- La Geografia de la Terra Mitjana comprèn els aspectes físics, polítics i de la geografia moral del món fictici de J. R. R. Tolkien, anomenat la Terra Mitjana (estrictament un continent en el planeta d’Arda però referint-se al món físic), i Eä, que inclou tota la seva creació així com totes les seves escriptures. Arda va ser creat com un món pla, incorporant un continent Occidental, Aman, el qual va esdevenir la casa de la divinitat Valar, així com la Terra mitjana. Al final de la Primera Edat, la part Occidental de la Terra mitjana, Beleriand, va ser ofegada en la Guerra de la Còlera. En la Segona Edat, una gran illa anomenada Númenor, va ser creada en el Mar Gran, Belegaer, entre Aman i Terra Mitjana; però va ser destruïda en un cataclisme al final de la Segona Edat, pel que Arda va ser refeta com un món esfèric, i Aman va ser tret de manera que els homes no hi tinguessin accés. A El senyor dels anells, la Terra Mitjana, al final de la Tercera Edat, es descriu com un conjunt de pobles lliures d’homes, hòbbits, elfs i nans a Occident, al contrari dels pobles sota el control del Senyor Fosc Sàuron a l’Est. Alguns comentaristes han vist això com una implicació de la geografia moral de la Terra Mitjana. (ca)
- The geography of Middle-earth encompasses the physical, political, and moral geography of J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, strictly a continent on the planet of Arda but widely taken to mean the physical world, and Eä, all of creation, as well as all of his writings about it. Arda was created as a flat world, incorporating a Western continent, Aman, which became the home of the godlike Valar, as well as Middle-earth. At the end of the First Age, the Western part of Middle-earth, Beleriand, was drowned in the War of Wrath. In the Second Age, a large island, Númenor, was created in the Great Sea, Belegaer, between Aman and Middle-earth; it was destroyed in a cataclysm near the end of the Second Age, in which Arda was remade as a spherical world, and Aman was removed so that Men could not reach it. In The Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age is described as having free peoples, namely Men, Hobbits, Elves, and Dwarves in the West, opposed to peoples under the control of the Dark Lord Sauron in the East. Some commentators have seen this as implying a moral geography of Middle-earth. Tolkien scholars have traced many features of Middle-earth to literary sources such as Beowulf, the Poetic Edda, or the mythical Myrkviðr. They have in addition suggested real-world places such as Venice, Rome, and Constantinople/Byzantium as analogues of places in Middle-earth. The cartographer Karen Wynn Fonstad has created detailed thematic maps for Tolkien's major Middle-earth books, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. (en)
- La Geografia de la Terra Mitjana comprèn els aspectes físics, polítics i de la geografia moral del món fictici de J. R. R. Tolkien, anomenat la Terra Mitjana (estrictament un continent en el planeta d’Arda però referint-se al món físic), i Eä, que inclou tota la seva creació així com totes les seves escriptures. (ca)
- The geography of Middle-earth encompasses the physical, political, and moral geography of J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, strictly a continent on the planet of Arda but widely taken to mean the physical world, and Eä, all of creation, as well as all of his writings about it. Arda was created as a flat world, incorporating a Western continent, Aman, which became the home of the godlike Valar, as well as Middle-earth. At the end of the First Age, the Western part of Middle-earth, Beleriand, was drowned in the War of Wrath. In the Second Age, a large island, Númenor, was created in the Great Sea, Belegaer, between Aman and Middle-earth; it was destroyed in a cataclysm near the end of the Second Age, in which Arda was remade as a spherical world, and Aman was removed so tha (en)