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Chung Dong-young (born 27 July 1953 in Sunchang County, North Jeolla) is a politician and was the United New Democratic Party nominee for President of South Korea in 2007. From April 2004 until December 2005, Chung was the South Korean Minister of Unification. Before holding that post, he served two terms in the National Assembly with the National Congress for New Politics and the Millennium Democratic Party, respectively; has twice been chairman of the Uri Party; and was considered a strong contender to succeed Roh Moo-hyun as president. Like Roh, Chung is also a Roman Catholic.

Property Value
  • تشونغ دونغ-يونغ هو دبلوماسي وصحفي وسياسي كوري جنوبي، ولد في 27 يوليو 1953 في Sunchang County ‏ في كوريا الجنوبية. نشط حزبياً في People's Party ‏. وقد انتخب ‏ خلال فترته النيابية ‏ (30 أبريل 2009 – 29 مايو 2012) وانتخب ‏ عن دائرة خلال فترته النيابية ‏ (30 مايو 2016 – 29 مايو 2020). (ar)
  • Chung Dong-young (* 27. Juli 1953 in Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do) ist ein südkoreanischer Politiker und Mitglied der Gukhoe, wo er den Sitz C von Jeonju, der Hauptstadt von Jeollabuk-do vertritt. Er amtierte als Wiedervereinigungsminister und ist aktuell Parteivorsitzender der Minju-peyonghwa-Partei, einer linksgerichteten Abspaltung der ehemaligen Gungminui-Partei. (de)
  • Chung Dong-young (born 27 July 1953 in Sunchang County, North Jeolla) is a politician and was the United New Democratic Party nominee for President of South Korea in 2007. From April 2004 until December 2005, Chung was the South Korean Minister of Unification. Before holding that post, he served two terms in the National Assembly with the National Congress for New Politics and the Millennium Democratic Party, respectively; has twice been chairman of the Uri Party; and was considered a strong contender to succeed Roh Moo-hyun as president. Like Roh, Chung is also a Roman Catholic. He has a bachelor's degree in Korean History from Seoul National University (1979) and master's from the University of Wales, and before entering politics, he was a journalist and anchor at the Politics Section of the Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation. He served as an anchor at MBC Newsdesk from the late 1980s and early 1990s. During his tenure as Unification Minister, Chung was a strong supporter of the Sunshine Policy. One of his uncontroversial achievements is the foundation of Kaesong Industrial Complex, which is an exclusive industrial zone set up on the southernmost province of North Korea, Keasong. The establishment of the complex, by allowing South Korean small and middle sized companies hiring cheap labors from North Korea brought synergetic effect on the South Korean economy. The complex is now reputed to have promoted peace on the Korean peninsula and to have served as "the bastion of peace" whenever the North and South relationship is strained. Some people criticize that he has not taken a tougher stance on North Korea, and that he had rhetorical clashes with the United States that helped weaken relations between the two countries. He was once accused of attempting to distract reporters from a meeting of activists for human rights in North Korea. However, some of the criticisms are biased by the one-sided political perspective from the people who support the hard-line approach to North Korea. The contention that he had impeded on the relationship between South Korea and the United States can be counter proven by the process he had made the Keasong Complex realized. The Keasong Complex could not have made possible unless the then Bush administer had authorized the approve of foreign materials flowing into North Korea. The realization of the complex in the middle of hawk driven period of "axis of evil" can only be correctly explained by the quick and wide approach by the then Unification Ministry and the minister Chung to convince the US government and the Korean counterpart. In March 2007, while visiting the North Korean town of Kaesong where South Korean companies are set up, he proposed that an inter-Korean summit be organized there. However, since he had lost the presidential election that year, under the Lee Myung-bak government it never materialized. On October 15, 2007, the United New Democratic Party announced that Chung won about 44 percent of the votes in the party primary, beating two other candidates, to become the party's candidate for the presidential elections that year. Chung, however, lost the elections to the opposition's Grand National Party candidate Lee Myung-bak by the widest margin since direct elections began in 1987. The loss was attributed primarily to the