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The practice of mass surveillance in the United States dates back to wartime monitoring and censorship of international communications from, to, or which passed through the United States. After the First and Second World Wars, mass surveillance continued throughout the Cold War period, via programs such as the Black Chamber and Project SHAMROCK. The formation and growth of federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA institutionalized surveillance used to also silence political dissent, as evidenced by COINTELPRO projects which targeted various organizations and individuals. During the Civil Rights Movement era, many individuals put under surveillance orders were first labelled as integrationists, then deemed subversive, and sometimes suspected to be supp

Property Value
  • يعود تاريخ المراقبة الجماعية في الولايات المتحدة إلى أوقات الحرب العالمية الأولى حيث شددت الحكومة على مراقبة الاتصالات الدولية الصادرة إلى الولايات المتحدة أو المرسلة منها أو التي تمر من خلالها. وبعد انتهاء الحرب العالمية الأولى والثانية استمرت منظومة الرقابة تلك في العمل عن طريق بعض البرامج مثل «الغرفة السوداء»، ومشروع «SHAMROCK». وقد أدى تكوين وازدهار وكالات تطبيق القانون وأجهزة المخابرات الفيدرالية إلى ترسيخ عادات المراقبة لقمع المعارضة السياسية كما حدث في مشاريع «COINTELPRO» التي استهدفت عدة منظمات وأفراد. وفي أثناء فترة حركة الحقوق المدنية وُضع العديد من الأفراد تحت المراقبة، وكانت التهمة الموجهة إليهم في بادئ الأمر هي معارضة سياسة الفصل العنصري، ثم نُعتوا بالمخربين. ومن بين الأفراد المستهدفين الآخرين: نشطاء الأمريكيين الأصليين، ونشطاء تحرير الأمريكيين الأفارقة والشيكانو، ومعارضي الحروب. وقد مهد إبرام الاتفاقية الدولية بين الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة للمراقبة عام 1946 (UKUSA) إلى إقامة تعاون الإيكيلون بحلول عام 1955. وقد ضمت تلك الاتفاقية خمسة دول تتحدث الإنجليزية، واللاتي يعرفن بالعيون الخمسة، وذلك بهدف التنصت على الاتصالات الإلكترونية بالتوازي مع تعزيز إمكانيات أجهزة المراقبة المحلية. وعقب أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 تصاعد نفوذ أجهزة المراقبة الدولية والمحلية بشكل مكثف. ويعتمد استمرار أجهزة المراقبة حاليًا على أوامر الرئيس التنفيذية السنوية باستمرار حالة الطوارئ على مستوى البلد، والتي وقع عليها الرئيس جورج بوش في بادئ الأمر في 14 سبتمبر 2001 واستمرت تحت قيد التنفيذ بأمر من الرئيس باراك أوباما وبموجب عدة قوانين لاحقة تتعلق بالأمن الوطني مثل قانون مكافحة الإرهاب ومشروع إصلاح قانون مراقبة الاستخبارات الأجنبية الذي أدى إلى تدشين برنامج «PRISM» للمراقبة والتجسس. وفي الوقت الراهن يصف المعارضون والنقاد تأثير تلك القوانين والأوامر وشبكة قواعد البيانات الناتجة الخاصة بمراكز الاستخبارات بأنها المرحلة الأخيرة في تكوين دولة أمريكا البوليسية التي حاولت ترسيخ الأساليب المُحرمة التي استخدمت في مشروع مكافحة التجسس الذي أدى إلى اغتيال قادة حركات المعارضة ومعارضي الحكومة بداية من الخمسينيات وحتى الآن. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك شرعت عدة منظمات أخرى مثل وزارة الأمن الداخلي والاستخبارات القومية في توسيع سلطات أجهزة المراقبة الجماعية بصورة مطردة منذ عام 2001. وقد كشفت سلسلة من التقارير الإعلامية عام 2013 عن البرامج والأساليب الحديثة التي يوظفها مجتمع الاستخبارات الأمريكية. وقد ساهم تقدم الحواسيب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في إنشاء قاعدة بيانات ضخمة لتيسير مراقبة الجمهور في الولايات المتحدة، وذلك بواسطة مراكز الاستخبارات التابعة لوزارة الأمن الداخلي، وبرنامج وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية لمكافحة الإرهاب، وقاعدة بيانات الكشف عن الإرهابيين التابعة لمكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي. ويُشار إلى قاعدة بيانات مراقبة الجمهور باعتبارها سببًا في ممارسة التنميط العرقي ضد اللاتينيين وإتباع أساليب «التهجير الذاتي» (وهي طريقة لتحفيز المهاجرين غير الشرعيين على الرحيل بمحض إرادتهم). كما أن وكالة الهجرة والجمارك استعانت بقاعدة البيانات الخاصة بوزارة الأمن الداخلي لترحيل المهاجرين غير الشرعيين. (ar)
