About: Serpent seed

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The doctrine of the serpent seed, also known as the dual-seed or the two-seedline doctrine, is a controversial and fringe Christian religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man by stating that the Serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This event resulted in the creation of two races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames human history as a conflict between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent.

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  • La doctrina de la Semilla de la Serpiente, también conocida como la doctrina de la simiente dual, es una creencia religiosa cristiana controvertida y marginal que explica el relato bíblico de la caída del hombre al afirmar que la Serpiente se apareó con Eva en el Jardín del Edén y la descendencia de su unión fue Caín. Este evento resultó en la creación de dos razas de personas: Los malvados descendientes de la Serpiente que estaban destinados a la condenación, y los justos descendientes de Adán que estaban destinados a tener vida eterna. La doctrina enmarca la historia humana como un conflicto entre estas dos razas en el que los descendientes de Adán finalmente triunfarán sobre los descendientes de la Serpiente. (es)
  • The doctrine of the serpent seed, also known as the dual-seed or the two-seedline doctrine, is a controversial and fringe Christian religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man by stating that the Serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This event resulted in the creation of two races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames human history as a conflict between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent. Elements of the teaching appears in the early Gnostic writings of Valentinus (100–160) and the Gospel of Philip (c. 350). Mainstream Christian teachers rejected the serpent seed doctrine as heresy during the gnostic period. Irenaeus (c. 180), an Early Church Father, described the gnostic doctrine that the original sin was adultery between Eve and the serpent and explicitly rejected it as heresy in his book Against Heresies. In the middle ages, the concept also appeared in Jewish literature, including the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. During the 19th century, the serpent seed doctrine was revived by American religious leaders who wanted to promote white supremacy. The modern versions of the serpent seed doctrine were developed within the teachings of British Israelism by C. A. L. Totten (1851–1908) and Russel Kelso Carter (1849–1928). Daniel Parker (1781–1844) was also responsible for reviving and promoting the doctrine among Primitive Baptists. Teachers of Christian Identity Theology, which branched off from British Israelism, preached the doctrine during the early twentieth century and promoted it within the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, the American Nazi Party and other white supremacist organizations. The belief's adherents commonly use it to justify antisemitism and racism by claiming that Jews or members of non-white races are the descendants of Cain and the Serpent, who they variably interpret to be Satan or an intelligent non-human creature which lived before Adam and Eve. The serpent seed teaching comes in several different forms. William M. Branham (1909–1965), Arnold Murray (1929–2014), Wesley A. Swift (1913–1970), and Sun Myung Moon (1920–2012) played important roles in spreading different versions of the doctrine among members of their respective groups throughout the 20th century. Around the world, there are millions of adherents of the serpent seed doctrine within Branhamism and the Unification Church. In 2000, there were an estimated 50,000 adherents of it within Christian Identity. The Anti-Defamation League and various Christian apologetics organizations have denounced racist versions of the serpent seed teaching by claiming that they are incompatible with the teachings of traditional Christianity, and they have accused their promoters of exacerbating racial divisions by spreading hate. (en)
  • Keturunan ular, keturunan ganda atau dua garis keturunan adalah sebuah kepercayaan kontroversial yang menjelaskan catatan Alkitab dari kejatuhan manusia yang berkata bahwa ular di Taman Eden membuahi Hawa, dan bahwa hubungan mereka melahirkan Kain. Keyakinan tersebut muncul dalam tulisan-tulisan Gnostik awal seperti Injil Filipus (s. 350). Irenaeus (s. 180), seorang , secara jelas menolak doktrin tersebut sebagai bidaah, sebuah pandangan yang didukung oleh para teolog Kristen garis utama pada masa berikutnya. (in)
