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Magnús Óláfsson (died 24 November 1265) was a King of Mann and the Isles. He was a son of Óláfr Guðrøðarson, King of the Isles, and a member of the Crovan dynasty. Magnús' realm encompassed Mann and parts of the Hebrides. Some leading members of Magnús' family—such as his father—styled themselves "King of the Isles"; other members—such as Magnús and his brothers—styled themselves "King of Mann and the Isles". Although kings in their own right, leading members of the Crovan dynasty paid tribute to the Kings of Norway and generally recognised a nominal Norwegian overlordship of Mann and the Hebrides. Magnus was driven out by King Alexander III.

Property Value
  • Magnus III. (auch Magnus Olafsson) († 24. November 1265 in Castle Rushen) war ein König von Man und der westschottischen Inseln. Er war der letzte skandinavische Herrscher des Inselreichs, das nach seinem Tod an Schottland fiel. (de)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (died 24 November 1265) was a King of Mann and the Isles. He was a son of Óláfr Guðrøðarson, King of the Isles, and a member of the Crovan dynasty. Magnús' realm encompassed Mann and parts of the Hebrides. Some leading members of Magnús' family—such as his father—styled themselves "King of the Isles"; other members—such as Magnús and his brothers—styled themselves "King of Mann and the Isles". Although kings in their own right, leading members of the Crovan dynasty paid tribute to the Kings of Norway and generally recognised a nominal Norwegian overlordship of Mann and the Hebrides. Magnus was driven out by King Alexander III. In 1237, Óláfr died and was succeeded by his elder son, Haraldr, who later drowned in 1248. The kingship was then taken up by his brother, Rǫgnvaldr Óláfsson. After a reign of only weeks, Rǫgnvaldr was slain and the kingship was taken up by Haraldr Guðrøðarson, a descendant of Óláfr's half-brother and deadly rival, Rǫgnvaldr Guðrøðarson, King of the Isles. After a short reign, this Haraldr was removed from power by his overlord, Hákon Hákonarson, King of Norway. In Haraldr's absence, Magnús and a relation of his, Eóghan Mac Dubhghaill, King in the Isles, unsuccessfully attempted to conquer Mann. A few years later, Magnús successfully made his return to the island and was proclaimed king. In the 1240s, following attempts to purchase the Isles from Hákon, Alexander II, King of Scots resorted to warfare to win the region. His death in 1249 brought an abrupt end to his westward invasion, and it was not until the 1260s that a Scottish king again attempted to impose his authority into the Isles. In 1261, Alexander II's son and successor, Alexander III, attempted to purchase the Isles without success, before Scottish forces raided into the Hebrides. Hákon's response to Scottish aggression was to organise a massive fleet to re-assert Norwegian authority. In the summer of 1263, the fleet sailed down through the Hebrides. Although his forces gained strength as they sailed southwards, the Norwegian king received only lukewarm support from many of his Norse-Gaelic vassals—in fact, Magnús was one of the few who came out whole-heartedly for Hákon. At one point during the campaign, Hákon sent Magnús and some other vassals raiding deep into Lennox. Meanwhile, the main Norwegian force was occupied with the Battle of Largs—a famous, but inconclusive series of skirmishes against the Scots. Following this action, Hákon's demoralised fleet returned home having accomplished little. Not long after Hákon's departure and death, Alexander launched a punitive expedition into the Hebrides, and threatened Mann with the same. Magnús' subsequent submission to the Scottish king, and the homage rendered for his lands, symbolises the failure of Hákon's campaign, and marks the complete collapse of Norwegian influence in the Isles. Magnús, the last reigning king of his dynasty, died at Castle Rushen in 1265, and was buried at the Abbey of St Mary of Rushen. At the time of his death, he was married to Eóghan's daughter Máire. In the year after his death, the Hebrides and Mann were formally ceded by King of Norway to the King of Scots. Ten years after Magnús' death, Guðrøðr, a bastard son of his attempted to establish himself as king on Mann. Guðrøðr's revolt was quickly and brutally crushed by Scottish forces, and the island remained part of the Kingdom of Scotland. By the 1290s, the Hebridean portion of Magnús' former island-kingdom had been incorporated into a newly created Scottish sheriffdom. (en)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (en vieux norrois: parfois considéré comme Magnus III de Man est le dernier roi reconnu de l'île de Man de 1252 à 1265. (fr)