  • The practice of mass surveillance in the United States dates back to wartime monitoring and censorship of international communications from, to, or which passed through the United States. After the First and Second World Wars, mass surveillance continued throughout the Cold War period, via programs such as the Black Chamber and Project SHAMROCK. The formation and growth of federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA institutionalized surveillance used to also silence political dissent, as evidenced by COINTELPRO projects which targeted various organizations and individuals. During the Civil Rights Movement era, many individuals put under surveillance orders were first labelled as integrationists, then deemed subversive, and sometimes suspected to be supportive of the communist model of the United States' rival at the time, the Soviet Union. Other targeted individuals and groups included Native American activists, African American and Chicano liberation movement activists, and anti-war protesters. The formation of the international UKUSA surveillance agreement of 1946 evolved into the ECHELON collaboration by 1955 of five English-speaking nations, also known as the Five Eyes, and focused on interception of electronic communications, with substantial increases in domestic surveillance capabilities. Following the September 11th attacks of 2001, domestic and international mass surveillance capabilities grew immensely. Contemporary mass surveillance relies upon annual presidential executive orders declaring a continued State of National Emergency, first signed by George W. Bush on September 14, 2001 and then continued on an annual basis by President Barack Obama. Mass surveillance is also based on several subsequent national security Acts including the USA PATRIOT Act and FISA Amendment Act's PRISM surveillance program. Critics and political dissenters currently describe the effects of these acts, orders, and resulting database network of fusion centers as forming a veritable American police state that simply institutionalized the illegal COINTELPRO tactics used to assassinate dissenters and leaders from the 1950s onwards. Additional surveillance agencies, such as the DHS and the position of Director of National Intelligence, have exponentially escalated mass surveillance since 2001. A series of media reports in 2013 revealed more recent programs and techniques employed by the US intelligence community. Advances in computer and information technology allow the creation of huge national databases that facilitate mass surveillance in the United States by DHS managed fusion centers, the CIA's Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) program, and the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). Mass surveillance databases are also cited as responsible for profiling Latino Americans and contributing to "self-deportation" techniques, or physical deportations by way of the DHS's ICEGang national database. After World War I, the US Army and State Department established the Black Chamber, also known as the Cipher Bureau, which began operations in 1919. The Black Chamber was headed by Herbert O. Yardley, who had been a leader in the Army's Military Intelligence program. Regarded as a precursor to the National Security Agency, it conducted peacetime decryption of material including diplomatic communications until 1929. In the advent of World War II, the Office of Censorship was established. The wartime agency monitored "communications by mail, cable, radio, or other means of transmission passing between the United States and any foreign country". This included the 350,000 overseas cables and telegrams and 25,000 international telephone calls made each week. "Every letter that crossed international or U.S. territorial borders from December 1941 to August 1945 was subject to being opened and scoured for details." With the end of