  • A semente da serpente é a doutrina que entende que o pecado original teria transcorrido com a tentação entre Eva e a serpente, na qual se baseia na bíblia figurada mente se trata de Satanas, e ate tinha a capacidade de arrazoar, questionar. Ora, a serpente era mais astuta que todas as alimárias do campo que Deus tinha feito. E esta disse à mulher: É assim que Deus disse: Não comereis de toda a árvore do jardim? (Gênesis 3:1) E satanás aproveitou-se desses atributos, colocando sua semente na humanidade ate os dias de hoje, decorrendo uma linha de descendência satânica a partir de Caim. “Porque fizeste isso, serás maldita entre todos os animais e feras dos campos; andarás de rastos sobre o teu ventre e comerás o pó todos os dias de tua vida. Porei ódio entre ti e a mulher, entre a tua descendência e a dela. Esta te ferirá a cabeça, e tu ferirás o calcanhar.” (Gn 3,14-15) Na tradução do Antigo Testamento, a partir do aramaico ou do hebreu, a palavra "semente" quase sempre é transliterada com o sentido de Progenitor, como uma metáfora de Fertilidade.Os que defendem esta doutrina, acreditam que os tradutores, com o passar do tempo deixaram de fazer estas referências em suas traduções, reduzindo o impacto do conceito. Em tempos modernos, alguns grupos religiosos tem se identificado com esta doutrina, sendo os mais notáveis William Marrion Branham, e entre outros, nas quais outrora, era seguidores de Branham A doutrina extrai-se do texto bíblico expresso no livro de Gênesis 3:15, que diz: (pt)
  • 1527203 (xsd:integer)
  • 58893 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1115099548 (xsd:integer)
  • Irenaeus (en)
  • Sun Myung Moon (en)
  • Targum (en)
  • William Branham (en)
  • 0001-04-11 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-09-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-12-27 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Genesis 4:1 (en)
  • Gospel of Philip 61:5-10 (en)
  • World Scripture II, pp. 248, 256, 1139 (en)
  • First adultery came into being, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father, and he killed his brother. Indeed, every act of sexual intercourse which has occurred between those who are unlike one another is an act of adultery. (en)
  • [They] cunningly devised a scheme to seduce Eve and Adam, by means of the serpent ... this one sinned by committing adultery ... Such are the opinions which prevail among these persons, by whom, like the Lernæan hydra, a many-headed beast has been generated from the school of Valentinus. (en)
  • God is a segregationalist . I am too. Any Christian's a segregation. God segregates His people from all the rest of them. They're... They've always been a segregation. He chose a nation. He chooses a people. He is a segregationalist . He made all nations. But still, a real genuine Christian has to be a segregationalist . Separating himself from the things of the world and everything, and come into one purpose, Jesus Christ. (en)
  • And the Woman beheld Sammael, the angel of death, and was afraid; yet she knew that the tree was good to eat, and that it was medicine for the enlightenment of the eyes, and desirable tree by means of which to understand. And she took of its fruit, and did eat; and she gave to her husband with her, and he did eat. (en)
  • And Adam knew Hava his wife, who had desired the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Kain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord. (en)
  • Now, Noah and his sons, which come out, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, come out in the righteous line. How did the [serpent's] seed ever get over? The [serpent's] seed come over in the ark, just like it did in the beginning, through the woman, their wives. They carried the seed of Satan, through the ark, just as Eve packed the seed of Satan, to give birth to Cain, through the woman. ... Notice this now. And out of there, then, come Ham, Ham with his wife, and them. He had a curse put on him. (en)
