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yago:AppellateCourt108330106 yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Court108329453 dbo:ArchitecturalStructure yago:SocialGroup107950920 yago:Assembly108163792 yago:Group100031264 yago:Gathering107975026 owl:Thing yago:WikicatUnitedStatesCourtsOfAppeals
Апелляционный суд второго округа США Segundo Circuito de Cortes de Apelação dos Estados Unidos Segundo Circuito de Cortes de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos Pengadilan Tinggi Federal Amerika Serikat untuk Wilayah II 美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院 Cour d'appel des États-Unis pour le deuxième circuit United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Hof van Beroep voor het 2e circuit
La Corte de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos para el Segundo Circuito es una de las trece Cortes de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos. Tiene jurisdicción sobre las apelaciones de las cortes de distrito en los siguientes distritos federales: * Distrito de Connecticut * Distrito del Este de Nueva York * Distrito del Norte de Nueva York * Distrito del Sur de Nueva York * Distrito del Oeste de Nueva York * Distrito de Vermont 美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院(英語:United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,案例引用为2d Cir.)是美国的13个联邦上诉法院之一。其司法管辖范围包括康涅狄格州、纽约州和佛蒙特州,对该范围内的以下美国联邦地区法院拥有上诉管辖权: * 美国康涅狄格联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约东区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约北区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约南区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约西区联邦地区法院 * 美国佛蒙特联邦地区法院 第二巡回上诉法院通常会在位于曼哈顿下城的瑟古德·马歇尔联邦法院听取口头辩论。2006年夏,由于建筑需要进行整修,法院临时改在开庭审理案件。法院的部分办公室,包括法律事务办公室都在这一期间转移到了伍尔沃斯大楼,预计这次整修将需要耗费数年的时间才能完成。 La cour d’appel des États-Unis pour le deuxième circuit (en anglais, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit), sise à New York, est une cour d'appel fédérale américaine, devant laquelle sont interjetés les appels en provenance des six cours de district (United States District Court) suivantes : Établie le 16 juin 1891, la cour compte 13 juges et son président (Chief Judge) est . The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (in case citations, 2d Cir.) is one of the thirteen United States Courts of Appeals. Its territory comprises the states of Connecticut, New York and Vermont. The court has appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following districts: * District of Connecticut * Eastern District of New York * Northern District of New York * Southern District of New York * Western District of New York * District of Vermont * Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street; the court's former temporary home * O Segundo Circuito de Cortes de Apelação dos Estados Unidos (em citações de casos, 2d Cir.) é uma das treze Cortes de apelações dos Estados Unidos. O seu território inclui os estados de Connecticut, Nova Iorque e Vermont, e a corte tem jurisdição de apelação nas cortes distritais dos seguintes distritos: * * * * Distrito Sudeste de Nova Iorque * * Апелляцио́нный суд второ́го о́круга США (дословно Апелляционный суд США по второму федеральному апелляционному округу; англ. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, сокращённо 2d Cir.) — федеральный суд апелляционной инстанции США, рассматривающий дела в штатах Вермонт, Коннектикут и Нью-Йорк. Суд расположен в Федеральном здании суда имени Тургуда Маршалла в районе Фоли-Сквер в Нижнем Манхэттене Нью-Йорка, где проходят большинство его заседаний. Pengadilan Tinggi Federal Amerika Serikat untuk Wilayah II (dalam , 2d Cir.) adalah satu dari tiga belas Pengadilan Tinggi Federal Amerika Serikat. Teritorinya mencakup negara bagian Connecticut, New York, dan Vermont, dan pengadilan ini memiliki terhadap di berikut: * * Daerah Timur New York * * Daerah Selatan New York * * Het Hof van Beroep voor het 2e circuit (Engels: United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit) is een federale Amerikaanse rechtbank in New York, die beroepszaken behandelt uit de staten Connecticut, Vermont en New York. Het hof heeft officieel dertien permanente rechters (op dit moment zijn het er elf) en daarnaast nog tien rechters die senior status hebben en dus in deeltijd werken. Circuit justice voor het 2e circuit is rechter Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
