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Johannes Bückler (c.1778 – 21 November 1803) was a German outlaw who orchestrated one of the most famous crime sprees in German history. He has been nicknamed Schinderhannes and Schinnerhannes in German and John the Scorcher, John the Flayer and the Robber of the Rhine in English. He was born at Miehlen, the son of Johann and Anna Maria Bückler. He began an apprenticeship to a tanner but turned to petty theft. At 16 he was arrested for stealing some of the skins, but he escaped detention. He then turned to break-ins and armed robbery on both sides of the Rhine, which was the border between France and the Holy Roman Empire.

Property Value
  • Johannes Bückler, französisch Jean Buckler, genannt Schinnerhannes oder Schinderhannes (* vermutlich Herbst 1779 in Miehlen oder Weidenbach im Taunus; † 21. November 1803 in Mainz), war ein deutscher Räuber, dem mindestens 211 Straftaten, zumeist Diebstähle, Erpressungen und Raubüberfälle, aber auch Raubmord und Mord nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Gesamtzahl seiner Mittäter betrug 94. Der Name Schinderhannes verweist auf die Tätigkeit des jungen Bückler, der bei zwei Abdeckern, die mancherorts auch Schinder genannt werden, als Lehrjunge gearbeitet und dort den Spitznamen erhalten hatte; so seine Aussage im späteren Ermittlungsverfahren 1802 und 1803. Auch seine Vorfahren väterlicherseits waren seit Generationen Schinder gewesen. (de)
  • Johannes Bückler, france Jean Buckler, nomita Schinnerhannes aŭ Schinder-hannes (* probable aŭtuno 1779 en Miehlen (aŭ Weidenbach) apud Nastätten en la Taunus) estis germana rabisto. Pri la naskiĝtago ekzistas diversaj opinioj. La krima kariero de la juna Bückler komencis en la aĝo de 15 jaroj. Li defraŭdas ormoneron, per kiu li aĉetu en la najbara vilaĝo vinbrandon. Ĝis la fino de sia vivo per ekzekuto oni pruvis al li pri 211 punenaj deliktoj. Li estis ekzekutita la 21an de novembro 1803. Antaŭe li multfoje estis en maliberejoj kaj povis fuĝi multfoje. (eo)
  • Johannes Bückler, plus connu sous son surnom de Schinderhannes (né vers 1778 à Miehlen dans l’Arrondissement de Rhin-Lahn - exécuté à Mayence le 21 novembre 1803) est un criminel allemand coupable de vols et cambriolages, dont la légende est perpétuée en Rhénanie. (fr)
  • Johannes Bückler (c.1778 – 21 November 1803) was a German outlaw who orchestrated one of the most famous crime sprees in German history. He has been nicknamed Schinderhannes and Schinnerhannes in German and John the Scorcher, John the Flayer and the Robber of the Rhine in English. He was born at Miehlen, the son of Johann and Anna Maria Bückler. He began an apprenticeship to a tanner but turned to petty theft. At 16 he was arrested for stealing some of the skins, but he escaped detention. He then turned to break-ins and armed robbery on both sides of the Rhine, which was the border between France and the Holy Roman Empire. The legend of Schinderhannes truly emerged from his escape from a prison tower in Simmern, a market town in the Hunsrück region of the Rhineland. At the time, the west bank of the Rhine was under French occupation, and the peasantry was happy to celebrate anyone who was able to flout the law. At the end of 1798, Bückler had a criminal record that included thefts of at least 40 head of cattle and horses. He was arrested by French gendarmerie and brought before a judge, where he confessed some of his crimes. Imprisoned in a wooden tower in Simmern that most believed to be impenetrable, he used a kitchen knife, smuggled in by a sympathetic guard, and cut a hole in a small window to escape. The prison escape became widely reported, exciting the public and making Schinderhannes a folk hero. The legend of Schinderhannes grew with every new escapade. After things began to get too dangerous for him, Schinderhannes fled across the Rhine and enlisted in the Austrian Army under the assumed name of Jakob Schweikart. He