keele_Street Bennett Road Progress Avenue , Shedden Highbury Avenue – St. Thomas Dufferin Street, Yorkdale Road , Sydenham Neilson Road dbr:Leslie_Street to dbr:Bayview_Avenue Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard dbr:Eglinton_Avenue 16 dbr:Yonge_Street to Massena, New York Carlingview Drive dbr:Bathurst_Street_(Toronto) Whittle Road , Bond Head Corporate Drive / Renforth Drive – Toronto Pearson International Airport, Downtown Toronto Wesleyville Road Veterans Memorial Parkway dbr:Warden_Avenue Detroit via Detroit-Windsor Truck Ferry McConnell Avenue
Ojibway Parkway in Windsor
towards Montreal, QC
Fwy incomplete former unbuilt concur
安大略401號省道(英語:Ontario Highway 401),正式名稱為國王401號公路(King's Highway 401),是加拿大安大略省一條東西向400系列高速公路,全長828.0公里,西起溫莎市,橫貫安大略省南部至魁北克省邊界為東端,並連接魁北克20號高速公路前往滿地可,此兩條公路構成魁北克市-温莎走廊的主要骨幹。途經多倫多市的一段401號省道是世上最繁忙及最寬闊的公路之一,最闊的一段有22條來回行車線,亦是安大略省經濟的大動脈。由於401省道非常繁忙,安大略省政府於1980年代決定興建安大略407號省道作為此公路的繞道。公路全線由安大略省交通厅管理,並由安大略省警察局負責巡邏和執法,車速限制為每小時100公里。 此公路全線名為麥克唐納-卡迪亞公路(Macdonald-Cartier Freeway),而介乎多倫多和的路段則在2007年額外冠以英雄公路(Highway of Heroes)之稱,以紀念在阿富汗戰爭中殉職的加拿大軍人。2015年在溫莎市開通的西延路段則冠為赫布·格雷園林公路(Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway)。 Онтарио Хайвей 401 (англ. Ontario Highway 401; офиц. Магистраль Макдональда-Картье, англ. Macdonald–Cartier Freeway; также «Королевский Хайвей 401» англ. King's Highway 401; в массовом употреблении распространены названия «Хайвей 401» англ. Highway 401 и «401» англ. four-oh-one) — крупнейшая автомагистраль Канады, проходящая через всю провинцию Онтарио. Начинается на западе провинции, от города Уинсор на границе с американским Детройтом, и заканчивается через 823 километра на востоке, на границе с Квебеком. Там дорога меняет название и фактической конечной точкой автомагистрали можно считать Монреаль. Формальной же конечной точкой Хайвея 401 на востоке является его переход в Квебекскую трассу 20 в Rivière-Beaudette, Quebec, ближайший город Корнуолл. Вместе с Квебекской автострадой 20 Онтарио Хайвей 401 образует главную магистраль автотранспортного коридора «Квебек — Уинсор», вокруг которого живёт более половины граждан Канады. Считается ключевым маршрутом в Национальной системе автомобильных дорог Канады. Часть «Хайвея 401», которая проходит через Торонто, является самой загруженной автомагистралью Северной Америки, а кроме того одной из самых широких. Der Highway 401 oder Macdonald-Cartier Freeway ist eine Autobahn, die sich durch den Süden der kanadischen Provinz Ontario zieht. Sie ist die bei weitem längste Autobahn der 400er-Serie in Ontario und eine der meistbefahrenen Autobahnen der Welt. Sie hat an ihrer breitesten Stelle 18 Fahrspuren. Zusammen mit der Autoroute 20 in Québec bildet sie das Haupttransportnetz des Québec-Windsor-Korridors, der am dichtesten besiedelten, wohlhabendsten und meist industrialisierten Region des Landes, die sich entlang des Sankt-Lorenz-Stroms erstreckt und in der über die Hälfte der kanadischen Bevölkerung wohnen und drei der größten kanadischen Städte, nämlich Québec, Montreal und Toronto, liegen. 1965 benannte der Premier Ontarios, John Robarts, den Highway 401 zu Ehren der beiden Väter der Konföderation, Sir John Macdonald und Sir George-Étienne Cartier Macdonald-Cartier Freeway. Dies ist der in offiziellen Dokumenten gebräuchliche Name, der jedoch selten auf Straßenschildern oder in Unterhaltungen gebraucht wird. A Highway 401, também conhecida como Via Expressa Macdonald-Cartier, é uma rodovia localizada em Ontário, Canadá, e ao mesmo tempo uma via expressa em sua extensão. É uma rodovia provincial, diretamente administrada pela província de Ontário. Corre entre Windsor e a fronteira do Quebec, onde continua com o nome de Quebec Autoroute 20. A Highway 401, ao longo de seu trecho em Toronto, é considerada a via expressa mais movimentada do mundo, possuindo