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The Men's 20 kilometre individual biathlon competition at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy was held on 11 February, at Cesana San Sicario. The individual race consisted of five laps around a four kilometre loop with four stops at the shooting range. During each shooting section, each biathlete fired five shots at five targets. Misses resulted in penalties of one minute per miss being added to the time for the course. The first and third shooting sections were conducted in the prone position, while the second and fourth were done standing. A total of 88 biathletes competed, starting with a staggered start and 30 seconds behind each competitor.

Property Value
  • Als Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 2006 celebrats a la ciutat de Torí (Itàlia) es disputà una prova individual de biatló masculina sobre una distància de 20 quilòmetres que, unida a la resta de proves, configurà el programa oficial dels Jocs. La prova es realitzà el dia 11 de febrer de 2006 a les instal·lacions esportives de . Participaren un total de 88 biatletes que sortiren cada 30 segons. (ca)
  • Vytrvalostní závod mužů na Zimních olympijských hrách 2006 se konal v sobotu 11. února v lyžařském středisku v . Zahájení vytrvalostního závodu proběhlo v 13.00 místního času UTC+1. Vítězem se stal německý biatlonista Michael Greis, pro kterého to byla první medaile ze ZOH. Druhý skočil obhájcem prvenství Nor Ole Einar Bjørndalen. Bronz bral rovněž Nor Halvard Hanevold. (cs)
  • The Men's 20 kilometre individual biathlon competition at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy was held on 11 February, at Cesana San Sicario. The individual race consisted of five laps around a four kilometre loop with four stops at the shooting range. During each shooting section, each biathlete fired five shots at five targets. Misses resulted in penalties of one minute per miss being added to the time for the course. The first and third shooting sections were conducted in the prone position, while the second and fourth were done standing. A total of 88 biathletes competed, starting with a staggered start and 30 seconds behind each competitor. Michael Greis of Germany hit 19 of the 20 targets and used a net time of 54:23.0 (with one penalty minute) to clinch the gold medal, 16 seconds ahead of Norway's Ole Einar Bjørndalen. Norway also won the bronze medal, with Halvard Hanevold beating Sergei Tchepikov by 0.8 seconds despite two penalty minutes to the Russian's one. The previous year's trial World Cup event at this track saw Michael Greis of Germany win the event in a time of 53:18.7. At the 2005 World Championships in Hochfilzen, Austria, the Czech Roman Dostál won, while Ole Einar Bjørndalen was the defending Olympic champion, as he was in all the other men's events (except the mass start, which is held for the first time at the Olympics). However, neither Bjørndalen (9th) nor Dostal (33rd) headed the men's individual World Cup standings—the German Michael Greis did. The event started with early starters Ricco Groß (Germany, started as number 4) and Pavel Rostovtsev (Russia, 1) shooting well, missing one and two of their 20 shots respectively; Groß suffered his missed shot on the last of the four shootings. However, their cross-country times were not good enough, as Rene Vuillermoz (Italy, 13) beat Groß by 14 seconds on the first loop. With only one miss in his first 15 shots, Vuillermoz could have taken the lead if he had hit all five targets on the final shooting. However, he missed three times and eventually finished 25th. Maxim Tchoudov (Russia, 14) led after two loops, 28 seconds ahead of Groß, but had spoiled his chance with three missed shots. By that time, many of the best skiers had started, with Greis (38) coming into the third shooting after one miss on the second. He hit five targets, and went out in the second best time, 12 seconds behind Marek Matiasko (Slovakia, 21), who was yet to miss a shot. Meanwhile, the defending champion Bjørndalen (54) had missed once on each of the first two shootings, and when all had passed the second loop he was 15th. However, Bjørndalen completed the third loop quickly, and with five hits he cut Greis' lead from 39 to 23 seconds just before Greis was to shoot his fourth shooting. Greis did not miss, and with the leader Matiasko conceding one penalty minute, Greis took the lead nearly a minute ahead of second-placed Julien Robert (France, 35), who had not missed a single shot. Some other late starters visited the top ten after the first loops, such as Sven Fischer (Germany, 63) and Zdeněk Vítek (Czech Republic, 67) but vanished, and there were only four others who could beat Greis' skiing speed. Except for Bjørndalen, all of the previous had started before him, but missed too many shots to compete; however, Bjørndalen had caught 37 seconds on the first 12 km, and needed a further 23. Thus, Bjørndalen was the only threat, and though Bjørndalen hit all five targets on the final shooting, he struggled with loading the rifle before the final shot. He later said he lost "7-8 seconds" on the error. Thus, Bjørndalen did not beat the German in the fourth loop, and though he cut a further seven seconds off Greis' time in the final loop, it was only enough to take the silver. The late starting Halvard Hanevold (Norway, 74), shot down the last 10 targets to jump from 28th place after two loops to a fourth place after the fourth, with third-placed Robert eight seconds ahead with two penalty minutes less. Hanevold had no problems with catching Robert on the final lap, ending nearly half a minute ahead, but lost seconds to Sergei Tchepikov (Russia, 28), who improved all the way through the course. Eventually, his 6.3-second lead after the fourth loop turned into 0.8 seconds in goal; it was enough, though, and Hanevold could celebrate his second Olympic medal on the individual event. Jay Hakkinen become the first American to finish in the Top 10 ever in the Winter Olympic biathlon with his 10th-place finish. (en)
  • Das 20-km-Einzelrennen der Männer im Biathlon bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 2006 wurde am 11. Februar 2006 um 13:00 Uhr in Centro Olimpico di Biathlon ausgetragen. Es gingen insgesamt 88 Athleten aus 34 Nationen an den Start. Die Goldmedaille gewann Michael Greis aus Deutschland. Die Silbermedaille gewann der Norweger Ole Einar Bjørndalen vor seinem Landsmann Halvard Hanevold. Der Österreicher Wolfgang Perner wurde auf Grund positiver Dopingproben vom IOC disqualifiziert. (de)
  • 2006년 동계 올림픽 바이애슬론 남자 20km 개인전 경기는 2006년 2월 11일에 체사나 산 시카리오에서 열렸다. (ko)
  • De 20 kilometer individueel mannen tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 vond plaats op zaterdag 11 februari 2006. De eerste medailles tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 werden verdiend op de 20 kilometer individueel in het biatlon. Om en om vertrokken de biatleten om te beginnen aan hun olympisch avontuur. Aanvankelijk ging de Duitser Ricco Groß het best van start. Hij miste in de eerste twee schietrondes geen enkele schijf en was tevens snel op de latten en nam daarmee de leiding in handen. Titelverdediger en favoriet Ole Einar Bjørndalen miste zowel bij de eerste als bij de tweede schietbeurt zijn laatste schot en kwam daarmee op een flinke achterstand door. De foutloze Michael Greis, nam de leiding in handen en na verloop van tijd kwam plotseling uit het niets de Slowaak als derde door na de tweede schietbeurt. Nadat Gross in de fout was gegaan bij de derde ronde nam Matiaško de leiding zelfs in handen. De andere favoriet Raphaël Poirée miste veel schijven in de schietrondes en was daarmee kansloos voor een topnotering. Ook Halvard Hanevold en Sergei Tchepikov die beiden laat gestart waren kwamen met goede tijden door en streden mee voor de medailles. De snelle langlaufer Bjørndalen bleef foutloos in de derde en vierde schietbeurt, terwijl Greis één fout maakte. In de eindsprint wist Bjørndalen zijn achterstand terug te brengen tot 16 seconden, maar moest hij wel genoegen nemen met het zilver. Marek Matiaško leek de bronzen medaille te pakken, totdat de eindsprints ingezet door Sergei Tchepikov en Halvard Hanevold een snellere tijd opleverden. Hanevold wist de spannende strijd om het brons te winnen met slechts 0,8 seconden voorsprong. (nl)
  • A competição individual masculina do biatlo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2006 aconteceu no dia 11 de fevereiro. (pt)
  • Biathlonowy bieg indywidualny mężczyzn na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2006 odbył się 11 lutego na trasach w Cesana San Sicario. Tytułu mistrza olimpijskiego z ZIO 2002 bronił Norweg Ole Einar Bjørndalen, który tym razem zajął drugie miejsce. Nowym mistrzem olimpijskim został Niemiec Michael Greis, a brązowy medal wywalczył kolejny reprezentant Norwegii – Halvard Hanevold. (pl)
  • Индивидуальная гонка у мужчин прошла 11 февраля 2006 года. (ru)