dbr:Peter_W._Hall dbr:Christopher_F._Droney dbr:Wilfred_Feinberg dbr:Richard_C._Wesley dbr:Thomas_Walter_Swan dbr:Sarah_A._L._Merriam Bianco Cabranes dbr:George_C._Pratt dbr:Joseph_Edward_Lumbard Nardini dbr:José_A._Cabranes dbr:Gerard_E._Lynch dbr:Martin_Thomas_Manton dbr:Pierre_N._Leval dbr:Myrna_Pérez dbr:Ellsworth_Van_Graafeiland dbr:Eunice_C._Lee dbr:Leonard_P._Moore dbr:Dennis_Jacobs Merriam Menashi dbr:Amalya_Lyle_Kearse dbr:Thomas_Joseph_Meskill dbr:Steven_Menashi Lee dbr:Joseph_F._Bianco dbr:Fred_I._Parker dbr:Charles_Edward_Clark dbr:Jerome_Frank dbr:J._Daniel_Mahoney dbr:James_L._Oakes dbr:William_H._Timbers dbr:Michael_H._Park dbr:Debra_Ann_Livingston dbr:Thurgood_Marshall dbr:Harold_Medina Sullivan dbr:Henry_Friendly dbr:Joseph_M._McLaughlin dbr:Rosemary_S._Pooler dbr:Learned_Hand dbr:Carroll_C._Hincks dbr:Sterry_R._Waterman dbr:William_Hughes_Mulligan dbr:Jon_O._Newman Lohier dbr:Raymond_Lohier dbr:James_Lowell_Oakes dbr:J._Edward_Lumbard dbr:Henry_Galbraith_Ward dbr:Chester_J._Straub dbr:Walter_Chadwick_Noyes dbr:J._Joseph_Smith dbr:Alfred_Conkling_Coxe_Sr. dbr:William_J._Nardini dbr:Denny_Chin Robinson dbr:Nathaniel_Shipman dbr:Charles_Merrill_Hough dbr:Sonia_Sotomayor dbr:Paul_R._Hays dbr:Richard_J._Sullivan dbr:Robert_Katzmann dbr:Lawrence_W._Pierce dbr:Frank_X._Altimari dbr:William_Kneeland_Townsend dbr:Harrie_B._Chase dbr:Irving_Kaufman dbr:Ralph_K._Winter_Jr. dbr:Robert_D._Sack dbr:Alison_Nathan dbr:Beth_Robinson dbr:Henry_Wade_Rogers dbr:John_M._Walker_Jr. dbr:Emile_Henry_Lacombe dbr:Robert_P._Anderson Nathan Livingston dbr:Barrington_Daniels_Parker_Jr. dbr:Augustus_Noble_Hand dbr:Murray_Gurfein dbr:John_Marshall_Harlan_II dbr:Julius_Marshuetz_Mayer dbr:Guido_Calabresi dbr:Richard_J._Cardamone Pérez dbr:Walter_R._Mansfield dbr:Robert_P._Patterson dbr:Roger_Miner dbr:Reena_Raggi dbr:Susan_L._Carney dbr:William_James_Wallace Park
n8:WTM_sheila_0042.jpg n8:WTM_sheila_0036.jpg n8:Seal_of_the_United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Second_Circuit.svg n8:2nd_Circuit_map.svg
dbc:United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Second_Circuit dbc:1891_establishments_in_the_United_States dbc:Hartford,_Connecticut dbc:New_Haven,_Connecticut dbc:Syracuse,_New_York dbc:Courts_and_tribunals_established_in_1891 dbc:Brooklyn
dbr:Thomas_Walter_Swan dbr:New_Haven,_Connecticut dbr:Alison_Nathan dbr:Rosemary_S._Pooler dbr:Sarah_A._L._Merriam dbr:Christopher_F._Droney dbr:Securities_law dbr:Burlington,_Vermont dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_District_of_Connecticut dbr:Learned_Hand dbr:J._Edward_Lumbard dbr:Vermont dbr:Associate_Justice_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States dbr:Gerard_E._Lynch dbr:Ellsworth_Van_Graafeiland dbr:William_James_Wallace dbr:Peter_W._Hall dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Barack_Obama dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Bill_Clinton dbr:Henry_Wade_Rogers dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_George_H._W._Bush dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_George_W._Bush dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Donald_Trump dbc:United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Second_Circuit dbr:Lawrence_W._Pierce dbr:William_Kneeland_Townsend dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Joe_Biden dbr:Raymond_Lohier dbr:Ralph_K._Winter_Jr. dbr:Brooklyn,_New_York dbr:Sonia_Sotomayor dbr:Henry_Galbraith_Ward dbr:Charles_Merrill_Hough dbr:Central_Islip,_New_York dbr:List_of_current_United_States_Circuit_Judges dbr:Robert_P._Patterson