entre cinco e oito faixas por sentido na maior parte da Região Metropolitana de Toronto. King's Highway 401, ook wel Highway 401 genoemd en ook bekend onder zijn officiële naam Macdonald–Cartier Freeway of in spreektaal de the four-oh-one, is een snelweg in de Canadese provincie Ontario. Het is 828 kilometer (514,5 mijlen) lang van Windsor naar de grens met Quebec. Het deel van de snelweg dat door de stad Toronto loopt is de drukste snelweg ter wereld, en een van de breedste. Samen met de vormt het de verkeersruggengraat van de , waaraan meer dan de helft van de Canadese bevolking woont. Daarnaast is het een kernroute in het nationale snelwegenplan van Canada. De gehele route wordt onderhouden door het Ministerie van Transport van Ontario (MTO) en er wordt gepatrouilleerd door de provinciale politie van Ontario. De maximale snelheid is 100 km/u, tenzij het anders aangegeven staat. L'autoroute 401 est une autoroute de série 400 majeure, située dans la province de l'Ontario, au Canada. La 401 est située dans le sud-ouest, le sud et l'est de l'Ontario, traversant la région la plus peuplée de la province et du pays, passant notamment par les villes de Windsor, London, le grand Toronto et Kingston. Elle constitue, avec l'autoroute 20, l'épine dorsale du réseau routier du corridor Windsor-Québec. La 401 traverse un bassin de population avoisinant les douze millions d'habitants.D'une longueur de 823 kilomètres, entièrement située en Ontario, elle est la plus longue autoroute ontarienne (de série 400), ainsi que la plus longue sous la même juridiction dans une même province (MTO) au pays. En date de 2022, l'autoroute 401 n'est toujours pas terminée à l'ouest, à Windsor, alors que le lien autoroutier vers le Michigan est en construction. Depuis juin 2015, les kilomètres 5 à 12 ont été mis en service, et les kilomètres 0 à 5, soit la fin de la Herb Gray Parkway et le pont Gordie Howe qui rejoindra l'Interstate 75, sont en construction. L'autoroute est désignée comme étant l'autoroute Macdonald-Cartier (Macdonald-Cartier Freeway en anglais) sur toute sa longueur, en l'honneur des pères de la confédération. Entre Toronto et Trenton, elle est également appelée l'Autoroute des Héros.L'autoroute 401 possède une orientation ouest-est. À l'ouest, elle relie l'Ontario au Michigan et la grande région de Détroit-Windsor, même si la 401 ne se rend toujours pas jusqu'à la frontière avec les États-Unis. C'est la principale voie de transport commercial entre Toronto et les États-Unis. À l'est, elle relie à l'autoroute 20 du Québec en direction de la métropole québécoise, Montréal.La limite de vitesse imposée sur tout le tracé de l'autoroute est de 100 km/h, sauf si signalisé autrement. La 401, dans sa section de Toronto, est l'autoroute la plus fréquentée d'Amérique du Nord, avec une utilisation dépassant les 425 000 véhicules à Toronto, et est souvent référée comme étant la « route la plus achalandée au monde ». Autostrada 401 (ang. Highway 401, oficjalnie Macdonald-Cartier Freeway) – autostrada w Kanadzie, w południowo-zachodniej części prowincji Ontario. Przebiega od Windsor (miasta na granicy ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi), przez London, Kitchener, Toronto i Kingston do granicy z prowincją Quebec niedaleko od Montrealu, gdzie łączy się z autostradą . Długość wynosi 825.1 km. Jest jedną z najważniejszych arterii transportowych Kanady. Jej odcinek w Toronto należy do najszerszych (9 pasów ruchu w każdą stronę, z tego 4 pasy ekspresowe i 5 równolegle biegnących, oddzielonych pasów zbiorczych) i najbardziej ruchliwych na świecie. Budowę pierwszych odcinków rozpoczęto w późnych latach 30., po przerwie spowodowanej przez wojnę pierwszy odcinek autostrady otwarto w 1947. Numer 401 oficjalnie przyznano autostradzie w 1952. Ostatni odcinek