people's disappointment of the economic situation and its dealings and continuous political strife under the Roh Mu-hyun government as well as the unsuccessful campaign strategies that overly relied on criticizing the other candidate, Lee Myung-bak. The issue of the presidential election in 2007 was predominantly about determining truth of the implication of the presidential candidate Lee Myung bak in the allegation of the investment advisory firm which had then been accused of large scale stock price manipulation that hurt thousands of individual investors. The primary issue was to prove that he was the real owner of the company. Lee strongly denied the claim even though there have been plenty of evidence he was at least closely related to the heads of the company and even there was a video tape showing he claiming himself to be the owner of the company. However, any hearings or legal trials of the case had not realized during the presidential election period and obviously after Lee become the president the case lost its force despite the wide public attention to it. Let alone the case, Lee Myung-bak was previously committed fourteen different cases of violations or crimes. However, the widespread perception of the people that the new president has to be the one who can efficiently control the economy has given him the strong edge over the opponent candidate. Evidently, the legitimacy of the president was an issue from the perspective of Chung and Chung's party. He stated that should the turnout for the presidential elections be under 50% that the legitimacy of the result may be an issue. However, the voter turnout was 62.9%. Earlier, Chung also criticized opposition leader Park Geun-hye of the Grand National Party that they exploited the event to make an image that she is a victim to emotionally move the voters by immediately campaigning during that party's primaries after her recovery from an attack by a man who slashed her face with a small knife. Later, he attributed the downfall of his party in the poll to the attack. Predictably, the Uri Party suffered a major defeat in the elections in which the opposition Grand National Party took 13 of the 16 provinces and major cities. (en)
  • Chung Dong-young, né le 27 juillet 1953, est un homme politique sud-coréen ayant été ministre de la réunification de juin 2004 à décembre 2005. Ancien président du Parti Uri, il était l'un des espoirs de ce parti pour succéder au président Roh Moo-hyun, également issu des rangs du parti Uri, mais fut un candidat malheureux lors de l'élection présidentielle de décembre 2007. Partisan d'un rapprochement avec la Corée du Nord, il avait été ministre de la réunification. Lors d'un déplacement en mars 2007 dans la zone industrielle nord-coréenne de Kaesong, où sont implantées des entreprises sud-coréennes, il avait proposé l'organisation d'un sommet intercoréen dans cette ville. Il avait été désigné comme le principal candidat de la majorité à l'élection présidentielle de décembre 2007 qui fut remporté par le conservateur Lee Myung-bak membre du Parti de la liberté de Corée. (fr)
  • 정동영(鄭東泳, 1953년 7월 27일 ~ )은 대한민국의 정치인(1978년 당시부터 1996년 1월 초까지는 MBC 기자 겸 앵커 지냄)이다. (ko)
  • 鄭 東泳(チョン・ドンヨン、1953年7月27日 - )は、韓国の政治家。本貫は。全羅北道淳昌郡亀林面出身。ヨルリン・ウリ党議長や第17代韓国大統領選挙候補(大統合民主新党)、民主党最高委員、民主党常任顧問などを歴任。カトリック教徒で、洗礼名はダビデ。現在、民主平和党代表(2018年8月5日~)を務めている。 (ja)
  • Chung Dong-young (kor. 정동영, ur. 27 lipca 1953 w Sunchang, Jeolla Północna) – południowokoreański polityk, minister zjednoczenia Korei w latach 2004–2006, dwukrotny przewodniczący – w 2004 oraz w 2006. Kandydat (dawnej Partia Uri) w wyborach prezydenckich w grudniu 2007. (pl)
  • 鄭東泳(朝鮮語:정동영/鄭東泳 Chung Dong-young;1953年7月27日-),出生於全羅北道淳昌郡,韓國政治人物,曾任MBC電視台新聞主播。於2007年大韓民國總統選舉代表大統合民主新黨參選韓國總統,但敗給代表大國家黨參選的李明博。 他於2004年7月至2006年2月擔任大韓民國統一部部長。 (zh)
  • Чон Донъён, также в СМИ упоминается как Чон Дон Ён (кор. 정동영; 27 июля 1953, Сунчхан) — журналист, политик Кореи. Он был кандидатом от Объединённой новой демократической партии на пост президента Кореи в 2007 году.С апреля 2004 года до декабря 2005 года Чон Донъён был министром объединения. Перед этой должности, он отслужил два срока в Национальном Собрании от партии Национальный конгресс за новую политику и Демократической партии нового тысячелетия, соответственно; дважды был председателем партии Ури.Он имеет степень бакалавра в области истории Кореи от Сеульского национального университета в 1979 и магистра в университете Уэльса, и до прихода в политику, он был журналистом и ведущей на телерадиокомпании «MBC». (ru)
  • 1953-07-27 (xsd:date)
  • Chung Dong-young (en)
  • 2062429 (xsd:integer)
  • 13411 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1106290275 (xsd:integer)