dbr:Bridgeport,_Connecticut dbr:Pierre_N._Leval dbr:United_States_Courts_of_Appeals dbr:Contract_law dbr:J._Joseph_Smith dbr:Hartford,_Connecticut dbr:Thomas_Joseph_Meskill dbr:Dennis_Jacobs dbr:Operation_of_law dbr:J._Daniel_Mahoney dbr:Joseph_F._Bianco dbr:List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Jimmy_Carter dbr:Henry_Friendly dbr:Amalya_Lyle_Kearse dbr:Alfred_Conkling_Coxe_Sr. dbr:Irving_Kaufman dbr:Chester_J._Straub dbr:Robert_P._Anderson dbr:Barrington_Daniels_Parker_Jr. dbr:New_York_(state) dbr:United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_District_of_Columbia_Circuit dbr:Walter_R._Mansfield dbc:1891_establishments_in_the_United_States dbr:United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Fourth_Circuit dbr:Geneseo_(village),_New_York dbr:New_York_City dbr:Debra_Ann_Livingston dbr:William_Hughes_Mulligan dbr:Joseph_M._McLaughlin dbr:United_States_circuit_court dbr:William_H._Timbers dbr:Jon_O._Newman dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States dbr:William_J._Nardini dbr:Maria_Araújo_Kahn dbc:Hartford,_Connecticut dbr:Frank_X._Altimari dbr:Joseph_Edward_Lumbard dbr:Reena_Raggi dbr:Paul_R._Hays dbr:Myrna_Pérez dbr:Martin_Thomas_Manton dbr:Denny_Chin dbr:Nathaniel_Shipman dbr:Appellate_jurisdiction dbr:Thurgood_Marshall dbr:Connecticut dbr:Antitrust_law dbr:Judiciary_Act_of_1869 dbr:Judiciary_Act_of_1891 dbr:John_M._Walker_Jr. dbr:Thurgood_Marshall_United_States_Courthouse dbr:José_A._Cabranes dbr:Case_citation dbr:Augustus_Noble_Hand dbr:Jerome_Frank dbr:Harrie_B._Chase dbr:Richard_C._Wesley dbr:Illinois dbr:Eunice_C._Lee dbr:Emile_Henry_Lacombe dbr:Roger_Miner dbr:Susan_L._Carney dbr:Beth_Robinson dbr:Judicial_appointment_history_for_United_States_federal_courts dbr:Syracuse,_New_York dbr:Robert_Katzmann dbr:Robert_D._Sack dbr:Walter_Chadwick_Noyes dbr:Leonard_P._Moore dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Western_District_of_New_York dbr:United_States_district_court dbc:New_Haven,_Connecticut dbr:Harold_Medina dbr:Charles_Edward_Clark dbr:Steven_Menashi dbr:Richard_J._Cardamone dbr:Richard_J._Sullivan dbr:John_Marshall_Harlan_II dbc:Syracuse,_New_York dbr:Murray_Gurfein dbr:Fred_I._Parker dbr:Carroll_C._Hincks dbr:Foley_Square dbr:Daniel_Patrick_Moynihan_United_States_Courthouse dbr:United_States_federal_judicial_district dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_District_of_Vermont dbr:Michael_H._Park dbr:Woolworth_Building dbc:Courts_and_tribunals_established_in_1891 dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Eastern_District_of_New_York dbr:Michael_Hun_Park dbr:James_L._Oakes dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Northern_District_of_New_York dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Southern_District_of_New_York dbr:George_C._Pratt dbr:Julius_Marshuetz_Mayer dbr:Wilfred_Feinberg dbr:Lower_Manhattan dbr:Guido_Calabresi dbr:James_Lowell_Oakes dbr:Senior_status dbr:Sterry_R._Waterman dbc:Brooklyn
dbpedia-fa:دادگاه_استیناف_حوزه_دوم_ایالات_متحده_آمریکا freebase:m.027b4h dbpedia-zh:美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院 dbpedia-pt:Segundo_Circuito_de_Cortes_de_Apelação_dos_Estados_Unidos dbpedia-ru:Апелляционный_суд_второго_округа_США dbpedia-nl:Hof_van_Beroep_voor_het_2e_circuit wikidata:Q250479 dbpedia-id:Pengadilan_Tinggi_Federal_Amerika_Serikat_untuk_Wilayah_II n25:2Mbh1 dbpedia-fr:Cour_d'appel_des_États-Unis_pour_le_deuxième_circuit dbpedia-es:Segundo_Circuito_de_Cortes_de_Apelaciones_de_Estados_Unidos yago-res:United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Second_Circuit
1970 1971 1974 1981 1954 1953 1958 1959 1940 1951 1921 2018 2019 2016 2022 2021 2002 2000 2006 2008 2009 1987 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1998 1996 1997
death elevation to Supreme Court resignation retirement reassigned to the 4th Circuit