  • Magnus III (... – 24 novembre 1265) fu un sovrano del Regno dell'isola di Man nel corso del XIII secolo. Figlio di entrambi discendevano da una lunga stirpe di Vichingo-gaelici che per secoli avevano regnato sulle Ebridi Esterne e sull'Isola di Man. Alcuni membri della dinastia di , come lo stesso Olaf, si riferivano a sé stessi come al Re dell'Isola di Man, altri invece come Magnus come Re di Man e delle Isole. Nonostante fossero re per molti membri della dinastia Crovan pagarono un tributo ai Re di Norvegia e generalmente riconoscevano loro una formale signoria su quei territori. Nel 1237 Olaf morì e la corona andò al suo figlio maggiore Harald dell'Isola di Man che nel 1248 naufragò e annegò al largo delle coste gallesi. Il regno passò quindi al secondo fratello che nel 1249, dopo una sola settimana, venne assassinato e succeduto dal cugino , figlio del fratellastro e rivale di suo padre . Dopo un solo anno di regno Haraldr venne sollevato da Haakon IV di Norvegia e Magnus, insieme a un proprio parente Eóghan di Argyll, tentarono inutilmente di prendere il trono. Impresa che pochi anni dopo ebbe successo. Nel corso del decennio del 1240 nel tentativo di prendersi le Isole Alessandro II di Scozia ricorse alla guerra, ma la sua morte, avvenuta nel 1249, pose una brusca fine a questo tentativo di invasione che rimase sopito fino al 1260. Nel 1261 suo figlio Alessandro III di Scozia tentò nuovamente di imporre la propria autorità su quelle terre e benché di nuovo il tentativo non fosse stato coronato dal successo Haakon, per riasserire la propria autorità, organizzò una massiccia invasione militare che prese il via nel 1263. Le sue flotte navigarono verso le Ebridi e benché, man mano che procedevano verso sud le sue armate divenivano più forti il sovrano norvegese ricevette dai propri vassali un supporto tutto sommato piuttosto tiepido tanto che Magnus fu uno dei pochi che combatté per lui con vero trasporto. A un certo punto della campagna il re mandò Magnus ed altri vassalli a razziare le terre del , nel cuore della Scozia e nello stesso tempo egli stesso era impegnato nella Battaglia di Largs una delle tante battaglie inconclusive che impegnarono i due eserciti. A seguito di questa ennesima impasse Haakon tornò in Norvegia dove poco dopo morì e a seguito della sua scomparsa Alessandro III attaccò ancora le Ebridi e minacciò di fare lo stesso a Man. Magnus decise quindi di rendere omaggio al re di Scozia per quelle terre segnando così la fine di ogni tentativo da parte della corona norvegese di mantenere la propria influenza su quelle terre che da quel momento cessò di esistere. Magnus, ultimo della propria dinastia, morì il 24 novembre 1265 al e venne sepolto nell'abbazia locale lasciando vedova la moglie Máire, figlia di Eóghan. In quello stesso anno il regno delle Isole passò formalmente sotto l'autorità scozzese ponendo fine alla sua autonomia, dieci anni dopo uno dei figli bastardi di Magnus, Godred Magnusson, tentò di impossessarsi della corona, ma la sua ribellione fu brutalmente spezzata dall'esercito scozzese che continuò a tenere quelle terre sotto la propria corona. (it)
  • Магнус III Олафссон (ум. 24 ноября 1265) — король Мэна и Островов (1252—1265), младший (третий) сын мэнского короля Олаф III Черного (1226—1237). Магнус и его отец Олаф Годредарсон происходили из династии норвежско-гэльских королей (потомков короля Дублина и Мэна Годреда Крована), которые правили островом Мэн и частью Гебридских островов. Некоторые члены династии Крованов, такие как Олаф III, именовали себя «королями Островов». Другие члены династии, такие как Магнус и его братья Харальд и Рагнальд, носили титул «король Мэна и Островов». Короли Мэна из династии Крованов признавали номинальную верховную власть норвежского короля над Мэном и Гебридскими островами. (ru)