was recognized, however, by a former associate, handed over to the French authorities and imprisoned in a tower of the medieval defensive wall of Mainz (the so-called "Holzturm"). After his mistress, Juliana Blasius, was threatened with being charged as an accomplice, Schinderhannes testified against his fellow gangsters. Nineteen of his associates were sentenced to death. Despite his cooperation, Schinderhannes was sentenced to death as well. On 21 November 1803 he was guillotined before the gates of Mainz. More than 40,000 spectators witnessed his execution. He remains Germany's most famous outlaw. His legend still attracts a great deal of tourism to the region wherein his gang operated. (en)
  • Johannes Bückler (Miehlen, 1779 – Magonza, 21 novembre 1803) è stato un criminale tedesco. Soprannominato Schinderhannes, ha capeggiato una delle bande più attive della storia tedesca, autrice di un grande numero di reati tra cui furti, rapine ed estorsioni. J. Bückler ritratto da K. H. Ernst (1803) (it)
  • Johannes Bückler (1779? – Mainz, 21 november 1803), bijgenaamd Schinderhannes, was een Duitse bandiet, die in zijn korte leven (hij was hooguit 24 toen hij werd geëxecuteerd) medeverantwoordelijk was voor ongeveer 130 misdaden. Hij was vooral verantwoordelijk voor diefstallen, afpersingen en roofovervallen. Hij opereerde bijna altijd samen met anderen, doorgaans in een klein groepje van drie tot zeven mensen. 93 andere criminelen waarmee hij heeft samengewerkt, zijn geïdentificeerd. Hij was actief in het gebied langs beide oevers van de Rijn, vooral bij de Hunsrück en het gebied ten noorden daarvan in de huidige deelstaat Rijnland-Palts. Bückler maakte echter ook regelmatig excursies naar het omliggende gebied, dat nu bij de deelstaten Hessen en Saarland hoort. (nl)
  • Johannes Bückler (nascimento por volta de 1778 – falecimento em 21 de novembro de 1803), apelidado de Schinnerhannes ou Schinderhannes, foi um sujeito fora-da-lei da Alemanha que orquestrou uma onda de crimes das mais bem plenejadas e executadas da história de seu país. Schinnerhannes nasceu em Miehlen, filho de Johann e Anna Maria Bückler. Inicialmente ele foi aprendiz de um curtume mas logo voltou-se a pequenos furtos. Aos dezesseis anos foi preso por ter roubado algumas peças de couro porém não foi preso. Depois disto ele passou a praticar furtos e roubos de mão-armada em ambos os lados do rio Reno, o qual fazia divisa entre a França e Sacro Império Romano. Eventualmente Schinnerhannes foi apreendido. Uma vez alistado sob o nome falso de Jakob Schweikart no exército austríaco, ele foi reconhecido por um ex-companheiro, e daí entregue à França. Após detalhado processo produzido tanto em língua alemã como em francês, ele foi executado na guilhotina em frente ao portal de entrada da cidade de Mogúncia; dezenove de seus comparsas também presos e julgados pelas autoridades francesas. Enquanto preso, ele escreveu cartas às autoridades suplicando piamente pelo bem-estar de sua amada esposa, Juliana Blasius (também Julie Bläsius) e de outros homens implicados em crimes cometidos sob sua liderança; isto grandemente comoveu o povo da região que acompanhava o caso de tal forma que ele acabou ganhando favor da plebe e sendo elevado a nível de herói; obviamente, sua capacidade de persuasão, no entanto, não atraiu a magnanimidade dos oficiais da justiça. A história de Schinnerhannes faz parte integral do imaginário popular e da identidade folclórica da região do Hunsrück, no sudoeste da Alemanha. Seu apelido Schinnerhannes é a versão no dialeto regional, em Hunsrückisch, sendo que no alemão padrão a grafia é Schinderhannes. Muitos residentes desta região emigraram para o Brasil nos últimos duzentos anos. Schinderhannes é conhecido como o Robin Hood da Alemanha. Sua história foi recontada pelo escritor e dramaturgo alemão Carl Zuckmayer em 1927, vindo a ganhar inclusive várias versões cinematográficas mais tarde. (pt)