  • What good would a white woman want to have a baby by a colored man making him a mulatto child? It's not sensible. ... If I was a colored man, or a brown man, or a yellow man, or a red man, I would be just as happy about it. Yes, sir. I sure would. That’s the way that my Maker wanted me and that's the way I am. Right. Why does man want to tamper with anything for? When man gets into it, he ruins it. Let it alone the way God made it. Let a man be what he is; by the grace of God let him be. But he has to cause great fusses now calling our… causing riots, and big fusses, and everything else across the nations, and across the world just because he wanted to stick his head out about something. That's the ignorance of the man. That's right; hybrid again. Instead of leaving it the way God wants it, he wants to make his own way. He has to do something about it, you know. He has to make his own self a name. God be merciful to him. It's a pitiful thing. (en)
  • Adam and Eve fell by the sin of illicit love, a transgression that violated God's ideal of true love. Prior to the fall, when they were constrained by the commandment [not to eat the fruit], Adam and Eve were in an imperfect state, that is, in their growing period. The archangel Lucifer, symbolized by the serpent, tempted Eve, and she spiritually fell with him. She then tempted Adam to eat the fruit before the time was ripe, and they fell physically. ... By this principle, God divided fallen Adam and Eve into two through their two children. Cain represented Satan, and Abel represented sinless Adam. Hence God placed Abel, the second son, in the internal position. Abel represented the second love between Adam and Eve, which contained fewer evil elements, while Cain was the fruit of the first love. God took Abel because Adam and Eve's relationship was more principled than the first relationship between Eve and the archangel. ... The religious people whom God has blessed take the role of Abel, while the secular people who do not know God and may have grudges against religion are in the role of Cain. (en)
  • Now Adam had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain... (en)
  • Pseudo-Jonathan Genesis 3:6 (en)
  • Pseudo-Jonathan Genesis 4:1 (en)
  • Against Heresies Chapter XXX.—Doctrines of the Ophites and Sethians. (en)
  • La doctrina de la Semilla de la Serpiente, también conocida como la doctrina de la simiente dual, es una creencia religiosa cristiana controvertida y marginal que explica el relato bíblico de la caída del hombre al afirmar que la Serpiente se apareó con Eva en el Jardín del Edén y la descendencia de su unión fue Caín. Este evento resultó en la creación de dos razas de personas: Los malvados descendientes de la Serpiente que estaban destinados a la condenación, y los justos descendientes de Adán que estaban destinados a tener vida eterna. La doctrina enmarca la historia humana como un conflicto entre estas dos razas en el que los descendientes de Adán finalmente triunfarán sobre los descendientes de la Serpiente. (es)
  • Keturunan ular, keturunan ganda atau dua garis keturunan adalah sebuah kepercayaan kontroversial yang menjelaskan catatan Alkitab dari kejatuhan manusia yang berkata bahwa ular di Taman Eden membuahi Hawa, dan bahwa hubungan mereka melahirkan Kain. Keyakinan tersebut muncul dalam tulisan-tulisan Gnostik awal seperti Injil Filipus (s. 350). Irenaeus (s. 180), seorang , secara jelas menolak doktrin tersebut sebagai bidaah, sebuah pandangan yang didukung oleh para teolog Kristen garis utama pada masa berikutnya. (in)
  • The doctrine of the serpent seed, also known as the dual-seed or the two-seedline doctrine, is a controversial and fringe Christian religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man by stating that the Serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This event resulted in the creation of two races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames human history as a conflict between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent. (en)
  • A semente da serpente é a doutrina que entende que o pecado original teria transcorrido com a tentação entre Eva e a serpente, na qual se baseia na bíblia figurada mente se trata de Satanas, e ate tinha a capacidade de arrazoar, questionar. Ora, a serpente era mais astuta que todas as alimárias do campo que Deus tinha feito. E esta disse à mulher: É assim que Deus disse: Não comereis de toda a árvore do jardim? (Gênesis 3:1) E satanás aproveitou-se desses atributos, colocando sua semente na humanidade ate os dias de hoje, decorrendo uma linha de descendência satânica a partir de Caim. “Porque fizeste isso, serás maldita entre todos os animais e feras dos campos; andarás de rastos sobre o teu ventre e comerás o pó todos os dias de tua vida. Porei ódio entre ti e a mulher, entre a tua descen (pt)
  • Semilla de la Serpiente (es)
  • Keturunan ular (in)
  • Serpent seed (en)
  • Semente da serpente (pt)
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