- Pythagoras (altgriechisch Πυθαγόρας) war ein antiker griechischer Bildhauer und Maler aus Samos, der wohl im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. wirkte. Plinius und Diogenes Laertios unterschieden ihn ausdrücklich von Pythagoras aus Rhegion. Seine Ausbildung erhielt er zunächst als Maler, er wandte sich dann aber der Bildhauerei zu. Er schuf sieben Statuen von Nackten und die Statue eines Greises, die in römischer Zeit beim Tempel der Fortuna Huiusce Diei in Rom aufgestellt waren. Pausanias erwähnt im Zeusheiligtum von Olympia die Statue des Euthymos von Lokroi, Sieger bei den Olympischen Spielen in den Jahren 484, 476 und 472 v. Chr., als das Werk eines Pythagoras, ohne dessen Herkunft zu nennen. Die in Olympia gefundene Basis dieser Statue weist ihn als Samier aus. Sein Werk ist verloren, von seinem Stil keine Vorstellung zu gewinnen. (de)
- Pythagoras of Samos or Pythagoras of Rhegion (Ancient Greek: Πυθαγόρας, fl. 5th century BC) was a sculptor from Samos whom Pliny the Elder expressly distinguishes from the more renowned Pythagoras the mathematician, from Rhegium. Pliny does however say that the sculptor bore a remarkable personal likeness to the mathematician. There is no precise indication of his date. Philip Smith accepted the opinion of Karl Julius Sillig (1801–1855) that Pliny's date of Olympiad 87 (c. 428 BC) ought to be referred to this artist rather than to a different Pythagoras, from Rhegium; other writers consider it possible he lived closer to the beginning of the 5th century BC. Modern writers consider it certain these two were the same artist, and that this Pythagoras was one of the Samian exiles who moved to Zankle at the beginning of the 5th century BC and came under the power of the tyrant Anaxilas in Rhegium. While a Samian by birth, he was a pupil of Clearchus of Rhegium. Pythagoras was at first a painter, but eventually turned to sculpture, apparently focusing on portraits of athletic champions from Hellenized cities in the Italian Peninsula and Sicily. Despite his contemporary eminence in his field, it is difficult to estimate his skill and attainments, as no certain copy of his works is known to exist. Pliny reports that Pythagoras' skill exceeded even that of Myron, credits him with the innovation of sculpting athletes with visible veins, and calls him the first artist to aim for "rhythm and symmetry". In his Natural History he goes on to list several of Pythagoras' works, including a renowned pankratiast at Delphi. He was celebrated as the maker of seven nude statues (which some theorize to have been a depiction of the Seven against Thebes), and one of an old man, which, in Pliny's time, stood near the temple of Fortuna Huiusce Diei ("The Fortune of This Day"), which Quintus Lutatius Catulus had built in fulfillment of a vow made at the Battle of Vercellae. Pausanias mentions a statuary of this name, and lists several of his works, including a sculpture of the boxer Euthymos, without mentioning this artist's home town. The base of the statue has been found at Olympia however, on which Pythagoras signs himself as "the Samian". (en)
- Pitagora (Samo, ... – V secolo a.C.) è stato uno scultore greco antico. Fu attivo a Reggio Calabria dal 480 al 450 a.C. come scultore di statue celebrative. Non va tuttavia confuso con il più celebre Pitagora di Reggio. (it)
- Pitágoras foi um escultor da Grécia Antiga, nascido na ilha de Samos e ativo no século V a.C. É possível que o outro Pitágoras escultor, referido como , seja a mesma pessoa. Pitágoras se educou como pintor, mas depois se voltou para a escultura, especializando-se nas estátuas de atletas. Suas obras não chegaram aos nossos dias. Plínio, o Velho, diz que sua habilidade era superior à de Míron e que foi um dos primeiros a buscar um senso de ritmo e simetria em suas obras, antecipando o cânone de Policleto. (pt)
- Pitagora (Samo, ... – V secolo a.C.) è stato uno scultore greco antico. Fu attivo a Reggio Calabria dal 480 al 450 a.C. come scultore di statue celebrative. Non va tuttavia confuso con il più celebre Pitagora di Reggio. (it)
- Pitágoras foi um escultor da Grécia Antiga, nascido na ilha de Samos e ativo no século V a.C. É possível que o outro Pitágoras escultor, referido como , seja a mesma pessoa. Pitágoras se educou como pintor, mas depois se voltou para a escultura, especializando-se nas estátuas de atletas. Suas obras não chegaram aos nossos dias. Plínio, o Velho, diz que sua habilidade era superior à de Míron e que foi um dos primeiros a buscar um senso de ritmo e simetria em suas obras, antecipando o cânone de Policleto. (pt)
- Pythagoras (altgriechisch Πυθαγόρας) war ein antiker griechischer Bildhauer und Maler aus Samos, der wohl im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. wirkte. Plinius und Diogenes Laertios unterschieden ihn ausdrücklich von Pythagoras aus Rhegion. Sein Werk ist verloren, von seinem Stil keine Vorstellung zu gewinnen. (de)
- Pythagoras of Samos or Pythagoras of Rhegion (Ancient Greek: Πυθαγόρας, fl. 5th century BC) was a sculptor from Samos whom Pliny the Elder expressly distinguishes from the more renowned Pythagoras the mathematician, from Rhegium. Pliny does however say that the sculptor bore a remarkable personal likeness to the mathematician. There is no precise indication of his date. Philip Smith accepted the opinion of Karl Julius Sillig (1801–1855) that Pliny's date of Olympiad 87 (c. 428 BC) ought to be referred to this artist rather than to a different Pythagoras, from Rhegium; other writers consider it possible he lived closer to the beginning of the 5th century BC. Modern writers consider it certain these two were the same artist, and that this Pythagoras was one of the Samian exiles who moved to (en)