- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (nascuda el 1944 a la ciutat de Nova York) és professora emèrita d'antropologia, directora i cofundadora (amb Margaret Lock) del programa de doctorat en antropologia crítica de la medicina de la Universitat de Califòrnia a Berkeley. Els seus escrits antropològics versen sobre temes com el cos, la fam, les malalties, la medicina, la maternitat, la psiquiatria, la psicosi, el patiment social, la violència, el genocidi, els escamots de la mort i el tràfic de persones. És autora de diversos llibres, entre ells Death Without Weeping: the Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil (UC Press); Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Ireland (UC Press, en tres edicions); Commodifying Bodies (UK Sage) amb Loic Wacquant; Violence in War and Peace (Wiley-Blackwell) amb Philippe Bourgois; i, més recentment, Violence in the Urban Margins (Oxford University Press), amb P. Bourgois i J. Auyero. Scheper-Hughes ha dut a terme treballs de camp etnogràfics al Brasil, Argentina, Israel, Sud-àfrica, Moldàvia, Filipines i els Estats Units. Com a directora fundadora d'Organs Watch, és consultora sobre tràfic d'òrgans per a la UE, la Interpol, l'Oficina de les Nacions Unides sobre la Trata de Persones i el Vaticà. Ha declarat (pro bono) en diversos processos de traficants de persones. Va ser testimoni del comerç d'òrgans que va portar pacients de ronyons israelians des de Israel, Europa i Nova York fins a Durban, Sud-àfrica, i de "venedors de ronyó" de comunitats empobrides de Recife. En una de les seves primeres investigacions sobre un grup internacional de corredors i els seus venedors d'òrgans vius amb seu a Nova York, Nova Jersey i Israel, va provocar diverses detencions per part de l'FBI. (ca)
- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (born 1944) is an anthropologist, educator and author. She is the Chancellor’s Professor Emerita of Anthropology and the director and co-founder (with Margaret Lock) of the PhD program in Critical Medical Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is known for her writing on the anthropology of the body, hunger, illness, medicine, motherhood, psychiatry, psychosis, , violence and genocide, death squads, and human trafficking. Sscheper-Hughes is the author of several books, including Death Without Weeping: the Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil (UC Press); Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Ireland (UC Press, in three editions); Commodifying Bodies (UK Sage) with Loic Wacquant; Violence in War and Peace (Wiley-Blackwell) with Philippe Bourgois; and, most recently, Violence in the Urban Margins (Oxford University Press), with P. Bourgois and J. Auyero. Scheper-Hughes has conducted anthropological fieldwork in Northeast Brazil, Argentina, Israel, South Africa, Moldova, the Philippines and the US. As founding director of Organs Watch, she is a consultant on human trafficking for organs for the European Union, Interpol, United Nations Office on Human Trafficking, and the Vatican. She has testified (pro bono) in several prosecutions of human traffickers. She was a witness to the organ trade that brought Israeli kidney patients from Israel, Europe and New York City to Durban, South Africa and ‘kidney sellers’ from impoverished communities in Recife. In her early investigations of an international ring of brokers and their living organ sellers based in New York, New Jersey and Israel led to a number of arrests by the FBI. (en)
- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (New York, 1944) è un'antropologa statunitense. Docente di Antropologia e direttrice di un programma di studi in Antropologia medica all'Università della California di Berkeley, è nota per i suoi studi sul genere, sul corpo, sulla malattia mentale, sulle emozioni e sulle forme di resistenza messe in atto da alcune comunità di fronte alle forze e agli interessi del capitale globale. Un altro aspetto importante del lavoro di Scheper-Hughes è la sua ricerca sul mercato degli organi. (it)
- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (New York, 1944) è un'antropologa statunitense. Docente di Antropologia e direttrice di un programma di studi in Antropologia medica all'Università della California di Berkeley, è nota per i suoi studi sul genere, sul corpo, sulla malattia mentale, sulle emozioni e sulle forme di resistenza messe in atto da alcune comunità di fronte alle forze e agli interessi del capitale globale. Un altro aspetto importante del lavoro di Scheper-Hughes è la sua ricerca sul mercato degli organi. (it)
- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (nascuda el 1944 a la ciutat de Nova York) és professora emèrita d'antropologia, directora i cofundadora (amb Margaret Lock) del programa de doctorat en antropologia crítica de la medicina de la Universitat de Califòrnia a Berkeley. Els seus escrits antropològics versen sobre temes com el cos, la fam, les malalties, la medicina, la maternitat, la psiquiatria, la psicosi, el patiment social, la violència, el genocidi, els escamots de la mort i el tràfic de persones. (ca)
- Nancy Scheper-Hughes (born 1944) is an anthropologist, educator and author. She is the Chancellor’s Professor Emerita of Anthropology and the director and co-founder (with Margaret Lock) of the PhD program in Critical Medical Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is known for her writing on the anthropology of the body, hunger, illness, medicine, motherhood, psychiatry, psychosis, , violence and genocide, death squads, and human trafficking. (en)