otwarto w 1968. King's Highway 401, commonly referred to as Highway 401 and also known by its official name as the Macdonald–Cartier Freeway or colloquially referred to as the four-oh-one,is a controlled-access 400-series highway in the Canadian province of Ontario. It stretches 828 kilometres (514 mi) from Windsor in the west to the Ontario–Quebec border in the east. The part of Highway 401 that passes through Toronto is North America's busiest highway, and one of the widest.Together with Quebec Autoroute 20, it forms the road transportation backbone of the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, along which over half of Canada's population resides. It is also a Core Route in the National Highway System of Canada.The route is maintained by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) and patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police. The speed limit is 100 km/h (62 mph) throughout its length, with the only exceptions the posted 80 km/h (50 mph) limit westbound in Windsor and in most construction zones, along with a 110 km/h (68 mph) speed limit between Windsor and Tilbury. By the end of 1952, three individual highways were numbered "Highway 401": the partially completed Toronto Bypass between Weston Road and Highway 11 (Yonge Street); Highway 2A between West Hill and Newcastle; and the Scenic Highway between Gananoque and Brockville, now known as the Thousand Islands Parkway. These three sections of highway were 11.8, 54.7 and 41.2 km, (7.3, 34.0 and 25.6 mi), respectively. In 1964, the route became fully navigable from Windsor to the Ontario–Quebec border. In 1965 it was given a second designation, the Macdonald–Cartier Freeway, in honour of two Fathers of Confederation. At the end of 1968, the Gananoque–Brockville section was bypassed and the final intersection grade-separated near Kingston, making Highway 401 a freeway for its entire 817.9-km length. Since 2007, a portion of the highway between Trenton and Toronto has been designated the Highway of Heroes, as the route is travelled by funeral convoys for fallen Canadian Forces personnel from CFB Trenton to the coroner's office. In 2011, construction began on a westward extension called the "Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway". This new route follows but does not replace, the former Highway 3 between the former end of the freeway and the E. C. Row Expressway, at which point it turns and parallels that route towards the site of the future Gordie Howe International Bridge. An 8-kilometre (5 mi) section of the parkway, east of the E. C. Row interchange, opened on June 28, 2015, with the remaining section completed and opened on November 21. In the summer of 2019, the widening of the highway between Highway/Regional Road 8 in Kitchener to Highway/Regional Road 24 in Cambridge to twelve lanes was completed. There are plans underway to widen the remaining four-lane sections between Windsor and London to six lanes and to widen the route between Cambridge and Milton as well as through Oshawa. The expansive twelve-plus-lane collector–express system through Toronto and Pickering, and partially across Mississauga, is being extended west to Milton.
dbr:Regional_Municipality_of_Peel Halton – Peel boundary
London Windsor Toronto Chatham-Kent Kingston
Canada–US border Ontario–Quebec border dbr:Detroit_River
dbr:London,_Ontario dbr:Kitchener,_Ontario dbr:Kingston,_Ontario dbr:Oshawa dbr:Cambridge,_Ontario dbr:Windsor,_Ontario dbr:Cornwall,_Ontario dbr:Toronto dbr:Mississauga
dbr:Montreal dbr:Quebec
dbr:Milton,_Ontario dbr:Toronto dbr:Mississauga dbr:Windsor,_Ontario dbr:Ottawa dbr:Whitby,_Ontario dbr:London,_Ontario dbr:E._C._Row_Expressway dbr:Woodstock,_Ontario dbr:Clarington,_Ontario dbr:Don_Valley_Parkway
dbr:Windsor,_Ontario dbr:Ojibway_Parkway