  • 1953-07-27 (xsd:date)
  • Chung Dong-young (en)
  • Religion (en)
  • Chung Dong-young in 2019 (en)
  • Chung Dong-young (en)
  • South Korean (en)
  • dbr:Ministry_of_Unification
  • Member of the National Assembly (en)
  • Leader of the Party for Democracy and Peace (en)
  • Chairman of the Uri Party (en)
  • 2004-07-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2004-11-17 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-02-09 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-06-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-05-29 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-02-02 (xsd:date)
  • 2020-05-29 (xsd:date)
  • 1996-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2004-07-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2004-07-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-02-18 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-04-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • 2018-08-05 (xsd:date)
  • Chairman of the National Security Council (en)
  • Chairman of the Uri Party (en)
  • Unification Minister of South Korea (en)
  • 0001-01-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-02-16 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • June 2004–December 2005 (en)
  • تشونغ دونغ-يونغ هو دبلوماسي وصحفي وسياسي كوري جنوبي، ولد في 27 يوليو 1953 في Sunchang County ‏ في كوريا الجنوبية. نشط حزبياً في People's Party ‏. وقد انتخب ‏ خلال فترته النيابية ‏ (30 أبريل 2009 – 29 مايو 2012) وانتخب ‏ عن دائرة خلال فترته النيابية ‏ (30 مايو 2016 – 29 مايو 2020). (ar)
  • Chung Dong-young (* 27. Juli 1953 in Sunchang, Jeollabuk-do) ist ein südkoreanischer Politiker und Mitglied der Gukhoe, wo er den Sitz C von Jeonju, der Hauptstadt von Jeollabuk-do vertritt. Er amtierte als Wiedervereinigungsminister und ist aktuell Parteivorsitzender der Minju-peyonghwa-Partei, einer linksgerichteten Abspaltung der ehemaligen Gungminui-Partei. (de)
  • 정동영(鄭東泳, 1953년 7월 27일 ~ )은 대한민국의 정치인(1978년 당시부터 1996년 1월 초까지는 MBC 기자 겸 앵커 지냄)이다. (ko)
  • 鄭 東泳(チョン・ドンヨン、1953年7月27日 - )は、韓国の政治家。本貫は。全羅北道淳昌郡亀林面出身。ヨルリン・ウリ党議長や第17代韓国大統領選挙候補(大統合民主新党)、民主党最高委員、民主党常任顧問などを歴任。カトリック教徒で、洗礼名はダビデ。現在、民主平和党代表(2018年8月5日~)を務めている。 (ja)
  • Chung Dong-young (kor. 정동영, ur. 27 lipca 1953 w Sunchang, Jeolla Północna) – południowokoreański polityk, minister zjednoczenia Korei w latach 2004–2006, dwukrotny przewodniczący – w 2004 oraz w 2006. Kandydat (dawnej Partia Uri) w wyborach prezydenckich w grudniu 2007. (pl)
  • 鄭東泳(朝鮮語:정동영/鄭東泳 Chung Dong-young;1953年7月27日-),出生於全羅北道淳昌郡,韓國政治人物,曾任MBC電視台新聞主播。於2007年大韓民國總統選舉代表大統合民主新黨參選韓國總統,但敗給代表大國家黨參選的李明博。 他於2004年7月至2006年2月擔任大韓民國統一部部長。 (zh)
  • Чон Донъён, также в СМИ упоминается как Чон Дон Ён (кор. 정동영; 27 июля 1953, Сунчхан) — журналист, политик Кореи. Он был кандидатом от Объединённой новой демократической партии на пост президента Кореи в 2007 году.С апреля 2004 года до декабря 2005 года Чон Донъён был министром объединения. Перед этой должности, он отслужил два срока в Национальном Собрании от партии Национальный конгресс за новую политику и Демократической партии нового тысячелетия, соответственно; дважды был председателем партии Ури.Он имеет степень бакалавра в области истории Кореи от Сеульского национального университета в 1979 и магистра в университете Уэльса, и до прихода в политику, он был журналистом и ведущей на телерадиокомпании «MBC». (ru)
  • Chung Dong-young (born 27 July 1953 in Sunchang County, North Jeolla) is a politician and was the United New Democratic Party nominee for President of South Korea in 2007. From April 2004 until December 2005, Chung was the South Korean Minister of Unification. Before holding that post, he served two terms in the National Assembly with the National Congress for New Politics and the Millennium Democratic Party, respectively; has twice been chairman of the Uri Party; and was considered a strong contender to succeed Roh Moo-hyun as president. Like Roh, Chung is also a Roman Catholic. (en)
  • Chung Dong-young, né le 27 juillet 1953, est un homme politique sud-coréen ayant été ministre de la réunification de juin 2004 à décembre 2005. Ancien président du Parti Uri, il était l'un des espoirs de ce parti pour succéder au président Roh Moo-hyun, également issu des rangs du parti Uri, mais fut un candidat malheureux lors de l'élection présidentielle de décembre 2007. Partisan d'un rapprochement avec la Corée du Nord, il avait été ministre de la réunification. (fr)
  • Chung Dong-young (en)
  • تشونغ دونغ-يونغ (ar)
  • Chung Dong-young (de)
  • Chung Dong-young (fr)
  • 鄭東泳 (ja)
  • 정동영 (ko)
  • Chung Dong-young (pl)
  • Чон Донъён (ru)
  • 鄭東泳 (zh)
  • Chung Dong-young (en)
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