  • 1265-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1254-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • King of Mann and the Isles (en)
  • 5645732 (xsd:integer)
  • 65086 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117639682 (xsd:integer)
  • center (en)
  • right (en)
  • Photograph taken from St. Michael's Isle, looking across the causeway towards the mainland. (en)
  • Map of Mann, showing the location of St. Michael's Isle and Castle Rushen. (en)
  • ''. (en)
  • Magnús' name and title as it appears on folio 49r. of British Library Cotton MS Julius A VII : '' (en)
  • 30 (xsd:integer)
  • 1265-11-24 (xsd:date)
  • Map of Mann and the location of St. Michael's Isle and Castle Rushen. A photograph with a view looking south-west from St. Michael's Isle across the tidal causeway to mainland Mann. (en)
  • note (en)
  • Map png - crovan dynasty - mann.png (en)
  • St. Michael's Isle causeway, Isle of Man - - 263932.jpg (en)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (en)
  • 1254 (xsd:integer)
  • Manx monarchy abolished (en)
  • Simplified pedigree illustrating Magnús' kingship to his wife, Máire Nic Dubhghaill, and his rival, Haraldr Guðrøðarson. Women are italicised. (en)
  • (150 * 640 / 480) round 0 (en)
  • (150 * 672 / 850) round 0 (en)
  • 1254 (xsd:integer)
  • Magnus III. (auch Magnus Olafsson) († 24. November 1265 in Castle Rushen) war ein König von Man und der westschottischen Inseln. Er war der letzte skandinavische Herrscher des Inselreichs, das nach seinem Tod an Schottland fiel. (de)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (en vieux norrois: parfois considéré comme Magnus III de Man est le dernier roi reconnu de l'île de Man de 1252 à 1265. (fr)
  • Магнус III Олафссон (ум. 24 ноября 1265) — король Мэна и Островов (1252—1265), младший (третий) сын мэнского короля Олаф III Черного (1226—1237). Магнус и его отец Олаф Годредарсон происходили из династии норвежско-гэльских королей (потомков короля Дублина и Мэна Годреда Крована), которые правили островом Мэн и частью Гебридских островов. Некоторые члены династии Крованов, такие как Олаф III, именовали себя «королями Островов». Другие члены династии, такие как Магнус и его братья Харальд и Рагнальд, носили титул «король Мэна и Островов». Короли Мэна из династии Крованов признавали номинальную верховную власть норвежского короля над Мэном и Гебридскими островами. (ru)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (died 24 November 1265) was a King of Mann and the Isles. He was a son of Óláfr Guðrøðarson, King of the Isles, and a member of the Crovan dynasty. Magnús' realm encompassed Mann and parts of the Hebrides. Some leading members of Magnús' family—such as his father—styled themselves "King of the Isles"; other members—such as Magnús and his brothers—styled themselves "King of Mann and the Isles". Although kings in their own right, leading members of the Crovan dynasty paid tribute to the Kings of Norway and generally recognised a nominal Norwegian overlordship of Mann and the Hebrides. Magnus was driven out by King Alexander III. (en)
  • Magnus III (... – 24 novembre 1265) fu un sovrano del Regno dell'isola di Man nel corso del XIII secolo. Figlio di entrambi discendevano da una lunga stirpe di Vichingo-gaelici che per secoli avevano regnato sulle Ebridi Esterne e sull'Isola di Man. Alcuni membri della dinastia di , come lo stesso Olaf, si riferivano a sé stessi come al Re dell'Isola di Man, altri invece come Magnus come Re di Man e delle Isole. Nonostante fossero re per molti membri della dinastia Crovan pagarono un tributo ai Re di Norvegia e generalmente riconoscevano loro una formale signoria su quei territori. (it)
  • Magnus III. (Isle of Man) (de)
  • Magnus III dell'Isola di Man (it)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (fr)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (en)
  • Магнус III (король Мэна) (ru)
  • Magnús Óláfsson (en)
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