  • Шиндерханнес, собственно Йоханнес Бюклер (нем. Johannes Bückler, Schinderhannes, фр. Jean Buckler, 1783, Милен — 1803, Майнц) — немецкий преступник. Его прозвище означает Ганс-живодер. (ru)
  • 6623573 (xsd:integer)
  • 27373 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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  • Johannes Bückler, france Jean Buckler, nomita Schinnerhannes aŭ Schinder-hannes (* probable aŭtuno 1779 en Miehlen (aŭ Weidenbach) apud Nastätten en la Taunus) estis germana rabisto. Pri la naskiĝtago ekzistas diversaj opinioj. La krima kariero de la juna Bückler komencis en la aĝo de 15 jaroj. Li defraŭdas ormoneron, per kiu li aĉetu en la najbara vilaĝo vinbrandon. Ĝis la fino de sia vivo per ekzekuto oni pruvis al li pri 211 punenaj deliktoj. Li estis ekzekutita la 21an de novembro 1803. Antaŭe li multfoje estis en maliberejoj kaj povis fuĝi multfoje. (eo)
  • Johannes Bückler, plus connu sous son surnom de Schinderhannes (né vers 1778 à Miehlen dans l’Arrondissement de Rhin-Lahn - exécuté à Mayence le 21 novembre 1803) est un criminel allemand coupable de vols et cambriolages, dont la légende est perpétuée en Rhénanie. (fr)
  • Johannes Bückler (Miehlen, 1779 – Magonza, 21 novembre 1803) è stato un criminale tedesco. Soprannominato Schinderhannes, ha capeggiato una delle bande più attive della storia tedesca, autrice di un grande numero di reati tra cui furti, rapine ed estorsioni. J. Bückler ritratto da K. H. Ernst (1803) (it)
  • Шиндерханнес, собственно Йоханнес Бюклер (нем. Johannes Bückler, Schinderhannes, фр. Jean Buckler, 1783, Милен — 1803, Майнц) — немецкий преступник. Его прозвище означает Ганс-живодер. (ru)
  • Johannes Bückler, französisch Jean Buckler, genannt Schinnerhannes oder Schinderhannes (* vermutlich Herbst 1779 in Miehlen oder Weidenbach im Taunus; † 21. November 1803 in Mainz), war ein deutscher Räuber, dem mindestens 211 Straftaten, zumeist Diebstähle, Erpressungen und Raubüberfälle, aber auch Raubmord und Mord nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die Gesamtzahl seiner Mittäter betrug 94. (de)
  • Johannes Bückler (c.1778 – 21 November 1803) was a German outlaw who orchestrated one of the most famous crime sprees in German history. He has been nicknamed Schinderhannes and Schinnerhannes in German and John the Scorcher, John the Flayer and the Robber of the Rhine in English. He was born at Miehlen, the son of Johann and Anna Maria Bückler. He began an apprenticeship to a tanner but turned to petty theft. At 16 he was arrested for stealing some of the skins, but he escaped detention. He then turned to break-ins and armed robbery on both sides of the Rhine, which was the border between France and the Holy Roman Empire. (en)
  • Johannes Bückler (1779? – Mainz, 21 november 1803), bijgenaamd Schinderhannes, was een Duitse bandiet, die in zijn korte leven (hij was hooguit 24 toen hij werd geëxecuteerd) medeverantwoordelijk was voor ongeveer 130 misdaden. Hij was vooral verantwoordelijk voor diefstallen, afpersingen en roofovervallen. Hij opereerde bijna altijd samen met anderen, doorgaans in een klein groepje van drie tot zeven mensen. 93 andere criminelen waarmee hij heeft samengewerkt, zijn geïdentificeerd. (nl)
  • Johannes Bückler (nascimento por volta de 1778 – falecimento em 21 de novembro de 1803), apelidado de Schinnerhannes ou Schinderhannes, foi um sujeito fora-da-lei da Alemanha que orquestrou uma onda de crimes das mais bem plenejadas e executadas da história de seu país. Schinderhannes é conhecido como o Robin Hood da Alemanha. Sua história foi recontada pelo escritor e dramaturgo alemão Carl Zuckmayer em 1927, vindo a ganhar inclusive várias versões cinematográficas mais tarde. (pt)
  • Johannes Bückler (de)
  • Schinderhannes (eo)
  • Schinderhannes (fr)
  • Johannes Bückler (it)
  • Johannes Bückler (nl)
  • Schinderhannes (en)
  • Шиндерханнес (ru)
  • Johannes Bückler (pt)
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