dbt:United_States_2nd_Circuit_district_judges dbt:End_U.S._judge_succession dbt:Authority_control dbt:Reflist dbt:End_U.S._judgeship_Current dbt:End_U.S._judgeship_Former dbt:Col-end dbt:Col-begin dbt:Col-break dbt:United_States_2nd_Circuit_senior_district_judges dbt:As_of dbt:Short_description dbt:Use_mdy_dates dbt:U.S._judge_succession_row dbt:Wikisource_index dbt:SeatTableIntro dbt:Start_U.S._judge_succession dbt:ChiefJudge dbt:Infobox_U.S._federal_court dbt:U.S._judgeship_row_Former dbt:U.S._courts_of_appeals dbt:U.S._judge_succession_note dbt:U.S._judgeship_row_Current dbt:Start_U.S._judgeship_Current dbt:Start_U.S._judgeship_Former dbt:United_States_courts_of_appeals_judges dbt:U.S._judgeship_row dbt:Sort dbt:Sortname
1932 1949 1951 1944 1940 1936 1937 1938 1939 1964 1965 1966 1959 1954 1976 1979 1972 1974 1969 1970 1971
80 81 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
dbr:New_York_City dbr:New_York_(state)
CT dbr:New_York_(state) dbr:Connecticut dbr:Vermont dbr:Illinois VT NY
2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2013 2009 2010 2011 2004 2006 2007 2000 2001 2002 2003 1997 1998 1999 1992 1993 1994 1988 1989 1990 1985 1986 1980 1981 1982 1979 1973 1974 1975 1971 1964 1966 1960 1961 1957 1958 1959 1953 1954 1955 1948 1951 1941 1939 1929 1924 1926 1927 1921 1916 1918 1913 1910 1907 1902 1892 1891
Chief Judge Circuit Judge Senior Circuit Judge
O Segundo Circuito de Cortes de Apelação dos Estados Unidos (em citações de casos, 2d Cir.) é uma das treze Cortes de apelações dos Estados Unidos. O seu território inclui os estados de Connecticut, Nova Iorque e Vermont, e a corte tem jurisdição de apelação nas cortes distritais dos seguintes distritos: * * * * Distrito Sudeste de Nova Iorque * * O segundo circuito possui sua sede e ouve argumentos orais no Tribunal americano Thurgood Marshall na quadragésima Foley Square em Lower Manhattan. Devido as reformas nesse prédio, de 2006 ao início de 2013, a corte temporariamente realocou-se no , atravessando a Rua Pearl de Foley Square, e certas cortes se realocaram temporariamente em Woolworth Building em 233 Broadway. La Corte de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos para el Segundo Circuito es una de las trece Cortes de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos. Tiene jurisdicción sobre las apelaciones de las cortes de distrito en los siguientes distritos federales: * Distrito de Connecticut * Distrito del Este de Nueva York * Distrito del Norte de Nueva York * Distrito del Sur de Nueva York * Distrito del Oeste de Nueva York * Distrito de Vermont La cour d’appel des États-Unis pour le deuxième circuit (en anglais, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit), sise à New York, est une cour d'appel fédérale américaine, devant laquelle sont interjetés les appels en provenance des six cours de district (United States District Court) suivantes : Établie le 16 juin 1891, la cour compte 13 juges et son président (Chief Judge) est . Апелляцио́нный суд второ́го о́круга США (дословно Апелляционный суд США по второму федеральному апелляционному округу; англ. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, сокращённо 2d Cir.) — федеральный суд апелляционной инстанции США, рассматривающий дела в штатах Вермонт, Коннектикут и Нью-Йорк. Суд расположен в Федеральном здании суда имени Тургуда Маршалла в районе Фоли-Сквер в Нижнем Манхэттене Нью-Йорка, где проходят большинство его заседаний. Верховный суд США может проверить и пересмотреть решение Апелляционного суда только в том случае, если оно существенно нарушает сложившуюся судебную практику либо имеется неразрешённая коллизия в вопросе федерального права. Het Hof van Beroep voor het 2e circuit (Engels: United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit) is een federale Amerikaanse rechtbank in New York, die beroepszaken behandelt uit de staten Connecticut, Vermont en New York. Het hof heeft officieel dertien permanente rechters (op dit moment zijn het er elf) en daarnaast nog tien rechters die senior status hebben en dus in deeltijd werken. Circuit justice voor het 2e circuit is rechter Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Pengadilan