World War II, Project SHAMROCK was established in 1945. The organization was created to accumulate telegraphic data entering and exiting from the United States. Major communication companies such as Western Union, RCA Global and ITT World Communications actively aided the project, allowing American intelligence officials to gain access to international message traffic. Under the project, and many subsequent programs, no precedent had been established for judicial authorization, and no warrants were issued for surveillance activities. The project was terminated in 1975. President Harry S. Truman established the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1952 for the purposes of collecting, processing, and monitoring intelligence data. The existence of NSA was not known to people as the memorandum by President Truman was classified. When the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI published stolen FBI documents revealing abuse of intelligence programs in 1971, Senator Frank Church began an investigation into the programs that become known as the Church Committee. The committee sought to investigate intelligence abuses throughout the 1970s. Following a report provided by the committee outlining egregious abuse, in 1976 Congress established the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. It would later be joined by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 1978. The institutions worked to limit the power of the agencies, ensuring that surveillance activities remained within the rule of law. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress passed The Patriot Act to strengthen security and intelligence efforts. The act granted the President broad powers on the war against terror, including the power to bypass the FISA Court for surveillance orders in cases of national security. Additionally, mass surveillance activities were conducted alongside various other surveillance programs under the head of President's Surveillance Program. Under pressure from the public, the warrantless wiretapping program was allegedly ended in January 2007. Many details about the surveillance activities conducted in the United States were revealed in the disclosure by Edward Snowden in June 2013. Regarded as one of the biggest media leaks in the United States, it presented extensive details about the surveillance programs of the NSA, that involved interception of Internet data and telephonic calls from over a billion users, across various countries. (en)
  • 美国的大规模监控可以追溯到第一次世界大战的,期间,任何来自、到达或途经美国的国际通讯都被监控。在第一次和第二次世界大战结束后,美国又启动了和,继续进行大规模监控。而随着联邦执法机构和情报机构的建立和扩张,如联邦调查局、中央情报局和国家安全局,国家体制化的监控开始用于打压持不同政见者。来自“反谍计划”的证据显示,大量组织和个人都是这些情报机构的目标。而在民权运动期间,大量反种族隔离人士被情报机构监控,并被认定是颠覆国家政权者。而美洲原住民、非裔美国人与墨西哥裔美国人解放运动的社会活动家,以及反战抗议者也被监控。美洲原住民部落成员曾受到过来自联邦调查局的持续大规模监控,而近期则改为由国土安全部监控。 而在1946年签订的英美协定,则在1955年演化成了如今的梯队系统。梯队系统由五个英语国家组成,也就是所谓的“五眼联盟”,主要的工作是截取电子通讯,而针对本国人的监控能力则越来越强。 在2001年九一一事件发生后,美国针对国内和国际的大规模监控则超越了《美国宪法》和《权利法案》允许的程度。在袭击发生之后的2001年9月14日,美国总统乔治·布什宣布进入国家紧急状态,此后,奥巴马担任总统时,也会每年以行政命令持续维持紧急状态,使美国处于持续的紧急状态中。此外,美国政府还提出了数个国家安全法案,包括《爱国者法案》、《精确法案》和《国外情报监控法案》的修正案中的棱镜计划。不同政见者和政治批评家认为,这些法案和行政命令造就了一张巨大的情报监视数据库网络,1950年代美国暗杀异见人士和国家领导人的非法“反谍计划”,如今却成为了国家体制,使美国逐渐变成一个警察国家。 而其他的情报机构,例如美国国土安全部以及国家情报总监办公室进行的大规模监控活动,则自2001年以来成几何数增长。2013年,一系列的媒体新闻报道披露了美国情报体系的更多监控项目和手段。计算机和信息技术的进步使一个监控整个美国的巨大国家数据库成为现实,并由国土安全部、中央情报局和联邦调查局管理。 (zh)
