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잉글랜드와 웨일스의 로마 가톨릭 교구 목록 Daftar keuskupan di Inggris Liste des diocèses catholiques en Angleterre et au pays de Galles Circunscrições eclesiásticas católicas da Grã-Bretanha List of Catholic dioceses in Great Britain Список римско-католических епархий Великобритании
Les diocèses catholiques ont été restaurés en Angleterre et au pays de Galles par le pape Pie IX en 1850 par la bulle . Les 22 diocèses actuels sont regroupés en cinq provinces ecclésiastiques, chacune dirigée par un archevêque. L'ensemble forme le territoire d'une seule conférence épiscopale, la Conférence des évêques catholiques d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles, ayant à sa tête l'archevêque de Westminster. L'Écosse a sa propre conférence épiscopale, et les évêques dont le diocèse s'étend en Irlande du Nord dépendent d'une unique conférence des évêques irlandais. A Grã-Bretanha, constituída pela Inglaterra, Escócia e pelo País de Gales, conta com a composta por 22 dioceses e a composta por 8 dioceses. Com a Reforma Inglesa, o catolicismo foi ilegalizado trazendo o fim das dioceses católicas na Grã-Bretanha. Do séc. XVII até ao séc. XIX, foram criados vicariatos apostólicos que passaram a dioceses com a bula do Papa Pio IX em 1850. 이 문서는 잉글랜드 웨일스의 로마 가톨릭교회 소속 교구 목록이다. Католические епархии в Великобритании разделены на две отдельные иерархии: католическая церковь в Англии и Уэльсе и католическая церковь в Шотландии. Католическая церковь Англии и Уэльса имеет пять провинций, разделённых на 22 епархии, а католическая церковь Шотландии состоит из двух провинций, разделённых на 8 епархий. Католические епархии в Северной Ирландии включены в иерархию Республики Ирландии, поскольку церковь в Ирландии не была разделена при ирредентизме в 1920-х годах. The Catholic dioceses in Great Britain are organised by two separate hierarchies: the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and the Catholic Church in Scotland. Within Great Britain, the Catholic Church of England and Wales has five provinces, subdivided into 22 dioceses, and the Catholic Church of Scotland has two provinces, subdivided into 8 dioceses. The Catholic dioceses in Northern Ireland are organised together with those in the Republic of Ireland, as the Church in Ireland was not divided when civil authority in Ireland was partitioned in the 1920s. Daftar keuskupan di Inggris adalah sebuah daftar yang memuat dan menjabarkan pembagian terhadap wilayah administratif Gereja Katolik Roma yang dipimpin oleh seorang uskup ataupun ordinaris di Inggris. Konferensi para uskup Inggris bergabung bersama para uskup di Wales dalam . Saat ini terdapat 24 buah keuskupan, di mana 5 merupakan keuskupan agung, 17 merupakan keuskupan sufragan, dan 1 merupakan ordinariat personal, serta 1 ordinariat militer.
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dbpedia-ko:잉글랜드와_웨일스의_로마_가톨릭_교구_목록 wikidata:Q867931 dbpedia-pt:Circunscrições_eclesiásticas_católicas_da_Grã-Bretanha dbpedia-id:Daftar_keuskupan_di_Inggris n20:Pratélan_kabiskopan_ing_Inggris dbpedia-fr:Liste_des_diocèses_catholiques_en_Angleterre_et_au_pays_de_Galles n23:52QhF dbpedia-ru:Список_римско-католических_епархий_Великобритании
dbt:For_multi dbt:Catholic_dioceses_in_England_and_Wales dbt:Short_description dbt:Reflist dbt:Catholic_Church_in_England_and_Wales_sidebar
Daftar keuskupan di Inggris adalah sebuah daftar yang memuat dan menjabarkan pembagian terhadap wilayah administratif Gereja Katolik Roma yang dipimpin oleh seorang uskup ataupun ordinaris di Inggris. Konferensi para uskup Inggris bergabung bersama para uskup di Wales dalam . Saat ini terdapat 24 buah keuskupan, di mana 5 merupakan keuskupan agung, 17 merupakan keuskupan sufragan, dan 1 merupakan ordinariat personal, serta 1 ordinariat militer. The Catholic dioceses in Great Britain are organised by two separate hierarchies: the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and the Catholic Church in Scotland. Within Great Britain, the Catholic Church of England and Wales has five provinces, subdivided into 22 dioceses, and the Catholic Church of Scotland has two provinces, subdivided into 8 dioceses. The Catholic dioceses in Northern Ireland are organised together with those in the Republic of Ireland, as the Church in Ireland was not divided when civil authority in Ireland was partitioned in the 1920s. A diocese, also known as a bishopric, is an administrative unit under the supervision of a bishop. The Diocese of Westminster is considered the mother church of English and Welsh Catholics, and although not formally a primate, the archbishop of Westminster is usually elected President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales providing a degree of a formal direction for the other English bishops and archbishops. From the time of the English Reformation in the 16th century, with Catholicism being declared illegal, there were no Catholic dioceses in England and Wales. In time, there came to be appointed several apostolic vicars, bishops of titular sees governing not in their own name, as diocesan bishops do, but provisionally in the name of the Pope. However, with the passing of the Catholic Relief Act 1829, legalising the practice of the Catholic faith again, Pope Pius IX re-established the Catholic Church diocesan hierarchy on 29 September 1850 by issuing the bull Universalis Ecclesiae. The Hierarchy in Scotland was restored in 1878. Three Catholic dioceses, those of Leeds, Liverpool, and Portsmouth, share their territorial name with Anglican dioceses, the Anglican Diocese of Leeds, the Anglican diocese of Liverpool, and the Anglican Diocese of Portsmouth respectively. However, in these cases the dioceses cover differing areas. The Catholic Church in Scotland comprises two Latin ecclesiastical provinces each headed by a Metropolitan archbishop. The provinces in turn are subdivided into 6 dioceses and 2 archdioceses, each headed by a bishop or an archbishop, respectively. There is an Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain as papal diplomatic representation (embassy-level) to the British authorities (UK) A Grã-Bretanha, constituída pela Inglaterra, Escócia e pelo País de Gales, conta com a composta por 22 dioceses e a composta por 8 dioceses. Com a Reforma Inglesa, o catolicismo foi ilegalizado trazendo o fim das dioceses católicas na Grã-Bretanha. Do séc. XVII até ao séc. XIX, foram criados vicariatos apostólicos que passaram a dioceses com a bula do Papa Pio IX em 1850. Католические епархии в Великобритании разделены на две отдельные иерархии: католическая церковь в Англии и Уэльсе и католическая церковь в Шотландии. Католическая церковь Англии и Уэльса имеет пять провинций, разделённых на 22 епархии, а католическая церковь Шотландии состоит из двух провинций, разделённых на 8 епархий. Католические епархии в Северной Ирландии включены в иерархию Республики Ирландии, поскольку церковь в Ирландии не была разделена при ирредентизме в 1920-х годах. 이 문서는 잉글랜드 웨일스의 로마 가톨릭교회 소속 교구 목록이다. Les diocèses catholiques ont été restaurés en Angleterre et au pays de Galles par le pape Pie IX en 1850 par la bulle . Les 22 diocèses actuels sont regroupés en cinq provinces ecclésiastiques, chacune dirigée par un archevêque. L'ensemble forme le territoire d'une seule conférence épiscopale, la Conférence des évêques catholiques d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles, ayant à sa tête l'archevêque de Westminster. L'Écosse a sa propre conférence épiscopale, et les évêques dont le diocèse s'étend en Irlande du Nord dépendent d'une unique conférence des évêques irlandais.