Tinggi Federal Amerika Serikat untuk Wilayah II (dalam , 2d Cir.) adalah satu dari tiga belas Pengadilan Tinggi Federal Amerika Serikat. Teritorinya mencakup negara bagian Connecticut, New York, dan Vermont, dan pengadilan ini memiliki terhadap di berikut: * * Daerah Timur New York * * Daerah Selatan New York * * Wilayah Kedua memiliki kantor juru tulis dan mengadakan dengar pendapat di di , Lower Manhattan. Karena terjadi renovasi banguna, selama musim panas 2006, pengadilan ini sementara dipindahkan ke di New York, New York di seberang Pearl Street dari Marshall Courthouse. Sejumlah kantor Pengadilan, termasuk Office of Legal Affairs, pindah ke Woolworth Building selama masa renovasi, yang diperkirakan berlangsung selama beberapa tahun. The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (in case citations, 2d Cir.) is one of the thirteen United States Courts of Appeals. Its territory comprises the states of Connecticut, New York and Vermont. The court has appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following districts: * District of Connecticut * Eastern District of New York * Northern District of New York * Southern District of New York * Western District of New York * District of Vermont The Second Circuit has its clerk's office and hears oral arguments at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse at 40 Foley Square in Lower Manhattan. Due to renovations at that building, from 2006 until early 2013, the court temporarily relocated to the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse across Pearl Street from Foley Square; certain court offices temporarily relocated to the Woolworth Building at 233 Broadway. Because the Second Circuit includes New York City, it has long been one of the largest and most influential American federal appellate courts, especially in matters of contract law, securities law, and antitrust law. In the 20th century, it came to be considered one of the two most prestigious federal appellate courts, along with the District of Columbia Circuit Court. Several notable judges have served on the Second Circuit, including three later named Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court: John Marshall Harlan II, Thurgood Marshall, and Sonia Sotomayor. Judge Learned Hand served on the court from 1924 to 1961, as did his cousin, Augustus Noble Hand, from 1927 until 1953. Judge Henry Friendly served from 1959 to 1986. * Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street; the court's former temporary home * Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse at 40 Foley Square 美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院(英語:United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,案例引用为2d Cir.)是美国的13个联邦上诉法院之一。其司法管辖范围包括康涅狄格州、纽约州和佛蒙特州,对该范围内的以下美国联邦地区法院拥有上诉管辖权: * 美国康涅狄格联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约东区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约北区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约南区联邦地区法院 * 美国纽约西区联邦地区法院 * 美国佛蒙特联邦地区法院 第二巡回上诉法院通常会在位于曼哈顿下城的瑟古德·马歇尔联邦法院听取口头辩论。2006年夏,由于建筑需要进行整修,法院临时改在开庭审理案件。法院的部分办公室,包括法律事务办公室都在这一期间转移到了伍尔沃斯大楼,预计这次整修将需要耗费数年的时间才能完成。
District of Vermont Northern District of New York Eastern District of New York District of Connecticut Southern District of New York Western District of New York
/ Operation of law
1933 1934 1935 1928 1931 1924 1925 1920 1948 1938 1953 1954 1837 1828 1853 1849 1851 1846 1847 1843 1869 1865 1866 1858 1880 1877 1872 1901 1903 1898 1899 1888 1889 1891 1918 1915 1908 1910 1911 1904 1906 1907
2013 2006 2000 1997 1992 1993 1988 2020 1948 1951 1980 1973 1971 1959 1953 1954
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
dbr:Geneseo_(village),_New_York dbr:Syracuse,_New_York dbr:Hartford,_Connecticut dbr:Central_Islip,_New_York inactive dbr:New_Haven,_Connecticut dbr:Bridgeport,_Connecticut dbr:Burlington,_Vermont dbr:New_York_City dbr:Brooklyn,_New_York
File:2nd Circuit map.svg
Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.svg
Chief Judge