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  • Some of the greatest historical figures of the 20th century, including several U.S. citizens, were placed under warrantless surveillance for the purpose of character assassination – a process that aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, or nation. Left: Albert Einstein, who supported the anti-war movement and opposed nuclear proliferation, was a member of numerous civil rights groups including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People . As a result of his political views, Einstein was subjected to telephone tapping, and his mail was searched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of a secret government campaign that aimed to link him with a Soviet espionage ring in order to first discredit him, and then deport him from the United States. Center: Martin Luther King Jr., a leader of the Civil Rights Movement, was the target of an intensive campaign by the FBI to "neutralize" him as an effective civil rights activist. An FBI memo recognized King to be the "most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country.", and the agency wanted to discredit him by collecting evidence to prove that he had been influenced by communism. Right: Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the media in 1971, experienced one of the most spectacular episodes of government surveillance and character assassination. The White House tried to steal his medical records and other possibly detrimental information by sending a special unit to break into the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. These activities were later uncovered during the course of investigation as the Watergate scandal slowly unfolded, which eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. See also: The FBI kept a dossier on Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr. . Due to a court order, however, some information has been removed and many other pages will not be released until the year 2027. (en)
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  • يعود تاريخ المراقبة الجماعية في الولايات المتحدة إلى أوقات الحرب العالمية الأولى حيث شددت الحكومة على مراقبة الاتصالات الدولية الصادرة إلى الولايات المتحدة أو المرسلة منها أو التي تمر من خلالها. وبعد انتهاء الحرب العالمية الأولى والثانية استمرت منظومة الرقابة تلك في العمل عن طريق بعض البرامج مثل «الغرفة السوداء»، ومشروع «SHAMROCK». وقد أدى تكوين وازدهار وكالات تطبيق القانون وأجهزة المخابرات الفيدرالية إلى ترسيخ عادات المراقبة لقمع المعارضة السياسية كما حدث في مشاريع «COINTELPRO» التي استهدفت عدة منظمات وأفراد. وفي أثناء فترة حركة الحقوق المدنية وُضع العديد من الأفراد تحت المراقبة، وكانت التهمة الموجهة إليهم في بادئ الأمر هي معارضة سياسة الفصل العنصري، ثم نُعتوا بالمخربين. ومن بين الأفراد المستهدفين الآخرين: نشطاء الأمريكيين الأصليين، ونشطاء تحرير الأمريكيين الأفارقة والشيكانو، ومعارضي الحر (ar)
  • The practice of mass surveillance in the United States dates back to wartime monitoring and censorship of international communications from, to, or which passed through the United States. After the First and Second World Wars, mass surveillance continued throughout the Cold War period, via programs such as the Black Chamber and Project SHAMROCK. The formation and growth of federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA institutionalized surveillance used to also silence political dissent, as evidenced by COINTELPRO projects which targeted various organizations and individuals. During the Civil Rights Movement era, many individuals put under surveillance orders were first labelled as integrationists, then deemed subversive, and sometimes suspected to be supp (en)
  • 美国的大规模监控可以追溯到第一次世界大战的,期间,任何来自、到达或途经美国的国际通讯都被监控。在第一次和第二次世界大战结束后,美国又启动了和,继续进行大规模监控。而随着联邦执法机构和情报机构的建立和扩张,如联邦调查局、中央情报局和国家安全局,国家体制化的监控开始用于打压持不同政见者。来自“反谍计划”的证据显示,大量组织和个人都是这些情报机构的目标。而在民权运动期间,大量反种族隔离人士被情报机构监控,并被认定是颠覆国家政权者。而美洲原住民、非裔美国人与墨西哥裔美国人解放运动的社会活动家,以及反战抗议者也被监控。美洲原住民部落成员曾受到过来自联邦调查局的持续大规模监控,而近期则改为由国土安全部监控。 而在1946年签订的英美协定,则在1955年演化成了如今的梯队系统。梯队系统由五个英语国家组成,也就是所谓的“五眼联盟”,主要的工作是截取电子通讯,而针对本国人的监控能力则越来越强。 而其他的情报机构,例如美国国土安全部以及国家情报总监办公室进行的大规模监控活动,则自2001年以来成几何数增长。2013年,一系列的媒体新闻报道披露了美国情报体系的更多监控项目和手段。计算机和信息技术的进步使一个监控整个美国的巨大国家数据库成为现实,并由国土安全部、中央情报局和联邦调查局管理。 (zh)
  • المراقبة الجماعية في الولايات المتحدة (ar)
  • Mass surveillance in the United States (en)
  • 美国的大规模监控 (zh)
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