  • 2006 Winter
  • 4048512 (xsd:integer)
  • 20773 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1114685963 (xsd:integer)
  • NOR (en)
  • Men's biathlon 20 km individual final (en)
  • 88 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-02-11 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Men's biathlon individual (en)
  • 2006 (xsd:integer)
  • GER (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • 34 (xsd:integer)
  • 2010 (xsd:integer)
  • 2002 (xsd:integer)
  • NOR (en)
  • 54 (xsd:integer)
  • Als Jocs Olímpics d'Hivern de 2006 celebrats a la ciutat de Torí (Itàlia) es disputà una prova individual de biatló masculina sobre una distància de 20 quilòmetres que, unida a la resta de proves, configurà el programa oficial dels Jocs. La prova es realitzà el dia 11 de febrer de 2006 a les instal·lacions esportives de . Participaren un total de 88 biatletes que sortiren cada 30 segons. (ca)
  • Vytrvalostní závod mužů na Zimních olympijských hrách 2006 se konal v sobotu 11. února v lyžařském středisku v . Zahájení vytrvalostního závodu proběhlo v 13.00 místního času UTC+1. Vítězem se stal německý biatlonista Michael Greis, pro kterého to byla první medaile ze ZOH. Druhý skočil obhájcem prvenství Nor Ole Einar Bjørndalen. Bronz bral rovněž Nor Halvard Hanevold. (cs)
  • Das 20-km-Einzelrennen der Männer im Biathlon bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 2006 wurde am 11. Februar 2006 um 13:00 Uhr in Centro Olimpico di Biathlon ausgetragen. Es gingen insgesamt 88 Athleten aus 34 Nationen an den Start. Die Goldmedaille gewann Michael Greis aus Deutschland. Die Silbermedaille gewann der Norweger Ole Einar Bjørndalen vor seinem Landsmann Halvard Hanevold. Der Österreicher Wolfgang Perner wurde auf Grund positiver Dopingproben vom IOC disqualifiziert. (de)
  • 2006년 동계 올림픽 바이애슬론 남자 20km 개인전 경기는 2006년 2월 11일에 체사나 산 시카리오에서 열렸다. (ko)
  • A competição individual masculina do biatlo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2006 aconteceu no dia 11 de fevereiro. (pt)
  • Biathlonowy bieg indywidualny mężczyzn na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2006 odbył się 11 lutego na trasach w Cesana San Sicario. Tytułu mistrza olimpijskiego z ZIO 2002 bronił Norweg Ole Einar Bjørndalen, który tym razem zajął drugie miejsce. Nowym mistrzem olimpijskim został Niemiec Michael Greis, a brązowy medal wywalczył kolejny reprezentant Norwegii – Halvard Hanevold. (pl)
  • Индивидуальная гонка у мужчин прошла 11 февраля 2006 года. (ru)
  • The Men's 20 kilometre individual biathlon competition at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy was held on 11 February, at Cesana San Sicario. The individual race consisted of five laps around a four kilometre loop with four stops at the shooting range. During each shooting section, each biathlete fired five shots at five targets. Misses resulted in penalties of one minute per miss being added to the time for the course. The first and third shooting sections were conducted in the prone position, while the second and fourth were done standing. A total of 88 biathletes competed, starting with a staggered start and 30 seconds behind each competitor. (en)
  • De 20 kilometer individueel mannen tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 vond plaats op zaterdag 11 februari 2006. De eerste medailles tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 werden verdiend op de 20 kilometer individueel in het biatlon. Om en om vertrokken de biatleten om te beginnen aan hun olympisch avontuur. Aanvankelijk ging de Duitser Ricco Groß het best van start. Hij miste in de eerste twee schietrondes geen enkele schijf en was tevens snel op de latten en nam daarmee de leiding in handen. (nl)
  • Biatló als Jocs Olímpics d'hivern de 2006 - 20 quilòmetres masculins (ca)
  • Biatlon na Zimních olympijských hrách 2006 – vytrvalostní závod muži (cs)
  • Olympische Winterspiele 2006/Biathlon – Einzel (Männer) (de)
  • Biathlon at the 2006 Winter Olympics – Men's individual (en)
  • 2006년 동계 올림픽 바이애슬론 남자 20km 개인전 (ko)
  • Biatlon op de Olympische Winterspelen 2006 - Individueel mannen (nl)
  • Biathlon na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2006 – bieg indywidualny mężczyzn (pl)
  • Биатлон на зимних Олимпийских играх 2006 — индивидуальная гонка (мужчины) (ru)
  • Biatlo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2006 - Individual masculino (pt)
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